Fool or pretending: Alla Mikheeva and her personal life, husband and children. Alla Mikheeva: “I found a common language with Ivan Urgant thanks to my dad How old is Alla Mikheeva from the evening

Auto 04.09.2019

Alla Mikheeva can be called a very promising and promising actress and TV presenter. The main popularity came to the girl after she took part in the famous TV show "Evening Urgant". Mikheeva participated there as a hot news correspondent. True, it is worth noting that she showed herself there as the most ordinary fool and a very stereotypical blonde.

And yet there were spectators and admirers who are interested in whether Alla is really like that in real life Or was it just a screen image?

Height, weight, age. How old is Alla Mikheeva

Alla managed to become popular on the Internet for surprisingly short period time. And since she was a new person, fans were interested in knowing all the possible details about the girl. Including her height, weight, age. How old is Alla Mikheeva is not a secret at all. She is only 29.

A photo of Alla Mikheeva in her youth and now is also easy to find. True, it will be more likely not youth, but childhood, because the girl is still young and beautiful. Her physique is very athletic. This is partly why Alla has so many fans. With a rather high height for a girl of 172 centimeters, Mikheeva weighs only 54 kilos.

Biography of Alla Mikheeva

Alla was born on February 7, 1989, in Soviet Ukraine, but in which city remains a secret. In early childhood, the future artist lived with her family in Siberia, in the Kemerovo region. Soon the Mikheevs again moved to a new place - this time to St. Petersburg. My father got a job in the field of tourism, and my mother worked for a decade as a head at a technical university. Allah has elder sister, there is a 5 year difference between them. They brought up children very strictly, each had their own duties around the house.

If we compare them between parents, then Alla is more of a father's daughter, and loves her very much. She once admitted that her father wanted a son more so that the family would not end, but she also loves her girls very much.

think about acting career Alla started at about 14 years old, when she watched the production of "The Pit". She just caught fire with the idea of ​​playing one of the heroines of this production. After school, she applied to the theater institute, but the attempt to enter turned into a failure.

The biography of Alla Mikheeva took on new momentum when the girl turned 16. For two whole years she worked on Channel Five. Then the casting for the second season of the series "OBZH" suddenly opened, which Alla successfully passed.

Later, she was offered to star in the film "Monsoon", however, her character still did not make it to the final version. At the age of 19, Mikheeva nevertheless entered the theater. This was her third attempt.

In the second year of her studies, Alla got a job in a troupe, performed in a cabaret and performed many roles, including entertainment programs. For some reason, the head of the troupe was firmly convinced that playing serious roles was not for her. And in the troupe, Alla was even mocked because she was a loner - she had neither friends nor a loved one.

Alla Mikheeva earned her first serious popularity by filming in the famous TV show "Evening Urgant", in 2012. Partly due to the fact that the program was broadcast on one of the first channels in the country. She began to lead the beloved by many heading "Sharp Reporting", where she "interrogates" actors and other stars of show business. It should be noted that on camera she behaves like a stereotypical fool - a silly simpleton. And this screen image looks so true that it becomes incomprehensible whether Alla is really like that on her own or just pretending to be for the show.

This question, it is worth saying, seriously haunts some admirers. Alla speaks of herself as a cunning fox who has a nose for various especially interesting news. The girl really wanted to talk even with Zhirinovsky, but nothing came of it. Moreover, now she is not allowed near the official at all.

In 2014, when Alla was 25 years old, the girl appeared on the cover of the Maxim men's edition, and this definitely benefited her popularity.

In the autumn of the same year, the fifth season of the popular entertainment show "Ice Age" was released. Alla Mikheeva also performed among the twelve couples participating. Maxim Marinin became her partner. It is noteworthy that for the first time the girl got on skates in the spring of 2014, and quickly learned to skate and perform tricks. It is interesting, by the way, that Mikheeva chose a partner for the skating rink on her own. The girl's efforts were not in vain - the audience appreciated the pair of Mikheeva and Marinin, they took third place in the show. After Alla took part in several more similar programs with pleasure.

