Celebrities who didn't graduate from high school. Dropout stars: Losers who made a career in Hollywood Hollywood stars who dropped out of school

Family and relationships 19.06.2020
Family and relationships

And 10 years from now, as former geeks, nerds, and former clumsy teenagers climb the ladder of life, the stars of the class are down there somewhere. Do you think it's a fairy tale? And here it is not. We have irrefutable proof in the form of popular celebrities.

The late Nirvana lead singer had a rough childhood. His parents divorced when Kurt was 7 years old: “I felt like I didn’t deserve to have other kids around me. After all, they had parents, but I don’t.” Cobain was not like the rest of the guys: calm, withdrawn, sometimes a little crazy. Peers did not understand him, so they got him.

“I always felt that classmates would have chosen me for the role of the very guy who would shoot everyone at the prom,” Kurt once joked.

Despite the fact that the life of the Nirvana vocalist was interrupted very tragically and suddenly, the success that the school loser achieved was overwhelming. Which only proves - real talent and rich inner world lies inside the shy and weird guys.

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“We had tall guys with stubble and muscle at school, and I was a skinny, awkward teenager.”

Unlike his on-screen heroes, the teenager Efron was not very popular at school. On one of his last shows, The Late Late Show with James Corden, he said: “In school, I sang and danced. And it was considered not very cool. Therefore, for my classmates, I was a real nerd. ” To which the host replied to him: “In that case, you were the most beautiful nerd I have ever seen!”. When we hear from a handsome man like Efron such stories about high school then skeptics wake up in us. After all, confessions on the topic “I was a loser, like you” immediately add a couple of points to him in the eyes of the fans. And then we look at the old photograph of Efron and still believe his words.

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In Glee, Naya played a tough bitch from a support group who plots everyone. But at school, the actress was a real geek: “At school, I was more like Artie and Rachel than Santana. Like Rachel, I knew what I wanted, but I wasn't that nasty. But like Artie, I was a creepy nerd…” We hope that the classmates whom Naya gave to cheat in the 9th grade have already watched all the episodes of "Glee"!

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The real Kesha has nothing to do with the Kesha we see in clips and on stage. Before turning professionally into music and singing the iconic line “Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack”, the singer actively gnawed at the granite of science. She was the top A student in the group with her homework always ready in her backpack: “After high school, I was going to go to Barnard College in the psychology department.” Kesha admitted that while still at school, she managed to attend university lectures. What for? For fun. As Kesha herself said:

"I love learning!"

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“I honestly don't know why they were so mean to me. And when I asked, they just said: "Well, you're fat."

I was bullied for being overweight. And after a few months, I started having digestive problems. Because of which I still suffer,” admits Demi. Interesting fact: In 2011, a story called my (un)told story was published on Tumblr, written by a former classmate of the star. The latter decided to tell the world what Demi really is. According to this girl, Lovato was not a victim at all, Demi herself humiliated her peers, including the author of the story ... The post was later deleted.

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Can not boast of the title of "Miss Popularity" and cutie Selena Gomez. She was listed as a school loser, she was friends with only two girls from the class, and during breaks she sat in the back desks and did homework. However, Sel was lucky with his cousin. Priscilla Deleon was a popular girl and part-time cheerleader. And when Selena was offended, she always stood up for Gomez.

"School years are not best time in my life. I had such low self-esteem,” Sel once said. I didn't go on dates with guys in school. I was in love with one, but I never admitted it to him. I did what many girls do, which was to avoid him.”

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A lot of star friends, endless positive, countless good deeds and tracks that raise the self-esteem of all teenagers - Taylor is simply impossible not to fall in love with. The inhabitants of the school where the singer studied may not agree with us. Classmates did not understand Swift, did not want to be friends with her and considered the singer a gray mouse: “I remember when I was at school, the only reason I started writing songs was my loneliness. I was walking down the hallway and could hear something like, “Oh my god, the party we're going to on Friday is going to be the party of the century. Everyone goes, except Taylor ... ". Who needs these parties now if Tey has a VIP entry to Kanye West's hangout?

