Atomic tin by Alexander Pumane. The story of the dead submariner is overgrown with tons of unverified information

Recipes 18.07.2019
Alexander Gennadievich Pumane
Name at birth:

Alexander Gennadievich Pumane


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Date of Birth:
Date of death:



Killings for Hire

Completion period:

Early 2000s

Region of commission:

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Date of arrest:
Accused of:

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Found guilty of:

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Pumane, Alexander Gennadievich(1966 - 2004) - Russian criminal, hired killer, part of the Kingisepp organized crime group.


Alexander Gennadievich Pumane was born on February 15, 1966 in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. His father was an officer in the Navy. In 1989, Pumane graduated with honors from the navigation department of the Baku Naval School named after Kirov. After graduating from college, he served as a navigator with the rank of captain of the second rank in the Third Submarine Flotilla. He played sports and earned the title of military pentathlon champion.

Pumane was married, in this marriage he had two daughters. Pumane's wife Natalia worked as an accountant at the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, later she began working at the same headquarters as a psychologist. In addition, she was an instructor for working with families of military personnel, dealt with domestic conflicts, and conducted psychological research on submarine crews before autonomous navigation. In 2000, Natalya received the post of psychologist at the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, but did not work there for long. Pumane himself in 2000 after graduating military service in Murmansk, he achieved a transfer to Moscow, to the headquarters of the Navy, but soon after that he retired with the rank of captain of the third rank and moved to permanent residence in St. Petersburg, where he entered the law faculty of the Herzen State Pedagogical Institute. After graduating from the institute, Pumane did not practice law. He made a living reselling auto parts, and later became involved in driving and reselling cars. In 2002, he divorced his wife and began to live in St. Petersburg, and his wife and daughters - in Gatchina. Pumane did not pay child support, but he regularly gave several hundred dollars to his children.

Hitman career and death

Pumane was a member of the Kingisepp organized crime group, headed by Sergei Finagin and engaged in the execution of contract killings. Pumane was an excellent explosives technician and the main specialist in the group. At the same time, he was listed as an assistant to lawyer Emil Kuliev from the St. Petersburg Bar Association. Some of Pumane's acquaintances claimed that they saw him as an employee of the Russian branch of Interpol.

Pumane participated in the execution of four contract killings and one assassination attempt. In 2002, he came to the operational field of view of the criminal investigation department of St. Petersburg during the investigation of an explosion in front of the building of the regional prosecutor's office on Lesnoy Prospekt. This crime was not solved, however, according to operatives, this explosion was planned by order of Sergei Finagin, and the purpose of the action was to discredit competitors from another organized criminal group.

In 2004, Pumane prepared an attempt on the life of Yury Bushev, the former financial director of Slavneft. On September 18 of this year, Pumane was detained in the center of Moscow by the criminal investigation department. In the trunk of his car, two MON-50 mines with electric detonators, a 200-gram TNT block, and a control unit were found. electric circuit and a twenty-liter canister of gasoline. The detainee was taken to the police station, initially he was mistaken for a terrorist. During the interrogation, Pumane said that a few days ago an unfamiliar man approached him and asked him to drive the car to Moscow for a thousand dollars, and then fulfill several more orders in the capital - in particular, to drive the car to the Borodino panorama.

During interrogation, Pumane was beaten by interrogators. When the detainee became ill, at about 5 o'clock in the morning he was transferred to the Sklifosofsky Institute in a coma. There, Pumane was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, a severe brain contusion, a fracture of the vault and base of the skull, cerebral edema, massive hematomas. A few hours after unsuccessful attempts at resuscitation, Pumane died without regaining consciousness. According to the person invited to the morgue for identification ex-husband Natalia Pumane, his body was mutilated beyond recognition. The identity of the deceased was established only after a genetic examination. According to the doctors, Pumane's death was the result of an internal hemorrhage and the loss of about two liters of blood.

