When is chocolate day of the year. world chocolate day

Technique and Internet 01.07.2020
Technique and Internet

Today, the world celebrates the most "delicious" holiday of the year - . In our article, we will share with you all interesting information about this sweetness and a holiday dedicated exclusively to this confectionery product, and we will tell you how to congratulate you on the Day.

You, like millions of people around the world, can't imagine your life without, and especially without chocolate? Then World - the most "delicious" holiday of the year, which is celebrated by sweet tooth from all over the world - just for you. On this day, you can afford an extra piece of chocolate or chocolate candy, even if you are.

World Chocolate Day: the right congratulations

As Installed modern science, chocolate has elements that promote relaxation and. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate - the hormones of happiness. also perfectly calms the nerves, stimulates the brain and slows down aging. And there is also an assumption that one of: counteracting the spread of cancer cells, but this has not been officially proven.

Therefore, if you are worried about your health and want to somehow congratulate friends, family and loved ones on Chocolate Day in a special way, do not be lazy and cook something chocolate and tasty with your own hands, for example, or fragrant. Then congratulations on Chocolate Day will be truly remembered.

Congratulations on Chocolate Day in verse

You can also congratulate relatives or friends on International Chocolate Day in verse. Send these “delicious” ones and be sure that the addressee will immediately rush for a bar of chocolate or a box of chocolates to celebrate this sweet holiday for themselves.

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate, that's for sure.
I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
It's magical, chocolatey.

Those who love chocolate
And they can't live a day without them
Celebrating a sweet holiday
Lots of sweets!
On World Chocolate Day
Can't count calories
Eat, candy,
Eat chocolate on the mountain
It's tastier than chocolate
There is nothing in the world
We pamper our loved ones
Well, tomorrow on a diet.

How happy will the children be?
Chocolate Day Today:
White, bitter, and milky -
Everyone loves it, that's for sure!
The whole world knows about it
And today notes
Everyone congratulates each other
They serve chocolate!
Let there be no more sadness
Chocolate will let her go
Seas of laughter, positive,
Life is beautiful with chocolate!

Today is a delicious day, no doubt.
Today we celebrate chocolate
In a beautiful captivity, so skillful
Ready for any of us to get in.
Fans of beautiful sweetness
I want to congratulate you on this day
Let with a miracle chocolate bar
Everything in life will be on the shoulder.

I'm chocolate fans
Congratulations on this day
Eat a plate or two
Let there be no laziness in life.
I wish you a delicious life
Chocolate victories to you,
Let it give you strength
This product for years.

Such ordinary chocolate -
and how happy his stomach is!
Already in the morning waiting, waiting,
how sweet it melts in your mouth!
If bad mood
comes a couple of days in a row,
will help no doubt
any chocolate of your choice!
He will be able to please, cheer up,
give the taste of holiday and childhood!
Give a surge of energy, a charge -
such an almighty chocolate!
Who invented it - thanks to that!
It looks both appetizing and beautiful,
and smells the most fragrant -
There is nothing tastier in the world!

I am the celebration of the world chocolate,
I wish everyone more deliciousness in life,
May everyone receive their reward
May your hopes and dreams come true.
May everyone have good relations
Let them be sweet, milk chocolate,
And even though sometimes they get caught in life,
You always enjoy eating them.

The holiday is sweet and magical,
With the scent of vanillin
Very gentle and soulful
With tiles, softer than plasticine ...
Let's celebrate chocolate day
Eating candy!
We are the happiest in the world
We say “no” to all diets!

May there always be a lot of joy
Will be in life every hour
And a chocolate bar
You will always have!

Sometimes you take a bite -
The mood is creeping up
And it seems like an easy road
And you love almost everyone around ...

On this day, festivals, fairs and other events dedicated to this delicacy are held in many cities. Celebrate this day with a trip to a chocolate factory with your kids or attend a master class in making candies by hand. Well, if not, try yourself as a chocolatier at home and cook. Such a celebration will definitely please the children.

Most favorite treat, the sweetest temptation is all about chocolate. He is adored by peasants and aristocrats, servants and kings. Ever since chocolate was brought to Europe, it has left no one indifferent and literally fell in love with almost every second. There is nothing surprising in the fact that chocolate, as a favorite of all the sweet tooth, has its own holiday.


