How old is Tatyana Navka's mother Raisa Navka. Tatyana Navka: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Fashion & Style 24.06.2019
Fashion & Style

The name of this talented skater is known all over the world, which is not surprising. After all, the athlete from childhood showed perseverance and incredible hard work to achieve the goal. She herself speaks of Navka's high professionalism, noting that she managed not to lose her love for her profession. Like all people in show business, Tatyana Navka's personal life is always under the gun of the public.

Titled athlete Tatyana Navka is Ukrainian by nationality. She was born in April 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. The girl's parents, Raisa Anatolyevna and Alexander Petrovich, despite their "unsportsmanlike" professions, were related to sports in their youth, therefore they encouraged this daughter's hobby in every possible way. First, little Tanya learned to roller skate, and after that she switched to ice skating.

Tatyana fell in love with sports since childhood, watching her idol, constantly went to his training and asked for autographs. Thanks to her parents, who in difficult times were able to buy professional skates for Tatyana, at the age of five she replaced her usual skates with them. From that moment on, Tatyana Navka's life acquired a certain meaning.

Skates and ice began to occupy a significant part of the girl's time. At the age of 12, she became the champion of Ukraine among juniors. At the age of 13, mother Raisa Anatolyevna, at the insistence of the coaches, transferred her daughter to the ice dancing section. A year later, the young athlete moved to Russia to train. Started there sports biography Tatyana Navka.

Sports career

Tatyana entered the big ice in 1991 as part of the USSR national team.

With their partner Samvel Gyozalyan, they defend the honor of the team Soviet Union. The couple's coach, Natalya Dubova, transported the skaters to the United States for training. It is noteworthy that in the future Navka will receive citizenship of this country. Due to the collapse of the Union, Navka and Gezalyan represent the Belarusian national team, taking 11th place at the XVII winter Olympic Games. In the same 1994, they became fifth at the World Championship, and a year later at the European Championship they took the fourth step.

In 1996, this couple broke up, and Tatyana Navka began performing on ice with Nikolai Morozov. This duet lasted two years. Representing Belarus, they became the winners of the Karl Schaefer Memorial (an annual open tournament held in Vienna from 1974 to 2008), and also took part in the Olympic Games in the Japanese city of Nagano.

Since 1998, the skater has been a member of the Russian national team: at this time she has a new partner - who was picked up by Tatyana Zhulin himself. At first he tried to ride with her in a pair himself, but a small difference in height - only 5 centimeters - made the duo unattractive. Yes, and disputes with this couple arose too often. Therefore, Zhulin offered a place in the duet to Kostomarov. He agreed and, leaving, with whom he then rode, began training with Navka.

Soon, the creative duo Navka-Kostomarov, under the guidance of coach Alexander Zhulin, achieved brilliant results. By 2003, the couple broke into first place in the Russian Championship, and in the European Championship they reached the prize. It was an undeniable success.

"Queen of Ice" - this title Tatyana Navka deservedly received. She has something to be proud of: she has a large number of gold, bronze and silver medals in her piggy bank. For her biography, the skater became the champion of Russia three times, twice the champion of Europe and the world, but the Olympics in Turin brought world recognition to Kostomarov and Navka.

Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka approached the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin as undisputed favorites: since 2004 they have not lost, they have taken gold everywhere. The skaters focused on the free program with the Carmen dance, which was choreographed by Tatyana Druchinina.

At the Olympics, Navka and Kostomarov showed the so-called "outstanding rental". The judges' score was 101.37 points, which is lower than the pair's record (113.17), but it was quite enough for Olympic gold. Enthusiastic newspapers wrote: Tears of happiness flowed down Carmen's face.". According to the ballet dancer, Tatyana Navka created a passionate, convincing image of Carmen on ice. Alexander Zhulin highlighted the risk-taking, artistry and "phenomenal intuition" of the figure skater.

After winning the Olympics, Navka and Kostomarov decided to end their sports career. However, the couple survived and continues to perform in professional shows and with demonstration numbers.