After Pumane's death, several policemen who conducted the interrogation were put on the wanted list. Among them was Major Vyacheslav Dushenko, declared in the federal, and then in international wanted list. For two years Dushenko was in hiding, and only later it was proved that he had nothing to do with the death of Pumane. In March 2006, Andrei Semigin, the former head of the police department, and Iosif Smereka, who was on duty the night of Pumane's arrest, were convicted. They were found guilty of negligence, negligently resulting in the death of a person, and sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment and two years of imprisonment in a colony-settlement, respectively.

In February 2005, Pumane's accomplice Aleksandr Ivanov was detained after confessing to five murders. Thanks to his testimony, in 2005-2006, almost all ordinary members of the Kingisepp organized criminal group and its leaders Finagin and Ilyasov were detained. In 2007-2008, two trials were held in the Moscow City Court against members of the Kingisepp organized criminal group. 16 bandits were sentenced to terms from 4.5 to 19 years in prison, two were acquitted.

Relatives of Pumane and his common-law wife denied his involvement in the failed terrorist attack, arguing that Pumane was simply “set up”, using him “in the dark”.

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An excerpt characterizing Pumane, Alexander Gennadievich

This was my complex and sometimes funny, childish reality in which I lived at that time. And since I had no other choice, I had to find my "bright and beautiful" even in what others, I think, would never find it. I remember once after my next unusual “incident”, I sadly asked my grandmother:
Why is my life so different from everyone else?
Grandmother shook her head, hugged me and quietly answered:
“Life, my dear, is a tenth of what happens to us and nine-tenths of how we react to it. React fun baby! Otherwise, at times it can be very difficult to exist ... And what is not similar, we are all different in one way or another in the beginning. It’s just that you will grow up and life will begin to “tweak” you more and more to the general standards, and it will depend only on you, whether you want to be the same as everyone else.
And I didn’t want to ... I loved my unusual colorful world and would not exchange it for anything and never. But, unfortunately, every beautiful thing in our life is very expensive and we must really love it very much so that it does not hurt to pay for it. And, as we all know very well, unfortunately, you have to pay for everything and always ... It's just that when you do it consciously, there remains satisfaction from free choice, when your choice and free will depend only on you. But for this, in my personal opinion, it is really worth paying any price, even if it is sometimes very expensive for oneself. But back to my fasting.
Two weeks had already passed, and I still, much to the chagrin of my mother, did not want to eat anything and, oddly enough, physically felt strong and perfectly fine. And since I looked then, in general, very well, gradually I managed to convince my mother that nothing bad was happening to me and, apparently, nothing terrible threatened me yet. This was absolutely true, because I really felt great, except for that "hypersensitive" mental state that made all my perceptions maybe a little too "naked" - colors, sounds and feelings were so vivid that from this sometimes it was hard to breathe. I think this "hypersensitivity" was the reason for my next and next "incredible" adventure ...

