Pavel priluchny with his son. Pavel Priluchny took his wife and daughter from the hospital

Fashion & Style 14.07.2019
Fashion & Style

Pavel Priluchny - Russian actor a new generation, known to everyone from the film "On the Game" and the series "Closed School" and "Major". It is about him that we will tell you in our article. : Pavel Priluchny - family, wife, children, creative biography.

Pavel Priluchny: biography

The future actor was born in 1987 in the family of a choreographer and boxing coach, so as a child the boy went in for boxing, studied dancing and showed interest in music.

The actor spent his childhood in Siberia, where his family decided to leave during perestroika. At the age of 13, the boy loses his father and, due to the current, difficult financial situation in the family, he fails to pass the exams at the choreographic school. A little later, the actor admitted that such a turn of events associated with the choice future profession, in his life, probably, it happened not by chance. After all, awakened in it acting talent prompted Pavel to enter the Novosibirsk Theater School at the acting department. After successfully passing the exams, his biography was inextricably linked with the career of an actor.

His first debut as an actor took place on the stage of the young theater "Globus". Pavel played the role of Myshin in the play "White Sheep". Pavel devoted two years to this theater. After college, the actor leaves to conquer Moscow, where he enters GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater School. True, he never completed his studies. The reason for this was the love for the American actress Nikki Reed, who played the role of Rosalie in the famous Twilight saga. But the romance of the Russian actor with the American star did not last long, although Pavel planned to move to live with his beloved and play a wedding with her on Hawaiian Islands. After an unsuccessful relationship, Pavel gathers strength and nevertheless receives the highest acting skills at GITIS.

Pavel Priluchny: a career as a theater and film actor

After a long study, Pavel works a lot on stage. Such well-known theaters as the Pushkin Theater, the Bulgakov Theater and the Maly Theater on Bronnaya become his place of work. Having played a lot of performances, Pavel becomes a famous theater actor, after which he was offered to try himself as a movie actor.

At first, he starred in episodic roles, and then he received an invitation to one of the main roles in the film "On the Game", which brought the actor success and a lot of fans.

Today, Pavel Priluchny is already an accomplished actor, who has already played over a dozen roles in TV shows and movies. And the role in the 2016 series "Major" brought the actor a national vocation.

Pavel Priluchny: family - wife, children

Many fans of the actor are interested not only in him Star Trek but also his personal life. After breaking up with an American actress, Pavel for a long time did not join with anyone serious relationship. In the first place was only a career. But in 2010, on the set of the series "Closed School", his personal life completely changed with the advent of the Latvian actress Agata Muceniece, who became his colleague on the film project.

At that moment, the girl had an affair with a dancer from the troupe of Dima Bilan, but, during the shooting of the kiss scene, the couple realized that they had found each other. Their relationship developed at lightning speed, and they decided not to postpone their marriage for a long time.

In 2011, a beautiful and successful couple registers their relationship with the registry office. In 2013, Pavel and Agatha become happy parents sons of Timothy, and three years later a daughter is born, who was named nice name- Mia.

For today, 2016, for such an actor as Pavel Priluchny, family: wife, children are the main value in life. He is also quite successful in his acting career. He continues to work on the series "Major", and also does not refuse productions in the theaters named after Bulgakov and the Maly Theater on Bronnaya.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Presley Walker - the son of businessman Randy Gerber and supermodel Cindy Crawford, and today Timofey, the son of actor Pavel Priluchny and actress Agatha Muceniece, becomes the hero of our column. This week, Pavel and Agatha confirmed that they are now expecting their second child, due in March.

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On January 11, 2013, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece became parents for the first time: in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, their son was born, who was named Timofey. The baby's weight at birth was 3650 grams, height - 53 centimeters.

Pasha was with me all the time, 50% of it is his merit, he is a real hero!

The newly-made mother told after the birth. Priluchny himself, who became a father, liked to call himself not a hero, but "the most happy man in the world." With the advent of his son, his life changed a lot, and Pavel was only glad of this:

My values ​​have changed. Previously, when I went on vacation, I first of all thought about where it would be more fun, but now we choose a resort based on the interests of the child. At one time, Agatha had a strong influence on me, and now - my son.

Little Timothy Priluchny

On the left is little Agata Muceniece, on the right is her son Timothy
Timofey Priluchny with dad

Our life has changed dramatically. If earlier we lived only for ourselves, now everything is for Timosha. My son discovered other sides in me, after his birth I became more sensual and emotional - both in life and on the screen. Pasha began to think more about the future, he bought an apartment and made repairs in it himself, although before that his brother told me that he couldn’t even nail a nail. We have become responsible. In other words, parents

Agatha told HELLO interview!, noting that in raising her son she plays the role of a "good policeman", while Pavel, on the contrary, tries to be stricter with his son:

Pasha is a strict dad. He is our teacher, and I am in terms of tenderness and care. Ready to buy everything this little booger wants ... Before the birth of his son, he bought himself a book "Superdad". I remember that at first I was always afraid to take Timofey wrong, he seemed so fragile to me. And Pasha fearlessly twisted and turned it, reassuring me with the words: "Don't worry, children are elastic."

