Bunch of red rowan. Rowan

Recipes 14.04.2021


Birch is the bottom of the most beautiful trees on the planet. The white graceful trunk creates a feeling of extraordinary gentle light emanating from this tree. Despite the fact that it grows both in Scandinavia and in Europe, the white-trunked birch has long been a symbol of Russia. For us, who live here, it is a symbol of the motherland, its guarding, feminine principle.

Birch belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. It broadcasts for us its power and the mobile unsteady energy of the Moon. Her energy is cold and refreshing, like pure water, and just like water after bathing, it plunges us into a dream that lifts people to the heights of heaven. It gives a person the support of his kind.

In the old days they said: "Birch is a wayward and capricious tree. It does not welcome every person, it does not help everyone. But if she loves someone, be happy and successful in everything." Knowing the "capriciousness" of the tree, they tried not to plant a birch near the house itself, especially since, according to folk beliefs, elemental spirits and shadows of the dead often hide in its foliage. Therefore, they placed a birch at the gate so that trouble would not enter the yard, and put a bench near it, so that at the right time you could "talk" to the tree, ask him for strength and help.

Birch is especially favored, according to popular belief, for children, innocent girls and pregnant women.

For children, a swing was set up near the birches, the girls decorated the birches with their ribbons, taken out of the braid, for the holiday of Lada and Lelya, for Ivan Kupala, in order to successfully marry. Pregnant women before giving birth asked the birch for strength and help so that the birth would be easy and successful, and the child would grow up healthy and happy.

It is clear that the energy of birch is closer to a woman. Girl dances around the birches made it possible to “unwind” the energy of the tree so that it would give its strength and protection to the area where it grows. This natural connection between a woman and a birch is reflected in epithets, proverbs and sayings. "Slender as a birch", "beautiful as a birch" - they talked about the beautiful woman in a village filled with strength and health, inseparable from true beauty, in contrast to the perverted beauty of our age, which can be achieved only with the help of violence against one's own body and health.

It has healing and protective properties. In the mystical rituals of shamans of many peoples, it is a cosmic tree that connects the earth and spiritual worlds. In Russia, birch is planted near houses to call for good spirits. It is a symbol of spring, girls and young women.

Birch is a favorite tree of our people, personifying the Russian soul, a tree of extraordinary kindness. It is also called the tree of life. With a birch, the esoteric teaching of trees connects two runes of the Elder Futhark - Berkan and Uruz. Since time immemorial, birch has been associated with fertility and healing, birch branches have been used to endow fertility not only on the land, but also on livestock and newlyweds. Cradles for newborns were made from birch wood (in almost all European countries). Symbolically and mystically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Birch is extremely useful and very favorable in healing prayers aimed at strengthening the harvest. Birch branches (especially spring ones that have just blossomed) are rightly considered an excellent talisman that drives away sorrows and illnesses, protects children from illnesses and many other troubles). Birch is gentle and compassionate, with a very soft, affectionate and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to the oak, the birch should be addressed to sick, weakened, convalescing people. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure illness, and speed up the healing process.
Communication with a birch is useful for people with upset nerves who are in a state of depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, helps restore spiritual harmony. A birch growing near the house drives away nightmares. The action of this tree is long-lasting. It is better not to come to him, but to live nearby, then it will be able to heal you. Birch has always been attributed the ability to drive away evil spirits.


Tree of female magic. The power of the willow is great and at times quite cruel. Since ancient times, it has been associated with the Moon, fertility, all the dark rites that women performed, dedicated to the Earth and Water, many pagan mysteries are firmly associated with willow. The power that the willow gives cannot be called good - the problems of good and evil are completely indifferent to this tree. His strength serves only nature, the only law, which is powerful over the willow - the law of balance and justice. She feels that in nature, evil can turn out to be good, and the concepts of lies or meanness simply do not exist.

Willow does not understand the intricacies of human ethics, but she perceives very well all the emotions that are generated by love, jealousy, blind maternal affection, and the desire for revenge. All impulses, energetically related to the red color of the aura, will find a response and support from the willow. Despite its pensive appearance and melancholic graceful silhouette, willow is a tree of strong passions.

The willow welcomes the man-haters especially willingly. As originally a female tree, she gives them amazing strength. Drawing strength in the aura of this tree, a woman is able to bewitch, and turn away, bring damage to the offender, spoil his whole fate. There is no need to blame the willow for this, she only perceives the emotions of the offended woman, the tree itself does not harm anyone, its forces can only be used. And this is a lesson for such women. Magic is punishable, then you have to pay with your health, fate.

As usual, willow gives you nothing for free. As always, when we get something, we have to pay with something. And if you come to the willow for help - be prepared to pay. How? That's how lucky you are, but just don't try to cheat or bargain. Willow is an extremely sensitive and touchy tree, she may not want to communicate with you further.

They weave necklaces and bracelets from willow bark, throw them into the river on the night of Ivan Kupala, and ask for a groom.

The power of this tree is rooted in ancient times, in the ancient cults of the Great Mother Earth, in later times she was also worshiped as a spirit of water, women's diseases and lovesickness were treated with the ashes of burnt wood.

Willow is a water-loving tree, which is probably why the water rune Laguz is traditionally associated with it. The concepts of cyclicity, rhythm, as well as ebb and flow are associated with it. Willow is a mystical female tree. She is associated with the Moon, all the rites dedicated to the earth and water that women perform. Willow energy cannot be called good, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. The energy of willow gives amazing strength to women who are able to bewitch, turn away, bring damage to the offender, spoil his fate. Willow is extremely sensitive, she may not want to communicate with you. In Western tradition, the weeping willow leaning towards the water has become a symbol of unhappy love and sorrow.


With mountain ash, the esoteric teaching of trees connects the runes Nautiz and Algiz. Protective runes were usually carved on the wood of the mountain ash, since the mountain ash was known for its ability to protect against witchcraft. In addition, it was believed that mountain ash could protect against the evil eye and spoilage, from evil will, so bunches of mountain ash were hung on poles at the entrance to cattle pens and placed at the door lintel. It is believed that mountain ash sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. In the past, sacred rowan groves grew on the sacred sites of the sanctuaries of the ancient gods, as the rowan provided protection and aided divination. In addition, skills such as the ability to control one's feelings and protect oneself from other people's spells were associated with mountain ash. Until now, in many villages from Britain to the Urals, little girls string rowan berries on a string in the fall and wear them like beads, having long forgotten what exactly they are doing, but meanwhile such a talisman has always been considered the best defense against magic.

