Wristwatch interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation: clock

Career and finance 19.10.2019
Career and finance

If you see a watch in a dream, it means that you do not have enough time to carry out everything planned. During sleep, do you carefully examine them? You don’t want to wait in reality and rush things. At the same time, watches can emphasize the significance of the coming life period. And in order to find out in detail what a watch is dreaming of, you should refer to the dream book.

Miller's opinion

Interpreter Miller connects watches with the passage of time. Do you feel like days, and then months, go by, and you don’t have time to do anything? Convince yourself that they are enough to carry out not only all your plans, but even more. Listen to yourself and watch for signs that come across on the way - they can do a good job.

Why dream of starting a stopped clock? Something important is about to happen in your life, and you can’t wait for it, sometimes even rushing things. And if your watch stopped in a dream, this can mean both the end of a period and death.

Unlucky to break the watch? In reality, you can lose the most precious thing - family, friends, loved one. Having seen such a dream, try to prevent the loss, but if this was not possible, do not become discouraged. Sometimes what is not done is for the best.

Interpretations of various dream books

The dream book of Nina Grishina gives several meanings to this symbol. Looking at them in a dream suggests that your life is wasted. Think about it - maybe it's time to change something?

Often dream books give such an interpretation - wristwatches are harbingers of something significant in your life. Maybe you'll change jobs, get married or have kids. Do you hear the clock ticking while you sleep? The black stripe in life is not in a hurry to be replaced by white. Be patient and steadfastly overcome the difficulties that have fallen to your lot.

Did you dream that the watch was presented to you as a gift? If they were expensive and beautiful, you will soon be able to celebrate your wedding. Watch unlucky to lose? Your hopes will not come true. But if during sleep you find them, family life will be prosperous and very happy.

Have you had a dream in which a watch slips from your wrist and shatters? In reality, it is worth changing the way of life - it's time to stop following prepared patterns and act only as others expect. By doing this, you will understand how much life has become brighter and more interesting.

Why dream of determining the time by a watch that has no numbers? Expect bad news.

Did you steal your watch while you were sleeping? In reality, you will acquire enemies who are eager to defame your good name. Be careful and don't let yourself get hurt.

Bring the hands on your wristwatch? Expect rewards for your hard work. But do not expect that it will be expressed in material values.

Opinion of Sigmund Freud

According to Freud's dream book, watches are a symbol of manhood. A dream in which a representative of the stronger sex gives a watch as a gift to a woman indicates that he seeks to be in bed with her. And if there are a great many hours in your dream, it means that you change partners like gloves. Moreover, it is not necessary that one follows the other.

It doesn’t matter which watch you saw in your night dreams. One way or another, almost always such a dream promises quick changes. But, it's very good if you managed to remember the numbers indicated by the arrows.

Watches in a dream have one more interpretation - they hint that in reality you are wasting your life on trifles, forgetting about something really necessary and necessary.

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You want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Clock in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

What is the dream of the Clock in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why do you dream and what does the Clock mean?

According to the dream book, seeing the Clock is a very complex symbol that requires detailed consideration, and sometimes is central in a dream. If you see what time the clock shows in your dream, perhaps you should consider not the dream symbol “clock”, but try to find an association with the indications of the hands on the dial.

The clock as such is a sign that you need to think carefully about what connection what is happening to you now has with your past. A clock is a device that counts time, and every minute of the future invariably turns into the past, so a clock in a dream can be a symbol of the fact that you are in a hurry to live or get something from life, without noticing that every day is valuable in itself.

The clock in your dream may have an unusual dial. In this case, the dream tells you about the uniqueness of the moment and advises you to be more attentive to what is happening so as not to miss something important. And they say that happy hours do not observe, that is, they do not notice the passage of time. If you dreamed of a clock face without hands, then this is a sign that in the near future you will be filled with bright romantic feelings. If you dreamed of a broken watch, then this is a sign that a period of stagnation has come in your life and you should be more active, do something.

In some cases, the clock symbolizes age. There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this is a bad sign. If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, then this is a sign that you have a chance that you are afraid to miss. Breaking your watch in a dream means that you are in a difficult, confusing situation in reality. If in a dream you buy yourself a new watch, this dream indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen, for more details, if the Watch is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of the Clock in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Clock - with stopped hands means death; with fast moving arrows - your time is running out.