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece with their son Timothy

With the same positive attitude, Agatha and Pavel approach the issues of children's wardrobe. Since Timofey inherited their cheerfulness from his parents, he grows up as a very active and inquisitive boy. For him, the main thing in clothes is convenience and brightness, so it is difficult to find outfits in dull and boring shades in his wardrobe. He loves all shades of blue and green, and also very often wears clothes with prints in the form of cartoon characters - for example, funny minions. As for classic patterns, here Timofey is practically "omnivorous" - he loves outfits with stripes, plaid, and polka dots.

When Timofey grew up a little, his parents began to instill in him a love for "adult" outfits. It's about not about tuxedos or leather trousers that are difficult to move in, but about some individual attributes of real fashionistas - be it an unusual bow tie or a jacket that goes well with sneakers. Each new image of Priluchny Jr. is more interesting than the previous one, and we can only guess what bright outfit he will please us with next time!

Pavel Priluchny does not need a special introduction. Behind the young actor are the full-length films "On the Game", "Bad Blood", "Dark World: Equilibrium", the popular television series "Closed School", "The Laurel Method", "The Freud Method", as well as the sensational "Major". The first season of the serial crime drama, aired two years ago, has become one of the most discussed and rated projects of the year. We decided to meet with Pavel to discuss his new projects and find out how his life has changed with the advent of two children (the eldest son of the actor Timofey will turn four in January, and little Mia will be only seven months old).

-? Pavel, now there are new episodes of "Major". Has your character changed during this time?

He matured, he gained life experience, he even served time in prison - this, of course, leaves its mark. In short, the Major in the new season is completely different from the one we knew.

-? Has the project itself changed a lot?

There are more detective lines and humor. But in any film, first of all, the story is interesting: if it catches you from the very beginning, then it leads further, makes you watch to the end. Hope we made it.

-? You are now busy in two different films at once. What are these projects?

This is a military drama with elements of fantasy "Nevsky Piglet". And the second project is the comedy Life Ahead, which is directed by Karen Oganesyan based on the script by Zhora Kryzhovnikov.

On the set of "Nevsky Piglet".

The first story is about life Russian businessman, which, unexpectedly for him, falls under Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, in the midst of events. It seems to me that such a film is needed primarily in order to show modern man for which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and died. Show how it really was scary, without any embellishment. It's a pretty bloody movie. We are now looking at the war through the eyes of the layman: passed and passed - so what? And we live on. For my hero at first, everything that begins to happen to him is like some kind of anecdote. But then he realizes that for this small piece of our land people fought not for life, but for death. Such an understanding makes us respect the feat that our grandfathers accomplished in that war. This is important and very necessary for all of us.

- What about the second film?

it modern history with recognizable life situations - about classmates, their relationship ... But to be honest, here I was more hooked not by the script, but by the director Karen Oganesyan, whom I love and respect. I think you can work with such a person, no matter what. I agreed to this project without even reading the script.

- Do you remember how you were 10-15 years ago?

I was a bully boy. Those were school days… I would love to meet my classmates and have a talk, but when? There's just no time.

-?Do you have a life principle that you always try to follow?

Good question. Let me think... Probably, when children appear, your life principles change - you begin to relate to many things differently. Now I just want to spend more time with my son and daughter, but because of the filming, I have to constantly be on the road.

-? Do you understand your almost constant absence at home?

Agatha - of course, yes (wife of Pavel Priluchny - actress Agatha Muceniece. - Approx. Aut.). And son Timofey recently said such a terrible thing ... We walked with him in the evening after I had not been at home for a couple of months. And he asks me: “Dad, do you have an apartment? Here we have with my mother - we have. And you?" I tried to explain everything to him, and he answered me: “No, you don’t understand. Do you have an apartment? And this scares the hell out of me. I would like them to be always with me everywhere. But now he has a kindergarten, then a school, there is no such opportunity to travel around together all the time. And not every film set - a good place for a child. Sometimes they just have nothing to do there ...

With wife Agatha Muceniece.

You said that after you became a father, your life principles changed. What else has changed in your life?

Cardinally? He began to build a house. I never thought about it before. Or rather, I reasoned like this: why do I need it - I feel good in a rented apartment ... And now I have some kind of construction site of the century! I hope that it will end soon and I will calm down… What else has changed? I began to think more about my actions. You do some things and think about how your child will look at you, what he will think. And it is right when parents have such thoughts.

-? Children understand that their dad is an actor?

Timofey asks me on a walk: “Dad, why is everyone taking pictures with you?” - I answer: "Because I am an athlete-shifter." As long as this answer suits him ...

