Roman Abramovich: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Billion dollar babies: Abramovich's youngest daughter flies to school by helicopter, and the eldest has an affair with a fashion model and fled to New York. Does Abramovich have children

diets 24.06.2020

And even without any blasphemy!

And even without any blasphemy!

Officially, Roman Abramovich was married twice, and now his civil wife is the former model Daria Zhukova. The “large” billionaire father has seven offspring. 19-year-old Arkady Abramovich, about whom in question, - the second child of a billionaire, but the first son. Born on September 14, 1993 in the marriage of Roman Abramovich with his first wife Irina MALANDINA.

Arkady Abramovich, son Roman Abramovich, got an internship at the London office of VTB Capital, "having passed a tough selection", according to Vedomosti . VTB Capital manages all international operations of the VTB Group, including an office in Hong Kong, where the offices of Crosby and Zoltav investment companies are located, co-owned by Abramovich Jr.. Conditionally, his fortune is 2.78 billion dollars. He became an investor even before he came of age, having received the management of the investment company ARA Capital Limited, named after the initials of Arkady.

Over the past two years, ARA Capital has been buying up mineral deposits, investing in the development of the bowels of Australia, Northern and South America. In 2011, ARA Capital consolidated 40% of the investment company Zoltav Resources for £3 million by purchasing a stake from an Irish multimillionaire John McKeon. Zoltav is interested in Russian oil assets. In September 2011, she sent $235,000 each to buy receipts from Gazprom and Rosneft, and another $156,000 to buy Lukoil shares.

Internship (internship) is common in England, - a top manager of a large investment company in the City told the publication, - Usually average age student - 19-20 years old. Inviting the children of famous people for internships is common and beneficial for the company: it gets an intern almost for free, and also uses him to strengthen relationships with an important large client associated with the intern.

Roman Abramovich with his son Arkady. Photo: All Over Press

By the way, Arkady is not the only rich son who does not suffer from idleness. So, Sergei Ivanov Jr., chairman of the board of the Sogaz insurance company and the youngest son of the head of the presidential administration of Russia, being a student at MGIMO, in his 3rd and 4th years he had an internship at the headquarters of foreign banks operating in Russia. Since 2011, he has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rosselkhozbank. Alexander Ivanov, another son of the head of the presidential administration, was appointed deputy chairman of Vnesheconombank.

Roman Abramovich with his son Arkady. Photo: All Over Press

Of the other children of the Russian elite, one can recall the chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev, whose father, ex-director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev, now heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Another son former head FSB Andrey Patrushev was appointed first deputy general director of the Russian-Vietnamese oil company Vietsovpetro. In the corporate history of Russian state-owned companies, such appointments are already becoming a tradition.

The son of the director of the FSB was appointed chairman of the board of VTB North-West bank Alexandra Bortnikova Denis Bortnikov. Vice President of Vnesheconombank is Petr Fradkov, son Mikhail Fradkov- Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Son of the governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko Sergei served as vice president of Bank Saint Petersburg for several years, but last year he resigned from this post. Now Sergei Matvienko is the general director of VTB Development and the owner of CJSC Empire.

Anna prefers to hang out in clubs with stars instead of making a family nest

Anna prefers to hang out in clubs with stars instead of making a family nest

In October last year, unexpected news spread around the planet: 18-year-old daughter of Roman Abramovich Anna Abramovich got married. According to friends of the heiress of the oligarch, Anya got engaged and was going to get married within a year. However, eight months have already passed, and about the upcoming wedding rich heiress no sound is heard. Moreover, Anna herself prefers a calm family life incendiary parties and stiff social events. The other day, Abramovich's daughter was photographed leaving the club in the morning after a stormy night.

The paparazzi filmed Anya at the exit of the Mahiki London club. At first, no one recognized one of the richest heirs of Great Britain and Russia in a simply dressed girl with an unremarkable bag and inexpensive jewelry. Per recent times The “marriageable bride” changed her image: if earlier Anna Abramovich wore long blond hair, now she cut her hair short and dyed her curls chestnut. Apparently, the girl decided to please her fiancé in a new way, which is why she decided to part with her light hair.