At that time in the yard was already late fall and a group of our neighbors after school gathered in the forest for the last autumn mushrooms. And of course, as usual, I was going to go with them. The weather was unusually mild and pleasant. Still warm Sun rays they jumped like bright bunnies along the golden foliage, at times seeping to the ground and warming it with the last farewell warmth. The elegant forest met us in its festive bright autumn attire and, like an old friend, invited us into its affectionate embrace.
My beloved, gilded in autumn, slender birch trees, at the slightest breeze, generously dropped their golden “leaves-coins” on the ground and did not seem to notice that very soon they would be left alone with their nakedness and would bashfully wait for when spring will dress them again in their annual delicate attire. And only majestic, evergreen firs proudly brushed off their old needles, preparing to become the only decoration of the forest during the long and, as always, very colorless winter. Yellow leaves rustled softly underfoot, hiding the last russula and milk mushrooms. The grass under the leaves was warm, soft and damp, and as if inviting to walk on it...
I, as usual, kicked off my shoes and went barefoot. I loved to always and everywhere go barefoot, if only there was such an opportunity !!! True, for these walks very often I had to pay with a sore throat, which was sometimes very long, but, as they say, "the game was worth the candle." Without shoes, the legs became almost "sighted" and there was a particularly acute feeling of freedom from something unnecessary, which seemed to interfere with breathing ... It was a real, incomparable little pleasure and sometimes it was worth paying for it.
The guys and I, as always, split up in pairs and went in all directions. Very soon I felt that for some time I was already walking alone. I can’t say that it frightened me (I wasn’t afraid of the forest at all), but I somehow felt uneasy from a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Deciding to ignore it, I continued to calmly collect my mushrooms. But gradually the feeling of observation intensified and it already became not very pleasant.
I stopped, closed my eyes and tried to focus to try to see who was doing it, when suddenly I clearly heard someone's voice that said: - Right ... - And for some reason it seemed to me that it did not sound from outside, but only in my mind. I stood in the middle of a small clearing and felt that the air around me began to vibrate strongly. A silvery-blue, transparent shimmering column appeared right in front of me, and a human figure gradually condensed in it. It was a very tall (by human standards) and powerful gray-haired man. For some reason, I thought that it was ridiculously similar to the statue of our god Perkunas (Perun), for whom we lit fires on the Holy Mountain on the night of June 24 every year.
By the way, it was a very beautiful old holiday (I don’t know if it still exists?), which usually lasted until dawn, and which everyone loved very much, regardless of age and taste. It was always attended by almost the entire city and, which was absolutely incredible, no negative incidents were ever noticed at this holiday, despite the fact that everything happened in the forest. Apparently, the beauty of customs opened even the most callous human souls to goodness, thereby slamming the door to any brewing aggressive thoughts or actions.
Usually, bonfires burned all night long on the Holy Mountain, old songs sounded in round dances, and all this together strongly resembled an unusually beautiful fantastic fairy tale. Hundreds of lovers set off at night to search in the forest blooming flower fern, wishing to enlist its magical promise to be “the happiest and always forever” ... And lonely young girls, having made a wish, lowered wreaths woven from flowers into the Nemunas River, in the middle of each of which a candle burned. Many such wreaths descended, and for one night the river became like an amazingly beautiful heavenly road, softly flickering with the reflections of hundreds of candles, along which, creating trembling golden shadows, strings of good golden ghosts floated, carefully carrying on their transparent wings other people's desires to the God of Love... And right there, on the Holy Mountain, there is still a statue of the god Perkunas, which my unexpected guest looked so much like.
The sparkling figure, without touching the ground with its feet, "swam" to me, and I felt a very soft, warm touch.


The ex-wife and close friends of Alexander Pumane, who was detained by police in Moscow on September 18 in a car filled with explosives and later allegedly died under unclear circumstances, claim that they saw the ID of an Interpol employee on the former submarine officer.

"I first saw Alexander's certificate and a special badge about two years ago. The certificate said that he was a "technical specialist." He did not talk about how he got this document and badge, as well as about his cooperation with Interpol. But the certificate and the token did not look fake," one of the friends of the former submariner, who asked not to give his last name, told an Interfax correspondent.

According to Pumane's friend, recent times he often went on business trips, in particular, to Moscow and Minsk. According to him, Pumane could cooperate with Interpol in countering the spread of drugs in Russia.

As reported ex-wife Pumane, her ex-husband constantly carried a certificate and a token with him in a purse along with other documents. However, according to her, during the detention and subsequent interrogation, police officers did not find the certificate.

"However, I was not shown not only these documents, but also the protocols of detention and interrogation themselves. It is not clear where Cell phones Alexandra, wrist watch. They didn’t even show the clothes he was wearing,” Pumane said.

"Interfax" has not yet been able to get a comment from "Interpol" about the possible cooperation of Alexander Pumane with this organization.

Pumane was detained in Moscow by police officers at about 01:30 on September 18 at the moment when he was driving a VAZ-21053 car in which there were explosive devices.

Some time later, the detainee was taken to the Sklifosovsky Emergency Institute, where he died at 08:30. According to the preliminary conclusion of the experts, the death occurred as a result of bodily injuries.

By this fact The Moscow prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Art. 286 h. 3 (abuse of office) and art. 111 h. 4 (causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, immediately after the discovery of explosive devices in the Zhiguli car, driven by Pumane, officers of the Presnenskoye police department opened a criminal case under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal storage and transportation explosives). This case is also being investigated by the city prosecutor's office.

