Service note for car repair example. We draw up a memo

Family and relationships 29.09.2019
Family and relationships

The SZ is compiled by the employee in the name of his immediate supervisor or in the name of the head of another department. It allows in a short time:

    notify the manager of the this moment problem

    make suggestions for its elimination or agree on an action plan with another employee.

    induce the leader to make a decision or issue an order

It is also proof that the specialist who discovered the problem in the workflow did not let the situation take its course, but notified his management about it so that they could make a prompt decision. That is, not idle.

Types of memos

Consider the main types of business letters:

    about requesting information;

    about violations committed by the employee in the performance of labor duties.

    on employee bonuses.

In addition, CZ can accompany the transfer of a package of documents between departments, divisions, departments within the organization (for third-party organizations, it is necessary to prepare cover letters). It can also be sent to employees with the requirement to explain the reason for the absence from the workplace.

The SZ may contain any questions regarding working moments.

Compilation rules

The main rule that must be followed when compiling it is brevity. The document should clearly state the essence of the problem, as well as ways to solve it. As a rule, the text of the SZ should not take more than 6-7 lines. There is no unified form of SZ. For its compilation, an arbitrary form is used. memo sample

Despite this, when writing, the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 should be taken into account. Making a memo according to GOST, a sample of which is shown above, requires the following details:

    paper must contain a "header". It indicates to whom it is addressed (position and full name of the employee in the dative case);

    the date of compilation and the number of the document are entered;

    the title of the text indicates the subject of the SZ;

    a description of the current situation, due to which a memo is being drawn up: “I bring to your attention ...”, then the text of the memo should contain a specific request;

    below is the position and full name of the compiler, signature with transcript.

The drafted document should be registered with the secretary of the enterprise as incoming correspondence. After that, you can be sure that the director will receive the SZ and get acquainted with it personally.

SZ in electronic form

It is worth noting that many enterprises have adopted electronic document management. Therefore, the SZ can be issued in electronic form. In this case, it is sent to the corporate mail of the enterprise. The secretary is engaged in the further sorting and forwarding of letters to addressees.

This method of transferring CV saves paper and time of employees. In this case, the document is compiled in the same way as on paper. It is desirable that the sender's electronic signature be on it. To make sure that the sent document is read by the manager, when sending, you should request a "notification of reading the mailing" by checking the box in the send form.

Sample document

Often, when solving work issues, it becomes necessary to convey important information to the manager. Sometimes circumstances require that an explanation of the circumstances, a warning against errors, be set out in writing.

In this case, it is necessary not only to correctly state the facts, but also to correctly draw up the document. Compiling a CV is often difficult, especially in the absence of experience. But this is not difficult to do if you have an example of a memo in front of your eyes. That is why we have prepared samples, after reading which you can correctly draw up a document. Consider the most common cases that require the preparation of SZ.

SZ on bonuses is the basis for issuing an order to encourage the employee. This document is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee in the name of the director of the organization. It indicates the merits of the worker, the request for encouragement, the data of the worker and the compiler. After considering the SZ and making a positive decision, the director issues an order for bonuses. How to write a memo to the director sample:

In the event that circumstances arose during work due to which the employee could not fully perform his labor function, the explanatory. It states the reasons. How to write a memo sample:

SZ is used if an employee needs to contact the manager with a request for the allocation of funds for work needs. In this case, the document sets out the facts of the production need for the purchase of materials. How to write a memo sample correctly:

Shelf life

According to the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, with an indication of the storage periods, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, SZ must be stored in the archive of the enterprise for at least five years. If necessary, the director of the organization has the right to extend the storage period. The period of storage of CZ, issued in electronic form, may be determined by the charter of the company.

A memo is an internal document through which communication takes place between employees in an official written form. Its content is reduced to assignments, the performance of any tasks, etc., that is, work issues. Despite the fact that writing a memo is a simple matter, and not regulated by very strict rules, nevertheless, you need to know them. In this article, we will consider the procedure for compiling this documentation, types, etc.


The nature of the service note is informational and reference, which means that it contains certain notifications, messages, instructions, etc. The issues raised in it relate to the specific employee to whom it is sent. In other words, a memo is a toolkit for communication within an enterprise.

Note: the obligation of a memo has not been established. This is an additional document, although orders and instructions can be drawn up on its basis.


A memo is considered to be a frequently used documentation, at the same time, not included in the list of officially classified management papers. Widely used, it becomes a connection at the horizontal level: that is, it is compiled by an employee of one department to convey a request or proposal to an employee of another.

Important: the statuses of control objects between which communication is made by means of a service note must be equivalent. Otherwise, the document is not considered a memo, but a memorandum.

Purposes of use

A memo to work can be used in various cases.

