Maria Berseneva. Maria Berseneva: biography of the Russian actress

Auto 23.06.2019

Masha was born in Moscow, in a family of athletes. Her father was professionally engaged in karate and even had an international referee certificate, and her mother devoted her career to speed skating and coaching.

It is not difficult to guess that little Masha was also waiting for sports. Parents gave her to gymnastics, swimming and figure skating. When the girl grew up, she added dance classes, guitar songs and performances in the choir to this bouquet of hobbies.

The multifaceted girl, who now calls herself “the plague and the hurricane,” was interested in everything, so all the additional education teachers who worked with her remember Masha, then Shipova, as a talented and stubborn child who made some progress.

The girl was also fond of theatrical art. At first she was involved in small sketches of school amateur performances, then she wanted to develop acting abilities in herself, especially since the teachers repeated again: there is talent.

At the age of 12, her mother took Maria to the lyceum at GITIS, where the future star continued her studies. And after graduating from school, she easily entered the university where she studied.


And yet I love ... (2008)

Unfortunately, the girl did not make much progress in dramatic art. But those around her enviously noted her long legs, narrow waist, high breasts ... Beautiful and slender, right after graduation, realizing that the theatrical career did not add up, she tried to make a model.

Two agencies immediately decided to collaborate with a beautiful brunette. But the brilliant world of fashion and photo shoots with its own laws did not appeal to the young, accustomed to vigorous activity actress.

Throughout its modeling career she passionately dreamed of being realized professionally. Constantly participated in castings and even received roles. But most often it was tiny episodes. Either a secretary, or a prostitute, or even a snowman in general - where can fantasies roam here, how to please the audience, linger in the memory of directors?

She went to the casting of the new series "Margosha" with a friend. On the leading role already tried a huge number of contenders, but the director and assistants turned their eyes to Masha over and over again. In the end, the role was nevertheless offered to her, but they noted that the cinematic Margot must be a blonde.

The natural beauty of thick dark hair was dear to Masha. For several days she thought and said goodbye to her curls, but in the end she could not decide on a step risky for the health of the mane - to etch them with paint. Berseneva refused the role.


TV series Margosha

The director took a break. Castings continued, they auditioned, looked through more and more new actresses, but all to no avail. With his Margosha, Andrey Silkin, the director of the series, saw only Berseneva. He decided to change the image of the heroine - to make her a brunette. Again he called the obstinate Masha Bersenva and yielded: let her be dark.

So the actress got her starring role, which in some way changed her life. Maria does not deny: Margosha is her favorite heroine. She is grateful to the series with an unusual script, which the viewer immediately liked, for the fact that it was he who brought the unknown actress under the spotlight.

After "Margosha", the actress began to be invited to the cinema more often, and Masha began to appear more often on the stage. The role of Beatrice in Truffaldino from Bergamo is played by the actress at the Film Actor's Theatre. Berseneva is also involved in several private performances, with which she often tours.


Without a trace (2011-2012)

Maria's personal life is also somewhat similar to her professional one. First serious relationship, ending in marriage, the actress happened after she graduated from GITIS. In the acting environment, as you know, early marriages are more typical.

Her young man, Guram Kofenlu, who was 13 years older than the beauty, arranged a real oriental fairy tale for his beloved. Having received a diploma, Maria agreed to marry him, and in the same year the happy couple had a son, Nikita.

However, it was not easy to interact with a person with other cultural traditions in everyday life. The first, enthusiastic love has passed, and with it mutual understanding has gone. The lovers ceased to suit each other, and in the end they decided to leave.


Maria has repeatedly emphasized that she considers Guram a passed stage. Now she has nothing to do with this man. He doesn't even pay child support. Nikita, in turn, calls another person dad - his stepfather Nikolai Bersenev, whom Masha married in 2007.

When a crisis arose in relations with Guram, she tried to get out of it by trusted methods - she gathered girlfriends, tried not to close at home, to go out. At one of these meetings in a cafe, I accidentally met my school friend Kolya.

They talked, renewed friendship, which soon grew into love. Masha introduced Nikolai to her parents, who immediately accepted the balanced and good guy like a son. The couple soon moved in.

Nikolay became very friendly with Masha's son; for six years they lived as a little girl. friendly family, after which Kolya made an official proposal to his beloved. And after the official wedding, she got into Big world movie.


