The ideal and rich husband of Ingeborga Dapkunaite: a secret wedding and a long-awaited son. Ingeborga Dapkunaite: creative path and personal life Dapkunaite child from a surrogate

Diets 18.08.2019

At the beginning current year the cult actress from Lithuania Ingeborga Dapkunaite celebrated her next anniversary: ​​the woman turned fifty-five years old. The Russian Channel One, in honor of this, shot a documentary film about the actress, dedicated to her life path and work.

Apart from interesting facts from the biography of a woman, there was one more moment in the cinema: in it, for the first time, they showed the public the little son of Ingeborga, whom the woman gave birth to - hold on! - at fifty-four years old! The charming baby was liked by all viewers of the tape.

The popular actress does not particularly like to talk about her personal life. Because of this, she is often talked about in the media. However, most often such rumors are not confirmed.

The woman gave birth to her baby son at fifty-four, a year ago. For a long time many fans refused to believe it: they say, how is this possible at such an impressive age ?! However, this time the rumors turned out to be true: the woman really became a mother. Nothing is known about the child's father. The baby was named Alex.

55-year-old theater and film actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite, despite her popularity, has never been involved in any kind of scandals in her career. Not so long ago, Ingeborga became the screenwriter of her own documentary. A painting about the life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The last frame of the film caused a heated discussion. There was shown a boy with the signature "Son - Alex."

It is known that the actress never had children. Ingeborga was married three times. Now the actress lives with her young son and husband. Fans of Dapkunaite began to speculate where the actress's son came from - who gave birth to him.

The son of 55-year-old Ingeborg Dapkunaite was born by a surrogate mother

Ingeborga Dapkunaite was born on January 20, 1963. During her life, the woman became a successful actress Soviet Union, Great Britain and Lithuania. In addition, the public recently learned that Ingeborga succeeded not only in acting in theater and cinema, but also realized herself as a mother. Dapkunaite showed her little son in documentary About Me.

The baby's name is Alex, he is about two years old. Ingeborga Dapkunaite does not want to comment on her personal life and does not say from whom the son is and who gave birth to him.

55-year-old Ingeborga Dapkunaite does not comment whether she herself gave birth to a son or not

The ending of the film about Ingeborg Dapkunaite surprised the audience with incredible news. The actress has a son, Alex, whom no one knew about. Fans suggest that the actress gave birth to a boy surrogate mother. After all, in last years the actress appeared in public, but no one noticed her pregnancy.

The film starred Ingeborg's friends and colleagues in theater and cinema. They talked about the projects and contemporary works of the actress. But none of them said anything about Dapkunaite's personal life. It is only known that son Alex is very similar to his popular mother. The actress married lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky in 2013. The couple got married in the UK.

Celebrates an anniversary. The star is 55 years old. In honor of the significant day, Channel One showed a documentary film to the artist “ Everything they say about me is not true". The actress is known for speaking little about her personal life in public. Nevertheless, the artist made an exception for the dokufilm, and the conversation went beyond Dapkunaite's favorite topics - cinema, theater and charity.

The concept of the dokufilm "Everything that is written about me is not true" is very original. The fact is that the tape is built on the principle of a casual conversation between Ingeborga Dapkunaite and her friends: the actress asks questions and answers them. The conversation is interspersed with chronicles, fragments from films and performances, as well as videos from rehearsals. So, well-known colleagues of the TV personality with whom she had worked: Evgeny Mironov, Alexey Popogrebsky, Tatyana Drubich, Valery Todorovsky, Mikhail Porechenkov, John Malkovich, Maxim Didenko and others.

A frame from the dokufilm "Everything that they write about me is not true"

At the end of Ingeborg's program, Dapkunaite made a surprise for all viewers and showed her little son Alex for the first time. The kid ran out to the set to his mother, and the actress immediately took the heir in her arms. It is worth noting that little Alex is very similar to his famous mother.

