The second husband is Chulpan Khamatova Alexander Shane. Men and personal life of chulpan khamatova

Interesting 25.06.2019

Ex-husband actress Chulpan Khamatova - producer and director Alexander Shein - Mayakovsky fell ill. And he decided to make a film about the great Soviet poet. Subsequently, he admitted that he tortured his wife with the idea at that time so much that she agreed to play the role of Lily Brik.

The artists gave the film many years of their lives: 10 years were spent on archival work, another six years were spent directly on the film. Due to a lack of funding, things progressed very slowly. Finally, in 2015, the Cinema Fund gave VMayakovsky money "on the terms of a 100% return."

It's 2018. The film was shot, but the money was never returned. Now the Cinema Fund has accused Shane, who acted as a guarantor for the allocation of subsidies, of embezzling 20 million rubles. Law enforcement officers listened to the deceived investors and opened a criminal case against the director on fraud on an especially large scale.

I'm crazy

Before the criminal case, Shane willingly gave out interviews. He openly admitted that his picture is "hard to eat."

A trailer for VMayakovsky has appeared on YouTube. Potential viewers were horrified by what they saw. "Did the trailer make you mentally ill?" - wrote one of the users. And another suggested that the film be sent to the trash without delay.

If you try to find out about the plot of the film, then all you can find is the words that the audience will be asked to look at history through the prism of the present. Like, the actors already during the filming decide to reincarnate as Mayakovsky, his women, friends and other contemporaries. This is how Shane decided to introduce the audience “into” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his fate as his own.

The Europeans refused to show VMayakovsky at festivals in Rotterdam and Berlin. Shane said that yes, they didn’t invite him to the festivals where he wanted to go, but he himself doesn’t want to go to others.

Be kind

It is not known for certain whether the rejection of the film by festivals influenced the desire of the Cinema Fund to speed up the return of money, but the investors went to court with a corresponding claim for compensation back in May. The reasoning is simple: the film was shot, it was released in the fall of 2017, but the money was not returned. Kindly repair the damage caused to the federal budget. 20 million after all.

Once Shane dreamed of filming Leonardo DiCaprio himself in the role of Mayakovsky, managing to discern in him some kind of ambivalence, a combination of weakness and strength, beauty and “bumpy ugliness”.

He stated that no one had reported anything to him about the criminal case. Yes, it took more than 100 million rubles to make the film. Yes, the money was allocated by the Ministry of Culture, the Cinema Fund. And if someone wants to know more, they can look for people who manage the director's finances. True, Shane clarified that he still intends to return the money.

Arthouse projects are great. But should they be implemented at public expense? Or maybe the employees of the Cinema Fund had a temporary eclipse. Indeed, on that day back in 2015, not only VMayakovsky, but also the scandalous Matilda received budget money.

The most enigmatic actress of Russian cinema, Chulpan Khamatova, likes to repeat that she has long taken for a credo a quote from the book "How the Steel Was Tempered": "Know how to live when life becomes unbearable." The star of Sovremennik is not disingenuous - you really can’t guess that a personal tragedy has occurred in her life. This woman is one of the few who knows how to enjoy every minute of life and always glows with happiness. And the tragedy, nevertheless, occurred, and not small-town. 33-year-old Chulpan divorced her husband Alexei Dubinin. After four and a half years of living together, the couple broke up, about which colleagues and friends spoke breathlessly: "Such tenderness lives only in the cinema" ...


The sublime love of the artist Khamatova and the actor Dubinin began to take on an earthy hue after Chulpan became a participant in the second season of the popular show " ice Age"Paired with a strong figure skater Roman Kostomarov, the star of the "Country of the Deaf" finally felt weak - in reproach to the prevailing image of a "boy-woman." With each fall, with each new injury at the rink, Chulpan felt: not only limbs were breaking. Slowly , but her fate confidently breaks down.At that time, the daughter of the newly-minted figure skater, whom she gave birth to from Alexei, was three years old.

Chulpan comes to training every day more and more nervous, as if she were not herself, and says that her head broken on ice has nothing to do with it, - said project colleagues. - In breaks, she often runs out to make phone calls, she speaks for a long time. About what - we did not ask, you never know what happens to a person.

