Shenderovich's daughter. Biography

Recipes 18.07.2019

Viktor Shenderovich in New York's favorite coffee shop. Photo: Pavel Terekhov

Shenderovich came to America with "Brain Block". In the new book, the satirist, by his own admission, for the first time acts as a “chronicler of the end” and describes the catastrophe of the Putin regime. ForumDaily met with the author in New York, from where he went on a tour of sixteen American cities. A well-known publicist and simply beloved “puppeteer” by the people spoke about who the “new Russians” are now, how the “sausage emigration” ended, why Putin is bluffing, and why one cannot be a stranger in New York.

How often do you visit the States?

Life so happened that once I was deafly not an exit, today, in a sense, not an entry one. Therefore, in the usual way, I go to Paris or New York, Munich or Vancouver, but a poster concert in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Yekaterinburg is out of reach for me today. There is an amusing paradox in this.

Are you addressing the Russian-speaking audience, or "non-Russian" Americans too?

Well, of course, to the Russians. There were a couple of funny cases when, for example, the Los Angeles Times interviewed me, and the journalist, having learned that I would have concerts, gave an advertisement. It was not indicated that the evening would be in Russian. And there came an elderly American couple. For them, it was a strong anthropological experience - they found themselves in the middle of Lon Angeles among a huge number of Russians. They sat with great interest and respect for two hours. But such a story is more like an anecdote than the norm.

What is your attitude towards emigration: cowardice - they say, it's good to criticize the motherland and teach compatriots to live from afar - or a forced step? Have you thought about leaving?

It is impossible to say that these thoughts do not come to me. Because I regularly receive threats.

Both the state and its guardsmen are pushing me out of my country.

Of course, this has been going on for many years. But my genre - satire - is an acute civil one. A satirist living abroad is a little bit inaccurate. The lens shifts, the angle of view on which the landscape depends. And when you live inside, you better feel the temperature, the nerve of this day, even the prejudices of this day. As for my relatives: my daughter is a Polonist, a specialist in Poland, she is writing a dissertation and lives between Warsaw and Moscow, I live in Moscow, my father, my wife and many of my friends also live in Moscow. I now live such a strange life, I can safely, at least for now, go, travel and see something.

But I want to reserve the right to return home. I don’t want some political bacteria that have stuck around me from all sides, indicating where I should live, deciding whether I can go out to my native Sokolniki Park in the morning or not.

Who are the "Russians" in America? How has the portrait of an emigrant changed? Who is running now?

I must say that Russian emigration today is to a large extent more Russian than it was before. This is a marked shift from the Jewish theme.

Today's viewers are not necessarily Jewish emigration.

To a large extent, people who have gone to recent times, in Putin's fifteenth birthday. This is a political and cosmopolitan emigration. This is not "sausage" emigration, this is not "Jewish" emigration, these are people who have left the political system, from Putin.

I'm used to the fact that the Brighton audience is very specific: elderly, Jewish. Often local. But the last time I was there, I was struck by the young faces in the audience.

Do “Russians” in America share a common worldview, political views?

A very strong crack lay, especially in Last year, between Russians in exile. On my last visit to America, it became clear that there was no unity. But in a couple of cities, in Seattle, for example, in Vancouver, where there is a very strong Ukrainian diaspora, I was specifically asked not to concentrate too much on this topic, because even families break up.

And I was struck by the number of pro-Putin-minded emigrants. They watch Russian television, they look at the world and events through the eyes of Kremlin propaganda. And it works, and it's absolutely amazing.

I repeatedly advised these people to somehow participate in the construction of the Russian world.

And it’s rather strange to live in Seattle, on the neck of american state and support Putin.

Why are people who escaped from the USSR, later from Russia, sitting in Putin's information swamp? And they confidently repeat about the Nazis and the murdered Jews on the streets of Kyiv? While over the past year, almost 5,000 Jews left the war-torn Ukraine, and about 6,000 from peaceful France.

And propaganda in general is always effective. Propaganda can only be resisted by a strong intellect, the ability and habit of analyzing, checking sources, not taking a word, questioning everything, as Descartes ordered. But these people are always and everywhere in the minority, and not only in Russia. Kozma Prutkov said:

People are like sausages, what they fill, then they wear it in themselves.