Note that the personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite is rich. The actress has been married three times. The first husband of the star was a classmate Arunas Sakalauskas, who became an actor and TV presenter, the second - an English theater director Simon Stokes. The restaurateur became the third chosen one of Dapkunaite and the father of her child Dmitry Yampolsky who is 12 years younger than his wife. Ingeborga and Dmitry got married in 2013 in the UK in the strictest secrecy.

Son of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Little Alex is growing up as a copy of his famous mother

"Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Everything that is written about me is not true. Documentary

Ingeborga Dapkunaite said in an interview that because of reduced pressure she has little energy.

Looking at a woman with such a radiant smile, who has a new airport on her schedule every 2 days, it's hard to believe. It seems that the actress infects with joy and optimism from the first minutes, wherever she appears - on the set, social event or in the dressing room after the performance. And at the same time, she is not characterized by pride, she does not worry about which film or theatrical performance will be remembered and which ones will be forgotten. Dapkunayte what is happening in this moment is important, because this moment will never happen again.

Childhood and youth

Dapkunaite Ingeborga Edmundovna was born in Lithuania, in cozy old Vilnius, on January 20, 1963. Parents worked in Moscow: dad is a diplomat, mom is a meteorologist. The girl saw them infrequently, coming to the capital of Russia only during school holidays. The rest of the time, Ingeborg stayed with her grandparents. Aunt and uncle - musicians of the Vilnius theater orchestra - also looked after the baby.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite was attracted to the world of art by her grandmother and uncle and aunt. Thanks to them, the girl often went to the theater. Grandmother worked as an administrator at the Opera and Ballet Theater and dreamed of seeing her granddaughter on stage. Once she even lobbied for a 4-year-old baby to take on a tiny role in the opera Cio-Cio-san. Ingeborg did not like her debut as an artist. The role of the little son of Madame Butterfly did not involve any dances or songs.

But in sports, Ingeborga Dapkunaite achieved good results. She enjoyed attending figure skating and the basketball section. But at the insistence of her grandmother, the girl studied for 3 years at the theater studio, located in the Palace of Trade Unions not far from home, on Mount Tauras, and music school. Soon the passion for theater and music took precedence over sports. Ingeborga now wanted for herself the same thing as her grandmother: to become an artist.


After school, the girl became a student at the conservatory, chose the faculty of choral and theatrical art. After graduating from the conservatory, Dapkunaite began to look for the best place work for yourself. At first she was an actress at the Kaunas Drama Theatre. For a year from small work Ingeborga played the main roles in 7 performances. Even then it was clear that she was a talented actress with great creative potential and her own style of acting.

Soon the girl moved to the Vilnius Youth Theater. There, she is also waiting for the main roles. "The Seagull", "King Lear", "Carmen" - and everywhere the success and admiration of the audience. A promising young artist is noticed by a well-known producer and director. He invites Dapkunaite to audition for the play "Mistakes of Speech" in London. A girl cannot refuse such an offer. She goes and, of course, passes the casting. The Lithuanian actress was approved for leading role.

For some time Ingeborg played in England. Later she received an invitation to the theater in Chicago. There Dapkunaite was successful in the provocative and scandalous performance "Vagina Monologues". Despite the name, the production does not bear signs of vulgarity. These are complex, deeply psychological monologues.

Now Ingeborg, by invitation, performs on the stage of the Theater of Nations, delighting the audience in the performances of "Circus" and "Jeanne", and in "The Idiot" the celebrity reincarnates into.


Dapkunaite played her first role in cinema in her student years. The debut took place in the film by Raimundas Banionis called "My Little Wife", which was released in 1984. The lively and carefree girl performed by Ingeborga liked the audience.

And all-Union popularity and recognition came to Dapkunaite after her appearance in the legendary film "". The prostitute Kisulya performed by the Lithuanian actress turned out to be very bright.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite in the movie "Intergirl"

In 1991, the artist appeared in the image of a decadent in the film Cynics. It was a brilliant game that required considerable strength and skill from Ingeborga. Dapkunaite coped, for which she was awarded the Golden Ram.

