The author gives an example. Argumentation of one's own position

Auto 11.07.2019

Option 1

Granin says that the word is no less important "thing" than beliefs. Granin identifies two types of people: some are true to their word to the end, others believe that the word is "just a word." Many people who are not responsible for their words say: “Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, I didn’t do it, I didn’t bring it.” People of this type do not put this word into anything.

Similar situations are often played up in the literature. . Suffice it to recall the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". At the beginning of the story, the writer mentions the proverb: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from youth." Such instruction was given to Grinev by his father. Later we see how main character Pyotr Grinev, despite the difficulties, never violates his father's precepts and keeps his word.

Speaking about the problem of the text, we can recall proverb: "Having given the word, hold on, but not giving it, be strong." After all, if a person gave a word, then he must be responsible for it, must be strong and courageous. And if a person is not able to answer for his words, then he can only “strengthen”.

AT modern world this topic is still relevant , because now you rarely meet people who will be true to their word to the end.

Option 2.

Is it always enough to be born a genius to become a great person? Or mono become brilliant through hard work? I think that it is precisely these problematic issues that N. Mikhailov raises in his text. The author cares this problem, therefore, he seeks to involve us in joint reasoning.

In his text, Mikhailov speaks of phenomenon of genius. Science still cannot explain the nature of unique abilities. Some scientists believe that "indigo children" are born from a marriage with aliens, others think that the appearance of such children is the result of a genetic failure. Also, as an argument, the author says the story of an eight-year-old girl who is at risk of disability. With all this, she draws beautifully, teaches foreign languages. Isn't it a miracle? Only "the source of the "miracle" here is the parents who did everything possible and probably impossible for their daughter." At the end of the text, Mikhailov asks a rhetorical question: “Would the boy Sasha Pushkin become a brilliant poet if he didn’t end up in a lyceum?” It seems unlikely to me.

Agreeing with this point of view of the author, I will cite as an example the story of Mozart and Salieri from the tragedy of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. Both composers were talented, but Mozart worked on his gift all the time, improving his skills, while Salieri thought that one talent was enough and there was no need to spend hours at the instrument, bringing talent to perfection.

Speaking about the problem of the text, I want to say about brilliant children in the modern world. Now, too, many talented and gifted children are being born who could reach the heights in various arts and sciences, but modern parents, due to lack of time, often do not notice the genius of their children. Teachers also treat this gift with indifference, and peers even laugh at those who stand out from the crowd. Therefore, having noticed such a child, we should not bury his talent in the ground, but on the contrary, we should contribute to the birth of genius from the talent.

The text proposed for analysis by N. Mikhailov prompted me to think about the huge role of society in the formation of brilliant personalities, because sometimes it is society that tramples the sprouts of this talent into the ground.

Option 3

Is war capable of destroying the reserves of humanity in man? Or is love inherent in human nature even for the enemy? It seems to me that V. Tendryakov raises these problematic issues in his text. It is this moral problem that worries the author, so he seeks to involve us in joint reasoning.

In his text, V.Tendryakov describes fire in a German hospital. Despite the hostilities, at least a drop of compassion and empathy remains in people. “The tragedy taking place in plain sight was not alien to anyone,” the author writes. Tendryakov leads concrete examples how former enemies are able to come to the aid of each other. For example, the captain of the guard Arkady Kirillovich, noticing how “a German with a wrapped head was trembling near his shoulder”, took off his warm sheepskin coat and handed it to the German. The author also tells us about the feat of a Tatar soldier who threw himself into the fire to save a disabled German.

Agreeing with this point of view of the author, I want to recall the work of V. Zakrutkin "The Mother of Man", which describes the events of the Second World War. Having occupied the farm in which Maria lived, the main character of the story, her son Vasyatka and husband Ivan, the Nazis ruined everything, burned the farm, drove people to Germany, and Ivan and Vasyatka were hanged. Only Mary managed to escape. Alone, she had to fight for her life and for the life of her unborn child. Feeling a burning hatred for the Nazis, Maria, having met a wounded young German, rushes at him with a pitchfork, wanting to avenge her son and husband. But the German, a defenseless boy, shouted: “Mom! Mother!" And the heart of a Russian woman trembled.

Speaking about the problem of the text, it is recalled a scene from Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace", where the Russians and the French, who were the worst enemies at that time, were joking and talking to each other. “After that, it seemed necessary to unload the guns, detonate the charges and go home as soon as possible,” the author says. But this does not happen, and Tolstoy regrets that the "reserves of the human" remained unused.

In conclusion, I want to say that the text proposed for analysis by V. Tendryakov prompted me to think about that in every person there is a human, only someone has more of it, someone has less, and in difficult situations this human will always show itself.

Option 4.

Each person has his own specific goals and cherished dreams, which he strives for throughout his life, trying to achieve them in every possible way.
The author of the text proposed for analysis is concerned about the problem of industriousness and, of course, the merits of this work.
V. Krasnov clearly shows us a vivid example from life - Alfred Nobel, an outstanding scientist and chemist, the author reflects on how, with what efforts Nobel achieved great fame and glory.
In this text, V. Krasnov focuses the reader's attention not on the need to study various sciences, but on the great diligence of Alfred Nobel, who began his journey to studying the sciences in the ruins of a small workshop, showing the reader that Nobel achieved everything himself, thanks to Great love to work and knowledge.
I fully agree with the opinion of the author of this text that the diligence and aspiration of a person play an important role in the life of a person himself, realizing his cherished dreams.
My point of view is confirmed in the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Where the main character of this work is Oblomov himself, is quite smart person, but by nature he is very lazy, he has absolutely nothing to strive for, lying his life on an old sofa, and without thinking at all what he has gained in this life and what he can leave behind. But this is very important! It is important that a person who has lived not a single ten years will leave behind something that the next generation can think about, what it can be proud of.
Another example is the well-known Russian scientist, naturalist, physicist, chemist and poet - Mikhail Lomonosov. Love for work and a great passion for knowledge led him to Moscow 1132 kilometers from his home, he went completely alone, taking with him only some money, "Grammar" and "Arithmetic". Lomonosov was greedy for knowledge, and his favorite pastime is the work that made his dream come true, thanks to which Lomonosov became known to the whole world.
Thus, diligence plays a big role in the life of every person, it brings us the "sweet fruits" of life and makes everything impossible - possible.

