Ecological leisure "Earth Day" (middle group). Ecological leisure "Earth Day" Musical composition “Seasons”

Family and relationships 07.07.2019
Family and relationships

Earth Day

(for older children)

Children enter the hall to the music, birdsong is heard, the central wall is covered with a curtain.

Leading: Guys, what interesting music meets us today, what do you hear? (birds singing, forest noise). It is our land that greets us.

You may wonder
Having learned: the earth is our common home.
Animals, birds live in it,
And we live with you!
Guys, why do you think I'm telling you all this? What holiday is today?
(Answers of children).
Leading: That's right, because today is Earth Day. We are part of our planet.
Child: Here everyone knows: you and me!
Nature cannot be offended!
So let's say together one, two, three!
Let's celebrate Earth Day!
Look, someone is sitting here. Who is this?
Children: Owl.
Leading: Here sits the wise aunt Owl. She guards the entrance to the magical realm of the forest. Let's say hello to her politely and she'll wake up.
(Children greet, the owl opens its eyes)
Owl: Hello! I do not sleep, I guard the green forest! Why did they complain to me?
Leading: Aunt Owl, please let us through to the magical green kingdom.
Owl: I will let you into the green kingdom when I find out that you really love the earth, nature, do you know a lot about it? It's spring now - the earth is coming to life, what can you tell me about spring?

In April, the earth warms up, the waters overflow, the birds are flooded.

Soon the snow will melt all around

Soon the ice will come down from the river!

Soon, soon outside the window

The nightingale will sing to us!

Look, spring is coming

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And streams on ravines rustle.


And we also know a song about spring.

Get up and sing round dance!

Round dance "Spring has come"


Here the sun woke up

Stretched, smiled

All children are invited to play!

The game "Burn, sun, brighter!"

Owl:(Praises the children)
Now I will tell you about the three rules who need to know who comes to visit us.
First rule: don't litter!
Second rule: don't make noise!
The third rule: do not destroy!

The house is open on all sides.
It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house
You will see miracles in it.
Welcome to the magical realm! (phonogram)

(old man Lesovichok comes out from behind the curtain)


Hello. Who are you?

Hello guys,

I am a cheerful old man

Old Man-Forester.

I know the forest and I love the forest,

I invite you to visit me.

Everything in the forest is interesting to me.

Every bush and every stump.

Guys, do you know the rules of the forest?

Do not litter, do not make noise, do not ruin.


Correctly! And to better remember them, play with me my game: "If I come to the woods." I will say what I do, and you answer. If I do well, we say “Yes”, if I do badly - “No”

Sports and educational leisure in senior group dedicated to "Earth Day"
"Let's love and protect native nature»

Semenova Svetlana Alekseevna, educator MK preschool children's Garden No. 1 Muezersky village, Republic of Karelia.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of sports and educational leisure in the senior group (5-7 years old) on the topic: “We will love and protect our native nature”, dedicated to the day Earth. This material will be of interest to teachers working with children. preschool age. This is a leisure scenario aimed at instilling in children the desire to take care of nature, take care of her.
Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “ Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”
Target: To continue the formation in children of the desire to take care of the environment, to protect it.
to fix the rules of behavior in nature;
expand understanding of medicinal herbs;
develop dexterity, coordination of movements, endurance, the ability to navigate the map, spatial thinking;
develop dialogic and monologue speech
cultivate curiosity, a responsible attitude towards the environment
nature; desire to help those in need.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, stories about plants, drawing signs with parents.

map - route;
children's sportswear;
sports equipment for the point "Crossing";
signs of behavior in nature - a letter from Lesovichok;
pictures "Types of fires";
Schemes: "Rules for making a fire";
obstacle course equipment;
cups, fruit drink, tea;
blue fabric - "lake";
Computer, projector, screen;
Presentations: "Situations in nature", "Wounded bird", "Flowers and medicinal herbs";
Tape recorder, disk;
Plane birches on racks;
Sign "Burned Forest";
"bumps", toys - little animals;
A sheet of drawing paper with ready-made signs and the inscription: "Earth Day"
Let's, friends, in spite of bad weather Let's embrace the planet with our round dance! Let us scatter clouds and smoke over her, We will not let anyone offend her!

Event progress:

(in a group)
Everyone knows, you and me
Nature cannot be offended!
The earth is our common home! Animals, birds live in it,
And we live with you.
Guys, today is International Earth Day.
Our planet is Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys!