The hourglass is a possible symbol of death when time runs out.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Clock dream in a dream?

Seen in a dream Watch means - Watch: serviceable - to improve health, broken - a limb injury or ear disease is possible; break the clock - to loss, trouble, break only glass - to a frivolous act. Giving a watch is a nuisance. A watch was stolen from you - the activity of ill-wishers, you stole a watch; - time will work for you, troubles will recede. Hearing the beat of the clock is distressing news. If a woman lost her watch in a dream, domestic troubles will affect the performance of official duties. Wind up the clock - do boring, monotonous unproductive work. Wall clock - loss loved one or a break with him forever, this means a dream that you had a dream, for more details on why the Clock is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why dream of a watch for a woman:

According to the dream book, to see the Clock - A symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes. Conventional designation of the period of life, which corresponds to the marked time. A stopped clock is a sign of stagnation in life. A watch without hands, a broken watch - to be rejected by the family, society. Winding the clock is a change for the better. Pocket watches are wonderful family relationships. Gold watch - close friends will rob you. Big clock with a fight - remember that time is money. The sound of an alarm clock is a good change

Ancient dream book

Why is the Clock dreaming, how to understand a dream?

If you dreamed that you were winding your watch on your hand, then know that such a dream indicates a large reward for the work you have done. Such reward may not necessarily be material, but, for example, sexual.

If a large wall or grandfather clock was present in your dream, it means that you will be amazed by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very restrained and incapable of passionate feelings. It turned out that in an informal setting, this man expresses his feelings very clearly.

A tower clock seen in a dream is a sign that you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited. Perhaps this applies to intimate relationships. A broken watch is a fairly pronounced symbol of bad sex. It is likely that you are too straightforward and do not want to put up with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. To reach mutual understanding, you should be the first to take a step forward. Otherwise, everything can end quite badly.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of the Clock in a dream?

A wristwatch is a harbinger of the fact that there is very little time left for important event in your life. Hearing the ticking of the clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time. Stopped clock - to death

Old grandmother's dream book

Why is the Clock dreaming what does it mean?

We saw in a dream Clock: serviceable - to improve health; broken - a limb injury or ear disease is possible; break the clock - to the death or serious illness of a relative, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know what the Clock is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream - Seeing a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock exchange. If you checked the time on them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals. Broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone - get ready for trouble. They broke the glass in the clock - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

Stole a watch - know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation. We heard a clock strike in a dream - upsetting news is possible. If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then at home she might have various troubles. Let down the watch on your hand - get a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward can be intangible. If you dreamed of a large wall or floor clock, then you will be surprised by the person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he expresses his feelings very clearly.

I dreamed of a tower clock - you will find out some very important and long-awaited news. A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches: We looked at an old watch in a dream - in the future you will repent very much for the mistakes made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors. I dreamed of a wall clock - you are in for something that will radically change your life. We saw a watch in a dream - you will not have enough time to carry out your plan. In a dream, they determined the time by a clock that does not have a dial - an event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you. They heard the sound of a clock in a dream - one of your loved ones is in great need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows: If you saw an old watch in a dream - it's time to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by. I dreamed of a watch - there is very little time left for an important event in your life. Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - unfortunately, your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Summer dream interpreter

Wiping the watch with a rag means you will live out your life in a foreign land.

The arrow on the clock (hands, hours). - Late partner.

Dial - To peaceful relations in the family for a long time.

Autumn dream interpreter

To get rid of a terrible danger, as the dream book says about this dream.

Clock hand (clock). - See hour hand, spinning in reverse side, - to impending trouble.

Dial - To honor or high position.

Summer dream interpreter

Watchmaker - A divergence of views with subordinates will begin.

Autumn dream interpreter

Watchmaker - Your destiny is submission, humility and humility, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know what the Clock is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of the Clock according to the dream book?

Watchmaker - If a woman dreamed that she came to a watchmaker to repair a broken watch, then she would meet a strange man. If such a dream was seen by a man, then someone wants to deceive him in matters related to work or business.

