Biography of Ekaterina Guseva: personal life, star roles in cinema and theater, shooting a new film. Husband of Guseva Catherine Abashkin's husband

Technique and Internet 06.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Ekaterina Guseva (famous Russian actress) and Vladimir Abashkin (a big businessman) have been married for 18 years. Katya, speaking of her husband, admits that she reached such heights in the cinema thanks to her husband, who was always support and support for her, as she herself puts it, both a shield and a sword.

Vladimir Abashkin: biography and personal life

Volodya was born in 1966 in Moscow. Since childhood, he was a calm and balanced boy. Mom brought up in him such important qualities as respect for the female sex and family values. After graduating from school, Vladimir Abashkin received first a specialized secondary, and then higher education. With the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of a new economic era, he decided to create own business. Since the young man gravitated towards such arts as theater and cinema, he founded a small company for the manufacture of scenery. By the time he once met a young and still unknown actress Katya Guseva in the corridor of Ostankino, his company was already flourishing, and he was known in theater and television circles as businessman Vladimir Abashkin - the owner of the Base-Beauty art and production company ".

The beginning of a relationship

As Katya admits, their meeting with Volodya for both of them was a gift of fate. They fell in love with each other at first sight, a spark flared between them, an incredible attraction arose. Of course, Catherine did not even show that she was interested in a young businessman. She generally had a rule never to agree to the first invitation of men. She always liked being chased. In a word, she, using her magnetism and influence on the opposite sex, loved to torment them. Despite being in love and sympathy, she did the same with Volodya. But they often had to meet: Katya worked in the program " Russian loto", and Abashkin's company was engaged in creating scenery for this television project. So the lovers constantly collided in the studio. By the time of the meeting with Ekaterina, Vladimir was married, but this did not prevent him from courting the beautiful actress. He showered her with expensive gifts, fell asleep with an incredible amount flowers, invited to expensive restaurants. But the man did not want to limit himself to this. His intentions were the most serious. He divorced his former wife and proposed to Ekaterina Guseva - rising star Russian cinema and television. And if he had not married her, he would have remained unknown to the broad masses of a businessman named Vladimir Abashkin. His biography would not become public. However, he became the spouse of one of the most beautiful and sought-after Russian actresses, who played the role of Olga Belova in the legendary "Brigade". Thanks to this, his name flashes in the press from time to time.


Of course, Vladimir Abashkin is known in the world of show business as the head of an art and production company specializing in the manufacture of original, creative and highly professional scenery for organizing programs, awards, various mass events. Naturally, by the nature of his activity, he communicates with the creative elite of the country and is in friendly and partnerships with many of them. Angry of his client-friends, for example, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and all members of her family.

Family life

After Vladimir Abashkin married the beauty Katya, who was ten years younger than him, he tried to turn her life into a real holiday. Volodya was loyal to the fact that his wife was a public person, that she could not devote much time to the house and him. For her sake, he even entered the directing department. Vladimir tried to support his wife in everything. Katya's teachers from GITIS said that if it were not for Vladimir Abashkin (the photo of the couple is in the article), then Guseva as an actress would not have reached such heights. He believed that his wife was the best, that she would soon become famous actress Russia. In a word, such a brilliant as Katya Guseva found a worthy frame in the face of Volodya Abashkin.

After marriage, the actress never cared about questions about daily bread. And even when their son Alyosha was born with Volodya, Katya returned to work a month after giving birth, entrusting the care of raising her son to her father and grandmothers.

Discord in the family

How can a man calmly watch how millions of men go crazy for his woman? So the husband of Ekaterina Guseva, Vladimir Abashkin, three years after his marriage, began to experience burning jealousy. He tried to suppress this feeling in himself, but to no avail, and quarrels arose between the young. Even the birth of a son did not bring peace, scandals arose over trifles. It seemed to many that their marriage was under threat, and ill-wishers whispered behind their backs that if a man had already left his first wife once, then nothing would stop him a second time.

The situation escalated also because popular rumor attributed to Katya an affair with her partner in the Stars on Ice program, Roman Kostomarov. However, the love of the spouses was able to survive all these misunderstandings. Evil tongues did not even suspect to what extent Volodya was attached to his wife, and many were surprised when the sweet couple not only did not divorce, but also ascended to a new stage in their relationship.