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The heroine Kristen Bella from the film adaptation of "Twilight" can hardly be called a popular girl. However, Bella Swan had her own special charm and a vampire boyfriend to boot. But real life is not a vampire saga. Silent girls like Bella are rarely spared by school bullies. And Stewart, who is somewhat similar to her character, really had a hard time at school:

“I was happy when I finished school. I just couldn't communicate with guys my age. They are mean and don't give you a single chance."

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Lady Gaga's tearful story about her school years was once heard in an HBO promo video in April 2011. Wiping her eyes with a tissue and sobbing, the singer said that she felt like a real freak at school:

“To this day, I sometimes feel like a loser in high school, and every morning I have to cheer myself up, remind myself that I am a superstar, that I can handle this and be the girl that my fans need.”

Also in her interviews, the singer repeatedly mentioned that her classmates considered her ugly and mocked her in every possible way: “I was teased for my big nose.” And, of course, peers did not share her passion for music and theater. But immediately after the release of the HBO video, some “friends of acquaintances” who allegedly knew Gaga’s classmates immediately rushed to refute the singer’s version, saying that no one offended Gaga and she greatly exaggerates. However, their words were never confirmed, as in the case of Demi's outspoken classmate. For some reason, we really believe in the story of Lady Gaga. She is a creative and extraordinary person - the ideal object of school bullying.

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In Gossip Girl, Layton played the daughter of wealthy parents and part-time school leader Blair Waldorf. Her heroine is used to getting everything she wants: from the coolest clothes to the best guys in the class. But in your real school years the actress could not afford even half of what Blair has:

“I was bullied in high school because I was bespectacled and a nerd. We didn't have a lot of money, and I couldn't go up to my mom and say that I just needed these expensive jeans."

Mister admitted that she hated school fiercely, so sometimes she even skipped classes to smoke a joint with friends. Wow, we didn't know Layton was such a bad girl! Mister never told the kids at school that she planned to become an actress. And when they saw her photo in a magazine, they immediately began to discuss that she looks fat in the picture. Here it is - envy.

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When Eminem was 9 years old, he was beaten so badly by a school bully that he was in a coma for about a week! After the guy was also repeatedly beaten:

“I was beaten in the school shower room, beaten in the corridors, put my head in the locker...”.

The main white rapper of the planet found a way to throw out the anger accumulated inside him - he began to perform hip-hop. About all the horrors that Eminem experienced at school, he often mentioned in his lyrics. Take, for example, the track Brain Damage, in which the rapper literally poured out his soul. As you understand, Eminem was not a nerd, but rather a scum, he studied very poorly and did not see the point in attending classes at all. Once, when he was called to the board to answer a paragraph about the American constitution, Eminem rapped out (with profanity and other special effects). He was immediately expelled without the right to appeal.

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At school, Angie was a weird girl in black, drawing coffins in her math notebook. Jolie studied very poorly, snapped at teachers, did not communicate with classmates at all. She was even transferred to a special class and forced to work with a psychotherapist. Parents were horrified - Oscar-winning dad Jon Voight burned with shame, and mother Marcheline Bertrand often cried in the director's office. Kees Rundle, a friend of the star's late mother, once told the Daily Mail:

“They (classmates) laughed at her because of her lips, the girls were angry with her. She had broad shoulders and long legs, she walked like a gazelle.”

Because of the offensive nicknames that Jolie had to hear every day, the girl even brought herself to anorexia. She hated herself at school, but now Angelina Jolie, her broad shoulders, long legs and plump lips are loved by the whole world.

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One of the most popular Russian YouTube bloggers, Katya Klep, started running the channel precisely because she faced a misunderstanding from her classmates. Kate decided to create her own world and funny characters that Clap portrayed in her videos:

“I had many personalities, I didn’t feel like one person. That’s why my classmates didn’t understand me.”

“Others are used to living according to patterns, and I have always loved reincarnations. That is, I watch some movie with Megan Fox and that's it, the next day, of course, I don't look like Megan Fox, but I feel like a rebel. The next day I watch "Back to the Future" and I'm already a strange girl in sneakers and a puffy vest. By the end of school, I just realized that you need to be yourself, ”-. It's amazing how easily those who bullied Katya at school a few years ago changed their attitude towards their former classmate when she became famous. But, as Kate herself said, if before she needed these people, now the fans are much more important to her.

