What wrist watch is better to buy for a man. How to choose a watch for a man. Select watch by case

Technique and Internet 10.08.2018
Technique and Internet

Wristwatches have been worn for a long time not to determine the time by them, watches have become a necessary attribute of a successful man, which speaks of his taste, wealth and social status...

In order to find out the time, you can also use a cell phone, if you want to buy yourself wrist watch, then in no case do not buy cheap watches, made in China or fakes of famous brands. Do not disgrace yourself and do not spare money, if you are going to buy yourself a watch for a small amount, then it is better not to buy at all. A wristwatch is such an accessory that you should not spare money!

While there is no such thing as a "perfect" tactical watch, since different people have different needs, some qualities are critical. In this post, we'll go over the most important features you need to look for when choosing your next tactical watch.

A good tactical watch should remain fully functional even after years of bumps, trills and bumps associated with intense outdoor activity. In addition, its crystal must remain scratch-free, or the reading time may become more difficult over time, and the appearance will deteriorate. That's why you shouldn't compromise the materials that make up the watch or the brand that made and tested it.

So the most important question! What watch to choose? First of all, remember that a good branded watch can never be cheap, if you come across a famous brand watch somewhere that costs several times less than its real price, then this should alert you, most likely it's just a good fake. Never buy watches in the markets or in underground passages, do it only in specialized stores!

How much can you spend on watches?

As for materials, make sure you have a watch with the lens it's made from. Second, only diamonds, Sapphire is the hardest and most scratch-resistant mineral in the world. It's also relatively affordable. As for this case, there are many durable materials. High quality stainless steel is a safe choice, but if you're allergic, polymer plastic and ceramic watches are also available.

It is important to note that the materials that make up the clock will not matter if the entire piece is assembled poorly. When you choose a tactical watch, you should always check that it has been tested in extreme conditions. This is why buying from a trusted brand can win in this case, as you have to trust the manufacturer when they say they did.

The best men's watch companies

The most popular manufacturers of men's watches this is among the Swiss - Certina, Longines, Tissot. Japanese - Seiko, Citizen, Casio, Orient and Korean production - Romanson, Essence!

When making a choice, consider first of all your style and lifestyle. Of course by good hours there should be several in order to be able to choose the most suitable ones, for example, for everyday use or for any significant event. But of course, not everyone can afford it, so I can advise you a compromise option, you can buy men's watches of a sporty-classic type, which will go well with both ordinary clothes and a business suit. You can choose watches from Certina, Tissot, or Seiko; it will cost you from 12,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Accuracy: don't move!

Especially if you rely on your watch to coordinate with others, if you're going on long adventures, or even if you don't want to change your watch settings every two weeks. They impress with their sophisticated functions and variety of models, colors, materials and styles.

However, modern quartz works in their interior. Sophisticated watch technology allows for numerous additional functions that can be appreciated with modern watches. In cool stainless steel, warm gold tones or also in black plastic, the retro watch for the training jacket and also for the jacket is very good.

Swiss watches are considered the best in the world. Therefore, if you want to stand out and show everyone how successful and rich you are, then you can choose Longines watches (Longines). Such watches will cost from 90,000 rubles and much more.

What type of mechanism to choose?

So well, now let's decide on the type of mechanism. As you already know, there are several basic types of watches − mechanical quartz and electronic.

In addition to genuine leather, the bracelets also feature textile and flexible resin, as well as metal or. Stainless steel and resin, as well as scratch-resistant mineral glass, are also preferred materials for resistant watch cases that can easily overcome some stress tests.

In some models, even the solar function ensures long-term operation. Depending on the model, various other features are integrated, such as an automatic calendar, a small database of irreplaceable numbers and contacts, and orientation aids such as a digital compass.

In mechanical watches a tightly wound spring serves as a power source, the problem of mechanical watches is that the spring unwinds at an uneven speed, so the clock may not show the time quite accurately. In order to remove this error, manufacturers use a device called automatic winding, this is when the spring is pulled up by itself, for example, from the movement of the hand when walking. but such a device rarely relieves the owner of the watch from manual winding, since this mechanism is not effective when the watch is used rarely or when it is sedentary. Mechanical watches are sensitive to weather conditions and dust, but with careful use and the necessary prevention, they can serve you for a very long time.

Watches should serve not only to tell you about the time, but also to give you the opportunity to express yourself and emphasize your personality. If you choose a watch, you should not only consider the cost of the purchase, but also consider when and for what purpose you want to wear the watch. If you exercise a lot, you should prefer a shock-resistant watch; if you want to swim or dive with the watch, it must be waterproof and have a plastic bracelet or have.

But you should also pay attention to your personal taste and fashion developments. Nowadays, the watch trend is going to steel and other metals, and sports watches are more popular than elegant ones. Ultimately, you decide what you like. To facilitate the decision-making process, you should have some basic knowledge which you can get through this glossary shortly.

