Ksenia Keosayan biography. Tigran Keosayan and his new wife, children: latest news

the beauty 22.06.2019
the beauty

As HELLO! found out, Alena and Margarita met on this holiday. At the country picnic on the occasion of the girl's 6th birthday, her father Tigran was present together with new family th - a common-law wife and two children, Maryana and Bagrat, Alena also appeared there. The reaction of the public to a joint picture of Tigran's two wives - former and current - is quite understandable. Two years ago, the divorce of Khmelnitsky and Keosayan was a real shock for many, and now two smiling women are posing embracing, with glasses in their hands.

Time has passed, and time is the main character in such stories, - Alena said, answering the question HELLO! about what is behind this picture. - We lived with Tigran for 21 years, we are native people, and I don’t see any point in crossing out all this. Yes, we broke up, but we have children, Tigran also had children in the new family, and it seems to me quite natural that they communicate and grow up together - after all, they are brothers and sisters. My Ksyusha is six years old, Maryasha, the daughter of Tigran and Margarita, is almost three. And their son Bagrat is not yet two years old. They are all still very small. And our task is to make them live in happiness and joy. They feel good when they feel parental love from all sides, do not see any quarrels and scandals.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her 6-year-old daughter Xenia at her birthday About how Alena decided to take a step towards the beloved woman of her ex-husband, she tells this:

Margarita and I first talked in the same company. I considered that children's holiday- the best reason to finally meet all together. Maintaining a good relationship is absolutely normal in my situation. Everything happened very organically. My eldest daughter, Sasha, already big, she will soon be 22 years old, so we discussed everything with her in advance. And small children ... By and large, they don't care. They just take the situation for granted. We have not yet figured out how we will comment on all this in the future. When they become adults - then we'll talk.

Tigran Keosayan - famous Russian actor and director. Of course, in the light of recent events, joint photos of Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and children, which are very easy to find on the net, attract special attention. The family idyll was formed due to the common interests of Simonyan and Keosayan.

The future actor was born in Moscow in 1966. His parents were also close to the film industry: his father worked as a director, and his mother was an actress. Tigran was the youngest in the family, since there was also a brother David. Subsequently, he will also connect his life with the television industry. If we talk about Tigran's childhood, then most of the time he was on the set of films with his father. The first appearance of Keosayan in the film was noted already in 1970, in the film "Crown Russian Empire, or again elusive".

FROM early age visited music school and had good talent. His love for classical music can be traced in every way.

There were certain difficulties at school, but later he passed the exams and decided to go to study at the directing department. It was the right decision, but which ended in failure. Tigran was not taken to the University of Cinematography.

In 1984, Tigran again tries to enter the chosen institute and does it with success. But after a while he had to give up his studies in favor of military service. After that, he again came to the walls of his native university and studied in Ozerov's workshop. It should be noted that Tigran Keosayan has friendly relations with Fedor Bondarchuk. Together they were engaged in filming clips, advertising and other interesting projects. Have collaborated with many celebrities.

Today, fresh joint photos of Tigran Keosayan and his new wife with children appeared on the network. They are happy as they spend a lot of time together both at home and at work. Particular attention is paid to the fact that they organized even a joint project on television, opened a restaurant.

Keosayan Tigran: films, wikipedia

In 1991, Tigran appeared in the film "Joker", where he got an incredible role. At that time, the actor did not choose roles for himself, but agreed to everything that was offered to him. Then he decided to try himself as a director and made the first film "Katka and Shiz". It was probably a Keosayan family project, since everyone was directly involved. Famous actors starred in the film, so the picture was supposed to be successful, and it all happened. Critics and viewers appreciated the work.

In 1994, he organized the company "GOLD VISION", they were engaged in filming clips, advertising and even short series. For this, special equipment was purchased and personnel were hired. A few years later, the series "Funny Matters - Family Matters" was filmed. It was also a collaboration with my brother. The series was about a family business in the form of a laundry. We can say that this is a historical series that spanned as many as four generations of characters. AT general work turned out to be successful, but did not make Tigran famous.

Popularity came after filming the comedy "Poor Sasha". In 1997 the painting became best movie and got a TEFI figurine.

The film was about decent thieves who decided to help the girl solve all her problems. In fact, all the works of Tigran Keosayan attracted the attention of the audience, as they were interesting in their own way. Possessing incredible talent, Keosayan created the best films from year to year.

