What do wall clocks mean in a dream - interpretation from dream books. Why dream of a clock (wall)

Tourism and rest 19.10.2019
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Why dream of a clock

Miller's dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Break the clock - portends troubles and losses.

Breaking a glass in a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, this means that domestic troubles will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

To give someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear - the fight of the clock - upsetting news is possible.

Why dream of a clock

Freud's dream book

In a dream, to bring a watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, then you will be surprised to have sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.

If you dreamed of a tower clock, then you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited.

A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too direct and do not want to put up with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Why dream of a clock

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To determine the time in a dream by a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can survive only by turning to God for help.

Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned away from you, but this is not so, it’s just that you are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Pocket watch to have - regulated family relationships; find - must be punctual; gold - close friends will rob you; non-going - in vain you are wasting time; give - you deceive your heart; big clock with a fight - remember that time is money; break - wait for the unkind; unwound - a case of death of a distant acquaintance.

Why dream of a clock

Family dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream - you can succeed in playing the stock exchange.

If you checked the time on them - in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone - get ready for trouble.

They broke the glass in the clock - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

Stole a watch - know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

We heard a clock strike in a dream - upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, various troubles were possible at home.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

If in a dream you paid attention to the clock, this is an obvious reminder that time is running out and you should hurry. Such dreams usually say that you run the risk of missing a favorable moment for the implementation of any plans.

Losing a watch in a dream is usually a sign that you are wasting your time in reality.

Giving a watch as a gift is a warning that someone shamelessly uses your time.

Broken clocks - they suggest that if you lose time, you risk a complete collapse in some of your endeavors.

Watches on a chain - symbolize punctuality and accuracy

Why dream of a clock

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hours - to the lack of a genuine clear goal in life.

Quartz watch - you will be late for an important event.

Chess clock - you need to hurry up.

Hourglass - in a short period of time you will have to solve an important life task.

Why dream of a clock

Spring dream book

Hours - you are wasting your life on trifles; if you see a broken watch, then this dream is at the end of your life.

Why dream of a clock

Summer dream book

Wiping the watch with a rag means you will live out your life in a foreign land.

Why dream of a clock

Autumn dream book

Hours - to get rid of terrible danger.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Starting a watch in a dream means a successful resolution of a difficult task.

Hearing the beat of a clock portends that you will be suspected of a misconduct that you have not committed, which can greatly undermine your prestige and authority.

The ringing of an alarm clock is a positive change in business.

Wristwatch - means a successful career.

A watch on a chain is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Wall clock - they say that you will suffer from false slander of slanderers.

Golden watch - promise in reality superiority in tacit competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Winding a watch is a boring, monotonous job.

Wall clock - funeral loved one.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a watch in a dream is good luck on the stock exchange.

If you dreamed that you were looking at your watch to find out the time, or you were looking at a watch - know that all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Break - to troubles and losses.

Lose - to trouble in your house.

If you dreamed that your watch was stolen from you, or you saw someone's watch stolen from you, you should know that you have enemies who will try their best to denigrate your reputation.

You dreamed that a watch was stolen from one of your relatives or acquaintances - this is the death of one of your distant relatives.

If you dreamed that you stole a watch from someone, you will be lucky, but at the same time you will have to betray a friend or one of your acquaintances.

Give someone - to trouble.

In a dream, you bought or gave you a watch - soon you will receive a valuable gift.

Hear their fight - to the sad news.

Why dream of a clock

Esoteric dream book

Put on hand watches, see serviceable ones, going - to well-coordinated work; you are making good use of your time.

Broken, stopped - problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will be forever late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing blessings”.

Lose, drop - you missed the time, and your place in both personal and public life will be occupied by others.

Wall - a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, do not miss opportunities, do not neglect dangers.

Tower chimes beat, ring - to important events in the state, which will also affect your life.

Hourglass - uselessly passing time, waste of energy in vain.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you saw an old clock in a dream, such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by.

See in a dream wrist watch- a sign that there is very little time left for important event in your life.

The knock of the clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Watches are a waste of life.

Gold watch - loved ones will rob you.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Hours - a change in life; remember the hour and minutes - year and month, or month and day of change.

Buy - the beginning of new business;

Someone is buying nearby - to conduct unexpected, new business, offers from an unexpected place.

