Tarasov alexander tequila brothers sisters. Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah): biography, personal life, creativity

Family and relationships 08.09.2019
Family and relationships

- Dmitry, the traditional question about vacation: where, how and with whom did you rest?
- We flew with Olya (Buzova) to the Maldives. I think that most of the followers on Instagram know where we were. ( laughs.) This is ours favorite place recreation. We love privacy.

The dolphins came in whole groups of five or six and kept very close to us. Amazing experience, just awesome. It’s a pity we didn’t manage to swim together, so we limited ourselves to photos and videos.

- Not boring together on almost uninhabited islands?
- My wife and I are never bored, and God forbid that it always be so. This is our fourth vacation in a row and we never got bored. We like everything.

- Last vacation, you taught your spouse to mint the ball with your head. Then it turned out already 14 times, but now?
- They wanted to repeat it, but over the past time Olya has lost all her skills, and I did not torment her. Leave it for next time or come up with something else. ( smiling.) And from this vacation I can tell another story. When we lived on the island, dolphins came to us.

- Hasn't this happened before?
- It happened, but they were always somewhere far away. But this time the dolphins came in whole groups of five or six individuals and kept very close to us. Amazing experience, just awesome. It’s a pity we didn’t manage to swim together, so we limited ourselves to photos and videos.

- New Year noted there?
- Yes, and it's great that we chose the hotel on the advice of rapper Sasha T-Killah. Great place, we all loved it. This is perhaps the best hotel we have stayed in the Maldives - there was even a real Christmas tree there. We are already used to the fact that there is no other time in the year to warm the bones on the seas, so we have to sacrifice a real New Year.

- The holidays are behind us, eh. What are the feelings?
- Quite comfortable. Initially, I knew that I would conduct the first trainings in an individual mode, and after that I would join the work in the general group. It just so happened that the “Championship” came to visit us for the very lesson when I tried on boots for the first time after a long break and took part in playing exercises with the team.

The second training camp is more intense, but only through work with the ball. We play three against three, five against five, and that's it - in a limited space.

I haven't worn my favorite shoes for three months and I'm glad that I finally returned to the clip.

- How do you feel at this stage, after all, for a long time did not have the opportunity to fully train?
- During the forced downtime, I did not rest, but worked. Did whatever it took to feel good. He kept himself in shape and therefore passed the training camp without any problems. Even managed to play 30 minutes in the last test match.

- Lokomotiv defeated the Armenian Ulysses in that match. How do you rate your game, taking into account assists?
- Yes, it turned out to be such a semi-goal, nothing special. But in general, he joined the game well, nothing complicated.

- ?
- This is the secret of Bozovic, and my job is to do my job conscientiously. I’m used to this format of training and I know Miodrag’s requirements well, as I went through the training camp with him in Moscow. By the way, I was very well prepared physically that season, so I trust his training system.

Has she changed?
- It looks like nothing much has changed. The second training camp is more intense, but only through work with the ball. We play three against three, five against five, and that's it - in a limited space. The minimum time for rest is given, and through this one gains physical readiness. Plus, here in Spain we have four control meetings. Through games, you get in shape the fastest.

- The opponents at the first training camp turned out to be not from the top ones, as Bozovic wanted. Do you agree?
- We got the teams, and it's true, not the strongest, but they were worthy opponents. In the first match they lost to the Germans. True, there is nothing surprising here - for us it was the first game, and their season began a week after that. Naturally, the Germans were better prepared physically and were ahead of us by a fraction of a second, which is a lot for modern football.

If you look a little ahead, what does Lokomotiv claim to do based on the results of the remaining 13 matches of the Russian championship?
- Any player of our team wants to achieve the maximum result. The most important thing is to prepare well in order to spend the rest of the season without injury. And there already "dance" from game to game. Now everything is very close in the standings. You can lose one match and go down deep, or you can win and climb a couple of positions up. I don't like guessing, but I will do my best to make Loko fight for the highest places.

Dmitry Alekseevich Tarasov is a famous Russian football player, central midfielder of FC Lokomotiv, master of sports. Previously, he played for FC Spartak, FC Tom, FC Moscow, and also as part of the Russian national team.

The guy from childhood stubbornly walked towards his goal, even when his parents did not believe in his strength and tried to impose other professions. The football player has proven that he is able to achieve success on his own when he does what he loves. It is worth noting that Dmitry received the Master of Sports of Russia for his efforts. In addition to his career, he was also lucky on the personal front. He has been married twice and has a beautiful daughter.


