Where does Khodorkovsky live now. Mikhail Khodorkovsky - biography, information, personal life

Fashion & Style 18.07.2019
Fashion & Style

For ten years, Mikhail Khodorkovsky's wife, Inna Valentinovna, supported her husband while he was serving a sentence on charges of embezzlement and tax evasion. When Khodorkovsky was convicted, he was a co-owner and head of the Yukos oil company, and one of the richest people in the world, and while in prison, Mikhail Borisovich realized once again that the most important thing a person has is his family. Marriage with Inna is the second in the biography of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The first time he married while still a student, when, like his first wife Elena Dobrovolskaya, he studied at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. They were brought together by social work - Mikhail was the deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee, and Elena was a member of the Komsomol committee.

The son Pavel, whom Elena gave birth to, did not save the family from divorce - their living together did not last long, but they parted peacefully and without mutual reproaches. Khodorkovsky never forgot about his first family, he always supported his ex-wife and son financially, helped Pavel get an education abroad.

In the photo - Mikhail Khodorkovsky with his wife and daughter

Khodorkovsky had an office romance with his second wife - Inna worked at the Menatep bank, which was led by Mikhail Borisovich - she was an expert in foreign exchange transactions. The childhood of the second wife of the oligarch passed in Medvedkovo, where she lived with her mother and sister in a communal apartment. Inna began dating Khodorkovsky when he was still married, they began to live together, slowly entering into an official marriage, and signed only after their daughter was born.

In the photo - Mikhail and Inna Khodorkovsky

Inna combined work with studies at the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute, but after she married Khodorkovsky, she left both. In 1991, their first child was born - daughter Nastya, and eight years later twins appeared in the family - Gleb and Ilya. Their life together began in a rented apartment, then continued on Rublevka in a rest home, and they built their own house in Zhukovka only a few years later. Later, the Khodorkovskys acquired a mansion in the Old Arbat area.

While Mikhail was in charge of Yukos, Inna took care of the house and raising children. Eldest daughter she studied at an elite school, and her sons were still small. When their father was arrested, they were only four years old, and by the time Khodorkovsky was released in 2013, his children were already living and studying in Switzerland.

All the years of imprisonment, the wife of Mikhail Borisovich lived in constant fear and a state of uncertainty in tomorrow. All ten years she went on dates to her husband, prepared programs for him, brought photos of children and talked about the achievements of growing children. Inna always said that Mikhail, whom she married at the age of seventeen, is the most precious thing in her life.

When he was arrested, she was in a state of shock for two years and kept only on sedatives. Inna Valentinovna saw an outlet in her children, whose fear for the future helped her to find strength in herself and live on.

The eldest son Pavel from Khodorkovsky's first marriage during this time managed to get married, his daughter Diana was born. He lives in America, heads the Institute of Modern Russia.

In the photo - Khodorkovsky with his sons

A year after his release, Mikhail Borisovich and his family settled in Switzerland, where he received a residence permit. They live in the Swiss community of Rapperswil-Jona in the canton of St. Gallen, where they rented a villa overlooking Lake Zurich, and immediately after his release, Khodorkovsky flew to Germany, where he gave his first interview at a big press conference, in which he stressed that he did not plan to engage in politics and business, and plans to engage in social activities.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky still owns the $2 billion investment fund Quadrum Atlantic SPC, and Mikhail Borisovich's total net worth as of the summer of 2016 was estimated at about $500 million.

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky. Born June 26, 1963 in Moscow. Russian entrepreneur, public figure, publicist.

In 1997-2004 was a co-owner and head of the Yukos oil company. Arrested on charges of embezzlement and tax evasion on October 25, 2003. At the time of his arrest, he was one of the richest people in the world, his fortune was estimated at 15 billion dollars. In 2005, he was found guilty of fraud and other crimes by a Russian court. The Yukos company went into bankruptcy proceedings. In 2010-2011 he was sentenced under new circumstances; taking into account subsequent appeals, the total period set by the court was 10 years and 10 months.

The court's decision received a controversial assessment from the Russian and international public: some consider Khodorkovsky justly convicted, others - a prisoner of conscience, persecuted for political reasons.

Amnesty International has awarded Khodorkovsky and his colleague Platon Lebedev the status of "prisoners of conscience." The European Court of Human Rights, in its decision, issued in May 2011, found procedural violations during arrest, established facts of humiliation of human dignity during detention during the preliminary and judicial investigation, and consideration of complaints about detention. At the same time, the ECHR considered that irrefutable evidence of the political motivation of the authorities in the criminal prosecution of Khodorkovsky was not presented.

On November 12, 2013, Khodorkovsky, having spent more than 10 years in prison and not admitting his guilt, sent a petition to the President of the Russian Federation for clemency due to family circumstances.

On December 10, 2013, information appeared in the press that the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was dealing with the new, third in a row, Khodorkovsky case.

On December 19, 2013, Vladimir Putin at the annual press conference at the WTC announced that Khodorkovsky, according to his request, would soon be pardoned. The next morning, December 20, Putin signed a pardon decree, releasing him from serving his sentence. On the same day, Khodorkovsky was taken from the colony in Karelia to the St. Petersburg airport, and then on a German plane to Berlin.

After his release, he settled with his family in Switzerland, where he received a residence permit. Several companies are registered in Geneva in the name of Khodorkovsky. In 2014, he estimated his fortune at $100 million.

Having gained freedom, Khodorkovsky initially planned to concentrate on social, human rights activities and was not going to engage in Russian politics. However, on September 20, 2014, from Paris, for the first time, he announced his presidential ambitions - with the aim of carrying out constitutional reform in Russia.

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky was born on June 26, 1963 in Moscow into the family of Boris Moiseevich (born August 3, 1933) and Marina Filippovna (nee Petrova, September 13, 1934 - August 3, 2014) Khodorkovsky. Khodorkovsky's great-grandfather maternal line was an entrepreneur who owned a factory that was taken away after the revolution. Both mother and father were chemical engineers who worked all their lives at the Moscow Caliber plant, which produced precision measuring equipment. Until 1971, the family lived in a communal apartment, then a separate housing appeared.

He graduated from school No. 277. In the early 90s, gymnasium No. 1503 was formed, which transferred a significant number of teachers, including classroom teacher M. B. Khodorkovsky. Interested in chemistry and mathematics.

