Dmitry Buryak divorced. The wife of a billionaire from the Forbes list Dmitry Buryak: He kicked me out of the house

Auto 13.06.2019

The media stirred up the news about the next divorce of the oligarch. This time the storm raged in the family of businessman Dmitry Buryak. Dmitry practically left his wife Margarita Margarita without a roof over her head. On the this moment the ex-wife of a businessman is fighting for half of the state of the spouse. What really was the reason for such an act on the part of a businessman? A well-known psychologist, a specialist in family relations Anna Sukhova: From the point of view of psychology, their gap is easy to explain. The fact is that all long-term relationships undergo a lot of difficulties and not all couples can overcome them and stay together. But there are three special periods that are a real test for couples, the so-called three marriage crises.

The wife of a billionaire from the Forbes list Dmitry Buryak: he kicked me out of the house

Years of patience with an unloved woman resulted in a rather cruel and unfair act. Psychologist Anna Sukhova believes that the couple could not stand the third crisis period of family life. Of course, Margarita should continue to fight for what rightfully belongs to her and her children. And to all women, even those who have lived enough for a long time in marriage, I would recommend always talking with your spouse about your feelings so that there are no such sudden and irreversible decisions from anyone in your life.

If your feelings have faded, the main thing is to understand this in time and not be afraid to part on a friendly note. Otherwise, your relationship will become a ticking time bomb. Tags: Anna Sukhova, Dmitry Buryak, Margarita Buryak, oligarch, divorces of businessmen, divorces of stars Loading…


Now the woman faces a long "war" for the jointly acquired property, the value of which is estimated at about one billion dollars. Dmitry and Margarita Buryak Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the most exemplary couples in Russian business. The lovers met when the future bride was barely 15 years old.
The young man in love humbly waited for three years to take the girl down the aisle. Together they went through fire and water - from the conviction of a businessman at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest networks for the sale of nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband three children: two daughters and a son, whom the man called the meaning of his life.
The resident of the prestigious Forbes rating presented his beloved blonde with flowers and expensive jewelry, fulfilling her every whim.

The ex-wife of the billionaire Buryak revealed the horrific details of the break with him

Together they endured a lot - from a businessman's criminal record at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest chains selling nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband two daughters and a son, whom he called the meaning of his life. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation helping children from orphanages.
By the way, after the divorce, Buryak stopped financing him.

Billionaire Buryak responded to the accusations of his ex-wife

But the employee who arrived said that the house belongs to my ex-husband and I can no longer be there. According to the lawyer Margarita Buryak, his client became a victim of injustice, because the mansion, located in an elite village near Moscow, was purchased with money from the general family budget. - In February, we filed a lawsuit on obstruction by Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak in the residence of his ex-wife on the territory of the land acquired in marriage, - says the woman's lawyer. - But until June, this case did not move from a dead center. Dmitry himself lives abroad, and ex-wife and the children were evicted to nowhere. He put up guards, hired some guest workers who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding to deprive the ex-wife of the right to use the house. The court granted his request. We were refused.

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I have already told her that I am ready to rewrite everything for her, as she wants, but she cannot calm down. “I give everything to her, I say:“ Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry for ”Recall that Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the exemplary couples in Russian business. They met when Margarita was barely 15 years old. Dmitry waited three years to take his beloved down the aisle.


Together they endured a lot - from a businessman's criminal record at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest chains selling nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband two daughters and a son, whom he called the meaning of his life. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages.

Billionaire Dmitry Buryak kicked his ex-wife and children out of the house


The amounts that were withdrawn abroad and imported into Russia are of a significant size and of dubious origin, writes Margarita Buryak in her statement. - My ex-husband heads this criminal gang, which includes seven more people. They cashed money through shell companies. I learned about this when I was admitted to the management of one of his Russian companies. Also, according to Margarita Buryak, the ex-husband, without notifying the FMS of Russia, received dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, which is a criminal offense.

