Nicole Kidman and her husbands. How Nicole Kidman Found True Love After Hell with Tom Cruise

Fashion & Style 06.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Nicole Kuznetsova was born in Moscow in the autumn of 1988. Known in esoteric circles as Agata Matveeva. She does not know from whom she received the gift of clairvoyance. Her parents abandoned her as a child, because they thought that the girl would not survive. Nicole grew up in a foster family.

But Nicole knows exactly how she paid for the gift of clairvoyance. The girl underwent dozens of operations, and in 2012 a tube was put down her throat. In general, Nicole suffered two clinical deaths: the first time in infancy (she was only a year old), the second time at the age of six. Then, according to Nicole, she began to see the fate of people. And it is precisely because of the tracheostomy tube inserted into her throat that the girl speaks very quietly - without it, she could not survive.

Nicole Kuznetsova: “I am very sick. I can't speak louder. I don't know how to breathe normally... I'll never be able to pick up the phone again. Unfortunately. There is no chance"

According to Nicole Kuznetsova, she is - widow of a notorious crime boss jap (Vyacheslav Ivankov). From him, Nicole gave birth to a son, Yegor. As Matveeva said in an interview in 2012, she grew up in a family of an authoritative person in criminal circles.

Nicole positions herself as a psychic, a practitioner of white magic. Does not conduct online consultations - helps only during personal appointments.

Nicole Kuznetsova: Please spare my time! I do not have the opportunity to view family relationships, is there any damage, when will you get married, what job to choose and where to go to study! There are exceptional cases where I cannot refuse, but it really must be a serious situation. It is impossible to give an accurate forecast of the situation, relationships or help, having only a photo in the computer, the same applies to all rites and rituals. I conduct only personal receptions in Moscow.

In 2016, Nicole went on a "magic" tour of Russia and neighboring countries.

Nicole on a person's super talents: Usually the desire to develop in oneself psychic abilities comes only to those who already have such inclinations. best advice- listen not to yourself, but to those people whom you sincerely want to help. It is good intentions that sharpen the gift of the psychic, because they are supported by heaven. If a psychic is devoid of love and compassion for people, he will quickly degenerate into an evil sorcerer obsessed with his own exclusivity.

Nicole Kuznetsova. Show Battle of psychics season 16

Since 2015, Nicole Kuznetsova has been running the Center for Correct Magic school, where she helps everyone to discover their psychic abilities.

In 2017, Nicole presented her fans with the book I See Your Soul! Book-amulet ”, in which the white witch gives advice on how to attract good luck and protect yourself from evil.

In January 2019, it became known that Nicole, the 15th season of "", as well as a lawyer Alexey Stepanov and investigator Nazar Nazarov become part of the new show. In project " very strange things"They will try to solve the most resonant crimes of recent years.

In March 2019, the show "" started on the TV-3 channel, in which she became a participant Nicole Kuznetsova.

Nicole Kuznetsova about participation in the show “The Last Hero. Actors against psychics ":" For thirty years I lived as if under a crystal cap. I was protected from everything. For many years I walked with a tracheostomy tube, which made it impossible for me to speak properly and was severely limited in movement. I recently had an operation, the tube was removed. Now I feel free and I want to test myself.”

Nicole Kuznetsova. Personal life

Nicole after the death of the first (civil) spouse, crime boss jap (Vyacheslav Ivankov), from whom she had a son, Yegor, in 2009 she married famous TV presenter Channel One Alexandra Sadokova. The couple had a son, Stepan, whose age difference with his older brother is 7 years.

Nicole Kuznetsova: My husband Alexander is a sports TV journalist. Even those who don't follow the news must have heard how breathtakingly he commentated on the biggest-budget match in history: boxer vs. no-holds barred fighter. Of course, my husband understands and accepts my work. We are proud of each other.

At the end of September 2016, photographs appeared on the Web in which Nicole and Denis Vysotsky, a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, do not hide their sympathy for each other. Rumors about their romance immediately spread. However, the red-haired clairvoyant stated that she had met the magician six months ago and that they had friendly relations.

In May 2018, Nicole underwent surgery in Germany and had the tube removed from her throat, with which she breathed. In November of that year, Kuznetsova told fans that she was finally able to speak and for the first time heard how her own voice sounds.