Here are some examples:

  • to reward an employee;
  • to send an employee on a business trip;
  • reporting to the logistics department about equipment malfunction;
  • notification of the head of security from the head of any other unit about the need to let unauthorized persons (non-employees) into the company building, indicating the reasons;
  • a request in the form of a memo sent to the accounting department for the allocation of material resources for certain needs, etc.

Separate cases of compiling memos

Although a memo is considered an internal paper, one of its varieties is a document sent to the attestation commission. However, the use of notes exclusively for work communication is still more common.

How to write a memo?

The basic rules for compiling a memo are similar to any others. They include writing on an A4 sheet, instructions from whom and to whom it is sent, assurances with a date and a signature. But how to write a memo in compliance with all requirements?

  • in the center (it is also possible to place it on the left side of the sheet), write the corresponding title of the document;
  • there are two options for writing the date - both completely in Arabic numerals, and indicating the month in words;
  • in the title to the main heading, you can add short description the content of the document;
  • information about the sender and recipient must be complete: first name, last name and patronymic, full name of the position and department (division) to which this position is attached.

In response to the question of how to write a memo, not only the details and attributes of this document are included, but also what its content should be.

The paper in question does not require a very dry and official language- free narrative is allowed, however, specifically reflecting the reason for writing.

The content is divided into two parts. The first of these is called the preamble. It briefly talks about what prompted the originator to both write a memo and send it to a specific employee.

The second part is considered the main one, it is also more voluminous than the preamble. This text includes a statement of the direct request or proposal. To it you can add an analysis of the situation, conclusions and results.

The form

Some companies, when asked how to write a memo, simply provide their employees with a special form. But, it should be noted, this is not a mandatory unification - GOST provides only advisory provisions (regarding fonts, dimensions and intervals) without an approved sample. However, if this exists in a particular company, it is better to stick to it.

Service and memos

A little higher in the note it was indicated how service and memorandum notes differ. But many people still tend to confuse them with each other.

The most common mistakes are:

  • a memo for an employee from an employee to a boss (in fact, a memorandum);
  • about wage increases;
  • about a promotion.

The last two imply reference not at a horizontal level, but vertically, which denies the definition of a memo.

Important: the division of memos into memos and explanatory notes is a priori incorrect.


All memos are registered in the register. Depending on how the document flow is organized in each particular company, either the one who compiled the paper or the one who received it can do this. In any of the cases, this boils down to the fact that the memo is assigned a unique number, which should be indicated in its text.

Sample memo

"Sales Department, Division Director information technologies V. A. Kutsaku
№ 19-43/102
April 13, 2015
About testing the state of the PC for its performance
Starting from 04/10/2015, the personal computer of R. Maksimenko, an employee of the sales department, has been experiencing regular malfunctions, namely: restarting without issuing this command to the PC, problems with turning it on / off, and screen flickering. As a result of the above, I ask you to carry out the necessary diagnostics by the specialists of your department in order to identify the causes of the problems, as well as successfully eliminate them. I propose to issue the results of the testing in writing, with summed up on further actions: repair or replacement of the machine.

Suppose that it turned out that the PC cannot be repaired. In this case, we issue a memo to write off the equipment.

Example of a note to write off equipment

"Sales Department, Director of the Logistics Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 21-45/104
From April 16, 2015
About writing off a non-working PC
Starting from 04/10/2015, R.D. Maksimenko, an employee of the sales department, experienced regular malfunctions in the personal computer. As a result, diagnostics carried out by specialists of the information technology department showed the following: the PC should not be further used. In this regard, I ask you to write off the above equipment due to inoperability.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev"

In addition to it, you will need another note - to replace decommissioned equipment.

Equipment replacement note

"Sales Department, Director of the Logistics Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 22-46/104
From April 17, 2015
About replacing a broken PC
The personal computer of the specialist of the department, Maksimenko R. D., was decommissioned and needs to be replaced due to its inoperability (according to doc. No. 20-44/103 of 04/15/2015). I ask you to provide new equipment that matches the parameters of the decommissioned one. Please report completion in writing. Attached to the note is a report from the information technology department on the diagnostics carried out and its results.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev"


Usually writing a memo does not cause problems. This internal document is a fairly familiar means of communication between different levels of government. Conditional barriers can only be caused by "confusion" between memos and service notes (the article indicates how they differ).

In some companies, the preparation of memos takes place exclusively according to the introduced and approved sample (in this case it is better to stock up on special forms for them), in others it is more than free.

When compiling this document, you should be guided by the same rules as for other papers - the font and spacing in accordance with GOST, the date and signature for the validity of the note.

In general, a memo is a very convenient toolkit, which is easy to master and, if used correctly, a well-coordinated and clear work of a team of organizations is observed. It helps to maintain a cohesive relationship between departments and also strengthens the structure they make up.

How to write a memo?