Barely recovering from a stormy nightclub party, Roman Abramovich's daughter rushed to Gloucestershire, where her younger brother Prince William Prince Harry held a charity polo game. In addition to the color of the British aristocracy (moreover, its young part), many stars were also present at the social event. According to the local newspaper "Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard", the daughter of Roman Abramovich donated a considerable amount to charity.

Obviously, with such a hectic social life, 19-year-old Anna is not at all up to home comfort - she is simply not yet ready to take on a house, a family and have kids. Although it is quite possible that the heiress of Abramovich is simply looking for a new groom for herself - among the stars or young aristocrats. She already has millions in her account, so why not get some more famous husband– more famous than an obscure Russian lawyer?

Recall that the chosen one of 18-year-old Anna Abramovich was a 28-year-old legal adviser Nikolay Lazarev. The couple already lives together in central London in a chic apartment overlooking Hyde Park. Nikolai Lazarev studied and worked in the UK over the past years, not so long ago he had an internship in one of the London companies, but in the end he refused to continue his career in this company. It is quite possible that the future husband of Abramovich's daughter is counting on the "family" business and intends to apply his experience and knowledge under the wing of his father-in-law.

Nikolai is very athletic, friends say star couple, - He likes roller skating, water skiing, snowboarding, racing cars. The diamond in the engagement ring he gave Anna is absolutely huge, truly luxurious. The age difference doesn't matter. Anna always communicated with older men. She told her friends that she wanted to get married within a year and have a baby a year later.

It must be assumed that the future young family, of course, will not experience material difficulties: they say that Anna has already received considerable funds from her father. In addition, in the future, she will also get a part of the wealth of the oligarch, whose fortune is estimated at 7.4 billion pounds.

Governor of Chukotka, owner of a football team and gossip hero.

The mother of the future billionaire died when the boy was a year old. Three years later, Roman's father, Arkady Nakhimovich, died. An orphaned nephew is taken in by his uncle, Leib Abramovich.

Here is what the businessman said about himself in one of his rare interviews: “I was born in Saratov. I hardly remember my parents: they died early. After that, I lived with my uncle's family in Moscow, where I graduated from high school. Served in the army, artillery regiment, in the autoplatoon. He studied at the institute and at the same time organized a cooperative, "Comfort" was called. We made toys from polymers. Ira (second wife) brought samples of toys from foreign flights.”

In the mid-80s, the future billionaire was a student at the Ukhta Industrial Institute. One of his classmates is Andrey Derzhavin, keyboardist of the Time Machine group.

The second wife of a businessman, Irina, worked as a flight attendant. Their acquaintance took place during one of the flights. The marriage lasted 16 years. The first time Abramovich was married to Olga Lysova, from 1987 to 1990.

Abramovich and his last life partner Daria Zhukova met in the winter of 2005 in Barcelona. It happened at a party after the Chelsea match. Daria's father, businessman Alexander Zhukov, introduced them to each other. Both were at that time in a relationship: Roman Abramovich was married, Zhukova met with tennis player Marat Safin. A year later, Abramovich's marriage fell apart, costing him $300 million plus real estate - four villas in the British capital and two apartments.

There was no official information about the wedding and the formalization of relations between Abramovich and Zhukova, but last year The Wall Street Journal reported that the couple still “signed”.

“They met in 2005 and got married a few years later. They have two children,” the journalist wrote in an article about Daria’s art projects. Abramovich's representatives declined to comment.

In August of this year, Abramovich and Zhukova officially announced a divorce. "After 10 years life together we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together. We intend to raise our children together and continue to work as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and cultural center on the island of New Holland in St. Petersburg, ”the couple said in their appeal.

In 2000, Abramovich became governor of Chukotka. For the development of the region, which was in decline, for five years in the governor's chair, he spent a decent amount from his own pocket. Some sources indicate $120 - $180 million, others even $1.2 billion.

Abramovich led the magazine's compilation Forbes list businessmen who made the most expensive purchases in 2010. It was about acquiring a whole island in the center of St. Petersburg - New Holland, which the businessman, together with Dasha Zhukova, is gradually turning into a center of culture and entertainment.