Replenishment in the family

So, despite all the talk and forecasts about the imminent collapse of the union of Guseva and Abashkin, their family remained indestructible. In addition, she replenished: Katya gave birth to Volodya's daughter, whom the couple decided to call Anna. The girl is like two drops of water similar to her mother. Her father does not have a soul in her. 20 days after giving birth, Katya was already playing on stage and acting in films, giving a new reason for gossip to her ill-wishers. However, neither she nor her husband pay any attention to this. For them, unbreakable love and two beautiful kids, who are the meaning of life, are more important.

Ekaterina Guseva, beloved by millions of theater and film actress, became popular thanks to the theatrical production of “At the Nikitsky Gates” and the musical “North-Ost”. But the role in the series "Brigada" became a landmark for the actress. After this role, they began to recognize her on the street and invite her to new productions and films.

Everyone remembers Ekaterina Guseva as the wife of Sasha Bely. She was faithful to him and remained a support and support. But what kind of wife turned out from Guseva to real life And what is known about her husband?

Family life

Basically like everyone else public people, do not really like to spread on the topic of personal life. Journalists know little about her family. The actress is married to businessman Vladimir Abashkin. They have been together for 15 years and have two children together.

Despite this meager information, it is clear that the actress is happily married. This is evidenced by her shining eyes and radiant smile. In an interview, she said more than once that Vladimir is exactly the man she was looking for. Despite some difficulties in family life, the couple knows how to find a way out of the current situation and overcome the crisis.

Childhood and youth of Vladimir Abashkin

The future businessman and husband of Ekaterina Guseva was born in Moscow. His childhood was unremarkable. Vladimir grew up as an ordinary child - quiet and calm. Parents great attention dedicated to his education. From early childhood, Volodya was instilled with respect for women and was taught to value the family.

After graduating from school, Vladimir received a diploma of secondary education. On this, he decided not to stop and graduated from the university. Abashkin's first place of work could not be found out, but it is known that with the collapse of the country and the beginning of the economic recession, he decided to establish his own business.

Vladimir has always been attracted to the world of theater and cinema, and that is why he decided to found a company that will deal with scenery for various events.

At the time when Vladimir met Ekaterina, he was already the owner of the Base-Beauty scenery company and a well-known businessman in certain circles.

Connection of two hearts

It was the work that helped Vladimir and Ekaterina meet. The meeting took place in Ostankino. There, Ekaterina worked in the Russian Lotto program. She handed out prizes to the guests. Vladimir at that time was working on the creation of scenery literally in the next pavilion.

Vladimir recalls that he liked the girl immediately and he decided to invite her to dinner. How surprised he was when Catherine refused him. Such a man did not expect and heavy artillery was used - flowers, gifts and courtship.

Catherine also liked the man, but she had one fad - not to agree to the first invitation from men. Suitors had to suffer and look after her. This principle applies to literally everyone. She tried it on everyone, starting with classmates in love and ending with Vladimir Abrashkin. And it always worked.

Abrashkin's perseverance paid off. Catherine agreed to have dinner with him. But she also made it clear that this is the only dinner, if he wants to continue the relationship, then he must make her a marriage proposal.

Despite the fact that Abrashkin was married, he had serious intentions.

Vladimir was so in love with Catherine that he quickly divorced his wife and proposed to her. The actress agreed to this proposal, as she fell in love with a businessman at first sight.

Taking care of the family

Vladimir Abrashkin, like no one else, believed in Catherine's success as an actress. He resigned himself to the fact that his wife spends most of her time at work. and does not pay much attention to the house. He supported and supports Catherine in everything. They say that even for her sake he received another higher education. Vladimir graduated from GITIS and received the specialty of a director.

Thanks to her husband, Catherine could completely devote herself to her profession and choose only those roles that she liked. Guseva did not have to think about where to get money to feed her family. Abrashkin took all these worries upon himself.

Many compare Ekaterina Guseva with a diamond, in which Vladimir Abrashkin acts as a frame.

Difficulties of marriage

Vladimir admits that he is a jealous husband. And how can one not be jealous of such a beautiful wife when millions are looking at her. But once jealousy almost played bad joke with a couple.

Interesting Notes:

From time to time, Catherine was credited with an affair either with a colleague, or with a co-host of a program. Vladimir did his best to ignore these rumors. But he didn't always succeed. On the basis of jealousy in the family, scandals often arose.

The son, who was born three years after the wedding, did not help either. Oil was added to the fire by Catherine's participation in the Dancing on Ice project. During participation Catherine was credited with an affair with dance partner Roman Kostomarov. It seemed that the marriage was bursting at the seams.

