How to know when women ovulate. Signs of ovulation: what every woman needs to know? How does emotional state change?

Auto 15.07.2020

Ovulation is a natural process that gives a woman the opportunity to conceive a child and become a mother. In the absence of ovulation in the female cycle, persistent infertility develops. Therefore, the issue of determining the appropriate period for conceiving a baby or for planning contraception is one of the most important for women.

What it is?

The name ovulation comes from the Latin word ovulla, which literally translates as “testicle”. A woman can conceive a child only during the period of ovulation., since it is he who guarantees the release of a mature egg from the follicle. Without a mature and viable female germ cell, conception is impossible.

The release of the oocyte (the scientific name of the egg) from the follicle vesicle on the ovary usually occurs once a month, and this process largely forms the individual menstrual cycle.

Ovulation Calculator

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High chance of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the mean value is frequent, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, along with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.

You can definitely set the day of ovulation through folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human Physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. TKACHENKO. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

Follicles are formed in girls even in the womb, and their supply is given once in a lifetime - it is not replenished, not renewed, but only consumed, because with each menstrual cycle, one or two follicles become smaller. After birth, the follicles are in a dormant state, and they are activated only with the onset of puberty.

Usually, within one cycle, one oocyte matures and comes out, but sometimes there is a mutual maturation of two eggs, although this is a rather rare occurrence. The process of ovulation is the rupture of the follicle membranes and the release of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity, where it is immediately picked up by the villi of the oviduct. So the sex cell of a woman ends up in the ampullar part of the fallopian tube, where, with a good combination of circumstances, conception will take place.

The process of ovulation is very complex at the chemical and biochemical levels. It involves the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, which produce certain hormones, without which the germ cell will not be able to mature and leave the follicle. After menstruation, FSH levels rise. This hormone provokes the simultaneous growth of several follicles on the right and left ovaries. But after a few days, a leader is found among them - a follicle that grows more actively and faster than others. It is called dominant or dominant. The growth of the rest stops. The body throws all its strength to increase the dominant follicle.

Inside it, an egg matures in the nutrient fluid. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, the hormone estrogen reaches peak values, which increases the level of the hormone LH. Luteinizing hormone leads to thinning and stigmatization of the follicular membrane, it bursts and releases a mature egg. The oocyte is able to be fertilized only when it is alive, and the egg cell lives for a relatively short time - from 24 to 36 hours maximum.

If conception has taken place, the zygote begins to descend into the uterine cavity, where, after implantation, a new life will develop. If pregnancy does not occur, the egg dies and also migrates to the uterus, from where it is excreted with the next menstrual flow.

The second phase of the cycle is supported by the hormone progesterone, whose task is to create the most suitable conditions for the development of the fetal egg after fertilization. Even if there is no pregnancy, the level of progesterone rises, because the corpus luteum begins to produce it - a temporary gland that forms where the burst follicle was, that is, on the surface of the ovary.

If there is no pregnancy, then 2-3 days before menstruation, the corpus luteum dies, resolves, the level of progesterone drops, estrogen begins to be produced again, and menstruation begins. If pregnancy occurs, then progesterone remains high, since the corpus luteum is maintained in working condition by the hormone hCG, which is produced by the chorionic villi.

Ovulation in healthy women of childbearing age occurs monthly. Valid is 1-2 anovulatory cycles (when there is no ovulation) per year. As age changes, the number of cycles without maturation and release of the egg increases, and after 35 years, a woman can register up to 5-6 such cycles per year, which explains why it is more difficult to get pregnant after 35-40 years.

When does it happen?

All medical publications and encyclopedias on this issue agree that ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. She conditionally divides the cycle into two phases: follicular - in which the egg matures and the follicle grows - and luteal (the period after ovulation to menstruation).

In practice, the timing of ovulation may differ not only in different women, but also in one woman in different menstrual cycles. Since this process is regulated at the hormonal level, any factors can make their own adjustments, and the timing may shift.

In obstetrics, it is generally accepted that with regular monthly ovulation, one should expect about 14 days before the next menstruation. This number did not come from nowhere - this is how long the luteal phase lasts, it is more stable in all women, it is less affected by factors from the outside and outside.

Therefore, the existing calendar method, which allows not to track, but to predict the day of ovulation, is based on calculating this day using the formula O=D-14. O- ovulation day D- the duration of the menstrual cycle from the first day of the next menstruation to the first day of the next. Knowing this, it is easy to understand that in a woman whose cycle lasts 28 days, ovulation should be expected on the 14th day, and in women with a 30-day cycle - on the 15th day.

To understand the period suitable for conception, one should take into account the viability of spermatozoa, and therefore, 4 days before and after are added to the day of expected ovulation, in case the spermatozoa are already waiting for the egg in the genital tract at the time of its release, and also in case of late ovulation.

If everything were so simple, the issues of diagnosing the ovulation period would not be faced by the fair sex. In practice, everything happens differently: ovulation may occur earlier or later than the expected date, or may not occur at all. These phenomena are based on changes in the balance of essential hormones that provide ovulation processes.

The hormonal background of a woman can change depending on a variety of circumstances, and The timing of ovulation can be affected by:

  • gynecological inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases affecting the condition of the ovaries;
  • pathology of the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • state of nervous tension, stress, emotional shock;
  • flight, change of time or climate zone;
  • infectious disease - influenza, SARS with high fever;
  • transferred abortion (any kind of it) - hormonal failure occurs within 2-3 cycles;
  • cancellation of oral contraceptives after prolonged use;
  • taking antidepressants, hormonal drugs, long-term use of painkillers and antibiotics;
  • endocrine diseases.

Plays a role and age: with its rising oscillation hormonal background are inevitable, less sex steroids are produced, which leads to an increase in the number of anovulatory cycles, as well as to the depletion of the ovarian reserve.

Even with a sharp weight loss or weight gain, the menstrual cycle may go astray, ovulation may not occur at all when it is expected.

early and late

Situations in which ovulation occurs earlier than the middle of the cycle indicate an insufficient follicular phase. Early ovulation is a phenomenon in which the first half of a woman's cycle is shortened to 10–12 days instead of 14–16. As a result, the egg does not have time to mature enough inside the follicle, which makes conception difficult. Even if it occurs, the probability of spontaneous miscarriage is very high, given that the woman's germ cell was originally a defective material. Normally, early ovulation can be due to the above reasons, however, it should not be repeated every cycle.

With late ovulation, as the name implies, the release of the egg occurs late. According to medical standards, late ovulation is said if, with a standard average cycle of 30–34 days, the oocyte is released on the 25th day of the cycle and later, and with a 28-day cycle - later than 16 days. With this phenomenon, the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy increases - the woman thinks that the “dangerous” days have already been left behind and is not protected. If conception is included in the plans, then the late release of the oocyte, on the contrary, presents difficulties with conception, since the woman does not know that she has not yet ovulated, believing that she is in an infertile period.

The probability of getting pregnant with late ovulation is higher than with early ovulation, but the implantation process may be unsuccessful, since the endometrium is also preparing to accept the embryo at certain times, after which the endometrial tissues become less pliable for fixing the embryo. Even if implantation occurs, the risks of defects in the formation of the chorion, and then the placenta, are increased.


Double ovulation is the process of simultaneous functioning of both ovaries within the same cycle. Usually there is only one dominant follicle, and it is located either on the right or on the left ovary. Double ovulation is rare, and usually the release of two eggs from different ovaries occurs at the same time., although cases of re-ovulation are also described already with a pregnancy that began a few days ago.

If the difference between the yield of oocytes is a few minutes or hours, then it is likely that during fertilization the woman will become the mother of charming twins. If the second oocyte is released a few days after the first, then the probability multiple pregnancy low - children with different gestational age cannot biologically coexist in the same womb, the implantation of a second baby will be very difficult.

Double ovulation can occur against the background of ovarian stimulation, after long-term use of contraceptives, the effect of which is to completely suppress ovulation. It is noteworthy that after 40 years, the likelihood of double ovulation increases because the level of sex hormones is unstable. Also, the likelihood of a double release of eggs is increased by irregular sex life, stress and anxiety.

If the difference in oocyte yield is small and both eggs are fertilized, twins may be born children who are different from each other, often of different sexes. If one of the two eggs divides into two on the 3-4th day after fertilization, then the birth of triplets is not excluded - two will be twins, will have the same sex, and one child will differ from them both in gender and appearance.

Signs and symptoms

Since the process of ovulation actually occurs at the cellular level, medicine claims that there are no objective symptoms of this condition, but there is a large list of subjective signs that can tell an attentive woman that the ovulation period is approaching. Of course, much here depends on individual sensitivity, on the type of organization. nervous system, but there are more general signs that are common to most women and girls of reproductive age.

Usually, the set of signs and manifestations is quite individual, and it is enough to observe your body for several months to understand which signs are characteristic of you and which are not.

2-3 days before ovulation, under the influence of hormones (mostly estrogen), so-called sensations - “harbingers” can be noted, these include the following.

Changes in the amount and consistency of vaginal discharge

The cervix, or rather, the cervical canal located inside it, in response to an increase in estrogen, begins to actively secrete a fluid, the task of which is not only to protect the uterus from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but also to help spermatozoa make their way from the vagina to the fallopian tube. The cervical secret has an alkaline environment, which somewhat reduces the acidity of the vagina, and male reproductive cells are more likely to survive and successfully enter the uterus, and from there into the tubes.