A memo is a special additional document, which is the main basis for a manager who wants to make a particular decision in the form of a local entitlement act. A memo, from the point of view of office work and labor law, is not mandatory, but it can be established by local regulatory legal acts of the enterprise. This type of document is often used in practice, but is not in the All-Russian classifier of management documents. So, let's look at how to write a memo correctly.

Features of memos

Often, memos are drawn up to resolve issues regarding information, logistics or economic support. Simply put, a memo is correspondence between several structural divisions. Most often they contain suggestions or requests. Unlike memos, memos are created to maintain communication between departments on a horizontal level, that is, they are created on behalf of the employee and sent to the employee's name. They are compiled only if the position of the sender is equivalent to the position of the recipient. If the memo is made by the head, then most often it concerns decisions on sending on a business trip.

If the fact of manufacturing products with some marriage is revealed, then if there are several complaints from buyers, the head of the organization has the right to send a memo to the certification commission, which will describe in detail the reasons for the employee's non-compliance with the requirements that apply to his position. Based on the memo, additional certification of the employee will be carried out. Also, memos are used to reduce the probationary period for a particular employee. Such a memo is drawn up in the name CEO. If we talk about the legal significance of memos, it can be noted that they can be evidence in court.

Rules for compiling a note

A memo is written on an ordinary A4 sheet. It must indicate the details placed in accordance with GOSTs. These details are:

  • department name
  • registration number
  • document's name
  • text
  • destination
  • sender's signature (specify position).
  • To know how to write a memo, you need to take into account that such a document is drawn up in a familiar font, the size of the letters is 14, the line spacing is 1.5. The name of the document (MEMO) is written in capital letters. The inscription can be located both in the middle and near the border of the left margin. The date must be written strictly in Arabic numerals, for example, 01/02/2013. If the company has a registration system, then the registration number is also affixed to the service note. As a result of the transfer of a memo, a resolution is drawn up on the issue raised.

    This type of document as a memo can also have a short title that conveys the essence of the problem. In its wording, in accordance with the rules for processing documentation, it is imperative to include the letter "o". For example, "about sending K. on a business trip." The text of the service note is divided into two parts. In one part, they write the facts that became the basis for compiling the document, and in the second, all conclusions and decisions are recorded. If there is an application in the note, then a note is made about it in the design. Now you know how to write a memo. Its sample is a blank document form, discussed below:

    Head of the Production Department Ivanov V.K. MEMO 01/17/13 No. ___ Due to the change in the production capacity of new equipment in room No. ___. Please send a specialist for further troubleshooting.

    This is an example of writing a memo.


    How to write a memo and write it correctly.

    June 5th, 2013 admin

    In practice, we sometimes come across such a document as a memo. How to write a memo and write it correctly?

    A memo is not the main, but an additional document, on the basis of which final decisions are made by the employer or manager. On the basis of a memo, an order, order, act is issued or an agreement is drawn up between the parties. A memo is not a mandatory document for office work. But as an additionally established local normative act, it is quite possible to use it. In the classifier of management documents, there is no such thing as a “Memorandum of Understanding”. But in practice, this type of document is widely used.

    A memo is most often an internal correspondence between departments. It usually contains some kind of offer or request. In most cases, notes contain information about the organizational, logistical or economic support of the organization, and also has the nature of informative content.

    Memos are compiled by an employee or head of a department in the name of the head or a certain specialist of another department, i.e. provides communication of control objects at the horizontal level. Memos are written and sent from one department head to another, or from one employee to another, if they are equivalent in status. If the statuses are different, then this is considered a memorandum.

    If the employee goes on a business trip, the head of the travel worker department writes a memo addressed to the director. Based on it, an order for a business trip is then issued.

    A memo can be written to the certification commission if the employee does not correspond to the position held. These may be cases when an employee constantly makes defects, or buyers constantly complain about the seller. The certification committee will be able to decide on early certification of the employee.

    Memos are drawn up in case of economic necessity for line managers, or if it is possible to conclude an agreement.

    In practice, memos are used for different purposes. For example, a memo can be written by the head of the department addressed to the head of the reduction of the probationary period for some employee.

    On the basis of a memo containing information on the performance of the department, written in the name of the director, an order can be issued to reward the employee or the entire department.

    Memos can be used as evidence in court (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District of June 15, 2011 in case N A72-6396 / 2010).

    How to write a memo? A memo is usually drawn up on A4 paper, but it must contain all the necessary details: the date and number of the memo, the name of the structural unit, the title to the text and the text itself, the name of the addressee and the signature of the compiler of the note indicating his position.

    According to GOCTy for texts containing background information, Times New Roman font is used, font size 14, line spacing 1.5.

    The title of the document contains the heading "MEMO", which can be located in the center or on the left side of the sheet.

    The date is entered in Arabic numerals, for example, 06/15/2013 or in letters and numbers. For example, June 15, 2013

    Who registers a memo? It is registered either by the one who writes out the memo, or who receives it. It depends on the document management system in the organization.