In 1981, Mikhail entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev.

In parallel with his studies at the institute, he worked as a carpenter in the Etalon housing and construction cooperative in order to provide for himself. This did not prevent him from studying well - all the years spent at the institute, he was best student course. While studying at the institute, Mikhail married a classmate Elena. In 1985, their son Pavel was born. In 1986 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. D. Mendeleev (MKhTI), having received a diploma in the specialty "engineer-technologist".

For some time he worked as a released deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute.

In 1987, when some forms of private entrepreneurship were allowed in the USSR with the beginning of perestroika, Khodorkovsky and his comrades used their Komsomol connections to create, on the basis of the Youth Initiative Fund, the Intersectoral Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (NTTM) at the Frunze District Committee of the Komsomol under the auspices of the Central Committee of the Komsomol in within the framework of the development of scientific and technical creativity of youth. Thus, Khodorkovsky carried out the next resolution of the Communist Party - on the centers of scientific and technical creativity of youth.

In the early days of the Center's existence, Khodorkovsky was supported by Sergei Monakhov, First Secretary of the Frunze District Committee of the Komsomol, and Igor Smykov, a member of the SMUiS of the MGK Komsomol. Ivan Bortnik, First Deputy Chairman of the USSR SCST, personally contributed to the allocation of significant amounts from the state budget for the purchase by the Center of a large batch of IBM PC computers for the USSR SCST and the country's government.

NTTM was engaged in the import and sale of computers, the brewing of jeans, the sale of alcoholic beverages (including counterfeit cognac), etc. - a business that at that time brought high profits. At the same time, NTTM made money on the so-called cashing out. At that time, research institutes, design bureaus, factories, unlike the centers of NTTM, did not have the right to pay their own and invited employees the money they actually earned for fulfilling third-party orders. To circumvent this limitation, businesses passed their orders through the NTTM centers, paying them commissions - at first 90%, but gradually, with the growth of the supply of these services, the commissions decreased. Khodorkovsky and colleagues were among the first to engage in cashing, and already in 1988 the total turnover of NTTM's trade and intermediary operations amounted to 80 million rubles. Subsequently, Khodorkovsky said that it was then that he earned his first big money - 160,000 rubles, which he received for a special development from the Institute for High Temperatures of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

However, the Frankfurter Rundschau calls these transactions "doubtful transactions with money intended for settlements between state enterprises", which, along with the import of computers and counterfeit cognac, as well as currency tricks, became the basis of Khodorkovsky's wealth.

By the beginning of the 1990s, there were already more than 600 centers of scientific and technical creativity of youth in the USSR, and formally they were called upon to introduce new scientific and technical developments into production and disseminate scientific literature.

At the Institute for High Temperatures of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Khodorkovsky met Vladimir Dubov, whose relatives had connections in the highest echelons of power, up to Mikhail Gorbachev.

In parallel with his activities at NTTM, Khodorkovsky continued his studies at the Institute National economy them. G. V. Plekhanov. At this institute, Khodorkovsky met Alexei Golubovich, whose relatives held high positions in the State Bank of the USSR. In 1988 he graduated from the Institute of National Economy with a degree in financier.

Thanks to his acquaintance with Golubovich, NTTM got the opportunity to create a cooperative bank, which was carried out in 1989: the Frunze branch of the USSR Zhilsotsbank and NTTM established CIB NTP (Commercial Innovation Bank of Scientific and Technological Progress).

In 1990, CIB NTP, having bought NTTM from the Moscow Council, was renamed the Interbank Association "MENATEP" (short for "Interbank Association of Scientific and Technical Progress" or "Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Programs"). Khodorkovsky became chairman of the board of Menatep, Nevzlin and Golubovich - deputy chairmen of the board, Dubov - head of the department of subsidiary banks and the financial group.

In 1990, Menatep was one of the first commercial banks in Russia to receive a license from the State Bank of the USSR. "Menatep" carried out active transactions with currency, and also sold its shares to individuals, using television advertising for these purposes. The sale of shares brought Menatep 2.3 million rubles, but the people who bought the shares did not receive any decent dividends.

In the future, the connections of "Menatep" with the authorities expanded. Khodorkovsky and Nevzlin became advisers to Russian Prime Minister Ivan Silaev and also established relations with Fuel and Energy Minister Vladimir Lopukhin. Thanks to this, Menatep received permission to serve the funds of the Ministry of Finance, the state tax service, and later the state company Rosvooruzhenie, which was engaged in the export of weapons.

Through the efforts of Lopukhin, in March 1992, Khodorkovsky was appointed president of the Fund for the Promotion of Investments in the Fuel and Energy Complex with the rights of Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy. The Foundation has not implemented a single project. During the leadership of the fund, Khodorkovsky met V. S. Chernomyrdin, who in December 1992 became chairman of the Russian government.

The collapse of the USSR and the rise to power of Boris Yeltsin dramatically accelerated the transition of the Russian economy to a market economy. A large-scale privatization program was carried out, during which a significant share of Russian industry was concentrated in the hands of several financial and industrial groups (FIGs), the core of which were commercial banks, and the real owners were those who would later be called "oligarchs".

"Menatep", like other commercial banks, took an active part in the privatization - as the most profitable, the bank's management identified such areas as the textile industry, food industry, construction, building materials industry, non-ferrous metallurgy (titanium and magnesium), production of mineral fertilizers. To manage the activities of the nascent industrial empire was created special organization- "Rosprom", for which the best specialists of the former industrial ministries and financial institutions were involved.

In 1995, after the completion of the "voucher" privatization, the Russian economy, however, remained in a deplorable state. While businessmen close to government circles were making huge fortunes, delays in wages employees of budgetary and joint-stock enterprises reached monstrous proportions. The ongoing war in Chechnya required constant funding. Under these conditions, the country's leadership did not find a better solution than to apply for loans from the largest commercial banks. As collateral for loans, banks demanded that controlling stakes in enterprises be provided to them for external management, which the state intended to leave in its ownership and did not plan to put up for sale for vouchers - oil industry enterprises, shipping companies, giants of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. A condition was set - if the state fails to repay the loans within a year, then these enterprises will be sold through the so-called "loan auctions". The bankers initially decided on their priorities, dividing among themselves the properties put up for sale, and the scandals that those who could not break into the "circle of the elite" tried to raise quickly faded away.