Roman Abramovich loves holidays and does not skimp on them. The budget for one of the parties he hosted on the island of St. Barth was $8 million. The Red Hot Chili Peppers played, George Lucas and Marc Jacobs were among the guests.

Abramovich's security force consists of 40 people. It costs the businessman $2 million annually.

In 2008, he gave $120 million for paintings by Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud. Both paintings hang in one of his houses in London.

The peak of Abramovich's wealth came in 2008: then he had more than $ 23 billion on his account, which provided the businessman with 15th place on the list the richest people world and 3rd - in Russia. According to the results of 2015, Roman Abramovich had $9.1 billion on his account. Andrey Melnichenko, the owner of SUEK, has the same amount.

Abramovich has a pet - a Corgi dog.

According to the tabloid The Sun, over 10 years, Abramovich invested about $ 2 billion in the British football club Chelsea, which he bought in 2003.

Abramovich has an extensive car park. It consists of two armored Maybach 62, Ferrari FXX, Bugatti Veyron, Maserati MC12 Corsa, Ferrari 360, Porsche Carrera GT, Porsche 911 GT1, Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR, Rolls Royce Corniche. There is a businessman's garage and a Ducati motorcycle.

As for other modes of transport, Abramovich has a Boeing 767-300 and an Airbus A380. His most impressive acquisition is the Eclipse yacht, whose price, taking into account all the mincemeat, is $ 1.2 billion.

On board the yacht there is a cinema and conference room, a children's room (more precisely, a whole game room), dance area, beauty salon, two swimming pools, saunas. There is also more serious equipment - for example, a couple of helipads, a submarine, missile defense systems. The suite, which the owner of the yacht prefers to live in, is equipped with bulletproof windows, as well as a special system that makes it difficult to take pictures on cameras.

Roman Abramovich is the father of seven children. From his marriage with Irina, he has three daughters, Anna, Sofia and Arina, and two sons - Arkady and Ilya. With Daria Zhukova, the businessman is raising his daughter Leah and son Aaron.

In 2012, Abramovich's daughter Anna, who at that time was 19 years old, was included in the list of the richest brides. Anna Abramovich has $3.4 billion on her account.

Another daughter of a businessman, Sophia, leads an active social life, sharing moments of it on her Instagram, and is also passionate about equestrian sports and regularly participates in various competitions.

In February 2013, 19-year-old Arkady Abramovich got his first job at the Russian company VTB Capital. After going through a rigorous selection process, Abramovich Jr. became an intern in the London office (the intern's salary is $1,300). Now Abramovich Jr., 23, owns the oil company Zoltav resources. In April, the business media reported that if Arkady had decided to sell his stake, he would have made nearly £16m. A month ago, blogs and the press reported that Arkady wants to buy the CSKA football club.

Not so long ago, the secular press circulated information that the middle daughter of the multibillionaire Roman Abramovich Sofya was very complex about being overweight. The heiress has been criticized for her figure flaws by social media followers, of which she is an active user. It is known that criticism negatively affected Sofya Abramovich's self-esteem and her self-confidence. The article contains information about the daughter of a multibillionaire, her short biography, as well as last news about a girl.

Sofia Abramovich: reference

Famous Russian billionaire is a father of many children. He has seven children from different wives. The life of the heirs is the object of close attention of the paparazzi around the world. Sofia Abramovich, Roman Abramovich's daughter from his second wife, is an active user of social networks. The girl often shares in her microblog on Instagram the news of her life and photos from the family archive.

Roman Abramovich: briefly about him

The famous businessman and rich man was born in 1966 in Saratov. For some time his parents lived in the Komi ASSR (in the city of Syktyvkar). Roman Abramovich became an orphan early on and was brought up by his uncles, first in Ukhta and then in Moscow. He studied at the Ukhta Industrial Institute (forestry faculty). He served in the army in the Kharkov region. (Ukraine).

In the period from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, he began to engage in small business (manufacturing, intermediary and trading operations). It is known that at first the future billionaire produced rubber toys. Then he switched to oil trading activities.