Dmitry was born in the Siberian town of Kansk, in the family of a military officer Alexei Tarasov. His mother worked at the local Pervomaisky department store. Dmitry has a sister Katya, she is 5 years older than her brother. Most of the future football player's childhood was spent in Moscow, in a 3-room apartment on Shchelkovskaya.

Dmitry grew up as a mobile, passionate about sports, but a reasonable child. From early childhood, his parents taught him discipline, taught him to defend his opinion, to be a man, to keep his word. Dmitry was sent to the karate section, and on weekends his father played football with his son, ran every morning in the morning. Gradually, the love of football took over martial arts. However, the first to see in Dmitry a promising football player was not his father, but his godfather.

Despite the heavy workload in training and at school, Dmitry Tarasov was a responsible student, he never skipped classes. In the 6th grade, Dmitry went to study at the Spartak children's and youth sports school. From now on, studies and sports took up all his time. From early morning until 16:00 - study, then - enhanced training until late in the evening.

The beginning of a sports career

For the first time, Dmitry Tarasov entered the field at the age of 7, when his father brought him to study at the Izmailovo Labor Reserves. Tarasov's first coach, Sergey Belkin, immediately appreciated the outstanding prospects of the nimble little boy and put him in the forward position. At the age of 12, Tarasov took part in the match against the Spartak team and scored a goal, after which the talented boy was invited to play for Spartak by coach Valentin Ivakin.

The Moscow team "Spartak", where Dmitry played until 2006, opened the way for the football player to big-time sports. After Ivakin, Dmitry Tarasov's coach was Alexander Korolev, who "lowered" the football player from striker to midfielder. Disagreements with the leadership of Spartak (who found a replacement for Dmitry) contributed to the transfer of the football player to the Tomsk football club Tom, for which he played for the next 3 years. After three successful matches for Tom, in which Dmitry scored decisive goals, the football player was introduced to the main team.

Significant career milestones

A significant stage in the career of Dmitry Tarasov is his transfer to the football club "Moscow" in 2009. The head coach of the club, Miodrag Bozovic, first put the newcomer on the bench, but after a successful match with Spartak, he introduced him to the main squad. One of the matches of FC Moscow was attended by Guus Hiddink, who appreciated the talent of the football player.

In 2009, Hiddink invited the tenacious and tough midfielder Dmitry Tarasov to train with the national team, which took place before the decisive match with the Azerbaijani team. The invitation to the national team came as a surprise to Dmitry.

At 22, Dmitry received the title of Master of Sports of Russia.

In 2010, Tarasov moved to FC Lokomotiv. The reason for such a decisive step was Loko's coach, Yuri Semin. In the first match as part of the "railroad" Tarasov scored a goal.

The 2013/2014 season with Lokomotiv was the brightest in Tarasov's career. In 2013, the football player was recognized as the best midfielder.

Interview with Dmitry Tarasov

In 2014, Dmitry received a serious leg injury, was operated on in Finland, then underwent several operations in Germany. Dmitry courageously overcame this difficult time, he was supported by his parents and wife Olga. The most terrible for a football player, according to him, were days and months without football.

In 2015, Dmitry attended matches as a spectator, as his leg had not yet healed.

T-shirt scandal

In February 2016, Dmitry Tarasov became the central figure of a scandalous story: during the Lokomotiv match against the Turkish Fenerbahçe (Turkish: “Fenerbahçe”), which took place in the Turkish capital, Dmitry took off his T-shirt, under which was a T-shirt with the image of Vladimir Putin and the inscription "the most polite president."

Dmitry's behavior offended the fans, his club was awarded a huge fine, and the player was disqualified. The football player explained his provocative act with love for Russia, his president, a desire to thank and support his fans in a foreign land. However, the majority of those who follow the developments have come to the conclusion that football should remain out of politics.

In 2016, Dmitry Tarasov still played for FC Lokomotiv as a midfielder.

During a friendly match with Turkey, which took place on August 31, 2016, Dmitry Tarasov was seriously injured - damaged knee-joint. The football player immediately left the location of the team and went to Rome for treatment. Doctors diagnosed a cruciate ligament rupture and did not give any predictions regarding his future career.