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Chris Colfer

Made the so-called "coming out" at school - the guy openly admitted that he was gay. And if Chris's family reacted to this news with understanding, then at school Colfer had to face severe bullying. Interestingly, the character of Chris from "Glee" Kurt Hummel is literally written off from the actor. Show creator Ryan Murphy loved it real story Colfer and he thought it would be a great basis for a script! Looking back and remembering high school, Chris can advise anyone who is humiliated by classmates to not hang up their noses and just get through this period.

At school, the future Oscar winner was considered mentally retarded. All because Anthony suffered from dyslexia, a feature in which a person cannot distinguish between letters and words, and, accordingly, cannot learn to read or write. The only thing he was good at was playing the piano, but this ability was not appreciated by teachers and Hopkins was forced to drop out of school.

Jim carrey

Kerry did not finish school due to financial difficulties in the family. Despite the fact that the boy tried very hard and did not miss classes, he would be forced to work after school at the factory for eight hours. This could not but affect his studies, Kerry remained for re-education in the 10th grade for three years in a row, until he finally broke with the school.

Kate Winslet

It is hard to imagine today that little Kate was bullied by classmates because of her overweight. They teased her, the most harmless nickname was - "Bubble". Unable to bear the bullying, the future actress dropped out of school.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino initially dreamed of sports career and even played on the high school baseball team. But at the age of 17 he decided to earn money and dropped out of school. He only has an acting school diploma in his pocket, but this does not prevent him from being a superstar.

Gerard Depardieu

Depardieu's character began to show in early childhood, when instead of lessons he began to engage in theft and subsequent resale of cars. At the age of 12, he said goodbye to his classmates and no one else noticed him at the school desk. Journalists are still not sure that Gerard can write correctly.

Angelina Jolie

And another victim of bullying classmates. Angelina, unlike Kate Winslet, was teased by schoolmates because of her thinness and braces on her teeth. Stress brought the girl to complete depression and she dropped out of school. But who now knows her classmates and does not know Jolie?

Tom Cruise

Cruz, like Hopkins, suffers from dyslexia. It goes without saying that he had a hard time at school. He changed 15! schools, but this did not lead to anything. The boy even tried to become a priest, but changed his mind in favor of an acting career, to our delight.

Pierce Brosnan

The future James Bond moved to London at the age of 15 and immediately came under a hail of ridicule from his fellow students, who called him a “dirty Irishman” because of his accent. For five years he suffered, and then, at the age of 16, he ran away from home and school with a traveling circus. He never returned to teaching.

Nicole Kidman

Kidman was doing well at school - she studied diligently, studied at the choreographic studio and sang. But the illness of her mother, for whom there was no one to look after, except for Nicole, forced her to interrupt her studies. She never received her diploma.

Johnny Depp

Johnny was not going to study well, he wanted to become a rock star. Therefore, he skipped classes, leaving for group rehearsals, and there was nothing to think about homework. At the age of 15, he was forced to leave school. Instead, he completed acting classes and earns millions.

The importance of education cannot be denied. It is believed that the more educated a person is, the more successful his future career will be. Many believe that people who drop out of university or school are choosing for themselves a long and painful career in a fast food restaurant. But there are always exceptions to the rule. Below is a list of 10 such people.

10. John D. Rockefeller.Billionaire.

Before becoming arguably the richest man in history (adjusted for inflation), John Rockefeller was the humble son of a slick swindler and high school student in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. Although he was a little educated, when he was sixteen, Rockefeller decided to drop out of school and start a career with the goal of earning $ 100,000.

We can safely say that he brought his dream to life, as well as many others. Rockefeller made his mark in the oil industry by founding the company "" and, ultimately, creating a monopoly on the entire industry. By 1902 he had $200 million, and before his death he had amassed a fortune of over one billion dollars. Study must have been important.