Rowan is the best ally for women who find true pleasure in the physical side of love. Direct contact with mountain ash can awaken the dormant sexuality in a woman. For mountain ash, the favorite female age is about 40 years. In love, she gives such women a particularly warm autumn, full of strength.

It is one of the 12 sacred trees in Scandinavia. This beauty is actually a warrior tree, capable of giving a very tough rebuff to the influence of evil. According to some beliefs, she is a distant ancestor of the first sacred tree of goodness on Earth, which withered with the advent of evil forces on our planet. Many ancient legends say that mountain ash is the fruit of true love.

According to one of the legends, a wife turned to her, at whose feet her beloved husband died. Evil people wanted to separate them, but they could not achieve this either with the help of gold, or with the help of power and weapons, or even with the help of death. Their life was beautiful, and their death became beautiful. Having kissed her husband for the last time, the faithful wife called on the Lord to protect her from the power of the murderers, and at the same moment became a mountain ash on his grave. Its fruits turned red like blood spilled in the name of love.

Evil always hates love, because love is a divine feeling that is not subject to any charms and witchcraft, and a man and a woman who sincerely love each other become one whole, like the Creator, and go out of the power of evil forces.

Rowan keeps the bitter fire of love in its berries. This tree is able to kindle the flame of a true sense of selflessness in the hearts of people.

Since the mountain ash is a warrior tree, it also protects true love from misfortunes and troubles. Its ripe bunches have been and are used as amulets from the dirty deeds of others during the wedding and as a talisman of family happiness in the house. To do this, small branches of mountain ash (always with ripe, bright fruits) are simply placed on the window.

As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble will enter the house that can separate loving hearts.

In Western Europe, it was believed that the mountain ash protects from evil spirits. Therefore, a cross made of mountain ash was often used at home as a protective talisman.

It is doubtful that rowan directly protects a person from the action of evil spirits. This is not the nature of this tree. Born from death to continue life in a different guise, having conquered death, mountain ash really protects ... but from the energy of the dead world, including from the walking dead, and partly from zombies and their influence.

The energy of mountain ash is quite hard, contains certain radiations, close to X-rays, which pierce the body through and through. Therefore, many, being under a mountain ash, feel uncomfortable. Mountain ash cleanses our body of accumulated dirt and toxins, forcing it to expel excess salts, poisons and putrefactive products with sweat and waste. First of all, mountain ash cleanses our intestines and blood. People who have accumulated a lot of dirt inside will feel bad at the first moment after the influence of this tree, their temperature may even rise or pressure jump. Although later, when the body is cleansed, both strength and health will come. Therefore, communication with mountain ash is better to start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. It is better not to be under it for more than an hour - an excess of its energy will be clearly felt, which can lead to a headache or a nervous breakdown. Communication with this tree is standard. Most harmoniously, its energy affects us if we stand with our backs against it, straightening the spine. This position allows the mountain ash not only to cleanse us, but also to tear off energy bindings from us, stretching from other people and interfering with our personal happiness.


Oak is the tree of Perun.Oak is one of the most energetic strong trees middle lane Russia. Oak in Russia has always been considered a holy tree, a tree associated with male energy and power. No wonder the man was compared to an oak tree.

We have a huge number of traditions and legends associated with this tree, ranging from the parable of the death of Koshcheeva, stored in a casket on the cherished oak, to the legend about the horses of the king of the underworld, hidden under the roots of a three-barreled oak.

Indeed, oak is a very difficult tree. It conducts the energy of the planet Jupiter into our world and is directly related to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. These energies determine world processes, the destinies of people and nations, allow people who have fully mastered them to control their own destiny and the destinies of others. Therefore, oaks are considered sacred trees not only in Russia, but also in all countries where they grow.

Temples and sanctuaries have always stood in oak groves, and people were treated there. The energy of this tree has the power to "raise even the dead", as our ancestors used to say. Oak is a tree-conductor that connects a person with the world and the Universe. Therefore, if a person has managed to establish contact with him, the tree can give him such powers that will not only prolong his life, but also have a beneficial effect on the fate of his children and grandchildren - sometimes up to the fifth generation.

Remember the somewhat rude expression about the dead, so common among us: "I gave oak." Do you know where it came from? From an old legend that the souls of the dead rise up along the trunk of an oak tree, like a heavenly ladder, to the bright kingdom of the immortals. In Russia, there have always been many practices that made it possible to use the energy of this tree to seek help from the dead and gain additional strength.

But even without using any special methods, anyone can get a piece of his strength and health from the oak. For this:

a) you need to walk more often in oak groves;

b) if possible, use oak objects in your everyday life (especially great power is transmitted to a person through oak floors or through the walls of a house built from oak logs);

c) you should never break or cut an oak tree for fun.

Oak is one of the few trees capable of transmitting information over vast distances. And if you crippled an oak in Moscow and decided to feed on the power of a tree growing, for example, in Novgorod, you will not get anything good. For he already knows about what happened and looks at you as a barbarian who needs to be punished for outrage.

Unlike most trees, which are strongly associated with other trees in the area where they grow, oaks are individual trees. They have energy bonds only with trees of their own kind, regardless of the distance between them. This allows them, like a pine tree, to grow quietly in solitude, without losing their strength at all.

Oak is a strong and powerful tree. Likes ambitious and energetic people. Can't stand people who whine all the time. His masculine energy is strong and tough, powerful and hot. She is not very shown to women, since, with constant communication, she can give fullness and excessive self-sufficiency, which will interfere with harmony with the opposite sex. It is useful for women born under the sign of Sagittarius at least once a year - before their birthday or on that day itself - to stand under an oak tree and mentally communicate with it, discussing their life plans. Such a meeting can help the fastest realization of what you want in life.

Oak loves men more than women. It helps those born or living in an oak grove to find happiness in work, to achieve fame and public recognition, provided that the person does not change their place of residence. Oak increases the strength and energy of a person. It contributes to the growth of his authority, gives protection during magical and religious ceremonies, helps to understand the deep meaning of ongoing events, develops an innate ability to synthesize, often feeds inspiration from creative personalities.

An ordinary oak board, processed on Thursday at sunrise, on which a security sign is carved, nailed to the home altar, can protect the family from many troubles.

Oak stabilizes the energies of the human body, opens and cleanses the subtle bodies and upper chakras, fills us with a powerful and even fiery force. These properties are used in healing.

Usually in the old days of the wall wooden house they made oak, the floors and floors were oak. Such an arrangement of wood contributed to the best protection of a person from the influences of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore the spent forces in the shortest possible time, since the oak easily transfers its energy to a person upon direct contact, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder the people said: "Strong as an oak!"