The state did not pay, and the stakes in Yukos, Norilsk Nickel”, “Sibneft”, “Surgutneftegaz”, “Lukoil”, “SIDANKO”, “Mechel”, “Nafta-Moscow”, Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, Murmansk and Novorossiysk Shipping Companies, Tuapse Commercial Sea Port and North-Western Shipping Company moved into private arms. Menatep was just one of several banks involved in the loans-for-shares deal. As Paul Klebnikov, senior editor of Forbes magazine, wrote: “In the fall of 1995, his bank MENATEP received the right to participate in the auction for a 45% stake in the state company Yukos. After foreign investors (they did not have the right to participate. - Vedomosti) and Russian applicants were disqualified, Khodorkovsky and five of his partners became the owners of 78% of the company's shares, paying $ 309 million.

The Izvestia newspaper described the process as follows: “The tidbit at the auction was Yukos, the second largest oil company in Russia, and the first in terms of oil reserves. will be ours." A consortium of Inkombank, Alfa-Bank and Rossiyskiy Kredit also put forward its claims to Yukos. The latter offered $350 million for Yukos shares. But MENATEP was in charge of registering participants in the auction - the application of competitors was not accepted was for formal reasons. As a result, 45 percent of Yukos shares went to the shell company representing MENATEP for $ 159 million - only $ 9 million more than the starting price. Then MENATEP dealt with Yukos like a python slowly pulling its body onto In addition to 45 percent of the shares, another 33 percent received through investment auctions were added, followed by an additional issue of shares, which further reduced the state's share in the company. "owned 90 percent of the shares of Yukos".

Economist, laureate Nobel Prize Joseph Stiglitz in 2003 called the Russian privatization of the 1990s "illegitimate" and expressed fears about the possible leakage of money from Russia that Khodorkovsky could have received from the sale of property. To correct this situation, he proposed to levy a 90% tax on "surplus income", as well as a tax on the export of capital from the country.

Having become the owner of Yukos, Khodorkovsky was carried away by the development of a new, industrial business. A team of hired managers took over Menatep Bank, which subsequently (after the default of 1998) created a new bank, Menatep SPb, on the basis of its St. . The bank, however, maintained close ties with the Yukos company and largely existed due to its financial flows.

As a result of the 1998 default, Bank Menatep collapsed, unable to repay large foreign currency loans, and lost its license. The main creditors of Menatep at that time were three foreign banks - the South African Standard Bank, the Japanese Daiwa Bank and the German West LB Bank, which loaned it against the security of Yukos shares. Khodorkovsky, in order not to lose control over Yukos, announced his intention to carry out an additional issue of shares, as a result of which the block of shares that was pledged to creditors could depreciate. In this situation, the banks preferred to take losses, losing their shares to Khodorkovsky. This undermined the reputation of Khodorkovsky, Menatep and Yukos in international financial circles for many years. Only in 2003 did Khodorkovsky decide to turn again to Western banks with a request for a new loan.

As political scientist Alexander Tsipko wrote, “fabulous fortunes, including the fortune of Khodorkovsky, arose not only in a poor country, but also as a result of the impoverishment of the vast majority of the population. Khodorkovsky's billion-dollar fortune coexists with the poverty of pensioners, with the poverty of twenty million Russians who ended up in the 15th century and live off subsistence farming.

After the 1998 default, Western businessmen were at first afraid to do business with Russia. Khodorkovsky was one of the first Russian oligarchs who realized that foreign investment is needed to conduct global business. As The Financial Times wrote, "by the turn of the new century, many of the Russian oligarchs realized that they needed to get rid of their negative reputation in the West and 'position' themselves in a new way - as law-abiding businessmen."

In the years following the default, Yukos began to pay significant dividends. The proceeds from the sale of OAO Vostochnaya Oil Company, whose oil production capacities supplied Yukos with "well fluid" and where Yukos owned 54% of the shares, decreased by 130 times over 4 years. In 1998, the proceeds of OAO VNK amounted to 3,404 million rubles, and in 2001 - 26 million rubles.

In September 1998, a reform of the company's management system was launched. Western consulting firms Arthur D. Little and McKinsey took part in developing the reform plan. As a result of the function executive bodies were assigned to two specialized management companies, and the functions of the central office - to the corporate center "YUKOS-Moscow". One of the management companies, Yukos EP, managed all the divisions of the company, whose activities were related to the exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The second, Yukos RM, managed all enterprises involved in the processing, marketing and transportation of oil and oil products. The strategic planning of the company's development was transferred to the responsibility of Yukos-Moscow. Non-core production facilities were separated into independent structures or transferred to third-party contractors. In parallel, a transition was made to external service maintenance of deposits. On the basis of the service enterprises that were part of Yukos, the Siberian Service Company was created. Structural changes were also carried out in the processing sector. An oils and additives plant was spun off from the Novokuibyshevsk Refinery, separate enterprises were formed to provide repairs and Maintenance fixed production assets, provision of transport and other related services.

In 2000, the results of the first stage of YUKOS' transition to a single share appeared. In the course of converting the shares of subsidiaries into holding papers, Yukos consolidated more than 90% of the shares of Yuganskneftegaz and Samaraneftegaz, as well as about 50% of the shares of Tomskneft. In February 2000, the second stage of the reorganization started. There was a conversion of shares of four oil refineries - Kuibyshev, Novokuibyshev, Syzran and Achinsk. In all these enterprises, Yukos owned at least a controlling stake.

In 2001, the process of exchanging shares of subsidiaries for shares of Yukos was completed. After the transition to a single share, the share of the parent company in the authorized capitals of OAO Yuganskneftegaz, OAO Samaraneftegaz, OAO Tomskneft, OAO Kuibyshevskiy Refinery, OAO Novokuibyshevskiy NPZ and OAO Syzranskiy NPZ increased significantly and approached 100% . Slightly lower was the participation of Yukos in the capital of the Achinsk refinery and marketing divisions: from 75 to 98%.

The transition to a single share led to an increase in the transparency of the company, and by 2003, Yukos shares rose significantly in price.