(according to A.N. Ostrovsky)


In my opinion, one of the main problems posed by A.N. Ostrovsky in the text is the problem of the significance of writing work.
Reflecting on this problem, the author gives an example of A.S. Pushkin. Ostrovsky writes that, having joined the work of Alexander Sergeevich,

Pushkin gave the reader not only pleasure, but also showed how one can think and feel.The writer notes that Pushkin was the founder of "the liberation of thought from the yoke of conventional methods", because he always wanted to be himself.His most important merit is that he managed to reveal the soul of a Russian person and gave the Russian writer the opportunity to be proud of the fact that he is Russian.

The position of the author is quite understandable. Ostrovsky is convinced that thanks to the work of creative minds, humanity gets the opportunity to join the highest moral values ​​and a fragrant atmosphere,in which the soul and thoughts have the opportunity to develop, rising up.

I agree with the opinion of the author. The issue raised by Ostrovsky is very important. Indeed, what could be the significance of the work of a writer or a poet? After all, he is not a doctor, not a farmer, not a driver.Everything is clear here: without these professions, everyone living on earth would have a hard time, these people feed us, treat us, and drive us. What does a writer do?The answer is both simple and complex at the same time. The task of a true writer is to teach, educate, make you turn to your conscience for permission. critical issues being.

The above can be confirmed by many examples from fiction.

the protagonist creates a truly great work. Unlike most MASSOLIT people, the Master raises deep moral problems in his novel - the problems of choosing between good and evil, responsibility for one's actions, repentance, mercy.This book had very few readers.But precisely because the Master's book was devoted to eternal questions, it was miraculously preserved in the fire, because

Another example of how books - writing - make our minds and hearts work, can be considered the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn.His works

and some others raise topics on which in the 50-60s. XX century, it was not customary to speak.He addresses the problem of mercy, compassion, showing these qualities as the main ones in a person.Because of his criticism (often unconstructive) of the state system, his books seemed to many contemporaries a breath of fresh air in Soviet literature and, although some of them were banned by censorship, were distributed by samizdat.


Writing an essay-reasoning has always been a difficult task for most of our students. How to teach them to clearly, competently, logically express their thoughts? How can you help them cope with Part C with confidence? How to organize your work in order to calmly wait for the results of the already passed Unified State Exam? I think these questions concern everyone. I offer you my solution to these problems.

Problem Statement

A problem is a question that interests the author of the source code and causes

his thoughts and reflections.

The problem can be formulated in two ways.

    In the form of a question (the problem is the question that the author of the original text is discussing and which needs to be resolved).

    The combination of the word problem with a noun used in the genitive case: problem (of what?).


How to find ways of relationships between people of different age generations and ideological positions? The text of the writer F.I.O. is devoted to this complex problem.

In the text of the writer, F.I.O. raises the issue of loneliness.

Problem comment.

Comment - the writer's reasoning about the highlighted problem. This is not a paraphrase, not a quotation, but an analysis of the understanding of the author's logic in revealing the problem of this text.

There are two types of comments:

    Textual - explanation of the structure of the text, following the author in revealing the problem, which includes answers to the following questions:

What is the significance of these statements?

Whose opinions are the author referring to? Why?

How, on what vital material does the author reveal the problem?

2. Conceptual - the writer's interpretation of the source text problem (consideration of its relevance and comparison of different points of view on this issue):

What category does this problem belong to (moral, ecological, philosophical, social, psychological)?

Is this problem relevant today?

How often do we face this problem?

Why did this problem come to the attention of the author?

What aspect of this problem is considered by the author?

Why is this problem classified as perpetual?

Who and in what situations has to face a similar problem?

Is this problem traditional or new?

If traditional, what points of view exist about it?

If new, what caused it to appear?

Speech clichés for introducing textual commentary:

To draw the attention of readers to this issue, F.I.O. tells a story about ... (tells about ..., gives facts ...).

To better understand this topical issue, F.I.O. tells about…. It is especially sad (scary, interesting), according to the author, that ...

Speech clichés for introducing a conceptual comment:

This problem is relevant today more than ever, and a well-known writer (publicist, philosopher, critic, etc.) did not ignore it ...

Indeed, the problem ... is very serious and affects each of us. This question is often raised in the media. For example, we learn from the news that ... . All this, unfortunately, is the result of irresponsible human activity, his indifference to ...

The relevance of this issue is undeniable. Psychologists have long proven ... . That is why the above problem is so often discussed in the media. Participants of the discussion are sure of one thing…

- source text divide into micro-themes - sentences united by one thought and reflecting a certain aspect of the problem;

Highlight the main idea of ​​each micro-theme;

Formulate this thought;

Write it down as a plan item.