Why dream of a clock

Modern dream book

A dream about a clock - predicts that you will get rich as a result of well-prepared commercial transactions.

Breaking the clock is a sign that you are in danger of loss and trouble.

Break the glass in the clock - predicts a frivolous friendship or unpleasant communication.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch - in reality domestic troubles would make her unhappy.

Stealing a watch is a harbinger that you will have powerful enemies seeking to tarnish your reputation.

Giving a watch is a sign that your interests will suffer in real life due to your penchant for dubious entertainment and pleasures.

If you dream that you are looking at your watch, then take this dream as a warning - you are threatened by enemies.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream - to receive unpleasant news. This dream may be followed by the death of a friend.

Why dream of a clock

Eastern dream book

A wristwatch is a harbinger of the fact that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Hearing the ticking of the clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time.

Stopped clock - to death.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

serviceable - success in business, health; broken - broken life, failure and sadness. Wall clock - the funeral of a close friend. Winding a watch is a boring, monotonous job.

Why dream of a clock

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Watches, tower clocks to see - a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the requirements of the time.

They beat - an important social event has approached, the hour has come for your test, test.

To look at a watch - to waste life on trifles.

To break them is a mess in your life / loss of family.

Lose - a certain delay / loss of a friend.

The clock knocks loudly - an anxious expectation, there is little time left for something.

Watch in the form of a cabinet to see - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house echoes the battle with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

To have a pocket watch - a little money, luck, happiness.

The clock stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will stay out of business.

Let's go back - you will return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring at the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a big watch is a reasonable hope, you should not believe in your impotence.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding up any watch is an impatience to experience.

Trying to stop the clock, hold or break the arrow - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of running time.

To break the clock on purpose - to be dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

To find a spider in a watch is to find the culprit of something.

To find a skull in a watch is to think about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrows - to feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walkers, cuckoo clocks to see - a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turn them over - be the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Wristwatches are a new daily occupation, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, expectations, boredom, haste.

Look at the clock or find them - rush things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life.

Expensive, beautiful watch - a successful, profitable marriage.

Hours - waiting; change; tests; rush.

Stopped - happy time; death of one's own or a very important person, parents.

Sand - a feeling of the transience of your life.

With a cuckoo - a long life.

Clock with a pendulum - can symbolize the work of the heart.

Why dream of a clock

Combined dream book

If in a dream you hear the beat of a tower clock, you need to take the current situation seriously and make an important decision.

Why dream of a clock

Folklore dream book

The clock stopped itself - to someone's death.

Why dream of a clock

Worldly dream book

Clock: Do your days go by like clockwork, smoothly and effortlessly, or is your life more like a broken clock that tells the time correctly twice a day and shamelessly lies the rest of the time? Do you want more hours in your day? See also TIME

Why dream of a clock

Modern dream book

Serviceable hours - Good luck in business, health; broken - broken life, failure; wall - funeral

Why dream of a clock

British dream book

Watches - A watch is a very precise instrument, and dreams about how you make it suggest attention and careful attitude both to the passage of time and to the complexity of the mechanism.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Clock - To hesitation and doubt, malaise and minor troubles.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream Watch - you see a watch in a dream - a dream to win. You seem to have lost your watch - quarrel with a friend. It's like you broke the clock - failure will turn around heavy losses. You presented a watch in a dream - you will languish in separation. You hear ticking or a clock - some news will upset you.

Why dream of a clock

Explanatory dream book

The clock is good - Health; broken - bodily injury or earache; to break them is the death of a relative.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Clock - A symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes. Conventional designation of the period of life, which corresponds to the marked time. (See Time of day.) Seeing a stopped clock is a sign of stagnation in life. A watch without hands, a broken watch - to be rejected by the family, society. Winding up a watch in a dream is a change for the better.

Why dream of a clock

Women's dream book

Clock - If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by. Seeing a watch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life. To determine the time in a dream by a clock that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. The knock of the clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Hours - ups and downs in life.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation Dasha

this symbol corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age. There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this is a bad sign. If in your dream you are afraid to be late and look at your watch all the time, this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss. Break your watch in a dream, in reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation. The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age and health.

If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the beat of a clock that had stopped a long time ago, this threatens you with serious troubles.

You or your loved ones may find themselves without a livelihood. You may be at risk for a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably, and if you do not hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Why dream of a clock

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Good hours - health; broken - bodily injury or earache; to break them is the death of a relative.