The only person Khamatova told about the real reasons for her prolonged anxiety was her only friend, actress Dina Korzun. Empathizing, the friend was in no hurry to give out Chulpan's personal secret.

She is a living person, and even if she has problems in the family, it concerns only herself, - said Korzun. - Do not pay too much attention to her, she is very vulnerable.

It turned out that the talented actress was wounded by none other than her beloved husband Alexei - the one who every day became such a stranger. The 42-year-old ballet dancer was not shy in expressions: he spoke frankly and loudly that he did not intend to share his wife with an ice rink. Chulpan began to disappear. First - in training, then just disappear for him as native person. The actress did not say that she decided to leave her husband, even to her mother. However, she didn’t have time to roar into her pillow - she had to start paperwork. The process took about four months, and Khamatova, as if she herself did not understand how she decided on this, became a free woman again.

For Chulpan, such a person as Alexei Dubinin no longer exists, - admitted a close friend and assistant of Khamatova Alexei. - They are no longer together, divorced a long time ago.

Alexei until the last did not want to give consent to a divorce: a jealous man, whom she called "the wall", tried in every possible way to save the marriage. But Chulpan didn’t want to hit this “wall” anymore - an era of great creativity began in her life.


The passports of Khamatov and Dubinin were secretly stamped in the summer of 2006 in Germany. For his sake, she was to run anywhere: not to Germany, even to the ends of the world. And there was where to run from - at the time of the meeting with Alexei, the actress was married to

Ivan Volkov, son of St. Petersburg actress Olga Volkova. Even the child she gave birth to on April 4, 2002 did not save their love. Four months after that, Vanya announced to his friends: "I'm getting a divorce." Fate, as if squinting, laughs at Khamatova: only a few years have passed, and now she is already uttering this fatal word - and already to another man. During the romance with Dubinin, the owner of the most magnetic look in Russian cinema received German citizenship, left her newborn daughter with her mother and went abroad - thinking about a possible permanent residence ..


Today, Khamatova has already stepped on her sore throat, and, having salted her personal life for the winter, she went headlong into work. Now Chulpan has left only one performance at the Sovremennik Theater - naturally, the main role. In parallel, rehearsals are taking place with her participation in the Theater of Nations. Her new theatrical boss is Yevgeny Mironov, a ladies' man. Just a couple of weeks ago, Mironov and Khamatova left their handprints on the Russian Walk of Fame near the Mosfilm film studio. Just like with a palm in concrete, Chulpan immured love with Alexei Dubinin. Knowing that accommodating fate has long prepared a new one for her.

“A person who gives nothing to another is poor in spirit,” said Chulpan Khamatova, one of the organizers of the Give Me Life charity foundation. Despite a busy schedule, family life and raising three daughters, Russian actress finds time and means to help seriously ill children. Filming in films, participation in theater projects do not bring the artist as much pleasure from work as the smile of a recovered child.

Childhood years of the actress

Chulpan translated from Tatar means “star of dawn”. The future actress was born in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan on 10/01/1975. The girl was cut off from her native roots: no one in the family spoke the Tatar language. Her parents are ordinary engineers. Grandpa was a member of the Great Patriotic War played the accordion well. Dad, Nail Akhmetovich, and mom, Marina Galimullovna, expected that their daughter would continue the family dynasty, so they sent her to a school with a mathematical bias.

In 1985, Chulpan had a younger brother, Shamil, who also chose the acting path for himself. The young man, just like his sister, plays on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater and acts in films.

Chulpan Khamatova in childhood

Looking at little Chulpan, no one could even think that she would become an actress: the girl was embarrassed to read poetry at the blackboard, not to mention performing on stage. Chulpan Nail kyzy Khamatova (this is how she sounds full name) in childhood was not distinguished by excellent health.

She was often in the hospital. In order to increase immunity, dad decided to send the girl to sports. The choice fell on figure skating. Thanks to the books that my mother constantly read to her daughter before going to bed, Chulpan fell in love with art, fantasized a lot, empathized with the heroes, imagined herself in their place.

Chulpan Khamatova

Shyness prevented the girl from performing in public, but left alone with herself, the little actress gave vent to her feelings: she sang, danced, arranged concerts in front of the mirror. The first performance on the school stage took place in the 5th grade, when the girl played the evil stepmother in the production of “The Dead Princess”. The performance caused a flurry of applause and Chulpan was advised to go to a theater group.

