Safonov Kirill Leonovich Sasha Savelyeva. “Children would be from such beauty”: Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov stopped hiding joint photos

Design and interior 18.08.2019
Design and interior

Kirill Leonovich Safonov - Russian actor 1973 year of birth.

Two last days I took up the study of the biography of Kirill Safonov, for a start I read the interviews that he gave, as well as those that he may not have given. You know, everyone public person such incidents happen, they write about him in the yellow press without his knowledge, they attribute to him those "exploits" that he did not perform. But, oddly enough, much of this jaundice ends up being true. I don’t read the yellow press at all, and also regarding Kirill Safonov - there’s not much to invent there, everything is transparent and understandable, no scandals, so I basically gleaned honest truth. I also studied the profile of Kirill Safonov and the profiles of his relatives in in social networks. What did I know about Kirill Safonov before I decided to write this article with a selection of his photographs? The points.

I knew that Kirill Safonov was a very interesting actor, I saw him briefly in some series. Made a good impression. And all why? Because the appearance is interesting, moderately cute, but brutal, disposable, solid, charming, something outwardly reminds me of the Scottish film actor Gerard Butler, especially when he has not shaved for a couple of weeks. . Played by Kirill Safonov - not to complain, this can be done not only in TV shows, he can always play the main character - colorful, textured, attracts attention.

  1. I also knew that Kirill Safonov was married to one of the soloists of the Fabrika group, Sasha Savelyeva, who was ten years younger than him. I also knew that they had been married for at least five years, the marriage was settled, they got used to it, there is love, they don’t like to be promoted, but they give interviews as needed.
  2. I also knew that Kirill Safonov sometimes falls into depression, withdraws into himself and can even be rude to his wife, then he really asks for forgiveness and generally works on himself in every possible way in this regard.

And what did I not know about Kirill Safonov, what was a discovery for me? The points.

    It turns out that Kirill Safonov is married for the second time and he has a charming adult daughter Anastasia. The girl works as a model and not anywhere, but in New York itself. Kirill Safonov is incredibly proud of his daughter and calls her Princess. You can learn more about his daughter here in this article.5 0 the best photos daughters of Kirill Safonov - model Anastasia Safonova

    Kirill Safonov married, while still very young, he was eighteen years old at that time, and his wife Elena turned sixteen. But these two got married not because Lena was pregnant, but because of deep and strong love, their daughter was born after 3-4 years. The relationship did not pass the test of strength, and ten years after registration, the couple broke up, both grew up and turned out to be completely different people, love is gone. Pro ex-spouse Kirill Safonov, I have written more in this article, . Elena Safonova by the way is a real beauty.

  1. Kirill Safonov moved his first family to Israel, where his relatives moved before him: his mother and sister. In Israel, Kirill played in the local theater, did not know Hebrew, but learned it in a couple of months. Kirill Safonov has Jewish roots, his father's name was Leon Kogan, when Kirill Safonov was fourteen years old, his dad died, but before that sad moment, Kirill's parents managed to get a divorce. Leon Kogan had four higher education, he was the chief engineer of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, read a lot, knew all of Mayakovsky by heart, but fatherhood was not his main calling, despite this, Kirill Safonov speaks only positively about his father. Kirill Safonov's mother is a writer, she composes poetry and prose, now she lives in Israel, but she writes not only about this country, but also about the Siberian village, where she was born and lived for a very long time.
  2. Kirill Safonov met Sasha Savelieva in karaoke on February 23, 2009, Sasha and Kirill were in different companies. When meeting, she did not know that she was a popular actor, but this is natural, there were not enough roles at that time in Safonov's filmography. The series “Tatyana’s Day” with his participation has just died down and many housewives and pensioners went crazy for Kirill Safonov, but Sasha Savelyeva probably didn’t watch TV - the tour was in full swing. But he didn’t recognize her, since most likely he wasn’t very fond of pop music either, he didn’t watch Star Factory, he knew that the girl was most likely a singer, but he had no idea exactly what kind of girl she was. But he liked Sasha Saveliev immediately, Kirill began to look for her contacts through mutual friends, the next day the guy in love was already scribbling text messages to Sasha. Kirill Safonov rather quickly proposed to his beloved, he literally immediately realized that this was his man, the one with whom he had been waiting for so many years. According to Kirill Safonov, Sasha Savelyeva is not capable of meanness, like himself, in general, they coincide with him in many respects, these two have similar moral principles and priorities in life in the same way.
  3. Kirill Safonov is a master of all trades, he has been working since the age of 14, he has the professions of a bricklayer, concrete worker, carpenter, taxi driver, railway repair master, bartender. In addition, for fifteen years, Kirill Safonov painted paintings that he sold through galleries, they sold well, there was enough money to rent an apartment and to buy bread and butter. Kirill Safonov mastered another profession while waiting star roles, he became a web designer, and this already suggests that the family will not disappear with this guy, he will always find how to earn a living and even if it will not be some fabulous sums, after all, Kirill Safonov is not a businessman yet, but his loved ones will not die of hunger. This man does not shun any work, he is not a fan of lying on the couch.
  4. Fame came to Kirill Safonov only at the age of 34. By this time, he practically despaired of finding an outlet for his creative energy, but still fortune smiled at him, now his name is known to many, even to those who do not watch TV shows. Yes, and Russian actors do not have to choose too much. There are few good films released in our country, but they can’t sit without work. TV shows are like TV shows, there's nothing wrong with that.