And two years later, Alla Mikheeva returned to the Ice Age again, but not as a participant, but as a host.

Alla Mikheeva's personal life

The personal life of Alla Mikheeva is filled with diversity. The girl has enough admirers who provide her not only with expensive gifts, but also with very expensive attention, like vacations abroad and all that. Mikheeva has never been married.

Although there were rumors that she had love story with the cameraman who supported her when Mikheeva's debut story was rejected. They became close, but when Alla began to go up, the couple began to move away. Anyway, these are just rumors.

Family of Alla Mikheeva

Currently, the family of Alla Mikheeva is her relatives. Parents and older sister. His own family the artist has not yet had time to acquire. According to Mikheeva herself, it is still early. While she is still young, she wants more freedom, more time for herself. In addition, the man with whom she would seriously want to live her whole life has not yet appeared on the horizon.

No wonder they say that you don’t need to rush love - it will come when the time comes. So, it is likely that we will still hear about Alla's wedding celebration.

Children of Alla Mikheeva

Alla loves her nephews very much. The girl rarely sees them, therefore, at each meeting, she constantly indulges with gifts and spends as much time with them as possible. Mikheeva loves children very much, but so far she doesn’t even think about her own kids. The girl claims that she is not yet ready to take on such a heavy burden of responsibility. And now her priority is career growth.

Her fans can only hope that sooner or later photos will appear on the network that will capture the children of Alla Mikheeva. But this is unlikely to happen in the near future.

Husband of Alla Mikheeva

As mentioned earlier, the artist is still not married. From time to time, fans begin to talk about her new novels, but all this remains at the level of rumors. Alla has enough admirers, but their names are hidden under the cover of mystery. And who will ultimately be awarded the honorary title "husband of Alla Mikheeva" is still unclear. But the girl's fans still have hope.

So far, queries like “Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children photo” do not bring any results, because they simply do not exist yet. Fans can only wait until their favorite finally walks up and matures for marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alla Mikheeva

All Alla's fans know very well that she often hangs out in social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alla Mikheeva are especially popular among her fans. The girl generously shares photos and short videos from her personal and work life with her subscribers.

All her publications collect a lot of likes and comments. And this is not surprising. The girl really loves the attention of her admirers. And therefore relentlessly pleases them breaking news. The article was found on

Alla Mikheeva and her personal life haunt millions of viewers of the popular TV show Evening Urgant. Many are looking on the Web for a photo of Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children or a pregnant Alla Mikheeva to make sure: this “stupid blonde” is not as simple as it seems.

"Die Hard" Alla Mikheeva: a fool or pretending?

Listening to the simple, and sometimes just stupid questions of a young journalist addressed to the seasoned stars of domestic and foreign show business, you simply wonder: is Alla Mikheeva really such a fool or is she just pretending? The TV star herself answers this as follows:

“My sister is smart, and I ... the way I am. There must be balance in the family.

One of the employees of the theater, where young Alla worked before her high point on television, answers without any hesitation that Mikheev does not shine with intelligence in life either. That is why it is not difficult for a journalist to portray herself as a naive fool on the screen. Although ... exist at the expense mental capacity TV stars and other opinions. For example, singer Dima Bilan, who crossed paths with Alla Mikheeva to record a joint concert number, says with confidence: "She is a whole young lady." And their joint performance and photos on Instagram made many people think: is there a romance between these two?

The biography of Alla Mikheeva suggests that this person is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Before becoming the famous leading heading “Acute Reportage”, Alla managed to graduate from a theater university and work in the troupe of the Buff Theater, where she played in the productions of Eliza and L’amour in Serbian. Our heroine also has several episodic roles in television series behind her shoulders. Maybe, having gained acting experience, Alla Mikheeva learned how to skillfully pretend to be a fool? As you know, the demand for silly and pretty blondes has always been and will be.