    When the memo is reviewed, it is endorsed by the signatures of interested parties, and the manager's resolution is superimposed on it - this is a written decision of the manager on the subject of the memo, which is the final stage of reviewing the memo.

    The title of a memo can briefly reveal its subject. Moreover, the title is written in the prepositional case. For example, “On the direction of Dmitriev K.N. on a business trip".

    The text of the memo consists of two parts. The first part contains information about what prompted the employee to write this document. In the second part, the employee sets out his findings, suggestions and requests. In addition, one more part can be added to the text: an analysis of the current situation. Thus, a memo may contain: the reasons for writing the note, an analysis of the resulting facts and conclusions about changing this situation.

    Sample memo (example of a memo):

    Director of Malinka LLC

    Kozlov R.V.

    from head of sales

    Kruglova N.Zh.


    02.06.2013 № _________

    Based on the increase in the supply of our products in May 2013. twice and overfulfillment of the plan by the sales department, I ask you to reward the employees of the entire department.

    Sales performance indicators are attached.

    What is a memo and why is it needed

    Most people of legal age are employees in one organization or another. People turn to superiors with requests or wishes through statements or memos. Let's describe the process of compiling and transmitting documents for the manager.

    What it is?

    First you need to understand what a memo is. This is a document that is internal or external, depending on the functions and the addressee. Such a memo is most often addressed to a superior person from his subordinates and is a kind of request, remark or suggestion.

    Depending on the meaning of the memo, it can be report, explanatory, explanatory or analytical.

    This document most often highlights technical or business problems, describes controversial situations, or provides an explanation that your superiors require from you. The main difference between a memo is that it not only specifies the essence of the problem, but also gives it detailed description and sometimes solutions.

    Service and reporting: similarities and differences

    Some employees confuse memorandum and memo, and this is no accident. There are similarities, but there are also differences. Let's figure this out. So, the meaning of both that and the other note is to inform the authorities about any failure in the work. However, the memorandum most often reports on the problem, and the memo also contains a request to eliminate it, and sometimes ways to solve a particular problem are also indicated.

    Drafting memos for superiors

    Most often, such documents are sent to the management. This is because a memo is a document that reports any internal issues. An example of a memo is not registered anywhere, there is no sample text, so they are compiled in any form. The most important thing is to describe the essence of the problem and the proposed ways to solve it. What else you should pay attention to is that your memo is registered with the organization. This way you can be sure that it will reach the authorities.

    However, situations are different. Imagine that you are writing a memo not about a breakdown of equipment, but, for example, about an employee of your company who has done something wrong. The situations are different. Your memo may simply be lost. To prevent this from happening, you can make sure. Make a memo in two copies. Give them to the secretary for registration and ask your copy to write that the note was registered by such and such a number, by such and such a date and accepted for consideration. Thus, even if your complaint does not reach the authorities for any reason, you have confirmation and its text.

    Exchange of memos between separate divisions

    Sometimes memos serve as a means of communication between separate divisions of the same company. Drafting such a document for another unit is no different from a note for management. The only difference that exists is that you need to specify the units themselves, you can also specify the address. In this case, the memo is still an internal document.

    The heading of the memo must be drawn up according to the model of the application, which is written in the name of the head. Next, the text itself is written, which explains all the problems of a particular unit. It is desirable to describe not only the essence of the problem, but also in detail all the nuances. You can also suggest ways to solve it.

    The details of the document must be indicated: date and number. This is necessary in order for it to become official.

    Memos to another organization

    However, sometimes it happens that it acts as an external document. A fairly common case of writing a memo is for another organization. Thus, companies exchange the necessary information. Also in this case, the memo is documentary evidence of the claim or request.

    Such notes are also drawn up in an arbitrary form. They may be accompanied by photocopies. required documents. Most often, such notes are drawn up in the name of the director of one company from the head of another. In the case of negotiations with a counterparty, it is imperative to draw up two copies of a memo. The second copy with the seal, signature and registration number must be taken away and kept this document until the problem is solved.

    If you write a memo for another organization, you may receive the same letter in response. There is nothing wrong with this. Perhaps the management did not quite understand the problem or request, or maybe they simply decided to offer their own version of the development of further actions. You must also register such a note and respond to it with either an action or a response to a request. Therefore, communication between organizations through memos can continue for quite a long time.

    The document begins with the name of the organization and the data of the person to whom it is intended, then their own data is indicated. The words Service note are written in the middle. Further, the text begins with a red line. As mentioned earlier, it is written in an arbitrary form. At the end, the date is indicated and a signature with a transcript is put.