Balzac age, or All men are their own ... 5 years later (2013)

Monstrous employment, changes in the character of the already lively and stubborn Berseneva ... Now she made family decisions, forgetting to consult with Kolya. And by the end of filming, she completely realized that she didn’t know if she needed a man, or did she feel happier, disappearing day and night at work?

It was not about office romances, Masha did not allow any betrayals on the set. The actress believes that this is unacceptable for work. But she didn't want to stay married anymore. She made the decision to divorce, she also filed for divorce.

Now star roles Berseneva does not have much on TV. Calm in personal life. Now the actress admits that she would marry a third time, but she does not see worthy candidates for her hand.

Happy March 8, men! (2014)

The path of Maria Berseneva to popularity and glory was long and thorny. For a long period of time, directors and producers offered the actress only small episodic roles. She often appeared on the screens, but in the frame of her, as if no one noticed.

On the other side of the television screen, Maria was a secretary, a prostitute and even a snowman. Agree, with such roles it is difficult to count on much.

Sincere confession - Maria Berseneva

Everything changed in 2009, when the series "Margosha" was released. Having played one of the main roles in it, Maria Berseneva instantly soared to the heights of popularity and became one of the most sought-after television actresses in Russia.

Trying to rewind the film a little back, today we will try to tell how the actress's career developed, and what her long way to the top was like.

Childhood and youth of Maria Berseneva

The future star of Russian TV series was born in a sports family. Her father Vladimir Yurievich for a long time professionally engaged in karate and even had a judge's certificate international class. The mother of the actress, Tatyana Viktorovna, who was a master of sports in speed skating, and also worked for a long time as a physical education coach at the Moscow Aviation Institute, could also boast of certain successes in sports.

FROM early years at the insistence of her parents, Maria Berseneva herself (then Shipova) also went in for sports. Alternating between different sections, Masha successfully combined gymnastics, swimming and figure skating. At a later age, the future actress began to attend other circles. She learned to play the guitar, and was engaged in parallel ballroom dancing and sang in the choir.

Maria Berseneva in the program "The smartest"

However, the most striking passion of her childhood was without a doubt the theater. Even in elementary school, she often participated in school productions, and also acted out mini-performances for her relatives.

Having made a choice early enough future profession, Maria at the age of 12 entered the Lyceum at GITIS, where she later learned the basics of dramaturgy and acting. After graduating from the Lyceum, the girl continued her studies at the pop department of GITIS. In 2002, Maria successfully passed the final exams and received the coveted diploma.

Modeling career and the first roles of Maria Berseneva in the cinema

Immediately after graduation, Maria began working in the modeling business. So, in her work book there were records of the Point modeling agency and the M-Globus studio.

Over the years of work in this industry, Masha has been noted in dozens of photo shoots, and also took part in the filming of several television commercials. Remembering that stage of her life, the actress admits that she quickly realized that filming and showings were not what she had always dreamed of. At that time, the future actress decided to stay in the modeling business only until she got some more or less interesting role.

However, as they say, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Maria had to stay in the modeling industry for several long years. In the period from 2004 to 2007, the actress was offered only small episodic roles. She played secretaries, fatal lovers, and also tried on some other insignificant images. Quite often, Masha's name did not even appear in the final credits.

To some extent, the first real role found her only in 2007, when, after casting the TV series Mothers and Daughters, the actress got the role of Anna Zaitseva, a model of an advertising agency in which one of the main characters works. this work on television made the actress famous and recognizable, but it was still very far from true popularity. After that, for a certain time in Mary's career, a complete calm again came. In 2008, the girl appeared in two series (“Provincial” and “Champion”), but neither her roles nor the pictures themselves could be called remarkable and interesting.

Maria Berseneva in the series "Margosha"

Everything changed in 2009, when, together with one of her friends, Maria Berseneva came to the casting of the new series "Margosha". Among the many contenders, the producers of the series chose Masha, entrusting her with the role of the main character Margo Rebrova. The only condition that the young actress had to fulfill was a change in image, or rather, hair color. The thing is that initially, according to the script, the heroine of Mary was supposed to be a blonde, while Masha herself had by nature dark hair.

At the risk of losing the role, Maria resolutely refused such an offer. Then the producers took time to think, but some time later they decided to try Masha as the leading lady in the series.