Alla Mikheeva naked photo for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Many fans of the funny and naive TV star, having seen her bold photos, in which Alla Mikheeva appears almost naked, could mistakenly assume that the journalist starred for the brainchild of Hugh Hefner, Playboy magazine. In fact, the nudity in the Russian bath was filmed for another well-known men's magazine - Maxim. By the way, shooting with the most charming silly woman of domestic television was timed to coincide with the men's holiday - February 23.

The same naked photo session of Alla Mikheeva for the magazine "Maxim"

In addition to the sensational photos, because of which the Maxim magazine was bought up by men like hot cakes, you can find other photos of Alla Mikheeva naked, for example, on her Instagram.

Alla Mikheeva's husband: who is he?

There are legends about Alla Mikheeva's husband. First, the cameraman of Channel One and a close friend of the journalist, Sergei Kachner, were predicted to replace this lucky one. Allegedly, it was he who was next to Alla at a difficult time for her, when the future TV star ... failed the casting of Ivan Urgant. A lot of joint photo only fueled rumors that Kancher - secret husband Alla Mikheeva.

Alla Mikheeva and her failed husband Sergei Kachner

But later, when the girl’s popularity rapidly went up, the ambitious Alla gave the simple guy a “turn from the gate”, thereby dispelling all the doubts of those around her about a secret marriage or an imminent wedding. The next on the list of Alla Mikheeva's potential husband was Maxim Marinin. The journalist's partner on the Ice Age show has always supported and helped his inexperienced partner in every possible way. As a result - an honorable 3rd place at the end of the show and enthusiastic praise from strict judges.

Showman Sergey Svetlakov is another man in Alla Mikheeva's rich track record. They immediately started talking about Sergey's special disposition towards his partner in a series of Megafon commercials. Like, Alla is young, attractive and will easily turn the head of an actor and TV presenter who is greedy for beauties. But the fortress named "Sergey Svetlakov" still remained indestructible. Although the numerous joint photos on Instagram of Alla Mikheeva and Sergey Svetlakov add firewood to the fire of gossip and speculation.

Alla Mikheeva and Sergey Svetlakov: just friends?

Funny videos, where Allochka appears in her usual role as a fool, have become real hits on the Internet. Yes, the tandem of Mikheev and Svetlakov worked ... but so far only in the professional field.

Many fans of the peculiar talent of Alla Mikheeva cannot believe that such an attractive person is still not married. Therefore, the query in the search engines "Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children" is one of the most popular. As a result, the omniscient Yandex and Google will show you a photo of the TV presenter in the company of eminent guests of the Evening Urgant show, her friends and family members.

Alla Mikheeva with her father (photo from Instagram Mikheeva)

It would be wrong not to mention another important man in the life of Alla Mikheeva - Ivan Urgant. Alla herself calls her boss none other than "Ivan Andreevich", and she only dismisses all questions about possible romantic relationships between them. Everyone knows that Ivan Urgant is happily married, and Alla, one of the highest-rated TV presenters of domestic TV, perceives only as a colleague at work ... and for joint selfies.

Colleagues at work: Alla Mikheeva and Ivan Urgant

About her future husband, the TV presenter herself says this:

“I really want my husband to be smart, brave, and that our interests coincide ... My future husband should be slightly sinful in his youth. After all, he still has to suffer and suffer with me all his life. Therefore, he must take me as a sweet punishment for all his behavior before my appearance.

Among the admirers of the most famous TV-blonde, there are many influential and rich people. On the sidelines, they even talk about a serious romance between Alla Mikheeva and a very famous businessman. This was mentioned by one of the colleagues of the popular presenter:

As for the children, Alla Mikheeva does not have them yet. But there are three beloved nephews, these are the children of the elder sister of the star. The girl prefers not to post their photos on Instagram for everyone to see.