It was not Pumane who was beaten to death during interrogation

Natalia Pumane, the former wife of retired captain 3rd rank Alexander Pumane, who was unable to identify her husband's body, returned to St. Petersburg on Sunday. The dental map provided to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office by Pumane's common-law wife Ksenia Vologdina also showed that another person was in the mortuary of the Sklifosovsky Institute. His identity, as well as the circumstances associated with the replacement of the corpse, are now being investigated by the investigation, Kommersant reports.

Recall that on Thursday the investigation into the Pumane case finally reached a dead end. The former wife of a submariner and two classmates who came for re-identification at the morgue of the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky, they categorically stated that the corpse presented to them was not Alexander Pumane. Thus, additional questions immediately arose: who was actually detained by police on the night of September 18 in the center of Moscow in a car bomb? Who was beaten during interrogation? Who was taken away from the Presnensky police department in an ambulance to the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky? And finally, who was brought there?

Natalya Pumane, who came to Moscow to identify the body of her ex-husband, returned to St. Petersburg without signing the identification act. According to her, the body presented for identification did not even remotely resemble the body of Alexander Pumane.

There could be only three possible explanations for what happened: another person was driving the car-bomb, having the documents of a former submariner with him, the body was replaced in the morgue or on the way to the morgue, or, finally, Alexander Pumane's ex-wife simply could not cope with the identification. The latter could be explained by the shock experienced by the woman, by the fact that she and Alexander had been divorced for a long time, and, perhaps, by the fact that she simply did not want to be a relative of the suspected terrorist.

However, yesterday it became known that the investigation received documentary evidence that the corpse of Pumane is not in the morgue. As it turned out, the data indicated in the dental record of Alexander Pumane do not correspond to the data of the body, which is being identified at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

“At the request of the investigator, I found Alexander’s dental record and sent information about fillings and crowns to Moscow by phone. According to him, these data do not match those obtained during the examination of the corpse,” said Alexander’s common-law wife Ksenia Pumane.

Recall that a few hours after Pumane was in the hands of law enforcement The doctors pronounced him dead. First, it was reported about a massive heart attack, then about drug intoxication of the detainee, and then about multiple hematomas and a craniocerebral injury.

According to Kommersant, citing one of the operatives, on the morning of Sunday, September 19, prosecutors who intended to conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death did not find the corpse in the right place. The body was allegedly miraculously found in the afternoon of the same day in another morgue.

We don't know who is presented in the morgue to Pumane's relatives and friends. But for the time being, we will still proceed from the fact that it was the former Navy officer who was driving the bomb car and died during interrogation.

By the end of the week, law enforcement agencies preferred not to develop the terrorist version expressed in the first hours after the arrest of Mr. Pumane. Meanwhile, in Moscow, he was clearly not accidental. Alexander Pumane regularly visited the capital. According to relatives, the trips were related to work: he was listed as an assistant lawyer. His social circle included not only former colleagues, but also representatives of the "informal business". A number of these contacts lead to Moscow and the city of Kingisepp in the Leningrad region.

The social circle of Alexander Pumane (by the way, in many respects in common with the circle of communication of his friend, lawyer Emil Kuliev) consists, in particular, of people known to law enforcement agencies as members of one of the groups operating in the Kingisepp district of the Leningrad region. One of these people is known not only in his town, but also abroad. Oleg Kobzev is now serving a 25-year sentence for a number of grave crimes he committed on the territory of Belarus.

According to law enforcement agencies, several years ago a struggle broke out in Kingisepp between two groups - Litvinov, named after its alleged leader, and a certain Moscow group, inspired by a former special forces officer who currently lives in Moscow. He still had commercial interests in Kingisepp. And, apparently, these interests came into confrontation with the interests of Litvinov.

The consequences of competition were expressed in a number of criminal events. For example, in the murder in August 2001 of a citizen Soskov, a resident of Kingisepp, whom the police considered as an active member of the Litvinov group. A year later, the law enforcement agencies of St. Petersburg identified a suspect in involvement in the crime - a certain Oleg Kobzev, who had already come to the attention of the police.