Chulpan Khamatova

After graduating from school, an excellent student automatically entered the financial and economic institute, but during the summer holidays she changed her mind and applied to the Kazan Theater School. After that, the young talent continued his studies in Moscow, enrolling in GITIS.

First husband - actor Ivan Volkov

The aspiring actress tied herself up early with family ties: at the age of 18, she signed with the actor Ivan Volkov, the son of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Olga Volkova. Young people studied on the same course and at first did not notice each other. However, life brought them together and in 1995 they got married. There were no children in the family for a long time, until Arina was born in April 2002, and Asya was born in 2003.

Chulpan Khamatova with her daughters

By this time, Ivan and Chulpan lived separately and practically did not communicate with each other. “They didn’t agree on the characters,” the actors explained the reason for the quarrel, although information about the new boyfriend flashed in the press.

Civil marriage with Alexei Dubinin

Later, the rumors were confirmed - Chulpan Khamatova began to live in a civil marriage with theatrical dancer Alexei Dubinin. As it turned out, the couple met in Germany, where the actress toured with the Sovremennik Theater.

Chulpan Khamatova with the staff of the Sovremennik Theater

The relationship lasted 5 years, despite the fact that Alexei was legally married to the ballerina Larisa Mergulanova. This time the reason for the divorce was: civil husband did not want his wife to participate in it.

Chulpan Khamatova with Alexei and daughters

Chulpan Khamatova's personal life now

Currently, the actress is happy in her second official marriage. The new chosen one of the TV star was the producer, actor, hereditary film director - Alexander Shein. Chulpan and Sasha worked together on the project “V. Mayakovsky”, which rallied them.

Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Shein

In 2010, they quietly, modestly signed, and on June 27, 2010, Chulpan became a mother for the third time. The daughter received the name Iya, which in ancient Greek means “flower, violet”. There are rumors in the media that the Chulpan Khamatova family broke up, but the stars did not make an official statement about this. Let's hope that the young will save the family.

One of the most mysterious actresses of domestic films, Chulpan Khamatova, whose biography, whose personal life will be described in this article, believes that you need to live according to the principle of a quote from the autobiographical novel by the Soviet writer N. Ostrovsky "How the Steel Was Tempered", which says that you need to learn live even if life has become unbearable. This is one of the few women who knows how to enjoy every minute lived, and her eyes, in spite of everything, glow with happiness.


The biography of actress Chulpan Khamatova begins on October 1, 1975. Of course, you guessed that this is the date of her birth. So, on October 1, a girl with unusual name, which was chosen by the father - within a month, a competition was held, appointed by Nail Khamatov, for the most best name. From Tatar, the name is translated as "morning star", apparently, this meaning was reflected in the biography of the future actress.

The girl grew up in a prosperous family of engineers, her parents promised her daughter the future of a lawyer. Actress Chulpan Khamatova (the biography of this woman with a big heart served as the topic of today's article) was shy, felt awkward in front of a large audience, reluctantly recited poems expressively at school. Chulpan's childhood was marred by her poor health: she often ended up in medical institutions with pneumonia or nephritis.

As a child, she loved to sing and dance, she was very worried when watching films and performances. Having looked at some touching picture, she could walk all day under impressions, not wanting to talk to anyone, sometimes even crying. But she never thought about acting career. She considered tram driving to be the most romantic profession.

All relatives of the future actress were "techies", so Chulpan Khamatova was also going to connect her future with the exact sciences. Her biography, however, was different. Parents themselves pushed their daughter to try their hand at acting, however, they did not even know about it. Mom pushed Chulpan to this profession as a child, when she constantly read stories to her before going to bed. An unimaginable number of new books appeared in the house. And where there is a lot of literature, fantasy, imagination and creativity live. In addition, Chulpan often visited museums, theaters, conservatories, in a word, she visited all the places where a child from a family of intellectuals is supposed to be. In addition, in Kazan there was a wonderful Youth Theater, opera and drama theaters.


After graduating from school, young Khamatova decided to enter the financial and economic institute, but she was drawn to art with her heart and soul. Mom saw very well how her daughter was suffering and after the end of the first year she decided to go with her to Moscow in the hope of fixing everything. From the moment of passing the entrance exams and entering the course to Borodin, the biography of Chulpan is changing. Khamatova ( short information about the personal life of the actress is presented in this material) was soon noticed by her artistic director. Aleksey Borodin noted Chulpan's talent and even then spoke about her brilliant acting future.