This step was successful, and very soon the series was released on television screens, instantly becoming a favorite tape for thousands of people in different parts of the CIS. The first awards soon followed. So Maria Berseneva received the People's Award of Ukraine "TV Star" in the nomination "Best Actress". In addition, Masha was awarded the title of Glamor Woman of the Year and was named TV Actress of the Year.

Maria Berseneva now

After the bright role of Margot, new proposals fell on Mary as if from a cornucopia. In 2011, Maria was noted in the feature film "Bablo", played in the musical "Three Musketeers", and also received many other interesting roles.

In 2012, Maria Berseneva made her debut as a TV presenter in the project of the Domashny channel “Leave Parents”. In 2013, three films with the participation of the actress should appear on the screens at once.

Personal life of Maria Berseneva

In 2002, just after graduating from the institute, Maria married businessman Guram Kofenlu, who was 13 years older than her. Six months later, the couple had a son, Nikita.

However, a divorce soon followed. As the actress admitted in one of her interviews, today she is “neither morally nor financially” connected with former spouse. Her child calls the father of another man, and Guram simply remained in her life as a passed stage.

Maria Berseneva - Russian actress, model, won all-Russian popularity after playing the main role in the series. On account of the actress, the main roles in the comedy "Happy March 8, men!" and the detective series Major and Magic.

Maria was born in the Russian capital in May 1981 in a family of athletes. Her father, Vladimir Yurievich, was professionally engaged in karate, and her mother, Tatyana Viktorovna, devoted herself to speed skating. At one time she worked as a trainer-teacher in the capital's institute.

Parents from childhood taught the future star to a sports lifestyle, Maria Berseneva ( maiden name Shipova) barely had time to attend all sections. However, the future star excelled in swimming, gymnastics and figure skating. According to the actress, due to abrasions, scars and injuries in childhood, she was called "Bloody Mary". Later, Maria was involved in other circles. In addition to sports, she liked to learn to dance, play the guitar and sing in the choir.

Maria Berseneva has always been interested in theater, and the mention of the stage made her heart beat faster. AT primary school Masha was involved in school scenes. The girl did not have to think long about who she would like to become. Already at the age of 12, Maria got into the lyceum at GITIS, where she studied acting and dramaturgy. After graduating educational institution, she entered the pop department of the corresponding institute. The coveted diploma was received in 2002, from that moment Berseneva's creative biography began to gradually gain momentum.


Maria Berseneva's path to fame was thorny, the directors did not immediately begin to notice the girl. Most of her roles were episodic and did not promise any prospects for a future career. On the screen, Maria Berseneva played the role of "light" girls, secretaries and even a snowman. Such images did not allow counting on the love of the audience and the interest of the directors. That is why, after graduating from the institute, the artist worked in the modeling business.

The appearance of Maria Berseneva became the envy of her peers: long legs, ideal body proportions and regular facial features. Therefore, immediately after graduation, the girl decided to try herself in the modeling business. Berseneva "checked in" in the metropolitan agencies "M-Globus" and "Point".

During her work as a model, more than a dozen photo shoots appeared on the star's account, and she also starred in several commercials. Soon, Maria Berseneva realized that the photo on the covers is only a good income, and not a film career covered with dreams. The girl decided to stay in this area until the first role from the directors appears. Contrary to Maria's expectations, she had to stay in the modeling business for several more long years.

In the period from 2004 to 2007, she received a number of secondary roles, where the actress had to reincarnate as a bitchy homemaker, a secretary and similar images. The name of the future star rarely appeared even in the final credits, and, of course, this situation did not suit Maria.

The first bright film work was the role of Anna Zaitseva in the television series Mothers and Daughters, which premiered in 2007. Thanks to the film, Maria Berseneva became recognizable, but at that time there were no serious characters. Then the calm began, as it turned out later, before the storm.

The situation changed with an invitation to the series "Margosha", which appeared on the channel "STS" in 2009. The biography of Maria Berseneva was supplemented with new creative victories. The actress played the main role and became the favorite of the audience and one of the most sought-after actresses in Russia.

The acting life of Maria Berseneva turned upside down when the girl decided to try her hand at the casting of the new television series Margosha. Wishing to show themselves as a man in female body there were many, but the directors preferred Maria, who played the role of Margarita Rebrova. The main condition that was set before her was to change the image, the actress had to repaint. In the script, the heroine was blonde, and Masha herself had naturally dark hair.

