How old are Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb. Gleb Matveychuk: “We didn’t share cats with my wife

Health 13.07.2019

Actress Anastasia Makeeva gained fame not only because of her bright appearance, but also because of the versatility of her talent.

The creative biography of Anastasia Makeeva began on the stage, and continued in the world of big cinema. The public knows the woman as a theater and film actress, singer and model.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born on December 23, 1981 in Krasnodar, in ordinary family. Mom worked as an engineer, and my father realized himself in law.

In addition to the main profession, dad Vasily Makeev always gravitated toward creativity, so at one time he led a vocal and instrumental ensemble, worked as a toastmaster. The daughter began performing with her father's team as a child, and as a schoolgirl she became a member of the Harmony quartet. At the same time, Anastasia Makeeva studied at the Krasnodar Musical College named after and studied at the city's House of Culture and Creativity.

When Anastasia Makeeva turned from an angular teenager into an attractive girl, she took her first steps in modeling career. The young beauty participated in beauty contests, worked as a model, starred for magazine covers and commercials.

In the modeling business, the girl succeeded. In 1998, 17-year-old Anastasia Makeeva became the winner of the prestigious Miss Krasnodar contest. Later, Nastya's personal piggy bank was replenished with the titles "Vice-Miss Universe - Russia", "MK Europe" and others.

Anastasia Makeeva at the beauty contest "MK Europe"

In 2000, Makeeva's Moscow biography started: a beauty from Krasnodar entered the Moscow State Musical College of Variety and Jazz Art (GMUEDI). She graduated with honors in 2004. And in 2007, Anastasia Makeeva received a red diploma from GITIS, where she studied at the workshop.

Music and TV

Even in her student years, while studying at a prestigious school of pop and jazz art, Anastasia Makeeva began to appear regularly on the theater stage. In 2000, the aspiring actress made her debut in the musical "Dracula" in the role of Adriana. The actress recalls that the salary she received for each exit in this performance helped her take her first steps into an independent life. Soon the girl joined the acting troupe of the musical The Witches of Eastwick.

Musically gifted girl model appearance was in demand in the world Russian show business. In 2005, the producers of a popular group noticed her and invited her to star in the video for the hit "If you want to stay."

Group "Disco Crash" - "If you want to stay"

In 2008, the rapidly gaining popularity of the singer and actress was approved for the main role of Mercedes in the musical "Monte Cristo", where she brilliantly played along with.

After the success of Monte Cristo, the bright brunette played many unforgettable roles in the theater. But the most notable work was the musical Zorro, which was rehearsed in California. The actress passed the tests, and she was approved for the role of Louise, the beloved of the protagonist. Due to her employment in the new musical, Anastasia Makeeva left the role of Mercedes in Monte Cristo and from 2010 to 2011 appeared on the stage of the Moscow Youth Palace, playing Louise. She shared this role with Valeria Lanskaya and Natalia Bystrova.

Anastasia Makeeva in the musical "Chicago"

Anastasia Makeeva did not stop working in musicals even when her career in cinema began to develop. The singer and actress appeared in the musical performances of Mamma Mia! and Chicago, in which she again played the main characters.

In the summer of 2014, Makeeva was invited to play 2 central roles - the Marquise de Merteuil and Madame de Tourvel - in the musical and dramatic production Territory of Passion. The performance was staged for a long time on the stage of MDM.

In 2015, Anastasia Makeeva pleased musical lovers with her appearance in the play Onegin, in which she again got the main role – .

Anastasia Makeeva in the musical "Onegin"

In 2016, Nastya was seen in the image of the beautiful Murena in the new musical "Miracle Yudo". The actress is known for giving herself to the stage, fully getting used to the role. According to Anastasia, after each performance she has to recover for a long time.

The vocal talent of the artist is as bright as the acting one. Songs performed by Anastasia Makeeva are always listened to with pleasure by the audience, so the star is often invited to participate in various music shows. In 2015, Nastya also reincarnated in and on the Just Like It project, presenting the hit Stumblin`In to the jury.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk at the Just Like It project

Often Anastasia Makeeva performs in a duet with popular performers. In 2015, she was seen with. The couple heartily performed the popular song "Mirrors", causing a flurry of spectator emotions.


Simultaneously with her work in the theater, the artist made successful steps in Russian cinema. A cinematic biography of Anastasia Makeeva started with a small role in the film "Lawyer". This debut was successful and opened the actress to the audience and directors.