Alla Mikheeva - Russian actress, TV presenter and model. The girl gained popularity thanks to the heading "Sharp Reporting" in the show "Evening Urgant". The actress's face became truly well-known when she starred in a Beeline humorous advertisement paired with. The girl portrays the poor quality of Internet access, while Svetlakov personifies the corporate yellow-striped brand. Alla and Sergey's funny squabbles are broadcast on many channels, and their faces appear on billboards across the country.

The biography of Alla Mikheeva originates in the provincial town of Molodogvardeysk. Soon after the birth of Alla, the family moved to Kuzbass, where they settled in the city of Mezhdurechensk. Alla's parents are not connected with television. Mom is the rector of a technical university, dad is a professional athlete in the past, now an agent in the field of extreme tourism.

From childhood, the girl grew up sociable, constantly striving to be in the spotlight. According to the TV presenter, when relatives came to the house, she did not miss the opportunity to show them a little performance. Alla has an older sister Anya. Children in the family were brought up in strictness, with pocket money they offered to earn extra work around the house. The girls learned to cook early.

Since childhood, Alla liked to follow fashion and look cute. But the girl was interested not only in her own appearance. Mikheeva was fond of music and went to sports sections. Young Alla liked not at all cute and not girly skiing. The actress even now does not deny herself the pleasure of going down the ski slope, especially if it is equipped with a springboard.

Alla's family moved to St. Petersburg when the girl was 14 years old. At this age, Mikheeva first saw theatrical production and firmly decided to become an actress. Alla passed the casting and got into the youth series "OBZH", which was successfully broadcast on Channel Five. In the film, Mikheeva got a cameo role, but the girl was glad about this.

In 2008, on the third attempt, Alla Mikheeva entered the Theater Institute of St. Petersburg. At that time, she had already worked in television programs and could call herself a professional. She got her first work experience at the Channel 5 TV and Radio Company, where she got a job in 2005.


Application acting talent Alla Mikheeva found it in 2010 when she decided to tour with the BUFF acting group of the Drama Musical Theater. Then the girl participated in the performances "Doctor of Philosophy", "Eliza". The Nadezhda Ship project made the photo of Alla Mikheeva recognizable.

In the same year, the actress replenished her filmography with the second work in the mystical film " golden ratio". Alla appeared on the screen in the form of a schoolgirl. The girl was lucky to collaborate on the same platform with the actors and.

Several years have passed, but the actress was in no hurry to please her fans with new works. Two years later, the face of Alla Mikheeva reappeared on the screens in the episodic role of the Alien District project. Crime movie from to leading role was shown on NTV channel in 2012.

The peak of the growth in the popularity of the actress came in 2012, thanks to the show “Evening Urgant”, beloved by Russians. The program is on a rating channel, because Alla Mikheeva is now recognizable. Her heading "Sharp Reportage" made the girl a favorite of many viewers. TV presenter and actress interviewing famous people- pop stars, politicians and actors. Alla calls herself a “fast fox”, but despite this, she adheres to the far from insidious role of an ingénue, or simpleton in Russian. The image is composed so organically that it remains a mystery to viewers - the TV presenter is "a fool or pretending to be."

"Sharp Reporting" by Alla Mikheeva

Alla Mikheeva constantly associates her personality with her Western colleagues, who have a nose for the spiciest and most interesting events. The TV presenter was discussed several times within the walls of the State Duma. Then the TV presenter planned to talk face to face with Vladimir Zhirinovsky, but the press officer was indignant because the girl did this bypassing him. Now Alla Mikheeva is forbidden to approach and try to interview.

The modern television format happily accepted a fresh face. A few months before the premiere in Evening Urgant, Mikheeva constantly “hung” on the Web under the pseudonym of Sveta from Ivanovo. Internet users instantly sorted out her pearls and published them on their pages.