Spring dream interpreter

Watchmaker - an attempt will be made to start over.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream and what does the Clock mean in a dream?

Watchmaker - for women - come to the watchmaker to fix the watch - you will meet a strange person who has a strong desire for you. For men to see a watchmaker - someone wants to deceive him in business matters. Seeing yourself as a working watchmaker - there are too many rules in life for you, it's time to improvise and start living easily.

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

What does Clock mean?

You had a dream Hourglass - you see an hourglass in a dream - constantly strengthening your state of mind, you strengthen your health; you are well oriented in life, you easily distinguish true values ​​from tinsel; you will live to a very old age.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If the Clock is dreaming, what is it for?

What does an hourglass mean in a dream 1. In dreams, time does not matter. A dream in which periods of time are indicated draws our attention to the need to measure our thoughts and actions. When this kind of symbol is old-fashioned - like an hourglass - our perception of time and its management can be old-fashioned. This shows us that we need to understand how to use alternative and more accurate ways to measure these activities. 2. When we are under the pressure of circumstances, we can feel the lack of time as acutely as ever, and feel that time has become our enemy. This kind of state is personified by an hourglass. 3. In the past, the hourglass was perceived as a symbol of death. Currently they are seen as a symbol of the Segment of Life.

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

What does Clock mean?

You had a dream Watch - You see a watch in a dream - a dream to win. You seem to have lost your watch - quarrel with a friend. It’s like you broke the clock - failure will turn around heavy losses. You presented a watch in a dream - you will languish in separation. You hear ticking or a clock - some news will upset you.

Slavic dream book

Sleep Clock Meaning:

You dreamed of the Clock - the instability of the situation, the possibility of deception. Bad dream, for those who are suing. In some cases - problems with the choice. Chiron and Aries.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Did you dream about the Clock in a dream?

Hours - ups and downs in life.

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

Dreamed at night Clock, interpretation of sleep:

You dreamed of a Clock - To hesitation and doubt, malaise and minor troubles.

British dream book

What does sleep Clock mean?

Watches - A watch is a very precise instrument, and dreams about how you make it suggest attention and careful attitude both to the passage of time and to the complexity of the mechanism.

Worldly dream book

Clock: Do your days go by like clockwork, smoothly and effortlessly, or is your life more like a broken clock that tells the time correctly twice a day and shamelessly lies the rest of the time? Do you want more hours in your day? See also TIME

What is the clock on the wall associated with? Interpretations of dream books are ambiguous. The clock can indicate both future changes, and the fact that the sleeping person does not let go of the memory of the past. And what else could dream like this? Remember as many details of sleep as possible, and then look into the interpreter.

Miller's interpretation

According to Gustav Miller, a wall clock predicts a situation for which the sleeper will have to use all his inherent patience and skill. If a woman sees such a dream, she should devote more time to solving personal problems.

Hours running slowly mean a long measured life. Fast moving is the opposite.

A broken or stopped watch in a dream means that in real life you are in danger or a stop in business.

Prepare for change

See the wall hung with clocks running second by second? According to the Wanderer's dream book, you have been given a unique chance to change something in your life. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the choice. Think twice before choosing one or the other.

And why dream of the deafening ringing of chimes? To significant changes in life, the dream book explains. It may also happen that these changes will be the result of changes taking place with the country.

Look at life in a new way

As the dream book says, it’s time for those who saw a wall clock in a dream to reflect on their own lives. What is your position in life? What do you want to achieve? What do you consider the most valuable?

Was there a great variety of wall clocks in your dream? So, you are going with the flow, without goals and desires.

And Medea's dream book interprets the dreaming clock as a continuous flow of time. And every minute it goes away. Think - do you have time for everything? What of what was conceived, have you already put into practice? Or maybe what you wanted before is no longer relevant?

For your business

If you saw a lot of old watches in a dream, in reality you will have to answer for what you have done. The esoteric dream book portends repentance, explaining what it means to watch the hour and minute hands move.

Gift a wall clock to a dead person? This dream, although disturbing, nevertheless brings me great importance. According to Modern dream book, what such a dream is about, speaks of the collapse of the planned affairs, and the dubious addictions of the sleeper will be to blame for this.