Images from the film "Poor Sasha"

The picture "Silver Lily of the Valley" was also shot together with Keosayan, he also took part in a small episodic role. Then there were several separate comedies and series, and work on advertising projects also continued. The actor never stood still and moved only forward, this was the personification of his character.

"Lily of the Valley Silvery-2" received positive reviews from the audience, as the entire cast was chosen the same as in the first film. Changing the format did not affect the perception. In general, the work of Tigran Keosayan was again appreciated. Each work of Keosayan is an incredible contribution to the development of cinema. He, along with his father and brother, achieved incredible success.

In 2008, a project appeared that received a flurry of negative reviews, this is the film "Mirage". Tigran realized that shooting such pictures is not for him, he is better at working with serials. Therefore, in subsequent years, he worked only on the release of interesting multi-series projects.


In 2007 vigorous activity Tigran Keosayan led to the emergence of a new author's program "Evening with Tigran Keosayan". The essence of the program was to analyze certain events that occurred during the week. For this, several experts who understand the essence of the issue were invited. In 2009, the continuation of the TV show was organized, but under a slightly different name. Now guests were invited who did not have the same opinion, but different ones, in order to create a scandal or intrigue.

Together with Alena Khmelnitskaya, they hosted the program “You and Me”. The project lasted only one year and was dedicated to family relations famous actors and personalities Russian show business. The information that Keosayan discussed was always true. Next was the show "Stop being silent!". That is, Tigran Keosayan developed in all respects and had an incredibly great potential.

Tigran Keosayan together with his first wife on a TV show

AT recent times there is a special discussion around new joint photo Tigran Keosayan, his new wife and children. The director himself connected his life once again with a work colleague. Their family idyll is unshakable.

Personal life

Acquaintance with Alena Khmelnitskaya in 1992 did not happen by chance. Tigran invited a young and little-known actress to take part in the filming of a commercial. She happily agreed, after which their relationship became more serious. In 1993 they played a wedding.

Problems in the family were visible to the naked eye and mostly financial. Keosayan's part-time jobs were not enough to live on, but this did not break their family idyll. Alena refused to work in the theater, as she was expecting a child. After the birth, she immediately got a job as a manager in a large store, this greatly improved the flow of money into the family.

In 2010, the second daughter was born in the family, but at the same time, Tigran had a heart attack. The actor and part-time director, could not attend the birth. It is worth noting that Alena Khmelnitskaya starred in all the films of Tigran Keosayan.

In 2011, it became known that relations with Elena were severed for unknown reasons. They didn't comment on this. In 2012, Tigran Keosayan began dating Margarita Simonyan. Together they opened a joint restaurant "Hot!".

Already in 2013, a joint child appeared in the family, which strengthened relations, and after a while, already in 2014, another one. Now many are interested in new photos of Tigran Keosayan and his new wife with children who are very happy. Thus, Keosayan has 4 children from two marriages.

A new interest in the personal life of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was caused last news about the trip of the actress with her lover to warmer climes. Reason for divorce star couple in 2014 became the director's hobby new passion- Writer and journalist Margarita Simonyan. After the publication of a picture taken at the birthday of the former mother-in-law on January 28, 2018, the Internet was filled with admiring comments from the actress's fans about her friendship with the new passion of her ex-husband.

The worthy behavior of a woman who lived with a man for more than twenty years and managed to maintain honor and dignity after he left for a rival, increased the army of supporters of Khmelnitskaya's talent by several times.

About children, ex-spouse and loneliness

As she said in an interview with glossy publications, their separation from Tigran Keosayan had been brewing for a long time and she considers the reason for the divorce to be the mutual estrangement that arose in a couple.

According to the actress, she is also indirectly to blame for cooling her husband’s feelings - after the birth of her second daughter, Khmelnitskaya plunged into caring for the baby with such enthusiasm that she forgot about everything in the world.

Khmelnitskaya's parents have been living in Berlin for a long time, they are still in demand in their profession and devote a lot of time to working with ballet dancers, new productions, developing projects.

Therefore, Alena's mother could not warn the woman against the total passion for the second child. By the time Ksyusha was born, eldest daughter Alexandra was already building her own relationship with this world - she studied in the USA.

According to the actress, the departure of the older child was a great stress for her, and the news of the pregnancy was a true salvation from loneliness in an empty house.

By the way, Sasha and mom were with Alena in recent months actress pregnancy - a 38-year-old woman gave birth under the close attention of a French doctor in Nice on Cote d'Azur, for which Khmelnitskaya is extremely grateful to her husband.