Here people wear what they are stuffed with. And they are quite sincerely convinced that they have convictions. In fact, they just speak in ready-made phrases from Putin's TV. But there are others - who are also in America, Australia, Europe and Israel, unfortunately for Russia, fortunately for themselves and their children. And this "reserve Russia" could be Russia's hope. Young, educated, inscribed in the world, without signs of xenophobia, without an inferiority complex and without aggression - the new Russians in the original meaning of the word.

How much money is the Kremlin propaganda machine devouring: all these Russia Today, bots, "young United Russia party", the church and so on?

Undoubtedly, we are talking about tens of millions of dollars. A few years ago, when everything was just beginning, Russia Today's budget was 30 million. There is also closed funding, semi-fascist semi-illegal formations, which are also fed from the Kremlin. This is a computer center near St. Petersburg, where literally people go to work to shit on the internet.

It seems that the Russian bot army has recently been instructed to foment anti-Semitism. On the leading news sites there are typical posts that “the war in Ukraine was provoked by the Jews.” Why?

It is clear that anti-Semitism exists everywhere. The next question is: to what extent is this state anti-Semitism? In Ukraine, there are also a huge number of anti-Semites, people with extremely nationalist views. But the elections in Ukraine - free, fair, equal - have shown that these people are marginalized in Ukrainian society. But for propaganda, including international propaganda, this is a very powerful trump card.

It is clear that the anti-Semitic card lies next to the oligarchic one, and Hitler used this as well. The people who play it use two themes: nationalistic, parenthetically racial, and class: take away and divide. And if an oligarch, and also a Jew, then this is an absolutely ideal option for combing to the blood.

What awaits Russia, and with it Customs Union, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan? Is there a chance that Putin will leave, will it happen peacefully?

If the war in Ukraine is stopped, Russia will be thrown back. This means the complete political defeat of Vladimir Putin. He went for broke and lost. This means that at the end we have Russia with a collapsed economy, with collapsed ratings, with a collapsed currency, thrown out of all the world's "sevens" and "eights"; Russia in the status of a pariah country, near the borders of which there are NATO troops; a country that lost even its immediate abroad, which managed to make an enemy even Ukraine; a country from which even Kazakhstan and Belarus have distanced themselves.

The only chance to maintain neurasthenic excitement among the people, to distract people from exchangers, from the dramatic state of the economy and the country, is war.

Of course, this is not a conquest, not a campaign against Kyiv, this is a bluff. Maintaining this hell, permanent knife to the throat of Ukraine, permanent blackmail nuclear weapons, these are the few that make up Vladimir Putin's toolkit today. And he will use these tools, no doubt. To finally retreat to Putin means to recognize his own complete defeat. As we know from experience, between his own political defeat and the blood of civilians, Putin chooses the blood of civilians. He is very focused on aggressive escalation options. This is his only chance - unfortunately, I'm not a big optimist in this matter.

Shenderovich about his favorite places in New York - Starbucks and Central Park

When I lived in New York, I went down to Starbucks near Central Park for breakfast. And this feeling: you are a visitor, but you are not a stranger. In this Starbucks, everyone is equal. Start the day with this cup of coffee, this unthinkable disgusting muffin. A worker who will then go to a nearby construction site, and a person who will then sit on the A-train and go to Wall Street. It's okay if you speak English with an accent - everyone here speaks badly and with an accent.

New York has a very special atmosphere, you can't be a stranger in it. You are yours because all visitors are the same as you. Here you are at home. Humanity is here.

Viktor Shenderovich is a well-known journalist, writer and human rights activist. During his life, our today's hero managed to become famous in a wide variety of industries. And therefore, he has long managed to become one of the brightest representatives of the world of Russian journalism.

Early years, childhood and the family of Viktor Shenderovich

Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich was born on August 15, 1958 in the city of Moscow. His father, Anatoly Semenovich, was a fairly well-known engineer in the USSR, and his mother, Inessa Evseevna, worked most of her life as a music teacher.

On the part of both parents, Victor has Jewish roots. In the period of formation Soviet Union the grandfather of our today's hero - Semyon Markovich - was known as a bright political figure who was in the Trotskyist opposition. Another grandfather was a war hero.

