What is the modern name for the venomous snake echidna. E - echidna snake

Tourism and rest 25.08.2019
Tourism and rest

One of the most dangerous poisonous snakes in the world is recognized as the Australian black echidna or, as it is called locals, black snake. Despite the fact that the bite of a reptile does not entail instant death, experts still advise staying as far away from it as possible. What does an echidna look like and whether its poison is dangerous for humans, let's figure it out.

Appearance and dimensions

The black echidna or, as it is called in Australia, the black snake, is a prominent member of the Aspid family. Representatives of this species are considered one of the largest among snakes:

  • adults can reach a length of up to three meters. On average, they grow from 1.5 m to 2 m;
  • the body of the snake is quite massive, wide, but at the same time slender and flexible;
  • the head is relatively small, short, slightly elongated, in the upper part it has a bluish-black tint, which has an unusual brilliance and radiance;
  • on the nose and near the eyes there are spots of light brown color;
  • the tail is long and flexible;
  • the whole body of the reptile is covered with small smooth scales, on which the same brilliant dark bluish color flaunts;
  • below it is painted in a noble red color.

On the upper jaw of the echidna, you can see a pair of poisonous teeth, which differ from the rest in their large size. In the middle of the teeth there is a channel through which the poison passes, and the teeth themselves are slightly bent in the middle.

Most often, the snake uses only one poisonous tooth, the second serves as a spare, in case the first “does not work”. In addition to poisonous fangs, the reptile has many small non-poisonous teeth necessary to capture the victim.

Did you know? Until recently, almost all poisonous snakes were called echidnas, in particular, and common viper. Only from the middle of the 19th century did the black echidna receive official status.

Poisonous or not

The bite of a black echidna can in some cases be fatal to human health. In terms of the amount of poison released, this reptile occupies one of the leading places. Its poison is a strong neurotoxic substance that provokes protein coagulation in the human body. When attacking, the echidna extends its head to a length of 15-20 cm, tilts the front of the body and instantly bites.
Despite the fact that many cases of bites by this reptile have been recorded, deaths are quite rare. The thing is that during a human bite, it releases much less toxic substance than when hunting or killing an animal.

Important! The black echidna poses a particular danger because of its habit of sitting motionless at the bottom of the reservoir. But at the same time, she attacks first only in case of defense, when she is shown aggression or when she was simply stepped on.

Range, habitat

The only regions where the black echidna can be found are Australia and the island of New Guinea. The reptile prefers to settle in low-lying damp areas, near reservoirs, swamps and rivers. Echidna is an excellent swimmer and diver, loves to spend time under water, without additional inhalation of oxygen.

Lifestyle and diet

Echidna is most active in the daytime, when water bodies warm up to a comfortable temperature for it. She swims and dives for a long time, loves to soak up the sun. If she does not hunt and does not sunbathe, then she can hide under stones or in her own hole.

Did you know? black snake can be under water without air for more than one hour.

The favorite delicacy of the snake are small vertebrates, in particular, frogs. Their reptile can absorb in large volumes, sometimes "diluting" the menu with insects and lizards. Often other snakes are present in the diet, including "relatives". Juveniles prefer to feed on insects or small mammals.
After the ag - poisonous toads, the number of reptiles has declined sharply. However, today there is a tendency to increase the population, this is due to the fact that the snakes have managed to "revise" their diet, and toads prefer small rodents. At home, the black echidna is fed with frogs, mice and rats.


The black snake belongs to the category of viviparous. Inside the female are eggs in which the cubs that feed on egg yolk develop. Shortly before the biological process of childbirth, small snakes hatch from eggs and exit through the genital tract. The egg shell is absorbed in the same place - in the genital tract.

It should be noted that this type of reptile is extremely prolific. At one time, from 8 to 40 babies with a length of 15 to 22 cm can be born. However, the mortality rate of cubs is also high, and by the beginning of puberty there are few of them left.
The natural mating process of snakes is quite interesting. At this time, the males enter the battle for the right to "ownership" of the female. Opponents crawl on top of each other, bend their necks, try to put their head on top of the opponent's head. If one of them manages to do this, then he wraps his whole body around the body of another male and begins to squeeze.