Photo shoot by Maria Berseneva for Maxim magazine

For the star, such changes were unacceptable, and at the risk of losing the role, Maria still refused the offer. Then the directors took a time out and, after thinking, agreed to Berseneva's conditions. The result was not long in coming, and after the release of the first premiere episodes, the Margosha rating skyrocketed. The audience took away the famous “phrases” of Margosha (“Stop, car!”, “Evpaty Kolovraty”, “Full Kapets”), which became an indisputable feature of the series.

Numerous awards awaited Masha, she became the best actress according to one of the Ukrainian magazines, the woman of the year from the Glamor gloss and the TV actress of the year. In early 2010, a photo of Maria Berseneva appeared on the cover of Maxim magazine in a candid erotic photo shoot. But more Maria did not act in films for men's magazines, including for Playboy.

Trailer of the movie "Bablo"

After the overwhelming success of the heroine Margot, the star began to receive a huge number of offers from directors. In 2011, the actress "lit up" in the film "Salvage", starred in the musical "Three Musketeers". The girl tried her hand as a TV presenter on the Domashny channel, where she hosted the program “Get Away from Parents”. In subsequent years, 2-3 pictures with the participation of Maria Berseneva appeared on television at once.

The actress's repertoire was replenished with work in the detective action movie Don't Steal, where Maria reincarnated as an icon painting specialist who is involved in the investigation of the theft of a valuable icon. Her partner, investigator Nikolaev, played. Further, the actress embodied on the screen a number of images of women in uniform. Maria appeared in the series Without a Trace and Family Detective 2. In 2013, with the participation of Berseneva, the comedy "Balzac's age, or All men are theirs ... 5 years later" was released. In this film, as in the first three seasons of the series, the main roles shone,.

Among the popular projects in the filmography of the actress, viewers highlight the picture “Happy March 8, men!”, In which Maria appeared on the screen as a dazzling blonde. The heroine of Berseneva is not a stupid young lady, the girl works in Skolkovo and is going to marry a foreigner. But life makes its own adjustments. The film featured a brilliant ensemble cast, which included, and.

Today, the artist devotes most of her time to the theater, and not to cinema. Maria plays the role of Beatrice in the play Truffaldino from Bergamo. Among the heroines of the actress are also listed, Bulgakov, from the story "". In 2014, Berseneva's fans saw two theatrical premieres at once with her participation.

Personal life

After graduating from GITIS in 2002, the actress married Guram Kofenlu, a businessman who is 13 years older than the girl. Then the personal life of Maria Berseneva seemed like a fairy tale to her, and six months later the couple became the parents of their son Nikita. But, as they say, nothing lasts forever, and a divorce soon followed. The star herself says that she has nothing to do with her ex-husband, they do not maintain any contacts.

In 2007, Nikolai Bersenev became the second husband of the actress. Prior to this, the couple lived for five years under the same roof in civil marriage. Already at the end of 2009, the actress filed for divorce. The star shared with reporters that the busy filming schedule was the reason for everything. As the actress later claimed, she never aspired to get married, her beloved men always pushed her to such a step, but Maria always dreamed of children.

Now Maria Berseneva has a young man, whose name the actress does not advertise. The son studies at the cadet diplomatic boarding school, where he lives five days a week. According to the actress, she has a wonderful relationship with Nikita, who also supports her mother's choice.

Even during the filming of the series "Margosha", the girl began to feel pain in her back, which prevented her from even standing. Over the years, the attacks intensified, and massage no longer helped. In 2016, the actress was hospitalized with a diagnosis of intervertebral hernia. It was about the operation, as there was already a threat of paralysis of the leg. The surgical intervention was successful. An implant was installed in the back of the actress, which allowed her to move without pain. AT difficult moments Maria was supported by relatives, friends, as well as fans.

Maria Berseneva now

In 2017, Maria Berseneva starred in the Channel Five detective series Major and Magic, where she played the seer Elena Vorobyashkina. At first, the actress did not want to transform into a fortune teller, as she does not welcome this kind of occupation. But then Mary was attracted by the personal qualities of the heroine - irony, sense of humor and insight. Thanks to her talents, Elena Vorobyashkina ends up with the police, where she helps solve cases.