By that time, citizen Kobzev, who had previously lived in Kingisepp, had already been arrested in Belarus on charges of a murder committed there. And it was at this time that Alexander Pumane often visited Belarus. According to a source in St. Petersburg law enforcement agencies, "Pumane went there in connection with the arrested Kobzev to resolve some issues."

In addition, at the same time, the former submariner periodically visited Kingisepp and Moscow, where, we recall, the leader of the Moscow group that claims leadership in Kingisepp lives. Of course, it can be assumed that these were purely working contacts, but they were very close.

Recall that, according to media reports, the name of Kuliyev's lawyer was named by Alexander Pumane during interrogation. We do not know in what context it was mentioned. Maybe the submariner just asked to contact the lawyer, whose assistant he is. Emil Kuliev, citing poor health, refused to explain why his name could be mentioned during the interrogation.

"You want me to die too?!" - the only thing the lawyer said. After the death of Alexander Pumane, Kuliev was summoned to testify at the St. Petersburg Organized Crime Control Department. The UBOP confirmed this information, adding that in this moment have no claims against Emil Kuliev. Kuliyev and Pumane, by the way, are connected not only by joint advocacy, but also by years of study at the Caspian School of the Navy.

It is known for sure that a few hours before his death, Alexander Pumane was not going to die at all, moreover, he intended to watch KVN on TV on Sunday. On the evening of September 17, five hours before the events became irreversible, he called his common-law wife in St. Petersburg.

“It was between seven and half past eight in the evening,” said Ksenia Vologdina.

She recalls that Alexander was calm, joked, asked about his son and parents, said that he was going to watch KVN on the weekend, and expected to discuss what he saw with her upon his return.

According to Ksenia, she does not know where her husband called from, but a few days before he left, saying that he was going on a business trip. Alexander Pumane's car GAZ-3110, bought by proxy, remained in the parking lot.

"He had to travel by train. He had a train ticket, which he shifted from his purse into his jacket pocket before leaving the house." According to her, he said he would be back in a few days.

Recall that, according to preliminary data, Pumane arrived in Moscow by car, and then ended up in a VAZ-2105 car stuffed with an explosive device.

For Xenia, Alexander's departure was not unusual, from time to time he went on business trips. Where? Xenia did not show too much interest, knowing that he was an assistant lawyer (Alexander Pumane received a law degree at the Herzen University a year ago). However, she could not name the cases that her husband was conducting.

Nevertheless, these affairs made it possible to lead a quite tolerable life. According to Xenia, her husband gave her $400 a month. In addition, he also helped his ex-wife Natalia. She raised the two older children of Pumane. A year nine months ago, Alexander and Xenia had a son, whom he was waiting for. When Xenia was eight months pregnant, he dedicated a very soulful poem to the forthcoming birth of his son.

With Emil they were friends. Emil called on the 17th, asked Alexander, found out that he had left, and asked to call back upon his return.

According to Xenia, when he left, he had a thousand rubles and a hundred or two hundred dollars with him.

"If Alexander didn't say anything to Emil about leaving, perhaps he was not only a lawyer's assistant?"

"I don't know, now I'm beginning to doubt myself."

Did Alexander Pumane know that he was in the car, for whom the infernal car was intended, and who prepared it - these are the questions, depending on the answers to which this case takes on a completely different configuration. We will only repeat that the information we have about Mr. Pumane does not fit into the image of a terrorist.

Now representatives of law enforcement agencies of Moscow are working in St. Petersburg, who are studying the connections and contacts of Alexander Pumane on the spot. St. Petersburg operatives help them with this. As informally they say in the UBOP, the information collected at the moment in St. Petersburg about Mr. Pumane, " negative character doesn't have."

There were two ambulances that carried Alexander Pumane

In addition, on Friday it turned out that there were two ambulances that were transporting Alexander Pumane on the night of September 18.

As a source close to the investigation told Izvestia, the picture of the detention of Pumane (or a person with documents in his name) after interrogation by the Presnensky police department looks something like this.