9. Horace Greeley.Journalist and congressman.

If you not big fan history of journalism, you have probably never heard of Horace Greeley, except perhaps in a passing mention somewhere. Born in New Hampshire in the early nineteenth century, Greeley became one of the most influential people in the press throughout American history. He also became a congressman and one of the founding members of the Republican Party.

Greeley did it all without a high school education. At the age of fifteen, he left home to become an apprentice with a printer in Vermont. When he was twenty, he moved to New York and began working for The New Yorker and the New York Tribune. It was his work with the Tribune that made him famous. He also helped found the city that would later bear his name. To this day, he is considered one of the most influential journalists in history.

8. John Glenn Astronaut.

During the tense space race in the 1950s and 1960s, there was a man who became the first American astronaut when the US was fighting Soviet Union for the championship, first in space, and then on the moon. That man was John Glenn. He became a war hero and one of the most famous astronauts in history despite dropping out of university. Glenn attended Muskingum University where he studied science. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he left it to fight in World War II.

7. Steve JobsApple co-founder.

In the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, there were a huge number of greats who did incredible things without even graduating from college, such as Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). But perhaps the most influential "technological" mind of the last century was Steve Jobs, the co-founder of .

Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the first successful personal computers and introduced numerous revolutionary products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. Jobs did this after only six months at university.

By the way, Jobs was adopted. His biological mother only agreed to give him to Clara and Paul Jobs on the condition that he attend university. Well, mission accomplished.

6. Mark Twain.Writer and satirist.

Arguably America's most beloved writer and humorist, Mark Twain rose to prominence after creating the classic characters of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered by many to be "the great American novel". Not bad for a man who had an incomplete secondary education and worked as an apprentice from the age of eleven.

When Twain was eighteen, he worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis, and spent all his evenings in the library. Before he became a steamship navigator, he supplemented his knowledge by reading everything that fell into his hands. Twain continued to work on the steamboat until civil war, and after a brief stint in the Confederate army, he began to travel throughout the country and write extensively. Twain is a clear proof that the mind is given from birth.

5. Henry Ford.Industrialist and entrepreneur.

In the history of America, perhaps, few people are the personification of a "successful self-taught person", more than a person who is remembered by mankind for the almost sole creation of the US automobile industry. Ford had an incomplete secondary education. He was born on a farm near Detroit, where he worked with a father who dreamed that his son would someday have his own farm.

Instead, at the age of seventeen, Ford left home and became an apprentice machinist in Detroit, thus choosing a career that would ultimately change his life, making him a very wealthy and successful industrialist. Despite the fact that he had almost no high school education, Ford created a mechanized assembly line, and this happened long before, thanks to his work, Detroit was called the "Motor City".

4. William Shakespeare.Poet and playwright.

Currently one of the most famous historical figures, William Shakespeare is one of the most famous historical figures. He created the world's favorite works that the world has ever known: Romeo and Juliet, Lady Macbeth, etc. But very little is known about early period Shakespeare's life, in fact, there is not even any record left to show that he ever received a secondary education.

Scholars suggest that he attended the New King's School, but at the same time, according to some of his writings, he left school at the age of thirteen. It seems surprising that the person who gave English language more than 1700 words, apparently, left his studies in high school.

3. Winston Churchill.State and political figure.

One of the most prominent political figures of the 20th century, the famous satirist and master of aphorisms, Winston Churchill was born into a family of aristocrats. Therefore, it is not surprising that he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually led Britain to victory in World War II. What is really amazing, and why he is on this list, is that he reached such heights with an incomplete high school education.

Churchill, who came from a wealthy family, had the best education available. But, unfortunately, this did not mean that he was a good student. Studying was not easy for him and he studied quite poorly, and was often punished for poor academic performance. AT military service there were also problems with bad work. Three times he tried to enter the Royal Military School, and was only accepted after he applied to the cavalry class, and not to the infantry, as the requirements there were lower and knowledge of mathematics was not required. In fairness, it should be noted that no one likes mathematics.

