Khabensky Konstantin Yurievich personal life. “I didn’t dare to show you everything ...” Rare photos of the only son of Khabensky

Recipes 06.08.2019

Was born:

Konstantin Khabensky. The story of someone who, dreaming of becoming a technician, conquered Russian cinema

Konstantin Khabensky is one of the most successful actors in modern Russian cinema. Khabensky managed to star in more than 50 films and receive the title of People's Artist of Russia. Who would have thought that at one time a successful actor dreamed of becoming a technician.

Khabensky was born on January 11, 1972 in Leningrad in a family of two engineers. It is not surprising that little Kostya dreamed of a career as a technician.

And after school, the boy's dream began to come true. Konstantin entered the aviation technical school of instrument making and automation. After three years of study, the future actor realized that he did not want to continue working in his profession and quit educational institution shortly before graduation.

In 1990, at the age of 28, Konstantin entered Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography named after Cherkasov. Then the young actor was lucky to study in the workshop of Filshtinsky.

After graduating from the institute in 1995, the actor played in the theater "Crossroads", however, only for one year. At the same time, he introduced an information program on local television. A year later, Khabensky got a job in the theater " Satyricon named after Raikin. I worked for a couple of years in theater of the Lensoviet. Here Konstantin managed to play in the outstanding performances of Butusov's "Caligula", Pazi's "Wait and see" and others.

Beginning in the 2000s, Khabensky moved to the Moscow stage, where he finds work that inspires him to this day. Konstantin - member of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater troupe, he is entrusted with the main roles in Vampilov's Duck Hunt, B. Brecht's Threepenny Opera and others.

Despite the truly outstanding and successful roles in the theater, of which there were many in Khabensky's career, the real fame and popularity of the actor came along with roles in film and television. The actor played his very first role while still a student.

So, in 1994, Khabensky opened his filmography with a small role in the film “ Who will God send". After 4 years, the actor managed to participate in 3 films at once, including " Women's property". The work of Khabensky in this film was noted at the Gatchina Film Festival.

Truth, general public Khabensky was remembered rather for his role in the TV series " destructive force". It was this work that allowed the young actor to become a real hero of his generation.

After the 90s, which were difficult for cinema, a wave of new Russian cinema began, in which Khabensky found his organic place. Already the first roles showed in the actor a special charisma, the ability to get used to the images and be remembered by the audience.

Along with filming a movie, Khabensky continues to act in TV shows. The actor, to the surprise of everyone, manages to combine work in films, TV shows and theater.

It is worth noting the more than successful work with director Timur Bekmambetov, which marked the beginning of a new period in Khabensky's career. "The night Watch"(2005) became one of the most successful Russian films.

And world fame brought participation in the film Bekmambetov "Extremely dangerous", in which, together with Russian actor played by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. The audience also remembered the role in the historical picture "Admiral".

Personal life of Konstantin Khabensky

A successful career was accompanied by success in his personal life. So, the first true love happened to Khabensky back in St. Petersburg in 2000. Exactly then he married the beautiful journalist Anastasia.

Seven years later, the 34-year-old wife gave birth to a son, Ivan. After that, a real grief happened in the Khabensky family. Nastya was diagnosed with brain cancer. Neither surgery nor expensive treatment in America could save the actor's wife. Anastasia lost the fight against a terrible disease and died on December 1, 2008.

Later for a long time, summer 2013, widower remarried actress Olga Litvinova, whom I met back in 2002, being married man. There were many quarrels and even partings between the spouses, but now real harmony and mutual understanding has come in the family. After long life trials, a serious illness and the death of his first wife, Khabensky nevertheless found happiness in family life.

The actor leads an active social life. Helps an aged actor, opens studios creative development where children across the country can take acting lessons for free.

The death of his first wife inspired Konstantin to create Foundation for the fight against cancer and other brain diseases in children. The fund was established in 2008, during which time hundreds of families have been helped. In addition to paying for the treatment of sick children, the fund is also involved in examinations, rehabilitation, assistance to medical institutions and even advanced training for doctors.

