Malikov has an illegitimate child. The whole truth about the son of Dmitry Malikov from a surrogate mother

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And Elena Malikova, who have been together for 25 years, first became parents in 2000. Now their daughter Stefania Malikova is 17 years old, she is studying at MGIMO and taking her first steps in show business. In general, she has become quite an adult and is about to fly out of her parental nest. But star parents will definitely not be bored. Yesterday it became known that Dmitry and Elena Malikova became parents again. True, this time with the help of a surrogate mother.

The second child of the Malikovs was born in St. Petersburg. So far, neither the singer nor his wife have commented on the event. By the way, for Elena Malikova, the child became the third. She has an older daughter from her first marriage. She also graduated from MGIMO. In addition, she studied in Paris. Eldest daughter Elena is married and has already become a mother herself. She and her husband, businessman Jamal Khalilov, are raising their daughter Anna.

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stephanie on her last call at school

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stephanie, who went to first grade

Information about the appearance of a second child with Dmitry and Elena Malikov was confirmed in an interview with Channel Five by the mother of the singer Lyudmila Vyunkova. She also noted that now she is all in worries. Meanwhile, journalists have already managed to find out how much they cost star family surrogate mother services. According to media estimates, based on the price list of the elite St. Petersburg clinic of reproductive medicine, where the second child of the Malikovs was born, the birth of a second child cost about two million rubles.

Also on this moment it is known that the singer himself has not yet seen his son. At the time the boy was born, Dmitry Malikov was on tour in Yekaterinburg. The artist told media representatives that he needed time before he could give a full comment.

Dmitry and Elena Malikova in 1993

Dmitry Malikov with his daughter Stephanie in photographs from the family archive

January 27, 2018

more on the topic

Surrogacy is in vogue: which of the stars is nextDmitry and Elena Malikov are the main newsmakers of the last week: the couple became parents again thanks to surrogacy. This reproductive technology has long ceased to be a curiosity for show business stars: artists are no longer afraid to admit exactly how their heirs were born. the site remembers which of the celebrities turned to a surrogate mother before others, and suggests who could soon be among the happy parents.

The son of 47-year-old Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena (she is 7 years older than her husband) was born at the Ava-Peter clinic in St. Petersburg. The elite clinic of reproductive medicine has an impeccable reputation - IVF programs are carried out here, including surrogate mothers who bear children for wealthy families. The medical facility has all the security measures in place to keep the names of the people who visit the clinic confidential.

The Malikovs had a son

The heir of Dmitry Malikov was born on January 24, now dad is very happy twice. But he is in no hurry to share details about the newborn. Here's what we found out. The clinic in St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance. The reason is not only that the medical institution is international and its specialists are trained in the best European clinics. An important fact was that in St. Petersburg the Malikov family was able to keep significant event secret from strangers.

Dmitry and Elena Malikov are the perfect couple: they have been together for 25 years.

No betrayals, public quarrels and showdowns. The couple raised their 17-year-old daughter Stefania, who is now a first-year student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. The girl is smart, beautiful, she herself passed the high scores of the Unified State Examination and entered the university without using the money and family connections. Stephanie has a boyfriend (just as successful and from a good wealthy family), her parents bought an apartment for her daughter ... In general, they raised her, put her on her feet ... It's time to live for yourself. But the Malikovs decided otherwise.

AT friendly family Malikovs (Elena, Dmitry, Stefania) - replenishment. Photo: instagram.

“I want a son, and we are actively working on this,” Dmitry Malikov said back in the fall of 2016 in the Secret for a Million television program. A year and a half passed and the musician's dream came true: Dmitry admitted that his son, heir is his dream. Modern medical technologies now allow performing secret desires many couples. It should be noted that the wife famous musician she always supported her husband in everything: she manages her husband’s affairs, the main assistant and adviser in all his affairs. Elena has adult daughter from a previous marriage (photographer Olga Isakson), who recently made her a grandmother. Elena Malikova initiates many of her husband's projects, recent times Dmitry worked a lot in different genres. He traveled around the country with a project for children, infiltrated youth culture - judged a rap battle, recorded a video with a video blogger and rapper Yuri Khovansky: in general, he tried in every possible way to keep up with life, realizing that you can’t earn money only on instrumental music and hits of the last century . “This success caused a surge of interest from advertisers - I am offered contracts by firms and companies that are interested in promoting it on the network,” Malikov told us recently in an interview. But it turns out that Dmitry needs to be fashionable and modern also because he was planning a baby.

