As Arthur Smolyaninov called his son. Daria Melnikova and Artur Smolyaninov: a love story, a secret wedding and expectation of a child

Health 24.06.2019

Daria Melnikova carefully guards his personal life. She and her husband Artur Smolyaninov still hide the face of their son Arthur, who will soon be 3 years old. And even his photos from the back in the microblogs of the actors are very, very few.

Instagram @melnikovadsh

Instagram @smolyaninovofficial

By the way, fans learned about the first pregnancy and the birth of Arthur only some time after the birth of the boy.

Therefore, many reasonably doubted that Daria Melnikova would officially confirm her pregnancy. And yet she did it: an eloquent photo ... in shoe covers!

Instagram @melnikovadsh

A big crocodile walked the streets,” Daria Melnikova signed the photo.

In the photo, Daria Melnikova supports an already rather large tummy. The wait, apparently, is not so long, and soon the actress will really go on maternity leave.

Fans noticed that the actress forgot to take off her shoe covers after visiting the medical center where she observes the pregnancy. The photo caused a strong reaction on the Web and in less than an hour, collected more than a hundred comments.

« Shoe covers are exactly what was missing)))»

Lady perfection)

« I forgot to take off the big crocodile shoe covers))))”

« Try to put on these shoe covers with such a belly first😣Congratulations ☺»

« Hooray, they finally said 💚🙏🏻"

Instagram @melnikovadsh

Not so long ago, Daria already hinted at her own pregnancy by posting a photo with an ambiguous caption on her microblog:

You have to listen to yourself. Believe yourself. Be at peace with yourself. Respect your inner voice! What if this situation happens every day? Vacation! What to do if such a situation every day after the holidays? Decree!

Instagram @melnikovadsh

By the way, pregnancy prompted Daria to open a small business of her own and ... start sewing clothes for pregnant women!


Recall that Daria Melnikova and Artur Smolyaninov got married in 2013. And in 2015, their first child was born, who was named Arthur in honor of the pope.

Instagram @melnikovadsh

Rumors about the second pregnancy of the star of "Daddy's Daughters" appeared at the end of summer, after a close friend and colleague of Daria - Christine Asmus- published a video on her personal blog, in which Melnikova had a rounded belly.

Daria Alekseevna Melnikova. She was born on February 9, 1992 in Omsk. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father - Alex. Mother - Natalia, worked at Omsk State University.

From the age of 3, she began to seriously engage in dancing as part of the Zhemchuzhinka folk art group. At the same time she studied at the school of arts until the age of 7 at the general aesthetic department. Further, until the age of 12, she studied at the choreographic and musical departments in the piano class.

At the age of 11, she studied at the theater studio for a year.

From the age of 12 she was engaged in dance ensembles (jazz, jazz-modern, hip-hop).

She grew up as an unusually mobile and capable child. Her mother said: “At first we sent her to drawing, choreography, singing and English at the same time. My daughter did absolutely everything, and the teachers praised her all the time. could not stand it and told her mother: "Stop torturing the child, you can see that she does not sit down on the spot!". Since then, Dasha has been mainly engaged in choreography and has grown up to be a very mobile and active girl. Therefore, all the heroines she plays are such cheerful and lively."

I got into the movie by pure chance. In 2007, the director of the film Cinderella 4 × 4. It all starts with desires ”Yuri Morozov and actress Oksana Stashenko noticed her at the Visual Arts Festival in the Orlyonok children's camp, where she danced with her choreographic ensemble.

For the performance of the main role in this tape, Daria was awarded two film awards: the award "For the best female role in a children's film" at the XII All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts and the award in the nomination "Best Female Children's Role" at the XVII Open Film Festival of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia "Kinoshock-2008".

In 2007, she also starred in the television series "Father's daughters" which brought her fame and popularity. She starred in the series until 2013.

In 2008, the entire group of key actresses from the sitcom "Daddy's Daughters" - Daria Melnikova, Miroslava Karpovich, Anastasia Sivaeva, Elizaveta Arzamasova and Ekaterina Starshova - were awarded the "Woman of the Year 2008" award according to Glamor magazine in the "Team of the Year" nomination.

Another landmark film for her was the film "Steel Butterfly", in which she played the Plague (Vika Chumakov). For her leading role in the film, she received in 2012 the Advance Award from The Hollywood Reporter Russia (as the “Most Promising Actress”) and the Jury Diploma of the XVIII Stalker International Human Rights Film Festival.