Film debut

Studying at GITIS, Khamatova dreamed of filming a movie. Then the whole course was invited by the acting agency "Skin-Film" for screen tests. The first attempts were unsuccessful, but Chulpan took the failure calmly. One of the directors even advised the girl to change her profession, which led her to complete dismay.

In the cinema, Chulpan Khamatova (the biography from this moment becomes brighter and more colorful) began acting when she was in her third year - the Soviet film director Vadim Abdrashitov suggested that she try herself as Katya in the movie "Dancer's Time". It was for this work that the actress was nominated for the Nika award, established by Russian Academy Cinematographers for Best Actress. Real popularity came to Chulpan after the release of the film "Country of the Deaf" directed by Valery Todorovsky, where she played Rita. For viewers and critics, Khamatova became the most talented young actress in Russian cinema. The second time Chulpan received the same award for her role in the film "Moon Dad" directed by Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov, where she was offered the interesting role of Mamlakat Bigmuradova. Among other films with her participation, one can distinguish "Christmas Mystery", "Death of the Empire", "Doctor Zhivago", "Children of the Arbat" and "72 meters". Several times for the Nika award, actress Chulpan Khamatova (biography, the family has already become interesting to fans) was nominated for her roles in the films Paper Soldier and Garpastum. The actress also has foreign films on her account: "England", "Tuvalu", "Victor Vogel - the King of Advertising", "Good Bye, Lenin", and also "Son of a Bitch".

Chulpan Khamatova: biography, personal life

In 1995, changes took place in the life of the actress: she became the wife of Ivan Volkov, the son of Olga Volkova, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. The newlyweds studied on the same course, however, at first they did not notice each other, each dealt with their own problems. At the time of the marriage, Khamatova was only 18 years old, and Volkov was 19. In 2002, the couple had a daughter, Arina. However, in the same year, the family exhausted itself.

After a while, the actress met and fell in love with the ballet dancer Alexei Dubinin. She gave birth to his daughter Asya. After several years of living in a civil marriage, the couple also broke up.

Today, Chulpan Khamatova (biography, husband of a bright representative of dramatic art is still of interest to fans) is married to Russian film director Alexander Shein. In 2010, the actress gave birth to her third daughter Iya.


In 1997, she completed her studies at GITIS, in the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" the actress played leading role. After graduation, the actress plays Dunya Raskolnikova at the Russian Youth Theater, where she worked for a year. Here she met many amazing people, especially grateful to fate for meeting Evgeny Dvorzhetsky. In one of the interviews, Khamatova admitted that she would have continued to work in the theater with pleasure, but this was not at all realistic, since her schedule and needs were absolutely incompatible.

Not so much time passed before Chulpan began working at Sovremennik. When the actress was filming in Bulgaria, Evgenia Kuznetsova, the assistant to the chief director for the literary part, called her and offered the role of Patricia. Khamatova was forced to refuse such an offer because of the contracts already signed. Nevertheless, in the winter of 1998, Chulpan met with Galina Volchek and agreed to start rehearsals. The first most notable role in Sovremennik for Khamatova was the role of Patricia in Three Comrades.

In addition, Chulpan managed to work in other places:

  • "Theatre of the Moon": performances for children "Little Robinson's Dreams" and "Fante Infante";
  • "Independent enterprise";
  • Chekhov's Theatre: Honoring, Emigrant's Pose;
  • Central Children's Theatre.

Despite the appearance of a sorceress, Chulpan Khamatova (a biography whose photo could not remain aloof from the attention of the audience who fell in love with her) preferred eccentric roles. She repaired, and over time, she sewed costumes for the troupe of the Lyceum Theater, where her husband worked. Once Khamatova even appeared on stage, playing a dog in the comedy Sylvia. In Sovremennik, she had to play the role of her son in the original play Mamapapasynsobaka.

Chulpan prefers to work in the theater than in the cinema. In her opinion, the actress did not turn out very well from her. In the cinema she likes only communication with people. Playing on stage, Khamatova builds the role herself, changing with each performance.

