Husband of Irina Lopyreva. Victoria Lopyreva with her mother Irina in an interview with HELLO! Relationship with daughter

Tourism and rest 24.08.2019
Tourism and rest

"Victoria! Title Most sexy woman Russia, definitely yours. Sexuality sparkles from any of your photos. I have no words. I'm a woman, my eyes widen. Beauty, Sexy, Stylish, Gorgeous. I have been subscribed for a long time and before insta I was always delighted, well, you just look and the eye rejoices. And Mom, of course, is a Gorgeous Woman, ”“ Victoria, I can’t believe that this mother of yours) is very young and beautiful) oh, I would like to keep it that way,” How beautiful you are, mother is like a sister))) Pregnancy has not changed you, you are beautiful as always! !!”, “It’s incredible to think that this sexy brunette will soon become a grandmother.”

Recall that Irina Lopyreva, a journalist by her first education, but in her youth she was famous model. Until now, her appearance amazes the audience and makes the star shower with compliments. She is currently in business.

Earlier, Irina, in an interview with, shared that in her old age she dreams of opening her own small cafe, where she will “give flowers from own garden". “I would like to try myself as a grandmother of numerous grandchildren. I also imagine myself planting flowers, playing the piano in the evenings, cooking delicious lunches and - of course - traveling. It's great that next year her dream of a grandson or granddaughter will definitely come true!


    The story of 22-year-old Emilia Kruse, who survived stage IV cancer, has been discussed by the whole country for the second day. The half-sister of the famous TV presenter and philanthropist Victoria Lopyreva went through a terrible illness with the help of funds that raised the necessary amount for treatment. Help from the famous sister Emilia did not wait. Victoria's mother, 57-year-old Irina Lopyreva, caught Emilia in a lie, telling SUPER that her daughter was not at all aware of her sister's illness.

    AT exclusive interview SUPER father of Victoria Lopyreva and her sister Emilia, 67-year-old Peter Kruse, spoke about the threats received from Victoria against her sister.

    Your ex-wife Irina, Victoria's mother, considers Emilia's interview blackmail to extort money.

    She is delirious. 25 years have passed, and she still has cockroaches in her head. Yesterday there was a call from her, she poured a bucket of dirt on me and even gave an interview in which she accuses me. Although no one attacked her. She is already inadequate, and yesterday she completely crossed all boundaries. It does nothing but laugh.

    Victoria assures that she did not know about any illness of her sister.

    I think it's a lie. Specifically, we did not turn to her for help, because she had long ago let us know that she has her own life, we have our own.

    Emilia said that Vika knew exactly about the disease. So how could she know if you didn't ask for help?

    We informed Vika that Emilia was ill. There was a very bad story. When Emilia was already sick, she posted in social network joint photo with Vika. A few hours later, Vika called us in turn with a scandal, demanding to remove the photo, and began to threaten trouble. We removed the photo, but not because we were scared, it was just very unpleasant. I told her: “Vika, you know, Emilia is seriously ill, she is now undergoing chemotherapy, and you are making scandals for her because of some photo. If you are ashamed of us, we will not bother you in the future." She did not answer, and after that we did not communicate for four years.

    Did she react at all when she found out about Emilia's illness?

    Absolutely nothing. She only said: "Hold on!" And that's it.

    Why is that?

    The fact is that until the age of 17, Vika had a normal relationship with us, despite the fact that we parted ways with her mother a long time ago. She was at our house, went to the parents of my current wife. She was a member of the family, and there was no antagonism. What happened next, I don't know.

    Did you have conflicts?

    There were no obvious ones. In my opinion, her mother is not quite adequate. Maybe she turned Vika against me.

    Why did you break up with Vicki's mother?

    The lady took a walk. She had such a festival that half the city knew.

    Did she cheat on you?

    She did it with such pomp that the whole city was on the ears. I have many acquaintances in Rostov, and she glorified me so much ... It happened in the 80s, then I was terribly angry and offended. Now I don't care anymore, but she can't calm down.

    Why then does she say that she left you?

    I don't know, maybe she's more comfortable that way. I went myself to a rented apartment. Her parents lived in my apartment for about four years. Then her mother died, followed by her father. Only then was I able to return to my apartment. As a result, he got in the face.

    Do you want to talk to Vika and ask why she does this?

    I spoke to her yesterday. Irina called, then handed the phone to Vika. She said that we want to drown her, since Emilia gave such an interview. Although she said in an interview honest truth. Vika began to threaten me that Emilia would have big problems and for her to be careful. Said she hated Emilia for taking her father away from her.

    Will you forgive her?

    I don't hold a grudge against her. She was wound up yesterday, but I will not show any initiative to communicate. There were no complaints from our side.