At one in the morning on September 18, in a police car, the crew of the PPS from the Presnensky police department, which consisted of one trainee, one graduate of the police academy and one officer, drew attention to a blue-green VAZ-2105 parked on Spiridonovka Street, in which a "suspicious man" was sitting. .

After checking the documents and inspecting the car, in which two MON-50 mines and a TNT bomb were found, the policemen decided to take the detainee to the police station, having previously contacted the authorities. Interestingly, after the command "Take it here!" the submariner was put into a police car, and yesterday's cadet got into the mined "Zhiguli" and drove the car to the police department.

At one o'clock in the morning, the only investigator in the department began interrogating the handcuffed Pumane. Moreover, he wrote down his testimony on a regular piece of paper. From the text of this interrogation, it follows that an unknown man approached Pumane in an unidentified place, who offered him to earn a thousand dollars for overtaking two cars. One had to be left on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but the protocol did not say where exactly. Nothing was said about the time of the meeting with the customer, who was supposed to pay Pumane for the work.

Approximately an hour after the start of the interrogation, police officers of all ranks drove up to the building of the Presnensky police department. According to him, a man in civilian clothes entered the interrogating officer's office and said that he was taking Alexander Pumane with him. At the same time, the "man in civilian clothes" did not introduce himself or show any documents. After Pumane and the unknown person left somewhere, the investigator, in his own words, remained in his office for another hour, and when he got tired of waiting, he went to look for the detainee throughout the building of the police department, but did not find him. Some time later, someone from those present told the interrogating officer that Pumane had become ill with his heart and the ambulance took him to Sklif.

However, this car never made it to Sklif. According to the investigation, the detainee was taken away from the police department by an ambulance of the Zashchita Disaster Medicine Center. Who called her there is still unknown. Halfway to the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky, doctors from this car called the usual " ambulance", asking them to take the patient away from them, since they allegedly received another urgent call. It is curious that in Moscow at night it takes no more than five minutes to drive from the Presnensky police department to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, and why it was necessary to overload the body halfway - it is not clear.

However, the Zashchita Disaster Medicine Center denies this information. On Friday, the center's duty officer told Izvestiya that their doctors had nothing to do with transporting anyone from the Presnensky police department on the night of September 18.

The detectives could not get any intelligible explanations from the Sklifa doctors. They brought the patient, they tried to resuscitate him, but could not. He died and his body was placed in the morgue. The fact that the substitution of the body could occur in the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky, his employees exclude.

There is one more interesting fact: forensic experts claim that they did not find any traces of a gag in the mouth of the deceased. This means that when the detainee was beaten (and judging by appearance, he was beaten hard and for a long time), he had to scream. However, none of the interrogated police officers who visited the Presnensky police station that night heard any screams or groans. Some media outlets claimed that there was a basement under the police station where torture took place, but investigators investigating the death of Pumane (or a person with documents in his name) did not find any basements in the police station.

The strange story that took place around the death of the killer Alexander Pumane is still not really clear. He was killed on September 19, 2004 during interrogation at the Moscow police station, where he was taken after an explosive device was found in his car. The operatives assumed then that they managed to catch the terrorist. But as it turned out, the killer of a bandit group fell into the hands of policemen.

military submariner

Alexander Pumane was a native of the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. After leaving school, he followed in the footsteps of his father - an officer navy. He graduated from the underwater school in 1989. And with honors. Then he entered the service as a navigator. Went on a nuclear submarine. He was constantly an excellent student of sports, was a champion in military pentathlon.
He married Natalya, an employee of the northern fleet. They had two daughters. In 2000, Alexander Pumane finished his service in the Navy in Murmansk, and transferred to the Navy Headquarters in Moscow. Having worked here for a short time, he retired with the rank of captain of the third rank, and went to live in St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the Law University.

Sergey Finagin

In St. Petersburg, Pumane began to engage in a small business selling auto parts. Then he began to distill cars for sale.
Apparently leaving the service somehow influenced Alexander, and in 2002 he divorced his wife and joined the Kingisepp criminal group. Since Pumane knew the explosive business well, the leader of the group Sergey Finagin defines Alexander as combat unit groupings. And easier - a killer bomber.
Officially, Pumane is hired as an assistant to St. Petersburg lawyer Emil Kumiev.
Under the leadership of Alexander, Yuri Vasiliev, who went through the war in the Caucasus, and then worked in the special forces, also began to work in the brigade. Yuri was also experienced in the field of mining and undermining.