And yet, despite the recognition of the actress herself, she became popular thanks to the cinema ...

Social activity

Chulpan Khamatova (the biography of this woman is a vivid example of the fact that you always need to remain human) is actively involved in charity, helping children with oncological diseases. She and actress Dina Korzun became the founders of the Give Me Life Foundation. Every year this organization holds charity concerts, and donates the collected funds to medical institutions in Russia for the purchase of necessary medicines and equipment, without which it is impossible to treat sick children.

With the assistance of President Vladimir Putin, the Give Me Life Foundation managed to build and open the Center for Pediatric Hematology, Immunology and Oncology.


On account of the actress over 40 paintings. So let's go to the list. latest films with her participation:

  • "Heads or tails";
  • "Ash";
  • "Under Electric Clouds";
  • "Elysium";
  • "Mosquito";
  • "House of Sun";
  • "Foreign body";
  • "Garegin Nzhdeh";
  • "Studio 17";
  • "Summer Madness";
  • "Lullabies".

Participation in advertising campaigns

Chulpan Khamatova was repeatedly invited to shoot for advertising purposes. So, in 2005, she was seen on the posters of Romanson watches. In 2009, she advertised the VTB 24 bank, Faberlic cosmetics, the 36.6 pharmacy chain, and the new Toyota Prius car. In 2012, she starred in an election video for presidential candidate Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.


In 2001, Chulpan Khamatova was awarded the Moscow Mayor's Prize for the role of Anna in the play "Anne Frank's Diary". In 2002, after filming the film Moonlight Papa, the actress received the prize of the film festival Brigantine and the jury prize of the audience of the all-Russian film festival, which was held in Sochi, for the best female role. In 2003, Chulpan Khamatova was awarded for the best female comedy role in the nomination "Smile G" of the Russian theater award "The Seagull".

2004 brought the actress three awards at once: the State Prize of the Russian Federation for her roles in the performances "Three Comrades", "Anne Frank's Diary", "Mamapapasynsobaka"; Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask"; award "Idol".

In 2006, she was awarded the Order of Friendship, the TEFI award in the Faces nomination for her role in the film Doctor Zhivago, and the Golden Eagle award. In 2007, the actress was awarded the Russian People's Prize Georges 2007.

Recent film work

At the beginning of the new century, Chulpan Khamatova agreed to shoot in two German films. As for Russian cinema, the actress has not pleased her compatriots for several years. However, in recent times she began to appear on the screens again.

In 2005, the film "Greek Holidays" was shown at the Moscow Film Festival, where Chulpan played the diver girl Melina. Once Khamatova admitted that she had to seriously work on this image in order to make it as interesting as possible.

Voice acting

Chulpan Khamatova in the film "Russian Revolt: Masha Mironova" voiced Carolina, in the cartoon "About Fedot the Archer, a daring young man" - Marusya. In addition, there are books with her voicing: "The Little Prince: Flowers" and "Crime and Punishment."

Although Chulpan Khamatova (biography, children, whose career is still interesting to fans) calls herself a coward, in fact she is a brave woman and is ready to stand up for herself. The only fear of the actress is old age. As Khamatova says: “I can’t imagine being an old woman, so I hope I don’t live to be 70.”

Surely, many have come across the work of Chulpan Khamatova. We will describe in detail the biography and personal life with a photo of this talented actress in our article.

Chulpan Khamatova is one of the most talented actresses of modern cinema and theater. She is known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad. This actress has received many awards during her career, honorary titles of the well-deserved and People's Artist Russia. It would be interesting to know about the personal life of Chulpan Khamatova, does she have a husband, children? Photos of the actress on the Internet eloquently indicate that she is doing well.

It is surprising that in her youth Chulpan did not dream of an acting career at all. The girl wanted to connect her fate with the exact sciences and even received an appropriate education. She studied at a school with a physical and mathematical bias and graduated with an excellent certificate. And then she entered the university, as an economist. It’s good that Chulpan changed her mind in time and realized that she wants to become an actress. So her life changed dramatically.

Chulpan Khamatova: photo

Chulpan Khamatova: d the childhood and youth of the actress

Chulpan Khamatova, about her personal life, husband and children, which we are talking about in today's article, was born on October 1, 1975 in Kazan, in the very ordinary family. Her parents worked in the field of engineering. As a child, Chulpan was a shy child. The girl was afraid to speak in public - she could not even recite a poem in class, she fell into a panic. But at home she really loved, alone with herself, to arrange concerts in front of the mirror.