Personal life of Dmitry Tarasov

The first wife of Dmitry Tarasov is gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko, whom the football player met by chance, he drove her by car. Oksana was a slender, attractive girl, as she devoted most of her time to training. After Dmitry left for Tomsk, young people maintained relationships at a distance. And when Tarasov returned, they signed. Oksana gave birth to a footballer's daughter Angelina in 2009. Living together Dmitry did not work out with Oksana - the meeting with a prominent blonde of the country was to blame. In 2011, the family broke up.

Even before the divorce, the footballer began close communication with the star of "House 2" Olga Buzova. Young people met in one of the Moscow restaurants. The relationship of lovers developed rapidly, and two months later the footballer filed for divorce. Oksana sued ex-spouse about two million compensation and child support.

When the public became aware of the romance between Tarasov and Buzova, accusations rained down on Olga: “Razluchnitsa!”, “Took her husband away!”. However, Dmitry has repeatedly stated to the press that his relationship with Oksana was already undergoing a crisis, regardless of Buzova.

In June 2012, the wedding of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova took place. They played it on a luxurious ship, where only 70 of the closest people were invited. As soon as the solemn ceremony ended, the couple went on a honeymoon to the Maldives. Numerous photographs taken by young people testify to this.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. Wedding

The lovers are very happy together, as evidenced by their tender communication in in social networks. Both regularly share with fans footage from family life, and in their interviews they hint that they are already considering plans to replenish the family.

At the beginning of 2016, Dmitry Tarasov wrote the song "My", dedicating it to his beloved wife Olga. The creation of a football player blew up the Internet, the song was listened to by more than a million people. Also, the footballer, along with his wife, starred in the television series "Poor People". The couple played the role of themselves.

In November 2016, the Network got information about the gap between Tarasov and Buzova. The footballer's housemates claimed to have seen him several times in the company of Anastasia Kostenko, 24-year-old Vice-Miss Russia 2014. Later, information about the betrayal with the young model was confirmed, and at the end of December, the couple officially put an end to the relationship.

Tarasov's divorce became the most discussed "star event" of 2016 (or at least one of those). But the hype did not subside: for the whole of 2017, Buzova's fans wrote on Instagram of the football player and his new sweetheart angry comments, Olga herself often made verbal attacks towards the former and, against the background of the breakup, began her singing career. Dmitry, on the other hand, did not waste time and proposed to the girl in a romantic setting, while relaxing in the Maldives. The model got a beautiful ring with diamonds from the Graff limited collection on her finger.

Dmitry Tarasov now

January 9, 2018 Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko got married. The celebration took place in the football player's country house.

On the day of the wedding, the pick of a football player with ex-girlfriend continued: Buzova posted a photo in a negligee on Instagram. In the hands of the TV presenter was the novel "The Idiot". “I decided to re-read one of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s most beloved works #Idiot about the unfortunate merchant Parfyon and the kept woman Nastasya,” Olga hinted very thickly. And Tarasov shared a photo from the Kutuzovsky registry office with the hashtags “we don’t care”, “write whatever you want”, “we are happy”.

On July 10, 2018, Dmitry and Anastasia had a daughter, Milan. However, the happy event was overshadowed by troubles: the contract with Lokomotiv ended, and the club decided not to renew it. The football player considered options for moving to Terek or Rostov.

In the Russian sky, new stars now and then light up - some fade quickly, some linger longer. One such artist, who appeared in show business relatively recently, is Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, known to a wide audience as T-Killah.

A little about hip hop

It is in this genre that T-Killah works. Hip-hop is often confused with rap or generally considered these concepts to be synonymous, which is fundamentally wrong. Rap is the reading of lyrics to music in the form of recitative. Fragments of rap performance can be interspersed not only in hip-hop, but also in various other genres - in rhythm and blues, and in pop music, and so on. Hip-hop (from the English "jump-hop") is the union various forms art. In addition to music, this includes dance and graffiti. The musical direction of hip-hop is music with certain percussive rhythms, both with and without vocals. It originates from the music of African Americans, in America it began to develop widely in the 70s of the last century, and only then it flooded the whole world.

T-Killah: biography

Sasha Tarasov was born in Moscow on April 30, 1989. His father is a well-known businessman Ivan Tarasov (he was engaged in construction, he died last year), his mother's name is Elena. The family was quite wealthy, intelligent, and Alexander received an appropriate upbringing. At school, according to the memoirs of the artist himself, he studied well - mostly for fours, although there were also threes. At the same time, Sasha was not a good boy: once he even dyed the teacher's hair right during the lesson.