Why dream of a clock

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value The Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted to our time. If you dreamed that you were looking at your watch, in the near future you will be in time for everything. Drink half a glass of fresh milk every morning and swallow a few coffee beans.

Bad value If you dreamed that you were repairing a watch, you were wasting your time. Only you know how to fix the situation.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

CLOCK - "happy hours do not watch" - the timelessness of joy; “Your hour has struck” - a crucial period of life, an opportunity, the end of life; "watchmaker" (accuracy). “The clock has stopped” - interruption of activity, death; “to be accurate as a clock”, “an established course (order) of affairs” (mechanism).

Why dream of a clock

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Always point to the technical precision of the "Super-Self" and are therefore a warp mechanism that watches over vitality in order to empty it. In other cases, the signifying action of the mother matrix; the mechanical repetition of the image testifies to the state of mental obsession of the subject, who is under the influence of an irreversible deviation monitor program. Point to the determinism of the reflective matrix.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Your true self protests against rigid routines, norms and eternal lack of time. You are too much controlled or you have exceeded your own ability to control yourself. Try to allocate more time for solitude, for outdoor recreation.

Why dream of a clock

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Good watch - health; scrapped

Why dream of a clock

Idiomatic dream book

"Happy hours don't watch" - the timelessness of joy; “Your hour has struck” - a crucial period of life, an opportunity, the end of life; "watchmaker" - accuracy; “The clock has stopped” - interruption of activity, death.

Why dream of a clock

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

A watch is a tool for measuring time. For a person, they are associated with some kind of vice, since everyone would like to have more time in the day to fulfill plans and obligations.

If a person sees that he lives by the clock, this means a protest against a rigid schedule, against the circumstances of his previous life. The clock denotes the presence of a "technical super-ego" - an alien destructive mechanism that deprives a person of freedom, controls the life of the subject as a whole and his life manifestations. Gives them such parameters as accuracy, clarity, accuracy. In some cases, the clock denotes maternal control and programming of actions in accordance with imposed norms. If this image is often repeated, then this is due to the presence of a mental abscess (obsession).

Why dream of a clock

Universal dream book

Clock - suggests the idea of ​​observation. When you need to be attentive and focused, you are always on your guard. Do you want to guard someone, or do you want the other person to guard you? People love to be appreciated and desired. Does the dream reflect your desire to become the object of someone's attention?

Why dream of a clock

American dream book

The clock is the passage of time. Time runs.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing the clock running - to the problem of desynchronosis, i.e. violations of biological rhythms in the body; to see a stopped clock - the death of one of your friends is possible.

Why dream of a clock

Old English dream book

The fight of the clock in a dream always warns of something.

If in a dream you hear the beat of a clock and count the blows that strike the time until noon, it means that you have great happiness ahead.

If the clock strikes the afternoon, expect trouble.

A sharp single blow of the clock - warns of a deterioration in your health and, perhaps, even of an approaching death.

If you just dream of a clock strike, it means that you will get married soon and will be very happy.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Clock - this symbol corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age.

There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, this is a bad sign.

If in your dream you are afraid to be late and look at your watch all the time, this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss.

Break your watch in a dream - in reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Hours - profit; and to the patient short life.

Why dream of a clock

Russian dream book

To losses;

however, remember the time on the clock - perhaps they showed the date of events that will turn your life upside down - the clock shows the month or year, the minutes show the days or months, respectively;

or perhaps you saw a specific time of events

Why dream of a clock

Russian dream book

This symbol corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age. There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this is a bad sign. If in your dream you are afraid to be late and look at your watch all the time, this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss. Break your watch in a dream, in reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation. The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The clock was created by man specifically to coordinate his world / time with the worlds / time of other people. Watches became necessary with the development of civilization. In more early period a person lacked a sense of natural rhythms. The general agreement on a common time (rhythm of life) binds individuals into a single society. But at the same time, the same time for all enslaves, destroys the individual self, since time from an individual internal personal category in society turns into a category of rhythm, external and impersonal.

A clock is a very special material symbol that reflects what is not material in the world, because time exists / arises only relative to a human observer, and each person lives in his own special time and in his own world different from the worlds (personal self).

Clock mechanical, solar, sand - reflecting the internal state and philosophical categories.