Nicole Kuznetsova: “Today I was surprised to find that I can pronounce some sounds loudly, but everything ended with whole phrases !!! My mother's tears of happiness, my radiant husband and children will hear a loud voice for the first time tomorrow!

In January 2019, Nicole Kuznetsova's husband gave her a luxury car for her wedding anniversary. worth three million rubles.

She is called the sexiest witch in the country.

A participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics captivated the audience not only with her bright appearance, but also with the mysteries of her biography. They say that Nicole's life has everything to write an exciting novel: both the mystery of adoption and fatal disease, and love with crime boss...

…Nicole appears at the office wearing her scarf, which has always been wrapped several times around her neck. He speaks only in a whisper. She explains that there is no other way: there is a tracheostomy in her throat - a special tube through which she breathes.


I was born with congenital cancer says Nicole. - Previously, with such a disease, children practically did not survive, so they left me in the maternity hospital. Then they adopted her... I don't know how a 26-year-old girl could decide to do this - to take a dying child. I'm ready to kiss my mother's hands - she saved me. And she laid her life on the altar for me, refused to have her children, although she was absolutely healthy.

- Nicole, they say your mother is a police colonel, a famous person ...

Let's not talk about it so that no one gets fired later. There are regulations, my mother’s career - I can’t tell ...

- So she is embarrassed that she has a daughter - a witch?

She is not. Mom supported me the most when I was at the Battle. And the husband did not even look, so he is immensely shy. He promises to burn me at the stake. He is Alexander Sadokov, a sports news anchor on Channel One. Five years on the air - and no one knows him. And I have been on the screen for half a year - and already such glory! ..

But I am very proud of him, I want him to be as successful as me. Therefore, at home we have only one star - my husband.

- But there are rumors that you were the secret mistress of the crime boss Yaponchik?

This story does not affect my reputation very well and, of course, does not do me credit - after all, at that moment I was a married woman. And when my ex-spouse“well-wishers” said: “Do you know that the child you are raising is not yours?” - these were moments of my personal shame ...

- Your eldest son is already eight years old. Does he know who his biological father is?

Of course not. He has a dad who raised him, he has my current husband, whom he also calls dad. And if someday my son asks this question, I will categorically tell him: parents are those who raised him.

- You have two boys. Do you want to have a baby girl?

It is forbidden. I have a precancerous degree of the disease, and I do not want to repeat the fate of Zhanna Friske. I can't give birth anymore if I want to live...


- Nicole, how did your extrasensory abilities manifest themselves?

I have always had them. At the age of 15, I began to consciously develop my abilities. At first I was attracted by mysticism, vampires, gothic. Girls went to discos, and I ran to cemeteries at night. Then I found a teacher and for 10 years I traveled from Moscow near St. Petersburg to study and practice village ritual magic.

- And now you know how to see the future?

Also present and past.

- It is probably very convenient for relatives to have such a person nearby?

I don't say anything myself. I only answer the questions that are asked. Even if I see a person on the street with whom something is about to happen, I will not grab his hands and beg to listen to me. There is a witch and psychic code: don't speak unless asked.

- Do your abilities help you to live?

In no case! I have no right to use them for my own good. In general, initially there are no black and white witches. And if you do certain things - betting, filling your wallet, bewitching men, taking out opponents - you choose your path. I chose another. But for one white witch there are always three black ones, this is a balance.

- In general, a strange combination of words - "white" and "witch".

A witch is a "knowing mother". The one that can control the future, correct fate. With the help of rituals, you can kill a person, or you can fall in love, make unhappy or happy. I am not saying that I am an all-powerful fairy. 90% of all who come to me are denied help.

What do they ask for the most?

Of money. Man. The most common question: “What about health?” And in order to know what is happening with your health, I answer, go for an MRI. It is necessary not to engage in nonsense, going to psychics and asking for healing, but to be treated seriously. In all my years of practice, I have never seen a single person who
would be cured of cancer with the help of charmed water or objects. Doctors need to be treated!


- With what, then, to go to a fortuneteller, a fortune teller, a witch?

With a difficult life situation, when you need to make a choice. Stay at this job or leave? Leave for another city or seek happiness in the capital? I can only help energetically, support. But only if the person does something himself.