Know that, unlike journalistic style, the function of persuasion in artistic style is secondary:

He draws images, pictures, thoughts, deeds, actions in words in order to:

a) enable the reader to imagine the events described;

b) convey their emotions;

c) evoke response feelings and experiences;

In reasoning, the author's position is always clear6 most often it is in the thesis or conclusion. There are characters in the story. How do they work? What happens to them? It is through the analysis of these situations that the author's position is transmitted. There is no evidence in the description. We learn only about the signs of a particular described object, so we need to pay attention to the most interesting characteristics, its properties, details - it is in them that the author's position is laid down.

Speech clichés for introducing a commentary on the author's position:

Position about the problem raised becomes clear only after a meaningful reading of the text.

Remember! For the first time in an essay, it is necessary to name the author of the text, who he is.

Proof of your own point of view

Whatever you think about the issues raised in the text, write in this section.

Note! Without evaluative words to help convey the impression of what you read, your position is not considered formulated!

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To ask questions.

Why do some people betray others? What are they guided by? What is the fate of traitors? It is these questions that V. Nadyrshin answers.

Thinking over given problem, the author cites the example of a hero given text, Dimona. At the very beginning of the text publicist(better: a writer, the text is not journalistic, but artistic) emphasizes that Dimon immediately did not like the new one and that guy(which of the two?) was completely calm when he learned about the upcoming "registration". In addition, V. Nadyrshin, using the form of dialogue, shows us that flattery and praise were enough for the boy to decide on betrayal. The author very accurately conveys the inner state of the traitor, describing his feelings. He emphasizes that, even realizing that, Dimon did not change his mind. Concluding his reasoning, the publicist shows that the hero’s conscience tormented him all his life for this betrayal and that all his life he dreamed of atoning for his guilt by accomplishing a feat, but for some reason an opportunity did not appear ...

First, it does not matter what served as a pretext for meanness. A traitor cannot be justified. Let us turn to the work of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Andriy, for the sake of the love of a charming polka, betrayed not only his father and brother, but also his homeland. (in order not to doubt the signs, it is better to change the word order: For the love of a charming polka Andriy betrayed not only his father and brother, but also his homeland.) It is not surprising that he remained misunderstood and that retribution was not long in coming.

Secondly, by betraying, a person consciously gives himself to be torn to pieces by his own conscience. Recently, there was a story on television about suicide. It turns out that one of the common causes of suicide is unbearable pangs of conscience for committed misconduct. They are so strong that a person cannot cope with them and sees only one way out - suicide.

I hope that after reading this text, the guys will think about this important issue and they will understand that never, under any pretext, one should become a traitor!

K1 problem statement

the problem is defined and formulated

1 of 1

K2 comment on the problem

comment reveals all aspects of the problem

2 of 2

K3 position of the author


1 of 1

K4 argumentation of one's opinion on the problem

2 arguments

3 of 3

K5 integrity and consistency

there are no violations of paragraph articulation and logical errors

2 of 2

K6 accuracy and expressiveness of speech

there are violations in the accuracy of the expression of thought, speech errors

1 of 2

K7 spelling

no errors

3 of 3

K8 punctuation

1 mistake

3 of 3

K9 grammar mistakes

no errors

2 of 2

K10 speech errors

2 mistakes

1 of 2

K11 ethical standards

no errors

1 of 1

K12 actual errors

no errors

1 of 1

21 of 23

The page is devoted to how to write an essay on the exam in the Russian language. Here you will find criteria for grading papers, texts for writing essays, guidelines for teachers, memos and templates for students, and other useful material.

New in the criteria for assessing the examination essay.

Dear colleagues! A new demo version with the heading PROJECT has appeared on the FIPI website, but we all know that what was a project automatically becomes not a project.

To be honest, at first the changes shocked me. What for? Why? Such questions were in my head.

So what's new? A comment on an issue is now worth 5 points instead of 3. We need two examples from the text, explanations for them and show how they are connected. What it is and what this connection is eaten with has not yet been explained.

Criterion 4 - argumentation of one's own position - now, on the contrary, 1 is estimated from 3 points. Expressed the position and gave a logical argument - well, get 1 point, no, formally stated - did not receive the coveted point. That is, it is no longer necessary to bring literary arguments.

I think I understand why. Firstly, because the children still write off the arguments from the base of the arguments, since when checking it is clear that the examples are given from the same works and the same words. That is zero autonomy. Only about 10% of students write themselves and seriously. It turns out profanation. Secondly, they will have a literary essay on the final. That's where they will show knowledge of the texts.

Let's get back to the commentary. So, two examples from the text. What are examples? I see that this is not only a quote, and maybe not necessarily a quote. For example, they wrote an essay about Mishka Eliseev and the problem of greed. We begin to write a comment like this: "Answering these questions (before that there were a number of rhetorical questions), the author cites as an example Mishka Eliseev, who not only did not share food with his comrades during the famine years, but also hung a lock on the nightstand, clearly not trusting his neighbors. ( Further output) Thus, we see that a greedy person is a bad comrade and individual farmer. (Next comes connection two examples) To show the typical nature of the hero, the writer draws the image of a greedy driver who, without a twinge of conscience, took bread from the hero of the text. The author notices the outward similarity of the two characters: they have small sly eyes. (Next I give one more example, showing the connection with the previous two) In contrast to them, the hero-narrator of the text is given. He is a selfless man, capable of sacrificing everything for the sake of his comrades."