With friends in his teenage years, young T-Killah went to clubs, led a nocturnal lifestyle. Thoughts about music did not arise in his head then, as, indeed, about a serious education. However, Sasha's father, having learned about the adventures of his son, decided to direct him "on the right path." FROM light hand father Alexander and ended up at the Academy economic security The Ministry of Internal Affairs - for nothing that the school in which he studied was also with an economic bias. He studied smoothly at the institute, was known as a favorite among his peers and teachers. He says that tests and exams were mostly easy. The direction of "finance and credit" the future artist graduated in 2010. However, at that time he was no longer a “future”, but a “real” artist. How did it all work out?

The beginning of the way

T-Killah's biography doesn't go into much detail about this, but as usual in life, it all happened because of a girl. Academy student Sasha Tarasov recorded a song for a friend, which she posted on the World Wide Web. Laudatory reviews appeared, and for the first time Alexander thought about making music at a professional level.

Then he chose a pseudonym for himself not T-Killah - Taras: that's what his friends called him. Later, having plunged more deeply into this field of activity, Sasha decided to change his stage name. He recalls that he certainly wanted to leave the first letter "T" - in honor of the surname, but he could not think of anything further. The case saved the case - at a party, Alexander went over with tequila, then inquired what the meaning of this word was, and discovered that in medicine there is a drug with a similar name, whose purpose is to kill harmful cells when cancer. Thus, from Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, T-Killah appeared, whose vocation determined the purge of the stage from poor-quality performers.

Career takeoff

Sasha's first song, which conquered the charts, was called "At the Bottom". He recorded it in 2009, and she also owes her appearance to the girl: it was love suffering that prompted young man for creativity. The song soared to the top of the charts, and the video for it collected several million views on Youtube. Sasha was first talked about. But for complete success, this was not enough - the next song was required, which would also become a hit. And Sasha remembered his school friend - Nastya Kochetkova. While still teenagers, they agreed to record a joint track sooner or later. Then Nastya got on the popular project of the First Channel "Star Factory", took up creativity. The girl responded with joy to Alexander's offer to work. Thanks to their tandem, the song "Above the Earth" was born, which in the shortest possible time became a hit and strengthened the position of T-Killah on the Russian stage.

And then - everything started spinning. Sasha wrote songs, shot videos. In 2013 it was released debut album Boom, two years later - the second disc called "Puzzle". The artist recalls that for a long time he did not tell his parents about his hobby. Having learned about Sasha's occupation, mother did not believe in his success for a long time - until two girls approached her on the street and asked her to say hello to her son. The father, according to Alexander, always supported his undertakings. In memory of him this year Sasha released the song and video clip "Papa".


Duet creativity occupies a special position in the biography of T-Killah. In addition to the song with in the artist's archive, there are works with Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova, Loya, Anastasia Stotskaya. By the way, his first disc consists of almost duets. Among the singer's latest collaborations, one can note a recording with Alexander Marshal, the Vintage group, Vera Brezhneva.

Personal life and social activities

T-Killah doesn't talk too much about his personal life. For a long time he reported that he didn’t have a girlfriend at all, he was free, in search and, like the hero of his video “ Good morning”, wakes up every morning in the arms of a new girlfriend. All this secured the image of Casanova for Sasha. However, in recent times there were allegations that T-Killah still has a girlfriend. Allegedly, since October last year, the artist has been meeting with Maria Belova, the host of one of the Russian TV channels. Together with her, Sasha appeared at the wedding of one of the popular musicians and, according to witnesses, did not leave her a single step.

But about social activities see T-Killah's biography for more details. He is engaged in production, owns the production company Star Technology, is actively involved in charity work, and helps homeless animals.

  1. Since childhood, he has been involved in sports, recently he has become interested in crossfit.
  2. Likes to play football but hates to watch.
  3. He loves dogs and hates cats, he is allergic to the latter. There are two dogs at home.
  4. From my mother I took over the love of extreme sports.
  5. I love the work of Kanye West.
  6. He loves action movies, dreams of acting in films in this genre.
  7. Sasha's height is 193 centimeters.
  8. One of Sasha's dogs, nicknamed Marshal, got its name in honor of Alexander Marshal - it was during the recording of the duet with the artist that this dog was acquired.

There is an opinion that there are two ways to get into the domestic show business - either give someone very influential a lot of money, or through bed. Sasha T-Killah is a prime example of how to achieve success on your own, bypassing both, and without having a musical education. So if there is talent, everything will certainly work out.

Shared with wife. Home comfort and family atmosphere have become the key to his stable and successful game lately.