Seeing, knowing in a dream the real time on the clock and feeling its rapid flow away is a lack of something (for example, the dreamer does not have time to work in a dream). Here, the discrepancy between the internal personal rhythm of time and the generally accepted one, the complete discrepancy between external goals and tasks and internal forces, and so on, is manifested. All the more frequent external failures will give rise to increasing internal blocks and depression. In order to prevent the vicious circle from being closed, it is necessary to adjust the goals with the possibilities.

Hourglass or water or rapidly decreasing sand / water in hours - a waste of time and effort on empty deeds or on an ungrateful person.

See in a dream broken / stopped mechanical watches on the hand / on the wall / an old, stopped clock - a psychological stop, obsession with some event in the past and the absence of the present; long-term negative emotions created blocks in the body - obstruction of energy through the channels. The predominant emotion in a dream / after sleep will indicate an unhealthy already for a long time organ.

The stopped clock on the wall of the house indicates the destruction of the family / clan that began at the moment of stopping; an old broken clock may indicate an incorrect flow of energy in several generations (birth diseases). To look for lost hours in a dream is to try to find at least some rhythm of movement along with society. Sleep is unfavorable: a complete loss of both personal internal goals and external guidelines for the movement of life. The search is conducted in the wrong place and by inadequate methods: you should think about the meaning of your personal life, if you have internal goals, the external will improve. If you don’t have the strength to think about it, then art should call for help: theater, books, and so on.

Throw away old watches - get rid of internal blocks, other people's or outdated opinions, inert habits, and the like. The dream is favorable: the attitude to life will become freer, she will smile back.

To see a sundial in a dream - compliance / non-compliance with natural rhythms.

A whole sundial, correctly indicating the time by the sun, evoking pleasant feelings - internal correspondence to external natural rhythms, health and success.

The destroyed sundial is a discrepancy between the rhythms of the sun and nature. In addition to those listed above, there are seasonal dreams: the clock is not dreamed, but the loss of large periods of time is acutely felt. Sleep can be conditionally called a failure of time. For example, before summer vacation when the tickets have already been bought and the weather is good, it suddenly dreams that the vacation is over and it was not possible to rest; or the dreamer dreams of himself much older (there is a fright) than in reality, and so on. The dream indicates the emptiness of energy: the dreamer, as it were, has already spent it ahead - he borrowed it from himself.

Why dream of a clock

Dream interpreter 1829

Watch to see - reminds of a decent use of time; if you dream in a dream that the clock is running forward - this means death; and if you see that they are lagging behind, it marks long life.

Why dream of a clock

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Time on the clock - can correspond to the time of a real experience in the past. Mother's control, reflex. The heart and therefore emotions. Beating and ticking clock. Pulsation in the genitals.

Why dream of a clock

French dream book

If you dreamed of a tower clock, this dream will be followed by the destruction of your home, the collapse of your affairs.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Hours - mistakes, miscalculations.

Why dream of a clock

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will repent very much for the mistakes made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will have something that will radically change your life.

If you dreamed of a watch, such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plan. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler, who is now in power in your state, will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects.

To determine the time in a dream by a watch that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you.

If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will be your teachers in your new business and help you make good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not flatter yourself with the first victory, perhaps it will be followed by a losing streak that will last a whole year.

To dream of an electronic wall clock on which it is displayed means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your inner circle and make an important discovery.

If you dream of an hourglass, this indicates that you will somehow be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply dragged into this business on a lasso and the whole organizational part was dumped on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: they respect you and want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their school events. In 17 or 26 days they have some kind of holiday, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

Why dream of a clock

Aesop's dream book

Clock - this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age and health. There is a belief among the people that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give watches to young people for a wedding, as folk wisdom says: "Happy hours do not watch."

If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the beat of a clock that had stopped a long time ago, this threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones may find themselves without a livelihood. You may be at risk for a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm, then in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

Broken clock - remind you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

Seeing a stopped clock is a sign of stagnation in life.

A watch without hands, a broken watch - to be rejected by the family, society.

Winding up a watch in a dream is a change for the better.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about the people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

27 lunar day

The dream is designed to rid the dreamer of erroneous ideas about his life. It demonstrates the depth of differences between the illusion and the real state of affairs. The benefits of such dreams can only be if they are correctly interpreted.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

March, 3rd

A dream can have a different character and serve as advice, a warning or a warning about danger. It usually comes true soon.