Returning directly to the personality of our today's hero, we note that his path to fame began with a passion for theater. AT school years Victor from time to time performed on stage as an actor, but later he nevertheless decided to choose a slightly different fate for himself. After graduating from school and serving two years in the Soviet army, Shenderovich entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, where he studied as a director of amateur theater groups.

After receiving a diploma, our today's hero began working in one of the Moscow Palaces of Pioneers. In this capacity, Victor spent several years. However, he later decided to try himself in a slightly different area. In 1988, our today's hero underwent an internship at the Shchukin Higher Theater School, after which he got a job at GITIS, where he worked as a stage movement teacher for several years.

Star Trek of the writer and satirist Viktor Shenderovich

In the nineties, Viktor Shenderovich began working as a writer. In 1991, he presented his first collection of short stories "Flowers for Professor Pleishner", followed by two more collections - "In the village of Gadyukino - rains" and "Seeds".

Subsequently, Viktor Shenderovich began to work frequently as a publicist. He wrote articles for various newspapers and also composed comic monologues for Gennady Khazanov. As a result, many of the author's humorous essays were awarded some prestigious literary awards.

Shenderovich on television

In parallel with this, our today's hero also began working as a screenwriter on television. In 1992, a series of films about Zinovy ​​Gerdt and Gennady Khazanov was staged according to his scripts. These projects were released on the ORT channel, but subsequently Shenderovich began to work more closely with the NTV channel.

Viktor Shenderovich: transformation of jokes about Putin

Especially famous was his work on a series of humorous programs "Dolls". This project became very popular among the audience, and also brought its author the Golden Ostap and TEFI awards in the Event of the Year nomination. In 1997, Viktor Shenderovich decided to try himself as a presenter as well.

Continuing to work on new publications, as well as writing scripts for the program "Dolls", our today's hero began to work as a host on the programs "Total", "Free Cheese" and "Interference on the Air". As a rule, most of his programs were satirical in nature.

In the early 2000s, after Vladimir Putin came to power, a noticeable oppositional bias began to appear in the work of the satirist. According to one of the widespread versions, personal hostility between Shenderovich and Putin arose after the Russian president was presented in the program "Dolls" in the form of an ugly dwarf. After that, the program disappeared from the air for a long time, and subsequently began to go out only at night.

Dolls - Shenderovich's successful project

In subsequent years, Viktor Shenderovich began to appear frequently on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, as well as Radio Liberty. Subsequently, on both of these radio channels, Shenderovich began to conduct his own programs ("Processed Cheese" and "Everyone is Free").

Shenderovich in politics

In 2005, Viktor Shenderovich also made an attempt to get into the State Duma of the Russian Federation. A well-known publicist and presenter participated in the elections as an independent candidate, but in the end he won only 19 percent of the vote in the University District of Moscow. A well-known Russian author wrote a separate book about his unsuccessful campaign in politics - "The Fool, or How I Defeated Mark Twain."

After 2005, Viktor Shenderovich no longer participated in the elections. However, led vigorous activity as an opposition group "Committee 2008: Free Choice". Subsequently, the well-known publicist also became one of the cultural figures who signed the open manifesto "Putin must go."

During this period, Viktor Anatolyevich did not interrupt his activities as a leader. AT different years he hosted programs on the RTVi channel, and also released projects “In short!” and "Raisin from a Roll", which were also satirical in nature and ridiculed the authorities in Russia.

Viktor Shenderovich at present

Currently, Shenderovich continues to work as a writer and radio host. In addition, the well-known Russian satirist writes his own column in the socio-political magazine The New Times.

Personal life of Viktor Shenderovich

For many years, Viktor Shenderovich has been living with his wife, Lyudmila Chubarova. The writer's wife is also a journalist, but not as widely known as her husband. Currently, celebrities live in Moscow, and are also raising their joint daughter Valentina.

In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture.

In 1980-1982 passed urgent military service in the Trans-Baikal Military District.

Since 1982, he worked as the head of the drama club at the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills, a teacher of stage movement at GITIS, and was a graduate student at the Shchukin Theater School with a degree in stage movement.

In 1992, he made an hour-long film about Zinovy ​​Gerdt, where he acted as a director and scriptwriter.

From 1994 to 2001 - screenwriter of the weekly program "Dolls" (DiXi - NTV).