The actress flawlessly presented Ekaterina Izmailova in another picture of Todorovsky, already at. For work in "Moscow Evenings" Ingeborg Dapkunaite received "Nika".

During this period of time, the schedule of filming and rehearsals of the actress was extremely tight. She was constantly on flights between London and Moscow. In 1993, Dapkunaite made her debut in Hollywood - she starred in the TV series Alaska Kid.

The Russian audience, on the other hand, watched the game of Ingeborga in the cult film "" with pleasure, where the actress received one of the main roles - Marusya, the wife of the hero, played by Nikita Mikhalkov himself. The film has a truly stellar cast. Here are involved, Evgeny Mironov,.

The picture was simply doomed to success. The film received an Oscar, and eminent directors, including Hollywood ones, drew attention to Ingeborg. Dapkunaite was invited to the action movie "Mission Impossible", where she played with. And in the film “Seven Years in Tibet”, which appeared 3 years later, he became her partner.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Brad Pitt in Seven Years in Tibet

The creative biography of the actress began to be replenished annually with both Russian and foreign projects. In 2002, she played a leading role in the thriller Loneliness of Blood, in 2003 - in the drama Winter Heat produced by France, Belgium, Spain and Russia and in the French-British drama Kiss of Life. In 2007, the actress appeared in the cult franchise about the maniac Hannibal and played his mother in the film Young Hannibal: Behind the Mask.

Recalling the filming of the military drama "War", where she reincarnated as an Englishwoman captured by militants, Ingeborga said that she could not find mutual language with the director. But the days spent in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, he considers "the most wonderful period in my life, because we went through all the trials together and became friends."

Ingeborga Dapkunaite in the movie "War"
Ingeborga Dapkunaite in the film "Matilda"

In 2017, the screen star began filming in the infamous film "" about the relationship of a ballerina and. Ingeborg played the role of the Empress. This is not the first image of a royal person in Dapkunaite's filmography. The creators of the painting "", apparently, decided that it would not be difficult for the artist, a Lithuanian by nationality, speaking with a slight accent, to convey the intonations of the empress, because the wives of Russian emperors were foreigners.

In the same year, she received the main role of detective Inga Veerma in the Russian adaptation of the popular Swedish-Danish series The Bridge, in which she acted as her partner.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Mikhail Porechenkov in the TV series "The Bridge"

With pleasure, Ingeborg accepts offers to act in various shows on Russian television. She appeared in Big Brother and Stars on Ice, where she performed with.

In 2016, Ingeborga, together with a colleague, took part in the Evening Urgant TV program, where the actresses talked about charitable foundation"Faith", whose leadership includes both women.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Tatyana Drubich in the Evening Urgant program

In 2017, Dapkunaite again worked on the same platform with John Malkovich, filming in the project "About Love 2" (another name is "About Love. Only for adults"). At the box office, the tape failed, but received the Golden Eagle and the main prize of Kinotavr. The star duet in the film was joined by,.

The rights to the film were acquired by the HBO cable network, on whose order "" was filmed in order to demonstrate the product of the Russian film industry in European countries.

Personal life

The personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite is very eventful. There is something for journalists to profit from here. The first husband of the actress is a classmate at the conservatory Arunas Sakalauskas. Now it is one of the most famous and successful Lithuanian actors. 2 years after the divorce, he married, and again to the artist, and again with the surname Dapkunaite, only his wife's name is Iolanta.

The second husband of Ingeborga was the English director Simon Stokes. But the couple did not live together for long. For a long time the woman remained alone. During the filming of the Stars on Ice project, there were rumors about a Lithuanian romance with coach Alexander Zhulin. Like it or not, the couple did not comment.