Ups and downs

In a dream, watch the progress wall clock? This means that in reality you value time, and this will soon serve you well. Did you have to run them? There is a high probability that you will change for the better. Did you dream of an electronic clock? In a heated debate, you will discover something amazingly valuable for you.

If you had a chance to buy watches in night dreams, it means that in difficult situations you most often retreat, leaving the problem to be solved by itself. Did a young girl see such a dream? She should be less frivolous.

And why dream of a clock that has stopped? They say that the path you are now on will lead nowhere. Think about where you made a mistake, analyze your actions and try to start again. Only then will success be achieved.

Did you dream of a chiming clock, which in reality stopped a long time ago? Disturbing events are coming that will affect the financial component of the sleeper and his close circle.

Detailed interpretations

The general dream book offers to understand the details of the dream.

  • Has the clock stopped in a dream? Your life is at a standstill now.
  • Dreamed of a cuckoo clock? Live a long life.
  • Was the clock in your dream broken? You keep aloof, afraid of rejection by society.

  • A broken clock portends trouble and imminent loss.
  • Did a woman lose a watch in a dream? Problems that affect family life will come into her life.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/03/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

The watch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream. This is the main difference between sleep and those in which there are clocks, modern wall clocks and alarm clocks. To figure out what a watch is dreaming of, you need to remember it. appearance, the feelings that happened to experience when contemplating them.

A wristwatch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream

According to Miller's dream book, to see an expensive watch on your own hand in a dream is:

  1. A vision foreshadowing a big win. If such a dream was visited by a person playing on the stock exchange, then his finest hour is coming.
  2. For a gambling casino visitor, this can be considered a prophecy of success in the game.
  3. Giving them in a dream is a warning that you need to be more correct, more tactful in dealing with people so as not to incur trouble.
  4. Loss warns of the intrigues of envious people, gossip and slander that await you in reality.
  5. To break means to lose something important in real life.
  6. It is the lucky ones who have to make cardinal changes in their lives to start them in a dream.
  7. Those who stopped prophesy losses, obstacles in business, minor, but exhausting, troubles.
  8. Golden ones, bewitching with their brilliance, dream of as a warning about the lies and hypocrisy of the immediate environment. If the day before you had a theft (or it will be in the very near future), then you will have to look for the loss among your closest friends, partners and in the family circle.

Dream Interpretation of the Oracle does not consider watches in terms of their cost, presentability, working qualities, and other external features. The only explanation for the presence of a watch in a dream, according to this dream book, is the prediction of success in all areas of life. There is a warning in such a dream, which is indicated by the "Oracle". Haste, emotionality or slow decision-making can affect the favor of fortune.

Freud's dream book narrows the interpretation of sleep:

  • Winding up a watch in a dream is a long-deserved reward. As the psychologist said about this, it will not necessarily be money. It is possible that this will be a recognition of merit, an increase in authority in the team, or mutual love.
  • Broken and broken watches Freud interpreted as harbingers of uninteresting sex. This is a warning sign that you should not waste your precious time on this.
  • Presented in a dream is a symbol of the fact that time spent with a loved one in reality will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Loff's dream book offers Special attention pay attention to such details as the state of the clock mechanism:

  1. Stopped, damaged, indicate the impossibility of changing the current impasse.
  2. Seeing the dial of a ticking clock, without hands, means that the problem will resolve itself over time. It is not necessary to make any efforts for this, so as not to aggravate it.
  3. The absence of an hour hand, but the presence of a minute and a second is an indication that you are unable to understand the situation, to adequately assess it. It is necessary to stop all actions to resolve the situation, to reconsider your view of the situation. Only after that, take the initiative into your own hands or let the problem go like an unattached boat down the river of life.
  4. A stopped clock is a direct indication that the deadline for the fulfillment of a dream, a task has already passed.
  5. It is possible to determine the time when they stopped - this is a hint, an indication of a specific event that you may not yet know about or do not attach much importance to, although it portends the end of some period in your life.

Clock in a dream book (video)

Choose a watch in a dream

The choice of a watch in a dream (for oneself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires the choice of a further path, the situation of a knight at a crossroads.