Our Earth with you - beautiful planet, full of wonders and riddles. We are surrounded by magnificent nature. People, animals, birds, fish, plants live on Earth, all of them should be fine, and people should take care of wildlife. But, unfortunately, they do not always notice the beauty surrounding us, do not care about nature and, even worse, cause irreparable harm to it. All people living on our planet Earth must protect, protect and increase its wealth.
Today I invite you to go on a journey. Do you agree? A lot of interesting things await us on the way. To overcome all obstacles, you need to be friendly, courageous and strong, be sure to help each other, be attentive so as not to get lost on the road and be able to determine the path on the map.
Let's hit the road. If we go camping
The step will be firm
No one will deviate from the path!
The only way! The only way!
(in the room)
Children enter the hall to the musical accompaniment (the song "If you went out with a friend"). Different kinds walking and running.

Leading: Let's see, where should our first stop be? (look at the map)

1. Stop "Letter from Lesovichka"

Leading: Look here for a letter from our old friend Lesovichek.
Reading the letter: “Hello my friends. We haven't seen you for such a long time. Plants and animals cannot speak and defend themselves. When people go to the forest, they do not want to harm anyone, but, unwillingly, they hurt nature. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what can and cannot be done in the forest. I hope you have not forgotten the rules of behavior in the forest. And to remind them again, I send you pictures. Your friend Lesovichok.

(the teacher distributes the prepared pictures to the children, the children show them and read the verses learned in advance)

Children should remember and understand:
Bird nests must not be destroyed.
If you see an egg in the grass,
Or heard the cries of chicks.
Don't get close, don't go there.
And don't disturb the birds or the nests.

It is dangerous to have fun with fire without adults
The fun can end badly.
Sometimes it gets very dry in the forest.
The fire will turn into a serious disaster.

Ants forest orderlies,
That's what people called them for a reason.
To make the forest beautiful and healthy,
Without harmful larvae and beetles,
Ants on guard day and night
They drive various Karaeds away.
Just don't disturb them.
Don't destroy anthills.
These nurses are so necessary
For the forests of your native country.

Moths fly in the forest
Insects and beetles crawl.
Mother nature gave them life.
They all have their own business.
You will see them on the way
Don't be offended, go away.
Forest without insects, you are my friend
And lonely and empty.

Flowers adorn meadows and forests,
But this is not only nature's beauty.
In them the bees find a life-giving gift,
And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them.
No need, friends, it's pointless to tear them.
No need to make bouquets of them.
Bouquets will wither, flowers will disappear,
And there will be no more such beauty.

The forest has its own music.
Listen to her friends.
Here are the trills of birds,
Here is a squirrel jumping up and down,
But the grasshopper crackled.
A woodpecker tapped on a branch.
How many sounds here and there.
The forest does not need noise and din.
No noise, noisy, no shouting.
And turn on the music loudly.

The boys came on a hike
You need to rest, of course.
Play and frolic
And eat and drink.
But there are banks around
Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles.
You can't leave them here.
Let's not be lazy, friends!
Garbage is here in the forest of a stranger.
Let's take him home.
Leading: And now let's try to solve environmental problems.

2. Viewing the presentation "Environmental situations"

In the presentation, children choose one correct answer from three possible answers to the question posed to them. Questions about behavior in nature:
After a rest in nature, there is garbage left, what will you do? (I'll leave it as it is, bury it in a hole, put it in a bag and throw it in the garbage chute)
The first lilies of the valley bloomed in the clearing, what will you do? (Narva and I will give it to my mother, I will admire it and not touch it, I will pick one flower) and other questions.
Leading: Guys! You know that the campaign is not without difficulties. You need to be able to deal with them so as not to harm yourself, others and the environment. We have a crossing ahead of us - this is a very difficult section of the route. Here you need to be careful, cautious and not in a hurry.

3. "Crossing"

(Children pass the obstacle course)

Leading: Let's see, where should our next stop be? (Sign - lake)

4. Stop "At the water"

Leading: Guys what is this? Where else can we find water? (in a river, lake, pond, puddle, stream...) Let's play a game:

5. "Good - bad"

(water is good... water is bad...)
Leading: Look, the sun was hot, hot, the snow was melting, melting, and a flood began in our forest. The animals remained on an island in the middle of the water. They cannot get out on their own. Let's help them.