In 2010 it was released documentary dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Tatyana Navka and her sports biography.

TV show

In addition to figure skating, the athlete is fond of dancing. Completion sports career figure skater coincided with the ice show organized on Channel One, which was then held annually. Tatyana Navka has become a kind of symbol of these projects, having missed the season only once. The year 2006 was remembered by the audience of the show "Stars on Ice", in which, together with an unsurpassed athlete, she took 1st place.

Since 2007, a new show has started ice Age held annually thereafter. That season Tatyana worked with the actor, the couple managed to take 2nd place. The figure skater took the same step the next season with, known from the films "Tatiana's Day", "Landing" and "Delta". In September 2008, she took part in the Eurovision Dance Contest: dancer Alexander Litvinenko became her partner. The pair took second place.

Tatyana Navka is a bright and talented woman. She is regularly invited to various TV projects. It is noteworthy that not only in those where you need to demonstrate sportsmanship. In 2008, she appeared in the rating vocal show "Two Stars". In a duet with she sang the famous song "A snowing", which at one time was performed by and.

Viewers were able to see Tatyana Navka on TV screens again in 2010. The popular TV show "Ice and Fire" again helped Tatyana Navka rise to first place. A partner helped her with this. This couple throughout the season delighted the audience with bright numbers, beautiful dances and acting skills.

In the next season of the "Ice Age" in 2016, fans of the famous figure skater again saw their favorite. This time Tatyana Navka went on the ice with an actor. Particularly close attention was riveted to this bright couple.

One issue of the project was devoted to world cinema. The Holocaust performance shown by Navka and Burkovsky caused heated debate and mixed reviews. The fact is that Ilya Averbukh, the mentor of the couple, settled on a too risky decision: the skaters took to the ice in costumes stylized as striped robes of prisoners of the concentration camp during the Great Patriotic War. Stripes in the form of six-pointed stars suggested that the audience was Jewish prisoners.

The dance to the song "Beautiful That Way" from the legendary Italian film "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni was recognized as flawless. The jury gave the couple the highest marks for skill and artistry. But the discussion in in social networks What followed was like an explosion. Many decided that the Holocaust-themed performance was a mockery of the memory of tortured Jewish prisoners.

But not everyone came to this opinion. For example, the director replied to critics that if books are written and films are made on the topic of the Holocaust, then "why can this topic not be comprehended in this form."

Personal life

The personal life of Tatyana Navka and her professional growth have long been associated with the name. The girl was in love with this famous skater for a long time. She liked him even when he came with his wife Maya Usova to Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her girlfriend came to the skating rink every day and asked the handsome man for an autograph. She soon collected a couple dozen of them.

It seems that fate brought them together. In Moscow, where the Ukrainian athlete came to study, she managed to get close to Zhulin. At this time, his marriage to Usova was bursting at the seams.

Soon, 18-year-old Navka went to training camp in France. She secretly dreamed of meeting Alexander there. And they did meet. As it turned out, the skater liked the girl for a long time. The couple began to live together.

But they decided to register their relationship only five years later. It happened in one of America's notary offices in the winter of 2000. And in May they had a daughter, Sashenka. 2 weeks after her birth, the athlete returned to the rink.

The figure skater continued to actively participate in various sports shows. Project “Ice Age. The best "brought her closer to the actor. In the fall of 2009, the couple took to the ice.

The bright duet from the first broadcasts becomes the favorite of the program and wins the competition. But not only the number on the ice attracted the attention of fans of the show. In social networks and the media, they started talking about a romance that broke out between the two stars.

The piquancy of these rumors was added by the fact that both heroes were not free. Lovelas Basharov was married to Elizaveta Krutsko. Yes, and the skater was married to Alexander Zhulin. However, even then there were rumors that not everything was going well in both families.

In 2010, it became known that a couple of skaters broke up completely. Rumors about the upcoming marriage of Basharov and Navka again stirred up show business. But whether there was an affair between Tatiana and Marat is unknown. They denied its existence. Perhaps the two stars were not disingenuous, because the wedding, which everyone considered only a matter of time, never happened.