Dmitry and Anastasia are expecting replenishment soon. Dmitry every minute tries to be near his beloved. It is not surprising that he invited me to his home for an interview.

On the threshold we were met by… the Miranchuk brothers! The guys are friends with Dima and spend a lot of time together. This time they stopped by after training to cut their hair together.

We settled in a large and bright living room: while Dmitry and his wife were answering questions, Anton and Alexei were playing football with a small puppy - Labrador Tara. Tara rushed with the ball, slipped, crashed into the legs - but a couple of times she managed to "circle" the guys. They laughed: the dog has the makings of an attacker.

- Dima, you are the main long-liver among Loko field players. And centenarians have their own secrets.

Indeed, from the team of the 2010 model, only Gilya and I remained. There are no secrets, this is a happy coincidence. In the career of every footballer, there comes a time when the contract expires. And it's time for a choice. I was lucky - the club and I came to an agreement that we needed each other.

And how many coaches there were ... And with all of them, I felt in demand. Each of the mentors invested something new in me, respectful relations developed with each. It is important with whom this path began - with Yuri Palych. It was he who invited me to Lokomotiv. I remember not thinking about the offer at all. And it was the right choice.

- The strongest team in these eight years ...

- Let's say it carefully: it seems that now there is very little left before the cherished dream ...

Guess I missed that line. There are four difficult matches ahead. That's all.

But I must say that our hard work is bearing fruit. Behind many difficult periods: they became ninth, eighth, made ridiculous mistakes. Dissatisfaction of the fans, dissatisfaction in the team... Now the situation is different, and the whole team wants only one thing. I think she's ready for it.

- It is important for the fans to know and feel that Loko is a united family. And the footballers?

For me, the main thing is that it finds confirmation on the field. So that everyone in the team is ready to work for himself and that guy - even at the cost of injury. Relations in the team are good, but in life you always communicate with someone more, with someone less.

- Do the team keep track of competitors? Did you watch the match "Ural" - "Spartak"?

Personally, I did not look - I found out the result after the fact. But Jeff watched and did not hide his emotions. In our team chat, he left an audio recording in Russian: “Ural”, good-oh, good-oh, “Ural”.

- In recent matches you are invariably at the start.

Thanks to the head coach for the trust - he gave me a chance when Igor Denisov missed the game due to a red card.

- I know that a goal against Dynamo is special for you.

April 14, when we played, is the birthday of my dad, who, alas, is no longer with us. I kept in mind that I would dedicate my next goal to my father and pregnant wife. But I rarely score, so there were torments: will I score before Nastya gives birth ?! Everything worked out for the best. Day to day! But the greatest joy and reward is our common victory.

Let's talk about the atmosphere. Who "does" it in the locker room?

Kasai, Borya, Saba. It is important to be able to joke, to cheer. I also like to joke - the main thing is in moderation!

- But best of all - a picture with everyone from the winning dressing room.

Of course, everyone is welcome! I noticed that in the pictures Solomon is sitting in a lotus position and meditating. While we win - let him meditate!

How was April 1st?

With draws! Late in the evening I sit in a cafe with my wife, the first of April comes. I am writing to Anton Miranchuk: "Brother, I had a fight with Nastya, I feel very bad, come." He: “What happened?! Where to go?!". My brother was with a girl, but I told him that I was not ready to see anyone else now. Antokha rushed to the cafe ... And there we are with Nastya and her father! I say: “What date is today? Today you are a fool, ha ha! Anton was a little angry, of course. But I was convinced once again: Brother is a friend! The brothers are true friends! And I'm always there.

- How did your communication begin? You are, after all, older than them.

I invited them a couple of times to a cafe or to the company of my friends, they still lived in a boarding school. Humble and educated guys. At the same time, there were many common interests. Yes, I'm older, so I make sure that they don't do any nonsense (Laughs). I jokingly call them "similar". The brothers have a great future.

- AT free time- together?

When Nastya and I moved to Vacation home began to gather more frequently. Let's play something. Sister for the New Year gave the game Dendy . Just a return to childhood!

- The Miranchuks are predicted to have European top championships in the future. I agree?

Of course. It seems to me that Anton will leave first - to some good European club. In general, they are both Barça fans. Anton is closely following Neymar - he constantly watches some videos about him. The World Cup is coming soon. The guys should prove themselves, I want the whole world to watch videos with their participation!

- Do you have a premonition: to prepare for a vacation or for the World Cup?