- Recent times he lived abroad, explaining to me that he had “disagreements” with the Russian authorities and it was undesirable for him to be on the territory of the Russian Federation, Margarita continues. - I believed. Indeed, in the nineties, he was a member of the well-known criminal group of the Cherny brothers.
She wrote to the investigating authorities, spoke at the podium, wrote to in social networks but I'm not afraid and I don't lose anything from it. According to the billionaire, Margarita lives quietly in her house and no one kicks her out of there. Their children study in Switzerland, France and the USA. At the same time, Dmitry is ready to give his ex-wife everything she wants. “I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I do not come to this house and have not been there for years, I only pay for it and for security, so that it is not on the list of debtors. In general, I live in another country, - quotes the oligarch. “I don’t need this house, I don’t need this money, I just need peace. What she does, I consider stupidity, because life is so beautiful that it should not be wasted on negativity. There must be a positive perception of any situation.
So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages. “The family has always been the basis of my life for me,” Dmitry Buryak admitted in his interviews. - Margarita is my destiny, the mother of my wonderful daughters and long-awaited son the meaning of my existence. In marriage, Margarita gave birth to three children to Dmitry - two daughters and a son. The first public discord in a happy family happened in 2009, by that time the couple had crossed the line of a turquoise wedding, having lived together for 18 years. Margarita was noticed in the company of the then single Andrei Malakhov. With a popular TV presenter, the woman spent more than one evening, having managed to visit with him even in his homeland in Apatity. Feelings for the new favorite went out, barely having time to flare up, Margarita returned to her husband again. However, the weather in luxury home the oligarch and his wife improved for a short time.

Dmitry Buryak new wife photo

She wrote to the investigating authorities, spoke at the podium, wrote on social networks, but I am not afraid and do not lose anything from this. Photo posted by Dmitry Buryak ( Oct 30 2015 at 1:16 PDT According to the billionaire, Margarita lives quietly in her house and no one kicks her out. Their children study in Switzerland, France and the USA. At the same time, Dmitry is ready to give his ex-wife everything she wants. “I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I do not come to this house and have not been there for years, I only pay for it and for security, so that it is not on the list of debtors. In general, I live in another country, - quotes the oligarch. “I don’t need this house, I don’t need this money, I just need peace. What she does, I consider stupidity, because life is so beautiful that it should not be wasted on negativity. There must be a positive perception of any situation.
Billionaire Dmitry Buryak denied the words of ex-wife Margarita that he allegedly kicked her out of the house. The oligarch assures that he is ready to give everything to his ex-wife. Recall that Margarita wrote a statement against her husband to the Investigative Committee, the FSB department, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to her testimony, Dmitry Buryak kicks her out of the house and is going to sue the jointly acquired property. Besides, socialite accused her husband of creating an organized criminal group and that he received dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, without notifying the FMS authorities. “Yes, my ex-wife wrote a statement to the relevant authorities. From love to hate, as they say, one step, - said Buryak, - But this is information that borders on science fiction. There is a type of people who know that a person has money, and they undertake to write some kind of opus, like this one, about seven passports and so on.

Always attributed numerous novels with women and girls from wealthy families. It's no secret that he was not spared the fame of an underground representative of sexual minorities. In one of the periods, the ex-wife of the domestic billionaire Dmitry Buryak, Margarita, was present next to Malakhov. What connected the famous heartthrob and macho with the rich man's ex-wife? It needs to be dealt with sequentially.

The creative path of Andrei Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov gained fame as a presenter while still at school, where the guy was trusted to conduct musical concerts - there he polished the mastery of the presenter. As a result of this fact, the young graduate of the school had no problems with choosing a profession.

Immediately after school, graduating with a silver medal, the graduate went to Moscow, where he entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. The student graduated with honors. During the student period, Andrey had an internship in America for a whole year and a half, where he had to survive, moonlighting as a salesman, while learning and improving English language. Work on television for a newly minted student was not easy, but perseverance and diligence soon brought results.

Andrey Malakhov was invited to work on the first channel, where he hosted the program "Style", and then " Good morning". The charm of the presenter and the talent to win over the audience increased the ratings of the above programs, as a result of which he creative career went up.

A few years later, Malakhov was taken as the host of the Big Wash show, which rapidly gained popularity, and the people recognized him not only as a professional, but also as the most stylish TV presenter. Then came "Five evenings", "Let them talk" and finally "Tonight". All programs have a high rating, and the mastery of the presenter makes watching programs with interest from beginning to end. Malakhov himself remains the most popular and sought-after professional for many years, despite the criticism of numerous viewers.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the showman himself does not expose his personal life to the public, journalists do not stop hunting for spicy photos and covering Andrei and his companions in the media as another love affair. Yes, he had long and short love relationship mostly with beautiful blondes, but still he found his soul mate and is now an exemplary family man.