Trailer "I will love you, can I?"

On account of the actress role in the melodrama "I will love you, can I?" and crime movie"Unknown", which viewers saw in 2017.

In 2018, Maria Berseneva surprised fans with a rejuvenated appearance, despite the fact that only recently in her life ended the period of rehabilitation after surgery on the spine. The actress posted a personal photo in “ Instagram", which looks younger than his years, which the subscribers could not help but notice.


  • 2004 - "The Bachelors"
  • 2005 - "Hello, we are your roof!"
  • 2006 - "Three on top"
  • 2007 - "Daughters-mothers"
  • 2008 - "Champion"
  • 2009-2010 - "Margosha"
  • 2013 - "Balzac age, or All men are their ... 5 years later"
  • 2013 - "Family Detective 2"
  • 2014 - "Happy March 8, men!"
  • 2015 - “Oh, ma-moch-ki!”
  • 2017 - “I will love you, can I?”
  • 2017 - "Major and Magic"
  • 2017 - "Unknown"

Maria Berseneva

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:
Moscow city

actress, model

The weight:
55 kg

174 cm

Biography of Maria Berseneva
The path of Maria Berseneva to popularity and glory was long and thorny. For a long period of time, directors and producers offered the actress only small episodic roles. She often appeared on the screens, but in the frame of her, as if no one noticed.

On the other side of the television screen, Maria was a secretary, a prostitute and even a snowman. Agree, with such roles it is difficult to count on much.
Sincere confession - Maria Berseneva
Everything changed in 2009, when the series "Margosha" was released. Having played one of the main roles in it, Maria Berseneva instantly soared to the heights of popularity and became one of the most sought-after television actresses in Russia.
Trying to rewind the film a little back, today we will try to tell how the actress's career developed, and what her long way to the top was like.

Childhood and youth of Maria Berseneva

The future star of Russian TV series was born in a sports family. Her father Vladimir Yuryevich was professionally engaged in karate for a long time and even had a certificate of an international class judge. The mother of the actress, Tatyana Viktorovna, who was a master of sports in speed skating, and also worked for a long time as a physical education coach at the Moscow Aviation Institute, could also boast of certain successes in sports.
From an early age, at the insistence of her parents, Maria Berseneva herself (then Shipova) also went in for sports. Alternating between different sections, Masha successfully combined gymnastics, swimming and figure skating. At a later age, the future actress began to attend other circles. She learned to play the guitar, and at the same time she was engaged in ballroom dancing and sang in the choir.
Maria Berseneva in the program The smartest
However, the most striking passion of her childhood was without a doubt the theater. Even in elementary school, she often participated in school productions, and also acted out mini-performances for her relatives.
Having decided quite early on the choice of her future profession, at the age of 12 Maria entered the Lyceum at GITIS, where she later learned the basics of dramaturgy and acting. After graduating from the Lyceum, the girl continued her studies at the pop department of GITIS. In 2002, Maria successfully passed the final exams and received the coveted diploma.

Modeling career and the first roles of Maria Berseneva in the cinema

Immediately after graduation, Maria began working in the modeling business. So, in her work book there were records of the Point modeling agency and the M-Globus studio.
Over the years of work in this industry, Masha has been noted in dozens of photo shoots, and also took part in the filming of several television commercials. Remembering that stage of her life, the actress admits that she quickly realized that filming and showings were not what she had always dreamed of. At that time, the future actress decided to stay in the modeling business only until she got some more or less interesting role.
However, as they say, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Maria had to stay in the modeling industry for several long years. In the period from 2004 to 2007, the actress was offered only small episodic roles. She played secretaries, fatal lovers, and also tried on some other insignificant images. Quite often, Masha's name did not even appear in the final credits.
To some extent, the first real role found her only in 2007, when, after casting the TV series Mothers and Daughters, the actress got the role of Anna Zaitseva, a model of an advertising agency in which one of the main characters works. This work on television made the actress famous and recognizable, but it was still very far from true popularity.
After that, for a certain time in Mary's career, a complete calm again came. In 2008, the girl appeared in two series (“Provincial” and “Champion”), but neither her roles nor the pictures themselves could be called remarkable and interesting.