Important! During such peculiar tournament fights, snakes never bite each other.

The second participant does the same. Such mutual squeezing of the bodies lasts about a minute, then the snakes crawl away for a while to rest.

Next comes the second stage of the battle. This continues until one of the males is completely exhausted. The reason for such battles is, firstly, sexual arousal, and secondly, the division of "their" territory.
The black echidna is on the list of the most venomous snakes in the world, but it rarely shows aggression towards humans. But even in case of a bite, after providing timely medical care, the percentage lethal outcome reduces to almost zero.

September 12th, 2015

Original taken from rodom_iz_tiflis in Biblical Genetics. Echidna offspring.

Preliminary remarks.

All of the following is the result of my thoughts, inspired by discussions on the Internet. Thoughts and judgments can be completely wrong, like any person, but I have the right to think in this way. In no case do I aim to somehow offend the feelings of believers or impose my opinion, but I set myself the task of understanding what the Bible actually tells.

The first book of the Bible tells about the genetic experiments that resulted in the creation of Adam, and is called so: "Genesis" in the sense of "genesis", although in Russian editions it is traditionally incorrectly translated as "Genesis".

Michelangelo, "The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise"

God creates man immediately bisexual in the first chapter of "Genesis" (the book "Genesis").

upd: Bisexual - I mean male and female, as it is written:

These are normal people who freely and without problems multiply and inhabit the entire Earth. Further narrative about them is interrupted and the Bible immediately passes to the second act of creation.

Omitting the details, I will clarify that not God, but a certain Lord God creates a clone of a person in a repeated act of creation in a laboratory called Eden.

And again, the Russian translation is cunning, since in the original the Lord God sounds in the plural - Elohim (translated as "Gods"). That is, Adam was created as a result of genetic cloning, and not by God, but by the creative team of the Elohim. Later, Eve was created from the genetic material of Adam. .

upd: Adam for a long time was alone in Eden. Moreover, he, being alone, without Eve, even received a commandment - not to eat. the Forbidden fruit! I wonder what would have happened if he had eaten this fruit before Eve was created?

Who were Adam and Eve created in the genetic experiment?
The Bible gives a clear answer, in black and white, if you only read what is written, and not ridiculous interpretations:

Both Adam and Eve were NAGs, that is, beings with hybrid, human and snake genetics.

Adam's first wife
The fact that the first wife of Adam was not Eve at all, but the serpentine Lilith is well known from apocryphal literature and images. Michelangelo, who depicted Moses as horned, in the scene of the fall of the serpent depicted with two tails in the form of a snake-maiden (see image above). There are many other depictions of Lilith as a naked woman with obvious signs of a reptilian lower body.

Apparently, Adam could not create viable offspring with Lilith due to genetic incompatibility. The first genetic experiment was a failure.

However, Lilith did not disappear from Eden at all and became widely known under other names. For example - Melusina. I recommend a great post about the legend of Melusine, which became the ancestor of royal dynasties. According to legend, Melusina was the niece of King Arthur.

Discovery of Melusina's secret. Hillebert de Metz, c. 1410.
French National Library

In other sources, Lilith-Melusina is called Echidna, who was depicted as a woman with a beautiful face and a spotted snake body, combining beauty and a ferocious character. There are other names for this kind of creatures: folk legends of southern France (Provence and Languedoc) talk about a scary monster voivre(or fiery snake) which “from the waist down, the image of a man is like a girl, and from the waist down, the image of crocodiles is immat”

Let's remember two things about Lilith:
- one of her names is Echidna, who is depicted with pronounced naked breasts and a serpentine lower part;
- another of her names is Melusina, who, according to legend, was the niece of King Arthur.

Features of Biblical reproduction
In the Bible, there is more than once a direct mention that a man gave birth to a man.
Here is an example from the first book Old Testament, all the same Genesis:

And here is the very beginning of the New Testament, the gospel of Matthew:

All these male births of males are extremely embarrassing for pure minds reading the Bible for the first time. Interpreters have their own answers, which are neither convincing nor transparent.