But the couple was able to overcome this crisis in the relationship and reach new level. They became not only more tolerant towards each other, but also began to show more respect. As a symbol of a new round in relations, Vladimir and Catherine had a daughter.

Now the Abrashkin-Guseva family is raising two children and is happier than ever. And they also believe that they will overcome any difficulties and obstacles that fate has prepared for them. The main thing is to do it together.

Ekaterina Guseva is one of the most sought-after actresses who plays equally well in films and in the theater. She played in a large number of films, each of which showed the full power of her talent.

The popular film actress has currently starred in more than 60 films. Appearing in the "Brigade", the artist became immediately famous.

Despite the incredible employment, the woman manages to provide comfort to her family. Ekaterina and her husband have been happy for 20 years.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Guseva

After the release of the cult film series "Brigade" on the screens of the country, the aspiring film actress Katenka Guseva became famous. She has a large number of fans who know everything about their favorite, including height, weight, age, how old is Ekaterina Guseva?

This young, slender and petite woman looks just amazing, despite the fact that she has crossed the 40-year mark. With a height of 169 centimeters, Katenka, as her colleagues affectionately call her, weighs only 49 kilograms. She supports her physical form by exercising every day and adhering to proper nutrition.

Ekaterina Guseva, a photo in her youth and now which fans collect with great desire, became a vegetarian in 2012, but after 3 years she moved away from this, since it was necessary to follow a clear meal schedule, and because of her busy schedule, this was not possible.

Biography of Ekaterina Guseva (actress)

On the ninth day of July, in one of the capital's maternity hospitals, a daughter was born in the Gusev family. The father worked as a tailor - Gusev Konstantin Vasilyevich. For almost 30 years, her mother, Guseva Tamara Mikhailovna, worked as the chief inspector.

As a child, Katenka was predicted to become a model. Everyone around was amazed at the beauty and brilliance of her hair and the lightness, swiftness of her gait. The girl always walked, carrying her head high and slightly raising her chin, so at first glance at Katya it might seem that she was wayward, arrogant, proud. But after a few minutes of talking with her, people were convinced that the girl was sincere and firm in her judgments.

From the age of 4, the girl was sent to gymnastics. Then she was fond of figure skates, swimming. For 7 years Katenka has been dancing. Together with the Georgian ensemble "Colchis", the girl visited various cities of the country and abroad, invariably breaking the applause. Catherine was predicted to have a bright future, saying that she would become a great dancer. But in high school, the future actress became interested in dramatic art, began to actively participate in the performances of the school theater circle. On the advice of her parents, the girl was going to become a biotechnologist, purposefully preparing for admission.

After a conversation with Evgenia Simonova, who was present at the last production of the school theater with the participation of Ekaterina Guseva, the girl decides to enter the theater institute. From the first attempt, she managed to become a student.

After the theater university, the talented girl managed to play in the cult film series of the beginning of the new millennium "The Brigade", after which she woke up famous.

The biography of Ekaterina Guseva could have ended on an autumn day in 2002. She was one of the participants in Nord-Ost and could have died when the theater on Dubrovka was seized by terrorists. The woman managed to avoid the death that overtook many of her friends. Because of her son's illness, Katya stayed at home and found out about the attack at home. Then she could not come to her senses for almost 3 years, but then she decided to live for herself and those who forever remained within the walls of her native theater. She still comes to the theater on Memorial Day and stands for a long time, thinking about something of her own.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Guseva

The filmography of the popular film actress currently includes more than 60 films. Almost all of them were loved by viewers and appreciated by critics. In particular, the artist herself loves roles in "Yesenin", "Hunting for deer", "Palm Sunday", " thin ice"and others.

The popular film actress has released several discs of songs that are popular with listeners.

The actress participated several times in the Ford Boyard and the Great Races. At the end of 2009, Ekaterina Guseva became the winner of the show program " ice Age”, where the famous figure skater Roman Kostomarov became her partner. Then the woman took part in various TV shows several more times. In 2016, together with Anton Makarsky, she hosted the Phantom of the Opera show.

Currently, the popular actress is actively taking part in the filming of the film series, which will soon be released on television in the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Ekaterina Guseva

The popular film actress found her love in her student years. On the set of the television show "One Hundred to One", a woman met her husband, literally flying into him. Apologizing, the girl went about her business. Vladimir immediately drew attention to the young beauty.

Since that time, the personal life of Ekaterina Guseva began to flow in parallel with a man. By this time he was married. But after meeting with Katenka, as they called her at the studio, Vladimir left the family and began to court the young girl.