Rumor has it that the Lithuanian movie star was the reason for the divorce from his wife Maya. Ingeborga and Emir are rumored to have met for many years. The novel originated at one of the Russian film festivals. After the divorce, Kusturica was even going to marry Dapkunaite, but for unknown reasons this did not happen.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite, celebrating her 50th birthday, married 38-year-old businessman Dmitry Yampolsky. According to the lovers, when they met, Dmitry knew how much the chosen one was older than him, but the difference in years did not embarrass either side. In addition, the man was married to actress Olesya Potashinskaya and raised two children (or one daughter, here the sources did not agree).

She did not say anything about Ingeborg's third husband. It is only known that Dmitry is a co-owner of an international law firm, a restaurateur and chairman of the board of the very Vera Foundation with which Dapkunaite cooperates.

The couple played the wedding in secret, and those present at the celebration, as the media later reported, signed an obligation not to disclose details. A surprise for fans of the actress was the news that the couple had a son. Some sites concluded that Ingeborg, due to objective reasons, resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.

In 2018, also in secrecy, the artist divorced. As usual, there were no comments.

Fans of the actress are interested in what a celebrity does to keep her appearance as in her youth. Women's magazines tell how to copy the style of a sophisticated artist and how to achieve her curves (the actress weighs 48 kg with a height of 166 cm). Ingeborg herself willingly talks about her diet. She does not adhere to strict restrictions, but includes only healthy meals and does not eat dairy products.

Dapkunaite continues to cooperate with Anna Melikyan. In the new film Fairy, the Lithuanian actress plays a member of the Russian parliament.

From the Hollywood spy thriller "Red Sparrow" it is supposed to "grow" a franchise that is not inferior to the Bond one. In the film, shot by Francis Lawrence, the creator of "I Am Legend" and "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness", in addition to Ingeborga, a world ballet star is involved.

The NTV channel promised to release in 2019 the continuation of the series "The Bridge" about police officers from border countries joining forces in investigating crimes.


  • 1989 - "Intergirl"
  • 1993 - "Alaska Kid"
  • 1994 - Moscow Evenings
  • 1994 - "Burnt by the Sun"
  • 2002 - "War"
  • 2007 - Hannibal Rising
  • 2008 - "Morphine"
  • 2010 - "Orange Juice"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2014 - "Gregory R"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2017 - "Matilda"
  • 2017 - "Bridge"
  • 2018 - "Red Sparrow"

In the documentary, Ingeborga appeared in a completely unexpected way. She said that she always did not like being called Inga, but being shy, she was embarrassed to correct the speaker.

She was told about famous people, like Evgeny Mironov, Konstantin Ernst, Alexei Popogrebsky, Tatyana Drubich, Valery Todorovsky and John Malkovich.

“I am grateful to you for the fact that we have been friends for so many years and for the fact that you initiate me into various projects and actions. And I like it when women I know ask all the time: “What is she doing? Why doesn't she change? Years pass, and she is exactly the same!” They don’t know that you are a sorceress,” said Konstantin Ernst in the film.

But really, is it possible even for a minute to imagine that Ingeborg is already 55! In one of the interviews, the star told her secret of "eternal youth". “My grandmother lived to be 103 years old without a single wrinkle. But she didn't really do anything to herself. She had only one advice - the face should be cleaned in the morning and in the evening. And I follow him,” shared the actress.

In addition, Dapkunaite never tans, because the active sun dries and ages the skin, she constantly goes in for sports and takes care of herself.

In the tape, the star demonstrated excellent knowledge of several languages, recalled auditions and shootings in many of her most famous films, starting with Intergirl.

Especially for the film, Ingeborg showed her little son Alex. At the end of the tape, a little blond boy comes up to her, sitting on the stage, the artist takes him in her arms and leaves. There is no doubt about whose child this is: he is a copy of his talented mother.

She gave birth to her son Dapkunaite from her husband, restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky. Them secret wedding took place five years ago in the UK.

“To be honest, we rarely gather guests at home,” Dmitry admits. - Usually meetings are held in our establishments, I'm a restaurateur. And at home we can sit down together, have a drink and go somewhere further, ”Dmitry once said in an interview with Snob magazine.

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