    If the text of the memo is large, it is divided into several paragraphs. The first one is a description of the problem. The second is the request itself. If the request is collective, in the third paragraph you can indicate the department and the names of those employees who wrote it. In this case, the signature on the memo is put by the head of the department. Separately, you can attach a sheet with the signature of all employees.

    A memo is written on an A4 sheet, like any application. The signature must be handwritten, not facsimile. It is also desirable to issue a memo with its serial number and the date of its compilation. It can also be printed on a computer, but even in this case, the signature must be personal.

    Sending a document via electronic communication

    It is not uncommon for an organization to conduct electronic document management, and all requests and notes must be sent via the Internet or an internal network. In this case, there is no need to be afraid, there is nothing to worry about. However, for this it is desirable to have a personal digital signature so that you can confirm your request.

    Or you can write a memo on a piece of paper, sign it and scan it. Send the electronic version to the required address and wait for a response.

    Is it always necessary to make your offer in writing?

    Often the question arises: is it possible to contact the management of the enterprise orally? The answer is very simple: you can always apply orally, but it is not known whether this will give any results. A written message is always an official document, regardless of its content and addressee. But a verbal message is just words that may not be answered.

    Therefore, it can be advised to draw up all proposals, explanations and explanations for the authorities exclusively on paper. Otherwise, you simply may not get a response to your request or proposal.

    How to write a memo

    At work, office and memos are often compiled. It seems to be nothing complicated. But when I was recently assigned to write a memo, I decided to clarify how to write it correctly. Curiously, I found out that I need to draw up not a memo, but a memorandum. Let's look at the difference between a report and a service report and how they should be compiled.

    Any official document differs from a regular record in that it must comply with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified Documentation Systems. Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation. Documentation Requirements", because it has legal force. What are the requirements for compiling a report and memos?

    They must contain the following items:

    2) name of the addressee (to whom the document is sent)

    3) name of the type of document ("Memorandum")

    4) title to the text (for example, “On violation of labor discipline”, “On obtaining insurance medicine policies”). However, this is an optional element.

    6) the signature of the compiler - in the lower right corner (indicating the position in the lower left corner opposite the signature)

    7) the date of compilation (usually in the left corner, it is drawn up either in Arabic numerals: 02/05/2013, or in alphanumeric way: February 5, 2013)

    8) visa - sometimes visas of interested persons are affixed under the signature of the originator: initials and surnames of the applicant, his signature and date

    9) registration number (it is affixed either at the place of compilation or at the place of receipt - depends on the accepted registration system in the organization).

    According to GOCTy, the text of the document is formatted in Times New Roman font, size 14, with 1.5 intervals.

    The title of the document is located in the center of the page and is written either in capital letters (MEMO) or in lower case (memorandum) with 2 line spacing.

    Memorandum - addressed to a higher person (head of a department or organization). In this document, it is necessary to state in detail the essence of the issue on which you are applying: the subject of the issue, your proposals, arguments and conclusions (you need to encourage the leadership to act, to make a certain decision). Sometimes the purpose of memos is to report on the progress of work, in which case they are compiled regularly.

    If the memorandum is addressed to the head of the organization, then it can be drawn up on a sheet of paper (A4 format). If the document is sent to higher authorities (it is no longer an internal, but an external document), then it must be issued on the letterhead of the organization.

    Usually the text of a memorandum consists of two or three semantic parts. The first part contains the facts that led to its writing (this part states), the second part analyzes the presented situation and offers solutions (this part analyzes - it is not always present in the document), the third part presents conclusions and suggestions (this part summarizes) .

    A memo is used when the issue raised is within the scope of intrastructural competence and does not require contact with higher authorities. Memos function between managers and employees of the same official status. With the help of this document, issues of logistical, technical, information support etc. (the computer broke down, the paper ran out).

    The text of the document begins with a statement of the fact on which the author addresses, and then a request is expressed or ways of resolving the production situation are suggested.

    Thus, the differences between memorandum and memos lie in aspects of their functioning: a memorandum is drawn up for vertical movement (for higher-level managers or organizations), a memo - horizontally (for line managers)

    Let's look at how to write your complaints and suggestions.

    1) define the purpose of the appeal (why do you need help?)

    3) define the main thoughts, formulate them most specifically and expressively, not forgetting important details.

    The effectiveness of a memo will depend on the validity of your ideas.

    The length of office and memos may be different. Some may consist of several sentences, others may span several pages. In the second case, the second and each subsequent page must contain a heading with the addressee's name, page number and date. Sometimes the subject of the memo is also included in such a heading.


    General Department Head of AHR Department

    A.I. Petrov


    About carrying out repair household work

    Due to the fact that the door lock in office No. 367 broke, I ask you to repair it.

    I.S. Ivanova Ivanova

    Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the transport department


    I ask you to allocate a vehicle for transportation New Year's gifts from the confectionery factory to the enterprise. The total volume of cargo is 100 boxes 50 x 20 x 40, the total weight is 1 ton. Motor transport should be at 9.00 on December 5, 2012 at the address: st. Kalganova, d. 67. The driver must have a waybill with him.