Konstantin Khabensky in 2012 was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Despite all the difficulties, Konstantin, who once dreamed of becoming a technician or, in extreme cases, an astronaut, has reached the heights acting career. Now Khabensky is a young, successful, popular theater and film actor. Thanks to his foundation, the artist seeks to save the lives of children from the disease that once made him lose his first true love and the mother of his son.

- a rather modest person. He is not tied to the attributes of wealth, does not change fashionable gadgets and cars like gloves. The same can be said about women. Konstantin had two marriages, and not a single divorce.

The first wife of Konstantin Khabensky

Many people know about the tragedy that the actor experienced in 2008. His beloved wife, the mother of his son Ivan, Anastasia, passed away.

They met in 1998, when Khabensky's popularity was just beginning to gain momentum. The artist at that time starred in the series "Deadly Force", a classic "soap" about the difficult police everyday life, and Anastasia worked as a radio journalist. Konstantin noticed a pretty brunette in a cafe and invited her to a performance.

Khabensky always spoke briefly about his wife to journalists: “ It was love at first sight. Nothing more, nothing less". In 2000, the couple officially registered their relationship. The wedding was modest, the newlyweds came to the registry office in sweaters and jeans.

The family life of the Khabenskys was not cinematic harmonious. Usually it is not customary for film actors to take their second half to the shooting, but for Konstantin this item was mandatory. Once, to shoot the next series of "Deadly Force" abroad, Nastya had to come up with a small role, with which she coped brilliantly.

The loving spouses tried to spend as much time as possible together, as if they felt that they had little time left for them.

After the tremendous success of the Night Watch, real fame came to Khabensky. Evil tongues began to attribute to him a lot of novels on the side, actively exaggerating the fact that the Khabensky couple have no children and their union is in jeopardy. The news of the long-awaited pregnancy in early 2007 silenced the spiteful critics. Konstantin did not hide his frank joy about this.

It so happened that Anastasia at that time got into an accident. Subsequently, doctors will consider that it was as a result of the accident that Nastya had a microstroke, which caused brain cancer. And at that time, Anastasia attributed the deterioration of her health to pregnancy.

Doctors diagnosed oncology already on recent months pregnancy. The woman turned out to take potent drugs, fearing to harm the child. Immediately after the birth of her son, Anastasia became worse, she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and then to the N.M. Burdenko Institute. Anastasia's tumor was removed and a course of chemotherapy was given.

For Konstantin, his wife's illness was a real blow. Immediately after the treatment, the couple got married right in the hospital ward.

The insidious disease after a couple of months again made itself felt. loving husband moved his wife to the best clinic in Los Angeles. The actor was literally torn between Moscow and the United States, trying to earn money for the treatment of Anastasia. For six months, the best doctors fought for the life of the patient, using all conceivable and unimaginable methods. However, the exhausted woman's heart could not stand the next chemotherapy, and on December 1, 2008, Anastasia died.

Interesting Notes:

In memory of his first wife, Konstantin Khabensky organized charitable foundation helping children with cancer. Over this time the fund helped hundreds of children escape from the disease, who took away Konstantin's wife, and little Vanya's mother.

By the way, the artist's son stayed with his mother-in-law in the United States. Anastasia's mother could not come to terms with the departure of her daughter, and literally begged for the right to raise her grandson.

Life goes on

After the death of his wife, Konstantin led a closed and solitary life. He worked hard, took care of his fund, about serious relationship women were out of the question. Not a single woman crossed the threshold of the apartment in which they lived with Nastya.

So it was until Olga Litvinova, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater, appeared in his life. Their romance was bumpy and uneven, according to older generations on both sides.