In quartz watch to bring the mechanism into action, a conventional or solar battery is used, and the oscillatory system of the mechanism is replaced by a quartz crystal. Quartz watches, unlike mechanical ones, are highly accurate and do not require the participation of the owner in their performance. Such watches are quite reliable and durable and are in good demand.

Service hours for every day

The watch you wear every day should reflect your character and lifestyle. Choose a watch that matches the colors you most often wear. Does the watch have features that help you in your daily life, such as the date display? The dial must be clean and the time can be easily and simply cleared.

Also, the bracelet must meet your requirements. Different materials also have different properties. Better on the wrist but doesn't show water: weighs more but is also more durable and drains water.: Also water repellent and gives a rather relaxed and sporty feel. Elegant watches have mostly metal bracelets, but noble leather bracelets are a good alternative. You can also choose a watch with diamonds or precious stones to enhance their evening dress accordingly.

Well, the third type is an electronic watch., unlike quartz watches, they have a digital display indicator. There is also a combined option, this is when the time indication using arrows is used together with a digital display. Such watches also find their fans and deserve attention.

watch case

Decide for watches that are versatile and therefore also suitable for different clothes and different looks. Skinny watches are less visible and can disappear under the sleeve, but larger watches are more visible when the watch should be visible. For a sports watch, you should choose a bracelet according to your personal taste and the sport you use. If you use your watch primarily for sports, the display should be large enough to provide optimal legibility even in direct light.

Because sports watches contain wide range functions, the case is usually slightly larger. Features include. Also consider the water resistance that suits your requirements. B. You should choose a watch that is water resistant to at least 200 meters. To keep time, analog watches must have a rotating bezel.

Also, when choosing a watch, always pay attention to the material from which the watch case is made. Titanium alloy cases are always highly valued. I do not advise you to buy a gold-plated watch, since even any high-quality gold coating will begin to peel off in a couple of years, it is better to choose such a watch whose case does not have any coating at all. Pay attention to the glass, the most durable is sapphire, which is almost impossible to scratch, crystal and mineral glass are also used in watches, which are considered less durable and of higher quality.

With a fashion watch, you can emphasize your personal style or give a special touch to a suit or appearance. The watch should please you and match your personality. There are many different trends: for example, large and attractive watches are in trend for both men's and ladies' watches. Watches are often larger than 5 cm, and sports or diving watches are often worn while working and, for example, in a suit. First of all, colors that can't be worn in clothing can be very enjoyable hours.

Try different colors and styles! In addition, luxury watches captivate with their exclusivity. Individual models are produced in smaller quantities. A high quality watch is also a beautiful heirloom that future generations can enjoy. With an investment like this, you should consider whether you want to watch with a skeletal movement, with a transparent case, or with automatic winding, as these special features make watchmaking. Swiss watches in particular are very popular with collectors, as watchmaking and craftsmanship have been cultivated there for a long time.


And finally, a few words about the strap. All lovers of leather straps should not forget that even if it is made of very high quality, it will still be pretty worn out in a year and will not look very attractive. Therefore, if you do not want to constantly change it, then choose a metal bracelet, preferably one made of cast links, such a bracelet is more practical and durable, but at the same time less convenient than leather.

Are complications necessary?

In modern watches, the watch case is usually made of stainless steel, but there are other materials with different characteristics. Stainless steel is very durable and due to the slightly chromium content, stainless steel is protected from rust and wear. Usually stainless steel has a silver color, but there is also stainless steel plated with a thin layer of gold. Electroplating also produces various colored stainless steel cases, giving the case a matte finish.

Wrist watch mechanism

Gold cases are primarily made of yellow gold, but an increasing amount of red gold is also being used. The red color of red gold is due to its higher copper content. Pay attention to the purity of gold in karate. For luxury watches, titanium is quite popular as it is difficult to process and therefore causes a higher price. Titanium weighs only half of stainless steel, but is more stable. In addition, the color is more tinted to silver. Titanium watches are also suitable for stainless steel allergy sufferers as they are nickel free.

I bought myself a watch 4 years ago with a gold case for 140,000 rubles from the Russian company Platinor In general, Russian-made watches are not very well valued in Russia, so buy better Japanese or Swiss ones. I like the most mechanical watches self-winding, battery-powered and electronic somehow do not impress me at all. I prefer a leather strap, although I have to change it constantly! I don’t like metal bracelets, they are heavy, uncomfortable and freeze your hand very unpleasantly in winter :)

Titanium is also suitable for diving and water sports as it is very resistant to salt water. You should be aware, however, since titanium usually has a matte gray finish depending on the finish, scratches are unfortunately easier to see. Other materials for sports watches.

Which watch to choose - men's or women's?