There are several legends - who still owns the production of the recipe for this unique and beloved delicacy. It is generally accepted that for the first time chocolate was brewed by the Aztec tribes, who called it the "food of the gods". According to another version, Europe tried chocolate thanks to the famous navigator Christopher Columbus.

There are many versions of the chocolate recipe. In its original, its taste is bitter and, by the way, not everyone liked it. In addition, three or four centuries ago, only very wealthy people could afford such a luxury as enjoying the taste of chocolate. Now trying a chocolate product is not considered a rarity. Manufacturers try to please their customers and produce chocolate with many additives, thanks to which each of us can choose the taste that we like best.

For the first time, a proposal to celebrate Chocolate Day appeared in a free and rich in culinary surprises country - France. It happened in 1995. Since then, this idea has been supported by many countries (sweet tooth is an international vocation) and Russia is no exception.


The chocolate festival has probably the most pleasant traditions in the world. In all countries that celebrate this holiday, whole street feasts are arranged with unusually delicious chocolate delicacies. The most famous culinary specialists of the country and culinary amateurs take to the streets and compete among themselves in the preparation of the best chocolate.

Also on this day:

  • A variety of competitions and fairs on chocolate topics are held.
  • Specialists draw chocolate body art. Judges at such festive festivals are people, guests of the holiday.
  • People congratulate each other on this delicious holiday, give cards with chocolate inscriptions, cakes and other chocolate products.

Fans of original surprises order portraits of their loved ones or friends made with chocolate.

Now it is simply strange to imagine a time when there was no chocolate and when it was available only to a very few. Nowadays, poems are dedicated to this delicacy, films are made about it. And even a holiday dedicated to chocolate has recently existed, this is World Chocolate Day.

And although it is completely new, it immediately and firmly won recognition from everyone - after all, it is the most delicious and cheerful.

Oh what a wonderful sweet day!
We celebrate it all over the world.
And now no one is too lazy to celebrate it,
Our entire apartment is covered in chocolate!

This delicacy wants to get into our mouths
And melt there smoothly and gently.
Today, friends, we will enjoy it to our heart's content,
We celebrate the holiday diligently.

World Chocolate Day has arrived.
For a whole year we desperately waited,
When will we feel so good from the heart.
And now we are all happy.

After all, it has been proven to everyone that any chocolate
Raises the mood.
Everyone who ate it will be cheerful and happy,
And there will be beautiful singing!

A bit of history

In the mid-90s, the people of France came up with this holiday. It began to be celebrated on July 11, it is believed that it was on this day that the conquistadors brought it to Europe in the middle of the 16th century. In those days, it was valued more than gold, it was known only as a drink that supports youth.

A drink made from cocoa beans was known to the Aztecs and the Mayan Indians, they called it “the food of the gods”, and the tree itself had a personal deity to whom people prayed - it was so highly valued and revered.

He was considered the only means capable of kindling the fire of passion, healers royal families prescribed a chocolate drink to noble ladies who fell into depression. Only in the middle of the 19th century did they learn how to make dark chocolate bars, and two decades later they managed to make milk chocolate. Chocolate still remained inaccessible to many delicacy, only in the second decade of the 20th century did it become available to everyone.

The people liked the holiday, and the very next year it was supported in Germany, and a year later they began to celebrate throughout Europe and both Americas, and soon Russia joined it. In the United States, the holiday came so to the court that it is celebrated twice a year - on July 7 and October 28. In Russia, it takes place according to the international calendar - July 11. So the French initiative grew into World Chocolate Day.

On this day, chocolate is often eaten twice as much as on any other day of the year, because it is believed that chocolate has special properties during the holiday. And this is not self-deception, because chocolate itself contains endorphins, which are also called the "hormone of happiness." This means that even a small piece of chocolate can improve the mood of most people on the planet, relieve depression and improve overall well-being. Chocolate Day will also be celebrated in 2017. After all, July 11 is the crown of summer, the most warm time of the year.

What is chocolate

In addition to a large number of various sweets, chocolate can be of three types, depending on the number of cocoa beans in it - bitter, black and milk. There are also white chocolate bars, in which cocoa powder is completely absent.

Most cocoa beans are in dark chocolate, there are varieties where it is about 80%, and it is he who ultimately allows you to feel completely satisfied and calm. And the most popular, tender and delicious is milk.