Photo shoot by Alla Mikheeva for Maxim magazine

On the eve of 2014, Alla Mikheeva and her colleague on the show congratulated the people of Russia on new year holidays and in the same period got on the cover of an erotic men's magazine. Mikheeva's photo shoot for Maxim magazine was frank, her ratings instantly rose. The girl appeared in the photo with a bare stomach, covering her breasts with her hands. Alla became so popular that in 2014 she was already nominated for the TOP 50. Most famous people Petersburg". Fans are waiting for the appearance of their favorite artist on the pages of Playboy, but Alla Mikheeva is not yet planning to participate in erotic photo shoots.

In the fall of 2014, the Russian audience waited with bated breath, because the premiere of the fifth season of the Ice Age show was to take place. By tradition, on the premiere day, 12 pairs appeared on the ice, which soon became rivals for each other. Among the duets was Alla Mikheeva with a partner - a figure skater.

Alla Mikheeva in the show "Ice Age"

For the first time, the TV presenter got on skates at the beginning of the summer of that year and quickly mastered the difficult task. As it turned out later, Alla Mikheeva independently chose the Olympic champion for herself, but Maxim did not know anything about his colleague on the show.

Already in the first episodes, the audience was amazed by the extraordinary performances of Alla Mikheeva and Maxim Marinin. In one room, a bowl of red wine poured onto the TV presenter, then the white dress instantly turned into the appropriate color. admitted that she likes their duet the most.

The efforts of the girl and her partner were not in vain - Alla Mikheeva and Maxim Marinin took an honorable third place in the project. During the show, the star of "Sharp Reportage" showed sociability, a great sense of humor and high efficiency.

"Ice Age" is not the only sports show in which Alla took part. Mikheeva competed in the "Big Races" and in the TV show "Together with Dolphins".

Alla Mikheeva in the show "Big Races"

Two years later, the actress returned to the project again, but already as a TV presenter. The girl replaced, who worked in tandem with. At first, Alla was lost in a new place and often asked the artists questions general which didn't sit well with the show's producer. But later the journalist got used to the transmission format.

Alla's partner on ice also remained in the TV show. This season she paired with Maxim Marinin. In the second stage, Ekaterina could not resist and fell on the ice. The presenter decided to hook her up and reminded her of her performance paired with Maxim. Barnabas, as a real comedian, was not at a loss and replied that, on the other hand, she brilliantly performed such a complex and dangerous element as a fall.

During this time, the actress's repertoire was replenished with two more projects. In the film "Bet on Love", Alla appeared in the acting ensemble along with,. And in 2016, with the participation of Mikheeva, the comedy "Classmates" was released, in which no less popular artists shone,.

Personal life

Alla Mikheeva prefers not to talk about her personal life. In no interview, the artist does not touch on this topic.

Alla had a relationship with cameraman Sergei Kancher. "Sharp reports" were not easy for the girl, the first material was rejected. The telecast operator decided to console and support the upset girl. From this noble act, a friendship was born, which later grew into a romantic relationship. But Sergei never received the status of a husband. Alla went headlong into work and began to devote less and less time to her personal life.

It is currently unknown if she is serious relationship. Journalists, and Alla herself, assure that she is still not married. Mikheeva has already managed to try on Wedding Dress several times for photo shoots and now is not in a hurry to put it on for a serious reason.

Alla Mikheeva now

In 2017, the artist received an invitation to shoot from a colleague who was preparing a video for musical composition"Tamara". The main character of the video was Alla Mikheeva. According to the plot of the video, Rodriguez got used to the images of six fatal men. Alla Mikheeva's candidacy for the role of Tamara's lover was advised to the comedian by his wife Anna.

In the same year, Alla Mikheeva completed her studies at the American School of Cinematography. Returning to Russia, Alla announced the grandiose plans that she planned to implement in the near future. For example, the artist has already taken part in the family comedy "Children for Rent" and starred in the musical film "Dancing on High", which is being prepared for release.