Allocations become plentiful, their consistency changes. They become transparent, viscous, viscous. The mucus looks like raw chicken egg white, easily stretched between the fingers for several centimeters. Such discharge occurs only in the period before ovulation and during the day after it. In the first half of the cycle, there are few discharges, the period is called "dry", they are non-viscous and not abundant; after ovulation, the discharge becomes white, opaque, their amount decreases under the action of progesterone.

Therefore, the control of vaginal discharge is considered one of the most reliable ways to determine ovulation.

Change in basal temperature

Basal is the temperature of the internal organs, and doctors have long noticed that during ovulation due to changes in hormonal levels, this temperature rises by about 0.3 - 0.7 degrees, more often by 0.5 degrees. It is impossible to feel the rise in basal temperature, you can pay attention to the rise only with a systematic measurement of BBT and maintaining a temperature graph.

The measurement is carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, without changing the position of the body after waking up, observing all the requirements for this process. For measurements, it is desirable to use more accurate mercury thermometers by inserting a thermometer 2–3 centimeters into the vagina or rectum for 5–7 minutes.

In the first half of the cycle, the temperature remains reduced, estrogen does not allow it to rise. But on the day of ovulation, its concentration reaches a peak and falls, the corpus luteum immediately begins to secrete progesterone, so on the day of ovulation there is a short-term drop and an immediate rise in BT, the temperature remains elevated throughout the second half of the cycle. If there is no pregnancy, BT decreases 2-3 days before the expected day of menstruation.

Changing the position of the cervix

If a woman is familiar with the basics of the symptothermal method of fertility recognition, then she knows how to independently palpate the outer part of the cervix. Before ovulation, along with an increase in secretions, it becomes softer, rises higher. In fact, it does not manifest itself at the physical level.

Enhancement of libido

This sign is a signal of the body that it is time to take care of procreation, for this, favorable conditions have been created inside the body. Many women note that a couple of days before ovulation they begin to experience increased sexual desire, and this sign, which is so easy to feel, can be called a real gift from nature to the fair sex.

The complex presence of all the listed signs will help to more accurately learn about the approach of ovulation, although the absence of any of them is not considered a pathology.

Ovulation itself lasts no more than one hour. And some feel the process of oocyte release by the following signs:

  • on the right or left in the area of ​​​​the location of the ovulating ovary, there is a slight pain;
  • during the day after ovulation, there may be a slight pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • the breast increases, becomes sensitive, since the mammary glands are very sensitive to changes in the hormonal background;
  • muscles under the influence of estrogen before ovulation and during it become more elastic, which is well noticed by women who play sports, dance, yoga;
  • mood swings and emotions, instability of mental reactions and behavior;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • moderate headache.

The main sign of the end of ovulation is a change in the color and consistency of the discharge - from transparent, they turn into white or whitish, the consistency ceases to be viscous and viscous.

The absence of any symptoms cannot be a sign of the absence of ovulation, and the presence of these signs does not always indicate that ovulation has actually taken place. There are many individual characteristics of the cycle, and some women learn about the release of the oocyte by an altered perception of habitual odors, and others by bloody spotting.

Methods of determination

Various methods can help a woman in the task of determining the day of ovulation, as well as a combination of several methods at once in one cycle.


Today, pharmacy ovulation tests are available in a large assortment, with which you can quickly understand at home how close an important day of the cycle is. There are disposable test systems, and there are reusable tests.

Disposable and most of the reusable tests act on the principle of pregnancy tests - they determine the concentration of the hormone in the urine. But if pregnancy tests allow us to assess the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine after the delay, and sometimes even before it, then ovulation tests determine the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which rises before the follicle bursts and releases a mature egg. The test reacts to an increased level of LH with a bright second strip.

Modern microscope test systems do not respond to LH, but to estrogen levels. Under its action, saliva and secretions crystallize when dried in a very special way - creating a pattern on the glass that resembles the outlines of fern branches or frosty patterns on a window.

Tests begin to be done 4 days before the expected ovulation according to the calendar method and are carried out daily until a positive result is obtained. A pronounced positive test indicates that the release of the egg is possible within 12-36 hours, and it is time to start planning for conception. The accuracy of the tests, according to reviews, is quite high, but it cannot be considered 100%, errors and errors are permissible.


Evaluation of vaginal discharge is carried out with clean hands. When stretching the mucous "thread" several centimeters long, we can say that ovulation will take place within 2-3 days or earlier.

An increase in the volume of secretions requires a woman during this period to be more attentive to her intimate hygiene - use sanitary pads, wash the external genitalia with warm water more often.

But avoid tampons and douching.

Basal temperature

You should not assume that on the right day you can check your assumptions with a thermometer once. As already mentioned, measuring basal temperature is painstaking daily work. It must be understood that a single measurement of valuable information will not provide. You should also be aware that the probability of obtaining false results is quite high - any inflammatory processes in the body, malaise, insufficient night sleep, drinking alcohol the day before, having sex, fatigue.

Medical methods

Physicians have their own methods, which today are considered the most accurate. These are folliculometry (ultrasound of the ovaries) and blood tests to determine the level of hormones involved in the process of ovulation. The approach of ovulation is indicated by: an increase in the follicle to 20–24 mm, a high level of LH in the blood.

But such methods are mainly used when ovulation is controlled, it is stimulated in treatment protocols IVF and during examination for the severity of endocrine infertility.

Painful ovulatory syndrome

Ovulation syndrome is a condition in which ovulation is associated in a particular woman with severe pain. Up to half of all women in the world experience signs of such a syndrome from time to time, but only one in five women systematically manifests it. In most cases, severe pain and discomfort during the period of ovulation is not a sign of illness, but only an individual reaction of the woman's nervous system to the physiological processes occurring in her body. Only in 13% of women it is associated with diseases and disorders.

Most often, ovulatory (ovulation) syndrome occurs in women after 25 years and up to 42 years. With the onset of menopause, its symptoms disappear.

Pain in ovulatory syndrome is associated, as a rule, with the growth of the follicle, which leads to stretching of the ovarian capsule. Also, when the follicular membrane is ruptured, the integrity of the nerve endings passing through it is violated, which is perceived by the brain as a pain signal. Pulling, as during menstruation, pain during ovulation can be associated with a contraction of the muscles of the fallopian tubes, because a sedentary oocyte is not able to move independently, the contraction of the tubes and the movement of the villi on their inner surface causes the germ cell to move.

The cause of pain within 1-2 days after ovulation may lie in irritation of the surface of the ovary and peritoneum, because when the follicle ruptures, the liquid in which the egg was located is poured into the abdominal cavity, as well as a small amount of blood from the damaged blood vessels of the follicular membrane.

With ovulatory syndrome, pain is usually observed in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. They can be combined with headaches of varying intensity, with an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.0–37.7 degrees). The lower the pain threshold for a particular woman, the more severe pain she may experience..

Some people cannot work normally for 1-2 days in the middle of their cycle, attend classes, their quality of life suffers. In time, the symptoms of painful ovulation coincide with the rupture of the follicle and last up to 48 hours. Then it usually goes away. If pain and discomfort persist longer, you should definitely visit a doctor, since this is most likely not associated with ovulation, but with the simultaneous development of pathology.

Usually, the presence of ovulation syndrome greatly facilitates the search for an answer to the question of how to recognize ovulation, but it does not deliver the most pleasant sensations. It should be noted that there are no methods for treating such a feature of the menstrual cycle; with severe pain, painkillers and antispasmodics are recommended to relieve symptoms.

On the reproductive abilities of a woman, the manifestations and symptoms of her ovulation are usually not reflected in any way.

To understand exactly what symptoms and signs are peculiar to you, you need to watch your menstrual cycle at least three months contract. It is advisable to measure basal temperature during this period, evaluate changes in secretions, if desired, conduct tests, use the calendar method for calculating the day of ovulation. This will help you better navigate the current phase of the cycle and note the symptoms and signs that repeat from month to month, which will be exactly yours, individual, and possibly noticeably different from those presented above.

For symptoms of ovulation, see the following video.

Signs of ovulation


The first signs of ovulation

The first signs of ovulation are short-term pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The first signs of ovulation include an increase in mucous secretions and a decrease in basal temperature on the day of ovulation, and its increase the next day. In the blood plasma, the content of progesterone sharply increases.

In violation of ovulation, the first signs of ovulation will not make themselves felt. This can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, systemic diseases, tumors, or stressful situations. In this case, dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system occurs in the female body.

If the first signs of ovulation do not make themselves felt in childbearing, mature age, then the female body is faced with anovulation, which occurs along with the failure of the menstrual cycle and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In addition, the absence of the first signs of ovulation may indicate a woman's infertility. But there are methods that will help determine the cause of the lack of ovulation and return it. But first of all, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Signs of the onset of ovulation

Signs of the beginning of ovulation help a woman to better understand her body and choose the ideal time for sexual intercourse, which will contribute to the onset of the long-awaited conception and pregnancy.