A few months after the first meeting, the lovers registered their marriage. Since then, 20 years have passed, but the couple are still happily married, despite the fact that rumors about their novels are on the side. Ekaterina Guseva and her husband constantly appear together, refuting the idle speculations of ill-wishers with their attitude towards each other.

Family of Ekaterina Guseva

Currently, the popular film actress is very happy in family life. She loves and is loved. Ekaterina is raising a son and a daughter who were born 10 years apart.

The family of Ekaterina Guseva is her beloved mother, father and sister Anastasia, with whom the popular actress still has a good relationship. The sisters love to visit their parents and share everything.

Katya's father was considered one of the best tailors in the capital. In the evenings, the man took the violin and played it for his family. Mom cooked delicious meals, despite the incredible employment at work.

Sometimes Katenka and Nastenka went to visit their grandmothers, imagining that they were leaving for thousands of kilometers, although they had to travel several stops on the subway.

Children of Ekaterina Guseva

The popular film actress is raising two children: a boy and a girl, who were born from Vladimir Abashkin. Despite the fact that the children share a long period of time, they are friends. Catherine loves to spend free time with children, feeding them delicious meals and just talking to them.

The children of Ekaterina Guseva are children who are helped by the Chulpan Khamatova Give Yourself Life Foundation. The actress often participates in fundraisers Money visits children in hospitals and hospices. She says that if everyone helps at least a few sick people, then soon all the children will be happy and healthy.

The son of Ekaterina Guseva - Alexei Abashkin

For the first time, a popular film and theater actress became a mother at the end of the last century. She wanted to have a boy. Without even knowing who exactly she wears, Catherine bought everything in blue tones. It seemed to her that a son must certainly be born.

Now the son of Ekaterina Guseva, Alexei Abashkin, is a young man who will celebrate his 19th birthday this year. The guy studied at one of the best Moscow gymnasiums, where he showed a talent for mathematics. After school, the young man receives an education in one of the technical universities of the capital.

Alexey recently began dating a girl until he introduced her to his parents, but his parents hope that this will happen soon.

Daughter of Ekaterina Guseva - Anna Abashkina

11 years after the birth of Alyosha, the popular film actress became a mother for the second time. This time she had a daughter, contrary to the forecasts of doctors who assured that a second son should be born. The popular film actress named the girl Anechka. According to the assurances of others, she is very similar to her mother.

The daughter of Ekaterina Guseva - Anna Abashkina is a very creative person. She is fond of drawing, participates in school activities. In the future, the girl dreams of becoming an artist, like her mother.

Husband of Ekaterina Guseva - Vladimir Abashkin

Before meeting with Katenka, Vladimir was married. Having accidentally met a girl at the game "One Hundred to One", the man was so passionate about her that he left the family, despite the presence of a small child.

Initially, Guseva did not pay attention to Abashkin, believing that he was old for her. But after a short time, the girl could no longer live without her future spouse. Soon she became his wife.

The husband of Ekaterina Guseva, Vladimir Abashkin, although 20 years have passed since the wedding, is jealous of her, which sometimes leads to quarrels. But literally after 2-3 hours they are already calling each other to make peace.

Photos of Ekaterina Guseva appeared in Maxim magazine several times: in 2004 and 2011. The woman relaxed and not in the least embarrassed by her nudity posed on the pages of the publication. Numerous candid photos allowed everyone to admire the amazing body of the artist.

Recently, Ekaterina herself said that an offer had been received for a new photo shoot. Since the husband of a popular artist, Vladimir Abashkin, spoke out against naked Ekaterina Guseva decorating the pages of the publication, she will appear there in the pictures in a swimsuit. When the shooting will take place is still unknown.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Guseva

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Guseva allow you to find out the most detailed information about the popular film actress.

Wikipedia talks about creativity and life path artistes. This lists all the movies and dramatic productions in which Ekaterina Guseva played.

On the Instagram page, you can meet all your close people. The artist uploads pictures with her family, from the set and theatrical productions. In the account, you can view video clips from films in which the actress participated. The article was found on

One of the most talented actresses in Russian cinema, Ekaterina Guseva, has won the hearts of millions of viewers. Therefore, it is not surprising that her biography and personal life are of genuine interest. In the article you will find a photo of Catherine's husband and children, entertaining facts about her work and family.