Maria Berseneva in the series "Margosha"

Everything changed in 2009, when, together with one of her friends, Maria Berseneva came to the casting of the new series "Margosha". Among the many contenders, the producers of the series chose Masha, entrusting her with the role of the main character Margo Rebrova. The only condition that the young actress had to fulfill was a change in image, or rather, hair color. The thing is that initially, according to the script, the heroine of Mary was supposed to be a blonde, while Masha herself had naturally dark hair.

The new popularity of Maria Berseneva brought the TV series "Margosha"
At the risk of losing the role, Maria resolutely refused such an offer. Then the producers took time to think, but some time later they decided to try Masha as the leading lady in the series.
This step was successful, and very soon the series was released on television screens, instantly becoming a favorite tape for thousands of people in different parts of the CIS. The first awards soon followed. So Maria Berseneva received the People's Award of Ukraine "TV Star" in the nomination "Best Actress". In addition, Masha was awarded the title of Glamor Woman of the Year and was named TV Actress of the Year.

Maria Berseneva now

After the bright role of Margot, new proposals fell on Mary as if from a cornucopia. In 2011, Maria was noted in the feature film "Bablo", played in the musical "Three Musketeers", and also received many other interesting roles.
In 2012, Maria Berseneva made her debut as a TV presenter in the project of the Domashny channel “Leave Parents”. In 2013, three films with the participation of the actress should appear on the screens at once.

Personal life of Maria Berseneva

In 2002, just after graduating from the institute, Maria married businessman Guram Kofenlu, who was 13 years older than her. Six months later, the couple had a son, Nikita.
However, a divorce soon followed. As the actress admitted in one of her interviews, today she is “neither morally nor financially” connected with her ex-husband. Her child calls the father of another man, and Guram simply remained in her life as a passed stage.

Clever and limitless actress Maria Berseneva has come a long and difficult path to fame. For a long time, she was invited to appear only in subtle roles that did not give the actress any growth. But everything changed after the release of the popular Russian TV series Margosha, where Maria played the main role. TV viewers liked the series so much that it was included in the list of the most popular Russian TV series. It was after participating in this interesting picture that fame and a sea of ​​​​proposals from the directors fell on Berseneva.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Berseneva

In addition to acting, Maria also tries the role of a model and she succeeds brilliantly. The girl has good external data, and after the release of the series "Margosha" on the screens, everyone was convinced of her extraordinary beauty. Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Berseneva has become a debated issue among fans. Maria was born on May 30, 1981, on this moment she is 36 years old. With a height of 174, she weighs only 55 kg. In 2011, men had the opportunity to appreciate her beauty, because the actress starred in the popular male TV series Maxim.

Biography and personal life of Maria Berseneva

A girl was born in Moscow, in a family of athletes. My father was engaged in karate, and my mother was skating, and a little later she worked as a coach at a Moscow institute. It is not surprising that with such a family, Maria from childhood was accustomed to an active lifestyle. She was taken to various sports sections, but in addition to sports, the girl was also interested in art, and she studied music and dancing. A little later, Maria began to realize that she liked to play on stage, after which not a single school performance took place without her participation, and from the age of 12 she entered the acting circle at GITIS. After graduating from school, it was not difficult for the girl to enter the GITIS Institute.

The girl studied well and after graduating from the institute in 2002, she immediately began to try herself in the heavy acting craft.

But actor career did not add up, so the girl tried herself as a model. For a long time she earned her living only by working with fashionable glossy publications, but still she was aware of her true destiny. Until 2007, she did not have any serious roles at all, she played only girls of easy virtue, and once even a snowman. With such roles, one cannot even dream of success. The situation improved a little after the release of the TV series "Mothers and Daughters", where Maria played Anna Zaitseva. This series revealed it to the directors, although it did not give much fame.

Filmography: films starring Maria Berseneva

Everything changed in 2009, when the series "Margosha" appeared on the screens, where the actress played the main role. Interestingly, Maria almost lost her role because of her stubbornness. The fact is that initially the directors thought that the main character should be blonde, but Maria flatly refused to dye her natural brunette hair. As a result, the directors thought for a long time, but nevertheless decided to try the brunette Maria as the main character, and as it turned out, they made the right choice.

The filmography of the actress is familiar to us with such films as: “The Bachelors”, “Medical Secret”, “Salvage”, “Without a Trace”.