Signs of the beginning of ovulation:

  • Allocations - changes occur in the cervical mucus, its consistency and the amount of discharge change. These changes indicate elevated estrogen levels. When the mucus becomes like raw egg white, this is the first sign of the onset of ovulation and the woman's readiness to conceive.
  • Basal temperature - before the onset of ovulation, a woman's basal temperature rises. This can be determined with a thermometer in the morning before you get out of bed. A sharp jump in temperature upwards indicates that the egg has already matured and is ready for fertilization. A couple of days in which a high level of basal temperature is maintained is the ideal time to conceive. To better navigate the signs of ovulation, basal temperature measurements can be used to create a graph that will clearly show impending ovulation and the time for conception / contraception.
  • Feeling well - another sign of ovulation is pain in the lower abdomen. For some women, the pain lasts a couple of minutes, for others a few days, and for others, the entire period before the onset of menstruation resembles cramps. By the way, not all women have pain in the lower abdomen, so if you didn’t have pain and suddenly appeared, then consult a gynecologist for advice, as this may indicate a pathology or some kind of disease.
  • Hormones - before the onset of ovulation, significant hormonal changes occur in the female body. Increased production of luteinizing hormone. You can determine the onset of menstruation using special tests that are sold in pharmacies. The tests work on the hormone described above, or rather its interaction with the reagent.

Signs of approaching ovulation

Signs of approaching ovulation make it possible to understand that the body is ready to conceive a child. Let's look at the reliable signs of impending ovulation, which are found in almost all healthy women.

  • Breast swelling.
  • High vigor.
  • Headache.
  • Emotionality and irritability.
  • Puffiness.
  • Change selection.
  • Sharpening of vision, taste and smell.
  • Bloody issues.

These are all signs of ovulation. But do not forget that the signs of approaching ovulation are completely dependent on your lifestyle. Try not to be nervous, eat healthy foods, have regular sex life and an active lifestyle. Then the signs of ovulation will not proceed so painfully.

Signs before ovulation

Signs before ovulation help a woman plan a pregnancy, or vice versa, pay attention to contraceptive methods and check her ovulation calendar. Let's look at the main signs before ovulation.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen - pain occurs on one side, on the side where the ovary is located, which is preparing for ovulation. As for the duration of pain, it can be from a few minutes to 3-4 days.
  • Breast swelling and sensitivity is the surest sign that indicates that a woman will ovulate in the near future. The breasts become very sensitive and swell due to changes in hormone levels in the body, which is preparing for the conception of a child.
  • Vaginal discharge changes, it becomes profuse and watery.
  • The basal temperature rises due to the hormone progesterone.
  • Increases sexual desire. This is a signal from the body that the woman is healthy and ready to conceive a child.
  • The cervix becomes soft, rises and opens slightly. This is necessary in order for the conception to be successful.

Also, the signs before ovulation include an exacerbation of taste and smell. This is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone and changes in the hormonal background in the female body. Sometimes, before ovulation, there may be a slight bloating and flatulence, but in addition to the approaching ovulation, this indicates a woman's malnutrition and lifestyle.

External signs of ovulation

During the period of ovulation, not only the state of the woman's body changes, but also her appearance, that is, there are external signs ovulation. Every woman should listen to herself and her body in order to navigate the signs and signals that the body gives.

There are the following external signs of ovulation:

  • Increased sex drive.
  • Breast swelling.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Increased fatigue, sudden mood swings, tearfulness.

Pay special attention to the vaginal mucus, it resembles egg white, becomes more viscous, and increases significantly with discharge.

Signs of ovulation

The signs of the onset of ovulation in each woman manifest themselves in different ways, but they all indicate that the woman has a healthy body that is ready for procreation. Let's look at the signs of ovulation that every woman has.

  • Changes in basal temperature - Check your basal temperature every morning before you get out of bed for a couple of cycles. Build a graph using the results. Using the graph, you can determine the onset or end of ovulation. So, an increase means that ovulation has come, and a fall means that ovulation has ended. Changes in basal temperature are associated with changes in the level of the hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the restructuring of mucous secretions and for the implantation of a fertilized egg to the uterus.
  • Discharge is the surest sign of ovulation. Abundant discharge begins a couple of days before the release of the egg, in their appearance they look like egg white. Changes in secretions are necessary not only to determine the onset of ovulation, but also to increase life cycle spermatozoa.
  • Changes in the cervix - signs of ovulation begin with changes in the cervix. It rises and opens a little, and feels soft to the touch. After ovulation and the release of the egg from the follicle, the uterus closes and descends.
  • Drawing pains - pains appear in the chest, lower abdomen and lower back. Pass immediately after the end of ovulation. In some women, the pain is so severe that without pain medication and bed rest, it is very difficult to survive the period of ovulation.
  • Ultrasound - allows you to accurately determine the beginning of ovulation and its end.

Ovulation and discharge

Signs of ovulation are easy to identify by discharge. To do this, a woman must know the features of the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. Signs of ovulation by secretions depend on the moment of the cycle. Signs of ovulation and discharge can make it clear whether a woman is pregnant or not, ovulation has ended or this is the beginning, the main thing is to carefully monitor the state of your own body.

After menstruation, there is practically no discharge, but closer to the middle of the cycle they appear copious discharge, at first they are liquid, and then become creamy and sticky. All this is directly related to the level of hormones in the female body and the slow opening of the cervix.

  • On the day of ovulation, the discharge is a viscous, sticky mucus, sometimes with lumps. This consistency of mucus is provided by the body so that the spermatozoa can get to the egg as quickly as possible.
  • Sometimes the mucus is pink-streaked, white, yellow, or brown. This color of discharge indicates the end of ovulation.
  • Some women also have spotting, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually on the side where the ovary is located, in which ovulation occurs.
  • There are times when ovulation passes without discharge. The reasons may be in the stress and nervous state that the woman suffered, or in one of the phases of ovulation, which failed.

Ovulation and bleeding

Some women develop during ovulation bleeding. As a rule, they are few in number and have a brown or yellow-brown color. For many, this is frightening and causes panic attacks, and the thought that signs of ovulation and bleeding are associated with implantation bleeding. But this is far from true. About a week passes between ovulation and the implantation period, so it is not worth linking bloody discharge and bleeding due to implantation.

The cause of bleeding during ovulation is the rupture of the follicle, which will soon give up mature eggs. With the advent of menstruation, the ovaries give off mature eggs, which are located in a kind of follicle capsules. After some time, of all the follicles, one remains, in which the mature egg is located. It is because of the rupture of the follicle in the ovary that bleeding occurs. Similar discharges are observed for two days, no more.

ovulation and mucus

Before ovulation, the female body produces cervical mucus, which acts as a natural remedy for effective conception. Mucus creates an ideal environment for sperm. In a healthy woman, spermatozoa will live for about 72 hours. If there are no signs of ovulation and mucus, then the life of spermatozoa will be reduced to a couple of hours.

Thanks to the mucus, a kind of environment is formed in the vagina for sperm cells, which allows them to move much faster into the vagina, which means that they will be able to fertilize the egg faster. As for the amount of mucus, everyone is different. The closer the ovulation, the more mucus, but a couple of days before the onset of ovulation, the amount of mucus decreases, and after the end of ovulation, the mucus disappears.

Please note that even a small amount of mucus is a sign of the fertile phase. At first, the discharge looks like cloudy mucus, and as ovulation approaches, it becomes slippery, viscous, transparent, sticky. And after ovulation, the mucus becomes thick and cloudy and disappears. After that, in the female body, the drying of mucus and the infertile period begin.

If the chest hurts during ovulation?

All women experience the same symptom of ovulation - chest pain. The chest swells, becomes very sensitive, and hurts at the slightest touch. Such signs of ovulation are observed on the 15th day of the 28th day of the menstrual cycle. Signs of ovulation - sore breasts, may be after menstruation.

Pain in the mammary glands changes cyclically, due to the influence of female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Due to the growth of estrogen in the female blood, the chest begins to hurt, as a rule, the pain indicates that in a couple of days the woman will begin menstruation. Many women, precisely on the basis of ovulation, chest pain determine the most favorable period for conceiving a child. Gynecologists call a sign of ovulation chest pain - premenstrual syndrome or PMS. The appearance of pain a couple of days (from 2-3 to two weeks) before the onset of menstruation indicates that ovulation has occurred in the female body.

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound can accurately determine the phase of ovulation. With the help of ultrasound, you can create a personal schedule and calendar of ovulation, as well as find out about the approach or end of ovulation.

The following signs of ovulation on ultrasound are distinguished:

  • The growth of the follicle with the egg, the expansion of the cervix.
  • Visualization of the grown follicle to ovulatory size.
  • Observation of the corpus luteum, which is located in the place of the follicular fluid and the follicle. The presence of fluid indicates that the follicle has successfully released an egg and ovulation has begun.

Also, the signs of ovulation on ultrasound can be recognized using the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is checked in the second phase of the cycle, that is, a week after ovulation or a week before the start of menstruation. If progesterone is normal, and preferably above normal, then ovulation was 100%, if it was below normal, then there was no ovulation. But there are exceptions, this happens when the follicle does not burst due to the very thick shell of the ovary and the egg does not get out. On ultrasound, this is determined due to the free fluid in the peritoneum.

Ovulation period

The ovulation period is the day in the cycle when conception will be most effective and lead to pregnancy. That is why, all women who are trying to get pregnant carefully calculate this date. Or vice versa, they are maximally protected on this day, since the probability of pregnancy is high. Ovulation and the period of ovulation are clear signs that the female body is functioning properly and is ready to give another life. Let's look at how to calculate the ovulation period, signs and main symptoms.

calendar method. A method used by women, using a calendar and regularly marking the onset and end of the menstrual cycle. This allows you to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle. To accurately know the period of ovulation, it is necessary to regularly maintain a calendar for the onset and end of menstruation for 4-5 months, and then carry out small calculations. For example, if your average cycle is 28 days, then the ideal day for ovulation is 15-16. But do not forget that the egg does not mature every month, there are months in which there is no ovulation at all. There are other methods that allow you to quickly and more reliably learn about the approaching ovulation.