According to other sources, the couple actually lived together for some time. But Marat turned out to be too amorous, and Tatyana was tired of the rumors and gossip that well-wishers informed her. In addition, they say that Basharov demanded that his future half convert from Orthodoxy to the Muslim faith, to which she did not agree. And the blond beauty allegedly did not like Marat's mother, who always wanted him to marry a Tatar woman, quiet and submissive, who would take care of the family hearth, and not rotate in show business. Be that as it may, this couple did not go down the aisle.

Later, information appears about the novel of the titled athlete with the singer. Together they participated in the TV show "Ice and Fire". The media discussed that relations from the project migrated to real life. By age, Tatiana Navka is 13 years older than Alexei. Soon Alexey Vorobyov found himself new passion in the face. Neither the artist nor the skater commented on these assumptions.

In 2010, the skater began an affair with a press secretary Russian President. They met at the birthday party of a mutual friend. As the athlete admitted, Peskov courted her for a long time and patiently, until she herself realized that she was in love.

For a long time the couple hid their relationship, which was associated with marital status Peskov. Four years after the start of the relationship, Tatyana Navka gave birth to a daughter, Nadezhda. This event took place on August 21, 2014.

Note that the children of Tatyana Navka never kept her on maternity leave for a long time. As a strong and talented athlete who loves her life's work, she cannot exist without ice skating and training.

August 1, 2015 took place in Sochi. Tatyana Navka's husband and the skater herself are very different people, but perhaps that is why the new marital union will be stronger than all the previous ones.

Tatyana Navka is an amazingly beautiful woman who married a worthy man. Among the advantages of Tatyana, it is worth noting not only that she is an incredibly talented skater, but also an excellent mother and just a gorgeous girl.

She earned the title of Olympic champion and all her medals with overwork. According to Tatyana herself, there are only two important things in her life - love and profession. She lives only for them.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka

Many fans around the world admire Navka, and most of them want to know all the possible facts about the skater. Among the main ones are her height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka - she herself does not hide. Despite the fact that she is already 42 years old, the woman still looks luxurious. And in many ways this contributes to the sports profession.

The growth of the skater is relatively high - 170 centimeters. At the same time, she has luxurious figure. The woman's weight is 55 kilograms. Tatyana is Jewish by nationality. And I must say that she treats this very reverently. When Navka performed in the Ice Age program, one of her numbers was dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust.

Tatyana Navka was born on April 13, 1975, in the Dnieper. Father - Alexander Navka - works as an engineer, and mother - Raisa Navka - works as an economist. Tanya also has a younger sister, Natasha, who, unlike Tanya, is not public.

Interest in figure skating manifested itself in childhood, when Tanya saw the performance of Elena Vodozerova. The girl got on figure skates at the age of five, and subsequently won the title of national champion in the children's league. Due to the fact that figure skating became the main priority for Tanya, from an excellent student at school she became a good student.

When the girl matured enough, she was sent for an internship to America, where Samvel Gezalyan became the companion of the young figure skater. The biography of Tatyana Navka during this period took a new turn.

Navka lived in America for fifteen years, after which she returned to the USSR, where she later joined the Soviet team. She and Samvel have won world competitions more than once. In addition to the Soviet team, they also played in the Belarusian team, and many times represented the country at the Olympic competitions.

Since the late nineties, Tanya has performed with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, but he soon went to Anna Semenovich. With the beginning of the 2000s, Navka left performances for a while. The surprise for the girl was the return of Kostomarov. The man repented, and they again began to go out on the ice together.

In 2006, the couple became the favorites of the Olympic Games, but later publicly announced the end of their joint career. Over the next eight years, Tatyana participated in entertainment program"Ice Age".

A year later, Navka performed in the image of Carmen directed by Ilya Averbukh. The fans received it with great enthusiasm.