Well, that's about it. That is, it really independent work, which shows how students can analyze the text, find the relationship of examples, make micro-conclusions, follow the author. But, unfortunately, experience shows that a template can be made from such a creative part of the composition. Often teachers (I don’t want to blame anyone, but I can’t resist) compose ready-made templates for students. And they are doing great! Children, like a blueprint, scribble their comments, only independence, there is not a penny of intelligence there. I understand that graduates are very different everywhere, and if I was lucky with my students, then in many schools, 11th grade students cannot connect two words, but they need to be released. That's how they try to release it. Well, honor and praise to these teachers. (This is not irony)

Here are some thoughts on what the connection might be between the examples. Examples can

  • to complement each other,
  • explain
  • to expand the thought of the author,
  • they can be opposed to each other for this and that,
  • specify

Here's a template you can give. You can write a teaching essay together with students once, pronouncing sentences, parts of the essay, asking questions. This is the kind of work I'm going to do. And while we write K4 in the old way, what the hell is joking)))

Exam Essay Requirements

The presentation introduces the criteria for assessing the examination essay and gives templates and speech clichés for writing it.

Problem and author's position

In the archive - a presentation and text for writing an essay. The presentation contains clichés for writing the problem and the author's position, there are training tasks for formulating the problem, and the lesson also involves working with the text in order to identify the author's position and the problems of the text.

Comment on the problem

In the archive you will find a presentation for the lesson, a text for analysis and a commentary for the sample. Thanks to the colleagues whose developments I used to create this material: Saglay Irina Vladimirovna and Eremeeva T.I.

In criterion K2 (comment on the problem), a comment on the text is evaluated with 2 points, and 2 examples from the text must be given. What can be considered as an example? Quote. At the same time, it should be a quote with the help of which the author solves the problem you have formulated. Use the phrases: "The author draws our attention ... He gives an example .... The author highlights such aspects of the problem ..." When writing a comment, you must go "following the author", that is, follow his path. Here he posed the problem (question). The author's position is the answer to this question. What is between a question and an answer? Which way is the author going? What "sub-questions" does he highlight? What examples does he give? What quotes does he use and for what purpose? How does he relate to the hero and how can this be seen? How he evaluates the situation given in the text (if it is a text of artistic style) The main thing is not to confuse the author and the hero-narrator. Even if the author seems to be writing about himself, since he writes "I", one should still write: "The author uses ..., raises the problem", but "The narrator feels ..., the hero understands that..." You can write that this is an "autobiographical narrator."

In criterion K4 (reasoning one's own position), as in the previous year, 3 points are given for two arguments, one of which! literary. The main thing is to be able to formulate an argument. If it is easier to say, then each argument begins with a red line, is introduced by its own reasoning, and only then an example from the text is given. Guys confuse example and argument. The argument includes an example (illustration), but is built according to the following scheme: microthesis (argument) + example + micro-conclusion. You cannot start a paragraph like this: "In Dostoevsky's novel" Crime and Punishment. That is, the example should be "surrounded" by your reasoning.

Suppose you talk about the benefits of books and talk about Pushkin, whom Nicholas 1 called "the smartest man of his time", and this really was the case, his works prove it. But what shaped this sharp mind? Reading! Pushkin re-read the entire library of his father as a child, although, perhaps, it was too early for him to do this and we would now say 16+. So reading creates us both mentally and morally.

On the other hand, we see negative examples pernicious lack of habit of reading. Let's remember Mitrofanushka from D. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth". The hero did not want to study, of course, did not read anything. His mind remained pristine, and his soul remained undeveloped, because even at the end of the work he betrays his mother. And we often see such examples in our modern life, which leads to the spiritual impoverishment of the nation, sadly.

As you can see, there are two arguments. One with a plus sign, the second with a minus sign. Moreover, not both examples are literary, only the second can be considered as such. By the way, it is better to put literary in the first place, and not in the second. The first example about Pushkin is not considered literary, since the work is not named, although it can be written that the example is taken from the book, for example, by Veresaev "Pushkin in Life", and then the argument will already be literary.

When counting words, quotations and material from information about the author of the text are taken into account. That is, everything that you quoted from the text and that you wrote off from the information about the author is subtracted when counting words. So I advise you - fewer quotes, more of your thoughts. Do not write phrases like: "Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Russian publicist, prose writer, public figure..." This information is given so that you know exactly what synonyms you can replace the words "author" and "Solzhenitsyn." Do not try to type the required number of words in this way.

If for K1 (problem) you were given 0 points, then according to the criteria for K2-K4 you will be given 0 points

If according to K10 (speech errors) the highest score is not worth 2, then according to the criterion K6 (expressiveness of the language) maximum score will not put.

Impressions from the compositions of 2011

(I can say that I did not write my impressions about the composition of 2012, 2013 and 2014, 2015, because they are the same)

So we checked the compositions of the USE format in the Russian language in 2011. What can I say ... General impression: the work is very weak. Unfortunately, unlike previous years, not a single one was remembered. The text was about the price human life, about self-love and vanity, about the purpose of life and self-affirmation.

About vanity... Children don't know how to write this word, they write "vanity". Why? Unclear. But it is, flowers.

Everyone was taught to write according to patterns. Many of the essays do not have a single word of their own. It seems to me that we should not give templates to children, but only a plan and introduce them to the criteria. Although, of course, we should not forget about the very weak students who are still going to the 10th grade. They may really need to memorize patterns.

I came across one work that was generally not in the text. The child wrote the whole essay about the truth, about which, in principle, there was not a word. What's this? Just some memorized text of an essay? Like, does it fit everything?

Secondly, they cannot formulate the problem, many people confuse it with the topic. The word THEME should not be in the essay, although in many training manuals they write what they need. But you can start the essay like this: "In the text of Slozhenitsyn about ... the problem (of what?) ...