Ovulation period, signs:

  • Elevated basal temperature indicates approaching ovulation.
  • Swelling of the breast, the breast becomes very sensitive.
  • Change in mucous secretions.
  • Hypersensitivity, irritability, increased emotionality.
  • Increased libido, strong sex drive.

How to determine ovulation?

There are several ways to determine ovulation. It is necessary to be able to determine ovulation for every woman who is sexually active and wants to become pregnant. But how to determine ovulation in order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, or vice versa, do everything so that conception leads to pregnancy?

  • Determination of ovulation by measuring basal temperature. In the first half of the cycle, thanks to estrogen, the readings on the thermometer will be low around 36-36.5 degrees. But before ovulation, the temperature will increase to 37 degrees due to the high concentration of the hormone progesterone.
  • To determine ovulation, you can do a special test and carefully monitor vaginal discharge. Before ovulation, they become abundant, transparent, sticky.
  • The calendar method - like measuring basal temperature, takes time and observation. Using the calendar, you can find out about the upcoming cycle and about ovulation.
  • Tests - there are tests not only to determine pregnancy, but also to determine ovulation. They are equal in cost to pregnancy tests, but they will soon be superseded by popularity. The ovulation test, like the pregnancy test, is diagnosed using urine. Two strips on the test - the period of ovulation. The test works thanks to luteinizing hormone, which heralds the period of ovulation.
  • Ultrasound examination - is used in cases where ovulation does not occur for a long time, there was a failure in the body, which led to a complete change in the cycle. During the procedure, the doctor monitors the development of the follicle. If the follicle has not burst and released a mature egg, then in abdominal cavity there is a small amount of fluid.
  • Feelings - you can determine ovulation by your own feelings. So, the most striking sign of ovulation is pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can last from a couple of minutes to several days, it completely depends on the woman's body.

The ovulation period is the ideal time to conceive a child.

Signs of double ovulation

There are times when a woman has two ovulations in one cycle. Ovulation can take place in one ovary with a break of several days or in two ovaries at the same time. This phenomenon occurs after induction and stimulation of ovulation, but also sometimes in normal cycles.

Scientists say that there are only a couple of cases in the world when, due to double ovulation, a double pregnancy occurred with a difference of several days, but not more than 10. But many gynecologists say that double ovulation occurs much more often and a woman does not always know about it.

There are the following signs of double ovulation:

  • Breast swelling.
  • Change selection.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (first on one side, then on the other or on one side with a short period).

Please note that ovulation does not always occur alternately in the ovaries. There is no systematization of ovulation. In the female body, one ovary acts as the main one and ovulates, this can be observed over several cycles. But such a picture does not mean that the second ovary is sick and requires immediate medical attention. The hormone pattern is responsible for the sequence of ovulation in the ovaries and nothing and no one can influence it. Therefore, do not be surprised if in one cycle you notice intensified or repeated signs of ovulation.

Signs of late ovulation

Signs of late ovulation scare women, as many people think that if ovulation occurs later than usual, then there is a disorder or disease in the body. But is it? Let's look at the causes and signs of late ovulation.

  • Overwork, stress - if a woman plans to conceive a child, then she is strictly forbidden to be nervous. Changes in climatic conditions and frequent flights from one time zone to another are also not recommended. Try not to overwork both physically and mentally. Since overwork, this is the most common sign of late ovulation.
  • Infectious diseases - if there is an infection in the female body that concerns the reproductive system, then late ovulation is inevitable. In addition, because of the infection, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and there may be a delay, which for many women is a reason to think that pregnancy has come.
  • Hormonal imbalance - An imbalance of pituitary hormones is another sign of late ovulation. In order to know the status of ovulation, it is recommended to measure the level of hormones in the first phase of the cycle.
  • Premenopausal period - late ovulation is observed in women who are forty or more years old.
  • Gynecological diseases - infections, cysts, amenorrhea.
  • 2-3 months after the abortion and 1 year after the birth - during this period, the woman will ovulate late.

You can determine late ovulation using an ovulation test, conducting a complete diagnosis and ultrasound examination of the release of an egg from the follicle, testing for the level of pituitary hormones. Please note that it is best to conduct research on the cause of late ovulation during the period of the desired conception of a child.

To speed up the process of ovulation, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, pass the necessary tests and undergo an examination. After that, the doctor prescribes a treatment for late ovulation or stimulates the onset of ovulation in its absence. This is the simplest and most effective solution to the problem of late ovulation. Do not self-medicate, as this can cause both the unborn baby and the mother.

When treating problems with ovulation, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, less nervous, eat healthy food, lead an active lifestyle. Regularly have sex with a regular partner, without protection.

Signs of conception

The signs of conception are different for every woman. So, some women begin to realize that they became pregnant in a week, others in a month, and some in general only after going to the gynecologist and passing the test. Let's look at the main signs of conception.

  • Signs of conception in the early days are bleeding. After conception, somewhere in the first or second week, the process of implantation of the embryo takes place in the body. For many women, this period is accompanied by bleeding and spasms.
  • The menstrual cycle is disturbed, in other words, the woman has a delay. This is the most common sign of conception. During pregnancy, the menstrual cycle stops, but some women may experience small bleeding.
  • Sensitive chest. A couple of days after conception, the breast swells and becomes hypersensitive. This is the sign of conception that is impossible not to notice, since even a light touch on the chest causes discomfort.
  • Nausea is also a sign of conception and occurs from 3-9 weeks after conception.
  • Apathy and fatigue. Due to the fact that the body is being rebuilt to support the life of the mother and child, the expectant mother may feel unwell from the very first days of conception.
  • Headache - appears in the first days of conception and occurs due to changes in the hormonal background of the female body.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. Frequent urination occurs at 6-7 weeks of conception.
  • An increase in appetite - after conception, a woman begins to feel constant bouts of hunger. As for products to satisfy such an appetite, these are not necessarily pickles. By the way, this symptom can persist for the entire period of pregnancy.

Signs of conception after ovulation

During the ovulation period, a woman has several days to get pregnant. That is, in the fertile phase of ovulation, successful conception is most likely. Signs of conception after ovulation look like this:

  • Absence of a menstrual cycle.
  • Elevated basal temperature.
  • Increased appetite and change in taste preferences.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.
  • Swelling and tenderness of the breast.
  • Strong sense of smell.
  • Irritability.
  • Apathy and fatigue.

Please note that the life span of sperm in a healthy woman is from 3 to 7 days, but if there are violations in the female body, especially if they relate to vaginal discharge, then the likelihood of conceiving a child is reduced to a couple of hours.

If a woman has disturbances in the process of maturation of the follicle, which is responsible for the egg, then it is necessary to stimulate ovulation. For these purposes, you need to undergo an examination and consultation with a gynecologist, who will prescribe medications to restore ovulation and the possibility of conception.

Symptoms after ovulation

  • Signs after ovulation are very difficult to track, but the best way to do this is with an ovulation test or ovulation calendar.
  • The first sign after ovulation is discharge, it is either completely absent or becomes creamy, sticky.
  • Also after ovulation, the basal temperature does not fall and is in an elevated state. This is also observed in the case of pregnancy, when the egg is fertilized.
  • After ovulation, the pain and swelling of the mammary glands go away, and the pain in the lower abdomen also stops.
  • Another sign after ovulation is the disappearance of the hormonal rash. As a rule, before ovulation, small hormonal pimples appear on the face, especially on the forehead.

All signs after ovulation depend on how the ovulation process itself went and, of course, on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Signs of pregnancy after ovulation

All women have a couple of days before ovulation and after ovulation, which is called the fertile phase. These days are the most favorable moment for conception and pregnancy. Let's look at the main signs of pregnancy after ovulation.

  • High basal temperature.
  • Delayed menses.
  • Swelling and change in the shape of the breast, darkening of the nipples.
  • Increased fatigue, morning sickness, sudden unreasonable mood swings.
  • Vaginal discoloration.
  • Frequent urination and increased mucus.
  • Bloody discharge, gas and constipation.
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen, can be on one side.
  • Heightened sense of smell.
  • Acne and pimples.
  • Mild cold and stuffy nose.
  • Changes in taste and increased appetite.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation

Signs of fertilization after ovulation appear no earlier than a couple of weeks after intercourse. Let's look at the signs of sexual fertilization after ovulation.

  • Implantation bleeding, which is caused by the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity. Bleeding is observed within one day or several hours.
  • The chest swells and becomes very sensitive.
  • Menstruation does not occur, that is, there is a delay.
  • There may be a feeling of nausea, apathy, headache, fatigue.
  • There is frequent urination and uncontrolled appetite.

All these signs are conditional and they can be caused by other causes, for example, colds, infectious or inflammatory diseases. It is better to determine fertilization and pregnancy after menstruation has not occurred, that is, after a delay. Approximately five weeks after intercourse, at which time conception and pregnancy could occur.

Signs of not ovulating

Signs of a lack of ovulation appear in every healthy woman. As a rule, women under 30 years old have about 2-3 cycles per year with a complete absence of ovulation. Lack of ovulation is a symptom of gynecological or endocrine disorders that can lead to infertility. Let's look at the most common signs of a lack of ovulation.