Olga Litvinova, only daughter influential producer, according to the status father, deserved a more solid party. Khabensky's mother dreamed of a daughter-in-law, far from the world of art, able to devote herself to her husband and family. Despite everything, Khabensky and Olga Litvinova still got married in 2013, and in 2016 they had a daughter.

Many noted that Khabensky for the first time in many years looks happy, and his attitude to life has changed. He moved his pregnant wife to a new luxury apartment and traded in his old Audi Q7 for an executive SUV.

In the fall of 2018, it became known that Olga Litvinova was pregnant with her second child! According to rumors, the actress is due to give birth in December, but so far she continues to work.

Olga does not comment on her life with Khabensky in any way, considering this topic deeply personal.. It is only known that she takes a great part in the work of his foundation, fully sharing this difficult happiness - to help others.

January 11, 1972 in the family of engineer Yuri Khabensky, where the daughter Natasha was already growing up, a son was born. The boy was named Konstantin. Thus began the story of someone who, years later, became not just an actor, but an iconic figure of a whole generation.

Konstantin. Youthful dreams and reality

A boy, and then a young man, Kostya saw the example of his parents in front of him and dreamed of becoming a technician, sometimes an astronaut. He was almost close to his dream when he studied at the aviation technical school, where he studied for three years, after which he took the documents from there. How did this happen?

At that time, the young man worked as a theater technician, he was invited to participate in extras, which determined his fate. He realized that he wanted to become an actor, and in 1990 he entered the Filshtinsky course at the Cherkasov Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Cinema and Music. Together with the 28-year-old Konstantin, other future bright actors, such as Mikhail Porechenkov, also studied.

The special charm of the student was noted by the directors. During the years of study, Konstantin Yuryevich starred in the films “To whom God will send” and “Women's property”, participated in theatrical productions.

After completing his studies, the young actor worked in a number of theaters in St. Petersburg. In 2000, Khabensky moved to the capital, where he became a member of the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, to whom he is still devoted.

Konstantin Khabensky: "Admiral" of Russian cinema

Khabensky has already starred in fifty films, participated in even more performances. He is recognized people's artist Russia, this title was awarded to him in 2012, but at the beginning creative way acting talent Konstantin was immediately noticeable.

Even for his first work in the film "To whom God will send" Konstantin Yuryevich was awarded the prize of the Gatchina Film Festival. However, to a wide audience, the acting of Khabensky became familiar from the role of Igor Plakhov in the TV series Lethal Force. The actor began to be recognized on the streets, and Timur Bekmambetov made a bet on him in his new job"Night Watch", which was released in 2005.

After that, the figure of Khabensky in the frame became a symbol of success for the director Bekmambetov. Together with Konstantin, he has filmed and is filming more than one project, not only the continuation of the Dozor saga.

The joint film "Wanted" by the director and Khabensky, where Angelina Jolie was also involved, brought both world fame. And the next work in tandem, the film "Time of the First", which was released on April 6, 2017, is called the Russian "Avatar".

But women's hearts were finally conquered by the role of Admiral Kolchak performed by Konstantin Yuryevich, the film was directed by Andrei Kravchuk. However, the heart of the protagonist of the tape "Admiral" was already occupied and every moment was shrinking from fear for the life of his beloved woman.

Personal life of Konstantin Khabensky

The love story of Khabensky and Anastasia Smirnova can itself form the basis of the film. It began in 1999 when the couple met.

A young beauty, a radio host, Nastya, when meeting Konstantin, did not take him seriously. At that time, the young man starred in the series "Deadly Force". The girl treated such works very coolly. To win her heart, Khabensky invited Nastya to the premiere theatrical performance in which he participated. Soon Anastasia had a different opinion about the personality of her new gentleman. On January 12, 2000, young people went to the registry office to get married without a magnificent celebration and festive costumes.