Let's say a woman comes: "I'm 40, no children, help." I look at the past: a dozen abortions and a bunch of married men. Do you want a baby? Beg on your knees in the temple! Not a single witch will help you give birth if the Lord God does not give you the opportunity to become a mother. There is action and there is punishment. Are your children sick? Stop running to your lover. Everything is very simple!

- But the evil eye, can the witch remove the damage?

Maybe. But why are you so afraid of them? After all, the more you believe in all the curses, the stronger they work. And in general, very often people try to attribute their problems to all sorts of magic. Husband walks - he was bewitched. No, he walks - because he is a male! There is no money in the family - they jinxed it. No, you're just lazy and don't want to work! Therefore, if you come to a specialist and hear: the evil eye is on you, damage, etc. - immediately turn around and leave. They just want to make money on you!

The famous film actress Nicole Mary Kidman was born in 1967 in the United States in an international family of Irish and Scottish origin. From childhood, Nicole was distinguished by high demands on life and great diligence. Already at the age of 15, she began to actively act in films, by now creating unique female images in dozens of films. In her career, she realized not only as an actress who received the prestigious Oscar and Golden Globe awards, but also as a producer, as well as a performer of popular pop songs.

Elegant, well-groomed and bright beauty Nicole Kidman she constantly had numerous admirers, but she built relationships mainly with work colleagues. Probably, real close relationships are built between people who understand each other, and who knows better about the hard work of an actor and the irregular schedule of an actor's life than a colleague in the shop!

The first love of the Australian and American actress was Tom Burlinson. The fateful acquaintance took place while working on the painting "Riding the Wind". By that time, the actress was only 19 years old. The couple met for 2 years, but time brought changes, and the lovers broke up.

Nicole started dating Marcus Graham. The girl admitted in an interview the seriousness of their relationship and the possibility of an upcoming marriage. However, fate brought a surprise to the red-haired 22-year-old beauty. While filming Days of Thunder, the diva met the man of her dreams, Tom Cruise. This meeting changed the fate of young people. To be together, they had to endure separation from their halves: Tom Cruise divorced Mimi Rogers and Kidman had to explain himself to Marcus.

Despite the huge popularity and demand for actors, their love was real and the relationship was strong. The lovers sealed their union by marriage, and lived together for almost 10 years. During the time of family happiness, due to the impossibility of having children of their own, the couple adopted two children - Isabella Jane and Connor Anthony. The couple was able to solve many difficult problems that could destroy another, less durable marriage.

Their union seemed to be perfect. But the couple unexpectedly broke up in 2001. They say that the reason for the gap was the emotional stress of the actors during the joint work on the film project "Eyes Wide Shut", where they portrayed a married couple in crisis. Kidman subsequently stated in an interview that she was not internally ready for an unexpected breakup and was ready to love Cruise all her life.

Repairing life and restoring mental strength after the divorce, Nicole opened her heart to a new life. During the search for a half, the brilliant actress had several novels, the most serious of which was a relationship with Leni Kravitz. This singer from the USA was so charming that, despite his shortcomings and a rather free lifestyle, he was able to keep Nicole's love for more than a year.

In 2005, Nicole seems to have found her happiness, which can be carried through her whole life. She met Keith Urban, getting engaged to him a year later. new husband Nicole Kidman proved to be loving and faithful. Today, the family has already 9 years of cloudless happiness and is raising two daughters: Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.

Nicole herself says in an interview, this time her love is ready to overcome any difficulties, and their family will be strong and happy.

Nicole Mary Kidman, (eng. Nicole Mary Kidman) - Australian and Hollywood actress, holder of the Order of Australia. Winner of the Oscar, four Golden Globe awards, as well as BAFTA, Emmy and Saturn awards. She is world famous for her roles in the television series Bangkok Hilton and the films Billy Bathgate, To Die For, Eyes Wide Shut, Moulin Rouge!, Dogville, Before I Go To Sleep, etc. .

Childhood and family

Nicole Kidman was born on June 20, 1967 in the capital of the American island state of Hawaii - the resort town of Honolulu. Her parents are Australians Anthony David Kidman (1938 - 2014) and Janelle Ann Kidman ( maiden name— Glennie).