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Premenopause.
  • Stopping the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Various diseases.
  • Climate change.
  • Reinforced workouts.
  • stressful situations.
  • Weight loss or gain.

There are many signs and reasons that indicate that ovulation is absent. Many signs of a lack of ovulation depend on the period of a woman's life, for example, adolescence, menopause or breastfeeding and pregnancy. Other signs are associated with taking hormonal and medications. Still others with diseases, sports and much more. To find out exactly what the body is talking about, giving certain signs of a lack of ovulation, be sure to consult a gynecologist or undergo an ultrasound examination.

Signs of a cycle without ovulation

Signs of a cycle without ovulation or an anovulatory cycle are menstruation without the development of a corpus luteum, but with bleeding. This is due to the fact that the uterine mucosa grows, and the secretory phase, which occurs under the influence of the corpus luteum after ovulation, is absent.

A similar phenomenon occurs in healthy women, especially in adolescence, when the menstrual cycle is being set. Signs of a cycle without ovulation can also be in nursing mothers and during the onset of menopause, that is, menopause. The reason for the cycle without ovulation is insufficient stimulation of the ovaries by the hormones of the hypothalamus and the high level of the pituitary hormone.

The main signs of a cycle without ovulation are breast swelling, emotional swings, an increase in basal temperature, a change in vaginal discharge. Please note that a cycle without ovulation is accompanied by a delay in menstruation from a couple of days to several months, and after this period comes a long and painful menstruation with heavy bleeding. Severe bleeding can lead to anemia. Signs of a cycle without ovulation are most often observed in women of childbearing age who have hormonal infertility precisely because of the lack of ovulation.

Signs of ovulation occurring

Signs of ovulation that have occurred indicate that the female body is ready for fertilization or menstruation will begin in the near future. The start and end times of ovulation are great value for women who want to get pregnant or vice versa are protected naturally.

The main signs of ovulation that has occurred:

  • Change in secretions, i.e. cervical mucus.
  • Pain in the ovaries.
  • Increase in basal body temperature and body temperature in general.
  • Change in hormone levels (this sign is displayed on the face, the form of a hormonal rash on the face).

To accurately understand the signals that the body gives, and to know the signs of ovulation that has occurred, you can buy an ovulation test or keep a special schedule that will help you track the start and end of ovulation and monitor the peculiarities of the cycle.

Signs that you have ovulated

Signs that ovulation has passed are just as important as signs that ovulation has begun. The period of ovulation is always accompanied by certain symptoms that can be understood and studied only after observing your own body.

Signs that ovulation has passed:

  • Change in vaginal discharge.
  • Jumps in basal temperature, but as a rule, after ovulation has passed, the basal temperature decreases.
  • The pains in the lower abdomen stop, from the side of one of their ovaries, where ovulation occurred.
  • Decreased sexual activity and sexual desire.
  • Slight swelling of the mammary glands.

Signs of the end of ovulation

Signs of the end of ovulation indicate that if conception did not occur, then in the near future the woman will begin menstruation. Let's look at the main signs of the end of ovulation.

  • If pregnancy does not occur, then menstrual flow begins.
  • At the end of ovulation, the level of basal temperature decreases.
  • The hormonal background is normalized, estrogen and progesterone are reduced to normal levels.
  • Swelling and sensitivity of the breast goes away.
  • There may still be pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Irritability and emotional swings.

Keep a close eye on your body to understand when ovulation occurs and when it ends. Create an ovulation calendar or buy an ovulation test to determine when you are ovulating. As a last resort, you can always consult a gynecologist and go for an ultrasound to determine the ovulation cycle.

Signs of ovulation

Signs of ovulation that have taken place are very important, as they indicate a healthy reproductive function of the female body. In addition, the ovulation that took place is a signal to the body that it is ready for conception and pregnancy. Let's look at the signs of ovulation.

  • A woman has a change in vaginal discharge, they become transparent, sticky and viscous. This consistency of secretions indicates that the woman is ready for fertilization and thanks to the mucus, the sperm can quickly get to the mature egg.
  • Basal temperature - before the onset of ovulation, the level of basal temperature rises, and if ovulation has taken place, then the basal temperature drops to the usual level of 36.4 degrees.
  • During the period of ovulation, one of the ovaries hurts, that is, pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen. As soon as ovulation has taken place, the pain stops, or becomes less severe.
  • The signs of ovulation that have taken place include a woman’s poor health, fatigue, apathy, irritability, increased emotionality, resentment, tearfulness.

To confirm the reliability of the signs of ovulation, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound will visually show whether ovulation has taken place or not.

Signs of ovulation are body signals that a woman is healthy and ready for procreation. In addition, ovulation helps a woman maintain her beauty. Since ovulation is responsible for the menstrual cycle. At the slightest problem with determining the period of ovulation or the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, seek help from a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination.


ovulation(from the Latin ovulla - “testicle”) is the exit of a mature female cell (ovum) from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation is necessary so that a woman of childbearing age can find the happiness of motherhood, or, simply, give birth to a child.

Without the release of the egg from the ovary, fertilization by its sperm is impossible, therefore, conception is also impossible. Surely, many women and girls will be interested to know what happens during ovulation, how often this process occurs and what to do if ovulation does not occur?

Every healthy woman has her own regular menstrual cycle. A menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the first day of the next period.

Often, menstruation begins at the age of 13-15 and ends by the age of 45-55. In order to find out on what day ovulation occurs, you need to know exactly the length of your menstrual cycle.

The normal length of the menstrual cycle is from 28 to 35 calendar days (for different women, the length of the cycle is different), however, for a number of reasons, most often due to some kind of malfunction in the body, the cycle can be shortened or increased by several days.

Ovulation occurs once around the middle of the cycle. For example, if the cycle has a length of 28 days, then the release of the egg can be expected around the 13-14th day. However, in some cases, two ovulations can occur at once in one menstrual cycle.

How does ovulation occur?

Let us consider in detail how the process of ovulation occurs in the female body. So, ovulation is controlled by the hypothalamus through regular secretions of hormones that are produced by the anterior pituitary gland. These hormones include follicle-stimulating hormone (or, simply put, FSH) and luteinizing hormone (aka LH).

Each female ovary contains follicles - small vesicles, the number of which in women is determined by nature. Each month, one follicle begins its maturation in one of the two ovaries. The diameter of a fully matured "bubble" is 22-24 mm. Such a follicle is called dominant - it is from it that the egg will come out on a certain day of the cycle.

First phase of the menstrual cycle, which is called the preovulatory phase (that is, in the first half of the cycle, before ovulation) is characterized by the presence of a dominant follicle, which undergoes many changes under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. At a time when the dominant follicle has reached a special size, under the influence of estrogens secreted by it, there is a "jump" of luteinizing hormone.

The “jump” is very noticeable if a woman keeps a schedule of measurements of basal (rectal) temperature (temperature measured every morning in the rectum).

LH, as it were, gives the command to the egg to "maturation", called the first division of meiosis. As soon as the egg is ready to leave the follicle, its shell breaks, and the cell, captured by pili (special hairs), enters the fallopian tube.

Between the "jump" LH and the rupture of the follicle occurs approximately 36-48 hours. Therefore, answering the question: “How many days does ovulation last?” or “How many days does ovulation occur?”, you can safely answer that, in total, about two days.

What is the behavior of the egg after its release from the ovary?

So the long-awaited moment has come when the female cell has matured and is waiting for its "narrowed-mummer", which is the male cell - the spermatozoon. So what happens after ovulation and how does the egg meet the sperm?

After leaving the ovary, the female cell goes straight into the fallopian (fallopian) tube. It is here that she will wait for the male cage over the next 24 hours, or one day. Picked up by fimbria, which are lined with the fallopian tube, the egg slowly, millimeter by millimeter, moves towards the uterus.

If during these 24 hours a healthy sperm enters the fallopian tube, it will immediately rush to the egg and try to penetrate it. A successfully completed penetration process will begin with rapid cell division - this is how conception occurs.

If the egg does not wait for the male cell, after a day it dies, and then, together with the layer of the endometrium (cells lining the uterus), it is rejected and exits through the genital tract, accompanied by bleeding. This is menstrual bleeding.

The frequency of ovulation

Not all women know how often and whether every month ovulation occurs. In gynecological practice, there is such a thing as an anovulatory cycle. This is a cycle when the ovaries "rest" and the follicle does not mature in them. Accordingly, the release of the egg also does not occur. In a healthy normal woman ovulation occurs every month, except for 2-3 months when anovulatory cycles occur.

And again, it should be noted that when maintaining a schedule for measuring basal temperature, an anovulatory cycle will be immediately noticeable - in such a schedule there is no “jump” in LH, the lines are a solid “fence”, without a low drop and a high rise in temperature.

Late or early ovulation

As mentioned above, ovulation in a healthy woman with an established menstrual cycle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. However, gynecologists sometimes operate with such epithets as "late" or "early" ovulation.

That is, the process of the release of the egg from their ovary occurs earlier or later than the due date. That is, if, for example, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 13th-14th day, then with early ovulation, it will occur on days 8-10, and with late ovulation, on the 18th and subsequent days.

The reasons for early or late ovulation are, according to experts, severe stress, malnutrition, the rhythm of life, various diseases, taking any hormone-containing drugs, a change of scenery (for example, a long flight), and so on.

Also, the cause of early ovulation may be a malfunction of the hypothalamus. If, for any reason, he begins to produce an excessive amount of gonadotropin, then the pituitary gland will regard this as a sign for the production of hormones that provoke an early onset of the ovulatory period.