Several documentaries have been filmed about this talented woman. She was the host of various celebrations, participated in competitions as a jury member, and even hosted her own TV show.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov wedding photo July 17, 2015 - one of the brightest and most important points in the life of an athlete. It is noteworthy that these two complete opposites, but their strong marriage can only be envied.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

First of all, it is worth noting that during the school period, Tatyana was not particularly popular with guys, and even as she grew up, she was in no hurry to start a relationship.

Nevertheless, Tatyana Navka's personal life is full of interesting details. Long enough she loved Alexander Zhulin, who was her idol. But the feelings were unrequited. In addition, the man was already married.

After the figure skater took part in the Ice Age program, the fans “married” the girl to Marat Basharov, who was her partner in performances. But the couple relentlessly denied those rumors. In addition, it was rumored that Basharov's mother was also against their probable relationship. Tatyana was also credited with a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov, who became her partner in performances in the Ice and Fire program. But these assumptions, among other things, turned out to be groundless.

Her personal life has now finally found the long-awaited stability. She is absolutely happy in marriage and adores her husband.

In addition to figure skating, Navka is very fond of horses and skiing. She enjoys cooking and listening to music. Among other things, the woman tried her hand at singing, and advertises the cosmetic brand Oriflame. Tatyana also does not mind testing herself as an actress.

It is known that Tatyana's parents are not related to professional sports, however, at one time, both the father and mother of the figure skater went to sports sections. But in the end, they gave preference to more stable professions in order to provide for children. At the same time, the parents gladly supported their daughter's desire and contributed to the development of her talent. Tatyana's sister is now also married, but she does not yet have her own children. Since childhood, the sisters maintain a warm relationship.

Currently, the family of Tatyana Navka is her beloved husband Dmitry Peskov and two beautiful daughters, albeit from different men.

The children of Tatyana Navka were born from different husbands of the figure skater. Note that there is a rather significant age difference between the sisters - 14 years. Tatyana's first daughter loves her sister very much and enjoys spending time with her. Teaches singing and even teaches figure skating.

The baby also loves her older sister very much and even, in a sense, perceives her as her mentor. Girls often go on trips with their parents and share great photos on social networks. In turn, Tatyana has repeatedly said that she is not opposed to having another child. Perhaps sooner or later it will actually happen.

Daughter of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

The daughter of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin - was born in 2000, in the capital of America. Her father is the first husband of the athlete - Alexander Zhulin. It is noteworthy that officially the girl is a citizen of America, but lives in Russia. Although she played tennis since childhood and won numerous awards in competitions, Alexandra decided not to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a singer instead of an athlete. Which she does very well.

The girl performs under the pseudonym Alexia, and has already released her debut song. And also tries himself in the modeling business. Sasha is no longer involved in sports.

Daughter of Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

The daughter of Tatyana Navka, Nadezhda Peskova, was born just three years ago, and is an illegitimate daughter. Tatyana did not reveal the name of her dad to fans for a long time, but as a result it became known that this was very famous man. The girl's father was a politician Dmitry Peskov.

For a long time, Tatyana did not publish photos of her little daughter on the network. Despite her young age, the baby is already seriously interested in sports. She is figure skating like her mother and loves tennis, how elder sister. In addition, the girl goes to Kindergarten where they study English language. In her appearance, Nadia is an almost complete copy of her famous mom. She can rarely sit still, but at the same time she is very responsible.

Former husband of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Ex-husband Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin in the past is a famous athlete and famous figure skating coach. The man met Navka in 1994. Alexander was already married then, but he noticed the girl right away.

He coached the skater for five years, after which they moved to the United States. There their daughter Alexandra was born. For the most part, Tatyana owes her success and fame to her husband's training. It was thanks to his mentorship that the athlete was able to achieve such phenomenal success.

They did not divorce even after rumors appeared about Tatiana's relationship with Marat Basharov, which was already mentioned above. They separated after fourteen years together. The reason for the gap was the betrayal of Alexander with his next protégé, Natalya Mikhailova.

Husband of Tatyana Navka - Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka's husband, Dmitry Peskov, met his future wife shortly after Tatyana broke up with her first husband. They met at the birthday party of their mutual friend. They went on a few more dates before the couple realized they shouldn't break up anymore. Even a noticeable difference in age did not stop them. The novel was actively developed, but both kept it in the strictest confidence from the press.