Malakhov's chosen one was a businesswoman, a fashion magazine publisher, a charming blonde Natalya Shkuleva. Their acquaintance took place at the workplace, the romance developed rapidly and soon the lovers lived together, not bound by official marriage. But six months later they got married, the wedding took place in Paris at the Palace of Versailles. The celebration was held in strict secrecy, surrounded only by the closest relatives. Shkuleva and Malakhov, whose photos constantly appear on the Internet, look like a happy and harmonious couple.

What connected Malakhov and Buryak

Before Andrei became an exemplary family man, he had a long relationship with Margarita Buryak. The fact is that at that time the woman was considered the legal wife of the domestic oligarch Dmitry Buryak. In a secular party, it was suggested that Malakhov appears with her in public, as with a future mother-in-law, thus rolling up to their 16 summer daughter whom he wants to marry. Yes, and Malakhov did not deny this, he hinted to everyone that his real girlfriend's name was Lida. He really liked her, and Malakhov sees her as his wife in the future. However, this was not confirmed by anything and remained at the level of rumors. What connected the legal wife and the local womanizer?

Buryak Margarita Viktorovna was born in Yaroslavl and met her future husband at the age of 15. He patiently waited for her coming of age to call her down the aisle. They are really a beautiful and strong couple, they went through the trials that fell out to reach the position they rightfully occupy. The couple had three children, in which the parents doted on.

The material wealth in the family was from the organization of the production of bioadditives by the head of the family. Margarita raised children and did charity work through her own foundation, which her husband helped her create and constantly sponsored. Nothing foreshadowed a discord in a friendly family, but after 18 years of a cloudless marriage, a discord occurred in the family.

In it Time of Troubles journalists and the public began to notice the mother of the family and famous TV presenter at events and parties together. Andrey Malakhov and Margarita Buryak spent not a single evening together, and even the New Year holidays rested in the company of classmates in the host's homeland in the Murmansk region. When visiting private parties, the couple behaved like people in love: they drank wine, whispered, clung to each other and even kissed. Therefore, the presented pastime cannot be called random meetings. According to rumors, Andrey got along well with Margarita's children, and the couple were engaged and wore identical custom-made rings. But the wedding did not take place - the novel, as it quickly flared up, also went out. The mistress quickly lost interest in her chosen one, and since she and Dmitry were bound by marriage, she returned to the bosom of the family.

Further life with her husband was no longer so cloudless, betrayal cracked in their once strong relationship. Living together with the oligarch did not last long - seven years later, Margarita learned that in Ukraine her husband had not only a business, but also another family. For more than ten years, the deceived wife did not even suspect that she had a rival. She decided to divorce her husband, but he decided to punish his ex-wife with a ruble - he kicked his wife out of the house, refused to sponsor a charitable foundation led by Margarita. Now Margarita is on the threshold of courts, because her ex-husband deprived her and her children of their place of residence and does not provide funds for maintenance. Once exemplary the large family broke up, having lived a total of 29 years.

TV show "Let them talk"

Wealthy families tend to divorce loud scandal. They share the acquired property and children with such frenzy and sophistication that they often become the heroes of various talk shows. So Margarita Buryak came to the transfer to Malakhov "Let them talk" to defend the right to property acquired together. And for almost three decades, he has amassed a lot - $ 1 billion, if you translate all the good into money. First, the ex-husband promised to give his wife and children half of what he had acquired, which he wrote down on mobile phone ex-wife. But the man did not keep his words and decided to leave his once faithful wife with nothing.

On the program, the woman said that she was left on the street with three children, that she had no access to either the house or the office, although the property was acquired together. Margarita, according to her assurances, worked in the family business as a development director. After the divorce, the woman lost her job. She had no choice but to seek support and understanding from the public, because there is no way to talk with her husband or his lawyer.

On the program, the ex-wife of the oligarch frankly spoke about the problem that had arisen and that she wanted to regain half of the fortune acquired by joint efforts legally. She believes that she has the right to a fortune, because she created a business with her husband and always helped him. Experts spoke ambiguously, not everyone sympathized with the ex-wife of the rich man. The main audience does not have an equivalent fortune, and there is hardly 10,000 rubles in their wallet - how can they sympathize with a woman whose ex-husband cannot provide a luxurious life. Only Viktor Baturin, who was present at the program as an expert, advised Margarita to fight for half a billion and go to the end.