Clock in a dream- A large wall or tower clock dreams of a meeting with a loved one or a long-awaited guest.
To dream of a watch with a gold bracelet- to big profits.
Seeing a watch in a dream that has stopped is at a loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the arrows, then this is a sure sign that your time has already passed, your success will come to naught.
Throw away broken or old watches in a dream- to change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
Giving a watch to someone in a dream promises trouble, you will suffer from your own absent-mindedness, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in your dream you heard a clock strike, expect unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of a watch, it means that very soon a grand event will happen in your life.
If you dreamed of a faulty watch or a watch that did not have hands, this is a sign that you may soon be cruelly deceived.
If you dreamed of a clock, then this dream may be a reminder that your life is passing. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you were giving someone a watch, it means that you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to put your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you were letting your watch down, it means that you are afraid to fall out of time, you are afraid of not being able to do something.
If you dreamed that you were listening to the beat of a clock and counting how many beats the clock struck before noon, great happiness awaits you in life.
If you dreamed that someone left their watch with you, then this someone might become yours. good friend.
If you dream about how you wind your watch- expect rewards for the work you have done, although it is possible that you will be rewarded in a non-monetary way.
If you dream that you are throwing away your old watch- in life you will become more free to everything, and life will go in the right direction.
If you dream that you are late for something and always look at your watch so as not to be late - in life you have an opportunity that should not be missed. The good value of sleeping with a clock is that in the near future there will come a moment when you will have time for everything, and everything will work out.
If you are dreaming. That the clock has “gone ahead” means that in reality you are in too much of a hurry.
If you see in a dream how the clock strikes, it means that the time has come to analyze yourself, to check your work.
If in a dream you see an hourglass and see how the sand decreases in them, in life you are wasting time on some business or on a person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you wind up a watch- your life will change better side.
If in a dream you admire your wrist watch, then in reality you will have enough time to carry out your plan.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and look at your wristwatch, you will soon begin a new period of life in which events will develop slowly but surely. If you carefully consider your actions, you will find what you have been dreaming about for so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock was standing, it means that you did something wrong, and your development will stop. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of illness and even death.
If in a dream you stole or found a watch- be on the lookout, someone will do much harm to your good name by spreading gossip about you.
If in a dream you heard a clock strike, this is a change for the better. Winding a watch in a dream is the right step in life.
If in a dream you heard the monotonous ticking of the hour hand, it means that everything in your life will also be monotonous, and you are not expected to succeed in business.
If you see in a dream a watch that is broken or one that does not have hands, in real life you may be rejected by your family or society.
If you dream that the clock has stopped- in your real life now stagnation.
If you found a watch in a dream- this means that you should stop and catch your breath, as you rush things too much - this can turn into serious problems. Haste has never led to good, so try to be more reasonable.
If you hear the clock strike in the afternoon - such a dream is in trouble.
If you saw how the clock stopped and no longer starts, then, alas, you will have to come to terms with the loss of a very close person.
If a girl dreamed that she was presented with a watch, it means that she will soon meet her future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that on the contrary, you are very slow with something.
As a rule, a watch in a dream symbolizes quick routine worries and obligations. Perhaps, against your will, you will have to deal with new worries and affairs every day, which will take you a lot of time and effort. However, do not be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - this can lead to a quarrel with family and friends, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or elderly person dreams of a clock is a bad sign. A dream means that a person does not have long to live.
A faulty watch dreams of problems in relationships with loved ones or illness.
An hourglass or a sundial is dreaming of the fact that in reality you will not have time to do something. Others will do it for you.
The bad thing is that you waste time on some things. And only you know how to get out of this situation. In addition, a watch in a dream predicts small losses for you that you will not even notice. During sleep, pay attention to the clock. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you that will happen soon.
Lose a watch in a dream- a waste of time.
Lose hours in a dream- to the loss or separation from a faithful comrade, to a quarrel with a loved one, or to the infidelity of a spouse.
I dreamed of a pocket watch - expect minor troubles.
Break your own clock- discord in the family, fights, ruin, major troubles in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely that will not lead to anything good.
Break the clock in your sleep- to trouble.
In a dream, hand over a watch for repair- to a positive outcome of some confusing story.
Listen in your sleep to the ticking of a watch- to promotion.
Watching the clock in a dream- to the tricks of ill-wishers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the dial that you will be able to remember - it is likely that this is the date of some very important event in your life.
Steal a watch in a dream- to problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone will accuse you of laziness and failure to fulfill your duties.
The clock, as a symbol of time, usually dreams of future changes.