I don't think about it at all. All thoughts about the decisive matches of the season. We must go through this path to the end. I know that the coaching staff of the national team is following all the candidates. If everything works out, and they call me, I will be happy. If not, I'm waiting major event: birth of a child. I'll switch to this.

But the event ahead is grandiose! People just need to believe in our team. And the players - in their own strength. Everything is possible.


- The best and worst matches of Lokomotiv this season...

The best - with Spartak in the first round, after which the team gained more self-confidence. The worst - perhaps, the match of the second round with "Amkar".

- Phenomenal ability: to become the "kings of Moscow", having dealt with all direct competitors, but to yield to "Amkar", "Tosno", "Ufa".

I think, first of all, it's about pauses for the national team. It seems that in these intervals our “chemistry” on the field is lost. Plus flights. Farfan and Chorluka flew to America. Charlie returned, woke up at the base at four in the morning and, hardly realizing what was happening, went to drink coffee...

The main thing is to get over this situation every time and pick up the pace again.

Dmitry's wife, Anastasia, joins the conversation. There will be less football in the conversation, but more - women's.

- Dima, when did you decide to propose to your beloved?

Before winter vacation. He began to plan everything in advance, but kept it a secret from Nastya.

Anastasia:- I had no idea! We flew to the Maldives, just relaxing. One evening, Dima arranged a romantic dinner ... And made an offer!

Dmitry:- Well, we already planned the wedding, based on the football calendar. Stayed in the weekend between the fees.

Anastasia:- It was important for us to get married before Lent. We got married, but you can’t do this in fasting. Prepare for the event in an operational mode. All the efforts turned out to be very pleasant: Wedding Dress, the color scheme of the celebration, the seating of the guests ... I managed quickly: I already had a clear wedding image. I decided a long time ago with hair and makeup - I trusted knowledgeable people with whom she has already collaborated. So we managed to avoid nervous moments. Lovely girls worries!

The day went by very quickly! It is important that grandparents and parents were able to come. The wedding was fun and emotional!

Dmitry:- Before the start of the championship, Nastya suddenly told me: “This season, Lokomotiv will be the champion. I didn’t dismiss it, but, to be honest, I wasn’t sure about such scenarios.

Anastasia:- I don't know why, but I had and still have confidence in it. One hundred percent! Although I knew that Lokomotiv had not won the championship since 2004. I felt that this season is ours.

- Let's believe in your football intuition!

I never really followed football. In the Rostov region, where I grew up, everyone is rooting for Rostov. Many girls tried to follow football fashion, and I was surprised: where are they going?! Where is the football - and where are the girls?! And now I can't tear myself away.

Dmitry:- When we met, I asked Nastya if she knew what my position on the field was. She replied: "Twenty-three!" (Laughs).

- Nastya, remember your first match at the stadium.

Anastasia:- It was a home game against Rostov last season. I really liked the atmosphere in the stadium. All experiences are stronger, and impressions are brighter. The TV is not.

- Recently you celebrated birthdays. What surprised each other?

Dmitry:- Previously, I celebrated all birthdays noisily, cheerfully, on a grand scale. And this year he invited his family home: mother, sister, Nastya's relatives. The next day I sat in a restaurant with close friends. Present? I don't attach any importance to it at all.

Anastasia:- And Dima arranged a surprise for my birthday. I called my friends who were waiting for us at home while we were driving from somewhere. The main thing is that on the way we agreed to watch the film "Hachiko".

Dmitry:- So, we stop by the garage, Nastya asks: “Well, are we watching a movie?” And then our friends will jump out like that!.. The guys set the table, sat with them, celebrated. But this year we are more looking forward to another event - the birth of a daughter.

- How are you preparing?

Dmitry:- I think it's too early to prepare. But Nastya says every day that she urgently needs to buy everything and get a room.

Anastasia:- My doctor has already told Dima that pregnant women are entering a calm phase, and during this period they like to “nest” - paint something, buy furniture, and so on. Here is my phase! (Laughs).

- Dima, do you remember how you learned the good news?

Dmitry:- I watched football. Here Nastya comes up, and in her hands is a test. I see her face change. Emotions? Do not put into words!

Anastasia:- The test showed a period of "2-3 weeks". I sent a photo to my dad, and he asks: “What is this, Dimkin’s number?”

- After the match with Dynamo, you attended the Miss Russia contest. How are the impressions?

Dmitry:- Nastya was invited as one of the winners of past years. To be honest, I'm disappointed!