In 2011, she was the host of the Magic Dinomorning program on the STS channel.

In 2013, Daria graduated from the M. S. Shchepkin Higher Theater School (course of Vladimir Beilis and Vitaly Ivanov), in which she entered the budget place.

Since September 2013 - actress of the Moscow Theater. Yermolova. Roles in the theater: Manyushka (Zoyka's apartment by M. Bulgakov), Daughter (Pagans by A. Yablonskaya).

She published an autobiographical book, Pictures to Attract Attention. Dasha's memories of her native city, Omsk, occupy a large place in the book.

She starred in video clips of Butt ("Love above the clouds"), Andrei Kovalev ("Revolvers and Dolls") and others. Together with Butt, she recorded a video for the song "Summer ...".

In 2014, Maxim ranked her #27 on their list of the 100 Most sexy women Russia".

Growth of Daria Melnikova: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Daria Melnikova:

On August 31, 2013, she married an actor (serves at the Sovremennik Theater, known for numerous film roles - Secret Sign, 9th Company, Irony of Love, Five Brides, Samara 2 and others) .

Daria and Artur have known each other for a long time, and serious relationship between them began while working together on the set in the military series Major Sokolov's Getters.

Filmography of Darya Melnikova:

2007 - Cinderella 4×4. Everything starts with a wish - Cinderella
2007-2013 - Daddy's daughters - Evgenia Sergeevna Vasnetsova, third daughter
2008 - Squirrel in a wheel - Dasha
2008 - Obsessed - episode
2009 - Theft Rules - Angela Botova
2009 - Rowan waltz - Lyuba Sinitsa
2009 - Captain's Heart - Nemova Vika
2009 - Such is life - Lena Sokolova
2010 - Garages - Olya
2010 - Notes of the Expeditor of the Secret Office - Thekla
2011 - Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Office 2 - Thekla
2011 - Groom - Olya
2012 - Steel Butterfly - Vika Chumakova (Plague)
2012 - Alice knows what to do! - Alisa Selezneva
2012 - Mystery - Dione
2013 - Gagarin. First in space - Zoya (in childhood), Gagarin's sister
2013 - Fierce - Marina
2014 - Major Sokolov's getters - Nina Matrosova
2014 - Bosun Chaika - Maria
2014 - Invisibles - maid Tatyana
2014 - Once - Tanya
2015 - - Lera
2015 - From five to seven - Vera Samoryadova
2016 - Satellites - Lena Ogorodnikova
2016 - Mata Hari - Faith
2018 - Fierce-2 - Marina, trainee
2019 - Strong armor. Battle for Berlin - Natasha
2019 - Strong armor - Natasha

Voiced by Daria Melnikova:

2010-2014 - The Secret of the Sukharev Tower (animated)
2010-2013 - Alice knows what to do (animated)
2011 - Golden skies - Iyka
2013 - Mystery of Dion (animated)
2015 - The Secret of the Sukharev Tower. Wizard of Balance (animated)
2015 - Alice knows what to do (animated) - Alisa Selezneva
2017 - My super dad! (animated) - Alisa Selezneva

Video clips of Daria Melnikova:

2013 - "Love Above the Clouds" (Butt)
2013 - "Revolvers and Dolls" (Andrey Kovalev)
2014 - “Dream me” (Zorkiy)
2014 - “Summer ...” (Butt feat. Dasha Melnikova)
2015 - “If I knew” (Not my Front)

31-year-old Artur Smolyaninov and 23-year-old Daria Melnikova have been married for almost 2 years. Couple in 2013. For many, this news came as a big surprise.

In one of the interviews, Daria noted: " We didn't make any secret of it: we just went and got married. Everyone decided that we made a secret out of this, because we did not report the wedding to all publications. This is some kind of strange position of journalists - to consider it a secret. We just took and signed, and this should not worry anyone but us."

A frank interview after the wedding was given by Dasha's mother Natalya Melnikova: " She has seen enough of the Europeans who marry in what
horrible. So they themselves organized everything like this: without guests and outfits. They came to the registry office in jeans and jackets.

They signed just six months after they met. Arthur for Dasha is the first man. She took care of herself for her husband, like me and my grandmother. I think he appreciated it.

She saw in him a real man, like her father. The husband died a year ago.

Dasha really likes that her husband is the leader in their family. Although in fact, as she wants, so be it. Learned from me. I was the invisible captain of the ship."

are actively involved in charity work.