What is the clock on the wall associated with? Interpretations of dream books are ambiguous. The clock can indicate both future changes, and the fact that the sleeping person does not let go of the memory of the past. And what else could dream like this? Remember as many details of sleep as possible, and then look into the interpreter.

Miller's interpretation

According to Gustav Miller, a wall clock predicts a situation for which the sleeper will have to use all his inherent patience and skill. If a woman sees such a dream, she should devote more time to solving personal problems.

Hours running slowly mean a long measured life. Fast moving is the opposite.

A broken or stopped watch in a dream means that in real life you are in danger or a stop in business.

Prepare for change

See the wall hung with clocks running second by second? According to the Wanderer's dream book, you have been given a unique chance to change something in your life. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the choice. Think twice before choosing one or the other.

And why dream of the deafening ringing of chimes? To significant changes in life, the dream book explains. It may also happen that these changes will be the result of changes taking place with the country.

Look at life in a new way

As the dream book says, it’s time for those who saw a wall clock in a dream to reflect on their own lives. What is your position in life? What do you want to achieve? What do you consider the most valuable?

Was there a great variety of wall clocks in your dream? So, you are going with the flow, without goals and desires.

And Medea's dream book interprets the dreaming clock as a continuous flow of time. And every minute it goes away. Think - do you have time for everything? What of what was conceived, have you already put into practice? Or maybe what you wanted before is no longer relevant?

For your business

If you saw a lot of old watches in a dream, in reality you will have to answer for what you have done. The esoteric dream book portends repentance, explaining what it means to watch the hour and minute hands move.

Gift a wall clock to a dead person? This dream, although disturbing, nevertheless brings me great importance. According to Modern dream book, what such a dream is about, speaks of the collapse of the planned affairs, and the dubious addictions of the sleeper will be to blame for this.

Ups and downs

In a dream, do you watch the progress of the wall clock? This means that in reality you value time, and this will soon serve you well. Did you have to run them? There is a high probability that you will change for the better. Did you dream of an electronic clock? In a heated debate, you will discover something amazingly valuable for you.

If you had a chance to buy watches in night dreams, it means that in difficult situations you most often retreat, leaving the problem to be solved by itself. Did a young girl see such a dream? She should be less frivolous.

And why dream of a clock that has stopped? They say that the path you are now on will lead nowhere. Think about where you made a mistake, analyze your actions and try to start again. Only then will success be achieved.

Did you dream of a chiming clock, which in reality stopped a long time ago? Disturbing events are coming that will affect the financial component of the sleeper and his close circle.

Detailed interpretations

The general dream book offers to understand the details of the dream.

  • Has the clock stopped in a dream? Your life is at a standstill now.
  • Dreamed of a cuckoo clock? Live a long life.
  • Was the clock in your dream broken? You keep aloof, afraid of rejection by society.

  • A broken clock portends trouble and imminent loss.
  • Did a woman lose a watch in a dream? Problems that affect family life will come into her life.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/03/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Why can a watch dream? It all depends on how they look, where they are, what sounds they make. Dream Interpretations will tell you what your subconscious is signaling.

Eastern dream book

If in a dream you hear the ticking of a clock, get ready for the fact that the road to a well-established life will be long. When the clock itself is not visible, the goal is far away, but it occupies all your thoughts.

Why dream of a watch? You need to hurry up to make your dream come true.

If the clock has stopped, death awaits someone close.

Children's dream book

The clock speaks of consumption vitality. If the arrows move slowly, everything is going as it should. When they accelerate, the forces are wasted on something in vain. There is an urgent need to change priorities.

The ticking of a clock in a dream is an approximation extreme situation, which will require maximum composure. Also, this sound can warn of a disease that already exists, but has not yet manifested itself.

Italian dream book

A watch in a dream most often indicates the presence of some kind of life framework, difficult conditions. The person seems to be in a cage that prevents him from moving freely.

They can also indicate circumstances that interfere with the performance of work, duty.

The presence of hours in dreams often indicates total control. Someone is forcing you to build your life in strict accordance with the norms accepted in society.

Family dream book

Why do financiers and stock market players dream about watches? To great success in work.