And in a modern city house, oak floors and oak chairs would not be superfluous at all, which would allow you to quickly restore the forces spent during the day!

With pleasure they planted oaks in Russia near the house itself - they helped to maintain health and strength for many years.

Oak wood is little susceptible to decay, as it stores huge reserves of light energy, which it gives off for centuries. Oak buildings and furniture can warm the soul and raise the strength and health of more than one generation.

Oak takes a long time to get used to a person. Sometimes it takes six months - a year before he really begins to consider you his own. But if he takes you into his heart, he will not let you go and will never forget! A particle of his power will be with you wherever you are, because we have already said that the oak has the ability to transmit its energy over great distances. If he accepted you, his leaves will imperceptibly reach out to you when you arrive, and young branches will cling to your clothes, not wanting to let you go. If a double acorn falls on your hand from your favorite tree, save it! By itself, he is a talisman of good luck in business, but in this case his strength will be greater, as it is backed by the wish of the oak itself. A simple fallen acorn speaks of career changes awaiting you, maybe a little unexpected and confusing, but which will always lead to the best. A fallen dry branch speaks of that. it's time for you to change jobs. A fallen dry leaf - unpleasant news awaits you. Fallen green leaf - interesting business conversations and news. A fallen green branch with green foliage - moving and, maybe, business trips.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Things made of oak strengthen the position of their owner. The interior, finished in oak, is connected in some mysterious way with the growth of the authority of the institution located in it. Even cognac, so beloved by high ranks, is prepared and aged in oak barrels. Jewelry from oak wood give weight to the words of the woman wearing them. Oak protects the house as such from various financial and business shocks and crises, promotes professional growth. If you want to properly receive a significant person, it is good to decorate the room with oak branches. Acorns picked up "for good luck" help to get support from the authorities, stimulate promotion. Especially good for Sagittarius and Pisces. Bestows wealth (abundance), fertility, protection, awakens psychic abilities.
Oak is energy donor. With direct contact with him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy.
However, one should not forget that this is a strong, but severe tree. His aura is very powerful, it only perceives healthy people well. It is better for a person who is seriously ill and suffering from chronic diseases not to communicate with this tree.
Communication with oak charges a person with activating energy, calms the soul. It has long been noticed that walking through the oak forest normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and nervous system.
Oak always prefers warriors, fighters, strong and healthy people. He heals wounds received in battle, heals the souls of warriors, shares a part of his longevity. Veterans former soldiers, for older people, contact with him is of great benefit.


Kalina is the tree of Lada. A symbol of girlish maturity and fertility; symbol of eternal memory; young, beautiful girl. Kalinovy ​​bridge is a wedding symbol. The bitter berry of viburnum is a symbol of sadness.

Prolonged contact with viburnum leads to insomnia and an increase in pressure. You should stand at a distance of 50 cm from it and no longer than 3 minutes. It is necessary to approach it with pure thoughts, without evil and resentment in the heart. Touch her forehead and ask for what you want in this moment. Tell her about your problems, ask for strength. Kalina treats gynecological diseases, has a calming effect.

Kalina symbolized the holiday of Kolyada, desecration of this tree was considered a big falsehood.
According to custom, if there was a lonely grave somewhere on the road or in the field, the village girls considered it their duty to plant it with viburnum. Kalinovye gai have long been considered sacred. Near them it was forbidden to graze cows, cut bushes. According to legend, if you swing a child in a viburnum cradle, then he will grow up melodious.
Kalina among Ukrainians is an unusually poetic tree. Its berries serve as a decoration in every hut. Loved by all Slavs, the red color that ripe viburnum berries have, depicts girlish beauty - a modest, timid, innocent look that requires patronage and protection. Viburnum branches lowered down are an image of despondency and sadness, while bunches of viburnum berries tied into a bouquet are a sign of love. Walking in the meadow along the viburnum is considered a favorite pastime for girls. At the same time, viburnum is a tree and funerary, memorable - "you, my sisters, plant viburnum in my head", a symbol of blood.

The viburnum planted on the grave is a symbol of love, in whatever form this love manifests itself - whether it is marital, fraternal, maternal love, whether it is affection for the homeland - the viburnum, which lowered its sprawling branches on the grave, seemed to signify that it was smoldering under it a heart that knew how to love, a heart that was killed by boundless feeling. A special power is attributed to viburnum: the viburnum color, plucked and applied fresh to a loving heart, comforts languor. Kalina in general is a symbol of femininity in a broad sense. The whole spiritual life of a woman - her girlhood, innocence, love, married life, joys, sorrows, kindred feelings - all this finds its application in viburnum. Kalina appears to be hearing, seeing, thinking and grieving.

There is a short legend about viburnum: There were once viburnum berries sweeter than raspberries. A beautiful girl fell in love with a proud blacksmith, who did not notice her and often wandered through the forest. Nothing helped and then she decided to burn that forest. The blacksmith came to his favorite place, and everything burned down there. Only one viburnum bush survived, watered with burning tears. And under the bush the blacksmith saw a tear-stained beauty. His heart stuck to the girl, he fell in love, but it was too late. Together with the forest, the beauty of the girl quickly burned down. And viburnum returned the guy the ability to respond to love, and in extreme old age he saw the image of a young beauty in his bent old woman. But since then, viburnum berries have become bitter, like tears of unrequited love. And there was a belief that a bouquet of viburnum, applied to a suffering heart in love, soothes pain.

For the Slavic peoples, viburnum has always been a symbol of a bright holiday, kindness, beauty, love and family happiness, personified modesty and innocence. According to ancient customs, viburnum was considered an indispensable participant in the wedding ceremony, it was decorated with a wedding loaf. Girls wove wreaths from flowers, embroidered on towels.
Viburnum blooms luxuriantly at the end of May with fragrant white boiling. And, like a bride in a white veil, you involuntarily admire her, from afar you catch the exciting aroma of her flowers. And bees tirelessly circle over it, nectar in viburnum flowers is stored no less than in linden - a honey tree.
Kalina was revered by healers, considered her a mystical tree with which a woman shared her hardships. Viburnum has a huge bioenergy potential, and people could not help but notice this. “If it’s hard for you, bitter from your fate, hug viburnum-mother, run your hand several times along its trunk, tell it, reveal all your bitter secrets, snuggle up to it carefully, without breaking the twigs, it will immediately become easier on your soul.” Clusters of viburnum adorned the red corner of the hut for a reason - the people believed that viburnum helps from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Kalina has long been loved by Russians and Ukrainians, and by other peoples who revere her as the personification of girlish beauty and tenderness, family happiness and love. Kalina was called the wedding tree. In the old days, bouquets of viburnum branches played an important role in wedding ceremonies as a symbol of virginity. Rural girls often washed themselves with viburnum juice to be attractive.