Keosayan has always been an excellent host, able not only to love his “girls”, but also to provide them with more than a comfortable existence.

Tigran's departure to another woman, according to Khmelnitskaya, did not knock the ground out from under her feet. The woman is grateful to him for 21 years of a happy family life and for the many roles played in his films. In addition, the actress is in demand in the professional field and tries to devote a lot of time to her youngest daughter.

According to Alena, Ksyusha is a very inquisitive child, with her difficult character and an endless flow of energy.

Her mother has to guide her - it is difficult for other people to cope with a too independent and restless baby.

Even dad does not have indisputable authority with his youngest daughter, the girl does not want to obey him.

Only Alena manages to cope with Ksyusha - Khmelnitskaya, with her inherent wisdom and patience, skillfully guides the aspirations of the little dictator, independently selects developing activities for her daughter and controls their attendance.

Although you don’t have to force Ksyusha to do something - her parents are sensitive to her tastes and preferences, trying not to miss the spark of talent.

Who is Margarita Simonyan

According to the mother of two children, the initiator of the relationship was Tigran Keosayan, who wrote a message to her on Facebook.

Margarita herself did not believe in such luck - numerous stories about fake heroes and Internet scammers made her wary of the manifestation of star attention through the World Wide Web.

According to Simonyan, the director accidentally heard a program about a young writer and wanted to support her. And so it happened that after dinner in a restaurant, the couple had a lot in common in their views on creativity, family and their own future.

As the journalist said in an interview with a glossy magazine, she never wanted to get married. In her understanding and in childhood memories, marriage remained a terrible test for a woman who exchanged for Wedding Dress all life.

There were fleeting novels with a common life and indoor flowers, but she did not want to turn into a downtrodden creature serving a man.

She had great ambitions and a desire to do what she loves in her beloved homeland - Margarita is an absolute patriot of Russia.

Even as a child, she could become a citizen of America, but she refused, deciding for herself absolutely that she would be comfortable only here.

So it was before the appearance in the life of a young writer Tigran Keosayan. Margarita did not want to become the reason for the director's divorce from Alena Khmelnitskaya.

If her aspirations for independence had frightened a man, she would not have insisted on continuing the relationship - the woman had been the head of one of the branches of the central media holding in Russia for many years and was used to difficulties.

Margarita was very worried that in the press she was called a homemaker - the beautiful television couple Khmelnitskaya-Keosayan was considered one of the most stable in the world of the film industry.

Simonyan says that Tigran left Alena their common house and came to Barvikha every day so that Ksyusha's daughter would not feel deprived of her father's attention.

If a man, due to fatigue, did not want to go to these morning meetings, the journalist woke him up and insisted on continuing the daily ritual until her new man appeared at Khmelnitskaya's.

First wife, second wife...

Khmelnitskaya was the first to put an end to the gossip. She invited her ex-husband to the birthday of her youngest daughter along with his new family- Margarita, Bagran and Maryana.

Simonyan did not believe her husband, in a telephone message she asked the actress if this was true.

Alena, in her usual manner, replied that they had nothing to share and that they should all come to the holiday together.

The result of the joint meeting was a sincere conversation until the morning. Both women are delighted with each other, no one knows how sincere these feelings are. However, a stormy showdown did not follow.

As Margarita said, she was delighted with Alena and very glad that she didn’t need to share anything - Khmelnitskaya is happy, Keosayan is happy and Simonyan is insanely happy.

When journalists ask Alena Khmelnitskaya why she so openly expresses sympathy for her ex-husband's new wife, the actress replies that they will still remain family people with Tigran - it is impossible to cross out so many years of joint relations.

And now their main goal is to make friends with children, because they are all brothers and sisters, the ambitions of adults against this background should go into the shadows.

The task of adults is to create an atmosphere of love and joy for kids, quarrels and showdown should be set aside so that in the future children can find their happiness in life.

No matter how painful the reason for the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was, it should not affect the younger generation.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, the series “Actress” was aired, filmed according to the script of Simonyan by her beloved man and the father of her illegitimate children.

It turns out that Margarita is one of the most powerful women world according to Forbes 2017.

Tigran Keosayan is one of the brightest and most talented representatives of the Armenian diaspora in Russia. He proved himself in several branches of art at once, becoming a good actor, director and producer, as well as an excellent television presenter. He played his first role in the film "Crown of the Russian Empire" at the age of 4. Now, this gifted person has 10 acting jobs, the creation of 14 films, and success in screenwriting production work. Until recently, the wife of Tigran Keosayan was the actress Alena Khmelnitskaya.