Round watches are the most popular and are also used for most sports watches as the round shape is best sealed. Rectangular watches often give a more elegant impression and are worn less, which can be better hidden under the sleeve. Square clocks provide ample space for jewelry or other special features, especially for modern clocks. In addition, there is also a ton-shape, which is similar to an oval, on which the top and bottom ends are cut off.

The purchase of a watch should always be taken very seriously, this is a thing that can say a lot about its owner, so never make hasty decisions and do not be fooled by great deals! I hope that with this article I helped you at least a little to make a decision in choosing a watch! I wish you happy shopping and business success, see you soon! Bye:)

Their slim shape makes them elegant. The watch glass is located above the dial and watch hands. How the scratch resistance of glass depends on the material. Plexiglas: not very scratch resistant. Light scratches should be removed with varnish. Mineral glass: It is made from various minerals. With certain heat treatments, this is so difficult that no scratches occur.

Sapphire Crystal: This is the best scratch resistant as it is about three times stronger than mineral glass. Despite the resistant glass, each watch needs a certain treatment and care and for a long time remains scratch-free and beautiful. The more you take care of your watch, the less scratches you will get and the longer you will enjoy it. Scratched or broken glass should be replaced immediately, as even very small cracks can get dust or moisture into the mechanism and thus affect its functionality.


Quite recently, quite a funny story with my sidekick Andrey. His mother-in-law gave him a watch for his birthday, according to her, the watch is quite expensive with a gold case, a very famous brand!

Of course, such a gift made an indelible impression on my friend, which later caused a change in his usual behavior ... at first his talk changed slightly, then a little imposingness was added to his gait and even the extreme fingers on his left hand began to spread out a little ...

When stored together with other jewelry, scratches can also occur as a result of mutual abutment. This can be prevented, for example, by canceling the clock in the clock window. Clock size is usually given in millimeters. In particular, the case diameter, the height of the case, and the width of the bracelet are usually indicated.

The main forms of men's watches

However, the size of the watch depends not only on the actual size, but also on other aspects such as design numeric keypad. For example, a watch with a thicker bezel looks somewhat smaller because the dial is framed by it. In addition to dimensions, weight must also be taken into account, which is often not given. For example, a metal bracelet is heavier than a titanium band.

But, the trouble is, there was a malfunction in the expensive Swiss mechanism and the clock began to show not quite the exact time, and then it stopped altogether. Of course, Andrei immediately shared his misfortune with me and offered to go to an expensive service together to repair his mother-in-law's gift ... I immediately suspected something was wrong with his watch, but he reacted extremely aggressively to a request to look at it closer !!!

... And here we are, Andrei slowly approaching the master ....

- The clock has risen - look what is there ...

- Your young man has broken the mechanism, it needs to be completely replaced ...

- Skok?

- 600 rubles!

- Garbage, let's do it, money is not an issue.

- I understand everything, young man, but this is pointless, the cost of your watch is 500 rubles at the most!!! Maybe it would be better to just buy new ones?

The master never received an answer to his question ... Andrei's voice returned to normal ... his hunched back returned to its place ... and the fingers surprisingly began to straighten into their natural position ....

Mother-in-law ssska ... - he muttered angrily to himself and with uncertain steps, shuffling along the dirty floor, moved towards the exit ...

As one of the classics of the past correctly noted: time is an insidious substance that takes advantage of our negligence if we do not follow it. Indeed, despite the fact that in our age of market relations money plays an important role, we all constantly complain about the lack of time: for vacation, communication with loved ones, for going in for sports, mastering foreign language, get new profession or do something with your own hands.

There is only one way out - to have an accurate and clear mechanism that will help you plan your work schedule, observe the daily routine and constantly control your time. Many make their choice in favor of modern innovations: tablets, smartphones, phones. In our information and digital age, everything should be universal, and gadgets will help to keep abreast of everything, including time. This is the amateur approach. Just as a person who values ​​money always has a purse with him, so a person who knows the value of time and manages to do everything can see a clock mechanism on his hand. That is why a quality watch is a sign successful person in modern society.

If you are imbued with the voiced idea, and decide to start next week new life, where time is as valuable as money, or right now you are looking for a suitable model for yourself, we recommend that you use some tips when choosing.
Modern stamping and the wonders of scientific thought allow you to create good options from well-known manufacturers. Of course, if you are not going to buy expensive watches in a company store. But spending several thousand rubles on handicrafts is also a pity. Moreover, their quality leaves much to be desired.

It is not so difficult to identify a fake: each piece of a product of any certified manufacturer has a corresponding marking on the cover. If you see that the marking does not match the name or declared by the manufacturer, and in 90% of cases this is the case with fakes, there should be no doubt that this product is a fake. Correspondence of markings and manufacturers is very easy to find on the Internet.
But even when choosing an inexpensive watch, you also want to choose the best quality copy, choose a model that will work perfectly, and look stylish and spectacular.

What should you pay attention to first of all?

1. Availability bezel

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