On March 31, a theatrical anthology of seven performances based on plays written by disabled teenagers was shown at the Sovremennik Theater. In the play " Unsuccessful divorce"Together with Arthur and actress Daria Melnikova, the authors also took part - fourteen-year-old Seva Popov and Fedya Lysikov (both blind), who played the children of a married couple who tried to get a divorce, but faced cunning opposition from boys.

In 2014, Melnikova and Smolyaninov hosted a charity concert to help children:

The couple does not particularly talk about their personal lives, however, in a recent interview, Daria said: " Age does not matter. Any relationship can be on time or not on time. This is how it turned out for me, which makes me very happy.

Yes, of course, I became an adult early, but I still lived all my life in the family of my parents. And then she moved to another family, with her husband. Maybe something will change with the advent of children? I don’t know, we’ll see, but so far I don’t feel the difference

At first, I was surprised that yogurt does not grow on its own in the refrigerator, and food does not appear on the stove by itself and things from washing machine do not iron and do not fit into the closet. This depressed me a little, but even as a child I did something about the housework, although my mother tried to protect me from this.."


Because joint photo There aren't many Dasha and Artur online, so I'll just add fresh photos guys:

Daria Melnikova

Alexander Sokolovsky and Daria

At the premiere of Renat Davletyarov's film "Once Upon a Time":

Alexander Golovin

Arthur Smolyaninov

Arthur at a rally against the arbitrariness of producers on May 21

In Petrozavodsk

May 2


Arthur with his family, photo from the family archive:

My mother is unique, she asks me not to talk so much about her in an interview. But there is no one better than my mother.

With mother, brothers and sister

With sister

My mother never raised me, in the classical sense. She simply said: it’s not worth doing this, because this and that will happen. And then - my business, how to behave.

The husband of the popular actress Daria Melnikova is the equally popular Arthur Smolyaninov. They met on the set of the TV series Major Sokolov's Getters, where they began a stormy office romance, which was later marked by their marriage. The newlyweds turned out to have quite a lot in common, both personally and in professional life. In particular, fate gave both of them a project that made them popular. For Dasha, it was the television series "Daddy's Daughters", where she played the role of Zhenya. For Arthur, the breakthrough was the image of Fierce in the film "9th Company". After these roles, both stars did not know the end of the fans.

Arthur is eight years older than Daria. He was born in 1983 in a rather creative family of artists, and his godfather was the future star of the screen and screenwriter Ivan Okhlobystin. Arthur also has a younger brother and sister. The actor began his professional career in 1998 with the release of the film "Who, if not us." At that time he was 14 years old. So in that regard, they also have similar fates with Dasha, who, as you know, started filming at an even earlier age.

After this picture, Arthur begins to act regularly in films and television. And in 2006, after his triumphant appearance in the 9th Company, he was accepted by Sovremennik. From this moment, Smolyaninov's theatrical career also begins. Throughout its professional activity the actor always had a lot of fans, many of whom hoped to achieve love, but for many years he waited for his soulmate, until he met Dasha on the set of the TV series Major Sokolov's Getters.

They immediately found mutual language established a relationship, which eventually grew into a stormy romance, and later into a wedding that took place at the end of the summer of 2013. And more recently, at the end of October 2015, they had a son.

Being both actors, the young family has to spend a lot of time apart. However, they are categorically convinced that this will in no way interfere with their happiness. In addition, Daria will have to leave the shooting for some time and take up the upbringing of their first child, which will serve as an extra incentive for the newly-minted dad to return from filming to his most beloved people as soon as possible.

AT recent times Daria Melnikova's main teacher in life was her son, and her husband became the first grateful spectator, support and support. The actress, not surprisingly, does not have a cherished role, a dream that people of this profession usually dream of.

Actress Daria Melnikova

Dasha likes to look for the unknown, a new meaning in what the directors offer. And it's not scary if someone has already played something similar.

Childhood and youth

Daria was born in Omsk. Some sources attribute the girl to kinship with people's artist Russia, allegedly he is his maternal grandfather. Others question this fact: the daughter of Mikhail Mikhailovich is called Alevtina, and the mother of the actress is Natalya.

Father Alexei, according to Melnikova, is an easy-going person, bursting with energy, and her daughter tried to keep up. That's why she grew up as a kind of "boy", impudent and bold. Dasha thanked much later for the awakening of femininity, telling how the director and producer took her shopping, preparing for Kinotavr. He did not imagine how an actress could appear at the festival without dressing up.