Navka was not even stopped by the fact that her lover already has a wife and four children. In turn, the man also found out about the daughter of the firuguist.

In the end, Peskov divorced his wife, and after a while they had a daughter, Nadia, with Tatyana, who, however, was born even before the couple's official marriage. The four children of the politician also get along well with Tatyana.

Photo by Tatyana Navka in Maxim magazine

Photos of Tatyana Navka appeared in Maxim magazine around 2005. According to rumors, they were timed to coincide with the then upcoming wedding of the figure skater with politician Dmitry Peskov, who is the press secretary of the president of the country.

Especially the male half of the athlete's fans were struck by Tatyana Navka in a swimsuit photo - yet not every woman at 40 will look so luxurious. Especially when you consider that the woman did not do plastic surgery of the figure.

Soon, however, Navka's erotic photo shoot was removed from the magazine's official website. The director of the site said that the photos are removed only at the request of the models themselves, but the reason for this remains unknown.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka are very popular among the figure skater's admirers. After all, it is there that you can find the most reliable data regarding both the biography of a woman, and her personal life, and plans for the future. The athlete's profile on Instagram has more than half a million subscribers.

Tatyana often shares photos and videos from her personal archive with them. Subscribers like and comment on materials with pleasure and admiration. In particular, they like the pictures and videos in which Navka is captured with her daughters. The article was found on

The Olympic champion made a chic gift for New Year

Many celebrities came to the premiere of the musical on ice "Ruslan and Lyudmila" with their children. The author of the idea, producer, performer of the role of Lyudmila, Olympic champion Tatyana Navka, after a grandiose premiere, went on the ice with her 3-year-old daughter Nadezhda Peskova. The girl was not at all afraid and rode the "lap of honor" in her mother's arms to the applause of the audience. Nadia spent the whole evening sitting in her father's arms and did not take her eyes off her mother and the fairy-tale characters on the ice. As Tatyana Navka noted in an interview with us: “Now, for obvious reasons, Nadya most often recites by heart an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” “At Lukomorye there is a green oak”.

At the premiere, Raisa Anatolyevna Navka (the mother of the champion) was the most worried and applauded the loudest. “My main support is my mother, she helps with Nadia when I am busy. Mom is our family locomotive, she has guided me since childhood, she was an engine that gave energy and faith in one's own strengths. She is in different situations found Right words and I believed: I can, I can handle new challenge. Now the grandmother plays a big role in Sasha's life: she charges her granddaughter with confidence in own forces, supports, inspires,” Tatyana Navka told us.

The show was eldest daughter Navki is Sasha Zhulina, who is now in her senior year. Her dad Alexander Zhulin took part in the production of Ruslan and Lyudmila - he participated in the choreography. Next to Raisa Navka on the front row sat Native sister Tatyana - she filmed what was happening on the ice of the Megasport sports palace on an iPhone. The family is very friendly - everyone supports each other and is proud of Tatyana.

Tatyana Navka with her mother, sister and daughter Nadia.

The characters in the show "Ruslan and Lyudmila" sing, including the voices of Philip Kirkorov and Ani Lorak.

The performance turned out to be magical: the famous talking head, 3D projections, flights of artists over the arena on the beard of Chernomor, ice glowing with hundreds of light bulbs encrusted under it, fireworks and amazing costumes fascinated young spectators and adults. The premiere was a full house. Russian pop stars, theater and cinema stars, directors, politicians and athletes were the first to see the most anticipated show of the year: Dmitry Peskov with his daughter Nadezhda, Sasha Zhulina, Philip Kirkorov with children, Ani Lorak with her daughter, Alla Verber with her daughter Ekaterina and granddaughters, Olga Slutsker and others

Tatyana Alexandrovna Navka. She was born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. Soviet, Belarusian and Russian figure skater. Three-time champion of Russia (2003, 2004, 2006), three-time European champion (2004-2006), two-time world champion (2004, 2005), Olympic champion (2006) in ice dancing paired with Roman Kostomarov. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2004).