Anastasia:- Dima and I argued with which girls they would say goodbye after the first round. Of the 50 participants, only 25 automatically remain there. We named five girls each - all the Dimins were removed immediately. He's so upset! His intuition failed him.

Buy Nash Loko magazine on the day of the match against Ufa in the club shop and from distributors on the stadium territory

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    06 September 2019

Tarasov Dmitry Alekseevich - a football player, widely known in the circles of the Russian beau monde. The outwardly attractive athlete is constantly in the spotlight of numerous fashion magazines. In a certain sense, he achieved such popularity thanks to his marriage to the famous TV presenter and ex-participant in the reality show "Dom-2".

Russian football star Dmitry Tarasov was born on March 18, 1987 in Moscow. Most of the childhood of the future football player passed in the capital of Russia, where he lived with his parents and sister Katya, who is five years older than his brother. Today it’s hard to imagine how Lokomotiv would have managed without their midfielder, but Dima had every chance not to get into big football: the boy’s dad wanted him to do karate, but martial arts the child was not interested.

Father with early years seriously engaged in raising his son, introducing Dima to sports. Such a desire of the father soon gave a positive result, and other children were already clearly lagging behind, losing in skill on the field to little Dima. After a while, the parents began to support their son's hobby: Tarasov tells how his father woke up the heir every Sunday to play football together.

Soon the boy did not have time for entertainment, and in his spare time he ran into the yard to drive a ball with the neighboring guys. In the future, the father enrolls the child in the football section of the Labor Reserves Sports School.

Gradually, daily classes disciplined Dmitry and developed a fighting character. Football player Dmitry Tarasov, who already played in youth games, was noticed during one match by the Spartak coach Ivakin Valentin Gavrilovich and invited to the team. Dmitry Tarasov played quite successfully for Spartak, graduated from the Sports School, but then he began to have friction with the club's management.


As a teenager, Dmitry trained at the Spartak Youth Sports School, and already in 2004 he played in the youth football team of this sports organization. At the end of the contract (in 2006), Tarasov moved to the Tom football club, for which he moved from Moscow to Tomsk. The reason for such a cardinal step was a difficult and unpleasant situation: the eminent team didn’t really need a football player, and signing a contract with it meant staying in the old positions for another five years. Then the football player’s agent found an option with Tom, and although the parents were not happy with this decision, the young man left for the province.

He played for Tom for three seasons, and not all games were successful: later, the football player will tell in an interview that the player was even removed from the field, and several matches were frankly a failure for Tarasov. The midfielder obviously did not please with the indicators in the club from Tomsk. In 54 games, Dmitry scored only twice.

The next team in which Dmitry Tarasov played was the Moscow football club. Here, the guy does not show any particular results, scoring two goals in 25 meetings. At the initial stage of his professional career, the athlete did not please with goals.

Nevertheless, having played one season in the national championship, Tarasov managed to take one of the key positions in the team and draw the attention of the Honored Coach of Russia at that time, who invited the promising midfielder to train in the main football team of the country. Due to the high competition in the national team, there was no place for the midfielder. As a result, the midfield player enters the field as part of the team only in 2013.

Not only Hiddink appreciated the talent of Dmitry Tarasov: in the same year, the young man signed a three-year contract with FC Lokomotiv. And in November 2009, the footballer received the title of Master of Sports of Russia. The breakthrough begins in Tarasov's career as part of the "railroad". This famous Moscow team becomes the most important team in the player's football biography.

Dmitry Tarasov in the "Locomotive"

But the fans of the midfielder of the Moscow Lokomotiv blame Olga Buzova for troubles, suggesting that she was the culprit of the break in a long relationship. Relatives of Tarasov have repeatedly pointed out that Olga is too active in social networks, and the past in Dom-2 is the reason the girl loves to share even the most intimate with fans.

Another version of the breakup of the family, celebrity fans call the couple's lack of children.

Most loud divorces Russian show business

The personal correspondence of the TV presenter is not excluded as the reason for the separation of Tarasov and Buzova. In November 2016 in Russian media information appeared that unknown hackers hacked into Olga's mobile device, and the girl's personal correspondence was in the public domain. Then the public got a chance to get acquainted with audio recordings of the conversations of the Doma-2 star, see screenshots of correspondence and watch intimate videos with the participation of a celebrity. Online " Instagram"Users actively discussed this story, in which other stars and Olga's mother participated.