The girl continues to work at the BUFF theater, and television career Mikheeva is still on the rise. In 2018, Alla participated in the New Year's "Spark". Among the permanent projects of Alla Mikheeva is the author's section in the comic show "Evening Urgant", whose ratings are still high.

But in early May, Alla Mikheeva's joke, according to followers, was unsuccessful. The girl unceremoniously took a bouquet from a passerby and did not return it to the man, although he was late for a business meeting. After outraged posts from fans in " Instagram» Alla found Vladimir (that was the name young man) and personally apologized to him. According to Mikheeva, they had a nice conversation in the cafeteria, and the employee, for whom the bouquet was intended, was pleased to see the congratulations addressed to her on Channel One.


  • 2012-2018 - "Evening Urgant"
  • 2014 - "Ice Age-5"
  • 2014 - "Big Races"
  • 2015 - "Together with the dolphins"
  • 2016 - "Ice Age"


  • 2009 - Golden Section
  • 2012 - "Alien area"
  • 2015 - Bet on Love
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2017 - "Children for rent"

Alla Mikheeva and her personal life haunt millions of viewers of the popular TV show Evening Urgant. Many are looking on the Web for a photo of Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children or a pregnant Alla Mikheeva to make sure: this “stupid blonde” is not as simple as it seems.

"Die Hard" Alla Mikheeva: a fool or pretending?

Listening to the simple, and sometimes just stupid questions of a young journalist addressed to the seasoned stars of domestic and foreign show business, you simply wonder: is Alla Mikheeva really such a fool or is she just pretending? The TV star herself answers this as follows:

“My sister is smart, and I ... the way I am. There must be balance in the family.

Future star Alla Mikheeva with her mother and older sister

One of the employees of the theater, where young Alla worked before her high point on television, answers without any hesitation that Mikheev does not shine with intelligence in life either. That is why it is not difficult for a journalist to portray herself as a naive fool on the screen. Although ... there are other opinions about the mental abilities of a TV star. For example, singer Dima Bilan, who crossed paths with Alla Mikheeva to record a joint concert number, says with confidence: "She is a whole young lady." And their joint performance and photos on Instagram made many people think: is there a romance between these two?

Alla Mikheeva and Dima Bilan (photo Instagram)

The biography of Alla Mikheeva suggests that this person is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Before becoming the famous leading heading “Acute Reportage”, Alla managed to graduate from a theater university and work in the troupe of the Buff Theater, where she played in the productions of Eliza and L’amour in Serbian. Our heroine also has several episodic roles in television series behind her shoulders. Maybe, having gained acting experience, Alla Mikheeva learned how to skillfully pretend to be a fool? As you know, the demand for silly and pretty blondes has always been and will be.

Alla Mikheeva naked photo for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Many fans of the funny and naive TV star, having seen her bold photos, in which Alla Mikheeva appears almost naked, could mistakenly assume that the journalist starred for the brainchild of Hugh Hefner, Playboy magazine. In fact, the nudity in the Russian bath was filmed for another well-known men's magazine - "Maxim". By the way, shooting with the most charming silly woman of domestic television was timed to coincide with the men's holiday - February 23.

The same naked photo session of Alla Mikheeva for the magazine "Maxim"

In addition to the sensational photos, because of which the Maxim magazine was bought up by men like hot cakes, you can find other photos of Alla Mikheeva naked, for example, on her Instagram.

Alla Mikheeva willingly shares "naked" photos with her subscribers

Alla Mikheeva's husband: who is he?

There are legends about Alla Mikheeva's husband. First, the cameraman of Channel One and a close friend of the journalist, Sergei Kachner, were predicted to replace this lucky one. Allegedly, it was he who was next to Alla at a difficult time for her, when the future TV star ... failed the casting of Ivan Urgant. Many joint photos only fueled rumors that Kancher was Alla Mikheeva's secret husband.