Father - Alexander Petrovich Navka, engineer.

Mother - Raisa Anatolyevna, economist.

Has a younger sister, Natalya.

Her parents went in for sports in their youth, so they rejoiced at their daughter's passion for figure skating, which appeared after she saw Elena Vodorezova's performance on TV.

First, Tatyana was bought roller skates, and she learned to ride them, and in 1980, at the age of five, the future champion first went on the ice. Her first coaches were Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin. Navka was the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

In 1987, Tatyana grew by 14 cm over the summer, which led to the fact that her jumping technique went wrong. After that, the coaches advised Tatyana's mother to transfer her daughter to ice dancing.

In 1988, the 14-year-old figure skater moved to Moscow to join the group of Natalya Dubova (Moskvich sports club), who chose her among many young athletes and paired her with Samvel Gezalyan. First they trained at the Ice Palace in Sokolniki, then the couple was selected by Dubova, who signed a contract in the USA, for training in North America. So Navka ended up in New Jersey, in total she lived in the USA for more than 15 years.

In 1991, this pair entered the national team of the USSR, became the winner of major international tournaments Skate America and Nations Cup. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tatyana and Samvel played for Belarus, represented this country at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer, where they were eleventh. They took fifth place at the World Championship (1994) and fourth place at the European Championship (1995).

From 1996 to 1998, Navka was a partner. This couple also represented Belarus, became the winner of the Karl Schaefer Memorial, participated in the Olympic Games in Nagano.

In 1996, in the USA, Tatiana came to the attention of a new coach - the idol of her youth, ex-world champion Alexander Zhulin, whom she met back in 1993 at the gold World Championship in Prague. Soon between them, despite the difference of 12 years, a romantic relationship flared up hidden from the eyes of others.

Since 1998, Navka has competed for Russia in tandem with Roman Kostomarov. A promising partner, 2 years younger than Tatyana, was chosen by Zhulin.

The skaters had ideal combination of height data: Tatyana Navka - 170 cm, - 182 cm.

At first they trained in the group of Natalia Linichuk, who, however, soon recommended that Kostomarov change his partner, preferring Anna Semenovich. At that moment, Kostomarov did not dare to disobey the highly experienced mentor.

In the 1999-2000 season, Tatyana, who was left without a couple, was pregnant with her first daughter, but in the summer, having gone out on the ice, she accepted Roman's apologies and began to skate with him again. Since 2000, they have been training under the guidance of Zhulin, after completing his career, Navka noted his outstanding coaching and pedagogical gift.

Since 2000, the dark-haired Tatyana has finally adopted the image of a blonde on the ice, however, in 2008 she made an exception for the show number on Schindler's List. AT different time future Olympic champions were also advised by Elena Chaikovskaya and Tatyana Tarasova.

The first major success came to the skaters in 2003, when Navka / Kostomarov became Champions of Russia for the first time. In the same year, for the first time, they won a prize at the European Championship in Sweden, winning bronze medals. A year later, the rapidly progressing couple did not leave higher level pedestal.

Navka and Kostomarov approached the 2006 Olympics in Turin as undisputed favorites: since 2004 they have not lost a single start at the Russian, European and World Championships, they have taken gold everywhere.

The main focus of the skaters was on the free program with the Carmen dance, choreographed by Tatyana Druchinina, 1987 world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. As Navka admitted, when preparing the Spanish dance, she was "inspired by the image of the brilliant ballerina Maya Plisetskaya."

On the eve of the Olympics, the program was well received by the French public at the European Championships in Lyon. The Olympic start was not easy: by the time the dancers entered the fight, the Russian team already had two gold medals in pair skating and among men.