In parallel with the reform of business management, the management of Yukos resorted to the so-called tax optimization, using numerous legal loopholes to reduce the amount of tax deductions - understating the tax base, selling oil through "one-day" trading companies registered in regions with preferential taxation, the use of transfer pricing, the sale of oil under the guise of "well fluid", the use of the "reverse offset" scheme, etc. Similar schemes were used in one combination or another by all Russian oil companies, but the option with "well fluid" was used only by Yukos. According to Yulia Latynina, the idea of ​​selling the so-called "fluid at the wellhead", which was the main way to minimize local taxes, was "the best invention of Yukos." In fact, this way of minimizing taxes was "borrowed" in the United States.

In May 2005, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow found Khodorkovsky guilty of fraud, misappropriation of other people's property, non-payment of taxes and other crimes and sentenced him to 9 years in prison under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The Moscow City Court, by its cassation ruling of September 22, 2005, reduced the term to 8 years. As a result, the main oil-producing assets of the Yukos company became the property of the state oil company Rosneft, and the Yukos company itself underwent bankruptcy proceedings.

As a result, Khodorkovsky was sentenced to 9 years in prison in a penal colony.

In December 2006, Khodorkovsky, along with Platon Lebedev, was transferred to the Chita remand prison, where he was charged with new charges in a new criminal case on oil theft. On December 30, 2010, the court found Khodorkovsky and Lebedev guilty under Articles 160 and 174 part 1 in the second Yukos case and decided to sentence Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev to 14 years in prison on the basis of the cumulative sentences, taking into account the previously served time.

In September 2011, the European Court of Human Rights found that the tax optimization schemes used by Yukos were never legal in Russia. Also, the ECtHR found no evidence that such practices were generally accepted in Russian business.

On December 10, 2013, information appeared in the press that the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was dealing with the new, third in a row, Khodorkovsky case. On December 19, at a press conference at the WTC, V. Putin said that he did not see any prospects in the third Khodorkovsky case. The next day, a decree was signed to pardon the businessman.

On December 20, 2013, Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On pardoning M. B. Khodorkovsky." He was released at night, so hastily that Khodorkovsky was not given a certificate of release, they did not give him time to change the prisoner's costume to civilian clothes. Left the colony in Segezha company car UFSIN, proceeding to the UFSIN Reception House, and from there to Petrozavodsk Airport. There, a Tu-134 letter plane was waiting for him, on which Khodorkovsky arrived at St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport, where he was released by an escort. From Pulkovo on a private plane Cessna, provided by the former German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, flew to Berlin.

On March 4, 2014, Khodorkovsky announced that he was ready to be a peacemaker in the situation in Ukraine. On March 9, 2014, he spoke in Kyiv on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, where he criticized the Russian authorities, and called those whom the Russian federal channels call "Ukrainian nationalists" "wonderful people who defended their freedom."

On September 20, 2014, from Paris, Khodorkovsky participated in an online forum to restart Open Russia. From his speech at this forum, observers concluded that Khodorkovsky intended to resume political activity in order to build a network horizontal structure. Khodorkovsky’s statements boiled down to the fact that the opposition “needs to organize itself before the elections to the State Duma in 2016,” since elections are vulnerable spot the current Russian government. In the same place, in Paris, at a festival dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the newspaper Le Monde, Khodorkovsky said that he was ready to become president of Russia and take responsibility “to carry out a constitutional reform, the main thing in which is the redistribution of presidential power in favor of the court, parliament and civil society »

Family of Mikhail Khodorkovsky:

First marriage - with Elena Dobrovolskaya; according to Khodorkovsky, his first student marriage was unsuccessful, but he maintained good relations with ex-wife. Son Pavel (b. 1985), lives in the USA. In December 2009, Pavel's daughter Diana was born, and Mikhail Borisovich became a grandfather. “I am a son, husband, father and grandfather “by correspondence”. I don't know how this helps my country, but the "system" seems to be calmer this way," he said at the end of April 2010 in an interview with the French edition of Metro.

Second marriage (since 1991) - Inna Valentinovna Khodorkovskaya (b. March 24, 1969), an employee, at that time, of the MENATEP bank. Daughter - Anastasia (b. April 26, 1991) and two twins: Ilya and Gleb (b. April 17, 1999), as of 2013, live and study in Switzerland.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail's father and mother were chemical engineers, all her life she worked at the Moscow Caliber plant, which produces precision measuring equipment. The Khodorkovskys lived quite modestly, their father constantly worked part-time.

Mikhail graduated from Moscow school No. 277. There he was fond of mathematics and chemistry. In 1981, the future entrepreneur entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Mendeleev. As a student, he worked as a carpenter at the Etalon housing cooperative. This did not interfere with his studies at all, he was the best student in his course. At the university, Khodorkovsky married a classmate named Elena. Well, in 1985, the son Pasha appeared in the family. Later, Mikhail graduated with honors from the institute with a degree in process engineering. After that, he began working as a released deputy secretary of the Komsomol MKhTI and graduated from the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy.

First business

With the beginning of perestroika, private enterprise was allowed in the USSR. Mikhail Khodorkovsky became the head of the Intersectoral Center for Scientific and Technological Youth "NTTM". The organization was engaged in the import and sale of computers, as well as the cooking of jeans, the sale of alcohol. Such a business brought huge profits. The center also earned by cashing out funds. By 1998, the total turnover of the operation amounted to 80 million rubles. At that time, many of these operations were called dubious.

Creation of a commercial bank

NTTM got the opportunity to create a cooperative bank. It happened in 1989, the bank became known as the Commercial Innovative Bank of Scientific and Technical Progress. Later it was renamed to "Menatep". Khodorkovsky became chairman of the board.

Well, after obtaining a license from the State Bank, "Menatep" got the opportunity to serve the funds of the Ministry of Finance, tax, "Rosvooruzhenie". After the collapse of the USSR, Menatep took part in privatization. For the new industrial empire was created separate organization Rosprom. By the end of the 90s, only mining enterprises, for example, Murmansk Apatit, remained in the ownership of Khodorkovsky from a huge number of objects. Ten years later, Khodorkovsky and his partner Lebedev were convicted for violations that were revealed during the privatization of Apatit.

