Elizaveta Peskova: biography and personal life. “Poured mud on a stranger you don’t know”

Auto 13.06.2019

That she attended a working meeting with the management and employees of the enterprise, where personnel issues were discussed, including attracting young specialists, and the question of the need to modernize the industry as a whole was raised. It was also reported that Peskova came to Sevastopol to help solve the problem with the company's multi-million dollar debt to landlords.

In turn, Elizabeth's mother Catherine applied to his daughter's critics. According to her, Elizabeth is "studying, looking for herself, trying to find her place in life," and also trying to "draw attention to various problems that, in large numbers, exist in society."

“What did you do when you were 19? She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak? How amusing you to discuss that she does not know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? And how many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Her task is not to understand why a large heavy iron ship floats on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who are able to solve them, ”wrote Ekaterina Peskova.

Posted by Katya (@zazerkatye) Aug 3, 2017 at 2:33 PDT

Terribly did not want to write about Liza Peskova - the girl is being built political career, and personally I see it so disgusting that I don’t even want to think about it.

Do you know what happens when the indignation is so strong that you can’t even find words other than swearing? And there is something to say, but I just want to spit. In the face, with snot, so that everything spreads.

Video: YouTube

Yes, I would remain silent. What, without me, something is not clear to someone here? If I didn't get in ex-wife Peskov's press secretary and Lisa's mother, I would score.

Read for yourself what Ekaterina Peskova writes about her daughter’s visit to a factory in Crimea:

I usually refrain from commenting on the activity and reaction to it of our moralists and fighters for justice. But now I cannot remain silent.

My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who kept their earnings? What did you do while sitting on your couch? They poured mud over a person you do not know, not realizing that with your words and low energy you give birth to evil and dirt in this world, which return to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy.

What is her fault? That she was born the daughter of a man who plows all his life without days off, evenings and holidays? Who with his mind and labor has achieved the position that he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and wears Nice dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and beat herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier?

What did you do when you were 19 years old? She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you speak? How does it amuse you to discuss that she does not know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding (in her speech, Elizabeth confused judiciary and shipbuilding - ed.) - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? And how many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to figure out why a large heavy iron ship stays on the water, but to draw attention to the problems of those who are able to solve them.

Indeed, Lisa's task is not to understand. Not in legal proceedings, not in anything at all.

Her task is to sit on Instagram on the neck of the father-official and mother Ekaterina.

What did Lisa do at 19? I will answer directly - I shit on Russia a couple of times, went to study in Europe and disgraced myself at a factory in the Crimea.

No need to attribute to Lisa the solution of the plant's problems. She solved them not with her pocket money, but using the country's budget funds. And here the question arises for me: since when have 19-year-old girls climb into our budget and dispose of it?

What, Lisa's mother asks, was she supposed to do, and what is the fault of the girl who poses like who knows what?

I will answer: Lisa is not guilty. There is the fault of mom and dad, who patronize their daughter. Out of a clueless little party girl living in Europe, they are trying to mold us into another politician.

Who would Lisa have become if she had been born in Taganrog? I watched a video in which it is strikingly different from what we see in the photo. An ordinary girl, who can hardly even be called pretty, would most likely be exactly the same as all her peers.

Let's be objective, shall we? Lisa is nothing. Without an official dad, she would be nothing.

Of course, she shouldn't walk around in a robe and scourge herself, but in the same way, you, Liza's parents, have no right to poke her into us as a politician, using your position.

It is enough that thanks to you, her name is already well known.

Nauseous and disgusting from this projection. smart, active and useful to the country our people are shit. On the other hand, the Lises "solve" the problems of the factories, trying to earn political points.

I think that our country simply needs a law according to which children, relatives and dabblers of politicians should not shine. Study at home, in Russia, and live in such a way that no one will ever hear about them.

Lisa Peskova is the daughter of Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Vladimir Putin.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara, in the family of a diplomat and statesman Dmitry Peskov and his second wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. Both of Liza's grandfathers were also well-known diplomats and worked abroad. Elizabeth's parents met at the Russian Embassy in Ankara, where Peskov and Catherine's grandfather worked at that time.

Elizabeth has two siblings - Mika and Dani, as well as a half-brother Nikolai from his father's first marriage with Anastasia Budyonny and sister Nadezhda from his third marriage with Tatyana Navka.

Lisa has a good relationship with her stepmother: “She did a lot to please me and my brothers. She is not at all like an evil stepmother from a fairy tale, rather, like a friend. Tatyana gave me a lot useful tips relating to personal life". With the daughter of Navka Alexandra Zhulina, Liza also found a common language.

In 2012, after 20 years of marriage, Lisa Peskova's parents divorced. According to information available in the press, the reason was the betrayal of the presidential press secretary. Three years later, the girl's father married the Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka, and Lisa's mother stayed in a Paris apartment overlooking the Champs Elysees. In 2017, Peskova's mother headed Russian center Science and Culture (RCSC) in the capital of France.

FROM early years Lisa taught foreign languages. She was supported in learning languages ​​by her parents, who not only forced their daughter to learn several dozen foreign words every day, but also sent the girl to language camps in Scotland and France every summer.

On the this moment Peskov's daughter knows five languages: she is fluent in English and French, fluent in Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. By her age, Peskova managed to learn in different educational institutions: a Moscow gymnasium, a boarding school in Normandy, the Ecole des Roches school in Paris and the Moscow Institute of Asian and African Countries, where her father and grandfather once studied.

Lisa Peskova spoke a little about her childhood. It turns out that this blond beauty in school years had self-esteem issues. According to her, she was plump, had problematic skin and her boarding school mates teased her Pinocchio because of her big nose.