Seven years later, the young Khabensky couple managed to conceive a child, which they were glad about. Being on a long term, 34-year-old Anastasia got into a car accident, in which she almost did not suffer outwardly, but it soon became clear that it was this incident that caused the development of a brain tumor in the pregnant Nastya. Khabensky's wife refused to take chemotherapy sessions and drugs that could stop the course of the disease so as not to harm the baby.

On September 25, 2007, a boy was born to a couple who were considered ideal. At the end of September 2017, Vanya Khabensky turned 9 years old, and he already went on stage with his father as part of the Plumage festival.

Ivan spent the first years of his life in America with his grandmother Inna Glebovna, after which he moved with her to Spain. Khabensky Jr. is studying in Barcelona. The boy is passionate about football, fencing, draws well and dreams of becoming not an actor, but an artist.

But the boy's mother died when the baby was about a year old.

Favorable forecasts regarding Nastya's health after the birth of her son did not come true, neither chemotherapy at the Burdenko clinic, nor expensive treatment in Los Angeles helped. Anastasia died on December 1, 2008 in her mother's arms, when the head of the family was forced to be on the set of the film "Admiral" in order to pay for treatment.

Life after the death of the woman he loved seemed unreal to Konstantin, only his son gave him the strength to overcome the pain. To find family happiness again, the actor went through several years of loneliness.

In 2013, Khabensky married a colleague in the theater Olga Litvinova, and on June 4, 2016, the couple had a daughter, Alexander. The baby is just over a year old, and her 45-year-old father adores her, as does her older brother Vanya.

In the name of life

Konstantin Khabensky, after the death of Nastya, realized that he could help others, and founded a charitable foundation to help children with brain tumors. He has been successfully helping his wards for almost 10 years. Its assets are directed to the purchase of equipment, examinations, treatment of children and advanced training of doctors.

Konstantin Yurievich did not stop there. On September 20, 2017, he gave a press conference that his foundation, together with the organization "Russian Textbook", is launching a project for teachers "Lessons of Kindness". The actor himself notes that these are not ways to help, but an opportunity to reflect on what mercy is. Konstantin Yuryevich is sure that "you cannot force a child to do it sincerely if he does not understand why he should do it."

Khabensky's experience shows that it is important for a child to do good himself. So, his performance "Generation of Mowgli", in which 5 thousand children are involved, bypassed 5 cities of Russia. The actor understands the feelings of each of his young assistants when a child with cancer who has already received help comes to the dressing room. Here the young actors understand what they are trying for. Thanks to their efforts, young talents have already helped 50 children receive treatment. Konstantin Yuryevich hopes that something similar will happen with the “Lessons of Kindness”: children will understand that their efforts are important.

Surely this will not be the last project of Konstantin Khabensky, who at the age of 45 is full of energy and creativity.

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Konstantin was born in intelligent family In Petersburg. Parents were engineers, engaged in science, they dreamed that their son would become a mathematician in the third generation. However, family circumstances developed in such a way that the boy, as soon as he went to first grade, had to be sent to be raised in Mari El, where Kostya's mother was from.

A friend of the same grandmother with whom Khabensky lived, now recalls how, a few years later, Kostya appeared before her as a well-bred and quite adult boy. Already in adolescence, he became an intelligent and completely non-conflict young man, who did not know what whims were.

It was under the wing of granny that Kostya first tried to go on stage. After school lessons, the boy was engaged in a drama club and he really liked it. But it was not immediately possible to overcome natural shyness. Once, speaking in a sanatorium, he sang one of Vysotsky's famous songs with a guitar, and, embarrassed, ran backstage as soon as the last chord sounded.

He was 12 when the family returned to Leningrad. Study in new school the boy did not particularly like it, so he dreamed of finishing it as soon as possible. Parents did not support Kostya's passion for dramatic art, considering it to be childish whims. Therefore, when the question arose of admission after the eighth grade, they all together chose the technical direction.


Women's Property (1998)

The young man entered the Technical School of Aviation Instrumentation and Automation. For three years, the future actor honestly gnawed at the granite of science, which was not to his liking. In the third year, he wrote a term paper, which included not only a theoretical, but also a practical part.