Many folk beliefs are associated with viburnum. Kalina, planted in the yard, will attract energies from space that contribute to family well-being, prosperity and prosperity. It will, as it were, ennoble the place where it grows. But it should be noted that, according to popular belief, if you planted a viburnum in the yard, then in no case should you break large branches or cut it from it. It is said that such actions will bring a lot of misfortune and misfortune to a person. So, before planting a viburnum, think carefully about whether you can ensure its immunity.

Since time immemorial, mountain ash has been considered a female tree. It gives beauty and health to the beautiful half of humanity. An amulet made from red berries will save its owner from unkind people and other misfortunes. The Belarusian legend says that the bitterness of the berry is due to a damn trick. The devil destroyed its original taste so that it would not occur to his fellow tribesmen to regale on the fruits that were destructive to them.

According to ancient belief, a tree can take revenge on its offender. For this reason, practically no one has ever broken rowan branches. A lot of troubles awaited a person who violated the unwritten rule, and acute toothache was among the most harmless. In addition, no one doubted that the rowan amulet protects our world from the invasion of all evil spirits.

Rowan amulets gained the greatest fame in matters of love. Its scarlet berries evoke thoughts of passion. So that love does not leave your house, you can put a ripe bunch on the windowsill.

Amulets from damage and diseases

In the past, healers used rowan berries to remove spoilage. A person was surrounded by rowan leaves, berries and branches, and they also gave plenty of infusion of rowan to drink. It happened that a person with a mountain ash amulet had a gift of foresight, perception sharply aggravated, and diseases seemed to be diverted from him to bad people.

For a long time, the rowan grove was considered a sacred place. Rowan talisman allowed to establish control over their feelings and protected from enemies and evil people. However, the plant itself was often subjected to the machinations of dark forces. To protect the tree from witchcraft, runic signs were carved on it.

The inhabitants of Western Europe used a rowan amulet in the shape of a cross to protect against evil spirits. Among the Slavs, rowan wine also played the role of a talisman (read more about). Belief in its healing properties was incredibly strong, for this reason it was supposed to drink the drink only during the period of illness, with an extreme breakdown.

Nervous diseases were treated with a decoction of berries. A person suffering from insomnia was placed under the bed with a wooden rowan cross. After that, he slept until the morning "like the dead."

Protective properties

Among the Scandinavians, the mountain ash was on the list of trees recognized as sacred. She was called a "warrior" because of her ability to drive away enemies. For some time, she was revered as the progenitor of a tree that bestows Good. The latter, unfortunately, perished when Evil came to our land. The ancient Celts grew rowan in their yards. If something happened to the tree, they prepared for the imminent arrival of trouble.

Symbol of love and fidelity

According to legends, of which there are a great many, mountain ash is a symbol of love. Let's retell one of the legends. There lived a young man and a girl who passionately loved each other. But evil people envied their happiness.

One dark night, they ambushed the guy and killed him with a knife. The girl turned to God, and he turned her into a mountain ash growing on the grave of the deceased young man. The scarlet fruits have become a symbol of blood shed in the name of love.

The taste of mountain ash can remind you of bitter love, but at the same time instill in the human heart the determination and courage of the winner. In the old days, the housing of the newlyweds was decorated with red rowan. This gave reliable protection and various ailments.

How to make a charm with your own hands

To make a rowan cross, take a couple of branches from this tree. Cross the branches and tie them with red thread. Then read the “Our Father” three times and drip the wax of a candle brought from the church onto the intersection of the threads. Dip the cross three times in holy water and pass it three times over a lit candle. Now the amulet is ready. Keep it in your home in a convenient place for you.

Healing properties

Scarlet berries have a very powerful energy both when worn on the body and when taken orally. With the help of a decoction of them, you can cleanse your body of toxins, toxins and excess salt deposits.

Don't be scared if initial stage cleaning your health will worsen a little and the pressure and temperature will rise slightly. Soon there will be an improvement in well-being, strengthening of strength and clarification of the brain. It is advisable to carry out procedures under the supervision of a qualified doctor and directly on his recommendation.

When the first signs of depression appear or if you want to improve your own well-being, get out into nature, go to the mountain ash and lean your back against its trunk. For a few minutes, just stand under the tree. This will allow you to get rid of depression and tune in to the positive.

Vitamin complex

In former times, many diseases were treated with mountain ash. A lot is said about the properties of the berry in modern medicine. Still, because its fruits are rich not only in vitamins, but also in a large number of acids useful for your body! There is more vitamin C in mountain ash than in lemon and blackcurrant, in addition, it is rich in carotene (vitamin A).

Rowan fruits have antibacterial properties. The berries contain an incredible amount of trace elements, and they contain four times more iron than apples. Rowan has a beneficial effect on, and, the rest of the signs of the zodiac should use the power of this plant in an extremely dosed manner.

Application in construction

Currently, mountain ash is practically not used in decoration. And our ancestors highly appreciated her ability to protect home peace and comfort. Rowan beams propped up the chimney to protect it from fire, as well as to protect the house from evil spirits. Rowan wood cradles protected children from the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes.

Day autumn equinox - this is time, when powerful streams energy rush to the ground, thanks to what each maybe change my life for the better side by using verified rituals and rituals.

Use energy outside world for their own well-being, people have been able since ancient times. Any significant events that provoke bursts of energy are taken into account not only by astrologers and meteorologists, but also by practitioners in various occult fields.

TODAY September 23 - a great occasion for transformation and getting rid of all sorts of problems.

You can perform rituals for three days. It is this period that will be marked by strong energy, which you simply need to use for your own good. You can recharge good luck charms, perform rituals that preserve youth and health, and attract prosperity to yourself and your family.

Autumn ritual to get rid of problems

Gather bright fallen leaves in a park or square, talk about each individual problem that you would like to get rid of, and release the leaves into the wind. This simple rite will help you cast aside life's adversities.

To bring prosperity to life, on the day of the autumn equinox, you need to go to an open reservoir. Sit on the banks of a river, pond or lake and write down everything that worries you on small pieces of paper. Dip the notes in the water with the words:

“I give my problems to the water, let my problems float away, adversity disappears.”

Scoop water with your palms and wash yourself, then throw a coin into the pond with the words:

“The payment for goodness is disinterested, I wash myself with clean water. As the coin touches the bottom, so will prosperity return to life.