Russian theater and film actress - Ekaterina Guseva, became famous for her performances in the musicals "Nord-Ost", "Anna Karenina", in the filming of the film "Brigade" (wife of Sasha Bely). Her biography, personal life, photos of her husband and children are presented below in our article. We have collected reliable facts from her personal life and film career. In the piggy bank of the actress, dozens of roles played in popular TV shows and films have accumulated.

Ekaterina Guseva's birthday is July 9, 1976. Her mother worked as a state inspector, her father was a sewing tailor. She had a sister, Nastya, who later became the head of the kindergarten. The girls had everything in childhood, they were spoiled and loved a lot, the family was friendly.

The childhood of Ekaterina Guseva passed in moving. The parents did not yet have their own apartment, and they had to visit one or the other grandmother. Huge trunks, fees, meetings ... the sisters will then remember all these gypsy moves with warmth. After all, they were comfortable in every house, wherever they arrived.

Ekaterina's father, Konstantin Vasilyevich, was fond of hockey and was fond of playing the violin. Just this violin, a year later, was next to Catherine in the TV series "Brigada". At the age of four, Ekaterina was sent to the rhythmic gymnastics department, she even reached the reserve team Soviet Union competed with peers. His hobbies were ice skating and different types swimming.

While studying at school, Ekaterina went to dances in a circle of the Georgian ensemble. Together with the members of the Colchis ensemble, Catherine traveled to many cities on tour, even far from home. At school, Ekaterina was an excellent student, wore a massive braid, always dressed neatly, had a stately figure and received only positive points. Math problems didn't want to fit in her memory, which brought her closer to the fans who helped her with the solutions.

Further, the biography of the actress develops in such a way that by the end of her studies, Catherine decided to enter the Biotechnological Institute, having previously completed preparatory courses in it a year before training. But at one of the performances at school, Catherine's personal life completely turned around. In the break before the new scene, she was delighted with what was happening. At the end of the performance, assistant E.R. Simonova approached the talented girl and invited her to study at the Shchukin school.

Catherine memorized the prescribed fable, verse, monologue and appeared at the appointed hour before the judges of the school. And she did. Parents at first did not understand the aspirations of the girl, there were disagreements. But after a few months, the mother admired her daughter's acting game, sitting in the hall.

Studying at Shchukinsky was easy for Katya. For her roles, she chose the most difficult characters, for example, Aksinya from " Quiet Don". Fellow students laughed at her, but Katya was stubborn and tried with all her heart to play older women. She believed that after graduating from high school, she would not get these roles. Therefore, while studying, she enjoyed the game of an 80-year-old old woman and repeated the text with a pebble in her teeth and in knitted socks.


Ekaterina performed for some time at the M. Rozovsky Theater, played in Poor Lisa, Romance with Oblomov. Her game was highly appreciated and soon she was offered to go north and play in the musical, the future legend of Nord-Ost in the role of Katya Tatarinova. For an aspiring actress, this was a great offer. For the role in the performance, I had to learn music and singing professionally. In just a couple of years, instead of the prescribed five, Catherine mastered this skill.

reigned in the north low temperature at 45 degrees. The actress had to change into cold-proof clothes and behave carefully. It was impossible to approach the edge of the ice floes, as they could melt and fall off. Very soon, Catherine was able to sing along with everyone in hard frost under 40 degrees. This fact was even entered in the King of country records.

In the play "Nord-Ost" Ekaterina played every day. In the terrible year 2002, she literally accidentally escaped a terrorist attack, because. She had a day off that day. It is noteworthy that Ekaterina starred in both Nord-Ost and Brigade at the same time, so she only managed to sleep on a trip from one filming to another. In 2003, at the Golden Mask Award, Catherine was awarded for Best Actress.

Then she records CDs, releases romances and a solo album. At the end of the musical screenings, Katya entered the Mossovet Theater, where she still works, plays in musicals, and participates in the filming of films. The most famous of them were "Hunting for deer", "Brigade", "Thank you for the love!"

Personal life

Ekaterina Guseva met her husband when she was a student, on the set of a program where she worked as an assistant. Her lover - Vladimir Abashkin is engaged in business, has a company for the production of interiors and scenery, props for television, and programs. She got married in 1996, in 1998 her first son Alexei was born, and daughter Anna, 12 years later, in 2010. The son got the surname Abashkin, and the daughter decided to write down the famous mother.

Ekaterina Guseva believes that children are the most important happiness in a woman's life, her destiny. There is complete harmony and mutual understanding with her husband. We can say that Catherine's personal life was a success. This is also evidenced by the happy photos of their children. For so many years of family life, they did not seriously swear, did not talk about divorce. In Katya’s life, everything is harmonious, but in one of the programs she wondered if she would still have babies.