Methods for determining ovulation

How to find out when ovulation occurs and what a woman can feel during this period? There are many ways to determine the ovulatory period. One of them is the aforementioned method - the measurement of rectal temperature.

This method is carried out at home and is the cheapest method. To determine the period of ovulation at home, you will need a piece of paper (preferably in a box), a pen, a thermometer (electronic or mercury) and sleep for at least 6 hours.

Every morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed and without making rough, abrupt movements, it is necessary to insert a thermometer into the rectum for 5-7 minutes. Do not try to insert the thermometer as deep as possible - 2-3 cm of depth is enough.

Each measurement must be displayed on a piece of paper lined with columns: a temperature column (vertical) and a column of month numbers (horizontal). A dot is placed at the intersection of the day of the month and a certain temperature mark. The next day, a new measurement is recorded, a new point is placed and connected to the previous point by a line. And so on until the end of the cycle.

By the end of the month, a graph is obtained, which shows when the temperature dropped, when it rose. A few days before ovulation, the temperature drops, then there is a “jump” in LH, and after that the temperature picks up and lasts almost until the onset of the next menstruation. 2-3 days before the start of a new cycle, the temperature also decreases.

How do you know if ovulation is happening if you don’t want to wake up every morning at the same time without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements? You can use an ultrasound preparation. A few days before the expected ovulation, it is necessary to conduct a gynecological ultrasound.

On the monitor, the doctor will be able to see in which ovary the dominant follicle is maturing, what size it has already reached, in how many days ovulation will occur and whether it will occur at all (that is, whether this cycle is anovulatory), etc. The examination should be repeated every 2-3 days until the period of release of the egg from the ovary, as well as a day after this period. The process of ultrasonic measurements is called folliculometry.

Feeling the cervix can help track ovulation. Before ovulation, the cervix has a loose, soft texture, and there is also a large amount of cervical mucus that resembles egg white. Mucus helps the spermatozoa that have entered the vagina feel more comfortable in it and move faster towards the intended goal. Before menstruation, on the contrary, the neck hardens and rises high. The entrance to it is tightly closed so that no foreign bodies could penetrate there. Its only drawback is the high cost of tests.

So, to determine ovulation through special test strips, you will need a bowl of urine into which you need to lower the test strip for a certain time. On each strip, the arrows indicate the maximum limit of immersion in urine. Urine for the test is not used in the morning, but collected approximately between 10:00 and 20:00 hours.

After a few minutes (the time is indicated on each package), the strip should be removed and placed on a horizontal surface. The result is also determined after a few minutes.

If a weak, barely visible test line is displayed on the test, then ovulation has not yet occurred or has already occurred. If the strip is as bright as the control or brighter than the control, then there was a release of LH and the egg is about to be released from the follicle.

This is the very moment when a man and a woman can conceive a child, so couples who want to have offspring should not shelve unprotected lovemaking.

Ovulation symptoms

Many women are interested in the question of at what temperature does ovulation occur and what symptoms does a woman experience during this process? It should be noted right away that different women experience different symptoms, but in about 20% of girls and young women, ovulation is a rather painful process.

In order not to confuse ovulation pain with appendicitis pain or stomach pain, it is necessary to know exactly the day of ovulation. Ovulation pain is a bit like the pain that occurs with menstrual bleeding. In some women, the pain is cramping in nature, while others experience pulling, aching pains in the lower abdomen.

In some cases, during ovulation, slight bleeding is possible, which can last for several days. Also, ovulation may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, fever, etc.

Ovulation pain occurs as a result of small bleeding from the ovary. The abdominal wall is irritated by the secreted blood, as a result of which a painful spasm occurs. Also, the general condition of the female body affects the degree of ovulation pain.

Many women who suffer from pain during the period when ovulation occurs are nervous and believe that something is wrong with their body, that they need some kind of treatment, etc. Do not panic - pain during ovulation is an absolutely normal phenomenon that does not require any intervention from medical professionals at all.

If a woman is worried about severe ovulation pains, she needs to apply a heating pad or soak in a warm bath. It is also recommended to walk more in the fresh air and periodically measure body temperature, as a high temperature may indicate an infection. In this case, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous.

Reasons for the lack of ovulation

As already mentioned, ovulation is a physiological process that occurs in a female, absolutely healthy body every month, with the exception of anovulatory cycles. However, for a number of reasons, many women do not have ovulatory cycles and, as a result, such women are forced to be called infertile. Why ovulation does not occur in these ladies and how to make the ovaries work so that the egg can mature in them?

So, the lack of ovulation may occur due to a woman's illness. Many diseases have a huge impact on the menstrual cycle, the egg does not have time to mature and cannot leave the ovary. The absence or delay in the release of an egg can occur if a woman falls ill in the first, preovulatory phase. If the disease has captured the body in the second, post-ovulatory phase, then this will not affect ovulation in any way.

Does ovulation always occur immediately after the withdrawal of hormonal drugs? No not always. The fact is that for the full recovery of the body after taking these funds, some time must pass. The moment of ovulation in this case depends on the general condition of the female body, as well as on how long the woman has been taking hormonal drugs.

Some women experience full ovulation within a month or two after the withdrawal of hormonal drugs, while others take much longer - up to several months.

When does ovulation occur after menstruation, if the woman was subjected to great physical exertion? In this case, ovulation may either be absent altogether, or occur with a delay of several days. For what specific reason such a failure occurs in the body, experts have not yet found out, they only suggest that physical or emotional stress, changes in thyroid function, and fat coefficient can affect ovulation. Also, the reason for the lack of ovulation can be all of these factors.

Whatever pleasant association the word “journey” evokes, it can have a very negative impact on the female body. Changes in climate and rhythm of life are a kind of stress for the body, as a result of which the monthly cycle can be lengthened, ovulation can be delayed or completely lost.

In a normal woman, fat from the total body weight should be approximately 18%. Fat is extremely necessary for a woman, because it is in it that estrogen accumulates and androgen is converted, and without them ovulation is impossible.

In overly thin women and girls, especially those who exhaust the body with constant diets, not only ovulation, but also menstruation may disappear. This is due to the fact that the body cannot produce enough estrogen due to the lack of fat, therefore, the egg does not mature and ovulation does not occur.

Stress ... is another reason why ovulation may be delayed or lost. Strong emotional and mental shocks can provoke longer than usual menstrual cycles, as well as affect the timely release of the egg from the follicle. Ovulation may occur much later than usual, or not at all.

In addition to all this, diseases such as polycystic ovaries, impaired function of the pituitary gland, and so on can lead to a permanent or temporary loss of ovulation. In these cases, you can not do without the advice of an experienced gynecologist. Correctly diagnosed, adequate treatment will help the female body to start working as it should by nature.

Which ovary is responsible for ovulation?

As you know, a woman has two ovaries located on both sides of the abdominal cavity. Ovulation for each of them is a huge job. First, you need to "grow" the dominant follicle, then support the development and maturation of the egg, and, finally, ensure its unhindered exit into the fallopian tube. After the work done, the ovary needs a “rest”. That is why in the next cycle, the other ovary will be responsible for the release of the egg.

How to find out in which ovary ovulation occurs in a particular cycle? To do this, you can conduct an ultrasound examination or listen to your feelings. Usually, during ovulation, a woman feels discomfort in the ovary from which the egg is released. As already mentioned, the pains are pulling in nature, but, by and large, do not cause serious inconvenience.

March 21, 2020


Every woman at one age or another realizes that she is ready to give birth to a new person and become a mother. However, the desired pregnancy does not always occur quickly. In order for conception to occur, intimacy between a man and a woman must take place a few days before or after ovulation. To find out when ovulation occurs, a woman is helped in many ways: it can be counting the days of the cycle, monitoring her health (changes that are physically noticeable), determining the state of readiness for fertilization using tests or diagnostic procedures.

A couple aspiring to become parents in the near future should apply Special attention at the time of the cycle when fertilization becomes the maximum possible - for the period of ovulation. A woman should pay special attention to the beginning of this period of time, since no one except herself knows better the individual characteristics of the body.

How to determine the period and day of ovulation

The menstrual cycle is divided into two large and equivalent phases and one intermediate:

1 phase - follicular - in this phase there is an active maturation and formation of follicles in one of the ovaries, which activate the synthesis of estrogens. Estrogens, in turn, contribute to the development of a dominant follicle, which forms a cavity around itself (vesicle graphs) with follicular fluid, estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone. It is here that the maturation of the egg occurs in the future, at the end of which the bubble breaks and the egg leaves it towards the fallopian tube;

2 phase - ovulatory - the Graafian vesicle ruptures and the egg is released. This is ovulation - the period of time in which the egg has the greatest opportunity for fertilization;

3 phase - luteal - from the cells of the Graafian vesicle, the corpus luteum of pregnancy is formed, which actively synthesizes progesterone, a hormone responsible for maintaining the fertilized egg, its introduction into the uterine cavity and further development. If fertilization did not occur during ovulation, the corpus luteum undergoes involution (reverse development) and disappears altogether by the end of the cycle.

NOTE! The ovulatory phase does not always occur in the middle of the cycle from 10 to 14 days (with an average duration of the menstrual cycle of 28 days). In some cases, it can be shifted closer to the beginning or to the end just before the onset of menstrual bleeding.

That is why the definition of ovulation is an important point for every woman who wants to get pregnant. After all, the ovulatory phase has strictly individual boundaries.