And before that, in 1995, after the end of the "voucher" privatization, the Yukos company passed into the ownership of Khodorkovsky through loans-for-shares auctions. After the purchase, Khodorkovsky lost interest in banking and became interested in the development of industrial business. Bank "Menatep" was taken over by hired managers, they made it a branch in St. Petersburg "Menatep SPb", later "Trust". Khodorkovsky's banking business was later completely bought out. And during the default of 1998, Menatep collapsed, he could not repay loans in foreign currency and lost his license. Several foreign banks financed Menatep on the security of Yukos shares. In order not to lose control over the company, Khodorkovsky announced his intention to take an additional issue of shares, the banks relented. This undermined the reputation of the entrepreneur and his companies in financial circles for a long time. Mikhail applied for new loans to Western banks only in 2003.


In 1992, Khodorkovsky became the head of the Fund for the Promotion of Investments in the Fuel and Energy Complex with the rights of the Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the country. Then he was the chairman of the board of directors of Menatep.

And from 1997 until 2004, Mikhail Khodorkovsky served as co-owner and head of the Yukos oil company. She passed to the entrepreneur after loans-for-shares auctions.

Arrest. First case

On October 25, 2003, Khodorkovsky was arrested at the Novosibirsk airport. He was accused of tax evasion and embezzlement. A few days later, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office arrested the Yukos shares.

At the time of his arrest, Mikhail was considered the richest Russian, and he was ranked 16th on the Forbes list. At the same time, Khodorkovsky, along with Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Nemtsov, were considered as a presidential candidate.

The reason for starting an investigation against the owners of Yukos was the request of State Duma deputy Yudin about the legality of the privatization of the Apatit plant in 1994. It was controlled by Khodorkovsky and his associates. A few days later, another criminal case appeared about tax evasion by structures that are under the Yukos oil company and embezzlement. Later, the case broke up into several, in relation to individual employees. However, according to some versions, there is also a political component in the case.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky on video

At first, the investigation was carried out in strict secrecy, but on July 2, 2003, the case became known after Platon Lebedev, chairman of the board of directors of Menatep, was arrested.

Khodorkovsky was not very worried at first by the Prosecutor General's Office. He was only interrogated as a witness. But in the fall, serious claims appeared against the entrepreneur. And on October 25, 2003, Mikhail's plane at the Novosibirsk airport was blocked by FSB officers, Khodorkovsky was sent to Moscow to the investigative committee of the Prosecutor General's Office, then placed in a pre-trial detention center. Claims against him are the same as against Lebedev, theft of other people's property, non-execution of a court decision, damage to property, tax evasion, forgery of documents, misappropriation, embezzlement of other people's property.

At this time, the accounts and assets of Yukos were frozen. Part of the money went to taxes and salaries to employees, the other was deducted in favor of the state on account of debts. The company began to fall apart.

In May 2005, Khodorkovsky was found guilty. He was sentenced to 9 years in prison with serving a sentence in a penal colony, later it was reduced to 8 years. The entrepreneur was serving his sentence in correctional colony number 10 of the general regime of Krasnokamensk, Chita region.

Second Khodorkovsky case

At the end of 2006, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were transferred to the pre-trial detention center in the Chita region. They were charged with new charges - theft of oil, namely 350 million tons of fuel. According to new episodes, the disgraced oligarch was threatened with up to 22 years in prison. In the winter of 2009, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were transferred to Moscow, where hearings on the criminal case began. At the end of 2010, the court found the businessman and his colleague guilty, and sentenced them to 14 years in prison, taking into account the previously served time. Later, the period was reduced by a year. The convicts were transferred to correctional colony number 7 in the Karelian city of Segezha.

About the clan of enforcers

In the spring of 2011, the European Court of Human Rights recognized that certain rights were violated in the first case against Mikhail, but the case was not recognized as politically motivated.

hunger strikes

Four times during his imprisonment, Mikhail Khodorkovsky went on hunger strikes. The first dry hunger strike was in August 2005, together with Lebedev, who was in the punishment cell. It lasted four days. The second took place in early May 2006, Mikhail protested against solitary confinement. After a year and a half in a pre-trial detention center in Chita, the entrepreneur was starving in order to release the sick Vasily Aleksanyan. The protest continued for two weeks - Aleksanyan was transferred to the clinic. And in May 2010, the disgraced oligarch began to protest against the fact that the court was considering a second case against him and extended the period of detention.

Personal life of Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Is in a second marriage. In 1991, he married Inna, who worked at the Menatep bank. The result of the union was the daughter Nastya and the twins Gleb and Ilya. From his first marriage with Lena Dobrovolskaya, Mikhail has a son, Pavel. In December 2009, Pavel had a daughter, Diana, so Khodorkovsky became a grandfather.

Borisovich is an example of the unpredictability of life, it is full of ups and downs, dizzying successes and fatal failures. Today, the name of Khodorkovsky is surrounded by a mass of rumors, myths and conjectures, so how did his fate develop?

Childhood and family

Khodorkovsky (biography, parents, who at the beginning life path were the most common) was born on June 26, 1963 in Moscow, in the family of engineers of the Caliber plant. his father for a long time held the position of chief technologist, my mother was an ordinary process engineer. The family did not have much wealth, his father was a homeless child in the past, a Jew by nationality, he worked conscientiously all his life. Mom had noble ancestors, but this was not a subject of discussion in the house. The biography of Khodorkovsky, whose family belonged to representatives of the technical intelligentsia in the best sense of the word, began very typically for the USSR. For the first four years of his life, Mikhail lived in a communal apartment, then the family moved to a separate one.

Misha from childhood was distinguished by great seriousness, even in kindergarten nicknamed the "director", at school the nickname "theorist" was firmly entrenched in him. He studied well, demonstrated great abilities in mathematics and chemistry. He studied at a special school, studied chemistry, at home, together with his parents, solved problems in this subject and did various experiments. In addition to studying, Mikhail also practiced karate and sambo, read a lot.

Years of study

Misha Khodorkovsky, whose biography has been associated with chemistry since childhood, in 1980 enters the Chemical-Technological Institute. Mendeleev. It was not the most brilliant university, it was not difficult for a gifted young man to study there. In parallel, he is engaged in social work: he actively participates in the life of the Komsomol, leads the construction team. It was he who found work in Siberia, he himself conducted all negotiations with the directors of enterprises, and in the summer the students earned good money. His squad in the fourth year became the best in harvesting. In 1985, Khodorkovsky graduated from high school with honors and has the opportunity to choose the place of distribution. He wanted to work at a closed enterprise in Siberia, but it did not work out. There are several versions why the plans did not come true. They say that the nationality, recorded according to the father in Mikhail's passport, interfered, another version says that the choice of the graduate was influenced by the speech of the rector, who spoke about the futility of doing science at the present stage.