6. Relay "Help the animals"

(walking on bumps)

Leading: Let's look at the map, where should we go now? (sign - "burnt forest")

7. Waypoint "Kostrovaya"

Leading: What's this? (burnt forest). Why do you think the forest burned down? (People did not put out the fire, threw a burning match, lightning struck ...) Tell me, are you nature lovers or destroyers? Do you probably light fires with your parents in the forest? Because of the fire, trouble often happens - a forest fire, all nature in this place dies. Even if the fire is well extinguished, not a single blade of grass can grow in its place for nine years, the earth heals its burns for so long. Therefore, for the sake of fun, it is impossible to burn a fire in the forest. But there are tourists who cannot do without a fire, because they go on a hike not one, but many days, they need to warm up, cook food. They breed it according to special rules, if you like, I will tell you now. Remember that a fire is a reliable friend of a person only with skillful and careful handling of fire. But he can also become a predatory robber, if treated with disdain.

Leading: Let's remember the rules for making a fire:
the fire is always made only by an adult;
you can not burn a fire in windy weather, on dry grass, stones, near coniferous trees;
to prepare a place for a fire, the top layer of soil with insects and plant roots is removed with a shovel;
for firewood they never break live trees, but take dry branches lying on the ground;
before leaving, the fire is well filled with water so that it cools down, and the pit is covered with a removed layer of earth.
(schemes are used, they are glued to the wall)
Leading: A real tourist will never burn a fire in vain, because no one wants to turn from a nature lover into her destroyer.
Leading: It's time for us to rest and have a rest. (sign - meadow) Our path lies on a flower meadow.

8. Stop "Flower meadow".

(On the screen a flower meadow)
Leading: Guys, look at what a beautiful clearing we got. There are so many beautiful flowers here. Do you know where flowers can grow?
(In the garden - garden grow; in the meadow - meadow; in the forest - forest; in the field - field)
Leading: What do you think, what is needed for the flowers to grow fragrant, fragrant, beautiful? (land, water, heat, people's care)
Leading: What flowers do you know? (children's answers)
It often happens that a nuisance happens on a hike - a scratch, a bruise or a bite of some insect, but there is no doctor nearby. What to do? Nature has its own pharmacy, it grows under your feet. Plants will help you if you know how to use them properly. (showing plants on the screen)
Tell the children, prepared in advance.
Plantain is needed if you cut yourself - attach a clean leaf to the wound and hold - the blood will stop. There is a legend about how the wound healing properties of this plant were discovered. One day, two snakes, located on the road, basked in the sun. Suddenly a wagon came round the corner. One snake managed to crawl away to a safe place, and the other lingered, and the wheel ran over it. The people sitting in the cart saw how the first snake, which remained unharmed, crawled away, but soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident seems to have prompted people to think about the possibility of using plantain to heal wounds.
Another plant - dandelion - is medicinal, all its parts are used in medicine - from the root to the flower. It is edible - it is part of salads, even dandelion jam is prepared from it. Dandelion will help with an insect bite - a wasp, a bee or a gadfly. Just rip yellow flower and lubricate the bite with milky juice.
Celandine - a poisonous plant - you can not eat it. But if you rubbed a corn on the road, pick a leaf and grease the corn with yellow juice that comes out of it. And celandine will help remove the wart if it is regularly lubricated with the juice of this plant.
Chamomile is a very useful plant for the body. Beneficial features chamomile is used to recuperate after illness. The face and hair will be clean and healthy if washed with a decoction of chamomile.
Mint is useful for frostbite and cuts, scratches and colds. Peppermint oil will help with toothache. Delicious tea is prepared from mint, it is added to different dishes, in sweets and lollipops.

Leading: But you can use plants only those that grow in the forest, far from the roads. Is it possible to tear plants just like that, if you don’t need them now?
If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If everything: me and you, If we pick flowers, There will be no beauty And there will be no kindness.
Leading: Today in our thermos is not ordinary tea, but healing ...
(children drink cranberry juice, raspberry tea, rosehip broth, mint tea)


Eastern administrative district

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

"School No. 1512"

Preschool groups at st. Moldagul's house 20

Ecological leisure for earth day

Prepared and conducted:

speech therapist Filippova T. N.,

educators Maslova E. S. and

Kharlamova S.K.


Expanding children's knowledge about the planet earth, aimed at making children aware of themselves as part of the natural world. Generalization of previously acquired knowledge in the field of ecology and environmental protection.


· to develop a cognitive interest in nature, to form a careful attitude towards it;

· form the foundations ecological culture, understanding the value of any life;

· mastering the rules of individual safe life and safe behavior in nature;

· to cultivate a moral culture and a caring, humane and respectful attitude towards environment;

· form a coherent speech

Preliminary work:

reading fiction about nature, listening to classical music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, looking at brochures about the rules of behavior in the forest, talking about animals that live in the forest, water, domestic animals, and the role of man.