Ultrasound to determine ovulation

Ultrasound is the most accurate diagnostic method to determine the onset of ovulation. In addition, this technique helps to find out which ovary is ovulating this month.

When conducting an ultrasound of the ovaries, the specialist evaluates:

  • determination of the dominant follicle and its growth;
  • identification of fluid that accumulates in the retrouterine space after the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg;
  • the appearance and control of the state of the corpus luteum;
  • opening and some smoothing of the cervix.

An ultrasound examination to determine the release and readiness of the egg for fertilization is usually carried out starting from 5-7 days with intervals of 1-2 days. This is necessary in order to thoroughly assess the state of the dominant follicle: its appearance, growth, rupture.

How to determine ovulation at home without a test

The definition of ovulation is possible by the woman herself, even if she does not have subjective signs. At home, each can independently diagnose this condition with the help of special tests and simple instrumental research methods. In addition, if during the period of the alleged ovulatory phase you pay special attention to your body, you can also notice objective signs that manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent.

The most famous and common method for the release of a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg from the follicle is the calculation of ovulation by menstruation. The calculation of ovulation by the calendar method is as follows: subtract 2 weeks (14 days) from the total length of the cycle (for example, 28 days). This date is conditional and is taken as the day of ovulation, it can shift, and therefore it should be noted 2 days before and 2 days after. In total, within 5 marked days, a woman has the highest probability of becoming pregnant.

NOTE! The calendar method of calculation is more reliable only if the menstrual cycle has an average duration (within 21-35 days) and is regular.

A woman can determine ovulation at home by secretions: by their nature, consistency, color and quantity. It is enough to know what they can be during this period of the cycle.

Characteristic features of vaginal discharge are:

  1. Liquefaction and increased viscosity associated with a change in the density of the mucous plug, which closes the cervical canal and prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity in the first phase of the cycle. The liquefaction of this mass occurs in order to facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa to the egg and further fertilization. Sometimes the discharge may be heterogeneous, they may contain dense small clots.
  2. Transparency or the appearance of a brownish tint. In the second case, do not be afraid - light spotting may appear due to changes in the hormonal background (activation of progesterone synthesis).
  3. Short duration - on average from 1 to 3 days.

A very common method for determining the time of the best possibility of fertilization is the measurement of basal temperature (insertion of a thermometer into the rectum). Determining ovulation with a thermometer is very easy. But for accurate results, you need to regularly keep a diary with notes on basal temperature.

Immediately before ovulation, there is a decrease in temperature by 0.1-0.2 ° C. And after the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it, the temperature rises to a value of 37 ° C and above. At the same time, the woman does not feel internal discomfort.

Can you physically feel ovulation?

Of course, to feel the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg at the physical level, but the fact is that each woman feels it differently: with individual signs and their intensity. One woman may clearly indicate certain specific symptoms of ovulation, while another will complain only of malaise and feeling unwell during the ovulatory phase of the cycle.

The main and most common subjective signs (sensations) that accompany ovulation include the following:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, more often in the area of ​​​​the projection of the ovaries (it is one-sided. The right ovary hurts for 1 month, and the left ovary the next. It depends on which of them the proliferation of follicles and the maturation of the egg occur). The pain syndrome is predominantly aching, pulling in nature and is localized on one side. In some cases, sharp stabbing pains are noted, which, however, normally disappear after a few days.

NOTE! If the pain has not gone away, but tends to increase, this is an occasion to consult a specialist to exclude serious pathological processes - apoplexy or rupture of an ovarian cyst

  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands associated with the active production of luteinizing hormone. There may be swelling and engorgement of the breast.
  • Increased sexual desire.
  • Dyspeptic disorders: nausea during ovulation is not uncommon, which may be accompanied by the urge to vomit and unwillingness to eat. Some ladies, on the contrary, note an increase in appetite, and a desire to eat certain foods (salty, fatty, sweet).
  • Bloating during ovulation is rare, but also possible. It most often accompanies the period of menstrual bleeding.
  • A change in the condition of the skin of the face - a change in the hormonal background can provoke the appearance of problems with the skin: an increase in fat content, the appearance of acne, etc.
  • Sharpening of the sense of smell, change in taste perceptions and preferences.
  • Changes in the psycho-emotional state - increased irritability or apathy.

Feelings during ovulation can be clear and vivid, or they may not draw attention to themselves. The degree of their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the state of health of the organs of the reproductive system.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the objective sign, which can also cause discomfort. These include:

  • the appearance of edema: hands, shins, face can swell;
  • specific vaginal discharge;
  • change in body weight - its increase associated with the accumulation of fluid.

Symptoms of the ovulatory phase are strictly individual. Their combination in various variations can be observed.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation

Feelings after ovulation can be specific and non-specific. Some women don't even pay attention to them. The result of sexual intercourse that occurred during ovulation may be the fertilization of the egg with its further introduction into the uterine cavity and the development of the embryo, or its death and the preparation of the reproductive organs (ovaries and uterus) for a new cycle.

Clinical symptoms of fertilization appear no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks after ovulation. In addition, not every expectant mother can determine the appearance of signs indicating the fusion of cells and the development of a new organism.

The main symptoms that may indicate the onset of pregnancy, and which should be paid attention to, are:

  1. An increase in basal temperature over 37 ° C. Moreover, when the fertilization takes place, the so-called implantation retraction occurs. This phenomenon is an abrupt change in basal temperature: its decrease during implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine mucosa, followed by a sharp rise on the next day.
  2. Short-term discomfort (usually spasmodic pain) in the lower abdomen for 1-2 days associated with implantation of the zygote into the endometrium.
  3. Implantation bleeding - non-intense spotting spotting, caused by the destruction of blood vessels in the wall of the uterus during the introduction of the future embryo into it.
  4. Preservation of the sensitivity of the nipples and the tension of the mammary glands after the completion of ovulation;
    a feeling of nausea, which occurs, as a rule, no earlier than 4 weeks after the conception has taken place.
  5. Increased appetite, change in taste preferences.
  6. Delay the next menstrual bleeding.

Most of the signs of successful conception progress and become more noticeable and vivid over time.

Is it possible to determine the sex of the child and the date of birth by ovulation

Determining the sex of a child by ovulation is not accurate. But still there are some assumptions that you can pay attention to.

If sexual intercourse was directly on the day of ovulation or a day later, then the sex of the child will be male.
If intimacy took place 1-2 days before the day of ovulation, a girl can be expected.
However, do not forget that only ultrasound will help to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby.

Calculating the date of birth by the time of ovulation is the simplest method that every pregnant girl can resort to. To the day of the alleged ovulation, 280 days must be added (the average duration of a physiological pregnancy). Thus, the date of birth will be obtained. But it is worth considering that this calculation method is applicable, and has the highest accuracy with a regular cycle.

What happens after ovulation

After ovulation, pregnancy can occur - in this case, the corpus luteum is activated and hormones are produced by it that maintain this state. The egg is viable for no more than 2 days, it is during this period of time that it can be fertilized.

If the desired pregnancy did not occur this month, and the egg died, then the corpus luteum disappears by the end of the cycle and appears in the next. As for subjective and objective signs, they can also take place and be specific to each lady. Basically, all those symptoms that arose shortly before ovulation and immediately during it begin to fade and disappear completely.

Feelings after ovulation may be the following:

  • libido decreases;
  • pain in the abdomen also disappears;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, including bloating after ovulation, no longer bother women;
  • decrease to the usual numbers of basal temperature;
  • nipples after ovulation become less sensitive, and swelling disappears from the mammary glands themselves,
  • there is tension and engorgement of their tissues.

NOTE! Signs of the end of ovulation are not specific and characteristic only for this period of the cycle. In some cases, these same symptoms may be early signs of pregnancy. Women who use the calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy should pay attention to this.

Most accurately, the end of ovulation can be diagnosed using ultrasound. His data indicate the decline of the dominant follicle and the formation of the corpus luteum.

Late ovulation or its absence - how to determine

With an average cycle length of 28 days, ovulation occurs on average on day 14. Speaking of late ovulation, it should be noted that it is determined by the release of the egg in the second half of the cycle, that is, in those 14 days that precede menstrual bleeding. Signs of late ovulation may be the same as that of one that begins on time or, conversely, too early, except for the time of its occurrence.

Late ovulation is not the cause of infertility. Women with an ovulatory phase shifted to the second half of the cycle have the same opportunity to become pregnant as those whose cycle follows the “classic” pattern.

Sometimes a woman is faced with such a phenomenon as anovulation - a condition in which ovulation does not occur. If the cycle proceeds without ovulation and its characteristic signs, then the diagnosis of "infertility" is made.

Anovulation can be chronic or transient (temporary). In the first case, a qualified specialist will prescribe additional examination methods to diagnose the exact cause of the absence of the ovulatory phase in the cycle, and, if possible, prescribe the correct treatment. In the second case, it is often enough to normalize the time of work and rest, as well as limit physical activity and elimination of stressful situations.

If it is impossible exact definition the presence or absence of ovulation on her own, a woman is advised to consult a doctor for an ultrasound of the ovaries with an assessment of the condition of the follicles.


Knowing all the signs of the ovulatory phase of the cycle, and being able to calculate the date of its beginning, every healthy woman has a great chance of becoming pregnant. This is especially important for those who have been planning their pregnancy for a long time. How to determine ovulation in the most convenient way and on an individual basis, a qualified gynecologist will tell you.