When Nicole was born, her father was studying clinical psychology for a master's degree at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The family later moved to Washington, where Anthony joined the work National Institute mental health, and Jannelle became a nursing educator. Both parents were also active political life, participating in the protest movement against the Vietnam War. In 1970, the family returned to Australia, and soon they had another daughter, Antonia, who later became a well-known journalist and TV presenter.

Nicole attended a public school located in the suburbs of Sydney, the town of Lane Cove, and then graduated from the women's senior high school Northern Sydney. The girl began to study ballet from the age of three, and in the dramatic art she first tried herself in primary school schools.

How has Nicole Kidman changed?

Despite her graceful appearance and numerous talents, Nicole was a very shy child:

I'm very shy - really very shy. As a child, I even stuttered and gradually managed to overcome it. But still sometimes I slip into this shyness. Therefore, it is uncomfortable for me when I go alone to a restaurant where there are a lot of people, or when I go to some holiday without a companion.

In senior school years Nicole began studying acting at the Philip Street Theatre, which she attended with her classmate and friend Naomi Watts, and at the Australian Youth Theatre. Here her abilities were highly appreciated, and the girl was advised to take up acting professionally.

Carier start

The debut of the young actress in the cinema took place in 1982, when she was 14 years old - Nicole starred in the family film "Christmas in the Forest", which is still often shown during the New Year holidays.

After that, she was actively invited to various projects of Australian directors: the TV series Five Mile Creek (1983 - 1984), the film Bandits on Bicycles (1983), where she played the main female role - a red-haired girl who, together with her friends, disrupts a bank robbery , the romantic comedy "Riding the Wind" (1986), in which Nicole reincarnated as the singer Jade, the beloved of a surfer-heir to a multi-million dollar fortune.

This was followed by the film "Night of Dancing Shadows" (1987, in another translation "Code"), the series "Primitive Country", the mini-series "Vietnam" (1986), the film "Emerald City" and others. Thus, by the end of 1980- s, Nicole Kidman became famous and popular in Australia.

Glory outside her native continent was brought to her by the series "Bangkok Hilton" (1988), the rights to broadcast which were bought by many countries. Nicole played a girl who was framed at the customs of Thailand - as you know, in this country even tourists face the death penalty for importing drugs, so her life was in the balance.

After that, the actress was invited to Hollywood, where in 1989, as part of an Australian group, she played a major role in the thriller Dead Calm, a film whose success opened a new page in her creative biography. Now Nicole has begun to actively act in Hollywood, and her first all-American film was the drama Days of Thunder, in which she starred with her future husband Tom Cruise.

In 1991, she starred in the Australian independent film Flirting, which won the Australian Film Institute's Best Film Award, and then in the Hollywood crime drama Billy Bathgate, where Dustin Hoffman became her partner. The film earned the actress her first Golden Globe nomination in the Best Supporting Actress category.

The heyday of a career in Hollywood

In 1992, Nicole Kidman again starred with Tom Cruise, this time in the adventure drama Far, Far Away. Although critics disapproved of the movie's "flat and too simple" storyline, "as if written for teenagers", it was a big success at the box office, grossing $137 million. The audience was bribed by the "chemistry" of their acting tandem - its sparks could be felt even through the screen.

Immediately after that, the thriller Ready for Anything (1993, with Alec Baldwin) was released, which finally approved the actress as a successful actress. Hollywood star. "After boring roles in such films as "Days of Thunder" and "Far Far Away", the Australian Kidman showed her true strength as an actress this time, and also demonstrated a flawless American accent," critics wrote.

The drama My Life (1993, in partnership with Michael Keaton) was recognized as less successful, but then Nicole starred in one of her most successful films, the superhero blockbuster Batman Forever (1995), where Val Kilmer became her partners on the set. Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, etc.

The picture grossed $336 million worldwide, and critics called it "lighter, brighter, funnier and more dynamic than anything that came before," although they awarded it with the dubious title of "chewing gum for the eyes." Batman Forever received 3 Oscar nominations, 4 Saturn Awards, 1 Golden Globe nomination, and 6 MTV nominations, including Most Desirable Woman for Nicole Kidman .

Soon another excellent film with Nicole Kidman came out - the black comedy Dying For, which brought the actress a Golden Globe Award. And although the rental fees of this film barely exceeded its budget, critics were more than supportive of the actress:

The beautiful Susan, played by Nicole Kidman, is the most enchanting of all movie villains... Kidman brings to this role the finest layers of meaning, intent and motive.