    Chairman of the trade union committee

    I.R. Sergeev


    In accordance with the work plan of Phoenix LLC for 2012, the production workshop publishes a number of brochures with a volume of 6–8 printed pages. l.

    Staple staplers of type “A” and “B” available in the department are not suitable for performing operations on stapling brochures of this size, since the thickness of publications exceeds the allowable norm for them (up to 5 printed sheets inclusive). The use of the gluing machine "C" is not economically feasible, and besides, it requires a lot of time.

    Booklet binding 6-8 pcs. l. it is most convenient to produce with a class “D” wire stitcher. Its value in the company "Stan" is _______ million rubles. Under the current mode of operation, the economic efficiency from the operation of the machine will cover the cost of its purchase within 1 year and 7 months (cost efficiency calculations are attached).

    In connection with the above, I ask you to allocate funds for the purchase of a D-class wire stitching machine.

    Application: for 3 liters. in 1 copy.

    Head of production

    shop L.P. Sviyat Sviyat

    disciplinary action the form of remarks to T.I.

    Bogdanova Chief Accountant A.D.

    Memos, memos and references: what's the difference?

    From the article you will learn:

    • what is a memo;
    • how to write a memo;
    • according to what rules a memo is drawn up;
    • Why do you need a template for writing a memo.

    What is a memo? That is, on how effectively information interaction is established at the enterprise. Moreover, the participants in this information interaction are all employees of the company - from line personnel to top management.

    Download documents on the topic: Each employee working at the enterprise performs a certain labor function, duties defined for this position.

    Memo Templates

    Instruction of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR dated 11.24.82 No. 613 For tax purposes, all sorts of notes are important. 1 st. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for example:

    • a memo from its own advertising service, according to which the period of actual use of advertising videos did not exceed 12 months, helped the company prove that the videos are not intangible assets and write off the costs at a time.
    • to confirm the car’s mileage with the readings of a GPS navigator (instead of an odometer) and to recognize fuel costs, a memorandum is needed to the head of the transport department from the master that the pre-trip inspection showed a malfunction of the odometer. 1 st. 252, sub. 5 p. 1 art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Learning to write notes: reporting, service, explanatory

    Initiative. They contain initiatives, suggestions, recommendations, etc. Memorandum sample Memorandums can be external or internal, depending on who is the addressee of the document.

    External addresses are addressed to the head of a higher enterprise or organization. To compile this document, use the general forms of the enterprise.

    According to the example, the memorandum should consist of the following elements:

    • the name of the institution, enterprise;
    • dates
    • index;
    • registration addresses;
    • addressee data;
    • title to the topic of the report;
    • the stated text;
    • signatures of the managing person;
    • Full name of the performer, with a contact phone number.

    Memorandum on non-fulfillment of official duties Internal memorandums are drawn up in the name of the head of the organization, ordinary sheets are used for their execution.

    Explanatory note - sample and filling rules

    Other related articles:

    • back: Reference and information documents (protocol, proposal, etc.) - types, order of preparation and execution
    • further: Business (service) letters - concept, types, drafting and execution
    • Samples of business notes (report, service, explanatory)

    List of sources used

    1. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. (approved by Rosarkhiv);
    2. Guidelines for the development of instructions for office work in the federal executive authorities.
      Approved by order of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 No. 76. - Appendix No. 16;
    3. Loginova N.K. Office work and correspondence. Teaching aid. USUE, 2007.;
    4. Encyclopedia of office work.

    The first part, stating, sets out the reasons, facts and events that took place and served as a pretext for writing it.

    The second part, analyzing, contains an analysis of the current situation, possible options her decisions.

    The third part, summarizing, includes conclusions and proposals for specific actions that, in the opinion of the compiler, should be taken.

    At the same time, the second part may not be in the memorandum, then after the essence of the issue is stated, proposals for its solution will be immediately described.

    If the memos inform the addressee about the progress of the work, then they can be drawn up regularly. These are the so-called informative memorandums.

    A memo is close to a memorandum in its purpose, but unlike it, it has an internal, official character.

    Service notes types of service notes and rules for their execution


    Journal of registration of service notes sample In addition to journal registration, card or automatic accounting of documentation is also provided.

    Form of an explanatory note To clarify the circumstances of any events and facts, such a type of document as an explanatory note is provided, drawn up by an employee of the enterprise in the name of a higher official.

    It is meant to be written by hand in one copy on a regular paper sheet in the name of the person who requested it.

    Some organizations provide for the execution of an explanatory note on a computer.

    The form of an explanatory note is not fixed at the legislative level, however, in some institutions there are standard forms for its execution.

    At the same time, an explanatory note drawn up not in the form is valid.