Sounds of nature audio recordings, projector, video presentation, toys of domestic and wild animals, posters about behavior in the forest, pictures of animals, pot, earth, planting and watering tools, aprons for children, sprout, garbage (paper, plastic bottles ) for cleaning, scoops, brooms, buckets, a disk with music for logarithmic gymnastics, a globe.

Leisure course

Children enter the hall to the music and see an image of the globe on the projector.


Guys, today we gathered for an unusual birthday. And who is the birthday man today, you will find out by solving the riddle:

Round but not a ball

Spinning all the time, but not spinning,

There is both land and water.

What's this? ( Earth)

Today is Earth's birthday!

Look at its layout - it's a globe. What you see on it (children look at the globe) show seas, mountains, forests.

And who lives on earth? Children list: people, animals, fish, birds, insects, etc.

And now I propose to solve riddles:

What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little blue.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue ( Sky)

We all like it

We cry without him

And as soon as it appears

We look away, we hide:

It's very bright

And hot - hot.(Sun)

Grew up in the meadow

Was in a stack.(Grass)

Two antennas on top

And she sits in a hut.

She is lucky on herself

It crawls along the straw.(Snail)

It can be alive and dead

Both liquid and very solid ...

May lurk in the sky

And hide in the depths of the earth

And evaporate before our eyes

And then reappear! ( Water)

Who lives in the water all the time,

And she doesn't drink water.

Neither lake nor river

Not any other. ( Fish)

The correct answers are accompanied by a presentation slide, where the picture with the correct answer opens.

Now get your ears ready and listen carefully. (Soundtrack) - Children, what did you hear in the forest? (singing of birds, murmuring of a stream, buzzing of a bee, chirping of a grasshopper, chirping of a cuckoo, flight of a dragonfly, croaking of a frog, rain and thunderstorm, wind…).

Yes, it is nice to be in the forest, to communicate with animals and plants, to watch them. After all, the Forest is a common home for plants and animals that find food, places for nests and holes in it. The forest is not only an adornment of the earth, its magnificent and amazing outfit, but also a source of health. This is a huge terrestrial laboratory that produces oxygen and absorbs dust and poisonous gases.

Guys, what do you think the forest gives people, animals and birds? (the forest gives people clean and fresh air, saves from heat, heat, gives shade and coolness, gives mushrooms and berries, firewood ... Animals and birds - shelter and food).

But animals live not only in the forest .... a phonogram sounds (the sounds of the village, where the guys recognize a cow, a rooster, a dog, a cat, a goat, etc.)

The host invites the children to play

Two tables with animal models that need to be sorted into domestic and wild (forest), for speed. The guys are sick and worried about their friends.

Then follows finger gymnastics. (performed by all participants)

The rules of behavior in the forest are no less important, the guys, together with a speech therapist, use pictures to tell how you can behave and how you shouldn’t.

Speech therapist plays the game:

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest? Now I'll check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play the game “If I come to the woods”, I will talk about my actions, if I do well, say “yes” and clap your hands, if “no” is bad and stomp your feet.

If I come to the woods and pick a camomile? (Not.)

If I eat a pie and throw away a piece of paper? (Not.)

If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes.)

If I tie up a branch, will I put a peg? (Yes.)

What if I make a fire and don't put it out? (Not.)

If I mess up a lot and forget to clean it up? (Not.)

If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes.)

I love my nature, I help her? (Yes.)


A conversation about the benefits of forests, water, ecology for all life on earth. Man is obliged to appreciate and protect nature.

Speech therapist: Today I suggest that we all together make our small contribution to the greening of our planet, and plant a plant that we will all take care of together.

The guys pour the earth into a pot, plant a plant and water it.

Music sounds...

average comprehensive school No. 10 r. Kinel of the Samara region

structural unit kindergarten combined type"Ray"

leisure scenario,

dedicated to Earth Day

for older preschoolers

Prepared and conducted:

teachers creative team"Health"



Art. educator

Kinel, 2014

Target: To deepen the ecological knowledge of children, to educate them in a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.


1. To develop ecological thinking in children, the ability to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment; aesthetic feelings, the ability to see the beauty of nature, to admire it.

2. To form in children knowledge of the norms of behavior in the natural environment and the desire to observe them in practical activities and in everyday life.