Already at the age of 3, the little girl began dancing in the children's choreographic ensemble "Pearl", which specialized in hip-hop, jazz and jazz modern.

From the age of 5, Daria went to ballet, and at 7 - to the school of arts in the general aesthetic department. Parents did not stop there: Melnikova studied at music school playing the piano and whole year attended a theater school.

At the university, and Daria received a diploma from the Shchepkin Theater School, the girl entered the second attempt. GITIS and VGIK rejected Melnikova. The actress later said that at that time she was not yet fully aware of what she really wanted. I was glad to get into Sliver, because there I met just those teachers who opened their eyes to the profession.

As Melnikova herself admitted, she did not become more talented from numerous shootings and acted only thanks to the sincere support of senior colleagues in the workshop, who helped with advice and encouraged in difficult moments.

After graduating from the Shchepkinsky school, Dasha, having lost faith in the prospects, wanted to quit acting. But she accidentally got into the Yermolova Theater, was introduced to the play instead, and soon gave out 3 premieres at once.


The acting biography of Daria Melnikova began by chance: in 2006, at the festival of visual arts in the camp "Eaglet", a talented girl during the performance of "Pearl" was noticed by director Yuri Morozov. He was impressed by the artist's charm and immediately invited Dasha to perform leading role into a children's film called Cinderella 4x4. Everything starts with desires. The film was released on wide screens after 2 years.

"Cinderella" was a success, and the young performer of the main role at the 17th film festival "Kinoshock-2008" received a prize for the best female children's role. Also acting talent Melnikova was noted by the jury of the festival of visual arts already familiar to the girl, honoring her own prize. Such a recognition could not but affect Dasha's plans, the young actress seriously thought about pursuing a career in cinema.

In 2007, humorist Oleg Akulich, Melnikova's partner on the set, recommended Daria to try out for a role in the new humorous series "". The actress passed the competitive selection and got the role of the charming Zhenya Vasnetsova, a sporty and straightforward girl.

Daria Melnikova in the series "Daddy's Daughters"

This role in the sitcom was a turning point in the biography of Dasha Melnikova: the series gained immense popularity among viewers. Thanks to a busy work schedule, the girl learned acting subtleties right on the set. Her character quickly became the idol of teenagers aged 11-18. According to the artist herself, she has never been so popular with the opposite sex in ordinary life.

Since the shooting of "Daddy's Daughters" dragged on for 6 years, Daria managed to work on other films in parallel. The projects were quite diverse, among them - the action-packed crime television series "Rules of Hijacking", the romantic melodrama "Such is Life", the adventure serial film "Heart of Captain Nemov" and even the military film about the feat of young sappers "Rowan Waltz", in which Melnikova played Lyubov Sinitsa .

Trailer of the drama "Rowan Waltz"

Daria was also preparing to play the famous in the new film "The Adventures of Alice. Prisoners of three planets”, however, the shooting started in 2008 was suspended. In the film adaptation of the science fiction writer's works, Melnikova's partners on the set were Yevgeny Redko and. The film was released on wide screens 4 years later.

The matured Melnikova tuned in to work in serious projects. In 2012, the first qualitative breakthrough took place in acting career. The actress starred in the leading role of the crime drama directed by Renat Davletyarov called "Steel Butterfly", which closed the film festival "Kinotavr".

Daria Melnikova in the movie "Steel Butterfly"

The film received an 18+ rating for scenes of violence and sex. Intimate footage from the picture quickly gained popularity on the Internet. Daria herself is sure that everything is harmonious in the film: both the dirt and the vulgarity that the creators were accused of were absolutely necessary to reveal the story of the heroine. The actress watched the children on the street, fantasized about what they think, why they do certain things. The character turned out to be internally stronger than the performer of the role. And Melnikova said that she had to grow up to the level of this teenager, moreover, in her life she went through a period when she decided which man she would choose for the future.

The picture tells about a girl who, in order to escape punishment for her own crimes, is forced to make a deal with the police and become a bait for a maniac. Such a plot cannot be shown without dark details.

The difficult role of the desperate homeless child Vika Chumakova, nicknamed the Plague, opened up new horizons for Melnikova's dramatic role. Daria was awarded the Hollywood Reporter's Advance Award as the most promising actress.

Davletyarov invited Dasha to the main role in the melodrama Once Upon a Time, a remake of the film American. Melnikova played the girlfriend of the deceased brother of the protagonist. In the biographical tape “Gagarin. The first in space ”the actress, who looks like a teenager (height - 163 cm, weight - 50 kg), reincarnated as her sister, Zoya, in childhood.