Now the newly-made dad accepts congratulations and re-experiences the emotions that he first experienced 17 years ago. Already in the coming weekend, the new family will go home, where everything is ready for the newborn.

Surrogacy is on the rise

The cost of surrogate mother services, including legal support of the procedure, IVF of a surrogate mother, her remuneration (700 - 800 thousand rubles), monthly maintenance, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of 2 million rubles. Naturally, the Malikovs did not save on medical services for a surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby's parents were nearby. The choice of a surrogate mother is now trusted by well-known companies after an interview.

Now many couples have the opportunity to become parents at any age. Some people benefit from cryopreservation. The eggs can be stored without any damage to the cell. Modern technologies guarantee almost one hundred percent survival of the biomaterial, allowing it to be preserved for a long time. Due to this, programs using vitrified oocytes (vitrification, unlike cryopreservation, allows the material to be stored for a longer period) give the same results in terms of the number of fertilizations and pregnancy rates as infusion without prior freezing of the material. The procedure itself costs from 50 to 70 thousand rubles. Storage of about 10 thousand rubles a year.


Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology in which three people participate in the conception and birth of a child: the genetic father and mother, as well as surrogate mother(a woman who agreed on a gratuitous basis or for money to carry and give birth to a child from genetic parents and in the future does not claim to be the mother of this child). After the birth of the baby, the genetic mother and father are registered as legal parents. Surrogate motherhood is possible when IVF is used in clinics of the appropriate profile: an egg fertilized in a test tube is transferred to the uterus of a surrogate mother during the first 3-5 days of embryo development.

In January of this year, Dmitry and Elena Malikov had a charming boy, whom the couple had been dreaming of for several years.

On the eve of his 48th birthday, Dmitry Malikov became a father for the second time. The singer and his wife Elena used the services of a surrogate mother. The heir of the couple was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. A few days after the happy event, the couple came home to Moscow with the baby and introduced him to other members of a large and friendly family.

Dmitry and Elena have a common daughter Stephanie. A 17-year-old girl is studying at MGIMO at the Faculty of Journalism. For a long period of time, Dmitry Malikov dreamed of another child. The artist admitted that he wanted a son.

« I'm very happy. No wonder they say that every man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. I really wanted an heir. I have a wonderful daughter, I love her very much, but she will get married and have a different surname. And I really wanted to continue the Malikov family", - the musician told reporters.

Now the couple is choosing a name for the child. " What to do if the wife likes the name Apollo?"- complained the artist on Twitter. Malikov's fans offered him their options in in social networks. « Dim, tell me that Cord has already named his son so. This is true. But you don’t need such a rhyme (by the way, Seryozha named his son in honor of Apollon Grigoriev)”, – journalist Vasily Utkin shared with the artist.

Nephew and namesake of Malikov, son of Inna Malikova Dima published fresh photo his cousin.

Dmitry Malikov with his sister Inna, nephew Dima and his son

Due to the fact that Dmitry Malikov preferred not to advertise information about the planned replenishment in the family, the news about this came as a surprise to his fans and caused heated discussions on social networks. Last weekend, the artist's wife Elena answered the spiteful critics on Instagram.

« You can have a different attitude to life and to age - to be annoyed at the young, beautiful, rich, to be afraid of old age and tomorrow, thinking about death with horror ... But there is another way - just be happy every day, love those who are around, take care of them, do not sit still, but act, do not become limp, but develop and, finally, do not look into your passport - there is nothing new and interesting there”, – shared the wife of the star.

While the newly-born parents are busy taking care of their little son, their daughter Stefania decided not to interfere with mom and dad to enjoy communication with the baby and flew away for the holidays to United Arab Emirates, from where he willingly shares pictures and impressions.

« Today I visited Abu Dhabi for the first time. Sheikh Zayed Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, is impressive. In the room where men pray, there is a carpet that was woven by 1200 women at the same time for 2 years. This is the largest carpet in the world”, said Stesha on Instagram.

The famous Russian performer Dmitry Malikov became a father for the second time. He himself told his fans about this on the Instagram microblog. The long-awaited son appeared in the singer's family.

As it became known, the baby was born on January 24, but Dmitry officially spoke about the high-profile event only the day before - he posted a video message to the fans on the Web, in which he spoke about his creative plans for next year, and signed the post with an expression of his own joy.