- Do you watch TV at home?

Rarely enough - we try not to include it. It's like a disease: you get used to it - but it is so addictive! ..

-? Would you like your children to follow in the footsteps of mom and dad and also become actors?

No way!

-? What, and will you dissuade?

How can I tell you ... If they really want to belong to this profession, then what can you do ... About Mia - about who she will be - you yourself understand, it is still very early to say, she is not even a year old. And we have now sent Timofey to the Academy of Music. They sing, dance, study acting there. But it's more for general development. Because he is such a fiery kid: something fantastic is constantly happening to him, he does not sit still for a minute. We want to somehow make sure that his ardor is directed in the right direction. He also plays sports with us - he goes to judo. I would like him to become a footballer - an athlete, like dad ... And then - how will it turn out ...

Biography of Pavel Priluchny

The popular Russian actor Pavel Priluchny was born on November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxing coach and choreographer.

Children's photos of Pavel Priluchny:

In difficult times for Russia, his family decided to move to Siberia in order to be away from the perestroika regime and be able to safely raise children. Due to the professions of his parents, as a child, Pavel attended sections of both choreography and boxing, and little Pavel was also fond of music.

When Pavel Priluchny was thirteen years old, a misfortune happened in his family, his beloved father died. Due to the difficult financial situation in the family, Pavel did not manage to enter the desired choreographic school, but this was for the best. After some time, Pavel discovered acting talent in himself, after which the guy caught fire to enter the acting department at the Novosibirsk Theater School. Having successfully passed the exams, Pavel Priluchny entered the course of V.A. Arkheev Associate Professor of GITIS. This is where his acting career began.

The first debut of the actor took place in the Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus". It was in this theater that Pavel began to receive his first major roles, and successfully worked for two whole years. The very first and major role of the actor was the character of Myshin in the play "White Sheep".

After Pavel graduated from college, he managed to successfully enter such famous universities as GITIS, as well as the Moscow Art Theater School.

At the last school, Pavel Priluchny successfully completed two courses, but then he abandoned his studies, as he fell in love with an American Nicky Reed, who played the role of Rosalie, in the famous movie "Twilight".

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed:

The romance of the two actors did not last long, although there were rumors that Pavel was going to move after his beloved to her homeland. In some photos in the press, on the wrist of actress Nikki Reed, photographers even managed to capture a tattoo with the name of Pavel. However, after the breakup, the tattoo disappeared.

Having settled down and collected his thoughts, Pavel Priluchny nevertheless completed his acting education, but already at GITIS.

After many years of study, the main place of work of the actor for a long time was the stage, such famous theaters as: the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, the Pushkin Theater, the Bulgakov Theater. However, soon the already famous theater actor simply began to fall asleep with all sorts of offers for movie roles, such as "Club", "School No. 1", "Web", in which Pavel made his debut as an episodic actor.

After the young actor successfully "lit up" in episodes of popular television series, he was offered leading role computer genius in the movie "On the game", which brought him wide popularity and the first fans.

Another breakthrough in the acting career of Pavel Priluchny was the famous series in which the young actor played one of the main roles.

Today, Pavel Priluchny can already rightfully consider himself an accomplished actor, behind whom there are more than twenty roles, both in films and TV shows. In addition, Pavel Priluchny actively takes part in various entertainment shows and TV projects, such as: "Dancing with the Stars" and others.

Frame from the series "Major":

Pavel Priluchny and his partner in the series "Major" Lyubov Aksenova, footage from the series

Personal life of Pavel Priluchny. Wife and children of Priluchny

Since for a long time the main goal of Pavel Priluchny was his career, in addition to the famous American film actress Nikki Reed, the actor no longer had novels, until 2010, when Pavel met his future wife on the set of Closed School

On March 3, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece became parents for the second time: in one of the capital's clinics, their daughter was born, who was named Mia. Yesterday, the father of the family took his beloved girls from the hospital, as the happy mother told about in social networks.

So we went home! Of course, I have a twofold feeling: on the one hand, I really missed home, and on the other hand, they won’t take care of me at home as they looked after at the PMC. Staying in the maternity hospital brought a lot of positive, delight and only the most positive emotions! Thanks to my doctor Stanislav Balitsky, and indeed to everyone who was with me these days, and to all the friends who visited me, well, Pasha and I are stepping into a new era! Py.Sy. Find Timofey in the photo! - wrote Muceniece, who confirmed her second pregnancy only in February of this year.

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece with children

Recall that Pavel Priluchny met his future wife, Riga model Agata Muceniece, who is taking her first steps in the cinema, on the set of the teenage fantasy thriller Closed School. In August 2011, the couple secretly got married in one of the Moscow registry offices, and on January 11, 2013, their first child was born - son Timofey.

click on the photo to view the Priluchny family album:

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Agata Muceniece with her son Timothy
Pavel Priluchny with his son Timothy

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