But at the chocolate festival you can enjoy any variety, please your loved ones with exquisite chocolate souvenirs and even admire the chocolate fountain. On this day, any miracles are possible.

Let's celebrate!

Where to go on International Chocolate Day to get the most out of the holiday?

Go to a chocolate factory

To world day chocolate factories have a day open doors For everyone. On this day, festivals and fairs are held there, for which craftsmen make special souvenirs. Tours and master classes are held at these factories, you can see how the tiles of this delicacy are made, and at the master class you can make sweets by hand according to your own desire. Win-win competitions and quizzes are held for children, the prizes in which, of course, will be chocolates.

Treat yourself with chocolate

To make the skin soft and silky, smooth, why not make chocolate wraps, massage or cosmetic mask with chocolate. After all, it has so many useful substances, and the rich aroma of cocoa remarkably cheers up.

Go to a hot show

On World Chocolate Day, many places arrange festive events. The most important thing on them will be an abundance of chocolate delicacies, but the most surprising thing is a large chocolate fountain created from melted chocolate - you can eat it directly with spoons, or dip fruits and sweets into it.

And now every country and every city is trying to surprise visitors with unusual combinations of products with chocolate and their own way to celebrate this day.

  • Since the mid-90s, Lviv began to produce a comic candy "Salo in Chocolate" - in which a really small piece of bacon is filled with a layer of dark chocolate. It may seem surprising, but the candy is actually very tasty, now it is made in all cities of Ukraine where there is a Lviv Chocolate Workshop.
  • The Japanese produce sweet desserts of the most unusual colors, with aromas of flowers, in the most delicate glaze.
  • Americans prefer to have chocolate parties, which they invite their whole family to.
  • And in Switzerland, on chocolate day, a special public transport route is laid through the city, during which you will be told about Swiss chocolate, a chocolate tasting with cognac will be arranged, and children will be given a particularly delicious milk chocolate or chocolate drink.

Organize a friendly chocolate party

You can celebrate World Chocolate Day with friends by having a fun party. It will be interesting for everyone to participate in the competition for the best chocolate body art. It is enough just to prepare a lot of chocolate icing and a brush. Participants paint themselves or friends, and then a fashion show is held. A popular vote will determine the winner, who will receive a prize as a reward.

Glaze: 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 0.5 cups of butter and 3 tbsp. l. butter mixed and brought to a boil. Then the mass must be thoroughly mixed so that lumps do not form, and cool. The body art icing is ready! These ingredients will make about 1 cup of chocolate paint. Increase the proportions at your discretion, based on the number of participants.
It is appropriate to hold such a competition on the beach or near the home pool, so that it would be easier for participants to put themselves in order.

And you can also arrange a disco with "chocolate songs":

Tootsie and the KGB "Bitter Chocolate"
Gone with the Wind Cocoa
Linda "Chocolate and Tear"
Abraham Russo "Chocolate Chiquita"
Volodya Ulyanov "Mulatto-Chocolate"
Mr. Malay "Chocolate"
Dzham - Chocolate
White Chocolate - White Chocolate
Inna Malikova - Coffee and Chocolate
Lyubov Uspenskaya - Bitter Chocolate
Mint - Chocolate Mousse
Ana Laan
Captain Shock
Corey Gibbons - Chocolate Loving (Club Vocal Mix)
Kylie Minogue

In the evening, you can organize a joint viewing of films on a chocolate theme:

"Marshmallow in chocolate" (1994)
"Charlie and chocolate Factory"(2005)
"Strawberry and Chocolate" (1993)
"Chocolate" (2000)

You can show your imagination using your ideas. The main thing is to be sweet and fun!

Most sweet lovers know that there is nothing in the world that tastes better than delicious chocolate. Most likely, World Chocolate Day was invented by a lover of this delicious product. You can cook them and eat a lot of goodies. Every day our children drink cocoa, it also includes chocolate, and how we quickly satisfy our hunger, of course, with a chocolate bar. The taste of this wonderful delicacy is remembered for a lifetime, and when, under some circumstances, you have to refuse it, it greatly torments and irritates, as if there is a slight addiction.