After that, the actress successfully starred in the films "Portrait of a Lady" (1996, with the participation of John Malkovich), "Peacemaker" (1997, in partnership with George Clooney), as well as in the mystical melodrama "Practical Magic" (1998, paired with Sandra Bullock) and the love thriller Eyes Wide Shut (1999, along with Tom Cruise).

The next breakthrough in the career of the actress is the release in 2001 of the film-musical "Moulin Rouge!", For the main role in which she was nominated for an Oscar, and also received the Golden Globe and Satellite awards. The main male role in this picture was played by Ewan McGregor, although Leonardo DiCaprio, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal were also previously considered.

Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Song from Moulin Rouge!

The actors themselves performed all the vocal parts and dance numbers their characters, and intensive rehearsals had to begin several months before filming. “It was an amazing role for me, not at all like the others,” the actress recalled, “the heroine sings and dances, and there is so much comedy in the film, and so much tragedy, and so much everything ... It was so great, so unusual! »

Quite the opposite in character was her other significant role, played in the same 2001 in the mystical horror film The Others, which grossed $ 210 million at the box office. For this work, Nicole received the Saturn Award and a Golden Globe nomination.

The next year, 2002, was also successful for her, which brought another landmark work - the role of Virginia Woolf in the drama The Hours, played in a brilliant trio with Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore. The picture was nominated for an Oscar in nine nominations, but won only one - in the category "best actress" performed by Nicole Kidman.

Having received this highest cinematic award, the actress told how much it means to her: “Deep down, I am very independent, I am a rebel and a non-conformist. And when I received the Oscar, it became a kind of justification for my choice of profession, especially for my parents and relatives. As if I can now say: “See, I was not mistaken!” I didn't go to college, and my parents are both college educated, and that's why the Oscar is like a diploma for me now. And maybe as a doctoral degree.

The string of memorable roles continued in 2003 with director Lars von Trier's Dogville, which received mixed reactions from the public as "anti-human cinema" and "an exemplar of experimental filmmaking." In the story, the heroine Nicole escapes from past mistakes in a small working-class town, whose inhabitants give her shelter in exchange for a promise to work off a debt. The tape almost did not use scenery, for example, the houses of the townspeople were simply drawn contours on the ground.

After this heavy and dark picture, the actress starred in two big-budget comedies - The Stepford Wives (2004, with Matthew Broderick) and The Witch (2005, a film based on the popular television series). And although both of these films met with a cool reception from critics, and The Sorceress even brought Nicole the Golden Raspberry anti-award, the audience positively assessed the actress in a comedic role.

A little earlier, at the end of 2004, the psychological drama "Birth" was released, but it did not go into wide release in the United States due to the presence of an erotic, albeit rather innocent scene between the heroine Nicole and a 10-year-old boy. Despite this, the film was successfully shown in Europe and brought the actress a Golden Globe nomination.

73 questions Nicole Kidman

In the same period, the political thriller Sidney Pollack The Translator (2005) was released, in which Nicole Kidman starred together with Sean Penn. But this picture did not quite live up to the hopes of its creators, and critics started talking about the fact that the stellar period of Nicole's career was approaching sunset.

However, Nicole Kidman starred in many more interesting films. On account of her participation in such projects as the biographical drama about the photographer Diane Arbus "Fur" (2006), the fantastic thriller "Invasion" (2007, in partnership with Daniel Craig), the comedy "Margot at the Wedding" (2007), the film adaptation of the fairy tale "Golden Compass (2007), epic drama Australia (2008, in partnership with Hugh Jackman), psychological drama Rabbit Hole (2008), musical Nine (2009, in ensemble with Daniel Day-Lewis), thriller What hides lies” (2011, in partnership with Nicolas Cage), the romantic comedy “Pretend My Wife” (2011, starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler).

New turn

New heyday creative career Nicole Kidman began in 2012 with the release of the television drama Hemingway & Gellhorn about the relationship between the great writer (played by Clive Owen) and his wife. Critics greeted the new role of the actress with great warmth: "At 45 years old, Kidman still looks seductive and plays very strong." This work again brought Nicole a nomination for the Golden Globe Award, as well as for the Emmy Television Award.