Another popular actor was at the center of the scandal. Buzova with Nagiyev shocked Tarasov. The football player immediately reacted to what happened, saying that the man's long-standing doubts about his wife were confirmed. In addition, the midfielder of the Moscow “Locomotive” in obscene form commented on an intimate video ex-wife found on the web.

On January 9, 2018, Dmitry Tarasov married fashion model Anastasia Kostenko. for relatives and friends, the newlyweds arranged on January 29.

The football player proposed to his beloved during a joint trip to the Maldives. In addition to the usual marriage ceremony, the couple went through a wedding ceremony.

According to the revelations of the midfielder, Dmitry met his future wife at the end of 2016, when his marriage with Olga had already cracked. And already on December 30, 2016 husband and wife.

In March of the following year, Tarasov and Kostenko celebrated a housewarming party in the house that the player had originally built for Buzova.

After the marriage, netizens even began to bet on how long the new marriage footballer. After all, Tarasov, who so zealously defended the private side of life in marriage with Olga Buzova, today puts his relationship with Anastasia Kostenko on public display.

The model has already shown herself to be a wise woman. Two weeks after registration, the Internet was full of information that Tarasov was cheating on his new wife. Allegedly, Dmitry in the club began to look after the ex-participant of the show "Tomboys" Kristina Belokopytova and presented the girl with a gorgeous bouquet, which she lit up in her personal microblog. Nastya did not particularly react to this news. Tarasov's wife only noticed that, judging by the photos and videos, in the club "everyone is not up to Belokopytova." After a while, the picture with the flowers disappeared from Christina's profile.

At the beginning of 2018, it became known that Kostenko. In April of the same year, Dmitry Tarasov scored a goal in the match between Lokomotiv and Dynamo. The midfielder, as soon as the ball rolled out of the gate, picked it up and stuffed it under his T-shirt, running along the stands. Thus the young man. It is known that the couple prefers traditional childbirth, Dmitry will not be present during the birth of the child.

In the same month, information appeared that Anastasia was placed in storage. Due to the hospitalization of his beloved, Tarasov missed the premiere of the film "Outside the game", which the Lokomotiv team arrived in full force.


Dmitry Tarasov is called one of the most overrated football players in Russia, because the midfielder's income impresses even football veterans. He receives €1.5 million a year under a contract with Lokomotiv.

Many sports analysts argue that such a salary of a football player does not correspond to the level of a midfielder, since the midfielder appeared on the field only three times in the 2016-2017 season. Such indicators were the worst in Tarasov's professional career. If the player does not improve the results, the young man's appraised value will decrease.

According to British media, Tarasov's current market value is €2.4 million. Considering the fact that the player could have been bought for €3 million in 2015, a further drop in prices on the transfer market can be predicted. In March 2014, football clubs could offer the largest amount for the Russian midfielder - € 5 million.

According to 2017 data, the midfielder's income is €2.4 million per year.

Dmitry Tarasov now

On May 5, 2018, Dmitry Tarasov, together with the Lokomotiv team, became the champion of Russia, for the first time since 2004. In the decisive match against Zenit, the midfielder was injured: facing Anton Zabolotny, Dmitry cut his eyebrow.

Dmitry Tarasov on the field

Many saw this as a sign. Indeed, a couple of days before the game, news appeared on the Web that a Spartak fan saw Tarasov in a restaurant with friends. Allegedly, Dmitry smoked a hookah and drank alcohol. After the midfielder saw that the young man was taking a picture, he approached the fan and. At the same time, the player's comrades went to the guy and began to threaten him. This information immediately spread over the Internet. Dmitry denied the rumor and said that they wanted to arrange a provocation against him.

On May 11, 2018, it became known that the famous football player was not included in the list of players who will represent Russia at the World Cup. Evil tongues immediately called the failure of the midfielder "Buzova's prophecy." The player’s representatives have not yet announced the official reason for Dmitry’s non-participation in the national team. However, fans of the midfielder saw the pluses in this event. Since the world championship coincided with the date of birth of Tarasov's wife, the footballer was able to spend more time with his beloved.

The day before this news, information about Dmitry's new betrayal of his wife leaked to the Web. This time, an anonymous source said that the football player invited the fan more than once to “have fun”, to which she agreed. Neither Tarasov nor Kostenko reacted in any way to this news.


  • 2013-2014 - Russian Championship, 3rd place
  • 2014-2015 - Russian Cup, 1st place
  • 2016-2017 - - Cup of Russia, 1st place
  • 2017-2018 - Russian Championship, 1st place

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