Another common mistake is to describe a whole range of problems, but write an essay in general, it is not known for what. IT IS NECESSARY TO FORMULATE ONLY ONE PROBLEM AND WRITE ON IT.

As in previous years, they formulate one problem, and the author's position on another. It is necessary to inform the children that the problem is a question, and the author's position is the answer to this question, and they must check this correspondence.

The most terrible thing is the literary examples, which, apparently, were emphasized by all the teachers. The main thing is a literary example, it does not matter that it does not correspond to the problem, does not confirm your thesis, which, by the way, many do not have. What they prove is not clear. And here there are already a bunch of factual errors: we call the story a novel, we attribute the initials "F. M." to Bulgakov. (Did they confuse it with Dostoevsky?) This year, one young man wrote "Mitrofanushka" instead of Mitrofanushka. What's this? Why is that? And this is a transfer from the text of the Internet, from where he copied the example. There are also such pearls: "Maxim Gorky in his work e"Woe from Wit" describes a man who never found himself in life. Throughout the story, he thinks "he is a creature or has a right"..." (*spelling and punctuation of the source preserved)

One feels like saying: "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house." Although why be surprised with our huge program of 10-11 grades, which is studied in 3 hours a week? Children simply do not have time to fit everything in their heads, and we say: "Read." What kind of reading is there?

Literary examples children do not know how to enter. One example, two examples, and it seems that you need to put 3 points, because one of them, or even two, is literary, but the example does not fit, not from that opera, with a bunch of factual errors, and even not introduced. We need a smooth transition: first a proof, then an illustration, that is, a literary example proper.

Many, having not found examples, begin to compose: “So I read an article about a businessman (sportsman, politician) in the newspaper Arguments and Facts (Izvestia, Sovetsky Sport). Of course, it’s impossible to check, because “who is the author, and in what number, and what was the name of the businessman, I forgot.” This is how we get out of the situation that has just arisen.

In general, the picture is depressing. Who is guilty? And what to do? - the eternal questions of the Russian intelligentsia. The reason, first of all, is that very few hours are allocated in the basic curriculum for the study of such subjects as the Russian language and literature. Often, obviously weak students go to the 10th grade, who did not score the required number of points for the GIA and who, by definition, cannot pass the USE satisfactorily. Of course, the general decline in the level of education and erudition, the dominance of mass culture and uncensored media. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this. Here is what we can do: share experience, including on the Internet, teach and teach children again, paraphrasing the famous quote from the classic.

How to prepare for writing

Of course, you need to prepare for the composition in stages. First of all, it is necessary to introduce the criteria for evaluating works and the requirements for writing. I dedicate a whole lesson to this (or an elective, or a lesson in the Russian language). The guys should clearly know what is required of them, maybe it’s even worth learning the criteria. (See presentation at top of page)

Then we work on the concepts of Problem and Author's position. The guys should understand what it is, in practice, learn to identify the problem and the position of the author on this issue. I always ask you to first find sentences in the text where the author's position is demonstrated (unless, of course, this is a text of a journalistic style and the position is expressed verbally). Then I ask to "turn" the position into a problem (question). If the problem is a question, then the author's position is the answer to this question.

The next criterion we are working on is the commentary, a very problematic part of the USE essay. As a rule, no one knows what to do with this comment. Someone does not write it at all, someone gets lost in retelling, someone writes about the relevance of the problem, someone analyzes the language means. We must go "after the author." The author posed a problem (question), which he solves by giving some examples, considering some aspects of the problem. At the same time, the student should write on one problem, not leave the question that he has already formulated. Here it is also important not to confuse the author and the hero (narrator), the Author writes the text, uses some language means, gives examples, and everything that is written in the text happens to the hero.

The next tricky part is the argument. As you know, 2 arguments must be given, one of which must be literary. Guys who do not read much, who have a narrow outlook, cannot give examples. And to teach them this, in principle, is impossible - you can’t put your head on. Therefore, it is necessary to read literary works in grades 10-11 and highlight problems. You can revise the program (the guys may have read these books once, but they don’t remember them anymore, you need to “clear” your brains), remember the works, fill out a summary table: book, problems, author positions. It is important that the guys understand that an example is not an argument. The argument is built in this way: microthesis + example + microconclusion. I always give a simple example. We prove the thesis: it is important to read books. What are the arguments (evidence)? The first microthesis (or argument): books must be read in order to know more. The second argument: reading books develops speech. The third argument: reading is sometimes entertainment. All this is primitive and simple, but so much more understandable. And now we are supplementing and developing each of these arguments (microtheses, arguments, call it what you want), we give examples from books. After that, we make a micro-inference. In this case, each argument must be issued with a red line.

The next stage is work on the speech design of the works. Not only guys, but you and I sometimes cannot separate speech and grammatical errors. First, the children should be introduced to the types of speech, grammatical and logical errors, and then offered to correct them, work on editing the work.