In the same year, the detective film "The Newsboy" was also released, in which the main role is considered by many to be "the most amazing reincarnation" in acting career Nicole:

Abandoning the image of a goddess that she often resorted to before, this time she showed a rude, wild creature who dastardly uses sexual tricks just for fun. The award for the actress was another nomination for the Golden Globe and a nomination for the US Screen Actors Guild Award.

Among other works of the actress for last years- the psychological thriller Vicious Games (2013, starring Mia Wasikowska and Matthew Goode, the work brought Nicole a nomination for the Saturn Award), the biographical drama Princess of Monaco (2014, the main role of Princess Grace Kelly), the military drama Retribution (2014, in partnership with Colin Firth), the detective thriller Before I Go to Sleep (2014, in partnership with Colin Firth and Mark Strong), the children's film Paddington Adventures (2015) and its sequel Paddington Adventures 2 (2017), etc.

In 2016, she starred in the Australian biographical drama The Lion, which was critically acclaimed and grossed $140 million worldwide. This film brought the actress Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for Best Supporting Actress, as well as several other prestigious awards.

In 2017, Nicole began work on the television series Big Little Lies with Reese Witherspoon, Alexander Skarsgard and other actors, and the first season of this series was a huge success.

In parallel with her work on the series, she starred in Sofia Coppola's dramatic thriller The Fatal Temptation (2017, starring Colin Farrell, Elle Fanning and Kirsten Dunst), as well as the sci-fi romantic comedy How to Talk to Girls at Parties and the psychological thriller "The Killing of the Sacred Deer".

Advertising projects

Nicole Kidman does not have many advertising projects on her account, but they are all remarkable both from an artistic point of view and in terms of their cost.

In 2004 - 2008, the actress was the face of the perfume brand Chanel No. 5 Chanel fashion houses. The apogee of this campaign was the shooting of a three-minute video, for which she was paid $ 12 million.

In addition, in 2005 and 2010, Nicole participated in advertising for the Swiss watch company Omega, presenting the brands Omega Watches and Ladymatic.

In 2007, she also signed a contract with the Nintendo DS company for commercials. intellectual games More Brain Training series in the European market.

Public activities and awards

As you know, Nicole Kidman did not receive higher education, but it was connected not so much with her acting career how much with dramatic family circumstances. In 1984, when the girl was 17 years old, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. And then young Nicole gave up all her affairs and went to physical therapy and massage courses in order to devote herself completely to caring for her mother.

The help and support of her daughter and advanced treatment helped Janelle recover and recover, and Nicole subsequently participated in various campaigns and community projects aimed at fighting cancer. In addition, she also provided assistance to the fund for support of children from disadvantaged families and the fund for the fight against domestic violence.

In 2006, Nicole Kidman was awarded the Order of Australia for "acting and creating outstanding works of cinematic art, for contributing to public health by participating in the financing of health care for women and children and supporting cancer research, for working with youth and supporting young actors, and for humanitarian work in Australia and abroad.

In 2006, to work against domestic violence, the actress was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Women's Fund (UNIFEM), and in 2009, postage stamps with her image were issued in Australia.

Personal life of Nicole Kidman

In the 1980s, Nicole had a relationship with Australian actor Marcus Graham, and then in December 1989, on the set of the film Days of Thunder, she met

If you caught the 90s, then you probably remember that the Cruise-Kidman couple was synonymous with strong marriage, trust, and true unity of married souls. Husband and wife jokingly admitted that sometimes they don’t understand where he ends and she begins, and once 12 days spent without Nicole seemed like hell on Earth to Tom.

The only thing that overshadowed the union was the lack of children that the young spouses dreamed of. It was not possible to conceive a baby, so they decided to take foster children into the family. On December 22, 1992, they adopted Isabella Jane, and on January 18, 1995, they adopted Connor Anthony. Subsequently, Nicole admitted that she herself did not quite understand why she started a family so early: “By the age of 27, I already had two children and four years of marital experience. But that's what I wanted."

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman outwardly seemed quite happy, but in February 2001, Cruise unexpectedly decided to divorce his wife and did not even really explain to her the reason for his decision. In the documents, he indicated the standard reason for "irresolvable contradictions". Perhaps the reason could be his jealousy, or the refusal of the Catholic Nicole to join Tom's religion - Scientology.