A ripe bunch of rowan plucked today and hung at the entrance to your apartment will protect it from damage.

Send damage back

If a person suspects that he is causing damage to you or has made a lining, you need to quietly throw a dried rowan branch to him. Tossing to yourself to say:
“To whom - from the yard, to whom - to the yard. Here's a reward for your present. Perhaps it will come in handy for you, as it suited me. ”

If a person is not guilty, then there will be no harm to either you or him, and if he is guilty, then everything that he did against you will come back to him.

Rowan is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia. This beauty is actually a warrior tree, capable of giving a very tough rebuff to the influence of evil. According to some beliefs, she is a distant ancestor of the first sacred tree of goodness on Earth, which withered with the advent of evil forces on our planet.

Its ripe bunches have been and are used as amulets from the dirty deeds of others during the wedding and as a talisman of family happiness in the house. To do this, small branches of mountain ash (necessarily with ripe, bright fruits) are simply placed on the window. As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble that can separate loving hearts will enter the house.

Until now, the mountain ash growing near the house is considered a happy omen, and it is not good to cut it down without extreme necessity.
If in a dream you saw a mountain ash and at the same time you still do not have a loved one, then he (or she) will definitely appear soon.

Conspiracy for well-being

To slander on a branch of mountain ash with berries, on the growing moon:

“Rowan queen, mother rowan, deliver the servant of God (name) from dashing grief. As the red berries on the branches breed, so the money in my house will increase.

It is best to put a twig to the icons, and when there is a lack of money, you need to take it, repeat the words of the conspiracy, after that give each of the household members 3 berries to eat. Rowan will not give extra money, but for what you need, be sure.

A conspiracy to be beautiful and desirable

For this conspiracy, you need to go to “your” mountain ash at midnight, when a woman or girl has her period, hug her tightly, say:

“How glad our mountain ash is to the clear sun! How her flowers are fragrant - you won’t breathe, but like scarlet berries - you won’t see enough, but somehow slender - like a girl. How songbirds fly to her and settle in her magnificent branches, that’s how I, the servant of God (name), would be liked by guys and peasants, poor and rich, widows and married, and old and small, and the whole human race. Everyone would fly to me like bees to honey, and I would welcome everyone, choose my husband, and choose the best one in the whole wide world. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After that, you need to urinate under the mountain ash and leave without turning around.

A conspiracy to conceive a child and give birth healthy

For this conspiracy, you need to come to "your" mountain ash on the last day of the female cycle. This is done when red clusters are already hanging on the mountain ash. Hug a tree, snuggle up to it, say:

“Hello, mother mountain ash, you are tall and sprawling, you are slender, blush with berries. Do you remember how the seed lay, how it hid in the damp earth, how it gained strength and juice. As then it reached for the sun, for the blue, azure sky, as it grew and poured, it was going to become a mountain ash. How you stand now, dear, surrounded by glorious children. So it is for me, God's servant (name), throw it, mountain ash, a little seed in the womb, invisible to anyone's eye, not audible to anyone, except for the mother's heart. Let it grow and pour, it is going to become my son (daughter). Let a sprout be born on time from a seed, a tree from a sprout, a boy or a girl from a tree.”

As you say this, pick a bunch of rowan and go home. At home and plant in a flower pot. Water them every day, do not tell anyone what is in your pot. When planting and watering berries, say: “A seed to the earth is a seed to me. A sprout to the earth, and a son to me. The earth is a branch, and my daughter is a girl.”
When you conceive a baby, take that pot, take it to the mountain ash and leave it under it.

To bewitch a loved one

The conspiracy is done at any time of the year at dawn. Go to "your" mountain ash, hug it, kiss the trunk, say:

“I go under the mountain ash - I drive round dances. I'm circling circles - I'm telling a pretty fortune teller. You are my dear, servant of God (name), fall in love with me, like a dove with a dove, like a drake with a duck, like a bee with a flower, like firewood with fire. Let the fire flare up in you, the servant of God (name), let the blood clear up in you, the servant of God (name), do not put out that fire, do not fill it with water, do not fill it with sand, but only curb it with my love. Amen."

Next, you need to break off two branches with different parties Tree and tie them to each other with a red woolen thread. At home, put the branches in a place where no one can see them, with the words: “How these branches are screwed to one another, let it be screwed to me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name). Until the thread unfolds, he will not back down from me.”

Conspiracy to attract men

Get up at dawn, tie your head with your favorite scarf and go to "your" mountain ash. Hug her, cuddle her and say:

“I will get up, blessed, under the mountain ash, I will turn towards the east. From the eastern side, the morning dawn rises, the red sun rises. It floods my mountain ash with pink, mother-of-pearl light. And may I, the servant of God (name), be more beautiful than the clear sun, whiter than the bright moon, the blush of the dawn of the evening and morning, more slender than my beautiful mountain ash. And as oaks and maples, elms and poplars look at my girlfriend in the forest, so let all the good fellows, men and boys, look at me. And they would strive for me, and would be shy of me, and take their eyes off me so that they could not bear it, and without me they could not both live and be. Be my words strong and sculpting. Key, lock, knot on a scarf. Amen."

As you say, remove your handkerchief from your head, tie it in a knot on a rowan branch and go home without turning around.

A conspiracy to understand who is an enemy and who is a friend

The plot is done in early autumn. Go to "your" mountain ash, say hello to the tree, hug it, then say:

“Hello, mountain ash, hello, mother. An unreasonable, unthinking child has come to you. Tell me, mother, who is my friend and who is my enemy. Who is for me in the fire, and who - do not touch me! Whom to believe, whom not to quarrel with, and whom to shun. Whom should I protect myself, and from whom should I guard my house. Tell me the whole truth, dear, to the enemy - open your eyes, to a friend - reach out your hand. Amen."

Having said this, carefully break off a few rowan branches and take them home. Put them at home in the water, like a bouquet. As your rowan bouquet withers, so all false friends will fall off from you, only those who are truly devoted to you will remain.

Conspiracy from heavy thoughts and sorrows

The best time for this plot is mid-autumn. Go to "your" mountain ash, hug it, stroke the trunk. Tell:

“As I go, I will go out into a pure field. As I walk along the field, I will spin - I will get lost, I will find myself at the mountain ash. And the mountain ash stands - does not sway, waits for winter. Help me, mountain ash, servant of God (name). Let from the heart - heaviness, from the soul - a stone, from thoughts - anxiety, as from you autumn leaves, will fall, will not grow back. Let them fall into the ground that has cooled down, let them lie there, freeze, do not dare to disturb me. Amen."