The next step is cross-checking the work. In a separate lesson, the children are invited to first check collectively one of the works that the teacher has already checked. To do this, you can prepare handouts: the essay itself, the text on which it was written, the evaluation criteria. Then go through all the stages of assessment that the expert goes through. Here is a sample conversation:

  1. Highlight the problems and positions of the author on the problems of this text
  2. Is one of the problems formulated in the essay? Is it correctly formulated, without factual errors in understanding?
  3. Maybe the author formulated a problem that you did not formulate, but it is in the text?
  4. Is there an author's position? It is formulated according to the problem, that is, the answer to the question of the problem is given? If the author's position is formulated on another problem not stated in the essay, then we put 0 points for the author's position (K3). And then they are forced to put 0 according to the K4 criterion.
  5. Is there a comment on the issue? Did the author of the essay get lost in the commentary on the retelling? Is there an over-quoting? Are there factual errors in understanding the text and problems? Does the author of the essay confuse the author of the text and the narrator? Are there 2 examples from the text on this issue?
  6. Are there 2 arguments in the essay, one of which is literary? Do they match the thesis of the work? Are there factual errors in the argument? Is the argument correct?
  7. Is the work structured logically? Is there a connection between the paragraphs? Are there logical errors in the work? (Experience tells us that we ourselves, teachers, do not always see logical errors, so we need to work on this issue especially painstakingly) Is the text divided into paragraphs correctly?
  8. We are looking for spelling, punctuation, grammar and speech errors. (I repeat that it is difficult to distinguish between grammatical and speech errors. The main clue is that a speech error is visible in the context, and a grammatical error is visible without text)
  9. Next, we think how expressive the speech of the work is. If there are grammatical and speech errors, then 2 points according to the K6 criterion cannot be set. If the composition is diverse in syntactic constructions, figuratively, there are no lexical errors, then 2 points can be put. In general, according to this criterion, the highest score is rarely given.
  10. As a rule, there are no ethical and factual errors. But an arrogant attitude towards the author of the text, negativism can be considered an ethical mistake. AT last years, however, there are more and more factual errors.

At the next lesson, the teacher offers to analyze and evaluate the work of a friend on their own. It is necessary not only to give points for each criterion, but also to justify your assessment.

Well, aerobatics is a self-test, because it is very difficult to objectively evaluate yourself.

  • #1

    Literary argument can be from foreign literature?

  • #2
  • #3

    Hello, Inessa Nikolaevna. Thanks a lot for your help. Among the diverse guidelines in subjects your experience and your advice is the most understandable to me. Sincerely, Olga.

  • #4

    Is it possible to use two examples from the literature as arguments. Not citing real life examples

  • #5

    Can. The main thing is that at least one example should be from literature.

  • #6

    What if the essay has more than 350 words? Will it be counted? Maximum 350. It seems like +25%

  • #7

    Mary, you can. You can as much as you want. Just a lot of words - a lot of mistakes. But if you are literate, then everything will be fine.
    By the way, today was the first day of testing. Pearls: Pierre Bezukhov fought a duel with Boris and killed him. Andrei Bolkonsky helped children, orphans and opened kindergartens. Kids, those are factual errors in the background material!

  • #8

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! Please tell me if you have any materials to prepare for the final essay (admission)? They gave 11th grade this year, I'm MS, I don't know where to start.

  • #9

    Alyona, I don’t have 11 this year, so I don’t know. Look at the materials on FIPI. They say that directions have already appeared there. Last year, although I didn’t have any literature in the 11th grade, we prepared like this: we introduced the criteria, directions, read books in the directions, talked about the structure of the essay, held a platform. Well, I have a little bit on this site on this page: http://site/2014/11/11/%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0% B2%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0% BF%D0%BE-%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B5-%D0% B2-2015-%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83/

  • #10

    Hello! Tell me, please, can you give arguments from foreign literature?

  • #11

    Sophia, you can even from the scientific: historical, for example. But it is better that one example is still from fiction, and it doesn’t matter which one: classical or modern, Russian or foreign.

  • #12

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! And could you place a text and an essay on it as a sample on your site. I am sure that you have a huge amount of these developments. Do not share?
    Thanks for the answer.

  • #13

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! Faced such a problem - the teacher says that it is impossible to use arguments from the works of one author in the essay (for example, " Quiet Don"and" The fate of man "). The tutor claims the opposite. Whom to believe? Thank you in advance for your answer.

  • #14

    Gregory, you can use two arguments of the same author, but from different works, the main thing is that they are not similar and that they are framed. This, as a rule, is not taught, so experts often consider two arguments as one. It is better to introduce an argument and a counterargument. An example should be preceded by a microthesis, then an example, and then a micro-conclusion. That's it in general terms. Good luck!

  • #15

    Inessa Nikolaevna, I read your methodology for writing an essay. It became easier)))) Thank you very much for your invaluable experience. Got a lot for myself. And yet again I would like to clarify with you too. Is the number of paragraphs in an essay limited, or is it at the discretion of the graduate? And is it true that in 2016 examples from personal life will not be counted? So, we give 2 examples from art.lit. So we're not wrong, are we?

  • #16

    Dear Aigul, I will not speak for all the commissions: each region checks in its own way. If we talk about the Moscow region, then the number of paragraphs is not specified, at the discretion of the student. It's just that each new thought should start on a new line. I teach my students that one sentence cannot stand out in a separate paragraph, but when checking for this, I do not reduce points. Ideally, it seems to me, it should be like this: problem, comment, author's position and own position (this is the thesis), 1 argument, 2 argument, conclusion. Only 6 paragraphs. Someone thinks otherwise.
    Argument from personal experience, as well as a logical argument (one's own reasoning, not supported by examples), are considered arguments. The main thing is that they should be correctly designed and correspond to the stated problem and thesis. What does "arranged" mean? There are arguments before the example and after the example too.
    The examples don't have to be similar. That is, it is impossible, for example, to give two examples showing negative attitude to animals. Better argument and counterargument (bad attitude and good).
    A common mistake is examples that do not match the stated problem. For example, the text was generally about love, but about love that humiliates, makes a fanatic, and the person gives examples of high love, for example, Romeo and Juliet. That is, I saw the word "love" and immediately "pulled by the ears" the heroes who do not correspond to this type of love.
    This year, one innovation: it's 3 points per comment. To get 3 points, you need to give 2 examples from the read text. What can be examples? Quote, retelling element, reference to a quote. That is, the commentary is written almost the same as the essay on the OGE (I don’t remember what number this essay has, it seems to be 15.2)

  • #17

    Thank you so much for materials!