Catherine often admits to reporters that meeting her future husband was a gift of fate. This is exactly the case when a spark runs between a man and a woman, and they fall in love with in an instant. Katya at first did not base her interest in a young entrepreneur. She held on to the belief that she would never say yes to a first date.

After all, any woman likes when her location is won. So Catherine loved to torment men, taking advantage of her attractiveness. Despite her love for Vladimir, she did the same to him. But they saw each other often at work. Ekaterina at that time worked in the Russian Lotto program, and Abashkin's company made scenery for her.

Therefore, willy-nilly, they saw each other daily in the studio. During his acquaintance with Catherine, Vladimir was not free, but he was attracted by the beautiful Katya and he continued to court her. Expensive gifts, flowers, parties. But this was not enough for him, and Vladimir was determined. He divorced his wife and immediately proposed to Catherine, a rising star of cinema. If their meeting had not taken place, most likely, he would have continued to be a businessman in the shadow of the public.

A family

Ekaterina is 10 years younger than her husband, but this does not prevent them from being an exemplary family. Vladimir tries to make Katya's life a fairy tale, has nothing against her stellar career, despite the fact that she cannot pay due attention to him and the children. Vladimir often jokes that his enterprising wife caused his gray hair. To be closer to his wife, he received a directing education.

The husband tries to help Katya in everything. The photo of her husband shows how much he loves her. The biography of Ekaterina Guseva completely changed its course after meeting with him. The teachers of the actress from GITIS often said that if it were not for his strong shoulder, Katya would not have come to what she now has. Vladimir says that he got an exemplary wife, and that she will soon become the best actress in the country.

We can say that such a jewel as Katya found the missing frame in the form of her husband Abashkin. After her marriage, Katya usually did not think about weekdays, about earnings. Even after giving birth to her first child, after 35 days Katya was able to return to filming, leaving the child in the safe hands of her mother and husband.

Of course, no man likes that thousands of men look at his wife with lust. This is exactly what happened to Vladimir, after two years after the wedding, he began to experience painful bouts of jealousy. He did not give vent to this feeling, but he could break loose. Between the spouses there were troubles in their personal lives. Even the birth of a child did not bring the desired balance, and petty grievances made themselves felt.

Some believed that they were about to divorce, and the most malicious fans said that since a man divorced his first wife, he would divorce his second. The situation became dangerous also due to the fact that rumors spread about Katya's romance with her partner Roman Kostomarov in the Stars on Ice project. But only the strong love of husband and wife was able to overcome this discord.

Evil tongues had no idea how much Vladimir loves his Katya, so the gossips were at a loss when this couple not only did not part, but also moved to a new level of relationship and their daughter was born.

So, despite the slander of people and rumors of a divorce, the family of Katya and Volodya became even stronger. A photo of Catherine's children suggests that Anna's daughter is very similar to her. Her father carries her in his arms. Katya returned to work a month after her birth, giving the gossips food for thought. But now neither she nor her husband even look at evil tongues. They have the main thing - two beloved children and an indestructible union.

Celebrated a porcelain wedding. For 20 years of marriage, a lot happened with Vladimir Abashkin. “I have a little patience and my husband too. It seems to me that this is some kind of story from above, little depends on us,” the actress explained.


According to her, there are moments of despair and dissatisfaction with each other, but the storm quickly subsides. "For someone to pack their bags and leave - this was not the case. Vovochka is quick-tempered, he is a neurasthenic, a psycho, but he leaves very quickly. And then I get sick for two weeks, I move away from his outbreaks, because somehow longer in myself resentment I’m holding,” Guseva admitted.

Because of Vladimir's temper, sometimes his son Alexei gets it. "Father is sometimes aggressive, but then coolly says:" 18 years old? All. Then on my own," the OK! magazine quotes the artist.

Ekaterina said that she had romances even before marriage: “There were some childhood, school loves, then in my student years there were hobbies. Our stars agreed with Abashkin. Everything became clear to us right away. Everything turned out very simply and naturally. long explanations. Interestingthat she often calls her husband by his last name: "It so happened - Guseva and Abashkin. And we have children: a son - Abashkin, and a daughter - Guseva!"

Vladimir Abashkin is the owner of an art and production company that makes scenery for performances, programs and shows. Among his clients are Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Philip Kirkorov and Sofia Rotaru.

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