Later, Mikhail entered the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy as a financier (graduated in 1988).

First earnings

The working biography of Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich began in childhood. While studying at school, he swept the streets, cut bread in a bakery, worked as a carpenter's assistant - this is how the boy managed to earn pocket money and for reagents. While studying at the institute, he also constantly worked as a carpenter in the Etalon building cooperative. He always had a desire to make money, and he found a way how to do it.

Youth work

After graduating from high school, the biography of Khodorkovsky, whose nationality was “Jewish” by his father, turned out a little differently than he dreamed of, due to the fact that he could not get into a secret institute engaged in defense development. Therefore, Mikhail worked for some time as a released deputy secretary of the Komsomol university, and then became deputy secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol. At this time, a wave of commercialization of everything begins, including public organizations They were given little economic freedom. Khodorkovsky, along with Sergei Monakhov, took advantage of this. It establishes the Youth Initiative Fund, which makes it possible to profit from youth activities. Later, on the basis of this fund, the Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth grew up. The creation of such a center was dictated by the spirit of the time, Khodorkovsky listened sensitively to the surrounding events and was able to feel the expected profit in this enterprise. The point was not to support youth projects, but that such centers were allowed to engage in commercial activities for self-sufficiency. And Mikhail developed a stormy activity: he organized the import and sale of computers, the sale of alcohol, and created a workshop for the production of "boiled" jeans. All this brought considerable profits. But Khodorkovsky only scaled up, he managed to create a system for cashing out money from other organizations that could not make payments. At this time, he earns his first really big money. He became the "inventor" of many financial schemes, which were later used by numerous followers.

At this time, Khodorkovsky acquires large, useful connections that help him reach a new level.


In 1989, Khodorkovsky and his comrades created commercial Bank, and then the interbank association, abbreviated MENATEP. He himself stands at the head of the enterprise, Nevzlin and Golubovich become deputies, Dubov manages subsidiary banks. The bank is one of the first in the country to receive a state license and starts selling foreign currency, and then issues its own shares, which are actively advertised on TV. Shareholders did not wait for the promised huge dividends. The bank served many large state structures, which created a gigantic turnover.

During the years of privatization, MENATEP was actively involved in buying up the country's property. By manipulating loans-for-shares auctions, the bank becomes the owner of a 90% stake in the country's second largest oil company, Yukos. From that moment on, Khodorkovsky is no longer interested in being a banker, he plunges into a new industry for himself.


Khodorkovsky's biography takes a new turn, he is fond of other business. Oil opens up the broadest possibilities for the implementation of various projects. But before he had time to turn around, the year struck, which undermined the stability of Khodorkovsky's bank and "planted a stain" on Yukos, which did not want to pay dividends. Mikhail Borisovich quickly caught on, was able to level his business, although the bank had to be abandoned. After the default, he is engaged in the establishment of oil production and export, restructuring the company, increasing the transparency of income and expenses, which returns the confidence of investors. By 2003, Yukos shares had doubled in value. The company will also apply various methods"tax optimization" to increase business profitability. In 2003, Forbes estimated Khodorkovsky's fortune at $8 billion, calling him the richest Russian of the year.

Khodorkovsky twice makes attempts to create a single campaign for Yuksi (together with Abramovich's Sibneft). He devised a scheme that would allow him to insure his business and become the richest man in the world, but law enforcement intervened and dashed his hopes.

Political activity

Khodorkovsky's biography has always been associated not only with earnings, but also with the public and political sphere. In 1990-91, he and Nevzlin were advisers to Prime Minister Silaev, whom they had known since the times of the Centers for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth. In 1993, Mikhail became chairman of the Investment Fund for the Promotion of TEP. In subsequent years, he is a member of many committees and councils of various levels, up to the government. Since 1999, most of the company's capital has been spent on creating an image and lobbying interests in the government. Khodorkovsky also does charity work - he supports a boarding school for orphans. He finances the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Yabloko in the districts where large oil fields are located. In 2003, he sponsors four parties in the elections at once.

In 2002, Khodorkovsky created the Open Russia Foundation, whose board of directors included G. Kissinger. By 2004, there were more than 50 branches of the organization throughout the country, which was engaged in the modernization of education, provided the Internet to remote regions, and worked with young people. The Foundation helped Khodorkovsky popularize his business and his worldview.

Prosecutions and years of imprisonment

In 2003, Khodorkovsky's biography takes a sharp turn. In February, he clashes with Putin on the issue of the legitimacy of the sale of Rosneft, this was the last straw, the authorities ran out of patience. The government has long had a lot of questions about the activities of Yukos, he was reminded of the "tax optimization" and opened a criminal case, first against Lebedev, and then against Khodorkovsky. He did not want to leave the country, despite all the warnings of his friends, and stayed to support the arrested Lebedev, but on October 25, 2003 he was arrested on the way to Irkutsk.

In 2005, the court passed a verdict, Lebedev and Khodorkovsky received 8 years each, but they did not admit their guilt and insisted on the political bias of the court. While the investigation and trial were going on, a PR campaign was unfolding in the media, which accused Khodorkovsky of trying to carry out an oligarchic coup in the country. In the West and in opposition circles, on the contrary, they said that the case had political overtones. The ECHR recognized the accused as “prisoners of conscience”, although it did not confirm the obvious presence of a political component in the case. Yukos property was confiscated to pay off debts, but foreign assets could not be seized.

In 2006, a new oil theft case was initiated, in which Khodorkovsky received a term of 14 years, which he had to serve in

In prison, Khodorkovsky continued to fight for his rights, he published several articles and statements in the Western press, went on hunger strikes four times, and was sent to the isolation ward more than once for violating the prison regime. At this time, the public did not abandon attempts to defend Khodorkovsky - actions were held, letters and articles were written.


Khodorkovsky's biography, the family in which the children became the main reason for seeking release, changed when he nevertheless filed a petition for pardon. In 2013, Putin said at a press conference that Khodorkovsky could be pardoned if he asked for it. The petition, in fact, was an admission of guilt, but since Mikhail's mother was very sick, he went for it. And on December 20, 2013, he was released, the lawyers hastily organized Khodorkovsky's departure to Berlin.