However, half of the guests supported the ex-wife of the oligarch and prophesied a happy ending in the confrontation with her ex-husband. A luxurious palace was shown in a prestigious location, not far from the capital, with an estimated cost of $20 million. The palace has cozy rooms for family members, rooms for meeting and spending leisure time with guests, a dining room for family dinners. Margarita can lose all this and stay with the children on the street. According to her, every woman can find herself in such a situation, so the ex-wife of the billionaire will defend the share of the state due to Margarita to the end.

Russian businessman Dmitry Buryak kicked his ex-wife and children out of the house. Thus, the famous billionaire left his family without a livelihood.

Dmitry and Margarita Buryak, who lived together for 29 years, filed for divorce in the winter, and they did it in a rather civilized manner. However, immediately after the breakup, the 58-year-old businessman, without warning, put his ex-wife and three children out of the door. The youngest - Philip - at that time was 18 years old, the young man, until recently, studied abroad at the expense of his father. Now Margarita is coming litigation for jointly acquired property, the value of which is estimated at about a billion dollars.

The reason for the breakup was treason. Margarita found out that her husband has another family in Ukraine. “I was told that Dmitry has had a second family in Ukraine for more than ten years. He often flew there, because he has another business there, ” quotes Margarita.
Buryak reacted negatively to his wife's desire to file a divorce. After the official breakup, Dmitry put her out of the house. “The day after the divorce, returning from work, I could not get not only into our house, but also into the territory of the village. I had to call the police. But the employee who arrived said that the house belongs to my ex-husband and I can no longer be there, ”said Margarita.

A lawyer representing the interests of Buryak's ex-wife explained that the mansion, located in an elite village near Moscow, was purchased with money from the general family budget:
“Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He put up guards, hired some guest workers who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding to deprive the ex-wife of the right to use the house.
The court granted Buryak's demands, and now Margarita's representatives are trying to challenge this decision. On August 31, a meeting will be held again in the Moscow Regional Court.
As the publication recalls, Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the most exemplary couples in Russian business. The lovers met when the future bride was barely 15 years old. Dmitry humbly waited three years to take Margarita down the aisle. Together they went through fire and water - from the criminal record of a businessman at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest networks for the sale of nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband three children: two daughters and a son, whom the man called the meaning of his life. The resident of the prestigious Forbes rating presented his beloved blonde with flowers and expensive jewelry, fulfilling her every whim. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages. By the way, after the divorce, Buryak stopped financing the ex-wife's charitable foundation.

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Biography, life story Buryak Margarita Viktorovna

Margarita Viktorovna Buryak is the head of the Russian charitable foundation MISSIA, a socialite, the former wife of the oligarch Dmitry Buryak.

basic information

Margarita Buryak was born in Yaroslavl. The girl met Dmitry Buryak at the age of 15. During the marriage, Margarita bore him three children: Yana, Lydia and Philip, having lived with him for 29 years. The husband ran a food supplement company. The business was so successful that Buryak was nicknamed "the king of dietary supplements."

Scandalous divorce

The dissolution of the marriage was initiated by Margarita, who suddenly found out about her husband's other family living in Ukraine. At the same time, Dmitry immediately refused to continue financing Margarita's charitable foundation. The husband also said that he would not provide financial support to either the former wife or their children.

The woman's lawyer, who reported on the filing of a lawsuit with the courts, said that the ex-husband prevented Margarita from living in their common house, bought in marriage. The building was guarded by Dmitry's staff. The man himself lived abroad, but he also filed a lawsuit where he demanded to deprive his ex-wife of the right to use the house. The court agreed with these requirements, although they were illegal, since real estate is considered jointly acquired property.

In his statements, the man denied that he was depriving the ex-wife of his own home. Dmitry repeatedly reported that Margarita wrote him a letter in which she categorically demanded to pay her certain money.

Margarita Buryak wrote applications for ex-spouse to the FSB Directorate, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office. In her appeals, the woman convicted the oligarch of creating a criminal group and illegal money laundering through Dmitry's company Vision International People Group, which produced popular dietary supplements.


Relationship with

At the end of the 2000s, a famous showman at various social events began to be noticed in the company of Margarita Buryak. At that time, the Buryak couple was considered an exemplary couple of Russian high society. There were persistent rumors that he talked with Margarita only for the sake of her 16-year-old daughter, whom he looked after as his wife. However, the rumors were not confirmed.