My attitude towards Kirill Safonov is purely positive. This guy is pretty educated. Well-read, has his own personal opinion, multifaceted, like not a womanizer. If only he and his wife Sasha would stop mentioning God in their interviews. It is high time for them to understand that it is not God who gives children and other blessings of life. Well, I don’t understand how adults think that God cares about them. Well, drunks will have children and a lot, God gives them to them? It is time for many to understand that this is nature, health, compatibility, and other factors. Some get it, some don't. And it was not God who brought this couple together, they were brought together by chance. So I noticed that almost all actors like to drag God around wherever they go. When the Nazis burned whole families in the houses of living people, the god closed his eyes, and when Sasha Savelyeva was looking for a husband, the god opened them and pointed to the pleasant man Kirill Safonov in all respects. Well, in general, a very pleasant, harmonious couple Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva and everything will be fine with them. The main thing is that they are happy with each other. The reader will also forgive me Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva for a portion of tar in a barrel of honey.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia and wife Alexandra.

In this photo, the daughter of Kirill Safonov and his first wife Elena.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia.

And in this photo, Kirill Safonov's mother, this woman's name is Galina Semyonovna Safonova.

The couple rarely appears at social events, and you rarely see them on social networks. And here for last month the lovers were open. Increasingly, both joint pictures and photos of each other began to appear on Sasha and Kirill's Instagram. The singer's husband does not at all hide his admiration for his beautiful wife and often shares her photographs with enthusiastic captions. Recently, the couple exchanged declarations of love on Instagram, posting joint photos.

But fans of the artists are not used to this and, as usual, began to discuss the couple as if they had just started dating. It turns out that most people think that Kirill is much more beautiful than Alexandra.

“How did Sasha get such a man?”

"How beautiful you two are"

“I still can’t believe how Sasha managed to grab such a man! Cyril is very handsome"

“In general, she is not a couple to him ...”

“When you are with him, you are especially beautiful”

The girl's fans protect their favorite singer and want to have children as soon as possible.

“So Sasha is beautiful, actually ...”

“Happiness to you! Just don't disappoint us!"

"A beautiful couple. Children would be from such beauty "

Some remembered that Safonov had another wife and decided that Sasha took him away from the family. Cyril could not resist and replied that at the time of the meeting with the singer he had long been a bachelor. Indeed, Safonov divorced in 2001, and registered relations with Alexandra only in 2010.

Fans are watching with curiosity to observe the relationship of their favorite artists. For example, they recently learned that

Fans who dreamed of winning the heart of the handsome actor Kirill Safonov lost hope. He has beloved women: wife, soloist of the Fabrika group Alexandra Savelyeva, and adored daughter Anastasia. We met Sasha on February 23, 2009 in a karaoke bar. As it turned out later, neither I nor she had ever visited such establishments before. Fate brought Kirill Safonov together, you can’t say otherwise. Moreover, under very piquant circumstances: Sasha went to the ladies' room, and I left the men's room. Our eyes met, and it was as if a spark flew between us! "I saw you somewhere." - "And I - you."

I immediately noticed what wonderful eyes she had. And when we started talking, it turned out that we coincide literally in everything. And already on March 8, I made Sashenka an offer: I invited her to my favorite restaurant, presented a bouquet of roses and a ring with two hearts made of white and yellow gold. So now March 8 and February 23 are not only state holidays for us, but also personal holidays.

We got married a year after we met - on April 17, 2010. This is right when people first just meet, get to know each other, apply to the registry office, and only then begin to live together. No one knew about our wedding, except for relatives. Everything was very solemn: the Tsaritsyno estate, the beautiful Catherine's Hall, the master of ceremonies in the costume of the era of Peter I, the string quartet ... And all this magic is just for us!