Recall, however, that all of the listed "men" are descendants of that genetically bred naga Adam, with a mixed reptilian genotype. Reptiles have a unique property - their sex changes depending on external conditions, for example, temperature.

In this section, it becomes quite clear how Abraham could give birth to Isaac, Isaac - Jacob, and that - a whole set of boys. Only not one "but" - reptiles lay eggs, with the exception of some exceptions in the form of viviparous lizards.

It is interesting that Jesus more than once called his relatives snakes and offspring of vipers:

That is, if you listen exactly to the words of Jesus and perceive them as they are, he openly called the descendants of Adam snakes and the offspring of Lilith-Echidna. Jesus knew about their genetics, unlike us.

There is a funny animal, which is also called an echidna:

A unique feature of this animal, which lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, is that, being a mammal, it lays soft, leathery eggs, which it then carries out in a bag. ( dmitrijan Well, who would have thought! :) That is, the animal, like Lilith-Melusina-Echidna, combines the intermediate genetics of a mammal and an egg-laying one.

What, besides genetics, could Jesus mean when he called his relatives not just vipers, but GENERATIONS of vipers? The interpretations of Bible scholars, including John Chrysostom, do not stand up to scrutiny.

the Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary is always depicted in a long skirt, at least on numerous canvases and sculptures that I have seen in many museums in Portugal. Collections of strange skirts are widely represented at Assucareira, for example, at least

I have no clear evidence, except for the inner conviction that the Virgin Mary was of the same tailed tribe as Lilith. Deprived of the opportunity to produce viable offspring on her own, she had to resort to the genetic IVF procedure, which was called "conception from the spirit."

Apparently, this experiment was successful and to some extent took revenge on the unsuccessful experiment in Eden. Jesus became the first viable result of an experiment in crossing creatures a la Lilith and the human genotype. That is why Jesus often referred to himself as "the son of man."

Representatives of other laboratories fled to the successes of biblical genetics. Nothing else can explain such interest in the baby. See how closely the result of a successful experiment is studied. And other geneticists stand in line with vessels for gene material. And do not assure that these are such toys for a baby or valuable gifts for his mother. Better pay attention to the proportions of the lower body of the mother of Jesus.

As a result of the experiment, the possibility of natural crossing of the genetics of the original people and hybrids from the second chapter of "Genesis", the descendants of Adam, was obtained. All noble families went through such genetics, in some places mythologized, as in the case of King Arthur or Melusina.

So what is the holy grail with the blood of Jesus that gives immortality in this case? This is a vessel with genetic material, which allows to have viable offspring in the conditions of the Earth for Lilith-like creatures. Call them reptilians, if you like, although the term is already worn out to holes.
The birth of Jesus as a result of IVF gave the reptilians the opportunity to give birth to viable offspring from a woman, and not to breed from man to man, like lizards and snakes or the offspring of vipers. Isn't this the story of King Arthur, the uncle of Melusina-Echidna, who was so looking for the Holy Grail?

son of man
Jesus, perhaps, is a collective image. I don't like to think it all comes down to genetics alone. But still, in conclusion, we will consider a few more paintings that I happened to see together with Assucareira in one of the little-known Portuguese museums, I don’t even remember which one.

The painting depicts the capture of Jesus. The codpiece of the right soldier, a Roman, stands out brightly, as if giving a hint about the artist's intention.
Right in the middle of the composition, a soldier makes an obscene gesture, checking if Jesus has a male organ. This does not look like a mockery, but rather an authentication before the captivity, as if by the presence of an organ it was possible to reliably determine that it was Jesus. That is, it turns out - before Jesus, the reproduction of the descendants of Adam took place in a completely different way, which is impossible to imagine today?

Perhaps, indeed, Jesus was New Testament, a New Era for them, the descendants of Adam, hybrids crossed with people, who received the opportunity to multiply and thus prolong their race? Maybe the Son of Man sowed a completely different seed, as a "tribal" producer?