Life on the loose

Khodorkovsky's biography again takes a turn, after 10 years in prison, he settles in Switzerland, receives a residence permit. At first, the press bothers him a lot. After emigration, a new Mikhail Khodorkovsky appears. Biography, wife, private life now, according to him, will be the main thing for him, and he will live outside of politics. However, refrain from political statements he fails, after a few months he comments on the situation in Russia, criticizes the government of the country. In March 2014, Khodorkovsky says he is ready to become a mediator in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine over Crimea. In September 2014 he "relaunches" " Open Russia”, Experts regard this as the return of Mikhail Borisovich to politics. Khodorkovsky often acts as an expert on the political situation in Russia in Western media He participates in public events. His speech at the festival in Paris in 2014 that he was ready to become the president of Russia and do everything to create a civil society in the country was taken as a declaration of intent.

Personal life

Khodorkovsky's first marriage was concluded during his student days. The first wife Elena in 1985 gave birth to Michael's son Pavel. In 1991, Khodorkovsky marries a second time. His second wife, Inna, bore him three children: a daughter and two twin sons. In 2009, Mikhail becomes a grandfather. Mikhail Khodorkovsky defined his current priorities after his release: family, wife, children. Photos of the entire family are almost impossible to find, as he carefully guards his privacy. But he spent 10 years away from loved ones and is now trying to catch up.

Khodorkovsky, biography, family, photos of private life are of great interest to the media, and this is tiring. But nevertheless, he regularly gives interviews, appears at big events, his life goes on.

The biography of Khodorkovsky, in which his wife and children have become the largest part, is still in a calm stage. He is improving his life, arranging affairs, but more and more often in an interview it is let out that he has a desire to change Russia. This gives the authorities reason to think that he still has political ambitions. This is how many oppositionists explain the emergence of accusations of Khodorkovsky in the murder of Vladimir Petukhov, the mayor of Nefteyugansk, which they call "the third Yukos case."

Mikhail Borisovich says that he is not worried about the next announcement of him on the wanted list by the Russian authorities, he continues to comment on the events in the country. However, Khodorkovsky, a family for whom children are very important, does not make harsh political statements.

Entrepreneur and owner of the largest Russian oil company Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky in 2003 was one of the richest and citizens of the Russian Federation. In 2005, the owner of $15 billion became the centerpiece of a high-profile criminal case and went to prison for 13 years.

One of the richest citizens of Russia was born in 1963, on June 26 in Moscow. The family was mixed from a Jewish father and a Russian mother.

Father, Boris Moiseevich Khodorkovsky, was the deputy chief technologist at the Kalibr plant. Mom, Marina Filippovna, worked at the same plant as a process engineer. Even in kindergarten, the prerequisites for future activities appeared. There he received the nickname "director", and at school "theorist". My main hobbies at school were chemistry and mathematics. According to unofficial data, Mikhali Borisovich changed three special schools in the field of chemistry.

While still at school, he learned to earn pocket money: sweeping the streets, carpentry, and so on. He graduated from school in 1980. School hobbies in chemistry were not in vain and developed further into admission to the Chemical-Technological Institute of Moscow. D.I. Mendeleev in 1981. In addition to studying, Mikhail worked as a carpenter at Etalon, a housing cooperative. Having received a red diploma, in 1986 he became a "process engineer".

In the 86th - 87th years, Mikhail Borisovich was engaged in teaching activities, and also served as deputy secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol. Here he developed a vigorous activity and was able to create a Youth Initiative Fund, which made it possible to profit from youth activities.

Together with Monakhov Sergey and Lebedev Platon, a center for creativity of youth in the scientific and technical direction was organized in 1987. AT Soviet times such an organization was one of the first to receive the right to entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur received his first significant income (167,000 rubles) from IWT (Institute high temperatures) at the Academy of Sciences, according to a contract with the director of the institute.

"MENATEP" was founded in 1987. In addition, according to the permission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, cooperatives were allowed to engage in computer technology and programming. The entrepreneur took advantage of this opportunity and founded the Nigma company. The main activity of the enterprise was the supply of software to organizations.

Feeling a shortage of funds, Khodorkovsky decided to take a loan from Zhilsotsbank. However, he was refused, due to the fact that this bank worked only with other banks and could only issue loans to them. In 1988, at the suggestion of Mikhail Borisovich, the newest bank (KIB NTP) was created - the Bank of Scientific and Technical Progress.

Initially, only 2.7 million rubles were allocated to the authorized capital of the bank, and the remaining 2.3 million had to be paid during the year. The means of mass television advertising were used by the entrepreneur one of the first. The sale has also started. valuable papers and thus the necessary sum was collected.

In parallel with entrepreneurial activity, Mikhail Borisovich graduated from the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy and received the specialty "financier". According to some reports, in addition to the financial side of the issue, he was educated as a lawyer. Khodorkovsky became the chairman of the board of the CIB NTP in 1989. The bank itself has become a tool for the work of the organization "MENATEP". The latter quickly gained momentum and developed a network of its offices in Hungary, Switzerland, Gibraltar and France.

Even then, Mikhail Borisovich could earn money as the head of a production enterprise, which included his own plant and institute. Idea full cycle has long excited the mind of an entrepreneur, but before privatization it was not realistic. According to some reports, since October 1992, Mikhail Borisovich changed the direction of MENATEPA. New strategy focused mainly on a large clientele, which was offered not only economic, but also organizational services.

In 1992, the businessman took 12th place in the list of "50 richest Russians" according to the magazine "Most". March 1993 was marked by the entry of Khodorkovsky to the post of Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy, Yuri Shafranik. In the same year, he also acted as financial adviser to Viktor Chernomyrdin, then the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

He was re-elected as chairman of "MENATEP" in July 1993. The bank's strategy began to shift to the investment area. The bank also began to support the state company Rosvooruzhenie, which was established in 1993. Thanks to this fact, a loan of one trillion rubles was received without interest from the state.

In addition to his main activity, Khodorkovsky began financing the boarding school for orphans Podmoskovny from the year 94, as a tribute to the parents who stood at the foundation of this institution. Oleg Soskovets from Khodorkovsky in July 1995 was sent a proposal to return 10 percent of the shares of MENATEP, and in return to receive 45 percent from Yukos, the state oil production company. But the offer was rejected, and in return, the sale of the company was organized for real money at a loans-for-shares auction.