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (art.
    Explanatory note in accounting - document financial statements, containing:

    • the main technical and economic indicators of the current, investment and financial activities of the enterprise;
    • a detailed description of the accounting policy in terms of applying methods for estimating inventories, depreciation, etc.

    Most often, the procedure for compiling an explanatory note is regulated by the enterprise (institution) in which this form of an information and reference document is adopted.

    So, business notes are information and reference documents that initiate managerial decisions and allow you to choose one or another method of managerial influence.

    Service notes types of service notes request and rules for their execution

    In this regard, she can not cope with the increased load. I ask you to accept a new specialist for the main place of work in the accounting department, and with a part-time job, break off labor relations in accordance with article 288 of the Labor Code of Russia.

    A memo is drawn up by an employee or head of a unit addressed to the head or specialist of another unit. Thus, based on the name, it solves purely service issues, provides horizontal communication of control objects.

    The memos most often reflect the issues of logistical, economic, information support, and the like.
    The text of a memo, as a rule, consists of a justification (a statement of the reasons for compiling) and a proposal, request, application, etc.

    For example, an accountant can inform in a memo about the need to repair a computer or printer in the accounting department. Such a memo must be sent to the head of the system support department, asking to repair the device.

    A memo is drawn up in the same way as a memorandum, on an A4 sheet.

    In the material we will talk about how to write a memo. Increasingly, in the list of requirements for a candidate for a position, one can find the thesis of the sociability of a specialist. This does not mean that the employee is expected to give long and exciting vacation stories or gossip about the neighbors. In the understanding of the employer, the ability to communicate and clearly formulate tasks will be needed by the employee for successful cooperation with the team. One of the forms of such interaction can be a memo.


    In a company with a small staff, employees often know about the existence of memos only by hearsay. If the entire team does not even make up a couple of dozen people, then information about all significant events, both those that have taken place and those that are just being planned, is distributed orally. Although a small number does not mean at all that the use of the mechanism of written communication is not effective.

    By itself, a memo is an internal document, a form of notification of interested team members about important facts or containing some information that affects the further work of another unit. And although there is no mention of this type of document, and even more so a standard sample of a memo, in labor legislation, its necessity is sometimes dictated by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Drawing up such a paper would be advisable if you need to inform a colleague in writing:

    • on the presence or change in the conditions of material assets;
    • about changing the work schedule of an individual employee or part of a unit;
    • about the existing opinion or proposal to make adjustments to the workflow;
    • an objection to his actions or intentions;
    • about changes in the essence and composition of information used for work;
    • about any other fact or event that, in the opinion of the author of the document, potentially affects the performance of his job duties.

    In order for the memo to be perceived as worthy of attention document, it is not enough just to scribble a couple of phrases on a piece of paper. Even if the form is not approved by regulations, you should always use the standard 6.30–2003 “USD. USORD. Documentation requirements. This is also true when developing internal forms and fixing them in the company's document management system.

    The legislation does not contain the concept of a memo, but its standard form can be developed independently and put into effect by a separate order, based on GOST 6.30-2003.

    Difference between memorandum and memo

    Since the practice of issuing memos does not affect all enterprises, not all specialists see a significant difference between a memo and a memorandum. But it is, nevertheless, tangible and has very specific signs:

    Type of document Destination Content
    memo A team member with whom there is no interaction in the form of "subordinate-boss". Peer peer within or outside the unit Most often it is informational or warning in nature. Compiled for the purpose of guaranteed familiarization with the data and further confirmation own position in front of management.
    Reporting internal Addressed either to the immediate supervisor of the author of the document, or to higher authorities It may be of a notification nature in order to warn of the onset of negative or irreparable consequences that interfere with work or are harmful to health. It can be drawn up to match the needs of the company or propose measures for the reorganization of processes.
    Reporting external To an adjacent organization or structure with which joint work is being carried out or an urgent project is being implemented It is usually drawn up for the purpose of notifying the management of the partner organization about violations, dereliction of duty by its employees or officials. Less often with offers to encourage or note someone.

    There is an opinion among the overwhelming number of employees that this process of exchanging “papers” is a waste of time and effort in compiling them, because it is much faster and easier to call and quickly draw a picture. The course of their thoughts sharply changes its direction after the first contact with production situations, when it is necessary to prove the fact of sending the relevant information to everyone. interested parties. Sometimes not only the fate of a disciplinary sanction (perhaps very severe, up to and including dismissal) depends on this, but also the further successful work of the entire enterprise.

    Types of memos

    Due to the rather free form of presentation, the memo is used in a very a wide range questions and situations. The following will list the most common situations, but this does not mean that this list is exclusive and cannot be supplemented with other items.