During the defense of his work, Konstantin realized that he did not know how to apply knowledge in practice and was not doing his job. He dropped out of college, not graduating.

Parents were upset, and the matured Kostya planned to spend some time looking for himself. He swept the streets, washed the floors, and once got a job as a stage worker at the Saturday youth theater.

Here, for the first time, he will take to the stage - at first, however, in the crowd. Khabensky will remember his hobby and decide to connect his life with the acting profession.


Home for the Rich (2000)

To the surprise of his relatives, in the same year, Konstantin entered the famous LGITMiK and became a regular actor in that same Saturday theater. Now the parents have stopped insisting on his mathematical or technical career, but the artist’s mother still does not like to talk about acting.

In the same happy student years, Konstantin met his first real love- fifth-year student Tanya Polonskaya. The golden-haired sorceress at first did not pay any attention to the modest student. But he didn't back down. He guarded her after classes with a bouquet at the ready, did not spare meager scholarships for gifts, went out of town for wild flowers, if he could not buy a bouquet in the city, fulfilled whims.

Then Khabensky had already begun to act a little, but small and inconspicuous roles had not yet made him a celebrity. To the first applause, he walked hand in hand with Tatyana.


Lethal force-2 (2001)

In the acting party, they still say that it was Tanya who did not allow the actor to "catch a star." She was there at the time when he was gaining popularity - he got a job at the Satyricon, and then got into the theater of the Lensoviet.

When directors, critics and the public began to idolize the gifted Khabensky, Tatyana noticed all his failures and demanded, demanded that he prepare for the roles more carefully, feel the characters more deeply, play more convincingly.

Having met Tatyana for several years, Konstantin proposed to her, but the actress did not see herself as a wife. She honestly admitted that she was set up for a career and family life not included in her plans yet.

Khabensky did not continue the relationship.

Anton Gorodetsky

Night Watch (2004)

A new stage in the life of the actor came in the mid-10s, when Timur Bekmambetov's famous film "Night Watch" was released, in which Khabensky played leading role- light magician Anton Gorodetsky.

In a fundamentally new hero for himself, Khabensky was able to reveal himself from a completely unexpected side, which immediately struck not only the widest audience, but also directors. After the brilliant Gorodetsky, the most diverse roles began to stay in the creative piggy bank of the actor one after another.

Immediately after the successful premiere of The Night Watch, Khabensky was immediately called to the author's cinema. He starred in "Poor Relatives" by Pavel Lungin and in "State Counselor" by Philip Yankovsky. And in 2008, "Admiral" was released, after which the actor was immediately "married" with the spectacular Liza Boyarskaya.

personal drama

Admiral (2008)

But the conclusions of the audience, who believed in the plausibility of the love scenes of the film, were hasty. It was in 2008 that Konstantin experienced a real misfortune that fell on his family.

At the very end of the 90s, the actor wandered into a cafe near the Lensoviet Theater and drew attention to a charming dark-haired girl who went to have lunch with a friend. At first sight, the actor fell in love with a stranger, but she did not inflame with passion, suggesting that celebrity compliments could turn out to be a game.

But Khabensky was not used to retreat. looked after new passion so devotedly that she gave in. They could not even imagine that this is how the most tragic love story begins.

She worked as a journalist at one of the Moscow radio stations, so whole year the lovers were forced to live in two houses. And in the winter of 2000, having played a modest chamber wedding, they left for Moscow.

Nastya was hated by fans of Khabensky. The entire entrance of their capital's house was painted with nasty things, and one of the girls in love with the actor even threatened to pour acid on the wife of the idol. But Anastasia did not focus on this. It was well known to everyone around that Konstantin was incredibly devoted to his beloved.

Seven years later life together The Khabenskys had a son, Ivan. After giving birth, the wife could not get back to normal, she felt bad and one day she realized that this was not postpartum depression and it was time to see a doctor.