The winner of the auction could be the largest investor with starting capital at 150 million dollars. The initial investments of the Khodorkovsky program were intended to restore the old fleet of wells, develop new fields, develop the oil product supply chain and modernize.

The auction was won by "Laguna" company, the guarantor of which was "MENATEP" bank. Thanks to this, through this bank, Mikhail Borisovich acquired a 7.06 percent stake in Yukos. He served as chairman of the council from the 95th to the 96th year. Leaving the post of chairman of the board of "MENATEP" in 1996, Khodorkovsky entered the leadership of "YUKOS". Initially served as Vice President.

He was also appointed chairman of the board of the new merged company Rosprom-Yukos in 1997. According to Forbes magazine, Khodorkovsky's personal fortune in 1997 was $2.3 billion. According to the initiative of Mikhail Borisovich and several other businessmen, in the 98th year, the YUKSI holding began to be created. Subsequently, information was received that the creation of the company was stopped.

A new election to the board of directors and to the post of chairman of the board of the bank "MENATEP" took place in the 98th year. Also in August of this year, he took over as chairman of Yukos-Moscow.

On November 12, 1998, Mikhail Borisovich received a position at the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. And in October 1999, he was relieved of his post in connection with an interview where it was said about the company's decision to organize a fund of the ministry, a reserve fund, the main task of which would be to give bribes. In 2000, Mikhail Borisovich took over as president of Yukos, leaving the post of chairman of the board of Yukos-Moscow. The businessman became a member of the business council in the same year. And also in November of this year he became a member of the Bureau of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Russia.

Under Khodorkovsky's rule, Yukos shares rose from 60 cents to $69.2 in about a year. According to Forbes magazine, Khodorkovsky became the richest Russian in June 2001. Personal fortune was estimated at 2.4 billion dollars. And in 2001 - 3.7 billion.

According to the decision of the RSPP, in 2002, Mikhail Borisovich became the curator of the Murmansk region. In the same year, he was a judicial arbitrator at the RSPP, organized to resolve corporate disputes. In February 2003, according to Forbes magazine, the personal fortune of the billionaire was determined by the figure of $ 8 billion, which allowed him to take first place in Russia among the richest people and 26th in the world.

Engaged in financing SPS and Yabloko in 2003. In 2003, on July 4, Mikhail Borisovich was summoned to the Prosecutor General's Office as a witness in the case of Platon Lebedev, who was charged with stealing 20 percent of Apatit's shares. Troubles rained down on Yukos initially at the request of a State Duma deputy, Mikhail Bugera. According to his statement, Yukos underpaid taxes for 2002. Checks were carried out in the archives of the company and a search.

The businessman himself said that he would leave the business at the age of 45, which he turns in 2008. In addition, the entrepreneur refused to leave the country, remained to support his friend Lebedev and traveled around the country, giving lectures and speeches. In 2003, on October 25, a businessman was arrested on the way to Irkutsk, right at the Novosibirsk airport. The charges related to tax evasion and fraud. After that, on November 3, 2003, Khodorkovsky left the post of chairman of the board of Yukos.

The verdict in the case was handed down in May 2005. Mikhail Borisovich and Platon Lebedev were initially sentenced to 9 years, which were later changed to 8 years. According to the prosecution, they were found guilty of embezzlement. Money state, tax evasion, fraud and so on.

The trial of the businessman acquired the status of a political one in two years. Mass propaganda was launched in defense of the businessman, using the media. Various human rights organizations organized actions in support. “Prisoner number one,” as the media called Khodorkovsky. The billionaire himself willingly contributed to all this, giving interviews to journalists, answering numerous questions, and became a public person.

The article "Left Turn" was published in early August 2005. It was adopted from the standpoint of the return of the oligarch to the values ​​of the left order. It spoke about the change of the political elite, the development of guarantees of social protection for the population, the resurrection of paternalistic state programs. In the same month of 2005, Mikhail Borisovich, as a protest against the imprisonment of Lebedev in a punishment cell, began a dry hunger strike. The distant colony YAG 14/10 became the place of residence of the entrepreneur, where he was sent in October 2005.

This was followed by the publication of "Left Turn 2", November 11, 2005. The article developed the previous ideas. The crisis of 2008 was also predicted and a program for the development of the country until 2020 was proposed. Each such article met with mass media interest, despite some dubious authorship.

In the colony, Khodorkovsky behaved not in the best way, constantly receiving penalties and from time to time getting into a punishment cell. Once this happened because he left his workplace, and the other for drinking tea with prisoner Kuchma in the wrong place. And so on.

In April 2006, prisoner Kuchma attacked him. The face was cut with a shoe knife, as a result of which several stitches were applied. After the incident, the businessman was transferred to solitary confinement. According to the official statement, this was done for security purposes. All penalties and placements in the detention center were constantly challenged by Khodrkovsky's lawyers, as this could interfere with his parole.

In November 2008, the Vedomosti newspaper published the article "Left Turn 3". The main idea of ​​this publication was to get rid of the global crisis by turning to "neo-socialism" throughout the world.

The prosecutor's office reviewed the Khodorkovsky case in October 2010 and reduced the claims against the oligarch. Now he was accused of stealing, together with Lebedev, not 350 million tons of oil, but 218 million. In addition, the accusatory side also spoke in favor of mitigating the punishment, however, other claims in the case of the former Yukos leaders remained in force.

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky is married. The second wife, Inna, previously held the position of an expert in foreign exchange operations at MENATEP Bank. Has four children. The son from his first marriage, Pavel, according to the press, lived and worked in the United States. The same sources claim that he worked for an Internet company owned by Gusinsky. There are also twin sons Gleb and Ilya, as well as a daughter Anastasia. In 2009, Khodorkovsky became a grandfather.


On the morning of December 20, 2013, Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On pardoning M. B. Khodorkovsky.” A few hours later, Khodorkovsky was released and left the colony in Karelia in a UFSIN official car, proceeding to the UFSIN Reception House, and from there to Petrozavodsk Airport.

There, a Tu-134 letter plane was waiting for him, on which Khodorkovsky arrived at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo airport, from where he flew to Berlin on a private Cessna plane provided by former German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher.

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