    • Check out a sample memo template here −
    • Here is a universal form of a memo

    Employee per employee

    Even if two employees are separated from each other only by an aisle between tables, this cannot prevent them from communicating in writing. And to regard this as a working conflict would be fundamentally wrong. Interaction through the exchange of "letters" helps:

    • avoid failures as a result of heavy workload and forgetfulness;
    • solve the problem of non-fulfillment of duties or untimely transfer of the necessary data;
    • defuse tensions, as well as transfer a memo to an employee into the category of disciplinary and organizing documents.

    The content of these papers can be very different and contain both requests and demands. For example, if an employee sees that one of the team members neglects official functions, then even before contacting the manager, you can send a memo about non-performance of official duties to a colleague who is thoughtlessly related to work. This will be more correct and will allow us to prove in the future that the gaps in the work were not the result of "mutual responsibility" and the silence of the problem.

    A memo is a tool for interaction between specialists of the same structural level, it is more correct to use a memorandum to contact the head.

    For write-off

    It is rare that labor is not associated with material values ​​or consumables used for successful work. This entails their damage or loss of quality characteristics, and then you need to contact the supply service to write off old materials and issue new ones.

    If the wear or failure of objects of labor was the result of natural processes associated with aging or the development of a resource, then you can report this to a financially responsible person. The notification form can be a write-off memo with a list of items that have lost their usefulness and the reason for refusing to use them.

    It's another matter if the failure of their system was associated with non-standard events or the inaccuracy of responsible employees, then one cannot do without the knowledge and decision of the authorities. In this case, it is more appropriate to write not a memo, but a memorandum.

    For bonuses

    Written communication is more often associated with unpleasant events or data exchange. Less often, there are more pleasant reasons for compiling a memo - a bonus message.

    Because the hallmark a note is considered the rule of sending it to an employee of equal rank, then it is more correct to send a proposal for an award, drawn up in this way, for example, to the personnel department. Alternatively, you can give the document to the employee responsible for drafting the order for bonuses or submitting a list of candidates for cash incentives.

    You can apply with this idea directly to the head of the company, but then it is more correct to state your arguments in the form of a memorandum. Check out .

    On a business trip

    After the abolition in 2014 of the need for a mandatory travel certificate for each business trip, the question arose of how to properly record some of the nuances and report on its results. The exit was a memo for a business trip. It is in this form that you can inform the manager about how and when it is planned to carry out the task of the company, and also state the results of the trip in a note.

    This document is commonly used:

    • if the journey to the destination was made by personal or passing transport;
    • if you need to report on work on a day off or overtime;
    • if it is impossible to accurately determine the actual duration of the business trip based on the attached financial documents;
    • if there are circumstances that must be taken into account when calculating daily allowances and reimbursement of expenses, or you need to explain the need for expenses without primary documents.

    To some extent, the memo replaced the previously mandatory business trip assignments and reports on their implementation. Check out .

    Memo to director

    Since the head, most often, is the highest sole management body of the enterprise, it is rather difficult to imagine a situation in which it would be correct to send a memo to the director. In accordance with the principles of the service hierarchy, it is better to submit reports in his name.

    The reluctance to title the document submitted for consideration by the authorities in this way is dictated, rather, by subjective reasons and emotions. However, it should be understood that a memo about a violation job description looks illogical.

    The option of correctly using the form of a memo addressed to the director is possible in corporations or holdings. Only in their structure can there be several directors at the same time, equal in position in the organization and not subordinate to each other. Inside enterprises with a straightforward management system and one leader, it is more appropriate to use reports on all production issues that require attention and approval by the director.

    A memo, like any other correspondence, is subject to registration in special accounting journals. It is better to hand it over under the signature on the second copy or in the column of the magazine.

    Making a memo

    In order for a person to have no doubts about how to write a memo correctly, you can use a simple instruction:

    1. The document is drawn up on a sheet of A4 paper, in the "header" indicate the full name and full title of the position of the addressee.
    2. The name of the author of the note is also indicated there, not forgetting to write their position and unit.
    3. As a title, use the phrase "Memorandum".
    4. The following should state the essence of the problem, question, information or proposal in a concise but concise form, using a business writing style.
    5. At the end, you need to put down the date of compilation, the signature of the compiler and his last name.
    6. To streamline the workflow, all outgoing and incoming documents are subject to registration. Therefore, a correctly drawn up memo should be assigned a serial number.

    For those companies that want to unify the form of a memo and fix the general procedure for how a memo is written, it will be necessary to issue a separate order for the enterprise. Then the approved example of writing will become mandatory for use by all employees of the organization.

    Contrary to the general prejudice against the use of memos in communication with colleagues, this document can only positively affect the work process and improve internal interaction. That is why every employee should put aside doubts and emotions, and take it for granted that some issues can be resolved solely through the preparation of written documents.

    Lawyer of the Board of Legal Protection. Specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and other regulatory documents to regulatory authorities.

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