In 1996, Abramovich became one of the members of the board of directors of JSC Noyabrskneftegaz, headed the Moscow office of Sibneft. In 1999, Abarmovich was elected to the State Duma in the Chukotka single-mandate electoral district. In 2000 he became the governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In 2003, he acquires Chelsea (an English football club) and actually moves to live in the UK. It is known that Roman Abramovich repeatedly made attempts to leave the governor's post, but always abandoned his intention after meetings with President Putin. The businessman's desire to leave a responsible government post was approved by Dmitry Medvedev in 2008, when he was president of the Russian Federation. Since that time, Roman Abramovich has been chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

His wives and children

The businessman was married three times. His first wife was Olga Yuryevna Lysova, his second wife, former stewardess Irina Milandina, gave the billionaire five children: Anna (25 years old), Arcadia (23 years old), Sophia (22 years old), Arina (17 years old), Ilya (15 years old) . The third wife, with whom Abramovich officially broke up this year, has a son Aaron (7 years old) and a five-year-old daughter Leah.

Recall that Abramovich met Zhukova in 2005 in Barcelona at a party after the Chelsea match. At that time, the marriage of a businessman and his second wife, Irina Malandina, was already about 15 years old.

Family life after divorce

The ex-wife of the oligarch decided not to marry again. Irina does not need to work: thanks to a compensation of $ 300 million, she and the children do not live in poverty. Ex-wife(mother of Sofya Abramovich) deals exclusively with family and home: she devotes a lot of time to raising children, the eldest of which - Anna and Arkady - have already managed to flutter out of their native nest, and the youngest - Sofya, Arina and Ilya - still remain under the wing of their mother, takes care of pets (several cats and dogs live in the house) and does housework (a whole staff of servants helps her in this).

After parting with her husband, as she reports in in social networks, is by no means boring. She travels with her children between Russia, Great Britain, Switzerland and the south of France.

Despite the departure of her father from the family, Sophia continues to actively maintain relations with him. The oligarch, in turn, indulges his beloved daughter in every possible way, arranges gorgeous birthdays for her, and gives expensive gifts.

What's the story with the criticism of the girl?

Who wouldn't agree to be the daughter of a billionaire? How about a son? There are hardly any. Everyone understands how nice it is. But not everyone wants to know that it is also not easy enough. Many people envy Sofya Abramovich: she is young and pretty, and rich dad is available.

It is known that the daughter of Abramovich and Irina Malandina - Sofia - had to leave Instagram last year because of offensive remarks about her appearance and figure that fell upon her. Shortly before this, the girl promised that she would not go into depression and would not succumb to negativity, but instead would engage in self-improvement. And she kept her word, paying close attention to her body, mood and overall health.

After a year, it is safe to say that Sofya Abramovich lost weight. A photo of a prettier girl in an expensive swimsuit appeared on her Facebook page, which gathered a lot of enthusiastic comments and "likes".

How does this story reveal her character?

The fact that the young heiress has a strong will and can show character can be judged by the way the young girl steadfastly fought the desire of envious people to break her spirit. Many spiteful critics tried to sow the seeds of bad complexes in her mind, but the girl managed to resist them, which indicates her personal maturity.

"I'm coming for you": the girl entered the fight

As it became known, last year on social networks Sophia reported that some people wrote her such “terrible things” that the girl was forced to resort to blocking them and deleting comments. This led to the fact that she became embarrassed about her appearance and figure, she developed complexes. Sophia confidentially shares with readers her understanding of the features of her own complexion: she has never been a thin woman with the parameters of a model, which she has long reconciled to. But the girl also understood that her body was not as healthy as we would like. That is what Sophia was going to change in the first place.

Be always positive and happy!

In addition, as the girl noted in her post, she came to understand that everyone is guided by their own ideas about perfection. And although she cannot become absolutely perfect for anyone or for herself, something else is more important for her - to be always positive and happy. Friends, as the girl shares, explained to her the other day that a healthy lifestyle can not only achieve weight loss, but also prolong life, as well as improve appearance and health in general.

Leading healthy lifestyle life, you can achieve the opportunity to feel happy right now. Your body will tell you what it really needs. From the day the post was published, the girl was going to be as positive as she could be. She, as Sophia shared, has a lot for which she should be grateful.