In 2015, we celebrated a wooden wedding in one of the Moscow restaurants. Invite your friends and have fun! Producer Igor Matvienko came on stage in a cassock and blessed Sasha Savelyeva and me. And we again confessed our love to each other and swore an oath of allegiance - together in sorrow and in joy. The girls from the "Fabrika" sang their song for us. Sasha also, as they say, "gave jazz" - she sang some great blues compositions from her solo program.

The longer we are together, the dearer and closer Sasha becomes to me. She goes to all my performances, accompanies me on tour. My dream is to work together. I recently shot a video for the Fabrika group for the song Love. The clip turned out to be a little psychedelic, not like what the Factory had done before, but the girls really liked it.

Five years ago, for my birthday, I gave Sasha a smooth-haired Jack Russell Terrier named Sebastian. At home we call him Basti, Bastusha, Bastion. He does not like to communicate with other dogs, he is more interested in people. He is very kind and understands everything. For example, if he is scolded for leprosy or he does not like the new collar, then Basti immediately closes his ears, and world sorrow appears in his eyes ... Sasha loves "our smaller brothers", helps to find owners for homeless animals. When the opportunity arises, we will also adopt an animal from a shelter.

The greatest happiness is my Princess Anastasia (daughter of Kirill Safonov from his first marriage). Nastya for a long time lived with her mother in Israel, but came to me for shooting. She is a real beauty and I decided to take her to a good modeling agency. It turns out that I unwittingly chose her profession. In July, Nastya will turn 22, she works in the modeling business in one of the best New York agencies. Unfortunately, we don't see each other as often as we would like. Recently, Nastya had a lover - Stephen, he is an Englishman. My daughter introduced us when Sovremennik and I were on tour in London. I am very happy that Sashenka and Nastya became friends. They are my guardian angels!

I'm a good cook, but my best food is meat. True, I’m far from Sasha - in my opinion, she can do absolutely everything! My wife often spoils me with various delights. I love the dish that she came up with herself - glass noodles with turkey and vegetables in sesame sauce. We rarely go out together. I am not a fan of this tinsel at all. The only exception is the Moscow International Film Festival. Sasha and I have a tradition: every year we attend the opening and closing ceremonies. Cinema is a part of my life, and Sasha has a place to “walk” dresses! (Laughs.)

We like to travel, discover new places. True, vacations rarely coincide. On vacation, we completely relax, literally fall into childhood! We were in the Maldives Cote d'Azur. I really liked Salzburg. Last summer we had a wonderful rest in Montenegro! We often fly to Israel to my mother - there is a second home for me. In April, Sasha and I celebrated a copper wedding in the Holy Land. I hope we live to see gold! My beloved is a gentle angel sent to me by heaven, her care and love make me better. Sashka's magical smile is able to dispel any of my fears and doubts, restore faith in myself and turn life into a dream. Sasha is my life. No her, no me...

Video about Kirill Safonov:

On April 17, Sasha Savelyeva, the soloist of the Fabrika group and actor Kirill Safonov celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary. This year, they did not arrange such a magnificent celebration as the couple celebrated their fifth anniversary last year.

Last year, the star couple arranged a real wedding in the capital's Backstage restaurant. The couple once again exchanged vows of love and fidelity, gathered numerous star friends and had a loud party.

In 2010, everyone was shocked by the secret wedding of the popular serial actor Kirill Safronov and the "factory" beauty Sasha Savelyeva, they hid the most significant event In my life. The artists staged secret wedding in the company of relatives and friends in the Tsaritsyno estate without a magnificent banquet and dancing until midnight.

But 5 years family life the couple celebrated on a grand scale, because the real wedding, according to Kirill Safonov, they "then squeezed." The couple paid off in full for postponing the celebration for so many years. The couple celebrated their first family anniversary with a banquet for 250 friends, wedding dresses and a party in the style of black and white cinema.

On this occasion, Sasha again put on a wedding dress. The singer bought two dresses. one color dress Ivory was from designer Tony Ward, the other was a black mini for the party, which was sewn for the bride by a close friend Anastasia Zadorina. Sasha's colleagues from the Factory were wearing similar black outfits.

Over the years life together Kirill and Sasha proved that their relationship, which began with a casual meeting in a karaoke club, has stood the test of time. fans beautiful couple sincerely wish them an addition to the family. Kirill already has a 20-year-old daughter Anastasia from her first marriage, who lives in Israel with her mother. It remains to wait until the couple have a joint child.