Daria Melnikova in the movie "Fierce"

The heroine of the artist in the TV series "Fierce" is a member of a group of investigators headed by, in the comedy "Boatswain Chaika" - the wife of a cabin boy, who serves in the team of an inveterate bachelor in the performance. In the military drama "Satellites", where Daria received the supporting role of a nurse in a military hospital, the plot centers on the relationship of fellow doctors played by and, Margarita Volkova and.

The idea of ​​the melodrama "From Five to Seven" appeared in 2008, but the filming was hampered by the lack of funding. When the money was found, the script became obsolete. The film reached its logical end only in 2017 - the premiere took place at the Window to Europe film forum, and at the Amur Autumn Far East festival, the film was awarded the main prize. Daria's company in the project was made up of and. And since the plot unfolded in a cafe, the work on the role was remembered by the actress for the amount of Prague cake eaten.

Daria Melnikova in the movie "From Five to Seven"

In the role of the girl Vera Melnikova, she appeared in the biographical series "" with the participation, Hollywood stars and . The film was shot in Russia and Portugal, originally on English language, for Russian viewers subsequently re-voiced.

Military tape "Major Sokolov's Getters" about the confrontation of former officers tsarist army caught up after the revolution of 1917 by different sides barricades, the creators dedicated to the memory of who played the main role. In the picture, Daria Melnikova became one of the spies trained by the major of Soviet intelligence.

Personal life

Daria was credited with an affair with the actor after joint filming in the film Cinderella 4x4 and the TV series Such is Life. Colleagues played lovers on the screen, and in Everyday life talked a lot. The young actors turned out to have a lot in common, but Dasha admitted to the press that they were only friends with Alexander, and she had rather sisterly feelings for the guy.

In August 2013, Melnikova, sensationally for fans, married a popular Russian actor. Arthur and Dasha knew each other for a long time, but a romantic relationship began only at the end of filming in the series "Major Sokolov's Getters".

The wedding took place in secret from everyone, so as not to create unnecessary noise in the press. The public learned that Melnikova and Smolyaninov got married only thanks to the only photo left by the actress in the official group in in social networks. It is not customary for spouses to talk about their personal lives, in "Instagram" Daria has few joint pictures with Arthur.

By the way, Daria changed her last name and became Smolyaninova according to her passport. A year and a half later, it became known that the actress was pregnant, future mom continued to play in the theater even at a later date.

On October 27, 2015, the son Arthur appeared in the family. Coincidentally, Melnikova's son and husband's birthdays fall on the same date. The child was born at home, but this did not affect his health in any way.

"Daddy's Girl" is the face of the famous French company L'Oréal. Melnikova participated in advertising shootings for the L'Oréal Paris Pure Zone cosmetic line. And in 2015, Daria starred in a photo shoot for the Lamoda clothing brand. The photos attracted mass attention: in some shots, the actress is topless.

The artist is not deprived of literary talent either: she writes a blog on her own and plans to publish an autobiographical book under the intriguing title “Pictures to Attract Attention” in the future. In 2017, Dasha launched a clothing line for expectant and nursing mothers. Wardrobe items are sold in the online store.

In the fall of 2018, Melnikova stopped hiding that an addition was expected in the family. As in the case of the first-born, other information is kept secret by the parents.

Daria Melnikova now

Anniversary of events on Kursk Bulge the series Strong Armor was released about graduates of a tank school who fell into the inferno of World War II. Daria Melnikova, and played the main roles in the film. The winner of the show "Voice", who appeared in the image of a soloist of the Philharmonic, also took part in the filming.

The events of the painting “Strong armor. The Battle for Berlin” takes the heroes to the capital of Germany. There, tankers and nurses are waiting for new adventures and difficulties.

Now at the stage of post-production is the continuation of the detective "Fierce", in which Dasha still plays a trainee investigator. As planned by the authors, an intricate story about a deadly product of a pharmaceutical company grows out of the investigation into the murder of a journalist.


  • 2007-2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2009 - Rowan Waltz
  • 2012 - "Steel Butterfly"
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space"
  • 2013 - "Fierce"
  • 2014 - "Major Sokolov's Getters"
  • 2014 - Once Upon a Time
  • 2016 - "Satellites"
  • 2016 - "Mata Hari"
  • 2018 - "From five to seven"
  • 2018 - Strong Armor

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