A bit of history

This product was born in South America, and at first it was consumed in liquid form, only with time they learned to make it thicker and it turned into chocolate. In those days, this delicacy was a big ban, and only wealthy and wealthy people could afford it. Various spices were added to it and an unsurpassed taste was achieved. Serving chocolate for dessert was considered an indicator of luxury and prosperity. Only kings could afford to enjoy its divine taste every day.

The cost of a chocolate bar was very high, and maybe that's why not every person could afford to exchange a plate of a hearty dinner for a glass of delicious treats. A little later, when sugar and cocoa lost their value and began to have an acceptable price, this product began to be made everywhere. By adding different ingredients, giving a unique taste.

Over time, they achieved the desired density and began to produce solid chocolate, by the 19th century, one could find delicious chocolate bars on store shelves. They began to occupy a special place among women and children. Every fan of this delicacy could afford to buy their favorite chocolate and enjoy its taste.

Switzerland has become the queen of this product. It was at her factories that they began to add nuts and various spices, giving chocolate an unusual taste and color. Now Swiss chocolate is famous all over the world and every year they never cease to delight with new inventions.

In our country, this delicacy appeared during the time of Catherine the Great, then it was brought as a gift from America and it became very popular. After that, they began to adopt cooking recipes and make their own Russian chocolate. The factories that produced it were under the control of the same American who first brought him. Much later, wealthy enough people who could afford to buy plants and factories bought some of them and turned them into their own chocolate workshops. It was already our delicious domestic chocolate, on the packaging of which they often depicted famous people and artists.

Oh that chocolate

Today, the entire chocolate industry is growing and developing. This wonderful and delicious product can be found in various stores. Such a variety of choices that just run up the eyes. As with any large enterprise, fakes begin to appear over time. Chocolate is no exception and it is also very often counterfeited under the guise of well-known brands.

It can only be distinguished by taste and texture. Real dark chocolate has a rather high price. It will not melt immediately in the hands, it looks smooth without bubbles and chips and has its own unique aroma. Real chocolate should be not only tasty, but useful product. Therefore, manufacturers who do not conscientiously perform their work can simply harm the health of the buyer.

Dark chocolate is widely used in skin care cosmetics today. A chocolate wrap is made from it, which tones and tightens the skin. It also has many other useful uses. If you use it regularly, then the body manages to maintain its youth, and this is not just words, but a proven fact. It improves performance and increases load bearing capacity.

It is believed that dark chocolate should be eaten by overweight people, it helps to burn calories perfectly. It also supports cardiovascular and circulatory systems. It also positively affects the mood of a person, thanks to some substances that it contains, our mood increases significantly.

The birthplace of the oldest drink, according to legend, is South America- The Spanish conquerors, who first brought chocolate to Europe, dubbed the delicacy "black gold".

World Chocolate Day is a young holiday that was invented by the French and was first celebrated in 1995.

Then Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Russia and other countries joined the holiday. Today it is celebrated in many countries of the world, and the popularity of this holiday continues to grow.

How they celebrate

Special events are held in each country - exhibitions, fairs, master classes and tastings are dedicated to chocolate, various competitions, including those for eating more sweet delicacy, which pleases both children and adults on this day.

Mass festive events, as a rule, are arranged by large supermarkets or confectionery factories, where visitors on this day are shown how chocolate masterpieces are born.

Monument to chocolate (author Ilya Shanin) in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region Restaurants and cafes offer a chic chocolate menu and serve chocolate surprises.

In Switzerland, on this day they ride the “chocolate train”, and in Belgium they visit real chocolate museums. A whole Chocolateland has been built in Germany, a separate world where sweet shows are arranged for visitors every day.

Americans love chocolate so much that the Chocolate Festival is celebrated twice a year.

Russians also celebrate World Chocolate Day in Pokrov, where the only monument in the world, the Bronze Fairy, has been erected to the favorite delicacy of children and adults. The three-meter statue flaunts next to the Pokrovsky Chocolate Museum, which is full of tourists on holidays.

At the festival, the traditional occupation, of course, is eating chocolate. But chocolate body art is considered one of the main entertainments - with the help of a brush and liquid chocolate, real masterpieces are created on the face and body.

A crown made of chocolate and marzipan, from the "Nikolya Chocolate Museum" collection Chocolate baths are also popular, because chocolate has excellent cosmetic properties.