The couple did not know that Nicole was at that moment on early stage pregnancy, but then due to stress, she lost the baby.

The whole country followed the divorce of two stars, which seemed to be a bulwark of stability. Isabella Jane and Connor Anthony remained under the joint custody of both adoptive parents, but spent more time with their father and were initiated into the Church of Scientology. Immediately after the divorce, Tom Cruise began a new relationship with Vanilla Sky co-star Penelope Cruz.

According to the actress, their love developed extremely rapidly: “We didn’t even really have time to get to know each other - and we recognized it only later, in marriage.” On July 7, 2008, Nicole finally fulfilled her dream of having a biologically own child: she gave birth to a daughter, Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban. And on December 28, 2010, the couple had a second daughter, Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban; and although the spouses used the help of a surrogate mother to give birth to a girl, she is biological daughter couples.

Nicole Kidman now

In March 2018, filming began on the second season of Big Little Lies, in which Nicole plays one of the main roles.

In addition, she plays a minor role (Mrs. Barbour, the mother of a friend of the protagonist) in the drama The Goldfinch, which is released in the fall of 2019. main role Ansel Elgort will perform in the film.

According to the actress, she is quite satisfied with the way her career is developing, and is very happy in family life.

Having achieved resounding success in solo career, Nicole Scherzinger continues to delight fans with her work. On the wave of success, the singer was invited to the X Factor show, where she acts as a judge. In addition to her vocal abilities, the beauty also declared herself as a successful model, starring for many glossy publications. And besides this, Nicole has repeatedly appeared in sitcoms and television projects in which she demonstrated her acting skills.

Enthusiastically engaged in a career, Scherzinger strives not to lose sight of his personal life. After breaking up with her former lover, the American pop/R&B singer dreams of starting a family with a new boyfriend. Now the beauty is happy, but in the near future she wants to take up the upbringing of her children, whom she will give birth to her chosen one.

Nicole was born in 1978 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Her father is Filipino, and her mother had Russian and Hawaiian roots. Three years later, her parents divorced, and the baby moved with her mother to Louisville, Kentucky. Soon her parent remarried and gave birth to her sister, Keala. Even in childhood, the future star showed singing and acting abilities, thanks to which the girl played in the local theater and studied at the School of Arts. When it came time to choose a profession, she decided to get an acting education at the university, however, Scherzinger soon left the university to perform in the group Days of the New.

Pictured Nicole Scherzinger with her parents

This team broke up very quickly, and in the spring of 2003 the singer joined the burlesque group Pussycat Dolls, where she not only performed compositions, but also wrote them herself. The musical group at that time was an unprecedented success, and its album was double platinum. In 2006, Nicole started working on her debut album however, her first singles were not very successful. In the fall of 2011, the album "Killer Love" was released, which received good feedback critics and fell in love with many music lovers. Success in her solo career helped Scherzinger gain worldwide fame and unleash her abilities in other areas.

The singer and her ex-boyfriend Lewis Hamilton

Thanks to its excellent external data and slim figure(height-165 cm, weight-56 kg), the artist has always been surrounded by fans. She does not like to publicize the details of her personal life, however, she could not hide her relationship with Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton from public attention. This romance began back in 2007, and for several years the lovers parted, then converged again. Soon the reasons for their unstable relationship became known: as it turned out, the singer had long been waiting for a marriage proposal from her lover, however, the athlete was in no hurry to start a family. More than once, Lewis admitted that his feelings for the girl are very strong, but he is not going to marry her, since the family is not included in his plans. In February 2015, Scherzinger decided to finally part with her lover.

Pictured is Nicole Scherzinger and her new lover Grigor Dimitrov

The beauty did not stay alone for long: already in the fall of 2015, they began to notice her in the company of tennis player Grigor Dimitrov, who is an ex-boyfriend. However, at first, the couple tried to avoid undue attention and did not comment on their relationship. Now the singer is happy, despite the fact that they are both busy developing their careers and do not see each other as often as they would like. When is it issued to allocate free time for each other, lovers go on a trip or just walk down the street. Nicole does not deny that she wants a family and children, but she is sure that everything has its time. When the singer has babies, she will raise them following the example of her mother, who is her closest and favorite person.

see also

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Published on 05/10/2017

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