Soon Nastya was lucky enough to work with the master of Russian cinema. At first, she auditioned for an episodic role in the drama The Horseman Called Death, but the director approved Anastasia for the main cast. Makeeva adopted her experience on the set from the stars of Russian cinema and.

The period from 2004 to 2007 was fruitful. At this time, Anastasia Makeeva starred in 9 films, each of which became a stepping stone to new achievements. The most striking works of this period are the films “And yet I love ...”, “Countdown” and “Home sweet home”.

Andrey Merzlikin and Anastasia Makeeva in the movie "Countdown"

Brightly manifested acting talent Makeeva in the crime drama Cherkizona. Disposable People, which was released in 2010. Nastya appeared on the screen with the young Russian stars and .

Today, the filmography of Anastasia Makeeva consists of dozens of serials and feature films, in many of which the talented artist got key roles. Among the memorable film projects of recent years, in which Anastasia Makeeva starred, are the films “Mother by Contract”, “” and “”.

Personal life

Anastasia Makeeva met her love shortly after arriving in the capital. She met a Moscow businessman Vitaly Fedorov, who was 6 years older than the girl. The couple lived together for 4 years, but Makeeva and Fedorov never reached the registry office. According to Nastya, Vitaly loved her, but the young actress was not enough in this relationship. Mexican passions and drive.

The couple broke up. Accelerated parting new novel Makeeva with director Vladimir Nakhabtsev, who turned out to be 17 years older. But the man turned out to be that womanizer, and Nastya soon found out about his betrayals. The girl did not want to put up with such an attitude towards herself, so she immediately left her unfaithful lover. She decided to start life from scratch. It was then that he met a new admirer, whom Anastasia Makeeva hurried to marry.

The first official marriage with the actor, whom the girl met on the set of the series "Network", lasted 7 months. But almost immediately, the newlyweds realized that they were in a hurry with stamps in their passports, and filed for divorce. Both consider this marriage a mistake and speak unflatteringly about each other when journalists ask about the past. The divorce of Anastasia Makeeva and the events accompanying it did not leave the pages of the tabloids for a long time until they were “killed” by a new informational occasion.

In the summer of 2010, the model and actress starred in a candid photo shoot for XXL magazine. Men turned closer eyes to the sexy girl, but in the crowd of fans, Anastasia Makeeva singled out her colleague, the son of the famous. The relationship with the actor lasted for several years and was remembered by many scandals, but at the same time it never developed into an official marriage. The last straw for the girl was the moment when, during a vacation in Tunisia in 2008, Makarov raised his hand to her in a fit of jealousy.

The break with Alexei Anastasia Makeeva was painful. In addition, another blow of fate fell upon her - 27-year-old brother Daniel suddenly died of meningitis. A new love saved Nastya from a terrible depression.

Makeeva met the actor and composer Gleb Matveychuk at the conservatory, at a vocal master class: she started having problems with her voice from stress. Gleb invited the singer to his lessons, where she could listen to how he was doing. This acquaintance grew into a serious relationship, and in August 2010 Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva got married.

But a beautiful wedding did not become a guarantee of a happy personal life of the spouses. They often quarreled and reconciled. Matveychuk and Makeeva lived together for 6 years, and all this time they dreamed of children. Perhaps the kid could turn just a couple into a real one and strong family, but that didn't happen. The husband never became a support for Anastasia, and later the girl frankly admitted that she lived the life and problems of Gleb, and his career always came first.

In 2016, the couple announced their divorce. The official reason for the separation of the spouses was the constant employment of the artists.

Despite the failures in the relationship, the artist did not leave her dream of meeting a man with whom she could give birth and raise children and wait for grandchildren. But now Anastasia Makeeva claims that she does not even look towards fellow artists or musicians.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk broke up

In September 2016, viewers were surprised to see the joint performance of Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk in the new program “Property of the Republic”. The couple sang the beautiful song "Flowers under the Snow", touchingly holding hands and exchanging tender glances. As it turned out, there was no talk of any reunion, the program was simply delayed by going on the air for a year.

In May 2016, after breaking up with Gleb, Anastasia Makeeva on her personal page in "Instagram" came to the defense ex-husband, about which rumors spread in yellow publications and social networks. For example, some ill-wishers claimed that the couple broke up due to the spouse's homosexual preferences, which Makeeva allegedly admitted.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk - "Flowers Under the Snow"

Anastasia publicly denied that she had said anything similar, and asked to be left alone with Gleb.

"He is the best man in the world, we just became different, ”the artist wrote in a microblog.