It should be noted that chocolate festivals are held in many cities around the world, and the date of their holding does not always coincide with World Chocolate Day. These sweet festivals delight residents and guests of Paris, Bruges, Turin, Hershey (USA), London, Toledo, Amsterdam, Dublin.

During such festivals, in addition to tasting all sorts of varieties and types of chocolate, you can stay in a chocolate hotel, visit a chocolate spa and walk through a chocolate park.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate your friends confectioners, artists who develop chocolate wrappers, sweet tooth and all chocolate lovers.

World Chocolate Day is a great occasion to have a chocolate party and give each other "sweet gifts".

divine drink

Chocolate is an ancient drink - it appeared about three thousand years ago in the form of a hot drink made from cocoa beans. It was first prepared by the Olmec Indians, who once lived on the territory of modern Mexico.

In the future, this tradition became part of the Mayan culture, who called the drink divine. The Maya ground roasted beans and mixed them with water, added special spices (in particular, pepper) and consumed the drink cold. Only the elite could drink the drink, since it was considered sacred - the Mayans prayed and made sacrifices to the cocoa god Ek Chuah.

A pot of flowers made of chocolateIn the 12th-14th centuries, the Aztec state existed on the territory of modern Mexico. Having conquered neighboring tribes, the Aztecs exacted tribute from them, which included cocoa beans used to make a drink, as well as a bargaining chip.

According to legend, the Aztec leader Montezuma was so fond of a drink made from the fruits of a cocoa tree that he drank 50 small cups of this drink daily. The ancient Indians called the drink chocolatl (from choco - “foam” and latl - “water”), from where modern name goodies.

And they served chocolatl in golden glasses, decorated with precious stones.

Chocolate appeared in Europe only in the 16th century - the recipe was brought by the Spaniards in 1527, who were the first to appreciate this drink. The Spaniards believed that chocolate not only strengthens strength, but also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

The work of the confectionery factory They changed the recipe - they added sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, which made the chocolate more delicious. The ruling nobility immediately introduced huge taxes on cocoa beans, so only the elite could afford the divine drink in Spain, that is, those who were able to pay for chocolate.

France learned the taste of chocolate in 1615, thanks to the marriage concluded between Louis XIII with the Spanish Infanta Anna of Austria. A fashionable drink, which was drunk in all aristocratic houses and expensive coffee houses, gradually conquered all of Europe. It was expensive pleasure which only the rich and noble could afford.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was consumed exclusively in liquid form - the world's first bar of solid chocolate was created by the Swiss Francois Louis Caille in 1819.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century, chocolate began to be produced in large volumes, and it became available to the general population. Today, chocolate is a delicacy without which many inhabitants of our planet cannot imagine their lives.

About the benefits of chocolate

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also very healthy. It has elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery, as established by modern science.

Studies have proven that dark chocolate is much healthier than milk, white and other varieties.

The model demonstrates a dress made of chocolateDark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - happiness hormones that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone.

German scientists suggest that the flavonoids found in chocolate absorb ultraviolet radiation, thereby helping to protect the skin and increase blood flow, which ultimately improves its appearance.

Research has also found that dark chocolate helps improve vision in countries with poor eyesight. weather conditions, and contributes to the reduction blood pressure, the decline of which has a good effect on maintaining proper cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity and platelet function.

Chocolate is rich nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories, which naturally cannot contribute to weight loss. At the same time, chocolate dulls the feeling of hunger - it is enough to eat 10 grams of dark chocolate to make hunger disappear.

Chocolate lovers live longer. Eating chocolate regularly can add a year to life - a study proving this has been going on for more than 60 years.

"Fights of the Amazons" in chocolate in Minsk There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an "anti-cancer" effect and is able to slow down the aging process.

Chocolate is good for the heart. People who regularly consume chocolate have a 37% lower risk of heart disease.

Chocolate reduces the risk of heart attacks in men by 17% - scientists made this conclusion after an experiment in which men ate 63 grams of chocolate per week for 10 years.

Italian scientists have proven that people who eat a lot of chocolate are less likely to suffer from dementia in old age.

In addition to a beneficial effect on the body, as they say, from the inside, chocolate has a unique effect on human skin, and therefore it is used in many beauty salons as anti-aging masks and body wraps.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

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