The girl was diagnosed with brain cancer. The struggle for life, two successful operations, but the disease did not recede. After removing one tumor, a new one appeared. Khabensky knocked himself off his feet, looking for doctors for his beloved. He even went with Nastya to the USA, where doctors applied new technology, stopped the division of tumor cells and predicted that the girl would live for at least another ten years. But in 2008, the actor's wife passed away.

New life

He did not dare to take Vanya from his heartbroken mother-in-law, who was still very young - the woman had lost her daughter and could not lose her grandson. The first years of his life, Vanechka was raised by his grandmother. And the actor went headlong into work and founded a charitable foundation that helps children with cancer, and also opens creative studios across the country where real actors teach.

For almost a decade, one of the country's most popular and titled artists led an ascetic lifestyle, spoke almost nothing about himself in interviews and devoted most of his time to work. Career went up the hill.

Another turning point in Khabensky’s life was the work at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, and not only because in this theater he played amazing roles in Duck Hunt, The White Guard, Hamlet ... but also because he met on the stage his second wife.

In 2013, Khabensky and the actress of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov, Olga Litvinova, got married, and in 2016 their daughter Sashenka was born. Today, two children are brought up in the actor's family - Ivan from his first marriage and baby Sasha. Khabensky continues to be one of the most beloved and sought-after actors.

For a long time after the death of his first wife, Konstantin Khabensky remained a bachelor. But after a while, Olga Litvinova took a place in his heart. Konstantin is inseparable from his second wife to this day.

The first marriage of Konstantin Khabensky was concluded in 2000 with Anastasia Smirnova. Their relationship was long, love strong. Fate played with lovers bad joke. And after the birth of her son Ivan, Anastasia died. And Konstantin for a long time did not allow women to approach him.

Wives of Konstantin Khabensky: Anastasia Smirnova acquaintance and marriage with Konstantin Khabensky

Anastasia Smirnova met Konstantin Khabensky when he was not yet popular. They were young and beautiful. Their eyes seemed to accidentally meet. But there are no accidents. Cupid shot in two hands, and both were irrevocably in love.

Anastasia was not very impressed with what Konstantin earns for bread. Then he starred in the series "Deadly Force". And together they, hand in hand, walked a difficult career ladder.

They met for two years, after which they modestly signed in 2000. The couple did not hold ceremonies, and even came to the registry office in sweaters and jeans.

Fans thought the couple was perfect. Anastasia's pregnancy was a happy expectation for both. But suddenly happiness ended in an instant. The car accident had terrible consequences. Anastasia survived a microstroke, which provoked the development of brain cancer.

Fortunately, the child survived, but his mother did not live long after giving birth. A series of chemotherapy did not give any results. Konstantin and Anastasia got married in the intensive care unit.

The wives of Konstantin Khabensky: Olga Litvinova how relations with Konstantin Khabensky developed

For a long time Konstantin Khabensky had the status of a bachelor. The press considered any companion as if under a microscope. The heavy drama of life left a mark in his heart. Konstantin went to work and did charity work.

The news of the second wedding in 2013 was unexpected for many. A close circle discussed the novel of two actors Olga and Konstantin.

In their fate, everything was not easy. Olga Litvinova's parents wanted to see a more representative man next to their daughter. Konstantin the proposal was also not easy. The old pain still made itself felt. In addition, son Ivan was already in a difficult adolescence.

The marriage of Khabensky and Litvinova is called a union in spite of. Despite the complexities of life, the opinions of others and their own fears.

The wives of Konstantin Khabensky: Olga Litvinova and Konstantin Khabensky how the couple lives today

The wedding in 2013 of Konstantin and Olga was modest. The ceremony was attended only by relatives. Olga chose the dress from the eminent designer Vera Gong. The couple moved to new apartment in 2016. Also, 2016 gave them an addition to the family.

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