Born in a "ballet family", Alyona did not follow in the footsteps of her parents only because she was a rather large girl in childhood, however, she inherited plasticity and musicality, as well as the ability to perform theatrical performance from them in full. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and began to successfully act in films. Khmelnitskaya almost immediately captivated the audience with the role of Leoncia in the mini-series " Hearts of three and became famous. She took part in more than 50 film projects, some of which were directed by her husband, Tigran Keosayan.

They got married in 1993, when Alena's career was not too busy: the country was going through an economic crisis, many actors were idle without work. The actress then even tried to do business, but quickly abandoned this alien work for her. In 1994, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. Tigran and Alyona were an example of a very friendly and happy married couple who lived in harmony and in the course of common creative affairs.

After the normalization of the cultural life of the country, Khmelnitskaya again had interesting roles, and in 2003 - a star role in the TV series Ondine, which again elevated her to the heights of glory. Thereafter creative life the actress did not fade away, bringing her new roles. In 2009, Alena participated with her husband in the TV project "You and Me" on the channel "Russia". In 2010, another daughter appeared in their family - Ksenia.

The news that Tigran Keosayan got himself a new girlfriend was sudden. It is not known whether Alena knew about this, but the public was shocked by the post of the journalist Bozena Rynskaya, who posted a photo of Keosayan on the network along with journalist Margarita Simonyan, saying that they had common child. It turns out that when shooting a film based on Margarita's script, he, a year after the birth of Ksenia, already "lived in two families," as they said in the film crew. Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan broke up after a 21-year marriage and their daughters stayed with their mother.

Margarita Simonyan is 9 years younger than Alena and, if not as beautiful, then even more famous in certain circles and has a lot of awards for her journalistic activities. She is the editor-in-chief of the RT TV channel and the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya. In 2010, Simonyan wrote her first book, To Moscow, and in 2012 she was on the staff of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. For merits in journalism, she was awarded two "Orders of Friendship", the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", the Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" and other awards.

In her 2012 interview, Simonyan told in an interview that she and her family were building a two-story restaurant in Krasnaya Polyana. She was often seen there with Keosayan, checking the progress of work. Margarita has a daughter, Maryana, who was born in 2013 and for some reason announced on Wikipedia as a child from an unregistered marriage with TV producer Andrei Blagodyrenko. The second child, Bagrat, was born already married to Tigran Keosayan in 2014. His name, translated from Armenian, means "the joy of love."

Alena Khmelnitskaya refused to comment on her personal life in the press. For Xenia's 6th birthday, she invited Tigran along with his new wife. And then, having shown female wisdom and far-sightedness, she met with Margarita in Nice, in a friendly atmosphere, surprising all Russian vacationers. The second wife of Tigran Keosayan wrote in her blog: “I spent the evening with Alena Khmelnitskaya. Here's how it happens. She is very cool, very!”

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

Alena Khmelnitskaya divorced director in 2014 Tigran Keosayan after 21 years of marriage. Her ex-husband married very quickly Margaret Simonyan, a relationship with which he began long before parting with the actress.

Keosayan brings up two children with his second wife, and the eldest daughter of the director from new sweetheart was born before his divorce.

Alena Khmelnitskaya recently shared a photo on Instagram in which she is captured with Margarita Simonyan, the second wife of Tigran Keosayan. Both women are sitting at the table with glasses, smiling at each other. Mother-in-law's birthday. We are so different, and yet we are together! Laura Ashotovna is the best! All Health, Love and Peace, ”the actress signed the frame, adding the hashtag“ high relations ”.

A post shared by Alena Khmelnitskaya actress(@alxmel) on Nov 20, 2017 at 12:24am PST

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin

Last fall, Margarita Simonyan said in the Once Upon a Time program that she was happy to communicate with her husband's first wife. However, Khmelnitskaya herself was more restrained in the comments to the photo: “This is not friendship, but a normal relationship between smart and happy people". The actress added that they do not talk with Margarita about politics.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan are firmly connected by children. Youngest daughter, seven-year-old Ksenia, lives with her mother, and 23-year-old Alexandra managed to finish directing courses in the USA.

The actress admits that it is not easy for her to contact with ex-husband: “Tigran and I communicate normally, but his new family also has children. It cannot be said that these contacts give me great pleasure. Of course, we do not “grind” our teeth when we meet, but still it is difficult. We rather do it for the sake of the children. So that they were happy, communicated normally with each other.

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