Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant with 4 children. Yana Rudkovskaya hardly tolerates pregnancy

Tourism and rest 08.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Yana admitted that she works very hard, but employment does not affect her relationship with Eugene at all. “We are both so overwhelmed that sometimes we come home, fall into bed, and wake up in the morning with the words: “Are you alive?” - “Alive. Are you alive?" Rudkovskaya said.


The spouses have a very delicate relationship, very touching. Yana and Eugene have been together for almost 11 years, last year they even got married. “I can say that in all these years we quarreled only twice, and then Zhenya was the initiator. I’m generally a non-conflict person. It’s impossible to quarrel with me, well, or only if a person gets me. gets me," added Yana.

The producer noted that she was used to keeping everything under control. Despite the crazy busyness, she finds time for household chores. “The only thing I don’t do around the house is I don’t cook and I don’t clean. And everything else is on me,” the blonde said.

“Children sometimes tell me: “We live in a museum: don’t touch it, there are antiques, be careful here, don’t play football, don’t shoot with bullets.” To which I tell them: “Which house would you like to live in?” They they answer: “In some barn, so that you can throw everything, beat and scatter,” the star shared.

In the near future, Rudkovskaya and Plushenko are planning to have a third child - a girl. “Jenya and I are working on it now,” Yana said with a smile.

The star noted that motherhood has changed her worldview. After the birth of her first child, she began to perceive the world differently.

“I gave birth to Nikolai when I was 27 years old, and only 11 years later Sasha was born. And these are completely different things. At 27, you don’t even understand what kind of child it is. like crazy. Waking up - you are already there. I remember lying in bed and listening to whether his heart is beating or not, whether he is breathing or not breathing. I have one friend who gave birth at 45, and she says that these are generally different sensations. You you run like a mother hen. And I would also like to experience it, "Woman.ru quotes the producer.

As a rule, show business stars get married many times.

There are few couples who can boast of a strong and long relationship. Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya are role models. They have Friendly family The couple have supported each other for 11 years. The star noted that motherhood completely changed her worldview. The producer dreamed of the birth of her daughter for many years.

Yana successfully helps young performers become real idols of millions, and Evgeni Plushenko pleases the whole country with his tricks in public. Despite the busy schedule, the couple spends a lot of time with their children. Rudkovskaya and Plushenko are raising a common child, Alexander, Yana also has children from past relationships.

The spouses are very kind to each other, it seems that their tenderness and love is enough for the whole world. Last year, they once again confirmed their love by getting married in a church. “I can say that in all these years we quarreled only twice, and then Zhenya was the initiator. I am generally a non-confrontational person. It is impossible to quarrel with me, well, or only if a person gets me. Zhenya is a unique person in this regard, he never gets me, ”– shared Rudkovskaya.

Yana also decided to talk about her plans for the future. It turns out that the couple dream of a daughter. Rudkovskaya wants to become a mother again. “Jenya and I are working on it now,”- said Yana.

Rudkovskaya claims that after the birth of a child, every woman changes. She begins to look at the world differently. Yana gave birth to her first child, the son of Nikolai, when she was 27 years old, after 11 years Sasha was born. The producer says that every pregnancy was special for her. According to Yana, at the age of 27 she did not understand what to do with the child. At 38, she felt things differently. She was constantly with the baby and worried even for minor reasons. Rudkovskaya also spoke about her friend, who gave birth at the age of 45 and feels like a real experienced mother.

Loving spouses should succeed, because they both want it madly. It is worth noting that the children of Rudkovskaya and Plushenko are not at all against their sister.

Printed and online publications periodically report that Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant again, at the beginning of 2018, these rumors became more persistent than ever. Yana, raising three sons, has long dreamed of a daughter. Is it true that the 43-year-old businesswoman, TV presenter, producer is waiting for replenishment?


Family wars of Yana Rudkovskaya

Today, the network is actively discussing the personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya, who is pregnant with 4 children. At the same time, it is often forgotten that she raised three children, but she gave birth to only two. In 2001, Yana, the owner of a chain of beauty salons, married Viktor Baturin, a divorced millionaire who became a father a few weeks before the wedding. Baturin's previous wife, Yulia Saltovets, abandoned the boy in the hospital. Yana became the official guardian and real mother for Andrei, and less than a year later, she and Viktor were born common child, Kolya.

These two sons, equally dear to Yana, she had to share with her husband when their marriage broke up.

The problems began with the release of Dima Bilan's English-language album, which Rudkovskaya had been promoting since 2005 with the financial support of her husband. The direction of the album was not to Baturin's liking, and he refused to continue investing in the singer. Yana, trying to defend the interests of her ward, threatened her husband with a divorce. But prone to tyranny, Baturin did not tolerate blackmail from his wife.

Yana Rudkovskaya with children and ex-husband

The millionaire kicked Yana and her mother out of the house, forbade him to see his children, announced his upcoming wedding with a ballet dancer and made every effort to ensure that the divorce was formalized on the most unfavorable conditions for Rudkovskaya. Yana's life turned into hell. There were about two hundred court hearings at which she had to defend her rights. She was not allowed to see 6-year-old Andrei, even when the doctor diagnosed the boy with mononucleosis. Baturin deliberately went bankrupt so that his wife would not receive anything in the division of property.