The choice of a watch in a dream (for oneself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires a choice of a further path

The dream is not narrative, in it you need to pay attention to:

  • who helped choose;
  • how the seller was involved in the selection process;
  • acquaintances or strangers at this time were next to you at the counter;
  • what they said;
  • did your opinions agree with them;
  • electronic or mechanical you have chosen;
  • were they correct?

The active participation of strangers in your choice suggests that your choice in real life can be influenced by colleagues, relatives, superiors or strangers. Who specifically influences you in reality is shown by this dream.

See in a dream women's, men's watches

Choosing a watch as a gift for your girlfriend or wife is a good sign.

If such a dream follows a quarrel in real life, you need to pay attention to the body.

Choosing a watch as a gift for your girlfriend or wife is a good sign

If the case sparkles with gold, then the conflict was provoked by someone from the inner circle. They deliberately tried to embarrass you.

If in a dream they gave a watch

  • A loved one presents a watch in a dream - such a dream can be viewed in the same way as a gift of an engagement ring. For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.
  • Electronic ones with a leather strap, chosen for the wife, are a symbol of stability in family relationships.
  • Donated mechanical, quartz, electronic (serviceable) by a spouse in a dream portends a trusting relationship that is not overshadowed by distrust or jealousy in reality.
  • Shiny rhinestones on the dial or belt speak of deceit, ostentatious feelings, betrayal.

For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.

Choose a watch as a gift

I had to choose a men's watch, but definitely not for myself, but as a gift - you are taking too active part in the fate of the person to whom you wanted to make a nice gift in a dream.

  • If this is a colleague, such a dream shows that he does not need hyper-custody on your part. She weighs him down, he tolerates your excessive concern out of unwillingness to offend.
  • Choosing such a gift for your son symbolizes that the child has already grown up, it's time to give him some freedom. Stop demanding excuses from him for every step taken without your approval.
  • I dreamed of a men's watch that you chose as a gift to a woman - this is a sign that her business acumen is stronger. You subconsciously recognize this, even if in life it is difficult for you to accept this fact.

Beautiful wristwatch on someone's hand

Beauty lies both in the decoration and in the stylish design. Seeing in a dream a Swiss watch with a dial adorned with diamonds (on someone else's hand) is a sign that this person can provide qualified assistance in business. The stability of the Swiss watch in this dream is transferred to the one on whose hand they can be clearly seen.

  • Diamonds speak of financial well-being, evenness of character and financial stability of their owner.
  • The absence of diamonds in the design of the dial of reliable mechanical watch on the hand of the alleged benefactor can be regarded as effective assistance in business without involving his finances.
  • A woman who sees such a watch on the hand of her chosen one can be sure that this person will be a reliable companion of her life, provide the family with a comfortable existence, and be successful in business.
  • Shiny elements of the dial, in which rhinestones or zircons can be recognized, along with a gold or gilded case, can be regarded as an indication that the person on whose hand they are holding the object that attracted attention makes many beautiful promises. Real help should not be expected from him.

Beauty lies both in the design and in the stylish design.

A woman, on whose wrist an attractive watch shines, is capable of flirting, short-term relationships, but it does not make sense to consider her as a life partner.

Find a watch

According to Miller's dream book, such finds in dreams are prophetic:

  • Dear ones portend a bonus or salary increase;
  • Gold is a warning that you will soon have to take responsibility for the life and well-being of someone you know.
  • Women promise income from a completely losing project.
  • Men's dream of marriage or replenishment of the family.

Time and clock in the dream book (video)

To see a watch in a dream means to receive a warning, a hint. This sign does not portend anything terrible. The main thing is to correctly interpret what Morpheus and your subconscious are trying to say.

Attention, only TODAY!