Chulpan Khamatova: in childhood

Dreamer Chulpan dreamed of becoming a tram driver when she grew up. She was also very fond of figure skating - her parents wanted their daughter to develop comprehensively. Thanks to this hobby, the girl was able to improve poor health, and also develop her character, the spirit of rivalry. In addition, little Chulpan was very fond of reading, often went to the theater, visited exhibitions and museums.

Chulpan Khamatova, whose personal life we ​​are discussing today, has a younger brother. Photos of Shamil Khamatov, along with his sister, can also be found on the Web. By the way, he also has many fans - after all, he is a famous film and theater actor.

Chulpan Khamatova and Shamil Khamatov (brother)

For the first time, Chulpan Khamatova entered the theater stage in the fifth grade. The girl played the role of the stepmother of the dead princess in the school production. The literature teacher realized that little Chulpan was an artistic girl and advised her to enroll in a theater studio. Chulpan did just that, but then she did not even think about the career of an actress.

In the 8th grade, Khamatova got a more serious role. In the play based on the work of Exupery, she played "The Little Prince".

Despite her success in the school theater, the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother and father and also work as an engineer. But having entered the university, Chulpan suddenly realized that she was not where she would like to be. That she doesn't want to be an engineer at all. Without studying for a day, the girl took her documents from the university and became a student at the theater school in her hometown.

In his interviews, Chulpan recalls how parents were worried about their daughter, about how she would live in a foreign city. Therefore, they secretly hoped that their girl would fail her exams and return home. But Chulpan, contrary to the feelings and fears of her parents, easily entered the capital's theater university. The teacher Alexei Borodin noticed the girl at one of the entrance tests and took her to study on his course.

In the end, the girl stayed to study and live in Moscow. Got a dorm room.

The beginning of a creative career

In the career of an aspiring actress, everything was not going smoothly at all. She tried to break into the cinema, but the tests turned out to be a failure. They did not want to take the beginning Chulpan on the screen. Once a film director advised a girl to give up acting career. In his opinion, Chulpan's appearance was not at all suitable for an actress. But the girl did not give up, she continued her studies, and soon Russian moviegoers learned about who Chulpan Khamatova was, her biography, personal life, children and whose husband we are discussing today.

Despite the fact that many considered the appearance of Chulpan Khamatova to be downright angelic, the girl loved characteristic, unusual roles. For example, in the independent enterprise "Sylvia" by P. Stein, she played the role of a dog.

The role of the dog in the enterprise "Sylvia"

And once on the stage of Sovremennik she played a boy in the play Mom, Dad, Son, Dog. Chulpan Khamatova still plays in the theater. Her roles never leave the audience indifferent.

Film career

At the beginning of her career, the future star played bit parts. And in the third year of GITIS, she got an interesting role, Katya's girl in the film "Dancer's Time". The director of the picture, Vadim Abdrashitov singled out a fragile girl with big eyes, among other female students, and invited her to his picture. For her work in this film, she received her first honorary award - the Nika statuette.

The first honorary award - the statuette "Nika"

In 1998, she appeared in the acclaimed film, Country of the Deaf, in a duet with Dina Korzun. Especially for this role, the young actress mastered the language of the deaf. After this role, not only moviegoers, but also directors fell in love with the talented girl. She became a very sought after and popular actress.

Images from the film "Country of the Deaf"

Then there was a role in the film "Moon Dad", for which Chulpan received several awards at once.

Another step in the career of an aspiring actress is the role of Varya Ivanova in the film "Children of the Arbat" in 2004, based on the story of the same name by Anatoly Rybakov. The girl's partner was the actor Yevgeny Tsyganov, who at that time also began his career. This drama takes the viewer to the thirties of the last century, tells about the life of young people during the bloody war. Even being under the gun of the enemy, they lived, dreamed, made friends and worked. They also believed in their future.

Images from the film "Children of the Arbat"

The new roles of Khamatova also do not leave fans indifferent. For example, in 2016 she played the poet Bella Akhmadulina in Vasily Aksenov's autobiographical film Mysterious Passion. This film tells about the life of the most talented personalities of the last century - Robert Rozhdestvensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Vladimir Vysotsky and Aksenov himself.

