House 2 what Olga Vasilievna does. Mom of Alexander Gobozov showed a luxurious house after moving

Technique and Internet 22.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Olga Vasilievna is the owner of the new apartments built by Andrey Chuev. The parents of the participant of "DOMA-2" Alexander Gobozov are satisfied with the housing and are in full swing preparing for the New Year.

Olga Vasilievna moved to new house, which Andrey Chuev built for her family. Two months ago, the ex-participant of the TV show invited the parents of Alexander Gobozov to Naro-Fominsk to inspect their future possessions. And now the TV grandmother is actively equipping the interior of the dwelling, because the "Person of the Year" Chuev took care of the outside.

“It’s good when you have a lot of real estate! You walk, so to speak, on your own street. I will call it the street named after Chuev. Here, at last, they hit me with gas. There is also a boiler room with Italian pumps, a cast-iron collector and an excellent boiler, as well as a 500 liter boiler. There is a chimney hood. And here is Olga Vasilievna, my dear. What a beauty you have here!” - Andrey recorded a video tour of the new building.

Andrey Chuev built a house for the Gobozovs
Photo: Instagram

Gobozova herself, by the way, was not quite ready for a sudden shooting, because she was doing household chores.

“Don’t shoot me, wait. I'm dressed at home here, Andrey. Look, even without a peignoir! He took me by surprise, but I congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year, we will also soon have a Christmas tree, we will hang a garland. All happiness! And we are in a new house together with Andrei and his wife of great happiness! - said Olga Vasilievna.

family now former member"DOMA-2" Alexander Gobozova will live in the suburbs. Their house has three rooms, and the total living area is 68.5 square meters. Olga Vasilievna and Robert Mikhailovich are satisfied with the new apartments. Netizens hurried to congratulate the exemplary family on the big and long-awaited move: “Olga Vasilievna is such a hostess!”, “Finally they moved”, “Clever, Andrey! The man said, the man did!

By the way, the move really turned out to be long-awaited - Chuev promised to build housing several years ago, when he won the Man of the Year competition at DOM-2. Then he made a statement that he would build a big house for the guys with the money won. But the construction was fairly delayed, and only now the Gobozovs were able to move into a new building.

The Gobozovs moved to Naro-Fominsk
Photo: Instagram

". Alexander Gobozov's mother came to the project almost immediately after her 65th birthday. And very soon, the new TV grandmother became the star of a reality show: she appeared on almost every broadcast, becoming a full-fledged participant in the project. So, in "House-2" the "epoch" of the famous Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova ended, and a new era began - one of the highest-rated participants in the reality television channel TNT Olga Vasilievna Gobozova

Personal life of Olga Vasilievna Gobozova

Olga Vasilievna was born in Magnitogorsk, and then, after graduating from school, she moved to Chelyabinsk. Here Olga entered and successfully graduated from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, having received the specialty of a mechanical engineer. Later Gobozova received a second education - pedagogical - in a Moscow university. Before you retire Olga Vasilievna worked as an engineer at the Gazoapparat plant in Vladikavkaz.

Marriage with Robert Mikhailovich, father Alexandra Gobozova, for Olga Vasilievna second in a row: for the first time she married at 21, and gave birth to a daughter from her first husband Marina. Perhaps due to the fact that the young people broke up for a long time (the first husband of Gobozova was forced to leave to work by distribution after studying, and Olga continued her studies at the institute), the marriage broke up. However, Olga Vasilievna and her family do not cover the cause of the breakup.

Six years after her divorce from her first husband, Olga Vasilievna married a second time - to Robert. In this marriage, the son Sasha was born (the same famous paratrooper from "House-2") and a daughter Irina. In these respects, Olga Vasilievna no longer made the previous mistake and, when the need arose, went to Vladikavkaz to fetch her husband. The reason for Robert's departure to his homeland was the serious illness of his father and the fact that the elderly man needed appropriate care. By the way, it is with this milestone in the biography of Olga Vasilievna that the very “compromising evidence” that Svetlana Vasilievna Ustinenko(mother of Aliana, G.O.V.'s daughter-in-law) tried to use it against the "hated grandmother". The fact is that Irina, youngest daughter, went with her parents to the Caucasus, but Marina (her last name is Arzamastseva) remained to be raised by her grandparents - she went to her mother only during the summer holidays.

Olga Vasilievna Gobozova at the Dom-2 project

At first, Olga Vasilievna simply visited the project to visit her son. However, apparently, the organizers considered in Gobozova Sr. big potential, and Vasilievna herself was not opposed to earning extra money, therefore, on July 16, 2013, she appeared in the perimeter with things, leaving her husband, Robert Mikhailovich, in her native Lermontov.

Member Name: Gobozova Olga Vasilievna

Age (birthday): 12.07.1947

City: Magnitogorsk, Lermontov

Family: married, three children

Height and weight: 165 cm

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Reading this article:

Olga Vasilievna Gobozova was born in the city of Magnitogorsk, after graduating from school she moved to live in Chelyabinsk.