After the compulsory dance, the hosts of the Olympics, the 2001 world champions Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margallo, were in the lead. In the original dance, the Italian allowed grossest mistake, falling during the performance of a simple element, and the Russians pulled ahead, with a margin of less than one and a half points from the Americans Tanith Belbin / Benjamin Agosto. In the decisive, free dance, the American skaters made a mistake twice, while Navka and Kostomarov, according to Elena Vaitsekhovskaya, showed an “outstanding skate”. The judges' score was more moderate - 101.37 points, which is lower than the pair's record (113.17), but it was quite enough for Olympic gold.

“Tears of happiness flowed down Carmen’s face,” enthusiastic newspapers wrote.

After winning the Olympic Games in Turin in 2006, Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov decided to end their sports career. It was immediately decided that the couple would continue and continue to perform in demonstration numbers and in professional shows.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

Hobby of Tatyana Navka: music, cooking, cinema, horses, skiing.

Tatyana Navka also mentioned that she wants to try her hand at acting and dreams of acting in a feature film, she strives to learn how to sing with high quality. Once she already performed the song “And it’s snowing” at a concert in a duet with.

Favorite actress Tatyana Navka: Chulpan Khamatova and Inna Churikova.

Tatyana Navka posed for Maxim magazine

Tatyana Navka about superstitions:

“In some moments, yes, but globally, no. I even violated my traditions at the Olympic Games: I never washed clothes at competitions, never at all. I came and walked for five days in the same socks, in the same tights. the entire training process lasted exactly ten days for us, and after five days I realized that it was simply impossible. Reluctantly, I gave things to the laundry and spat on the rituals that I had observed all my life ".

Tatyana Navka about the components of success:

"I'm sure the strongest are lucky. And first of all, the guarantee of victory is experience, diligence, regimen. Still constancy when you do the same thing day after day: through stress, nerves, pain, effort, injury. And so, breaking through walls, you go forward.But luck... No, luck doesn't happen just like that.First, work, and only then, secondarily, luck.

Everything that I have achieved in my profession and life, I have achieved myself - with my own work, efforts, nerves. It's just that the doors never opened before me...

If about sports, then, of course, the Olympics is a very significant victory for me. If about life, then - the birth of a daughter. And so there were many bright small victories, which later formed significant and most important ones. In general, everything that is done in life is not just like that - and everything is for the better. I am convinced of this. Loss or failure can later turn into happiness.".

Tatyana Alexandrovna Navka was born in Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk on April 13, 1975 in the very ordinary family. Mom was an economist, and dad worked as an engineer. Parents in their youth went in for sports and, therefore, instilled in Tatyana love for him. What kind of sport to engage in - the girl chose herself. At the age of five, Navka got on skates, her parents were able to get them even in conditions of shortage. However, before that she was rollerblading. On the ice, the girl did not even feel much difference between skates and roller skates.

Little Tanya, by the way, was bought skates after the girl watched and was delighted with the television broadcast of Lena Vodorezova's performance. Soon figure skating took one of the leading places in Tatiana's life. Before her passion, Tatyana Navka brought only fives from school, but after the start of figure skating classes, the first fours appeared in her diary.

Tatyana Navka did not like her own surname very much as a child. Classmates constantly teased: “Navka is a cosmonaut”, “Navka is a groove”. However, now that the surname has become known to the whole world, journalists have found out that in Ukrainian mythology “navka, nyavka, mavka” mean “forest creatures similar to mermaids, the souls of dead children.”

Figure skating became a part of Tatyana Navka's life in 1980. A capable, hardworking and patient girl was noticed by coach Natalya Dubova. At the age of 14 (in 1988) Navka was invited to Moscow. The life of a teenager has become even more difficult. Every day, Tanya had to get up after dark and get to the capital from Mytishchi. Mom constantly told her daughter: “You are the best! You can handle everything!" As a result, Tatyana really became the best.

Sports career of Tatyana Navka

In 1993, Tatyana Navka began to storm sports competitions. The first exit of the girl on the big ice was performances for the national team of the Soviet Union. Then the figure skater paired with Samvel Gezalyan. After the collapse of the USSR, athletes represented Belarus. At the 1994 Olympics, the couple took 11th place.