A couple is struggling to conceive a child

The singer and actor have been married for four years. No deadline, you say? And in the party, no one expected this. Cyril, of course, is not listed as a womanizer, but he is a prominent man, and on the set he is constantly surrounded by beautiful and sexy young ladies. And 30-year-old Sasha is also not deprived of the attention of fans. Which give her every now and then luxurious bouquets and expensive jewelry.
It is clear that over the years the couple had both quarrels and reconciliations. Recently, as they say knowledgeable people They were on the brink of divorce.

My life is like a sinusoid, - Safonov likes to repeat, - it goes up, then it goes down. When I reach the bottom point, there is an unbearable lightness of being.
... Kirill's marriage with a "factory girl" is not the first. In 1994, he moved from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow, where he entered the RATI. And in Siberia, the guy left his wife Lena and one-year-old daughter Nastya.
“Kiryukha, like all visitors, first settled in a student hostel, and a year later, thanks to our master Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov, he got a room in the house of actors of the Mayakovsky Theater in Serebryany Bor, where he moved his family,” classmates recall.

After the institute, Safonov was hired by the Stanislavsky Theater. But it was not possible to feed his wife and daughter on a meager salary. And then he decided to "bomb" at night on his old "seven". True, it was difficult for the young actor to combine night work and creativity. Relations with his wife began to deteriorate. Constant lack of sleep and overwork made Safonov nervous, taciturn, and sometimes rude. He poured out all the negativity on his wife.
And suddenly Safonov was invited to work in the Israeli theater "Gesher", which in ancient city Jaffe. To celebrate, Cyril took his family in his arms and emigrated in 1999. It seemed to the artist that the new environment would help restore peace and love. But life over the hill could not strengthen the marriage. The crack between the spouses only increased. After Cyril returned home again in the morning, Elena announced that she was filing for divorce.

But 12 years of marriage is not so easy to erase from life, - old friends of the actor said. - Despite the fact that Cyril was going through a hard divorce, he and Lena managed to maintain friendly relations. And he loves his daughter to madness! Whenever possible, spends time with her, takes her on trips, to social events. Even brought her to act in films.
After the divorce, Safonov desperately tried to find another woman to replace his wife, but in vain. Friends increasingly began to see him very drunk, loitering around the city.
From time to time, the actor was invited to act in Israeli cinema. Unexpectedly, the film "Half-Russian History", where Cyril played leading role, included in competitive program Moscow Film Festival. Safonov had a reason to come to the Mother See again, and he took advantage of it.
Having quickly made the necessary acquaintances, Cyril got a big role in the long-running TV series Tatyana's Day. On the set of this project, the actor hit on his shooting partner Natalya Rudova, but this story did not grow into marriage.

A wise decision

Meanwhile, Cyril's future lover - Sasha Savelyeva from the Factory group - also tried to arrange her fate. But things did not go beyond flirting and short-term novels. The only star boyfriend of the singer was the figure skater Alexei Yagudin. Young people were paired in the second season of the television project " ice Age", and Lesha turned on all his charm to charm the girl. But, alas, she became just another quick victory in his never-ending Don Juan list. While the show was filming, the lovers lived together, and then fled.
Sasha met Kirill Safonov at the beginning of 2009. The man, who turned out to be 10 years older, immediately seemed to the girl an interesting conversationalist. For several months they carefully looked at each other, but then feelings took over the mind.
Cyril and Sasha carefully concealed the novel. The actor doubted whether he would accept new girl grown up daughter Nastya, who often comes to visit from Israel. And Alexandra could not forget the bitter experience with the "media face" - Yagudin.
But everything worked out as it should. Nastya and Sasha found mutual language, and Savelyev and Safonov tried not to take out their personal happiness outside the doors of their homes. Like the quarrels that recent times began to happen more often.
- What kind of wife will like that her missus is filming somewhere all the time, kissing other women ?! - shared the dresser Polina Vorotyagina. - Yes, and Cyril did not always come home from expeditions, where a hot dinner was waiting for him. Sasha, after all, is also on tour or nature reserves all the time. At the beginning of summer, miraculously, they managed to escape together on vacation - to the Dead Sea. Kira then shared his impressions, excitedly told how beautiful his wife was. And then - again silence. I heard that they were even going to scatter in the fall. Like, this is not a family, but so, a guest relationship. But the wise Sasha found a way out.
According to Savelyeva's colleagues, knowing that her husband dreams of a son, she decided to get pregnant at all costs. Yes, and it's time. Turning 31 in December! He tells his girlfriends that he won’t go on maternity leave for a long time, he will quickly get in shape and continue to work. Ira Toneva and Tonya Klimenko support Sasha. And we are sure that it will turn out not to quit the stage, and become a good mother. There would be a desire.

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