She entered the Chelyabinsk University of Mechanization and Electrification, majoring in mechanical engineering.

At the age of 21, Olga Vasilievna is getting married. and they have a daughter, Marina, with her husband.

But the spouse, by distribution, is forced to leave to work in another city. Since Olga Vasilievna was a student, she did not follow her husband, and as a result, their marriage broke up.

A little later, a young girl receives a second pedagogical education.

6 years later, after a divorce from her first husband, Olga marries Robert Mikhailovich and they have a son, Sasha, and later daughter Irina.

And only during the summer holidays did Marina visit her mother. At the new place, Gobozova gets a job as an engineer at the Gazoapparat plant and remains there until she retires.

When Sasha told his mother that he was going to go to the scandalous House 2, Olga Vasilievna supported her son, while the father was extremely dissatisfied.

But in the end, all the same, Alexander got on the project, and the family saw him only on the screen of his TV.

Parents were very worried about their son, because Sasha was very often at the center of gossip and scandals. And every day there were more and more ill-wishers. Under the pretext that the mother missed her son, Sasha brought Olga Vasilievna to the country's main television show.

With the arrival of a nice old woman, something incredible began in the perimeter. The future mother-in-law did not like the daughter-in-law, but she tried to hide it from prying eyes, although attentive viewers immediately noticed antipathy.

Yes, and the future Gobozova, the mother-in-law seemed to be a cunning and suspicious person. The rest of the participants liked the tele-grandmother.

Olga Vasilievna made them happy delicious lunches and dinners. She also helped with cleaning. And, of course, she gave wise advice.

In the future, she will have many friends with whom she will be friends for a long time. The audience also liked Sasha's mother, they affectionately began to call her "tele-grandmother".

The organizers of House 2 realized that she was exactly what they were looking for and invited her to become a full-fledged participant in the country's main television show, to which the woman enthusiastically agreed.

Thus, leaving her husband Robert at home, on July 16, 2013, an elderly a woman with things came to the meadow. As a result, her person became the leader among the ratings of other participants.

Later, she became one of the brightest residents in the history of the project. She more than once became the cause of quarrels between the young Gobozov family and not only the family, but also other residents of House 2.

With her daughter-in-law Aliana, the woman constantly cursed and did not hide her dislike for her. To which Aliana openly hated her mother-in-law and tried her best to persuade her husband to take his mother away.

Gradually, ill-wishers began to appear at the body-grandmother, and then completely enemies, one of whose representatives was Vlad Kadoni, who by all means tried to survive Olga Vasilievna from the perimeter.

But a smart woman managed to make amends for conflicts, and then completely give a serious rebuff to the "black" magician.

Later, son Sasha and his wife Aliana gave the body-grandmother their first grandson, who was named after Alexander's father, Robert, which Olga Vasilievna is incredibly happy about.

It so happened that the body-grandmother had to leave the project, then return again. But in the end, Olga Vasilievna lasted on the reality show more than three years and for a long time crashed into the memory of the fans of House 2, someone on the good side, and someone on the bad side.

Now Olga Vasilievna is in the city of Lermontov, together with her husband and daughter Irina. But very often he flies to Moscow, to Sasha and his family, where he continues to quarrel with his daughter-in-law.

Photo by Olga Vasilievna

Gobozova Olga Vasilievna leads Instagram.

Date of departure 12/31/2015.

Zodiac sign of Olga Vasilievna: cancer

Education: first she graduated from the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification in Chelyabinsk (specialty - mechanical engineer), then entered the Moscow Institute of Mechanization (specialty - engineer-teacher).

Hobbies: family, husband, children

The biography of Olga Vasilyevna very well reflects the firm and decisive nature of this participant in the television project. Sasha Gobozov's mother was born in Magnitogorsk. All her childhood passed there. After graduation high school she decided to go to Chelyabinsk and get there higher education which she managed to do. The first place of work of Olga Vasilievna was the Kherson water utility, where she worked for some time as an engineer. Then the young girl returned to Chelyabinsk and got a job at the Ministry of Road Transport. Throughout her career, Olga Vasilievna also managed to work in Naberezhnye Chelny and Tbilisi. And the last place of her work was the Gazoapparat plant in Vladikavkaz.

The personal life of Olga Vasilievna was not measured and quiet. At the age of 21, for love, she married and gave birth to a daughter, Marina. The husband left for distribution, and Olga decided not to drop out of school. As a result of a long separation, the relationship of the young spouses came to naught. After 6 years, Olga Vasilievna met her new love, Robert Mikhailovich. Soon their wedding took place. The biography of Olga Vasilievna was replenished with two more important events: in a marriage with Robert, she gave birth to two children (Irina and Sasha). Wise by the sad experience of past years, Olga Vasilievna, in order to avoid long separations, followed her husband to the Caucasus. The first daughter of Olga Vasilievna failed to get used to local customs and customs and she returned to her homeland. So the parents of Olga Vasilievna replaced both mother and father for Marina.