2. Abraham Lincoln.President of the U.S.A.

Arguably the most popular US president ever, a man who, contrary to popular belief, didn't fight vampires, Abraham Lincoln was America's sixteenth president. He led the nation through perhaps the most difficult times. But the man who gave the Gettysburg Address and ended slavery in the US, though not with the Emancipation Proclamation, was not well educated.

Lincoln was almost completely self-taught, despite the fact that in early age he was famous for being lazy. This did not stop him from starting his career in politics from the very bottom in his early twenties. Lincoln became a member of the Bar after studying the laws of free time. It seems that he was a political prodigy. And if everything that is said about him is true, then he achieved everything thanks to reading by candlelight in his small wooden house.

1. Albert Einstein. Yes, the man whose name is now equated with the word "genius", who published more than 300 scientific papers; the person who created the theory of relativity (E = mc2) and the person who received the Nobel Prize was a high school dropout. He tried to enter the university, but failed the entrance exams.

Einstein eventually went to college and graduated, of course, precisely because people of his unsurpassed intellect will always find a way out. But the fact remains that the greatest mind of the twentieth century was dropped out of school.

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Perhaps the actor Johnny Depp is one of the most famous people planets, but a diploma of higher education he doesn't have. Depp left school at the age of 15, dreaming of becoming a rock musician. Our photo selection will tell you about others famous people who have not received a full school education.

1. Depp at the premiere of "Rango" on February 14, 2011 in Los Angeles) left school at the age of 15, dreaming of becoming a rock musician.

2. The daughter of a biochemist, Oscar winner Nicole Kidman, dropped out of school while living in Australia to devote herself to acting. Photo taken at the Oscars on February 27, 2011. Until her sixteenth birthday, marked by her first appearance on television, Kidman played in the theater.

3. This photo shows John Travolta performing in Mumbai, India on September 26, 2010. Travolta left school at the age of 16, moved to New York, where he devoted himself to a career as an actor and model.

4. Oscar winner Charlize Theron, a native of South Africa, left school at 16 and moved to Hollywood with her mother to pursue a career as a movie star. In this photo, she is at the baseball championship in Los Angeles on November 22, 2010.

5. Comedian and actress Roseanne Barr at the premiere of the film in Los Angeles, October 23, 2006. She left school at 17 and got married. Her career began with comedy performances in a restaurant where she worked as a dishwasher.

6. Jim Carrey, star of The Truman Show and Liar Liar, grew up in Canada where his family had to live in their own car for months. He dropped out of school as a teenager and took a job.

7. Sir Michael Caine (real name Maurice Joseph Micklewhite), Oscar winner, was born into a working-class family in London. He left school at 15 to go to work. His career as an actor began only after returning from the Korean War.

8. Singer and actress Cher owed her academic problems to dyslexia. She left school at 15. In the photo, she sings the anthem during the opening of Super Bowl XXXIII in Miami.

9. Actor, singer and rancher Russell Crowe participated in television programs in Australia as a child and dropped out of school to devote himself to show business.

10. Real movie legend Robert De Niro, who grew up in New York, dropped out of high school to become a member of a teenage gang. In the photo - De Niro at the Tribeca Film Festival on October 30, 2010 in Qatar, where he studied acting.

11. The director of such films as "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" Quentin Tarantino left school to make films. At the same time, he had an IQ of 160.

12. Tarantino often refers to Kill Bill star Uma Thurman as his muse. Like Tarantino, Thurman never graduated from high school. The Boston native, daughter of a European model and Buddhist scholar, left boarding school at 15 to pursue acting.

13. Al Pacino left school at 17 to devote himself to the stage. He is still involved in performances, one of the last was The Merchant of Venice on Broadway. He is pictured at the Golden Globes on January 16, 2011.

14. Charlie Sheen was one of the famous baseball players at school in Santa Monica, California, but shortly before graduation he was expelled for absenteeism and poor performance.

15. British actor Rupert Everett (“The Wedding best friend», « Ideal husband”) studied at one of the best private schools in England. However, at 16, he dropped out of school to pursue acting.

16. Australian actress Toni Collette, star of Tara So Different, left school at 16 to attend theater school.

17. Actress and TV presenter Whoopi Goldberg was born in New York and her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson. She left school at 16, then there were numerous marriages, drug addiction and job changes.

