Cuban Roberto Kel Torres became the winner of the "New Wave" (6 photos). Biography Cuban del tores new wave

diets 15.08.2019

Once Roberto sang in the opera, and now at weddings. The winner of the "New Wave" Roberto Quel Torres for the sake of pop music gave up the opera stage, and before it basketball ...
Cuban Mister Sexy "New Wave" producer Brandon Stone found ... at a German wedding.

How far is Havana

Although Roberto Kel Torres represented Cuba at the competition, he has not lived in his native Havana for a long time. Having abandoned his career as a basketball player, he received a classical conservatory education as a singer and worked for four years in opera. This is where his rich vocal range, which captivated the Jurmala audience, came from.

The opera scene in Havana turned out to be an unprofitable business - Roberto left it and moved to live in Berlin, earning money by singing at commercial events. At one of the German weddings, he was found by the New Wave sound producer Brandon Stone, who lives in Germany.
Roberto had no doubts for a long time, it turned out that he had already heard about the New Wave from somewhere, and Russia is traditionally a kindred power for Cuba.

Jurmala conquered the Cuban

In Latvia, Roberto really liked it - he got used to the cool climate over the years of his life in Germany. “Alas,” Roberto admitted to - I worked so hard that I practically did not see your wonderful city of Jurmala (as Roberto calls Jurmala. - ed.). I hope to catch up after the closing of the festival.”

The jury of the contest "Miss and Mister Sexy" New Wave "had not even a shadow of a doubt, to whom to give the palm - of course, Roberto. Alas, the singer himself did not have the opportunity to reciprocate the increased interest of local girls: “All my energy went to the competition!”.

Even Igor's wife showed a clear interest in the sultry Cuban Cool Olga, which on the first day was photographed for memory with Roberto. True, under the supervision of a spouse.

The girls are late - Roberto is married

However, as found out, there would be no special chances to win the attention of the singer even if he had free time - his beloved wife is waiting for him in Berlin. According to some reports, the wife is Russian, and they have two children. However, Roberto himself prefers not to talk about the family, maintaining the image of a sultry macho and seeing everyone past the passing girls with an encouraging hail: “Beautiful!”.

If the information about the Russian wife is true, then it becomes clear how Roberto managed so quickly - in two months - with almost no accent, to learn a Russian love song, which he performed on the third day of the competition. When asked if he now speaks Russian, Roberto playfully replies: “Of course!”
However, he himself has not yet decided where he intends to continue his career - in Cuba, in Germany or in Russia.

Born in Havana, Roberto Quel Torres is one of the best performers of romantic and dance music.

Since childhood, Roberto had a real vocation. At the age of three, he began performing in his father's plays, and from that time he was on stage.

He grew up in the most difficult period last decades̆ in Cuba, when clothes were a luxury, almost unattainable, and water with sugar replaced food.

At that time, Roberto realized that a passion for music would help him earn a living.

After an initiation from the University of the Arts (ISA), he performed in several local musical groups of Hispanic origin in his youth.

At the age of 17, he began his professional career at the National Opera in Cuba, where he gained intensive classical experience and laid the foundation for his future musical development.

During his 4 years at the opera, he perfected his voice every day and performed on international tours that took him to Germany, Austria and Spain.

In 2003, he joined the Havana Night Show. It was a unique opportunity during which he increased his screenwriting experience. Traveling with shows throughout the United States and Europe, Roberto has worked with many artists and professionals such as Maestro Kenny Ortega.

Although his work has always been between pop and classical music, romantic ballads and contemporary trends, he defines himself as a freelance artist.

Roberto Quel Torres has been living in Berlin for the last ten years and during all these years he has performed all over Europe.

His talent is warmly welcomed and appreciated both at private parties, as well as in concert halls and stadiums. His performances are broadcast on various television channels in Germany, Spain, Mexico, Russia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, England, USA, etc.

Roberto Quel Torres is versatile, plays sports, loves to read, knows many languages ​​and includes singles in Spanish, English, German, Russian and Italian in his work.

The prestigious international television competition "New Wave" brought him to the Russian market.

Kel Torres is the 2013 New Wave winner. Every year, the TV competition is broadcast in all Russian-speaking countries, attracting more than 200 million viewers.

After the release of several singles "Baila", "Love at your fingertips" and "Armenia".

Diferente is an album in which he combines modern styles and musical trends of previous decades, creating a new sound. The album contains 15 new tracks, including two versions in English and two in Italian.

Roberto's radiant smile, his unique and impeccable voice are his presentation card on stage.

The participants of the “New Wave-2013” ​​were a strong, charismatic and extremely diverse line-up. But Roberto Kel Torres from the first minutes fascinated the fans of the music competition. And with his voice, and an excellent repertoire, and a bright, memorable appearance. Still would! The guest from Cuba is becoming one of the favorites in Latvian music, putting all the beginning performers into a creative knock-out.

And here is another “highlight”! A stately and talented southerner is married to a Russian girl. This is probably why he can speak a little on the great-powerful, understands Russian quite well and, when meeting in the backstage of the festival, invariably rewards with a radiant smile and clearly says: “Good evening!”, And he sang the song “My Favorite” easily and completely freely, even though and with an exotic accent.

He conquered all the members of the jury and the entire auditorium with lightning speed. And on the first competitive day, even the harsh “judges” gave the guy a standing ovation!

It was a touching love story in song. Everything was here: blue sky native Cuba, love for a woman, warmth and special, touching, personal and such a unique performance. The admiring eyes of Laima Vaikule, the enthusiastic “Bravo!” Toto Cutogno is worth a lot!

In a short interview rising star admitted that she did not have time to enjoy her stay in Latvia and hopes that next time she will definitely be able to have a good rest in our country. Keyword, of course, “next time”. I hope that such a charming vocalist will be a frequent guest with us. But for now, Roberto dreams of a good sleep and works around the clock.

But he did not pay attention to the fair sex. “I have so much work to do that I don’t have time to look back at the girls. And this is absolutely serious. But your audience is absolutely wonderful! It is a real dream to perform on this stage and I do it with all my heart, giving the audience my heart”

Maybe it will surprise someone, but the hot Cuban singer never ventured into the harsh Baltic Sea. He was not bribed by such a rare opportunity to swim in the icy waters of the Gulf of Riga. "Too much! It's too cold for you!"

Well, we already know this, but Roberto Kel Torres met all the expectations of the most diverse age group of fans and left the stage of the Dzintari concert hall today with the title of winner. With which I wholeheartedly congratulate him!

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