He organized the persecution of Rudkovskaya, using all his connections. Only after the intervention of President Medvedev, to whom the desperate mother turned for help, Baturin agreed to give her the youngest son, but stated that she had no rights to the older, adopted one.

At the end of April 2008, the couple were officially divorced, but Yana received the opportunity to at least occasionally meet with Andrei and Kolya only two years later, by signing a settlement agreement with her ex-husband. By this time, she was already married to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Only in November 2011, when Baturin went to prison on charges of financial fraud, did Yana get the boys back. She had to make a lot of efforts so that her sons again learned to enjoy life and trust people, to stop being afraid of everything. new husband also helped to normalize the state of mind of the boys and introduced them to sports. And in January 2015, Andrei and Kolya had a younger brother, Sasha.

Rudkovskaya and Plushenko with their son Alexander

New rumors and scandals

Today, Yana is quite happy in marriage and does not hold a grudge against ex-husband. Over the years, she has not said a single bad word about her father to her sons. Now Baturin, who was released on January 22, 2016, communicates with the children, supports them financially and even gives gifts to the son of Yana and Evgeny. In May, he appeared on the Rain show hosted by Rudkovskaya and Khakamada. Throughout the program, the ex-spouses exchanged barbs, but it did not come to an open scandal. And in the final, Victor said that his feelings for Yana still had not faded.

In the same year, his biological mother tried to claim his rights to Andrei. Yana arranged their meeting, although the boy, who had not seen his “loving mother” for 15 years, did not want to go to her. Yulia was given the opportunity to continue to meet with her son, but she did not take advantage of it, instead she fanned a scandal, starred in Oksana Pushkina's program, where she poured mud on Rudkovskaya. Yana decided to respond to undeserved attacks, bring Saltovets to justice for libel and deprive her of parental rights, Baturin supported this decision.

In Sochi at the 2014 Olympics

The 2014 Olympic year was a difficult period in the professional and personal life of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya. Evgeny competed at the Olympics after a complex spinal surgery and at first showed excellent results. But due to the hellish pain associated with the consequences of the operation, he withdrew from the competition in the individual tournament. And in the news, the skater began to be poured with mud, gossip circulated in the world of sports that he had chickened out.

Yana, who for Eugene is not only a wife, but also a producer, was bitter to tears for her beloved.

In January 2017, Plushenko and Rudkovskaya showed a collection of underwear from Intimissimi at a photo shoot, Yana posted a couple of photos on her Instagram page. candid photos star couple caused an ambiguous response, many said that Zhenya was too modest to participate in such photo shoots, he was constrained.

At a lingerie photoshoot

Rumors of pregnancy

Rumors that Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant in 2018 did not arise for the first time, 2 years ago a reason for discussion " interesting position The producer was photographed in which she is depicted in a loose dress that allows her to hide her rounded tummy. And in the spring of 2018, some subscribers noted in the comments to photos from a holiday in the Maldives that Yana was too frivolous for her age. In response, the hostess of the page stated that she did not consider herself old at all and was still going to give birth to a girl.

The picture with comments caused a lot of responses, rose new wave pregnancy rumors. There was no official confirmation that Yana Rudkovskaya was pregnant, but in May 2018, in an interview, she stated that she and her husband were working in this direction. It remains only to wish Yana good health and successful fulfillment of her plans.


Yana Rudkovskaya pregnant in 2018? This question comes up more and more in the press. The TV presenter wants to give birth to a girl named Masha. AT social network a video appeared in which the youngest son of Rudkovka, Sasha, is interested in when his mother will give him a sister. In a star family, they have been dreaming of a child for a long time. Are Eugene and Yana expecting a baby?

Rudkovskaya Yana Aleksandrovna was born in Kazakhstan in 1975. Childhood and youth were spent in the Altai Territory in the city of Barnaul, where the girl's father was transferred to work. From childhood, Yana was distinguished by diligence and obedience. She studied well, studied music, went to the section figure skating. She dreamed of becoming a cosmetologist. She studied at the Barnaul Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine.

In 1998, the girl received money from the sale of her grandmother's apartment. She decided to invest all the funds in her business. In Sochi, she opened her own beauty salon. Business went uphill and soon several more beauty salons were opened.

In 2003, the girl invested in the development of a chain of clothing stores and succeeded again. Rudkovskaya soon gained a reputation as an influential businesswoman in southern Russia. Then her husband, businessman Viktor Baturin, helped organize Rudkovskaya's profitable business. But the business acumen of Yana and her mental capacity also played an important role in its development.


In 2005, Rudkovskaya took up a slightly different activity - she began to ascend to the heights of show business. "Inheritance" from the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who was very good friend Yana, a businesswoman, got a young aspiring singer Dima Bilan. Yana Alexandrovna took up the production of a promising artist.