Journalists noticed Buryak at home, in Murmansk. There they rested together during the New Year holidays. After some time, Buryak stopped appearing in public, and the nature of their relationship remained a mystery to the general public.

MISSIA Foundation

Since 2004, the MISSIA organization has been dealing with the problems of children from orphanages in the territories of Belarus, Russia, Vietnam, Armenia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. Margarita Buryak is the founder and president of this charitable structure.

The Foundation considered such concepts as tolerance, fulfillment of humanistic desires, respect for older generations and cultural heritage. The main project of the organization was a festival called "Christmas Dream".

Every year, children from different cities of Russia and other countries came to Moscow from 50 orphanages to visit Santa Claus. For 12 years, more than 1,500 people have visited the holiday, these were guests, teachers and children without parental care.

Margarita Buryak claimed that the charitable foundation was financed by personal and private donations. She also planned to develop fundraising and crowdfunding. However, after a divorce from Dmitry Buryak, it turned out that only he financed the fund all this time.

Born December 7, 1957 in Moscow.
From childhood, Dmitry was distinguished by extraordinary curiosity and a desire for the unknown. Even at the age of 10, he independently went on a geological expedition, where he felt his vocation - the study of Nature.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze and, after a break due to military service, graduated from it in 1985, becoming an engineer-geologist with a degree in exploration of rare and radioactive minerals. Then he worked at the Research Institute of the Diamond Industry, introducing new abrasive materials, from time to time going out into the field. On the job, he entered the Institute of Culture, where he received a new specialty - the director of cultural events.

With the beginning of democratic changes in Russia, D.A. Buryak took up free enterprise. Collaborated with enterprises of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy.

In 1995, a successful businessman felt that his potential had ceased to be fully realized. He was trying to figure out how to build his activity in order to be useful people. In the same year, Dmitry suffered a serious spinal injury due to a car accident. Struggling with the threat of paralysis, he came to understand that the main value human life health and life itself. Thanks to the talent of doctors and own strength spirit completely conquered the disease and returned to normal life. Then he decided: to devote himself and his whole life to people - their health and longevity.

The search for a new business began. By chance, Dmitry Buryak met Fabrice Kererve, who told him about network marketing - a progressive system for distributing goods and services through a network of independent distributors. Dmitry realized the whole huge potential of this system.

The choice of product for distribution by this time was already predetermined - products related to a healthy lifestyle. The managerial experience of previous years came in very handy. In just a few months, a huge amount of work has been done to create and produce biologically active food supplements that are unique in their properties.
In parallel with this, the infrastructure of the new company was being formed and a distribution network was being built.

By the summer of 1996, D. Buryak took a number of steps to create a grid company, after which the official opening took place in Moscow " Vision International People Group. Like-minded people appeared who believed in the success of the new business. This gave them the strength to overcome all difficulties. The Vision distribution network began to take shape, numbering today over 400,000 distributors in Russia alone.

From the very beginning, the main principle of the Company was teamwork for the benefit of a common cause. And those people who stood at the origins of the "Vision International People Group" have always adhered to this principle. These are Dmitry Buryak, Fabrice Kererve, Jean-Marc Colaianni, Roberto Piona, Aram Harutyunyan. Dmitry Buryak - President Vision. Today Vision International People Group is an international network company, distributing biologically active additives and health-improving cosmetics. Its products are distributed in many countries around the world.

For propaganda healthy lifestyle life The Company and its distributors constantly organize sports, cultural, health and other events. In cultural events Vision» the most famous public figures, artists, musicians, famous athletes, doctors, fashion designers. For example, in 1998 in Russia, the Company took part in organizing concerts by Laima Vaikule, creative evenings by Igor Krutoy, Evgeny Kemerovsky's tour, and High Fashion Week in Moscow. In addition, using " Vision”, a match of Soviet basketball veterans was held in Kyiv and concerts by Irina Blokhina, a telethon “Let's fill our hearts with love for mothers and children” was held in Kyrgyzstan under the auspices of the Company.

The company and distributors are actively cooperating with the Red Cross, constantly holding charity events, donating products " Vision» needy. Orphanages, hospitals and societies for the disabled in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine regularly receive Company products worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Dmitry Buryak is an academician of the International Academy of Natural Products and Biotechnology, a member of the London Directors' Club.
Lives and works in Moscow.

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