Astral Assistant. How to call for help spirit helpers: expert advice

Auto 14.04.2021

You can still use the dagger in the Astral, even if you have already "infused" the image into the item. At any time, it can be pulled out of the material dagger and used again as an astral tool.

In this technique, you act as the Creator of a new object, becoming like God, the creator of the Universe, and using the tool given to each person - thought.

What can an astral dagger be used for?

Most often it is used in combat and defensive magic - to repel an attack or threaten astral entities so as not to "rock the boat". But the sword-dagger has a wider scope. In healing, they can cut off karmic knots (untie them or cut them), they can cut off negative connections in a person if, for example, there is a vampire sucker or other types of negative connections.

With an astral dagger, you can point-blank (cleanse) negative clots when treating a person, you can outline elemental protective circles before performing rituals, or next to negatively-minded people, or in negative situations.

With a dagger-beam, you can also burn through and clean out life's roads.

There are infinitely many options - everything that your imagination can come up with is feasible.

The next version of the most popular use of astral images - phantoms - is the creation of an astral amulet.

The technique of its creation practically does not differ from the creation of a dagger. You also think over the form of the amulet, its functions and mentally saturate it with energies. The only difference is that you need to come up with a word that will activate the amulet and a word that will stop it.

Consider working with an astral talisman on a specific example.

Technique for creating the astral amulet "Wealth"

1. Mentally imagine how your amulet should look like - its size, color, texture, material (although the material is not important for astral amulets). It is better to take a small size, five or six centimeters, so that the amulet fits in your mental palm. Green, gold, brown, red colors are suitable for “wealth” - you can make a combination of colors or choose one.

2. Set the program for the amulet. AT this case- something related to finances. You can “order” a specific amount, for example: “My income is 100,000 rubles a month”, or more vaguely: “My income is constantly growing”, “I am rich”, etc. - write what you want, what you close. Form the phrase specifically, clearly, in a positive way, in the form of an already fulfilled desire without particles of “not” and the subjunctive mood (you cannot formulate “I would like to ...”, “I do not want to ...”).

3. Next, you need to saturate the amulet with the energies of wealth. These energies are in a person (or object) that has these properties. That is, either you are looking for videos or photos of rich people, businessmen on the Internet, or you come to places where large amounts of money are circulating (banks, expensive restaurants, boutiques, expensive car dealerships, etc.). Having found such a source of money, enter the Alpha state and feel the energies of wealth. Mentally direct them into the talisman until it steadily radiates these energies on its own.

4. Come up with a word-activator of the talisman action, which gives the command to start the execution of the program given to it. It can be an abstract combination of letters, for example, “Vakus!”, Or the very specific word “Get rich!”, Or any other. (You can also activate it with your own spell, which contains its program).

5. Enter the Alpha state. Say the activator word in a whisper, mentally activate the amulet and imagine clearly and consistently what the amulet does after pronouncing the activator word: how energy radiates from it, how energy is introduced into your field and begins to form events around you aimed at making a profit.

6. Come up with a switch word. For example, “Halum” or “Peace”, etc. Mentally or in a whisper say this word and deactivate the amulet in your thoughts: imagine how its energies “calm down”, “invest” back into it, and it ceases to be active.

Everything - the amulet is ready, it is always with you and you can use it at any time.

In order for the amulet to work actively, clearly, constantly (when necessary) - at first you think about it more often, remember it, fix in your mind the fact that you have a working amulet.

In addition to inanimate objects, living assistants can also be created in the Astral. Although even daggers, amulets and other objects that are considered to be inanimate, eventually begin to have certain rudiments of intelligence. This usually happens with any magic items - astral or material, which for a long time were in use.

Now let's move on to the technique of creating an astral assistant. I will make a reservation that already existing spirits (spirits of ancestors, spirits of nature, dead beloved animals, etc.) can be such helpers - many magicians already have helper spirits, or spirits leading them along the Path of the Magician (spiritual guides).

Astral Helper Technique

The principle of this technique is similar to the rest, but there are some nuances. Consider this technique on the example of creating an astral assistant - a dragon protector.

1. Mentally draw the image of a dragon. Take your time, work out every external and internal detail. Now you are closer than ever to the state of the Creator: you are trying to mentally recreate the structure of a living being - doing what God did when creating us.

2. Having created a static image, mentally bring it to life: imagine how it walks, spews fire, growls - everything that a living dragon could do.

3. Come up with him magical properties(catch ill-wishers, come to them and drink their power, take blows directed at you, protect you from entities, etc.). Each property is not just invented - you need to imagine in detail how your dragon performs these tasks.