A broken, lost or donated watch is a sign of imminent trouble and good luck. If the glass cracked - watch your behavior in society, especially if there are a lot of people around you strangers about which nothing is known.

The watch you have stolen - you are trying to beat the competition using not the cleanest methods. If the watch was stolen from you, someone wants to tarnish your reputation.

The fight of the clock is bad news.

Modern dream book

If you regularly see a watch in a dream, you can count on the success of all your enterprises.

If a woman loses her watch, she will be sad because of domestic troubles.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

An old clock says that it's time to analyze the past life path. Perhaps the results will prompt you to understand the need for urgent change.

Wall clock - you miss all the most important things in life. Most likely, work takes up most of it, and there is no time left for family and yourself.

If in a dream a watch is on your hand, you often look at it, you have many enemies. AT recent times they have stepped up and are preparing an attack.

Trying to tell the time from a watch without hands or a dial is a hidden threat. A great tragedy is also possible, which will be very difficult to survive without the help of specialists.

Dream Interpretation "From, A to Z"

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream means imminent changes for the better.

The fight of the clock - on the contrary, bad events, you may be suspected of something bad. It will ruin your reputation, even if you can rebut the accusations.

Wristwatches portend a successful career development.

Wall - there are many lovers of slander and gossip around you.

Why dream of a gold watch? You will prevail over a strong and dexterous opponent.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The clock says that soon it will be time for new activities. It is possible to change jobs, places of residence, even outlooks on life.

Find a clock in a dream - adjust the time and events. You have been waiting for something for a very long time, but it still does not come.

Hourglass - you are afraid that life is passing too fast.

Cuckoo clock portends a long life. If they are broken, you need to change something so that it turns out to be broken and does not end prematurely.

A stopped clock is the departure of a loved one.

According to the dream book, a watch in a dream portends changes, the successful achievement of goals, good luck in business, a pleasant surprise, lucky chance. What else are they dreaming of? Sometimes they promise deceit, illness, unfair accusations, the machinations of ill-wishers.

Interpretation from the dream books of Enigma and Miller

Have you seen a clock in a dream? Dream Interpretation Enigma explains: the plot recalls the irrational use of time by the dreamer. You should correctly prioritize, reconsider your views and deeds in order of importance.

If you had them on your hand, you will successfully achieve your goals, despite the difficulties that arise. Thanks to the principles adopted earlier, you will easily overcome them.

Did you dream that you were watching their arrows? Miller's interpretation is as follows: rivals will devalue your achievements and interfere with efforts aimed at a certain cause.

The loss of hours in a dream portends a woman domestic troubles that will provoke conflicts, troubles with a partner, says Miller.

What does Vanga and Freud mean

Why dream of an old clock? According to Vanga, this is a hint: it's time to rethink your achievements and understand whether you made the right decisions. You need to think about what spiritual legacy you will leave behind.

Have you looked at a watch that has no dial and tried to tell the time? Vanga's dream book warns: you have to go through a tragedy that will bring a lot of pain.

Was there a large floor or wall clock in the night dream? This means, according to Freud: you will be surprised by sex with a person who was previously considered tight and reserved. It turns out that he expresses his feelings very clearly.

According to Islamic, Muslim dream book

To see a watch in a dream, according to a Muslim dream interpreter, means: the sleeper is entering an important life period, serious changes are ahead. We need to prepare.

Don't be afraid of change. Even if they seem unfavorable, the result will be benefit and experience. It is important to be patient and be able to adapt to new circumstances. Nothing stays the same - everything changes in time.

What clock dreamed

Remember what you dreamed about:

  • wrist - small joys;
  • pocket - good luck in business and undertakings;
  • white - it's time to think about new goals;
  • black - the person you trust will deceive;
  • mechanical - discard illusions, live here and now;
  • old ones - fatigue from routine activities;
  • sand - you may be late to do something;
  • strangers - envy of someone;
  • rusty - deterioration of well-being, loss of energy.

Red - will soon return forgotten debts that you no longer expected to receive. But they themselves must also remember who needs to repay the debt.

Why dream of a pendulum on the wall? The dream interpretation indicates: you will greatly repent for the mistakes made earlier.

Precious in a dream

Was the watch silver in the dream? Soon you will reach the intended and feel peace, tranquility.

Wear gold - take care of old tasks or affairs, but thanks to new circumstances, they can be easily solved. The vision also promises recognition and honors.