The biography and personal life of Maria Berseneva is a real thorny path. But if with acting career everything has already improved, then in his personal life so far there are only failures. The girl has already been married twice and admits that she does not mind trying her luck a third time, but so far she cannot find a worthy candidate.

Family and children of Maria Berseneva

The family and children of Maria Berseneva is also a rather discussed and complex topic. The actress did not have a personal life, but she has a son, Nikita, from her first marriage, to whom Maria devotes all her free time. In 2016, she opened a business selling toys that her mother makes. Maria's father is a retired lieutenant colonel, went in for sports for a long time, was a coach and even has a black belt in karate. Maria does not like to talk about her family, one can only say that the girl’s family is very friendly, her parents love both her daughter and her grandson dearly. Of course, Maria, like all girls, dreams of her big family, husband and happy children, but so far she has not met a worthy chosen one for this role.

There was a time when the pages of the yellow press were full of rumors that Maria Berseneva and Alexei Panin were together. And such, truth, could be suspected. They began to communicate while working together in the film “And yet I love ...”, and true friendship spun while participating in the Ukrainian show “Zirka + Zirka”, but no matter how many rumors circulated, there was only friendship between the actors.

The son of Maria Berseneva - Nikita Kofenlu

The son of Maria Berseneva, Nikita Kofenlu, was born in 2002, half a year after Maria and her ex-husband Guram got married. At the moment, Nikita is studying in the cadet corps and loves this place very much. Mary decided to give her son to cadet corps back in 2014, she explains this by the fact that cadet education will make a real man out of a boy. In addition, in the building the boy studies languages ​​and other sciences, as well as goes in for sports. Nikita does not like to be photographed, so in in social networks Mary you will not find many photos of her son. Only in 2016 did a new photograph of Maxim appear in a cadet uniform. Maria managed to take such a photo almost through persuasion, because Nikita has long disliked being photographed.

Former Husband of Maria Berseneva - Guram Kofenlu

The girl met her first love after graduation. Ex-husband Maria Berseneva - Guram Kofenlu is successful businessman. The couple met at a nightclub when Guram came up to get acquainted with Maria. The girl immediately liked the young man, and only after some time of communication did she find out that he was a businessman and 13 years older than her. Love spun, then in 2002 the couple played a wedding, and after another half a year, their son Nikita was born. At first, it seemed to Mary that she was in a fairy tale, but the fairy tale did not last long, and the couple broke up when her son was only half a year old. At the moment, Maria does not communicate with Guram and Nikita considers the father of Maria's second husband.

Former Husband of Maria Berseneva - Nikolai Bersenev

The ex-husband of Maria Berseneva, Nikolai Bersenev, has already become Maria's conscious and adult choice. After a divorce from her first husband, whom Maria does not even want to remember, another man appeared in her life who was able to take on the duties of the head of the family. Maria and Nikola just lived together for a long time, namely for five years, and only then decided to get married. The wedding was played in 2007, and in 2009 they already filed for divorce. The actress herself comments on the gap with the fact that the couple had problems due to Maria's busy schedule. But at the moment, Nikolai and Maria maintain friendly relations, and Nikita considers Nikolai his father.

Photo by Maria Berseneva from Playboy

If you enter the query “Maria Berseneva, photo playboy” in the search, you will immediately be presented with another page from the biography of the actress. In 2010, the girl appeared on the cover of Maxim magazine. Maxim magazine, became one of the starting points in the career of an actress, in which she starred almost naked. It was a kind of recognition of the girl as the most beautiful of modern celebrities. Only the most beautiful and sexy are invited to this popular series, and after the release of the Margosha series, it became clear to everyone that Maria deserves to be on the cover of such a famous magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Berseneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Berseneva will not be a big find for fans of the actress, because Maria does not really like to share the details of her life. From Wikipedia you will learn only the most important and brief information from the biography of the actress, but the main thing you can find out is the names of films and TV shows in which Maria was filmed in order to get to know her work better. On her Instagram, Maria exposes photos from photo shoots and events where she also happens to have some photos from her Everyday life. In addition, Maria has created a charity Instagram "Dobro", which uploads photos of children who need help. Maria has not only a beautiful appearance, but also a kind heart, so she tries to devote her life to useful and good deeds.

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