18. Actor Keanu Reeves (photo taken at the premiere of the film in New York, December 9, 2008) was born in Beirut, and his childhood was spent in New York and Toronto. As a teenager, he was the star of the hockey team, and left school to pursue acting.

19. Actress Rene Russo (photo taken at the presentation of the awards of the Directors Guild of America, January 26, 2008 in Los Angeles) grew up with a single mother and was a classmate of Ron Howard at a school in California. She dropped out in the tenth grade to earn a living and took several low-paying jobs.

20. Actress Teri Polo (photo taken at the premiere of the film on December 16, 2004 in Los Angeles) grew up in Delaware, where she studied ballet as a child. She dropped out of high school after winning a junior modeling contest sponsored by Seventeen magazine.

21. Scotsman Ewan McGregor backstage at the 13th Annual Hollywood Awards on October 26, 2009 in Los Angeles. His parents allowed him to leave school at 16 to become a theater actor.

22. Actress Demi Moore (photo taken at the Sundance Film Festival, January 25, 2011) was born in New Mexico, but her family moved from place to place throughout her childhood. She left school at 16, worked as a saleswoman, and got married two years later. At 19, she played her first successful film role.

23. Jennifer Jason Leigh (photo taken in 1007 in New York) left school shortly before graduation in 1981 to star in the movie Eyes of a Stranger.

24. London-born Jude Law (pictured in Hamlet on Broadway, 2010) left school at 17 to star in a British television series.

September 1 is not only the beginning of autumn, but also World Knowledge Day and the first day of school. School is the first stage of education and certainly the most important. After all, there we receive all the basic baggage of knowledge, and at the same time we determine what of this knowledge we want to use further in our life and work. School education is the basic minimum that is necessary for further advancement in studies and, of course, a career.

However, in Hollywood, everything is much simpler. To become famous, some stellar people did not even need a school education. Let's meet the celebrities who never got around to graduating from high school, but still made successful careers.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan attended high school in Ontario, but when he turned 17, actor career became his top priority. Leaving his native Canada, Ryan moved to the US and got into the show "The Mickey Mouse Club" along with other future stars such as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

Cameron Diaz

She left school at the age of 16, but quickly moved into the acting profession.

After signing a contract with the well-known modeling agency Elite Modeling Management, Cameron decided to postpone her education until better times. She left school at the age of 16, but quickly moved into the acting profession.

Daniel Radcliffe

Although the filming schedule for the Harry Potter franchise left plenty of time for study, Daniel chose to leave school. He occasionally tutored, but eventually decided that going to college would hinder his acting career.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Many celebrities dropped out of school because of acting, but instead of sitting at a desk, Katherine took a three-year course in musicals at the School of the Arts in London.

Tom Cruise

Having spent his childhood in Canada, Tom started acting in films at the age of 14. And although he received a church scholarship to study at the Franciscan seminary, Cruz decided that acting was his true calling.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and failing grades.

Just weeks before graduation, Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and failing grades. He still thinks that he was lucky, because he was able to switch immediately to a career.

Gisele Bündchen

Few celebrities who have not graduated from high school can boast of the highest earnings in their field. Gisele has been the highest paid model in the world for several years now, and Forbes magazine this year included her in the top 100 powerful women peace.

John Travolta

The acting career also prompted John to drop out of school. Travolta left school at 16 and concentrated on the stage until he became an international celebrity.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 13, she was already undergoing a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction.

This actress did not just drop out of school, but at the age of 13 she was undergoing a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction. And although she entered Hollywood life as a child, Drew eventually managed to find the right path and earn success.

Whoopi Goldberg

She is one of the few celebrities who have received all the leading awards (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony). However, she did not finish school and, before becoming an actress, she worked as an operator in "sex on the phone."

Mark Wahlberg

Most celebrities who dropped out of school never returned to school, but Mark decided to complete his education at 42. In 2013, he finally received a certificate. “Now I can look at my children every day and understand that I did it not for myself, but for them,” Wahlberg said in an interview with one of the newspapers, commenting on his return to school.

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