After that, collect the leaves that have flown from the mountain ash and, taking them away from the tree, throw them into some kind of hole. Throw earth or sand on top, leave that place without turning around.

Conspiracy from corruption and evil eye

If you feel uncomfortable, you feel uncomfortable, the evil eye or damage is not even an hour on you. Go to "your" mountain ash in the evening, ask her for protection. Hang a bunch of your house keys on a rowan branch, let them hang while you plot, this is very important. Embrace her trunk, press against her with your whole body and say these words:

“I’m not flying, I’m not talking, but Mother Red Rowan. She heals, washes, speaks, calls the truth to help with heavenly forces, with a scarlet dawn, with an evening star. I will come to the mountain ash, I will find an iron key and go home. I'll lock the door with three locks, three cast-iron hooks, I'll support it with tongs, I'll lay it with shovels. No one will open the locks, no one will remove the hooks, no one will knock out the grips, no one will lift the shovels. No one will harm the servant of God (name) either at the feast, or in the world, or in the house. And my word will be strong!”

After what has been said, remove the keys from the branch, kiss the trunk of the mountain ash and go home without looking back. As soon as you arrive, lock the doors from the inside with all the keys, with all the locks, sprinkle Thursday salt at the threshold, drink a glass of plain water, cross yourself and go to bed. Ask your family members so that on this day they don’t leave the house anywhere and don’t let anyone in. But don't tell them anything about the conspiracy.

When performing rituals, do not forget about the principle of the environmental friendliness of your desires, they should not concern the freedom of choice of another person.

Come today to the Mystery in our club “Eighth of March”, we will perform the ritual together! Ritual and creation of an amulet from mountain ash "Rowan beads".