2. Involve children in all possible participation in the protection and protection of nature.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the natural world.

4. Give children the joy of participating in a common holiday and joint work.

Preliminary work: Conversations on the topic of environmental education, reading works of art about plants and animals; occupation "Nature and health", "Planet Earth in danger". Problem questions and tasks; didactic and outdoor games on environmental education. Learning poems, riddles about nature. Introduction to space. Organization of targeted walks "Spring City", "Nature wakes up". Holding exhibitions of drawings "Panorama of good deeds", "We are children of planet Earth".

The hall is decorated: Illustrations from the "Seasons" series, posters and drawings about the protection of nature, created by children and their parents.

Equipment: Multimedia installation (projector, computer, screen) - presentation "Rules of behavior in nature", a picture of the planet Earth, "Sultanas", "garbage", baskets, a suit "Earth", bags, gloves, badges "Young ecologist", pictures with the image animals.

Organization and move.

Under the audio Motherland» L. Leshchenko children enter the hall.

Screen saver - Earth Day)

Leading. Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,

But we didn't know anyone like this one.

Today we are celebrating an unusual holiday, Earth Day - our common home. Everything - people, and animals, and birds, and fish - live on Earth. The earth is a common home for all. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth.

1st child I am talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home,

Our good house, spacious house,

We all live in it from birth.

2nd child I'm also talking about that,

That we must protect our home,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth is relying on us.

3rd child If you like the beauty of the earth,

Take care of her, tired of not knowing.

Song VIA "Leisya song" - "Earth is our home"

Musical game "In the world of animals" Children are shown a picture of an animal and they imitate to the music. "In the animal world" P. Moriah. movements and habits of this animal.

They sit on chairs.

Leading. You so accurately and believably conveyed the movements of animals, birds, it is immediately clear that you know a lot of interesting things about nature. And now let's check if you know how to solve riddles about nature?

Leading. What kind of house among the branches in the open?

He treats the birds with grain and bread.


Leading. All of you fed the birds in the winter, took care of them, grew green fodder in cups yourself. You can rightly be called true friends of birds.

Leading. Next riddle.

The housewife flies over the lawn.

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey.


Not motors, but noise,

Not pilots, but fly,

Not snakes, but sting.


Now the question for you all is this:

Why is blue

Our common home - on the globe of the Earth?

(On screen splash screen "blue globe"

Children answer: 3/4 of the Planet Earth is occupied by water - these are rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and only ¼ of the Earth is land - these are fields, forests, mountains, deserts.

Sounds instrumental music E. Moricone - dance game "Magic Flower"

Leading. And now it will musical and dance riddle. The child shows a dance, the movement of one animal, and which one, you guys, try to guess for yourself.

Mystery. The hero stands rich,

Treats everyone in a row:

Vanya strawberries,

Masha - a nut.

Petya - russula.

Katenka - raspberries.

Vasya is a twig. (Forest)

Screen saver - forest

Leading. The forest keeps many mysteries and secrets. And if you protect the forest, behave correctly in the forest, then it will reveal a lot of interesting things to you and teach you a lot.

Scene "Girlfriends went to the forest."

The girls with baskets went to the forest. Having settled in a clearing, they scream loudly, eat and throw pieces of candy, scare birds, animals, leave and leave garbage behind.

Appears Earth: Hello children! I am the Earth! I hear you always, but you also listen to me. I'm in trouble. I am unable to correct the evil that man does. People! You are polluting me! Wherever you look, different cans and wrappers are lying around. I can't handle all the rubbish that man has scattered on Earth! Now it is dangerous to swim in my rivers. You have invented machines and factories from which all life perishes. The air used to be clean, but now there is nothing to breathe! I am unable to save the dying birds and animals, to clear the air of smoke and burning ... I want you to take care of me, otherwise I will die, and there will be no people on Earth. After all, only I have people. People, come to your senses!

Leading: Earth, but you are so beautiful, blue, blooming! Can you really die?

Earth: Yes, I have many flowers, forests, rivers, but they are becoming less and less ... you still have time to save me and yourself! Only you can do it!

Leading. Now tell me, my young ecologists, how should real friends of nature behave?

Presentation "Rules of behavior in nature"

Poetry: 1. Never throw peels, skins, sticks -

Our cities will quickly turn into dumps.

If you litter now, then pretty soon

They can grow garbage mountains in our country.

2. We can't stop factories,

To blue sky didn't smoke.

To prevent all waste from being dumped into the rivers

And so that our nature is not destroyed.