Anastasia is engaged in active self-PR. Makeeva has personal profiles in in social networks. In addition to Makeeva's personal photos, advertising posts also appear on her Instagram account. The girl also created a YouTube channel, which contains all the performances of the actress on television, series and films with her participation, as well as personal videos.

Anastasia Makeeva now

Now the actress is in no hurry to get married, although another chosen one has already appeared in her life, whom Makeeva has not yet introduced to fans. She recently moved into new apartment where renovations took place over the course of 3 years. In the new dwelling, Anastasia's company was made up of her four-legged pets - 2 Spitz and Roxy the cat.

The actress does not pursue success on the screen, therefore she is filmed in exceptional cases and only with her favorite directors. In 2017, Anastasia again played in the film by maestro Karen Shakhnazarov, in his adaptation of Anna Karenina.

Makeeva embodied the image of Betsy Tverskaya on the screen. Soon followed by work in the detective series "", where they also appeared,. The project started on Channel One in early 2018. Not without Makeeva and the musical family film "New Year's Trouble", which preceded its premiere new year holidays 2018.

Six months later, Anastasia Makeeva became a member of the popular project of urban song and chanson "Three Chords".

Anastasia Makeeva at the Three Chords project

In the TV show, the actress performed musical compositions from the repertoire in the My Hero program. The singer shared with the public memories of childhood and youth, as well as unknown facts from her creative life.


  • 2003 - "Lawyer"
  • 2004 - A Rider Called Death
  • 2006 - "Countdown"
  • 2007 - "Network"
  • 2010 - "Cherkizon. Disposable people"
  • 2011 - "Retribution"
  • 2012 - "Werewolf in uniform"
  • 2013 - Contract Mom
  • 2013 - The Sniffer
  • 2014 - "Model"
  • 2017 - Anna Karenina. History of Vronsky
  • 2017 - "New Year's Trouble"
  • 2017 - "Caviar"

Makeeva fell into depression after her divorce from her husband. She regretted that she could not create a full-fledged family. She dreamed of children from Gleb. “I wanted a quiet life, to become a mother. We even started going to the doctors. This went on for three years, but I was never able to get pregnant. At some point, he stopped supporting me. When I said: “Gleb, what do you want? We don’t see each other, we don’t spend time with each other, we have practically nothing left in common. Do you care what happens to our family? Don't care about me?" Anastasia said.

Matveychuk had a different version of the breakup. At first he thought that Anastasia was the woman with whom he would share the family hearth. However, in his life with the advent of the actress, there was a lot of drama. He did not like that Makeeva constantly quarreled with him. She could quarrel with him over a trifle. Gleb admitted that he consistently left home twice a month and spent the night in another place.

Now Gleb is happy in a new relationship. After a painful breakup with Makeeva, he met Elena at the Russian Film Week in Greece. Matveychuk realized that he was ready to tie the knot again. At the beginning of the year, his beloved told him that he would soon become a father. Gleb was so happy that he proposed marriage to a woman.

Most recently, the lovers became parents. good news Glazkova shared with their fans on the social network. Elena posted a photo with a newborn baby. “Daughter, thank you for choosing us!” The woman signed the picture. Matveychuk published a frame of the birth card of his beloved woman. The baby was born on September 24 at 23:07. The weight of the child is 3390 grams, height - 52 centimeters. “Happiness is there. It is difficult to immediately realize that such a miracle is happening to you”, - wrote the artist. The newly minted parents named the girl Alice.

Subscribers wished the lovers health and patience. Nobody knows if Anastasia Makeeva congratulated ex-spouse. It is only known that after breaking up with Gleb, she arranged a marathon of suitors. She was given flowers, she went on various dates. However, nothing good came of this venture. Now Anastasia has completely gone to work, there is no time left for her personal life.

    Gleb Matveychuk - not only talented actor but also a composer. His compositions are soundtracks for many Russian films and musicals staged at the theatre. Classical compositions are heard in famous performances based on the works of writers of Russian literature of recent centuries. The name of the attractive blond Gleb Matveychuk often appears in the press. The lenses of the paparazzi are always trying to catch young man in his Everyday life. This is not surprising. The popularity of the young artist, thanks to his work in theater and cinema, is growing rapidly.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

    With his talent and romantic appearance, the actor won the love of many fans. Today, the 35-year-old artist has taken place as a theater and film actor, composer, and producer. Gleb participates in various TV shows, which naturally fuels the interest of the public. Since Matveychuk is a good example of a real charismatic man, his fans are interested in absolutely all the details, even height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk, you can fully understand by looking at many of his photographs on the Internet. The actor is quite tall (179 cm) and has an athletic build.

    Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

    Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981. From childhood, the boy showed a genuine interest in creativity, and at the age of eight he was engaged in a theater group. It was there that Gleb first appeared on stage and performed the first song. The teachers appreciated the good vocal abilities of the little actor, and strongly advised them to develop.

    After studying at school, Gleb entered the College of Music. It is not surprising that the young man decided to connect his life with music. Singing was what gave him the greatest pleasure. After graduating from college with a degree in choir conductor, Gleb goes to Moscow to continue his studies in the capital. Theater or music - this question is spinning in the head of the future artist, on the way to the city of opportunities. As a result, the young man enters two educational universities at once. The Moscow Conservatory and the Shchepkin Theater School are two of his houses for the coming years.

    The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is notable for his passion for learning. Education opened wide doors for the artist in the life of musical art. In the following years, the performer is a member of several vocal groups, becomes a finalist in the show "Russian Tenors", sings a duet with Olga Kormukhina in the show "Two Stars", and also acts as a parodist in the program "Just Like". Over the years, as an actor, Gleb Matveychuk starred in 9 films, and played on stage in many performances. The author's wonderful compositions can be heard in the sensational historical film "Admiral", as well as in the performance based on the book by M. Bulgakov - "The Master and Margarita".

    Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

    The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk is very eventful, the young artist has never had a shortage of romantic relationships. For the first time about serious relationship the composer was talked about when he met with actress Sveta Belskaya. Young people tried not to advertise their relationship, but their joint photos and publications still leaked on the network. However, the couple never married. As the tabloids say, the actors broke up at the initiative of the girl. Perhaps this happened due to the fact that Gleb was in no hurry to marry Svetlana, and in every possible way joked about marriage. After breaking up with the composer, Svetlana soon got married. The couple had good friendly relations, Gleb's ex-fiancee became very friends with his mother. As Svetlana says, she even participated in choosing a place for the wedding ceremony of Gleb and his future wife. Today, the actress is successfully acting in various roles, films with her participation are released several times a year.

    In 2010, the popular actor married theater and film actress Anastasia Makeeva. The couple lived in happy marriage six years, but in July 2016 Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason for a broken marriage is quite banal - misunderstanding. During life together, each of the spouses received success and recognition in the acting field. New projects, tours, filming and constant flights have separated them over the past years. The actors do not hold a grudge against each other, they broke up by mutual agreement, and continue to move up the career ladder.

    Family of Gleb Matveychuk

    The passion for learning was passed on to Gleb Matveychuk from his father - not last man in contemporary cinema. Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk also received two higher education, and today is a well-known Russian production designer for domestic films. His career includes 41 films. Alim Ivanovich worked with many famous directors, was a member of artists and cinematographers of the USSR.

    The mother of the actor Olga Matveychuk also creative person, make-up artist, producer, and the best adviser in the life of a young actor. News feeds are full of information that it was Gleb Matveychuk's family, including his mother, that caused his son's divorce. She intervened in the creative process, and in general completely controlled the personal lives of the actors. In one of her own projects, Olga Shalimovna wanted to involve her son's former lover, Svetlana, which caused a conflict in a married couple.

    A few months later, pictures of the actor with one young lady began to appear on the network. Fans with their comments left no room for imagination, and it soon became clear that they were wearing Gleb Matveychuk and his new girl. The photos did not hang in the feed for long, apparently, the user reviews still shamed the artist.

    Children of Gleb Matveychuk

    Whatever it was, alas, it is now clear that the couple "Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk" broke up forever. The couple of actors were very beautiful couple, so different in appearance, a blond artist and a beautiful brunette, they were a happy family for six years together. In her interviews, the actress also mentioned more than once that young people could not have children. Gleb went to work, trying not to think about the family problem, and Anastasia was treated by doctors, but all attempts to become parents did not lead to success. Looking at the actors, loyal fans can now only imagine what the children of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva would be like.

    The ex-wife of Gleb Matveychuk - Anastasia Makeeva

    The ex-wife of Gleb Matveychuk - Anastasia Makeeva famous actress theater and cinema. During her career, Anastasia skated on ice in a show on Channel One, starred in performances widely known throughout the world, became the winner of several beauty contests, was the face of the STS channel, and the host entertainment program, and also starred in a candid photo shoot to please the eyes of her fans. The talent and artistry of this girl is beyond doubt. Perhaps the divorce became a black streak in her life, however, it is safe to say that this will not affect her career in any way.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Gleb Matveychuk

    After the divorce, the activity of the singer's fans is gaining momentum again. The news that the handsome man is now free increased the number of the actor's followers on social networks. Today, the artist performs on stage as a performer and participates in many performances in the theater. On Matveychuk's personal website there is a schedule of all TV events in which you can see the singer, as well as the places of his concerts and live performances. Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk may be of interest to his many fans interesting information about the work and life of the composer.