In the female body, everything is arranged so that at the time of ovulation, fertilization and the conception of a new life, as well as during the period of implantation and the first days of embryo development, there are no signals about what happened. A rare exception are sharp negative manifestations in the form of nausea or vomiting. For many women, the first sign of conception is an enlarged tummy and a prolonged absence of menstruation.

In order for the signs of conception after ovulation not to become a surprise, you need to know what they are and what they depend on. Do not forget, before reading the material, that each organism is individual and there are no 100% recipes, however, a general understanding of the issue will make it more likely to apply knowledge to your case and get a positive result.

Each new menstruation is a sign that the cycle of the childbearing process has restarted and a new egg is maturing. This is a tiny cell that matures under the strong shell of the follicle. The body of a woman, upon reaching puberty, carries about 500,000 eggs, theoretically capable of conception. In the process of life, they gradually mature and ovulate, others die. By the age of 60, only 10 - 30,000 of them remain, and the woman is no longer capable of childbearing.

With the onset of menstruation, the pituitary gland produces a hormone that stimulates the development of the egg. The growth period is 14 days. Having received a “signal” that the egg is ready, the pituitary gland changes the composition of the hormone and now it contributes to its release from the place of “imprisonment”. This moment is called ovulation. The egg released from the follicle ends up in the woman's abdominal cavity, but attracted by the hormone produced, it smoothly descends into the fallopian tube - the course of ovulation. Only after this fact can we confidently assume that the possibility of conception exists.

The path of the sperm during conception

Spermatozoa are produced by the male glands all the time. They enter the female body during intercourse with ejaculation (ejaculation inside). Caught at the back of the vagina, "future fathers" will make a long journey to the waiting egg in order to conceive.

The first obstacle will be to overcome the cervical canal. It will work at this stage natural selection, since most of the spermatozoa will not be able to overcome it. At the time of ejaculation, about 500,000 sperm are released, so the loss of the slowest "competitors" will be beneficial to everyone else. Only one of them will take part in conception, so they are in a hurry with all their might, since ovulation gave the egg life only for a day. For the formation of a zygote - the primary form of the embryo - two conditions must be met - ovulation of the egg and reaching it by the sperm.

Studies show that the average lifespan of a sperm cell in a woman's body is 48 hours. It follows from this that conception can occur if they enter the female body on the same day when ovulation occurs or within the next day after ovulation.

On the other hand, it was found that during the period when ovulation occurred, mucus is secreted into the vagina, which is a favorable environment for the survival of spermatozoa more for a long time in some cases up to 7 days. Given the path that they take in the period from approximately 3 to 7 hours, conception is possible if sexual intercourse occurred in the period from 5 days before ovulation and 8 to 10 hours before the end of the activity of the egg.

Signs of conception after ovulation

Such signs appear quite rarely and most women are not perceived as signs of conception. Only those who are aware of the changes in the body that causes ovulation, conception and changes in hormonal ratios are able to feel these signs.

Most often, the first signs of conception are noticed by women who want to have a child, and all previous processes are aimed at this result. Otherwise, any signs are subconsciously rejected until they become too obvious to be neglected.

It is worth noting that some signs of a successful conception may resemble ovulation. It is precisely the fact that ovulation “showed itself” at the wrong time and draws attention to a possible conception.

The main signs of conception after ovulation before implantation

They appear as follows:

  • An increase in basal temperature above the average monthly rate;
  • An increase in general temperature by 0.5 - 1 degree, without accompanying symptoms;
  • Increased fatigue, fatigue, weakness, with the same daily stress;
  • Change in the tactile sensation of the skin. To the touch, they become drier or too greasy;
  • Feeling of fullness or heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Some are characterized by early toxicosis.

In the case when a woman keeps a cycle log and controls the basal temperature, changes in its amplitude will be immediately noticeable and ovulation is to blame. From a medical point of view, keeping such a journal is necessary for all women who plan to become a mother, even in middle age. In addition to determining cycle deviations and deducing the day when ovulation occurs, a full-fledged magazine will immediately pay attention to diseases, female colds and the like. It is known that earlier treatment is the key to less damage.

In the case when the log is not kept to reliably determine whether ovulation has occurred or not, only ultrasound can answer, but it will not show the exact time of ovulation and the moment may be missed.

The pituitary gland produces the hormone progesterone, which converts the burst follicle into a corpus luteum, which produces hormones to maintain a fertilized egg. Moreover, implantation depends on the level of progesterone - fixing the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus.

Interesting fact. After first ovulation, and then conception, the egg turns into a zygote, before the first cell division inside. Further, after division into blastomeres, it becomes a blastocyst. And finally, after implantation to the wall of the uterus, it becomes a fetal egg. Until the last moment, while on its way to the uterus, the blastocyst actively divides, increasing the number of cells inside the membrane, but remaining the same size externally. Successful implantation of the embryo to the wall of the uterus after ovulation and conception, as well as a long journey to the uterus, is the official start of pregnancy.

A sign of conception and implantation will be mild colds

This is due to the fact that conception is a manifestation foreign body in the female body and the immune system is temporarily muted so that it does not attack the embryo. As a result, viruses and bacteria that were previously neutralized by the immune system in time can develop in the body. This is also an indirect sign of conception and implantation.

Additional signs of conception after ovulation

These signs appear against the background of hormonal changes, which puts the body on a "military track". For some women, this goes almost unnoticed, only slight ailments, as well as pulling pains in the lower abdomen (signs of conception) make themselves felt. Others can react extremely sharply to conception, the signs of which most strongly affect the woman's well-being.

After exact ovulation, skin rashes, acne and pimples become signs of conception. This is also associated with hormonal changes, do not worry, everything will work out as soon as the body compensates for the new period of life.

Ovulation is the starting point of a whole cycle of transformations that will eventually lead to the birth of a new life. Conception, or rather the path of the zygote to the uterus and the moment of implantation, can respond with pulling pains below to live, reminiscent of menstrual, albeit weaker. These signs are noticeable to women who are expecting pregnancy and are more closely monitoring its signs after the fact of ovulation and intercourse with ejaculation.

After conception, strong symptoms appear only in 7% of women. They brought into the world horror stories about severe intoxication, severe nausea and vomiting on any products.

There is no point in arguing, such signs sometimes appear in a mixed format, but very rarely headaches and concomitants are superimposed on intolerance to odors and nausea, and so on. That is, signs associated with a particular part of the body are clearly manifested.

It is also noted that complex early toxicosis is more often manifested in women who decide to give birth in middle or late age. Ovulation in them is manifested more weakly, it is more and more difficult for the body to maintain optimal conditions and respond to hormonal surges after ovulation. Therefore, the reaction to conception shows much brighter.

In a separate line, it should be noted that after ovulation and fertilization, up to the moment of implantation in the uterus, the zygote is very vulnerable to any interventions and malfunctions in the body. Any violation, at a sufficient level, will lead to the death of the embryo. Then the egg will not enter the uterus, but will be released during menstruation to make room for a new attempt, because ovulation will again occur on schedule.

In other cases, when ovulation, fertilization and implantation have occurred successfully, the pregnancy develops, most often without showing signs until the moment when the expectant mother notices the most important manifestation - the absence of menstruation.

If there are suspicions that ovulation ended with conception, the signs of which are quite weak, and the test does not show anything at all, the best solution would be to take blood and urine tests. The results will tell exactly about the fact that ovulation ended with pregnancy and, with an accuracy of several days, will indicate its timing.

The original sign of conception that has taken place is an unreasonable change of mood. This sign is most often noticed by those around the woman, employees or relatives. Ovulation is accompanied by the production of progesterone, which, under circumstances, can affect mood. At the same time, the change can be so instantaneous and drastic that it causes discomfort and isolation. This sign will soon disappear as soon as the level of progesterone levels off.

A clear sign that ovulation has passed into the stage of pregnancy is the frequent urge to go to the toilet a little. There are several reasons for this:

  • Increase blood circulation in the pelvis, in order to saturate with oxygen and nutrients the area where the embryo will develop. The consequence of this is the acceleration of the work of the kidneys, which means that you will want to go to the toilet more often;
  • All the same progesterone with which ovulation began can cause relaxation of the urethral sphincter, which will require a woman to stay close to the toilet;
  • For pregnancies of 7 months or more, frequent urination is the result of pressure from the distended uterus on the bladder.

Drawing conclusions about the signs of conception

  • Ovulation is the main moment in the cycle, from which all other processes start, resulting in the birth of a child;
  • Signs of conception are easiest to establish when a woman keeps a diary, knows what day ovulation occurs, counts favorable and bad days for fertilization;
  • For those who do not even know what ovulation is, signs may seem insignificant, and the actual signs are ignored. If the question is acute, but your own observations are not enough - take tests or do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to establish the truth;
  • A gynecologist or obstetrician will not be able to confirm the diagnosis of pregnancy earlier than 2 to 3 weeks, upon examination;
  • Pregnancy tests will be able to confirm the fact itself at least 10 days after conception, not to be confused with sexual intercourse, which many take for the moment of conception. Ovulation can occur 2-5 days after ejaculation and lead to conception.
  • During the period of uncertainty about the fact of pregnancy, and even more so after its confirmation, do not take any pills without consulting a doctor, do not drink alcohol, nicotine and any negatively affecting allergy products;
  • For signs of toxicosis, try to eliminate sources of intolerable odors, foods, and any sources from your environment.

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