  • #18

    And will the essay be counted if there are a lot of errors inside the sentence?

  • #19

    Oleg will count. Simply, if you are very illiterate, you will be given zeros for literacy (spelling, punctuation, grammatical errors, speech errors). But still, those who make few mistakes score a lot of points. Choose words that you are sure of spelling, build sentences with a simple structure, the punctuation of which you have no doubts about.

  • #20

    Is it possible to use the biography of any author as an argument?

  • #21

    Natasha, you can, you can even use cases from life. The main thing is that one argument should be from literary work, and the second - any (from history, from your life, from a TV show, from a movie). If you talk about the biography of the writer and indicate the title of the book (for example, Veresaev "Pushkin in Life", Slonim "Three Loves of Dostoevsky", etc.), then this example will be counted as a literary example.

  • #22

    Dear, Inessa Nikolaevna, how much will the essay be reduced if she hurried and wrote the surname incorrectly in the argument. ("a good example is the work of Shukshina ......")

  • #23

    Victoria, if Shukshin was meant, then they can count it as a typo and not lower it. And they can reduce by 1 point for a fact or for spelling.

  • #24

    Hello, in the essay I cited the work of Tvardovsky as an example. Will points be taken off if instead of A.T. Tvardovsky wrote to A.A. Tvardovsky (mixed up the initial)?

  • #25

    Olga, if they notice, they will reduce 1 point for the fact according to the last criterion. Therefore, it is better not to write initials.

  • #26

    Hello, will I get 0 points for my essay if I was in a hurry and accidentally rewrote the wrong problem? The problem is written alone, but the essay itself is completely on a different problem?

  • #27

    Marina, it's too late to worry now. Wait for the result.
    If the essay is not at all according to this text, then they will put zeros. If you singled out the wrong problem, then they will put zeros on the first four criteria, and the rest will be evaluated.
    Here's an example yesterday: a text about songs, and a student highlights a memory problem. It is not there at all, although it seems that they write according to this text. Received zeros on the first four criteria, but the rest was evaluated.

  • #28

    Hello, Inessa Nikolaevna. Can they underestimate for an essay if the author is not indicated in the argument?

  • #29

    Maret, in principle, they can, but most likely not for this, but for the fact that the argument was poorly deployed or it did not correspond to the problem. It happens that there are two examples, but for one argument, they can also be reduced for this.

  • #30

    Inessa Nikolaevna, I had two arguments: "The sun, the old man and the girl" and the poem "Pets" on the problem of the influence of nature on human life. I did not indicate the authors, but I deployed it well. Do you think it makes sense to file an appeal?

  • #31

    Inessa Nikolaevna, my friend has 86 points. Downgraded for arguments. She correctly found the problem (the problem of fear) and gave two arguments: "The Man in the Case" and "Eugene Onegin", revealed, according to her, well. According to the second argument, she wrote that Onegin was also afraid of changes in his life, was afraid of losing his freedom and cited the verse "I did not want to lose my hateful freedom." She got two points. Can you try to dispute this?

  • #32

    Maret, I can't answer you without seeing the essay.
    As for your girlfriend, it’s unlikely, since the examples are similar, they are both about fear, but it was necessary to give an argument and a counter-argument, that is, at least an example of fear and an example of courage. Then both would count. And so they counted, probably, only the first one and put it as one literary 2 points. No one, unfortunately, understands the difference between an example and an argument. An example is part of an argument.

  • #33

    Hello, I have a question. One of the arguments in the essay, I took the work of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya", in which one of the main characters was called Ivan Timofeevich. But I forgot his middle name and in the essay I called him simply Ivan. For this, I was deducted a point, saying that all names must always be given in full. And not only names. For example, if you take Andrei Bolkonsky as an argument, then you must always write Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in the essay, otherwise you can also lose a point. Is this really a mistake?
    And further. If I forget the initials of the author and write, for example, not A.I. Kuprin, but simply Kuprin, will this be a mistake?
    Thanks in advance

  • #34

    Yan, Ivan Timofeevich, should have been called with a patronymic, since he is not called simply "Ivan" anywhere in the story. Prince Andrei can be called both "Prince Andrei" and "Andrei Bolkonsky", since he is called differently on the pages of the novel. It is better, of course, to mention writers with initials, but just a surname without initials is not a mistake. If the teacher tells you this, then he just wants you to be fine. You never know which expert will come across ... The teacher wants you to score the maximum number of points. The expert should not reduce points for this.

  • #35

    Hello, in my essay, I identified 2 problems and then wrote exactly on two problems, will my essay be credited to me? Very worried...

  • #36

    Well, what to worry about, the essay is written. Now it all depends on the expert. I can't say without seeing the essay. If one problem is disclosed and examples are given, I think they will count. No one has the goal of flunking students.

  • #37

    Hello, if instead of F.M. Dostoevsky wrote M. Dostoevsky, will they deduct points?

  • #38

    Yes, if they notice, they will remove 1 point for the fact according to the last criterion.

  • #39

    Hello, please tell me what arguments can be made from the literature about a thoughtless word that hurt another person. Thanks for the help!