    How is Emily feeling?

    She is very uncomfortable, but she holds on. She does not need these stresses, despite the fact that she has been in remission for two years now. We were surprised when Irina questioned Emilia's illness. If necessary, we have all the information.

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They are united by something more than just the status of "daughter-mother": both undoubted external attractiveness, and similar professional experience, and most importantly, a very strong emotional connection. On the eve of Mother's Day, which will be celebrated in Russia on November 30, Victoria and Irina Lopyreva took part in a photo shoot for HELLO!

"They're like sisters," fans of model and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva said when she made her first public appearance with her mother at Paris Fashion Week last year. Irina Lopyreva is a successful businesswoman, former journalist, model of the Rostov House of Models. According to Victoria, it was her mother who unwittingly influenced her decision to try herself as a model. Why did I take part in the first beauty contest? On the one hand, a chain of accidents, on the other hand, it was curiosity, a challenge to myself. Since childhood, it seemed to me that my mother was so cool that it was basically impossible to be better than her. But I still decided to try ... - says Vika.

The fact that people - and especially famous, successful, attractive ones - are far from being admired by everyone, Victoria has known for a long time and tries to take it for granted. The last illustration is a recent story at the Koltsovo airport, when Vika was removed from the flight Yekaterinburg - Moscow because she allegedly flatly refused to turn off mobile phone while taxiing the aircraft before takeoff. As soon as I got on board, I immediately felt that I was disliked by one of the flight attendants. Everything that happened after was a consequence. The story was picked up by the media, tales began to appear that I allowed myself profanity against the flight attendant, threatened the safety of the flight - the accusations were simply monstrous! I always acutely experience injustice, and even more so - if I did not do anything for which I could be ashamed. When the amount of lies in the press began to go off scale, I decided to take an extreme measure - I passed a lie detector test. He showed that everything I said is true,

Says HELLO! Vika.

Irina: Those who know my daughter well did not believe this story - in the form in which it was presented by the press - for a second. Vika has been flying with this airline for more than ten years, but never, not once, did she have any problems with the crew. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, they are trying to present her as almost a brawler! At the same time, in our time of craze for gadgets, there is not a single video evidence that she behaved "somehow wrong", although the plane stopped for a very long time - strange, isn't it? There are no complaints against Vika and the police present on board. They also tried to convict my daughter of taking the place of a couple with a small child instead of her place. But this family, which was tracked down by the "Man and the Law" program, stated that they simply exchanged equal places with Vika and were not against it. I can guess what caused the action, ultimately directed against my daughter, but God is the judge of those who took on such a sin. Sooner or later, each of us is responsible for our actions.

Victoria: Mom, just don't worry, because it's all in the past. Let's talk about something nice. We met to talk about how I grew up, how in many respects thanks to you I took the first steps in the profession.

Irina: To be honest, I did not at all strive for Vika to become a model. My daughter studied mathematics, English, music, dance, and I always said: yes, while you don’t know who you want to become in the future, but you can create a wide field of opportunities for yourself. And when the time comes to make a choice, you will have many directions in your asset, which means that the choice will be more conscious. I am convinced that nothing should be imposed on a child, he is already from birth a personality, a person with his own destiny, just so far small and defenseless; and my mother is only his "guide" in life ... At the same time, I could not help but note one fact: Vika began to increasingly attract the attention of scouts of modeling agencies. From childhood she was thin, long-legged, with gorgeous long hair ...

Victoria: How much I had complexes at school because of this! I hid my thin ankles in boots, under which I put on accordion socks, so that my legs did not visually appear so thin. (Smiles.) But when she became an adult, of course, she thanked her parents more than once for such genetics.

And then I asked Vika if she wanted to try herself as a model, but the answer was no. At that time, the daughter was fond of roller skating, everything free time devoted to competitions, climbing camp and reading. Vika grew up in the troubled 90s, when children, for many reasons, practically stopped reading. I remember she asked why pick up a book if it is impossible to talk about what you read with your peers - they are not interested. Fortunately, my husband and I still managed to convince her.

Victoria: When I was 15 years old, my mother sent my photos to the beauty contest "Model Dona", but she did not tell me anything about it. Once rang out phone call: "Victoria, you made it to the semi-finals of the competition, we are waiting for you at the final." - "What final? What competition? I don't understand!" - "Well, of course: we have your photos - you must be there." On that day, my boyfriend accompanied me to my English language, and I said, "Let's f-go to the agency." And I myself think: I’ll mark it for a tick, and that’s it. I was in a simple summer sundress, without styling, makeup, just a girl who was going to a tutor. I go in, and around - beauties in crinolines, with make-up, complex hairstyles. I was already preparing to run away from there, when suddenly someone's hand fell on my shoulder: "Victoria, finally! Come in!" Then everything is like a fog. Some fuss, winners are announced. And suddenly the presenter announces: "Well, I won the competition ... Victoria Lopyreva!" They literally push me onto the stage, hang a ribbon, give flowers. Then no one took my victory seriously. Even myself. Just in the future, when I had free time, I participated in competitions and won.