4. Give the dragon a name - it will respond to this name and come to you when needed.

Everything - the dragon is ready. Now, in order for him to become stronger, livelier, and constantly live next to you, you must contact him daily - think about him, mentally feel and constantly imagine how he performs his tasks. Over time, you will feel that he has gained strength and acts independently.

I repeat that any astral helpers, objects of power can be placed in a physical shell.

1. Complete all the exercises and techniques of the lesson.

2. Create a reading balloon and try to find information about someone you know.

Fundamentals of energy-information programming

In your second year of extrasensory perception, you already studied a lesson on working with energies. You have discovered that energies are different “in appearance and taste”, you have learned to isolate them from space, to distinguish them and tried to invoke the types of energies you need.

In this lesson we will deepen the skills of working with energies.

You have already learned how to compose graphic keys (symbols) of energies. If there are still difficulties in this, repeat the lesson on energies from the second course (course II lesson 4 “Deep sensual immersion in energies, dialogue with energies”). Using these keys, you can create a "bouquet" of energies - create an energy-information program for the realization of some goal. In the simplest program, there may be two or three energies, indicated by symbols. An example of such a program is a simple runic tie (composite rune), where several runes are combined into one rune - as a rule, no more than three to five runes.

Programs from ready-made keys

Complex complex programs can contain up to 10–20 or more different energies. Such programs are rarely drawn up, and only on very important occasions when events require a great deal of magical intervention. For the effective operation of a complex complex program, you need to have good multifaceted thinking - to be able to keep in mind the goals and objectives for all components of the program (energies), to be able to feel the whole called "bouquet" of energies and combine them with your will into a single energy complex. This is necessary so that they work in concert, and not “quarrel” with each other, because otherwise they can dispel the program itself or turn against the summoner himself - the magician-operator - or against those to whom it was intended, since magicians, as a rule, can protect themselves from most of the failures of their work.

Calling mystical beings into the realm of the physical world is a rather complex and dangerous magical process. However, it is necessary for the quick realization of the most secret desires.

From childhood, we are familiar with scary stories and stories about summoning spirits, trolls, the Queen of Spades and other otherworldly entities. And, according to psychics, all this is not at all childish fiction, but quite real things. In the life of every magician, sooner or later there comes a moment when a being of the astral plane awakens in the realm of the physical world. Almost always, the spirit helper turns into a patron of personal happiness, whom you begin to trust more than yourself. Experts agree that every person can summon a mystical protector to help himself. The main thing is to know the basic rules of the ritual.

Magical assistants of the astral world

The spirit helper, according to medieval Western beliefs, is usually called a familiar. These are entities of the astral type, mythical creatures, which comes into contact with sorcerers, witches and other people who practice magic. They can begin to serve you both willingly and under duress. Site site experts can distinguish three main categories of astral helpers that a person can call to himself:

1. Free familiar. These are spirits who wish to help you out of good will. They often inhabit domestic animals: birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, arachnids, horses, amphibians, and so on. Their energy does not affect the state of animals and humans. Since the will of such helper spirits is free, they can leave the world at the end of their work.

2. Fake familiar. It differs from free in that a person forcibly calls him to himself. It is very dangerous. The spirit you summoned may be more powerful than you. There is a risk that he can completely subjugate you to his will.

3. Mirror familiar. Such assistants are created by a person independently. The capabilities of this spirit are directly proportional to the capabilities of the calling person. The astral essence mirrors the strengths, abilities and energy of its owner. Usually such spirits are created to fulfill a specific goal in a short time.

The summoned voluntary helper spirits help and protect the person. They can even become patrons and protectors, designating you as their master. However, the use of the services of an astral assistant has a price and must be paid. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance what the spirit will require from you and whether you can pay it off. Otherwise, you risk angering him, which is fraught with terrible events.

How to summon a spirit helper

The call of an astral entity to the world of the living is a complex and energy-consuming process, which must be taken seriously. It is forbidden to call the spirit for the sake of entertainment or curiosity, just as the basic rules of the ritual must not be neglected.

You can voice the price for the work of the spirit helper yourself. To do this, you immediately need to determine what exactly you want to ask him and how you will pay for it. Astral helpers feed on the energy of light, love and abundance, so any object with strong energy can act as payment for his help. How much the thing will be charged, the faster and more efficiently your desire will be fulfilled.

The help of the astral essence is resorted to in hopeless situations when there are no more opportunities available to fulfill your desire. Short-sighted esotericists make a terrible mistake, turning to familiars for insignificant requests. Such human behavior can anger the spirit. What will cause rejection and attract destructive flows into your life that entail misfortune.