ALL ABOUT ROWAN - PROTECTIVE, MAGICAL, HEALING PROPERTIES.. SPELLS AND RITUALS.. TINCTIONS ON ROW BAR rowan is the most magical plant. Its wood has a unique quality - to dampen inertia, so handles for sledgehammers are made from it. The tree itself has an unusually strong energy, controls the entire forest. Since ancient times, the sick were taken out under the mountain ash, as the strong astral energy of the tree healed all diseases. Rowan berries save from intoxication. They are given to the patient to chew, as rowan increases resistance to oxygen starvation. Rowan jam calms the nerves, and the liver is treated with tree bark. Rowan is very useful for diabetes, obesity and diseases thyroid gland. Masks from rowan fruits eliminate wrinkles, give the skin freshness and a pleasant matte pink color. Since ancient times, it was believed that mountain ash has strong magical properties. As a ritual plant, it was used by the ancient Slavs, Scandinavians, and the peoples of Asia. In magic, the ability of mountain ash to protect against other people's spells, to ward off damage, to protect from the evil eye is primarily used. Even today, girls and women in the villages make beads from rowan berries in autumn, without thinking that earlier such beads were an important ritual amulet. Such beads were worn for a whole year, until new ripe berries appeared. When new talisman beads were made, the old ones were burned or buried. It is curious that the mountain ash is considered a female tree. It is women that she primarily takes under her protection. Rowan fruits have traditionally been part of love potions. Rowan was sought for help with infertility, women's diseases, frigidity. In some nations, berries or rowan branches were placed in the bed of the newlyweds. Rowan also helped to overcome unrequited love and control your feelings. Among many peoples, sorcerers, oracles and soothsayers preferred to settle or conduct rituals in rowan groves, which were strictly forbidden to be cut down. It was allowed to cut large branches of mountain ash only for the manufacture of staves for clergy and wanderers who went on a long journey. And small branches with flowers or fruits to decorate dwellings and conduct ritual actions. Rowan trees were often planted around shrines and temples. It was believed that this is a charitable plant that promotes communication with higher powers and predictions. In magic, rowan is used to protect the house from magical attacks and evil spirits. To do this, mountain ash is planted near the porch or at the gate. And a branch of mountain ash with fruits has long been attached above the front door. This is the best protective amulet. If a person is overlaid with rowan branches (leaves and berries on the branches must be mandatory), give half a liter of infusion on rowan berries (hot) to drink, then after three hours damage of moderate severity will be removed from the person. Branches after this procedure - throw away. In the Novgorod province, after returning from the cemetery, rowan rods were hung over the door so that the deceased would not return home. In the Voronezh province, the matchmaker poured rowan roots over the top of the groom's boot so that he would not be damaged at the wedding. In 1630, a certain son of a boyar, who was accused of witchcraft, told during the investigation that, going to his brother’s wedding, he broke a rotten rowan branch along the way and said: “How can anyone go to a wedding or anywhere and break ... branches mountain ash, and no one will take that inflow (disease)". In case of various illnesses, a person climbed three times through a split in two and tied along the edges of a mountain ash or through a mountain ash bush. A conspiracy from spoilage, exile and commotion" was said near a mountain ash standing on an anthill. You could also make a staff from a mountain ash, gnaw it and leave a splinter in your mouth behind your cheek, so as not to be afraid of any witchcraft (witchcraft) during the journey. In Russia and Belarus there was a ban on breaking, breaking bushes of mountain ash, using mountain ash for firewood, picking flowers and even berries of mountain ash. Belarusians considered mountain ash a vengeful tree: whoever breaks it or spybit will soon die himself or someone from his house will die. and because healers transferred human diseases to it; whoever cuts down such a tree will fall ill and die. knees, hugged and kissed her and uttered a conspiracy, where they promised not to harm the mountain ash in return for getting rid of pain. Then they returned home so as not to meet anyone and not looking back. In folk songs, predominantly lyrical, the mountain ash is symbolically compared with a yearning woman, and the bitterness of her berries is associated with a joyless life. The use of mountain ash in folk medicine In folk medicine, mountain ash is used as a hemostatic, antiscorbutic, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, with beriberi, rheumatic pains, to increase the protective properties of the body. Most often, its berries are used, but flowers, buds, foliage, and bark are also used. For medicinal purposes, the fruits and berries of mountain ash can be used without special treatment. Fresh or dried berries are used for beriberi, to increase the protective properties of the body, stimulate appetite. For this, you can also use juice, syrup, infusions and decoctions of rowan berries. Diluted juice of rowan berries gargle with colds. Unripe rowan berries, which have a pronounced astringent effect, are used as an antidiarrheal agent. Fresh juice 1-2 teaspoons is taken 30 minutes before meals for gastritis with low acidity . It is worth considering that the juice is an effective natural choleretic and decongestant, helps to remove harmful substances from the body. Fresh berries or juice prevent gas formation and fermentation processes in the intestines. As an aid, juice can be used in the treatment of hypertension (moderately lowers blood pressure) and atherosclerosis, to lower blood cholesterol levels. To do this, it is taken in a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. For the treatment of eczema and fungal diseases, gruel from crushed fruits or leaves is used. To do this, they are bandaged to the affected areas for 1-1.5 days, after which the skin is allowed to dry and a fresh bandage is applied. Usually, after 5-7 days of treatment, a daily break is made, when the affected area is smeared with sea buckthorn oil. Crushed berries and leaves are also used as a hemostatic agent. In folk medicine, infusions, decoctions, rowan syrups are widely used. It is worth considering that preparations from mountain ash are not recommended for young children and taken during pregnancy. To obtain infusions, they usually take 20-25 grams of crushed dry berries (fresh 1.5 times more) per 250 ml. boiling water. Insist in a thermos or thick-walled dishes for at least 4 hours. Drink 100 g before meals for diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, hemorrhoids, bleeding, atherosclerosis, beriberi, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, as a diuretic. Rowan - an owl. She gets up in the summer around 10. The peak of activity reaches 12-16 hours, and falls asleep around two in the morning. It is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia. This beauty is actually a warrior tree, capable of giving a very tough rebuff to the influence of evil. According to some beliefs, she is a distant ancestor of the first sacred tree of goodness on Earth, which withered with the advent of evil forces on our planet. Many ancient legends say that the mountain ash is the fruit of true love. The mountain ash keeps the bitter fire of love in its berries. This tree is able to ignite the flame of a true sense of selflessness in the hearts of people. Since the mountain ash is a warrior tree, it also protects true love from misfortunes and troubles. Its ripe bunches have been and are used as amulets from the dirty deeds of others during the wedding and as a talisman of family happiness in the house. To do this, small branches of mountain ash (necessarily with ripe, bright fruits) are simply placed on the window. As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble that can separate loving hearts will enter the house. In Western Europe, it was believed that the mountain ash protects from evil spirits. Therefore, a cross made of mountain ash was often used at home as a protective talisman. It is doubtful that the mountain ash directly protects a person from the action of evil spirits. This is not the nature of this tree. Born from death in order to continue life in a different guise, having conquered death, mountain ash really protects ... but from the energy of the dead world, including from the walking dead, and partly from zombies and their influence. At least in Russia it was used just for this. By the way, it is now completely forgotten that rowan wine (purely Russian wine) was considered healing, and it was almost never used, except in cases of severe loss of strength or depression. Rowan decoction or rowan branches were sometimes used as an additional remedy in the treatment of spoilage and the evil eye, and nervous diseases. It was believed that life force mountain ash is able to drive away the ghosts of death from a person and return him to our world. Often, in order to bring a fainted person to himself (that is, who has lost a real idea of ​​\u200b\u200breality) and force him to at least go for treatment (which is actually very, very difficult to do), a rowan cross was placed under his bed for the night. Anyone can make such a cross himself. To do this, at noon in September, when the Sun is in the sign of Virgo (the position of the Sun in the signs of the zodiac can be found on the "Moon" page), they were cut not at home (that is, never used for household chores: cutting bread, crumbling vegetables, etc. .) with a knife (can be new) two branches of mountain ash with berries. The berries were then placed on the window as a charm or used as food, and two branches of the same length were crossed and firmly tied in the middle with red threads. Then, "Our Father" was read three times over this cross, a drop of church candle wax was dripped onto the intersection of the threads, it was dipped into holy water three times and passed over the candle flame three times and was ready for use. This cross can also be placed under the bed to drive away bad thoughts or dreams (but for a period not exceeding 21 days in a row), hang in the house as a talisman against the forces of the dead kingdom, etc. The energy of mountain ash is quite hard, contains certain radiations, close to X-rays, which pierce our body through and through. Therefore, many, being under a mountain ash, feel uncomfortable. Mountain ash cleanses our body of accumulated dirt and toxins, forcing it to expel excess salts, poisons and putrefactive products with sweat and waste. First of all, mountain ash cleanses our intestines and blood. People who have accumulated a lot of dirt inside will feel bad at the first moment after the influence of this tree, their temperature may even rise or pressure jump. Although later, when the body is cleansed, both strength and health will come. Therefore, communication with mountain ash is better to start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. It is better not to be under it for more than an hour - an excess of its energy will be clearly felt, which can lead to a headache or a nervous breakdown. Communication with this tree is standard. Most harmoniously, its energy affects us if we stand with our backs against it, straightening the spine. This position allows the mountain ash not only to cleanse us, but also to tear off energy bindings from us, stretching from other people and interfering with our personal happiness. Rowan bonsai has a beneficial effect on us, wherever we are. Another thing is that the energy of the mountain ash itself affects everyone in its own way. The most favorable effect of the eye is on representatives of the earth signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Good for Scorpions too. The rest of the signs of the Zodiac are not shown constant communication with her. The wood of the mountain ash has long been used only as decorations, handicrafts, for magical purposes. It is almost never used in industry and decoration. You will not experience much delight with the constant influence of the heavy and harsh energy of rowan wood. She, like rowan wine, is slightly intoxicating, healing and bitter at the same time. Therefore, what is good for medicinal purposes in small doses, with increasing doses, can become poison.

A beautiful rowan tree with bright red fruits has always been considered the most beautiful Russian plant. Berries can be eaten, dried, tinctures can be made, jewelry and talismans can be made. The reddish hue of the pulp highlights a natural dye that for a long time does not deteriorate. The Slavs knew hundreds of uses for their favorite tree. Including rowan was used as a talisman.

Rarely a person names holidays in honor of any plant. The mountain ash was honored to be such, having its own place in the calendar. In the world, the days dedicated to the tree are considered the beginning of May and September. In northern Europe, it is associated with the legend of the god Thor. The latter was an active fighter against evil. In Russia, blood-colored fruits were associated with the sacrifice of Christ, so the day of the Cross is Rowan Day. Most pectoral crosses early period tried to make it out of it. Known fact that mountain ash loves the cold. They were guided by it when to plant seedlings and plow the land. Peasants actively used folk omens, and the tree was called a symbol of fertility.

How to make a charm and how to use it?

Before direct rowan, carefully select a tree. Suitable specimens in remote natural groves growing near a natural reservoir. They should have many small fruits on them, and the trunk should not bend under the weight and be straight. The tree is endowed with the characteristic of only positive energy, but if it is sick, then a similar property will pass to the future talisman. Visually, the mountain ash should please you and beckon. If it turns out to be a plant with energy close to you, then it will give you a sign. If, after picking off the branch, you feel uneasy, then apologize to the mountain ash and leave it, the amulet must be made from another trunk.