Opening of a charitable foundation

Another area of ​​activity for Chulpan Khamatova, whose personal life and her husband and children are so interesting to fans, is the Gift of Life Foundation for helping children. She founded it in 2007, together with her friend and colleague, actress Dina Korzun. Long before that, the actresses participated in the lives of sick children, helping them cope with the disease. They are not accustomed to turn away from someone else's misfortune.

It all started back in 2005. Doctors asked the girl to become the host of a charity concert in order to raise funds needed to buy expensive equipment.
Chulpan, together with Dina Korzun, held two charity concerts. One of them, held in Sovremennik, allowed to collect a large sum. The event was attended famous artists and musicians.

Since then, concerts under the slogan "Give Life" are held annually in the capital of Russia.

Chulpan organizes concerts under the slogan "Give life"

Chulpan is sure that in order to help a sick child, you only need a desire. For example, you can periodically donate blood, visit children in the hospital and play with them, become a volunteer.

Working with children changed the actress. She realized what was truly important to her in life. The actress admits that she is sincerely glad to meet volunteers, kind and disinterested people.

Back in 2008, with the support of Vladimir Putin, the Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Foundation managed to build a children's hospice in Moscow. The medical institution was named after one of the pupils of the Khamatova and Korzun Foundation - Dmitry Rogachev. In September 2007, the boy passed away due to hemorrhage in the lungs.

Ch. Khamatova created charitable foundation Dmitry Rogachev

In 2017, the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation, whose personal life, husband and children we are talking about today, turns ten years old. All this time, a warm atmosphere reigns in the organization. This happens, first of all, thanks to the children - pupils of the organization. Despite the illness, they continue to enjoy life, spend time playing games, drawing, constantly making progress in something. The actress sincerely rejoices and worries about them.

Many, growing up, return to the foundation to help him as volunteers.

Chulpan Khamatova's personal life

Photos of the husband and children of the actress can be seen on the Internet. Together with her family, she appears in public quite often. Now she is married for the third time. And for the first time, the actress got married at eighteen.

The first husband of Khamatova, Ivan Volkov, is also a representative of the creative profession - an actor. They lived together for seven years. Moreover, they were a beautiful, harmonious couple. None of the close circle of the family suspected that it would soon fall apart. In addition, at the time of the break, Chulpan was expecting a child - her eldest daughter, Arina. Of course, this situation aroused interest from the press and fans of the young actress. To avoid talking, the girl lived abroad for some time, in Austria. Now Khamatova and Ivan Volkov have a rather warm relationship.

The first husband of Khamatova - Ivan Volkov (right)

Already a year after the birth of Arina, the actress had another child - daughter Asya. With the girl's father, ballet dancer Alexei Dubinin, the actress met in Germany. They were together for about five years. The girl hid her relationship with Dubinin from prying eyes for a very long time. But their union, nevertheless, broke up. According to rumors, Khamatova's husband did not support her in the decision to take part in the Ice Show. Not finding support from her husband, the actress decided to part with him.

The second husband of Chulpan Khamatova - Alexey Dubinin

It is curious that the actress considers participation in this show to be the peak of her popularity and people's love. After all, then she "was an eyesore to the audience for six months, every Saturday." The actress admits that it is important for her to be famous now only in order to help, thanks to this, the wards from the fund. The actress believes that this is the only positive moment in her popularity.

The third husband of the actress was director Alexander Shein. For a very long time, Chulpan did not tell anyone about a new relationship, about a third pregnancy. In 2010, a week before the birth of the third daughter of the actress, who was named Iya, Chulpan and Alexander officially registered their relationship.
Together, Khamatova and Shein worked on the film "Mayakovsky" for many years. This is a historical picture dedicated to the great and mysterious poet of the last century. Shein, before starting work, carefully studied archival documents to make the film reliable. And his wife agreed to play one of the main roles in the film - young Lily Brik, helped to find money to shoot the film. The film will premiere in 2017.

Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Shein (3rd husband)

Chulpan Khamatova is happy in her personal life, in raising children, and in work. Fresh photos actresses can be found on the web.

It can be seen that Chulpan is still young and beautiful, actively involved in charity work, actively acting in films and playing in the theater.

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