While working for bandits, Alexander Pumane committed four contract killings, and attempted murder. There is also some evidence that he was involved in the explosion near the building of the city prosecutor's office. This was done by order of Finagin, so that after the explosion all the arrows would be transferred to the grouping of competitors. By the way, that's what happened. For a long time, the security forces were developing a completely different gang in this case.

Failed assassination attempt

In 2004, the group's plans included the liquidation of Yuri Bushev, financial director of Slavneft. To carry out the murder, Alexander Pumane went to Moscow. Here he stuffed a VAZ 2105 car with explosives. The killer was let down by the fact that he could not agree with the police officers, who noticed the toned car at night while patrolling. They approached her and asked the driver to get out. Pumane came out and started offering 30 thousand dollars to the policemen. Those from such a sum were taken aback, and decided to conduct a search. As it turned out, not in vain. The car was loaded with explosives. Alexander was tied up. They took me to the department. They thought they caught a terrorist. Therefore, literally half an hour later, cars with generals of various units pulled up to the department.

Pumane was interrogated with particular predilection. So he had a closed craniocerebral injury. He also lost 2 liters of blood during the interrogation. At 5 am, the killer was taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute. There he died without regaining consciousness. Then the ex-wife could not identify his body, before it was mutilated. Not even the familiar scars are visible. The fact that this is Alexander Pumane will later be confirmed by a genetic examination. The deceased will not be allowed to be cremated by relatives, explaining that in the future, the exhumation of the body may be needed.

It is after the capture of Pumane that the security forces will come to grips with the Kingisepp criminal gang. Soon the second killer bomber Vasiliev will be arrested. And the crime boss and leader of the group Sergei Finagen will be put on the wanted list. In the future, he will be found, as well as the second leader of the group, Imran Ilyasov.

Why did a man who was an excellent submariner go to the service of the bandits? And besides, he began to kill people on order? This remains unknown. Just like Pumane's "colleague" Vasiliev - what made the military change the base camp, moving to mercenary and greedy people? It is possible that such people are everywhere, even in the Navy. And you have to obey them. And then the same greed, only pay more. And Alexander had to kill not ordinary people, but the same greedy for money, like his employers. Perhaps in a similar way, Pumane took revenge on the entire system around, having become disillusioned at the end of his service in the Navy, being already in the main office, where there were no longer ordinary people, unlike those who served on a submarine. Is that why Alexander could not work at the headquarters for a long time, and resigned. And then he joined the bandits, who have the same harsh laws as on a boat. And by killing people objectionable to the group, Pumane subconsciously took revenge on those high-ranking officials sitting in the headquarters?

Buried at the Kuzminsky cemetery in the city of Pushkin, the former St. Petersburg submariner Alexander Pumane became famous all over the world on the last day of his life - September 18, 2004. The police officers who stopped his car in the center of Moscow found two MON-50 mines and a TNT bomb in it. A few hours later, in the capital's 83rd police station, Pumane wrote a confession that he had been helping Caucasian militants for 6 years and was now carrying ammunition for a terrorist attack in the capital on behalf of a Chechen named Alim. Then the author of the testimony was taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he died - according to the diagnosis, Pumane was beaten to death during interrogation.

The case of the murder of a former sailor lasted almost 3 years, and its ending can hardly be called otherwise than a mockery of justice. Initially accused of murder and for a long time Major Vyacheslav Dushenko, who was hiding from the investigation, was acquitted, the head of the 83rd department, Andrei Semigin, was given a 2-year suspended sentence, and the captain on duty, Iosif Smereka, received 2 years in a colony-settlement. For giving an unidentified person a rubber truncheon, with which an anonymous person (under the nose of hundreds of policemen and FSB officers) killed Pumane and disappeared into the fog.

The full version of the text was published in the newspaper "Our Version on the Neva" No. 178, May 30 - June 05, 2011

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