If you notice suspicious ribbons or chains on the trunk or branches, then in no case do not use it for your own purposes. Previously, it has already played the role of a lightning rod for illness. stranger, and now retained the negative energy.

Try to cause minimal damage to the plant when you start breaking rowan branches. It is better to cut them with something sharp, but not with kitchen utensils, carefully and with love. Mentally outline to the rowan tree what you need a sacrifice for and thank for the help.

After creating a talisman, do not let him touch it even native person. It is better not to talk at all about the presence of a charmed thing in you, do everything in secret. Desires for which it is necessary to use the item should not intersect with strangers and harm.

Rowan as a material for a talisman

The internal energy of the mountain ash is amazing. It helps to bring peace and prosperity to the family, maintain health and scare away enemies. Rowan trees were often planted in gardens and on the adjacent territory. She is not only beautiful, but also useful. Rowan branches were hung over the entrance and at the windows so that they would protect a person from the other world, the spirits of the dead. If people were disturbed by ghosts or other spirits, then the number of mountain ash in the room should be increased, and a homemade cross tied with a red ribbon should be placed on the grave of the deceased. A similar object should have been hung over the entrance to the house. After such a procedure, the spirit calmed down and no longer tormented the relatives. The importance of fertility was reflected in the placement of twigs in working grain fields. Ornaments and patterns depicting mountain ash were painted on ritual decorations for protection, and the leaves were hidden in pockets or sewn under the lining in order to preserve love and fidelity in the family and make the human hearth invulnerable.

The medicinal property of mountain ash had its own characteristics. First, the bush scanned the person through and through and drove out all the negative from the body. This can be expressed in intestinal disorders, headaches, fever and pressure in humans. After a while, the condition improves, and the person feels cleansed. The first acquaintance should not exceed ten minutes, gradually increasing to sixty. In order for communication to take place without unnecessary influences, it is necessary to press your back against it and straighten your spine. For individuals, being near a mountain ash for more than an hour may be accompanied by an excess of stored energy. The union with the plant is best tolerated by Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. They are earth signs, therefore closer to nature.

The composition is striking in its diversity. It includes a number of vitamins necessary for life, including a high content of vitamin C. Useful components help to cure people from staphylococcus aureus, hypertension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, gynecological diseases and anemia, and are a protection against diseases of the respiratory system.

Children are vulnerable to negative impact and due to inexperience may be at risk. Parents made small crosses from rowan twigs and hung them by the crib and stroller. Also, dried fruits were hidden in a bag under the pillow so that the child slept better and did not worry. The girls were given beads made of fruits and dolls with twigs instead of hands. Adult girls weaved rowan wreaths for their betrothed and for themselves to attract and protect the union. Not only bunches and berries, but also bark with leaves were taken as material. In addition to the dried components, living parts of the mountain ash were left on a permanent basis under the children's bed and the branches were periodically updated.

Young leaves were plucked from the mountain ash and placed in a vase, or laid out on the table in the baby's room. In the evening, a green candle was lit, some of the leaves were laid out under the feather bed and a plot was read:

“Rowan-rowan, I turn to you, I try to protect my child. Protect him from evil, protect him from the unfaithful and dashing! Let my child grow, grow, fly in beautiful calm dreams. May trouble and envy bypass him, may he find joy every day! Let all evil instantly dissolve. So I command - and let it be done!

Instructions for making amulets from mountain ash

There are many options for how to use parts of the tree. They differ in who the amulet is intended for. The first of the found amulets was a rowan cross, it had a special power. A pair of twigs was taken and fastened with a drop of wax and a bright ribbon. Above them, “Our Father” was read three times and the object was dipped into holy water. The washed product was dried over a candle flame. Such an object was kept under a pillow or bed, but not more than twenty-one days. Then it was to be burned.


Girls of all ages love to decorate themselves. Rowan is perfect for creating beads, as a talisman. Look at the star calendar for when the full moon is scheduled. Collect an odd number of beads on the moon when it has magical properties. Light candles in the dark in the house. Pour the apples on the table and take the thread to match the fruits. The material of the thread should be without unnecessary chemicals, linen is suitable. String fruits in a row, fastening. Blow on the finished rowan decoration and repeat the text twelve times:

“Birds fly away for the winter, take grief and misfortune with them, and the fire-rowan protects me (say your name) from evil and dashing. Key. Language. Lock".

By analogy with beads, they make bracelets from mountain ash. All types of such amulets made of mountain ash work for a year, then they must be disposed of. To do this, just bury them in the garden and say goodbye:

"Thank you and goodbye."

Rowan amulet on the head

Young girls wove wreaths on their heads from rowan clusters to attract attention to themselves, they helped to attract love and increase the attractiveness of the opposite sex. The product could be placed above the entrance to the dwelling, at the openings, in the nursery. Similar items were woven for livestock. Rowan wreaths were worn to help the pigs gain weight faster.

Rowan doll

To prepare the doll, you will need two twigs that need to be fastened crosswise. Put a piece of cloth on them in the form of a dress, and then you need to tie it with a red thread on the belt. Attach a scarf to your head, and place beads from rowan berries on your neck. Give a toy to a child, or decorate a corner of a room with them. Be sure to give the item a name and tell it your personal wishes. A rowan doll can protect you from enemies and the evil eye, and will also become a protector of a small generation from external forces.

Rowan circles

This item looks like a regular wreath. The basis will be the wire, which must be shaped into a circle. Wrap bunches with red rowan leaves on it. The number of fruits in the bunches must be odd. Circles can be fixed on hills in openings, at the door and mirrors. Connect with the jewelry in your thoughts and talk about personal goals. After a year, the amulets should be buried or burned.

Rowan amulet in the form of knots

Dry fruits picked from full moon, and put on a piece of fabric made of natural material. Tie the ends into a knot with thread. Do not forget that magical rituals always require an odd number of rowanberries. Put in additional aromatic herbs or oil, as well as medicinal potions and other berries. Make a wish that you would like to realize in the first place. Speak a conspiracy used for rowan beads, or come up with it yourself for a talisman. The effect of the power of this amulet will end with the awakening of nature. Place the bag of berries in the prepared hole in the area. A new knot should be prepared in the fall.

Rowan amulet had protective properties and energy strength. Ease of assembly and ease of preparation attracted ordinary people, and hypoallergenicity allowed even children to wear things. Rowan protected the owner from otherworldly forces, the human evil eye, various ailments and attracted good luck and a good harvest to the house, supported an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. The tree met aesthetic standards and treated serious diseases.

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