Preparing for the magical ritual of summoning

The first thing to do is to consecrate the room in which you plan to conduct the ritual. Holy water will cleanse the house from the accumulation of negativity. Then get started on yourself. Meditation will help you mentally tune in, with the help of which you will be able to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams.

Think about your dream as much as possible, imagining how it has already come true. Many esotericists who performed a similar ceremony advise a few days before magical actions to refrain from junk food, alcohol and tobacco.

It is necessary to call on a spirit helper in splendid isolation. At the time of the ritual, you should not be distracted by anything. You must completely surrender to the process, not reacting to external stimuli. You can also call an astral assistant at home, in absolutely any room.

Ritual for the fulfillment of innermost desires

From the room in which you will perform the ritual, white things should be taken out. It should be dressed in gray or black clothes. You will need two chairs with backs that you will put in the center of the room, with their backs to each other. Pull the red rope between them. The most important thing is that the thread does not sag. Dilute sweets (sweets) on a thread, each of which will correspond to your dreams. Do without fanaticism, for starters, it is best to highlight the 10 most basic desires. Turn off the lights and draw the curtains on the windows. After plunging the room into darkness, light three candles and say five times:

“Spirit, of the astral world, visit the physical world, hear me. I appeal to your help and your presence."

After reading, stand with your back to the chairs, do not look around until you feel the appearance of the spirit. His presence will give out the rustling of candy wrappers. When the rustling stops, you can turn around. If the candies have moved, then the astral entity agrees to your terms. If not, then perform a similar ceremony three days later, offering something serious instead of sweets, for example, a personal item that you often use.

Often, astral entities have no place in our world and should not wander around unattended. If you decide to call on a spirit helper, then be courageous and answer for it. Remember that spirits do not know sensory variations, and working with them is far from being a prank. You will pay for mistakes and they are too expensive. We wish you the fulfillment of all desires. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Friends and Helpers

Meetings in the astral plane Meetings with the souls of the dead Sources of knowledge and wisdom Ghosts and ethereal spirits Astral shells At the moment of death Spiritual friends and helpers

If you are deeply interested in astral projection, then whether you do it on your own or not, in the astral you will definitely meet other beings who live there or travel there.

For example, two friends or a couple of lovers - people who already know each other on Earth, in physical bodies - can travel the astral plane together and explore it. If only one has mastered the art of astral projection, then he can help the second - teach him, show him how it is done.

If you know how to travel through the astral

Traveling through the astral, you can meet another astral traveler, get to know him and make friends. Amazing opportunities open up before you. You can meet a person that you would never encounter on Earth, and if you did, you would be separated by a language or age barrier or something else. You may meet a colleague who has been sitting in the next office for several years and with whom you would never in your life talk about such a curiosity as traveling in the astral body.

You can meet a true master of time travel. You can meet creatures that live in another world. You can befriend the elementals and you will know that there is a place in the astral where you will always be welcomed.

Encounters with the Recently Deceased

Such encounters do occur, but they are quite rare. The recently deceased - that is, a person whose physical body has recently died - is likely to be immersed in his thoughts or busy with his own affairs, or may even be in a state of shock (especially if he died suddenly, for example in an accident) and not even realize that he has lost physical body. (After all, a person has an astral body, and you know how real and dense it can seem in the astral world.) As a rule, the recently deceased are busy with their own affairs and themselves, but sometimes it happens that one of them turns for help or advice .

If such a person has approached you, you should not answer him with philosophy or religious dogmas. Accept how the situation is told to you (how the person sees it), be gentle and try not to stress the person too much. Answer according to your own knowledge of the astral world.

For example, there are times when a recently deceased person may complain to you that since he fell ill, his relatives do not talk to him and generally behave as if they do not notice him.

If you try to tell such a person that he actually died and he no longer has a physical body, the reaction can be anything - from amazement to a desperate “this cannot be!”, from grief to panic fear. Let the person understand this. Bring him to the awareness of his own physical death slowly and carefully. In the end, a person is in an altered state of consciousness - in the truest sense of the word, and probably experiences many strange sensations. If you are asked questions, you can help with advice: for example, invite a person to come to their relatives at night when they are sleeping and it is easier to penetrate into their subconscious. Not only will you help the person cope with their emotions, you will also help a family that has lost loved one: they will see him in a dream and they will be able to talk to him. And the newly appeared inhabitant of the astral plane will be able to learn how to live in this unusual environment.

As a rule, the deceased should not linger on the material plane. However, having clearly realized what happened and accepting the situation, a person is more likely to get out of emotional experiences and move on than if he is overcome by fear and anxiety.