The Miss Russia contest, where I won in 2003, became the final point. After him - so I decided - was to begin new stage in my life. By that time, I was already studying at the Rostov State Economic University. I confess that I chose this university also because my boyfriend studied there: it was convenient for us to go to classes together. (Laughs.)

Irina: I was against such a decision - I thought that first my daughter needed to get a good humanitarian education. But she didn't insist. This is her life, let her try. In the end, everything that is done brings us experience. Here, let's say, did Vika come in handy in life competitions in beauty contests? Undoubtedly. After all, this not only makes you improve your figure, gait, plasticity, but also tempers your character. There are many beautiful ones, but only a few win - not only beauty affects the result. Irina Lopyreva

Victoria: You can’t go to the competition just to prove to everyone: you are the most beautiful. It is important how you are going to use this experience to develop your personality and career. For example, my victory in the Miss Russia contest helped me get on television, which had attracted me for a long time. I was already living in Moscow when I found out about the casting of the hosts for Lev Novozhenov's program "Question, Another Question" on NTV. Lev Yurievich became my first mentor. Then there was "Football Night", other programs about sports. When I was offered to host a fashion and style program, I decided to lose weight. By this time, somehow imperceptibly for myself, I gained extra pounds. She began to read specialized literature, became interested in nutrition, and as a result, she not only lost ten kilograms, but also developed her own nutrition system.

Irina: Since childhood, Vika has this quality: if she thinks of something, she will go to the end. Her father and I chose a name for our daughter for a long time, but we did not like all the options. And suddenly the name came by itself - Victoria. Victory.

Victoria: Today I do a variety of things, but I am still in love with television. Now our team is filming new project"Football kitchen", which is at the junction of my two hobbies - football and cooking. I learned to cook from my mother, she does it perfectly. Fedor and I (Victoria's husband is a football player, striker of the Yekaterinburg "Ural" Fedor Smolov. - Ed.) Give funny names to some of her dishes, for example, Mama Arabyata pasta. (Laughs.)

Irina: By the way, Vika is now also a restaurateur: the Graff Lounge restaurant was recently opened, which she and her husband conceived as a place to meet close friends. There you can not only have lunch, but also watch football.

Victoria: Passion for cooking is far from the only thing that was passed on to me from my mother. Mom taught me the art of being a woman! We always talked heart to heart, but it was enough for me just to be around, to observe how she behaves, how she looks. I remember in Rostov people looked out of the windows to look after her - she was like an animated picture from a magazine.

Victoria Lopyreva with her mother, mid-80s

Irina:(Smiling.) I became a fashion model in my first year at university. Once I was stopped on the street by fashion designer Galya Minkina and offered to come to the House of Models. I came out of curiosity, and it so happened that I stayed for a long time. I did not advertise my occupation then - I studied at the Faculty of Journalism (it was considered ideological), and the word "fashion model" still cut the ear of a Soviet person. But this did not remain a secret for long: at that time there were only six fashion models in Rostov, including me, and our photographs were everywhere. Then, after finishing my career as a fashion model, I got a second higher education, went into business - this was required by the time, the general situation in the country, in the family.

Victoria: Mom always feels that she will be in demand, feels people - she has a very strong intuition. I often care about her opinion about a particular person.

Irina: Of course, I share my opinion, but you need to fill your own bumps in order to learn something. Especially when it comes to personal life. I do not like to interfere in this area, but somehow it happened that I always had excellent relations with Vika's boys.

Victoria: My first boyfriend still calls my mother, congratulates on all the holidays, and my mother - him.

Irina: And there is.

Victoria: Although, of course, all those stories are long in the past. Now I am happy in family life. My husband Fedor is the person with whom I understood what it means to be truly happy.

Irina: Vika and Fedor have a lot in common: similar views, lifestyle, hobbies.

Victoria: For example, we love to travel ... Football players, in principle, are on the road all the time, and I recent times I fly a lot also because I help refugees.

Irina: Vika travels with humanitarian aid nationwide (Victoria - President charitable foundation"Erasing the boundaries". - Ed.). She is very bright kind person who find it difficult to pass by someone else's misfortune. Once I learned about a girl from a city near Moscow who could not breathe on her own and needed urgent treatment abroad. The daughter made every effort to collect the required amount, and now, after treatment in England, the girl is free from the tube in the trachea and was finally able to utter her first word. Among Vika's wards are families of refugees from Ukraine, whom she took into care: she found them housing at her own expense, helped them get settled, clothe and feed their children. My daughter never mixes her affairs with politics, she never separates people along ethnic lines. It is important for her to simply help someone who needs it. I see: all this is done with great dedication, from a pure heart.