In January 2000, he joined the initiative group that nominated Grigory Yavlinsky for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

Best of the day

After the capture of the NTV office by the team of Boris Jordan - Alfred Koch, on April 14, 2001, he filed a letter of resignation from the television company.

From May 19, 2001 to 2002 - artistic director, author and presenter of the Itogo program on the TV-6 Moscow channel.

In June 2001 he was elected an academician of the Academy of Russian Television (ART).

On January 11, 2002, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court confirmed the decisions of the lower courts on the liquidation of MNVK "TV-6 - Moscow". On January 15, 2002, the staff of the TV company TV-6 decided to establish a new entity- LLC "TV-6", one of the founders of which was V. Shenderovich.

In 2002-2003, he was the host of the Free Cheese program on the TVS channel.

In March 2003, he was among those who signed a letter addressed to the editor-in-chief of TVS Yevgeny Kiselev about his unwillingness to work with the director of the Information Service of the TV channel Grigory Krichevsky, referring to his "professional and human qualities" ("There was a suspicion, and it was confirmed that Krichevsky was mainly worked not for a television company, but was a "mishandled Cossack". To put it mildly, he took into account the interests of the authorities. He was in constant contact with the shareholders and with Voloshin. The question, of course, is not the fact of contact. The head of the information service, in our opinion, should be in contact with the administration in order to make it easier for the TV company to work, and not to be the head of the information service of the TV company, to make life easier for the administration." - Kommersant, March 18, 2003).

In July 2003, he began to cooperate with the Echo-TV television company, created by Vladimir Gusinsky and broadcasting in Russian abroad. He ran his page in the Russian Panorama program by Matvey Ganapolsky.

Since January 19, 2004 - one of the founders of the "Committee 2008: Free Choice" (committee chairman - Garry Kasparov).

October 3, 2005 announced his desire to run for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for by-elections on the 201st University Acting in Moscow.

On December 4, 2005, he ran the elections to the Duma to Stanislav Govorukhin, having received, according to official data, 15.91% of the votes (twenty-six thousand thirty-four people).


Database "Prosopographer - descriptor of persons";

database "Labyrinth"

Russian writer Viktor Shenderovich was born on August 15, 1958 in Moscow. His father, Anatoly, was a Soviet engineer who became famous for writing feuilletons, which were often published in the popular magazine Krokodil. It is noteworthy that Anatoly Semenovich published under the pseudonym Shenderov. The mother of the future satirist, Inessa Dozortseva, worked almost all her life as a music teacher at a technical school. Shenderovich also has an older brother, Sergei.

All photos 6

Viktor Shenderovich's parents have Jewish roots. His grandfather, Semyon Shenderovich, during the Soviet era was known as an ardent oppositionist who was subjected to Stalinist repressions in 1929 and 1948. Another grandfather of Shenderovich, Yevsey Dozortsev, is known as an employee of the NKVD and a hero of the Second World War. Evsei Samuilovich Dozortsev died in October 1941 in a battle near Leningrad.

early years

Shenderovich was known as a child the right child. He did not pull his classmates by pigtails, did not hit windows with a slingshot and never took part in hooligan showdowns. At the same time, the future writer successfully studied music. While still a schoolboy, Shenderovich entered one of the theater schools in Moscow, headed by Oleg Tabakov. The teachers at this theater school were such famous artists as Valery Fokin and Konstantin Raikin. It should be noted that together with Viktor Shenderovich, future stars of Soviet and Russian cinema, Larisa Kuznetsova and Vasily Mishchenko, studied at this school.

Finding yourself

In 1980, Viktor Anatolyevich graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography with a degree in film director. Immediately after graduation, the future writer served a year and a half in Soviet army in Transbaikalia. As Shenderovich himself admitted, it was the army that not only tempered him, but also made him a satirist. After serving in the army, Shenderovich headed the theater circle at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. It was from him that the very young Victoria Tolstoganova and Olga Kabo studied. In parallel with his work in the circle, Viktor Shenderovich taught stage movement to future actors at the Shchukin School and GITIS. Since 1990, Shenderovich only wrote, but his work was not successful. The editors refused to publish the satirist's works. But still, in 1991 there was a breakthrough of a young writer who finally published the first collection of short stories. This was the beginning of Shenderovich's stellar journey. Since then, the humorous essays of the satirist have not only been published regularly, but have also been awarded many prizes in the field of literature.