Watches with diamonds - there will be some changes. It will help to understand what plan they are appearance watch.

On bracelet, strap

Women, with a beautiful bracelet, suggest: it's time to think about current affairs and solve accumulated questions or troubles. Pay special attention to the love area.

Men's, on an expensive strap in a dream signal the beginning of significant life changes - says the dream book. Perhaps the dreamer will meet a person who will affect his future.

Have you seen desktop?

Why dream of a table clock? They symbolize important things that the sleeper did not dare to start. It's time to take them seriously. No need to be afraid - the main thing is to start, and then everything will turn out.

Seeing an alarm clock - you will soon take part in unusual events that will bring a lot of positive and pleasant emotions.


Did you look at the tower clock in a dream? This is a danger warning for you or relatives.

The clock on the tower tells me now is not the time for active action don't rush things. Have you heard the chimes? The dream book warns: you will find out the sad news.

Was there a wooden clock in the night dream? A certain life stage time to take stock. Evaluate your achievements, draw conclusions and move on.

Two clocks next to show different time? Be exposed to unfair accusations. The vision also indicates an uncertain life position.

Why dream of a watch as an ornament?

Why dream of wearing an elegant watch in the form of a ring on your finger? Fate will thank you for your previous good deeds.

Had a chance to hang a pendant with a clock around your neck in a dream? Your chosen one will very soon present an exquisite surprise in honor of a special date or as a sign that he loves and appreciates you very much.

Have you seen the original, unusual bracelet with a watch? The dream book tells you: in order to achieve what you have planned, you will have to work hard. Was he new? Move on to a more prestigious job.

What does it mean to do something with them:

  • measure - a difficult choice lies ahead;
  • find - you need to be punctual;
  • to sell - a long-awaited vacation;
  • to buy - the desire for easy money;
  • to give - ahead of trouble;
  • receive as a gift - you are deceiving yourself;
  • steal - enemies want to tarnish your reputation;
  • drop without breaking - good luck in solving a difficult case;
  • break - make a serious mistake;
  • put on your hand - significant events in the lives of loved ones.

Chosen in the store? So, things will get better and go uphill - says the dream book. The vision promises success at work and in relationships.

Did you compare time with them? You have enough energy to complete your endeavors. Don't be afraid to take action.

Lose and seek

Lost and looking in a dream? Troubles and strife at home. Show patience and understanding. Also, according to the dream book, the search for hours indicates a lack of communication.

Did you find the lost ones? Be careful to avoid losses. Finding someone else's watch is a great sign. Thanks to unexpected luck, you will achieve your goal.


Why dream of moving the arrows forward? In reality, the desire of the sleeper will come true, but not so quickly. To translate back - something will happen that a person specifically delays. Moreover, it will happen sooner than he expects.

Turn the clock upside down - according to the dream book, you need to reconsider your beliefs. Some misunderstood information confuses, does not allow making the right decisions.

Take off

Take them off in a dream - you work too hard, it's time to take a break, otherwise you will start making mistakes or ruin the results of your work.

Taking off an old watch and throwing it away is a good omen. Symbolizes getting rid of prejudices or outdated views.

Over time, everything changes, and beliefs too. Learn to adapt to modern realities. But do not go to extremes: distinguish important principles from those that change under the influence of fashion or circumstances.

mend the broken

Why dream of breaking the clock? The dream interpretation says: failures and losses will fall on you. Repair them - you can correct the situation, outplay ill-wishers.

Also repairing watches in a dream means: you will correct your mistakes. Also to repair the watch in a dream - you will have to help someone settle the consequences of his mistakes.


Did you have to disassemble the clock mechanism? You will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which it will not be so easy to get out. Think carefully about your steps, do not act in haste.

Why dream of disassembling them, troubleshooting and reassembling them? The meaning of the plot, according to the dream book: the sleeper will independently cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

We saw how something happened with the clock:

  • beat the time - a significant event is very close;
  • crashed - trouble, loss;
  • broke - you need to immediately solve a certain problem;
  • stopped - relatives will seriously quarrel;
  • in a hurry - there will be an opportunity to change the life of the family for the better;
  • went back - a return to the past.

Did the clock fall behind in your sleep? Hurry up to do something or complete what you started: favorable time passes. Started going wrong? Everything will go awry, it may even end sadly.

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