And in our free time, Fedor and I travel together. I used to dream of hosting a travel show, but now I have Instagram, other social networks and more than half a million subscribers who see the world through my eyes.

Irina: You know, maybe it sounds strange, but my daughter and I love to live in hotels. A wonderful feeling: something temporary, but for some period this is your home, and each time it is different, new. You have a minimum of things, you understand that at any moment you can easily pack your suitcase, leave this place, and life seems to start anew. As long as my daughter has no children, and I have grandchildren, it’s possible!

Victoria: My mother and I generally perceive life in a similar way, and I became who I am, largely thanks to her. Mom says that she does not expect gratitude, because, in her opinion, children do not owe anything to their parents. But I am ready to openly declare: I am very grateful to my mother! God grant that in the future I have the same relationship with my children as she has with me.

Text: Tatiana Ekeshina

The story of 22-year-old Emilia Kruse, who survived stage IV cancer, has been discussed by the whole country for the second day. The half-sister of the famous TV presenter and philanthropist Victoria Lopyreva went through a terrible illness with the help of funds that raised the necessary amount for treatment. Help from the famous sister Emilia did not wait. Victoria's mother, 57-year-old Irina Lopyreva, caught Emilia in a lie, telling SUPER that her daughter was not at all aware of her sister's illness.

In an exclusive interview with SUPER, the father of Victoria Lopyreva and her sister Emilia, 67-year-old Peter Kruse, spoke about the threats received from Victoria against her sister.

Your ex-wife Irina, Victoria's mother, considers Emilia's interview blackmail to extort money.

She is delirious. 25 years have passed, and she still has cockroaches in her head. Yesterday there was a call from her, she poured a bucket of dirt on me and even gave an interview in which she accuses me. Although no one attacked her. She is already inadequate, and yesterday she completely crossed all boundaries. It does nothing but laugh.

Victoria assures that she did not know about any illness of her sister.

I think it's a lie. Specifically, we did not turn to her for help, because she had long ago let us know that she has her own life, we have our own.

Emilia said that Vika knew exactly about the disease. So how could she know if you didn't ask for help?

We informed Vika that Emilia was ill. There was a very bad story. When Emilia was already sick, she posted a joint photo with Vika on the social network. A few hours later, Vika called us in turn with a scandal, demanding to remove the photo, and began to threaten trouble. We removed the photo, but not because we were scared, it was just very unpleasant. I told her: “Vika, you know, Emilia is seriously ill, she is now undergoing chemotherapy, and you are making scandals for her because of some photo. If you are ashamed of us, we will not bother you in the future." She did not answer, and after that we did not communicate for four years.

Did she react at all when she found out about Emilia's illness?

Absolutely nothing. She only said: "Hold on!" And that's it.

Why is that?

The fact is that until the age of 17, Vika had a normal relationship with us, despite the fact that we parted ways with her mother a long time ago. She was at our house, went to the parents of my current wife. She was a member of the family, and there was no antagonism. What happened next, I don't know.

Did you have conflicts?

There were no obvious ones. In my opinion, her mother is not quite adequate. Maybe she turned Vika against me.

Why did you break up with Vicki's mother?

The lady took a walk. She had such a festival that half the city knew.

Did she cheat on you?

She did it with such pomp that the whole city was on the ears. I have many acquaintances in Rostov, and she glorified me so much ... It happened in the 80s, then I was terribly angry and offended. Now I don't care anymore, but she can't calm down.

Why then does she say that she left you?

I don't know, maybe she's more comfortable that way. I went myself to a rented apartment. Her parents lived in my apartment for about four years. Then her mother died, followed by her father. Only then was I able to return to my apartment. As a result, he got in the face.

Do you want to talk to Vika and ask why she does this?

I spoke to her yesterday. Irina called, then handed the phone to Vika. She said that we want to drown her, since Emilia gave such an interview. Although she told the truth in an interview. Vika began to threaten me that Emilia would have big problems and that she should be careful. Said she hated Emilia for taking her father away from her.

Will you forgive her?

I don't hold a grudge against her. She was wound up yesterday, but I will not show any initiative to communicate. There were no complaints from our side.

How is Emily feeling?

She is very uncomfortable, but she holds on. She does not need these stresses, despite the fact that she has been in remission for two years now. We were surprised when Irina questioned Emilia's illness. If necessary, we have all the information.

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