TV Success

Thanks to his popularity, Victor got a job on television. In 1992 he became the screenwriter of the cycle documentaries on ORT. And two years later, Shenderovich became the author of the extremely popular satirical project "Dolls" on NTV. Subsequently, this project received the TEFI-1996 award.

Later, the famous satirist worked on television as a presenter. Shenderovich became the face of such programs as Total, Interference on the Air and Free Cheese. Most of these television projects were exclusively humorous in nature.

Shenderovich and politics

In the early 2000s, Shenderovich began to show a pronounced oppositional bias. The reason for this was an unspoken conflict with the new Russian President Vladimir Putin, who did not appreciate the humor of the satirist in the "Dolls" project. In this humorous show, Putin was presented as a terrible and vile dwarf. Subsequently, this satirical program fell off the air for a while and lost its former popularity. And Victor himself increasingly began to appear on the radio. In 2005, the famous writer decided to run for the State Duma. However, Shenderovich's political experience was unsuccessful. The satirist lost the election to director Stanislav Govorukhin. But he did not leave politics and now writes his own column in the New Times magazine, which is famous for its political orientation. The satirist also continues to publicly criticize Vladimir Putin, calling for his resignation.

Personal life of Viktor Shenderovich

In 1985, Viktor married journalist Lyudmila Chubarova, who had been successfully working for the AIDS-info newspaper for a long time. A year later, the couple had a daughter, Valentina. For a long time Shenderovich's personal life was not full of intrigues and scandals, but in 2010 the satirist was involved in an unpleasant sex scandal. A video appeared on the Internet, which depicts the intimacy of a satirist with a girl of easy virtue Ekaterina Gerasimova. The appearance of this video on the Internet is primarily associated with political activities Shenderovich, who is in opposition to the current government. Wife Lyudmila Chubarova saw this video, but decided in the heat of the moment not to break the marriage bond. As a result, the couple continues to work together family life in the capital of Russia.

    Writer satirist, author of television programs; was born on August 15, 1958 in Moscow; graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture with a degree in "director of amateur theater groups" in 1980, assistantship ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Shenderovich, Victor- Writer, satirist, journalist, public figure Writer, satirist, publicist, playwright and public figure. Screenwriter of the television program Dolls (NTV, 1994 2002), author and host of TV programs Total (NTV, 1997 2002), Interference on the air (TVS, 2002), ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Soviet and Russian writer, satirist, television and radio host, publicist Date of birth: August 15, 1958 ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich Soviet and Russian writer, satirist, television and radio host, publicist Date of birth: August 15, 1958 ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich Soviet and Russian writer, satirist, television and radio host, publicist Date of birth: August 15, 1958 ... Wikipedia

    Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich (b. 1958) Shenderovich V.A. Biography Born August 15, 1958 in Moscow. AT kindergarten learned the value of collectivism. In 1975 he graduated without regret high school. According to the first diploma, a cultural enlightener of the highest ... ...

    Shenderovich V.A. Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich (b. 1958) Writer, TV presenter. Aphorisms, quotes Shenderovich V.A. biography The individual is in principle capable of ascent. At populace this same mass is too great to climb up. But… … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    A Jewish surname derived from the personal name Shender (a dialectal form of the name Sender in Northern Yiddish). Shenderovich, Viktor Anatolyevich (born 1958) Russian satirist writer. Revich, Alexander Mikhailovich (real name Rafael ... ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich Soviet and Russian writer, satirist, television and radio host, publicist Date of birth: August 15, 1958 ... Wikipedia


  • Savelyev, Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich, Viktor Shenderovich's new story "Savelyev" is read in one breath, although its theme is quite traditional for Russian, and not only Russian literature: burnout, moral self-destruction ... Category: Series: It's About Time! Publisher: Time,
  • A fool, or How I defeated Mark Twain, Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich, In this book, the writer Viktor Shenderovich talks about how he became a member of the State Duma and what he learned about himself and the country while he was walking. Sharp, sarcastic and sad, the book is not... Category: Modern Russian prose Publisher: Zakharov,

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