“When I was recording this video, the main event of the past year of my life had not yet happened, namely, the birth of my son! And now it happened, and I am absolutely happy! What do you wish! Thanks for the congratulations and kind words! They support and inspire me a lot, ”the artist wrote on Instagram.

Malikov gave birth to a son by a surrogate mother

According to unconfirmed reports, a surrogate mother gave birth to a son in the Malikov family. Dmitry is 48 years old, and his wife Elena is 7 years older than him. Fans have little faith that a woman at 55 decided to give birth.

Two daughters are already growing in the family - 17-year-old Stefania, the favorite of the public, and Olga, Elena's daughter from her first marriage.

The singer has long admitted that he dreams of a son from his beloved woman - it was at the beginning of 2018 that his dream came true.

On the Web, fans sincerely congratulate Dmitry on the replenishment on the Web and admire the star man - as you know, last year Malikov's star caught fire with renewed vigor, because he slightly changed his style and manner of performance, trying to catch modern youth trends. Dmitry succeeded in everything conceived at the highest level - he promised that he would not stop and would continue to delight the public with innovations and changes.

Dmitry Malikov - what is known about the artist's personal life

The star, which rapidly ascended in the early 90s, formed a multi-million army of fans. Around the tall and slender handsome man (Dmitry Malikov's height is 1.83 meters), the most beautiful girls countries with big names. One of them, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, took a special place in his heart. She was 6 years older than Dima, but this did not prevent the emergence of a passionate romance.

The truth has lasted beautiful fairy tale only six years that the couple lived in civil marriage. Natalya Vetlitskaya, a well-known heartbreaker, left Dmitry, plunging him into a long depression.

But the personal life of a beautiful and talented performer sparkled with new colors when Malikov met another beauty, who also turned out to be 7 years older than Dmitry. Malikov has been living with designer Elena Isakson since 1992, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship after the birth of a common child.

The family raised two children: daughter Olga, whom Elena Malikova gave birth to in her first marriage, and daughter Stephanie, who was born in 2000.

Stesha is the pride of the father. She is a hardworking and very responsible girl. Stephanie could have chosen any educational institution abroad, but parents do not at all seek to send their child to a prestigious and fashionable university in Europe. The girl is studying at MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism.

Now the happy new dad accepts congratulations.

Replenishment in the family of famous musicians, artists and just talented people is always a big event, especially when it happens quite unexpectedly. Just yesterday it became known that the famous musician, favorite singer Dmitry Malikov had a son. Now the happy new dad accepts congratulations.

This event simply shocked the entire public. The fact is that Dmitry is preparing to celebrate his 48th birthday the other day, and his wife, Elena Malikova, is 7 years older than the singer. The couple have been together for more than 25 years, although they did not formalize the relationship immediately.

The couple has already raised 17-year-old Stephanie. The girl is very popular on the Internet, has her fans and envious people, and often finds herself at the center of scandals. In addition, Elena has a daughter from a previous marriage, Olga Isakson, with whom the composer has an excellent relationship. But the musician always dreamed of a son.

And now his dream came true. A surrogate mother helped the baby to be born. Pregnancy management and childbirth took place in the elite clinic of St. Petersburg "Ava-Peter". The clinic cares about its impeccable reputation and does not disclose its clients, but according to, many famous Russian people are clients of this assisted reproductive technology clinic.

The cost of the procedures, if there is a need to resort to the services of a surrogate mother, costs more than 2 million rubles here, starting from the IVF procedure and ending with childbirth. At the same time, the services of a surrogate mother cost at least 1 million rubles. The clinic staff takes on the responsibility of taking care of the health of the surrogate mother and baby, and carrying out all the necessary procedures.

Dmitry Malikov does not deny the birth of his baby. Thanks, but I don't want to comment yet. I need some time, ”Super quotes the artist. The musician does not comment on information about the surrogate mother.

We are sure that this will change soon, and the fact that the singer did not immediately begin to talk about the appearance of the boy is a common practice. Some stars try to hide this as long as possible, because popularity has advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages.

The singer's fans cautiously congratulate him on the appearance of the heir, still doubting the veracity of the news. “I can’t even believe it ... But congratulations in any case”, “Did it really happen to become parents again?”, “What good fellows, my daughter has grown up, now you can take care of your son!”

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