The arrival of Olga Vasilyevna on the television project Dom 2 was caused by Sasha Gobozov's desire to introduce his mother to his future wife. Initially, the communication of the mother-in-law with the future daughter-in-law did not bode well. However, after some time, relations between Aliana and Olga Vasilievna began to deteriorate. Scandals, tantrums, screams followed in an endless stream. Publicly and in her blog, Olga Vasilievna repeatedly reproached Aliana for her lack of independence, for her unwillingness to yield to Sasha. Relations between the warring parties improved slightly after the marriage of the Gobozovs. However, this truce did not last long. Soon family war flared up with renewed vigor. Olga Vasilievna left the project for a while, but in March she decided to return again to help the newlyweds build happy family relationships.

Thanks to its vigorous activity and participation in all the intrigues of the TV show, Olga Vasilievna became one of the most popular participants in the project. Photos of Olga Vasilievna flooded the Internet. It is worth noting that the elderly lady liked such fame, so now she is in no hurry to leave the project.

Gobozova Olga Vasilievna this moment, perhaps, is one of the highest-rated participants in the scandalous television project "House 2". Neither sexy girls, nor TV couples, nor even her pregnant daughter-in-law can overshadow this woman. However, she managed to win her popularity solely due to conflicts. In fact, few people know who Olga Vasilievna Gobozova really is.


The scandalous participant in the project "House 2" is a native of the glorious city of Magnitogorsk. After successfully graduating from school, the young girl moved to Chelyabinsk, where she received her higher education as a mechanical engineer. Olga Vasilievna Gobozova in her youth was distinguished by great determination and a desire for adventure. So, she refused to work by profession and, without hesitation, moved to the capital, where she received the specialty of an engineer-teacher. Thanks to her education, the woman managed to visit and work in many cities of the former Soviet Union. It all started in Kherson, then there was work in the Ministry in Chelyabinsk, after - a solid position in Kamsky car factory that in Naberezhnye Chelny.

A family

Gobozova Olga Vasilievna was born in 1948 in a complete happy family, about which she herself

dreamed. The young beauty got married at the age of 21 and soon gave birth to a daughter, Marina. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. The husband was constantly on business trips, and the future TV star was left alone with her little daughter and the educational process in parallel. Soon a decision was made to divorce.

Second try

For six years, the woman raised the child alone. Then she accidentally met Robert Mikhailovich, with whom she decided not to part anymore. And then Olga Vasilievna Gobozova ran into problems. The biography of a woman, by the way, is constantly overshadowed by unpleasant events. The thing is that the parents of Robert Mikhailovich refused to accept a woman with a child into the family. That is why it was decided to give Marina to Olga Vasilievna's parents to be raised. The future TV star herself went for her husband, in every way she pleased him and his parents. Very soon, another daughter was born, and then son Alexander. Note that it was he who initially became a member of the "House 2" project. Mom came to help him build love and solve problems. Unfortunately, daughter Marina remained in the care of her grandparents.

It is noteworthy that the lady now known throughout the country has never been legally married to Robert Mikhailovich. She lived her whole life under her maiden name Mikhailov. Two children from the second marriage, of course, received the name Gobozova. Rumor has it that the marriage was not officially registered, since Robert's parents were against such a daughter-in-law "with a dowry." However given fact Olga Vasilievna Gobozova herself did not officially confirm it.

Biography as a participant in the TV project

For the first time, she got on the well-known television set back in 2010. Then her son Alexander met with Olga Sokol. Gobozova practically did not show herself, she gave only a few wise pieces of advice. However, in 2013, she returned to the "perimeter" again. The main purpose of her stay was to support her son. At first, all participants were delighted. Indeed, now they did not have to think about cooking or cleaning. Olga Vasilievna has always been distinguished by her culinary talents. But things can't go so smoothly. One fine morning, a woman reproached several girls for their uncleanliness. From that moment on, scandals began. Moreover, passions ran high in her relationship with her daughter-in-law Aliana Ustinenko and her mother. Gradually, two clans formed on the project. The first mountain stood for an elderly woman who simply does not have enough money for treatment and normal life. The second group has matured the slogan that there is no place for mothers on the project. The controversy continues to this day.

Quarrels with Aliana Ustinenko

two ladies. Many viewers do not understand the true causes of this kind of conflict. According to some reports, they share Alexander's love. Others simply think it's all fake. Once the quarrel reached its climax, and Aliana almost lost her baby. However, everything worked out. The girl was no longer shy in expressions, in every possible way trying to expel the "old woman" from the project. Note that almost always Alexander himself took a neutral position.

What is the result?

At the moment, Olga Vasilievna is no longer a participant in the project. But that's just for now. Leaving, the woman noticed that she would return to the project again in the near future, because, in addition to a stellar career, the woman is busy undergoing treatment in Moscow.


In this article, we told in as much detail as possible who Olga Vasilievna Gobozova is. The biography of this woman, we note, is fraught with many obscure facts. Most likely, in the near future we will hear more than once about this lady.

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