Interview with Tatyana Navka (“No Comments”, 2012)

The partnership between Navka and Gezalyan eventually broke up, after which Tatyana began to go on the ice already with Nikolai Morozov. Together with the figure skater, the girl performed at the 1998 Winter Olympics, again from Belarus. Then the couple received only 16th place.

Since 1998, Tatyana Navka has been playing for the Russian national team. By this time, the girl had already broken up with her ice partner Nikolai Morozov. Roman Kostomarov became a new couple for Tatyana. The famous coach Natalya Linnichuk made a bet on the duet and invited her to train with her in the United States. However, a year later she changed her mind - more promising, in her opinion, was a couple Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich. Linnichuk told Roman about her decision and asked Tatiana to inform her about it. At the same time, the coach herself portrayed great surprise in front of Navka.

The couple reunited in 2002. The duet began to train Alexander Zhulin, and Elena Chaikovskaya advised the athletes. Tatyana Navka has IX place at the XIX Winter Olympic Games and the 2000 World Championship, two silver and bronze medals from the Russian Championships, bronze from the European Championship 2003, two victories and silver from the Grand Prix series finals. Navka three times Russian Champion, twice European and World Champion.

Navka-Kostomarov. Your eyes are dreaming

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

All her conscious childhood, Tatyana Navka was in love with the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin. The athlete, along with his wife Maya Usova, once came to Tatiana's native Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her friend went to the couple's training every day, and each time they asked for autographs. There were about twenty of them. However, the skater himself did not pay any attention to the girl. Already studying in Moscow, Navka saw that Zhulin and Usova were also skating at the stadium where she was training. The happiness of a teenager knew no bounds!

Tatyana Navka saw how relations between famous athletes. And the young skater at that time, on the contrary, had more and more in common with Zhulin. 18-year-old Navka flew to the training camp in France and dreamed that Zhulin would be there. It turns out that the skater himself wanted this no less. Since that time, the couple began to live together.

After five years life together, February 17, 2000 Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin registered their relationship. This happened in one of the US notary offices. A few months later, on May 2, the couple had a daughter Alexandra. At this time, the couple lived in the United States and trained in Montclair, New Jersey (USA). Immediately after giving birth, after only 12 days, Tatyana Navka returned to the ice.

Tatiana Navka and Alexei Yagudin

Ice passions

The name of Tatyana Navka has been appearing more often than usual on the pages of newspapers and magazines since 2007. The girl returns from the USA to Russia and takes part in television show projects. It all started with the first season of the Stars on Ice contest, where Tatyana Navka paired with actor Marat Basharov.

The pair took first place. This was followed by the projects "Ice Age" and "Ice Age - 2", where the girl skated along with actors Ville Haapasalo (2007) and Vadim Kolganov (2009), respectively. And in the first and second season, Tatyana Navka became the second.
In 2008, Tatyana Navka, paired with professional dancer Alexander Litvinenko, danced ballroom dance on the show "Dance Eurovision". The pair also only ranks second.

In the fall of 2009, Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov take to the ice as participants in the show “Ice Age. The best". This duet was the favorite of the program. The audience idolized the couple, who, by the way, won. After that, in ideal biography A stain appeared on Tatyana Navka: there were rumors that the beautiful and exemplary wife Navka was dating a married womanizer Marat Basharov. The media actively discussed the romance of celebrities, but the athletes themselves denied everything. Meanwhile, Tatyana Navka becomes the first in the list of "Most sexy women Russia". By the way, her husband, Alexander Zhulin, by that time had been rightfully considered the sex symbol of the country for more than a year.

Gradually, rumors began to gain momentum about the upcoming wedding of Tatyana and Marat. In the meantime, she was gone, journalists were increasingly talking about the upcoming divorce of Zhulin and Navka. Oil was added to the fire by the information that Alexander had a young lover - his ward Natalya.

In 2010, the couple officially announced their separation. However, the relationship between Navka and Basharov did not work out, and Alexander Zhulin, meanwhile, does not part with the young figure skater.

Tatyana Navka and Alexey Vorobyov

In the fall of 2010, Navka reappeared on TV screens. This time in the project

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