How to help and give advice

The circumstances are different. There is no person or being who knows everything, but if you take your time and without falling into prejudice to draw from all the sources of knowledge available to you, you will find that you actually know much more than you thought.

Being in the astral plane, you come into contact with the subtle layers of existence. You may not yet fully realize yourself as an entity, but you can push through and seek the knowledge that belongs to you. You have the conscious and instinctive resources of your astral being, you can take knowledge from the brain of your physical body, and use your energy reserves for action. The technique of obtaining knowledge and energy is honed with time and practice, and this great way settle into the astral world. You, by a distinct effort of will, want knowledge on a certain subject to come to you, and then patiently wait for it to emerge in your astral consciousness.

If you are not a traveler

Astral meetings and conversations fall not only on the share of astral travelers. If you do not yet know how to go into the astral, but you are a person with a developed ethereal perception, then this can also happen to you. (By the way, sometimes it’s hard to say whether a person is in the body or not, especially if he is enchanted by the beauty of the forest or the power of a waterfall - and suddenly the intangible inhabitants of this place appear before his eyes, or if a person is sleeping - and involuntarily responds to someone’s voice in a dream , someone's call.)

Some events fall to the lot of those who are in the physical body, regardless of whether a person knows how to go into the astral or not. For example, it happens that people see ghosts. It also happens (although this is mentioned much less often) that people hear sounds from the astral plane or astral smells reach them.

Of course, such impressions do not seem so strange to an astral traveler who is able to understand to which world these translucent figures belong. Also, astral sounds and smells do not cause much surprise if a person can go into the astral and see their source.

There is a lower level of the astral, filled with various phantoms and all sorts of astral debris. When the traveler leaves the body, he usually passes through this level instantly - unless he makes a conscious effort for some reason to linger on it. If a person is in a physical body, then the situation looks different. The ability to perceive the invisible differs not only from person to person, but in the same person - say, from the time of day and mood. In order for a person to see something belonging to the astral world, the susceptibility of a person should be only slightly above average, and the density of phenomena at the lower level of the astral - just a little more than usual.

astral shells

Astral manifestations, which can be so called, are neither friends nor helpers. You can do nothing for them, just as they can do nothing for you. Nevertheless, they come across quite often, and first you need to understand what they are.

So what is an "astral sheath"?

As already mentioned, the lower layer of the astral is associated with physical bodies. The only function of this part of the essence - "gross astral substance" - is to connect the physical body and the astral. In astral projection, the bulk of the gross astral matter stays with the physical body, keeping it alive while the astral body travels. After death, the astral body is completely separated from the physical body and, therefore, the gross substance is no longer needed.

Further events can develop but to several usual schemes. As a rule, gross matter remains with the physical body and quickly disintegrates. But sometimes (usually even in cases where the death was sudden and/or violent) the gross substance, without depleting its supply of energy, separates from both the physical and the astral body and continues to exist for some time, and then disintegrates. Until some time passes, the gross matter drifts through the astral plane. Sometimes it remains a lifeless snapshot of a person, and sometimes with amazing vivacity and complete likeness depicts a person to whom it once belonged. There are many legends about such shells around the world. The shell may amaze or even frighten, but in fact it is just a harmless cast that does not feel anything and does not suffer in any way.

Phenomena "at the time of death"

Gross matter can manifest itself in yet another phenomenon. It happens that someone suddenly has a friend or relative - at the very moment when this friend or relative draws his last breath. Dying passes last wish or just say goodbye and disappear. They usually don't see him anymore. A person near death has sufficient will to visit whomever he sees fit, and when leaving the body, he does so. He takes with him a rough astral substance, which is no longer needed by the physical body, but it helps to manifest itself for a person not endowed with sharp perception.

After the deed is done, the deceased moves on, leaving the gross substance to disintegrate.

Other phenomena

Not all phenomena occur according to the previously described schemes, and here we turn to the topic of friends and helpers.

It happens that at a turning point in a person's life, a ghostly guest appears and gives the necessary advice, consoles, helps, and returns hope.

This ghostly guest may be a friend or relative who died some time ago; or a person whose achievements you have always deeply respected (despite the fact that he died before you were born); or a person completely unknown to you; or not a person at all - an angel or other supernatural being. You may be spoken to in a normal voice that you hear with your physical ears, or the voice may just sound in your head. This can happen both during sleep and while awake.

How do you know?

Of course, the first question you'll have is is this being really who it claims to be? Maybe it's part of your subconscious, or someone else's subconscious? (This happens, especially within a family.)

I confess honestly: you are unlikely to have any other evidence, apart from your inner feeling. Perhaps the guest will give some kind of sign, the meaning of which you will understand later, and even this cannot serve as a final confirmation. The only measure is your conviction that you know who your guest is.