In less than a few years, Bilan, under the leadership of Yana, became one of the most popular artists. The pinnacle of the success of cooperation between the producer and the ward was the victory at the world music contest "Eurovision".

Soon Rudkovskaya began to deal with a new ward, figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, who later became Yana's husband. The athlete's career was already close to completion. He could no longer be at the pinnacle of success as before due to his many injuries. However, the woman still insisted that the 2006 Olympic champion show himself on winter games in 2014 in Sochi.

At the 2014 Olympics, Plushenko withdrew from the tournament. This threatened him with a loss of reputation and a scandal. Thanks to the intervention of Rudkovskaya, the skater retained his name and did not turn out to be an outcast. Yana monitored Plushenko's image and organized PR campaigns in his support. She, together with her husband, organized the Nutcracker ice show.

Yana Alexandrovna also devotes a lot of time to charity. It provides assistance to young talents, and also helps orphans.

Personal life

Thanks to my first civil husband, entrepreneur Evgeny Mukhin, Rudkovskaya moved to Sochi. Having promoted her business a little, she met the millionaire Viktor Baturin and went to him. To a new lover, she gave birth to a son, Nikolai, and adopted a son, Baturin, from a previous marriage.

In 2008, the divorce proceedings began between the spouses. During it, a real war for children began with numerous courts. Yana came out the winner, despite all the connections of her ex-husband. Now the conflict has already been settled, the children see their father.

A year later, Rudkovskaya marries the famous athlete Evgeni Plushenko, whom she met while preparing for Dima Bilan's Eurovision, in whose performance Plushenko also took part. A few years later, the couple had a son, Sasha, who is now making his first successes in show business under the affectionate nickname Gnome-Gnomych. In 2017, Eugene and Yana sealed their union with a wedding in a church.

Pregnancy - true or not?

Rumors that in 2018 Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant now and then are the subject of numerous discussions. The reason was the video that the producer posted on the social network. On it, Yana talks with her younger son Sasha, known in show business as Gnome-Gnomych. In the video, the boy directly asks his mother when she will have a baby. Users suggested that Yana and Eugene are expecting a baby.

The 5-year-old son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko has repeatedly said that he dreams of a sister. He even came up with a name for her - Masha. By the way, Sasha has no doubt that another child will be born in their family.

Yana herself also always says that she dreams of big family. She and her husband want to have a second child together. For Rudkovskaya, this would be the fourth child, she already has three sons. No wonder the family now wants a girl.

Whether replenishment is expected in the Rudkovsky-Plushenko star family is still unknown. At least they haven't received any comments. Also, judging by latest pictures, Yana is in great shape, so there is no hint of a rounded tummy either.

As a result, allegations that in 2018 Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant have not yet found any reliable evidence. In any case, the 43-year-old celebrity wants more children, and perhaps the long-awaited event will happen soon.

Producer turned down job because she can't move much

Producer turned down job because she can't move much

37-year-old Yana RUDKOVSKAYA endures her second pregnancy quite hard from the very beginning. Recently, the producer almost landed in the hospital with complications and the threat of premature birth, but refused to be hospitalized. Ignoring the prohibitions of doctors, Yana for a long time continued to wear stilettos and participate in social events. Moreover, she flew with her husband to Japan, despite the fact that on recent months long flights are absolutely contraindicated. However, it seems that such free behavior of the star can no longer continue. The day before, Rudkovskaya admitted that she was forced to spend most of her time at home, as her body could no longer endure work-related stress.

Pregnancy is not easy Yana Rudkovskaya. The producer herself admitted to her many friends and fans that she is having a hard time right now by making a post on Twitter.

The eighth month of pregnancy has gone, it’s getting hard, I’m already refusing an interview, and everyone is calling and they just don’t offer anything, even to carry out exercises for pregnant women! - Rudkovskaya wrote in her microblog .

Yana is literally torn between her husband, a skater Evgeny Plushenko, and ward, a popular performer Dima Bilan. So, in early November, on the same day, Rudkovskaya needs to be at two events at once and, moreover, in two different cities. Plushenko and Bilan are nominated for prestigious awards and Yana simply cannot miss such important events in the lives of their men. So she has to choose between Davos, where Evgeny will be, and Munich, where Dima will settle. Yana also managed to complain about this problem in her microblog.

Recall that for Rudkovskaya this will be the third child (if you count the son she adopted Viktor Baturin), and for Evgeni Plushenko - the second child (and also a boy). The fact that Yana and her husband Yevgeny were expecting a son was known only to those closest to them. It is reported that the long-awaited baby should be born, according to doctors' forecasts, in new year holidays. The couple has already come up with a name for the future son - Alexander.

Little Plushenko, - Eugene laughs in an interview.

After Rudkovskaya married Plushenko, who is eight years younger than his wife-producer, they were only asked about the child. In show business, many doubted that Yana would dare to give birth at the age of 37. Therefore, now, when the birth is already close, Rudkovskaya does not hide her joy and pride in her condition. By the way, the producer shared that she plans to give birth not abroad, as is fashionable among celebrities, but in St. Petersburg.

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