As the girl admitted, she is frightened and alarmed by the fact that being surrounded in her life by truly amazing people, she allows herself to become depressed due to negative comments on social networks. From now on, she is going to always block them, because she no longer wants the comments of envious people to somehow affect her mood and life.

In her post, Sophia announced that from now on she is going to start eating right. No, she won't go vegan, cut out sugar, gluten, or carbs. Whatever her body desires to receive, it will receive. But the girl will now begin to regularly attend the gym, actively run and devote more time to walking the dog.

Well, the heiress deserves applause!

Yes, we can only applaud Sofya Abramovich. The young heiress met criticism by rolling up her sleeves. Instead of inflaming anger towards everyone and everything, the daughter of the oligarch Abramovich took it and lost weight. Of course, the figure of the girl is still far from ideal. It is known that Sofia Abramovich's height is 162-163 cm. Data on her weight is more difficult to obtain. In the public domain there is information a year ago that the weight of Sofya Abramovich at that time was about 70 kg. But the girl was on a juice diet for a year, so one can only guess about her real parameters.

Experts believe that if the young lady does not leave the race, within a year she can fashion a truly model body. Sophia has all the data for this: already now, many admire her narrow hips, turned shoulders, long legs.

The undoubted advantage of the girl is also that, despite her young age, she has sobriety and a strong character, and most importantly, an adequate attitude towards herself - a trait that is rarely observed among the heirs of millions.

For those who want to know more about her

Those who want to know more about the girl will be pleased to hear that the 22-year-old rich heiress (born April 3, 1995) is not yet married. AT given time the girl's Instagram account is private. Those wishing to subscribe to her page must first make a request.

Sofia Abramovich: biography, lifestyle

Sofya is the middle daughter of Roman Abramovich and Irina Malandina (in total, in the second marriage, the oligarch had five children: three daughters and two sons).

The first thing that catches your eye when looking at her Instagram page is that the girl loves her family immensely. She often posts photos of siblings with their parents as children.

Study and leisure

While studying at the prestigious English school Godolphin and Latymer in west London, where the sisters were taken every day by a special helicopter, and then at Royal Holloway College, she spent her holidays in Saint-Tropez, in one of her father's houses, and in Sardinia. Sofia is engaged in winter sports in Courchevel.


Sofia is fond of equestrian sports, actively participates in competitions in Monte Carlo and London. The girl stands for Russia and regularly wins prizes.

Horses are one of Sofia Abramovich's favorite expensive hobbies. In her stable are two favorite horses - Rainbow and Bugsy, each of which costs 300 thousand British pounds (about 427 thousand dollars). middle daughter Abramovich generally loves animals very much. Three dogs live in the house (Labrador, Jack Russell Terrier and King Charles Spaniel) and a cat with a parrot.


Sophia, like all girls at her age, really likes to take selfies. At 22, Sofya Abramovich boasts not only a brilliant education received in and a round sum in the bank, but also considerable sporting achievements.

It was this fact that at one time attracted wide attention to the middle of Abramovich's daughters: when, after winning another victory, they began to write about the young heiress in the British press, Sophia suddenly acquired a mass of fans, and thousands of subscribers appeared on her pages in social networks. There really is something to see: yachts, luxury villas, vacations on the Cote d'Azur and the Maldives, shopping in expensive boutiques - the girl leads a typical life of a rich heiress, whose dad does not spare money for the happiness of his daughter.


In prim England, the Abramovich sisters are considered the richest brides: each of them will inherit $ 1.5 billion from the pope, which not only makes life very easy, but also expands the circle of princes on a white horse. Nevertheless, both marriageable sisters, Anna and Sophia, are not in a hurry to choose boyfriends, because each potential heart friend will need to survive in fierce competition with the main man of their life - the oligarch father. With daughters, dad is strict but generous: after a divorce from their mother, the owner of Chelsea, as before, is actively interested in the affairs of his bloodlines and, without stint, finances all their whims. Both heirs miss the times when their father was always with them.


To date, it is known that Sophia graduated from London's Royal Holloway University, where she received the right to be called a specialist in international business and management. She is an ambassador for Just World International, a philanthropic organization.

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