    Gleb is very sorry that then they could not part humanly. According to the man, Makeev was simply hounded by his mother in the press. "I asked Anastasia for only one thing - do not touch my mother! She old man She has undergone many surgeries and is in poor health. At the same time, mom constantly has to deal with unfounded accusations against her," the artist said.


    Matveychuk added that in a difficult time for him, only his parents supported him. His wife didn't even try to help him. “When I was literally hounded at the Mossovet Theater and many colleagues with whom I worked turned away from me ... I was sued, demanding five million rubles. But the judge ruled in my favor. After the trial, of course, "I resigned. But Nastya, who had been away from the conflict all this time, decided not to leave the theater ... My wife was on excellent terms with those who tried to destroy my life," Gleb said.

    Matveychuk did not expect that a beautiful and romantic relationship would turn out for him a terrible nightmare. According to the artist, life with Makeeva is a series of scandals that the actress creates from scratch. “They could quarrel over any little thing ... In the last year, we always had a packed suitcase at home, with which I left once every two weeks,” the man recalls.

    Now Gleb is happy, he reluctantly remembers his ex-wife and does not want to meet her. The musician is in a relationship with a colleague in the shop, Elena Glazkova. The couple will have a baby soon, according to

    Recall that Gleb and Anastasia divorced in 2016. Parting crippled Makeeva. The girl fell into depression. And then, in order to dispel the blues, she arranged a kind of "casting" of suitors who gave her gorgeous bouquets and invited her on dates. However, that story was not crowned with success.

    The actress admitted how her relationship with her husband had changed after his career went up, and spoke about the affair with a new man.

    For four years, Anastasia Makeeva admits, they lived with Gleb Matveychuk, like all happy couples, until Gleb's career went uphill. Matveychuk was constantly invited to various shows. And their family life has turned into the "behind the scenes" of these programs. Anastasia had to completely submit to her husband's new schedule, his mood, which changed depending on his ups and downs in the show.

    According to Makeeva, before that she did not even suspect that she was married to an artist, she married a talented composer who worked at the table for a very long time. When Gleb finally reached the mass audience, he became addicted to success. And Anastasia understood him perfectly, because by that time she herself had already experienced a similar state.

    Makeeva is convinced that she and her husband simply did not coincide in time in their desires. When they met, Anastasia was already a sought-after actress, filming twenty-eight days a month, making good money. She also performed on the stage.

    TV shows are simply not given to their participants, and Gleb Matveychuk is constantly worried about everything, and here it was necessary to compete with other professionals in front of the whole country. From stress, Matveychuk started having problems with his voice, and he blamed his wife for everything.

    And it seemed to Anastasia that she was doing everything for him. At performances, she always rooted for Gleb, brought water backstage, waited for hours for her husband to be released. And when he won the show "Two Stars", he was in euphoria, they went to rest, everything was fine. And then Matveychuk received an invitation to shoot "Just Like It", and they again began to live in force majeure mode.

    Anastasia admits that she lived for Gleb, his achievements and problems. As a result, her own faded into the background. At home they only discussed creative way husband. First it was "Just Like It", and then, "Clash of the Titans". Prior to this, Makeeva had difficulty dissuading him from the Ice Age.

    Matveychuk agreed with his wife, continuing to exist in parallel reality their TV broadcasts. They became the main thing in his life. At home, Anastasia only heard that he had ether, in front of which he was like a bare nerve. Of them family life the lightness and joy are gone.

    However, Makeeva was for dialogue, while Gleb did not strive for this. He kept postponing the conversation, citing fatigue, and rest for him is a pleasure. musical compositions in headphones all alone.

    Now Anastasia Makeeva does not want to announce a new relationship yet, but her life has already appeared new man. According to the actress, while this is just a friend, they are very good together, she is comfortable being among his relatives, who give her a sense of family, because in last years she missed it so much.

    Now Anastasia realized that it was necessary to choose a person with whom her views on the family coincide, because it is already impossible to change them. Anastasia believes that she and Gleb simply did not suit each other.

    The man who is now caring for Makeeva, while asking not to advertise their relationship, and she respects his desire. After all, now the main thing for her is the family and children, whom she really wants.

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