  • #40

    Zinaida, think for yourself, that's why you were given the task. I can remind you of a poem by V Shefner:
    Words can kill, words can save
    In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you.
    In a word, you can sell, and betray, and buy,
    The word can be poured into smashing lead.
    Poetic lines can also be used as an example.
    And don't confuse example and argument. The example is only part of the argument.
    1. A thoughtless word can hurt a person, deprive him of hope.
    2. A thoughtless word can lead to an error. The man told a deliberate lie, and the other believed this unverified information and, in turn, made a mistake.
    These are arguments, and attach your examples to them. (One example should be from literature, the other can be either from your life experience, or, for example, history)

  • #41

    Hello, please tell me what settings the examiners have when they check the arguments. What happens if I write an argument from a story you haven't read? Will such an argument count?

  • #42

    Victor, if such a story exists and you indicate the author and the title of the story, then, after checking, the expert will count this example.

  • #43

    Hello, please tell me, if there is only one argument (from literature) in the essay, and there is no second one, how will they be credited with only one argument?

  • #44

    Dmitry, for the arguments according to the K4 criterion, you can get a maximum of 3 points, provided that there are 2 examples, one of which is from the literature. That is, one literary example is enough to get the highest score. The second one can be from a movie, a story, a newspaper, a magazine, your life.

  • #45

    Another addition. If there is only one example, and it is from literature, then they will give 2 points out of three.

  • #46

    It turns out that if in my essay I have only one argument instead of the two necessary ones (the number of paragraphs will be 6, not 7), and in addition it is from fiction, will it be credited to me as 2 points?

  • #47

    Yes, absolutely right.

  • #48

    Hello! Can you please tell me if the points are reduced for the fact that the author or genre of the work is not indicated?

  • #49

    Hello! Please tell me, are the points reduced for not writing the name of the author or his initials? Is there a difference between full name and initials for experts?

  • #50

    Ekaterina, it is not necessary to indicate the genre, you can write: "In" Captain's daughter"Pushkin" or "In Pushkin's work" The Captain's Daughter "".
    The initials must be indicated if we are talking, for example, about Tolstoy. There is after all L. N. Tolstoy, A. N. Tolstoy and A. K. Tolstoy. What are we talking about? In other cases, you can not specify, this is not a mistake, in my opinion. I don't deduct points for this. Full name you don't have to write at all, unless you want to get word count that way.

  • #51

    Hello, is it possible to write an essay with poems or quotes?

  • #52

    Anna, if you mean quotes as arguments, as well as poetry, then yes, but all these quotes should be "surrounded" by your reasoning.

  • #53

    Hello, dear Inessa Nikolaevna! Please answer whether it is possible to make a reference to the source text sentences in the form of a number in a comment on the problem, without quoting them. My Russian teacher said that it is absolutely impossible to do this.

  • #54

    Hello, tell me please, what arguments can be made about a media person?

  • #55

    can the first argument be a work, and the second is the author of this work?

  • #56

    Colleagues, I apologize for the delay in answering: I did not receive notifications about comments.
    Dear Larisa. I think that references to proposals are generally incorrect, although in the training manuals and even in the wording of the tasks themselves they indicate that this is possible and necessary. But we have not seen this in any highly artistic text, or even simply artistic one. So I don’t allow my students to write like that, and let them throw rotten tomatoes at me))) Listen to the teacher, in my opinion, she advises you correctly.
    Tatyana, think about the arguments yourself, but no one will help you during the exam. Well, just write about our media faces from your personal experience. Let there be no literary example, let them give not 3 points, but 2, the main thing is to write everything correctly.
    Blat, do not confuse argument and example. An argument is a microthesis, an argument, and an example is attached to it. Students are always confused about this. What does it mean to be the author of a work? That is, information from the biography of the author? Can.

  • #57

    Hello, I forgot to write one argument in the essay, what will happen now? Will the work be counted?

  • #58

    Maxim, if there are enough words in the work, then the work will be counted. Just don't get the maximum score for arguments.

  • #59

    Hello! Dear Perova Inessa Nikolaevna. Tell me, is it necessary to give an example from life experience in the second argument? And what happens if the problem of the text is framed incorrectly? Thanks for the answer.

  • #60

    Please tell me, what if I wrote everything, like the topic is disclosed, 2 literary arguments are given, but in one I wrote the wrong author of the work (

  • #61

    Good afternoon! tell me, my daughter today at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in the essay described the wrong problem of the original text, not love for the motherland, but love for native nature. The essay will be evaluated according to other criteria, even if k1-k4 put 0? Thanks.

  • #62

    Dear Mirzakhan. Any example can be given in the 2nd argument: from life experience, from films, books, etc. If you incorrectly formulated the problem, there will be 0 points according to the criteria K1-K4. But, perhaps, experts will consider that there is still such a problem in the text. If they determined correctly, but incorrectly issued, then they will reduce for speech.
    Vanya, will be reduced by 1 point for the last criterion K12 for a factual error in the background material.
    Dear Tatyana, yes, it will be evaluated according to other criteria, of course.

  • #63

    Tell me, please, if I wrote an essay, but I'm afraid that the problem will not be counted, and I wrote the arguments correctly, will this essay be counted for me or not? Thank you.

  • #64

    Xenia, don't worry! Experts are quite loyal, no one wants to "fill up" you. But if there was certainly no such problem and it will not be counted for you, then zeros will be put on the first four criteria, but literacy and the rest of the criteria will be counted.

  • #65

    Inessa Nikolaevna, God bless you for many years. Thank you very much.

  • #66

    hello, if the essay has more than 350 words, will it be counted?

  • #67

    Yes, but less is better. 150-200 words is fine.

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