Different levels of sleep

Now listen to the warning and encouragement. If a guest came to you in a dream, and you wake up and realize that the memory of the visit is mixed with snatches of sleep, not worth it for this reason write off the visit.

For example, if you were sleeping and a common person came up to you from blood and flesh, woke you up a little and said something to you, then waking up the next morning, you would find that his words were intertwined with dreams, and it’s hard for you to separate where the dream was and where the reality.

The sleeping mind has many levels, and each of them has its own images and events. When we remember a dream, we automatically try to bring it to a single outline, and this does not always work out. If we had to tell the dream the way it was, then we would have to say something like: “I dreamed that we had a party at home, and at the same time - that I was sailing in a boat on the river” or something in this kind. Your disembodied guest may not have had the strength to break through to all levels of your sleeping consciousness, but for sure he was still able to tell you something valuable and useful.

The question that more important than the question"who?"

Whoever you think your guest is, whoever you want to think of him, there is another question - more important than finding out the identity of the visitor.

Yes, indeed, people and other inhabitants of the astral can foresee what should happen in the material world - simply because more and better is seen from there. At the same time, it should be remembered that not everything that happens in the astral will come true or should come true on Earth. Also, don't forget that ordinary people erroneous in Everyday life(and this is the majority of people) cannot become pillars of wisdom and founts of knowledge just because they died.

This does not mean that you should not pay attention to the words of the guests. On the contrary, these words need to be carefully studied and considered, they are worth thinking about. Remember that no matter who brings the message - an angel from heaven, your grandfather's grandmother, your subconscious - the responsibility for the decision and subsequent actions is still yours.

Astral Helpers

Now I will talk about another form of non-corporeal communication during sleep.

This happens both to those who can project themselves into the astral and to those who do not believe in such a possibility.

Nevertheless, all these people have one thing in common: they have some skill or property of the soul that can help someone else. And sometimes these people are encouraged to use their skill.

A person is sleeping, and at this time he is lifted - but they do not wake him up, but lift the astral body from the physical. A person sees that two shining beings (usually two of them) are waiting for him, from which a sense of power emanates. The two then lead the person to someone who needs help.

Your special task

If you are accompanied in this way, you may find that you know someone who needs help - either personally or by hearsay. You may not know him at all. You may need to help the person live, or die, or be born. You may need to calm a fear, dispel anxiety, prevent suicide, or remove a nightmare. You can be taken both to a person living in a body, and to a non-incarnate.

Be that as it may, you - it is you - can do what needs to be done. You can do it because of who you are, because of what you know, or for some other reason. mystical reason that connects you to that person.

If a person goes through such an experience, then no matter how skeptical he is about all sorts of oddities, he does not doubt the reality of this event. The sensations from this event do not fade with time - just as the impressions from a dream would be erased.

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March 5th, 2013 01:22 pm

My dears, what have I found out for so a short time on the topic of the astral helper of the animal.

Surprisingly, there is little information on astral helpers on the Internet, on animals - astral helpers, even less, on the astral helper of the dragon, almost nothing.
Castaneda slipped, Arthur Powell slipped, even Korobeyshchikov, who is now dearly beloved by me, has something indistinct.
But, something nevertheless dug up.

You can create an astral assistant for yourself, endow it with the qualities that you want it to have. You can lure an astral assistant, lure, bind to yourself, bring up the expected qualities in him to some extent.
There are astral entities, whether totem animals, communication with which you need to earn, if the family understands that you are worthy of help, you will be able to see and you will be given the opportunity to receive the protection of the totem entity. Very strong patrons and defenders!
An astral helper can also be given higher power, if a function is assigned to the adept or fateful actions are expected from him. But you have to get to that level.
Astral helpers can be either light or dark. Everything depends on your
goals. But, keep in mind, in order to have a dark astral assistant, achieving some of your dark goals, you must be impeccable, otherwise the astral assistant will absorb your essence, enslave you.
Light ones are easier. If you have a weakness, especially a vile, bright astral assistant, most likely it will simply leave you. If you yourself created a helper, he can be reborn and also enslave you through your weakness.
It seems that the astral helpers of dogs, cats, birds, are indulgent towards small passions ... uh ... partners of the physical plane. But not the Dragon. With the Dragon you have to be impeccable. He does not forgive weaknesses. And it's okay if you just leave. The dark dragon will always wait for the weakness of its master in order to enslave him.
There is a suspicion that the dragons guarding the treasures are the enslaved former owners of the dark dragons, who once lured them for enrichment purposes. But the dragons took possession of them through their passion and devoured them...

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