Alla Mikheeva and her failed husband Sergei Kachner

But later, when the girl’s popularity rapidly went up, the ambitious Alla gave the simple guy a “turn from the gate”, thereby dispelling all the doubts of those around her about a secret marriage or an imminent wedding. The next on the list of Alla Mikheeva's potential husband was Maxim Marinin. The journalist's partner on the Ice Age show has always supported and helped his inexperienced partner in every possible way. As a result - an honorable 3rd place at the end of the show and enthusiastic praise from strict judges.

Before the start of the next season, where Alla Mikheeva became one of the invited stars on ice, Maxim Marinin admitted in an interview with Ivan Urgant:

“I understood one thing. Alla needs a man who will carry her in his arms. And in the next three months, I promise her this.”

Alla Mikheeva and Sergey Svetlakov: just friends?

Funny videos, where Allochka appears in her usual role as a fool, have become real hits on the Internet. Yes, the tandem of Mikheev and Svetlakov worked ... but so far only in the professional field.

Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children: Instagram photo

Many fans of the peculiar talent of Alla Mikheeva cannot believe that such an attractive person is still not married. Therefore, the query in the search engines "Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children" is one of the most popular. As a result, the omniscient Yandex and Google will show you a photo of the TV presenter in the company of eminent guests of the Evening Urgant show, her friends and family members. And that middle-aged man, next to whom Alla smiles so radiantly, is not her husband and not her lover, but ... her father!

Alla Mikheeva with world stars of the first magnitude Justin Timberlake and Tom Cruise

Alla Mikheeva with her father (photo from Instagram Mikheeva)

It would be wrong not to mention another important man in the life of Alla Mikheeva - Ivan Urgant. Alla herself calls her boss none other than "Ivan Andreevich", and she only dismisses all questions about possible romantic relationships between them. Everyone knows that Ivan Urgant is happily married, and Alla, one of the highest-rated TV presenters of domestic TV, perceives only as a colleague at work ... and for joint selfies.

Colleagues at work: Alla Mikheeva and Ivan Urgant

About her future husband, the TV presenter herself says this:

“I really want my husband to be smart, brave, and that our interests coincide ... My future husband should be slightly sinful in his youth. After all, he still has to suffer and suffer with me all his life. Therefore, he must take me as a sweet punishment for all his behavior before my appearance.

Among the admirers of the most famous TV-blonde, there are many influential and rich people. On the sidelines, they even talk about a serious romance between Alla Mikheeva and a very famous businessman. This was mentioned by one of the colleagues of the popular presenter:

As for the children, Alla Mikheeva does not have them yet. But there are three beloved nephews, these are the children of the elder sister of the star. The girl prefers not to post their photos on Instagram for everyone to see.

Is Alla Mikheeva pregnant?

Will the co-host of Ivan Urgant, Alla Mikheeva, beloved by many, soon become a mother? I must admit, while in her slender toned figure there is not a hint of interesting position. The girl still diligently visits the gym, dance studio, works 24 hours a day, has fun ... In a word, she leads her normal life. You can learn more about the everyday life of a journalist from Alla Mikheeva's Instagram. On the recent photos clearly visible: Alla Mikheeva is not pregnant!... For now...

Is Alla Mikheeva pregnant? Not!

Alla Mikheeva and Maxim Marinin: about romantic prospects and not only

They started talking about the romance of these two as soon as Marinin and Mikheeva appeared on the Ice Age TV show. The debut number of the couple was imbued with such passion and such emotions that sometimes even lovers cannot show. The gossip around Alla and Maxim was fueled by the words of the TV presenter that her choice immediately fell on Marinin. The star blonde did not even consider any other candidate. True, they did not work right away. Alla Mikheeva admits that sometimes she is able to piss off even such a calm and balanced person as Maxim Marinin. And this is not so easy to do. True, in this situation, the laughing blonde finds positive moments.