In the fall of 2015, Elizabeth decided to leave ISAA and return to Paris to her mother and her younger brothers. In the capital of France, Peskova entered a business school and began to study Oriental languages ​​closely.

Elizabeth is very categorical about the Russian education system. The girl considers it absurd on the part of teachers to “shove all the information that exists in this world into students” and keep children in fear. Peskova believes that the education system, established back in the years of the USSR, should be replaced so that the younger generation has a desire to acquire knowledge.

In early July 2017, Peskova announced that she had joined the "public support platform patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship in Russia”. For young businessmen who have interesting ideas for a startup, Lisa suggests contacting her and her colleagues. Earlier, the girl announced that she did not want to connect her life with politics, but, apparently, genes take their toll.

The hype in the media space was caused by Lisa's visit to a shipyard in the Crimea. A 19-year-old girl posted a photo on Instagram, in which she, dressed in a designer dress from Ramzan Kadyrov's daughter, is captured with workers.

Lisa Peskova: legal proceedings

Internet users called Lisa's visit to the plant "absurd": many were outraged that the girl did not see the difference between "judicial proceedings" and "shipbuilding", advising factory workers to "develop strategies for PR", absolutely not understanding the intricacies of the case. The contrast of a dress worth several hundred thousand rubles with tired workers in robes added fuel to the fire.

Personal life of Lisa Peskova

In 2016, on annual ball Debutantes Tatler in Moscow, Lisa came out with her boyfriend, a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. At the event, the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Peskova and Meshcheryakov broke up shortly after Lisa's 18th birthday. What happened between the couple is unknown, but Lisa hastened to remove all joint photos from social networks.

Pretty soon, Elizabeth found a replacement for Yuri, presenting to the public her new young man– Mikhail Sinitsyn, education worker. The girl posted for a while social networks there are a lot of joint photographs, indicating that between young people there is something much more than just friendship.

Lisa considers herself creative person- She writes poetry, draws well and dreams of writing a book in the future. To questions about which city Lisa likes to live in the most, she replies that she, as a cosmopolitan, is comfortable everywhere, but she has no attachment to a particular place.

Liza Peskova now

In September 2017, Elizaveta Peskova was convicted of plagiarism. It's about about the article “Illusion of knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education”, which was published in Forbes on behalf of the girl. HSE Associate Professor Oksana Silantyeva "ran" the publication through Antiplagiarism [a program that searches for borrowings in the text - approx. Find out.rf] and found out that individual fragments from Peskova’s article were completely copied from materials from other publications - Mel, BBC, Passion. 9% of the text was copied from the 2012 Pedagogy abstract.

A couple of days after Silantieva's publication, Lisa Peskova's Instagram account was deleted. The press service of the girl said that she herself deactivated the profile so that nothing would distract her from her studies. She later recovered on the social network.

At the shipyard "Southern Sevastopol". A girl in the delegation of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia "Avanti" came to Sevastopol to help the plant, which is on the verge of bankruptcy.


Lisa thinks that the main problem plant is the lack of PR. “We need to show the youth that confidence in tomorrow there is that this is a prestigious job, that it is not considered something to be ashamed of. We need to work on innovation, on the modernization of shipyards. And I think that the main task now is PR and Information support. We need to tell the youth that such work exists, and I am sure that a lot of boys will want to do this, ”Peskova expressed her opinion in a conversation with reporters.


Lisa wanted to draw attention to the problems of the plant, but instead incurred the wrath of netizens. Some reproached the girl for the allegedly inappropriate outfit, others accused her of hypocrisy and self-promotion.


Lisa's mother, the ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina, was shocked at the anger with which people attacked a 19-year-old girl who is trying to help solve society's problems.


“Usually I refrain from commenting on Liza’s activities and the reaction of our moralists and fighters for justice to her. But now I cannot remain silent. My first question is what did she do wrong? Solved the problem of the plant and helped the families of workers who kept their earnings? What did you do sitting on your couch? They poured mud over a person you do not know, not realizing that with your words and low energy you give birth to evil and dirt in this world, which return to you every day, making you even more embittered and unhappy. My second question is who are the judges? What right do you have to judge a nineteen-year-old girl, whom you have never met in your life and with whom you have never communicated, for the good she has done? What is her fault? That she was born the daughter of a man who plows all his life without days off, evenings and holidays? Who with his mind and labor has achieved the position that he has now? Or is it her fault that she looks good and is wearing a beautiful dress? Do you think she should walk around in a robe and beat herself with a whip? Then your life will be happier? - Peskova was indignant (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. - Note. ed.).


Ekaterina said that Lisa is a very capable girl and for her age she already knows and can do a lot, and most importantly, she is worried about the problems of society and she is trying to solve them: “Yes, she is not yet sufficiently educated (she has not even graduated from the university yet), and she enough experience to resist people like you. But she is learning, she is looking for herself, she is trying to find her place in life. Moreover, she tries her best to draw attention to the various problems that, in large numbers, exist in society. What did you do when you were 19 years old? She speaks four languages ​​- how many can you explain yourself? How amusing you to discuss that she does not know the difference between litigation and shipbuilding - and how many of you knew this until yesterday? And how many of you can talk about this topic in front of a crowd of journalists and cameras? Its task is not to understand why a large heavy iron ship floats, but to draw attention to the problems of those who are able to solve them. Look at yourself from the outside, re-read what you write! How can you consider yourself good people after spouting all the abominations that you write? People stop!!! Wake up! If you want to change this world, start with yourself!”

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