Clock in a dream- A large wall or tower clock dreams of a meeting with a loved one or a long-awaited guest.
To dream of a watch with a gold bracelet- to big profits.
Seeing a watch in a dream that has stopped is at a loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the arrows, then this is a sure sign that your time has already passed, your success will come to naught.
Throw away broken or old watches in a dream- to change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
Giving a watch to someone in a dream promises trouble, you will suffer from your own absent-mindedness, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in your dream you heard a clock strike, expect unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of a watch, it means that very soon a grand event will happen in your life.
If you dreamed of a faulty watch or a watch that did not have hands, this is a sign that you may soon be cruelly deceived.
If you dreamed of a clock, then this dream may be a reminder that your life is passing. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you were giving someone a watch, it means that you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to put your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you were letting your watch down, it means that you are afraid to fall out of time, you are afraid of not being able to do something.
If you dreamed that you were listening to the beat of a clock and counting how many beats the clock struck before noon, great happiness awaits you in life.
If you dreamed that someone left their watch with you, then this someone might become yours. good friend.
If you dream about how you wind your watch- expect rewards for the work you have done, although it is possible that you will be rewarded in a non-monetary way.
If you dream that you are throwing away your old watch- in life you will become more free to everything, and life will go in the right direction.
If you dream that you are late for something and always look at your watch so as not to be late - in life you have an opportunity that should not be missed. good value sleeping with a clock is that in the near future there will come a moment when you will have time for everything, and everything will work out.
If you are dreaming. That the clock has “gone ahead” means that in reality you are in too much of a hurry.
If you see in a dream how the clock strikes, it means that the time has come to analyze yourself, to check your work.
If in a dream you see an hourglass and see how the sand decreases in them, in life you are wasting time on some business or on a person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you wind up a watch- your life will change for the better.
If in a dream you admire your wrist watch, then in reality you will have enough time to carry out your plan.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and look at your wristwatch, you will soon begin a new period of life in which events will develop slowly but surely. If you carefully consider your actions, you will find what you have been dreaming about for so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock was standing, it means that you did something wrong, and your development will stop. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of illness and even death.
If in a dream you stole or found a watch- be on the lookout, someone will do much harm to your good name by spreading gossip about you.
If in a dream you heard a clock strike, this is a change for the better. Winding a watch in a dream is the right step in life.
If in a dream you heard the monotonous ticking of the hour hand, it means that everything in your life will also be monotonous, and you are not expected to succeed in business.
If you see in a dream a watch that is broken or one that does not have hands, in real life you may be rejected by your family or society.
If you dream that the clock has stopped- in your real life now stagnation.
If you found a watch in a dream- this means that you should stop and catch your breath, as you rush things too much - this can turn into serious problems. Haste has never led to good, so try to be more reasonable.
If you hear the clock strike in the afternoon - such a dream is in trouble.
If you saw how the clock stopped and no longer starts, then, alas, you will have to come to terms with the loss of a very close person.
If a girl dreamed that she was presented with a watch, it means that she will soon meet her future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that on the contrary, you are very slow with something.
As a rule, a watch in a dream symbolizes quick routine worries and obligations. Perhaps, against your will, you will have to deal with new worries and affairs every day, which will take you a lot of time and effort. However, do not be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - this can lead to a quarrel with family and friends, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or elderly person dreams of a clock is a bad sign. A dream means that a person does not have long to live.
A faulty watch dreams of problems in relationships with loved ones or illness.
An hourglass or a sundial is dreaming of the fact that in reality you will not have time to do something. Others will do it for you.
The bad thing is that you waste time on some things. And only you know how to get out of this situation. In addition, a watch in a dream predicts small losses for you that you will not even notice. During sleep, pay attention to the clock. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you that will happen soon.
Lose a watch in a dream- a waste of time.
Lose hours in a dream- to the loss or separation from a faithful comrade, to a quarrel with a loved one, or to the infidelity of a spouse.
I dreamed of a pocket watch - expect minor troubles.
Break your own clock- discord in the family, fights, ruin, major troubles in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely that will not lead to anything good.
Break the clock in your sleep- to trouble.
In a dream, hand over a watch for repair- to a positive outcome of some confusing story.
Listen in your sleep to the ticking of a watch- to promotion.
Watching the clock in a dream- to the tricks of ill-wishers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the dial that you will be able to remember - it is likely that this is the date of some very important event in your life.
Steal a watch in a dream- to problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone will accuse you of laziness and failure to fulfill your duties.
The clock, as a symbol of time, usually dreams of future changes.

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