“Maxim Viktorovich says that I am a punishment. For his behavior earlier, when he was my age - young and young. He says so: "Payment for all my sins has come." You know, I'm glad that in this way I help a person to repent for his behavior and, as it were, free him. I think when the project ends, the stone will fall from his soul.”

Nevertheless, Maxim Marinin did not back down from his promise to carry Alla Mikheeva throughout the project in his arms. From issue to issue, the couple demonstrated such complex support that even the strict Tatyana Tarasova, the main jury member of the project, never ceased to be amazed at the skill and aspirations of the journalist, who had only recently started skating.

Maxim Marinin fulfilled his promise to carry Alla Mikheeva in his arms

At the end of their joint work on the Ice Age, Alla Mikheeva and Maxim Marinin continue to maintain friendly relations. As evidenced by the joint selfie of a smart fool on her Instagram page. In the new season, the journalist is already the host " ice age". She successfully combines this work with the creation of "sharp reports" for the show "Evening Urgant" and the conduct of private parties and corporate events.

Alla Mikheeva and Maxim Marinin behind the scenes of the Ice Age project

Alla Mikheeva is a popular actress and TV presenter in Russia. Alla gained the greatest popularity due to the role of co-host in the television humorous program "Evening Urgant". This transmission still comes out to this day on Channel One. Alla leads a permanent humorous block of the program called "Sharp Reporting".

short biography

Alla Andreevna Mikheeva was born on February 7, 1989 in the Ukrainian SSR. The city in which the TV presenter was born is still unknown. After living for several years in their hometown, the Mikheev family moved to the city of St. Petersburg, where Alla's career further developed. The presenter has an older sister who is 5 years older than her. Her name is Ann. Alla herself recalls that her father brought them up quite strictly. Each of the daughters had their own household duties, which were distributed by the father. For good performance homework the father encouraged his daughters with pocket money.

As Alla herself notes, she is a "daddy's daughter." She speaks very well of her parents, especially her father, who raised her quite strictly. According to her, almost all of her childhood, Alla's father called her strictly by her last name, since initially he wanted a son.

At about the age of ten, Alla attended a play with her parents, and she had a dream of becoming an actress. To achieve this goal, immediately after graduation, Alla is trying to enter the theater. However, the first attempt was unsuccessful.

After this failure, Mikheeva worked for some time on Channel Five. While working on the channel, she received several offers to act in films. Alla accepts one of these proposals and starred in the film "Rainy Season", however, after the final editing, all scenes with her heroine were deleted. Later, the actress called this work a great experience.

In 2008, she still manages to enter a theater university. She managed to do this only on the third attempt. Later, most of the teachers noted the perseverance and determination of the student.

For some time, Alla combined her studies at the university and work in a cabaret. Here she played various roles in numerous productions.

Most of these roles did not bring great popularity to the young actress. Thanks to the employees of Channel One and personally to the most popular presenter Ivan Urgant, Alla managed to get a place in the Evening Urgant program. Here she plays the role of a "fool-leader" who interviews ordinary residents of the country. This section was called "Sharp Reporting". Many viewers note Alla's excellent sense of humor and her artistry.

Also, a large number of fans of the TV presenter are attracted by the expressive appearance of Alla Mikheeva. Alla has good physical data that help her look great in the frame. Her height is 172 centimeters, and her weight is about 55 kilograms. Mikheeva maintains her personal Instagram, the number of subscribers of which is almost 500 thousand.

Personal life

AT this moment the young actress is not married. For a long time, she was credited with a stormy romance with the operator of Evening Urgant. In many ways, he contributed to the promotion of her heading "Sharp Reporting" in the main part of the program. Host Ivan Urgant for a long time refused to accept Alla into his team.

It is noted that Alla has a huge number of wealthy fans. Many of them give the young presenter expensive gifts in the form of jewelry and cars.

Now many journalists say that the TV presenter has a rich boyfriend with whom Alla has a serious relationship.

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