3. We can't stop cars,

To keep exhaust gases out

So that people's health is not ruined.

And so that acid rains do not pour.

4. But can we plant trees?

And feed the birds in winter.

We will not throw garbage on the ground,

We will plant flowers and water them.

The earth is beautiful, but it's in trouble

Let's help her too!

Leading. We urgently need to save the world in which we live, wash and clean the earth from garbage and dirt.

The game "Let's clean up the planet from garbage." All children with plastic bags remove the “garbage” remaining in the clearing, put it in one place - music accompaniment "Birdsong"

Then the kids run in and ask for forgiveness from the Earth:

1reb: Forgive us, little bug,

And the ant and the bees

Excuse me, slender poplar

And cut down trees.

2 reb: Forgive us, caught animal,

You are so cramped in a cage.

Sorry for not saving

And now you have become so rare!

Together: let's respect nature - our home!

Then the girls with the "sultans", representing the rain, wave them, as if clearing, washing the whole earth - music accompaniment "The sound of rain"

Earth: Thank you children, now it's easy for me to breathe .... I hope that you will never pollute nature again

The song "Don't tease the dogs..."

Game yes no Be careful. I will tell you my actions, and you will answer. If I do well, you say "Yes" and clap your hands. If it’s bad, then you shout “No” and stomp your feet.

If I come to the woods and pick a camomile? (No)

If I eat a pie, will I throw out a piece of paper? (No)

If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes)

If I tie up a branch, will I substitute a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a fire and don't put it out? (No)

If I mess up a lot and forget to clean it up? (No)

If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love all nature, I help her! (Yes)

Well done guys, you know all the rules.

Leading. And now I guess riddle, the most important thing on our holiday.

No beginning, no end, no back of the head, no face,

But everyone knows: both young and old, that she is a huge ball.

Screen saver - "Earth from space"

Earth: Look how beautiful I am, especially in spring, when all nature comes to life and everything blooms. Let's take care of the beauty of the earth.

Song B. Korovka "Do not destroy the trees"

Leading. Our land is mountains, rivers, forests, seas, people, animals. The earth is our common big house, in which man is the master. And the owner should always be kind and caring.

Screen saver - "Earth in the hands of man"

That's how you guys were kindergarten, you received a lot of knowledge about nature and ecology, you yourself took care of plants, animals, worked in the garden, planted seedlings, watered and harvested. From nature lovers you have turned into young ecologists and now you will be able to protect and protect our beloved planet Earth, to increase its wealth.

We are confident in this, and today we are dedicating you to the “Young Ecologists” and presenting you with a Certificate.

To the music of "Native Earth" by L. Leshchenko, the children leave the hall.

Purpose: creating a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day; the formation of environmentally literate behavior, careful attitude to nature, the desire of children to decorate their Earth with concrete deeds and actions.

Decoration of the hall: the hall is decorated with balls, flowers in vases. In the center is a large balloon or globe - model globe. On the central wall is an exhibition of children's collective works made for Earth Day.

To the song to the music of Winged E., the words of Entin Yu. “Children of the Sun”, children enter the hall, become a semicircle.

Host: Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Today we have a holiday: the Day of our Mother - the Earth. We are pleased to welcome everyone to our hall. Today we dedicate dances, songs, games and poems to our planet Earth.

1 child:

Today the kids are in a hurry to congratulate

Our beloved planet

After all, there is no better Earth than ours!

2 child:

Our planet earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our home, guys.

3 child:

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won't let anyone hurt her.

4 child:

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us better.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,

All together: We need such a planet!

The children sit down to the music.

Host: What kind of holiday is this - Earth Day?! And why is he? To make it clear to all of us, I invite you to take a trip around our wonderful planet.

How much beauty and wonder is on it: endless expanses, and mountains stretching into the sky, and blue-blue seas ... and there are countless inhabitants on it! And each of them is a small miracle! Unfortunately, people forget about it, and then chimneys smoke, animals die, shots are fired. To remind people of the beauty of our Earth and that it needs to be protected, there is this wonderful holiday - Earth Day.

Let's start the holiday:

Sing, play and dance.

In a circle, guys, come out,

Start your round dance.

Round dance "Spring is red"

HOST: Dear children! Our planet and our city are in danger. Since the appearance of man, he has tried to conquer, to subdue nature. That only he did not invent to improve his life!

And we could solve them

Whenever there was a day on the planet,

And our world year Earth!

Dance "Tell the birds" (children dance with arcs of flowers).

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