He knows about the details of Biblical genetics, but John the Christ is silent, holding a vessel with a snake in his hands.

Understanding that around us are the same looking, but completely different internal beings is the most important step in protecting our primordial rights and interests.

The Black Echidna or Black Australian Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) is a venomous snake belonging to the genus Black snakes of the Aspid family.

Description of the species

The length of an adult individual reaches 1.5-2 m. The head is elongated, short. The body is broad-shouldered, slender. The color of the black echidna is very unusual - black top, red bottom. You must admit that it would be at least scary to meet such an unusual snake. However, for food, she uses only frogs.


Prefer moderately wet places in lowlands, river valleys. Active mainly at night. Excellent swimmers and dives.


The black echidna eats frogs, lizards and snakes. Juveniles usually feed on insects and other invertebrates.


If an individual is in danger or something irritates her, then she slightly spreads her ribs in the neck area, flattens and expands it. If you disturb the snake, make it angry, then it opens its mouth wide. So she warns the stranger, it's just a scare. Combat between two males is often observed. They raise their heads, bend their necks and begin to attack the enemy, trying to cover his head with their heads. When one of the opponents does this, he wraps himself around the opponent's torso with a very sharp movement. Emitting a furious hiss and writhing opponents are trying to crush each other. As if on a signal, they stop the fight and crawl to the sides to prepare for the next duel. Each such "round" lasts a minute and repeats all this until the opponents are completely exhausted. The snakes are sometimes so carried away by this tournament that they do not let go of each other even when they are lifted from the ground. The reasons for fights are territorial instincts and sexual arousal. It is worth noting that during the fight, the males do not bite each other.

The black echidna or Australian black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) is a venomous snake from the genus Black snakes of the Aspid family. It is included in the list of the most poisonous snakes in the tropical zone and is recognized as one of the most dangerous in the world. The Australians simply refer to it as the "black snake". This species is distributed near rivers and swamps throughout Eastern and Southern Australia, as well as on the island of New Guinea. You will not meet a black snake only in the north of the country and on the island of Tasmania. It lives in moderately humid lowlands and along river valleys, willingly comes into contact with water, dives and swims well. Can spend about an hour under water without air. The peak of activity is observed in the daytime, when the water in the reservoirs warms up well. It feeds on lizards, snakes and frogs. Young black snakes prefer insects and other small invertebrates. Mice are well eaten in captivity.

The total length of an adult reaches 1.5 - 2 m. The glossy bluish-black color of the back of the snake is effectively combined with the red, dark red or pinkish color of the belly with a characteristic black border. Her scales are symmetrical and smooth. The body is stocky, slender. The head of representatives of this species is elongated, small, covered with brown spots, which can be located on the nose or near the eyes.

The venomous teeth of a black snake are located in front of the upper jawbones. They are much larger than the rest of the teeth, bent inward and provided with a poisonous channel. Usually only one of these teeth functions, the second is a "spare" - in case the first is lost. In addition to fangs, the upper jaw has small teeth. When a black echidna suspects danger, it stretches its neck high above the ground (10-20 cm), tilts the front of the body forward and strikes. The black snake is especially dangerous for swimmers because of its habit of resting motionless at the bottom of the river, not showing any signs of life. She will attack only if they try to catch her, step on her, or show open aggression. Death from the bite of this snake is quite rare, despite the fact that in Australia it is much more people bitten by the black echidna than by other snakes. And the thing is that the poison produced in large quantities does not strong action due to the fact that when defending, the snake emits less poison than when hunting.

In case of danger or irritation, the black echidna spreads the cervical ribs to the sides, flattening and expanding the neck. Very often, males of this species enter into battle with each other. Raising their heads and bending their necks, they attack each other, while trying to cover the opponent's head with their head. When one of the opponents manages to do this, he abruptly wraps his body around the opponent's torso. Furiously hissing and wriggling, both males squeeze each other. After that, as if on cue, they stop fighting and disperse to prepare for the next fight. Each such “round” lasts about a minute, and is repeated until the fighters are completely exhausted. Sometimes black snakes are so passionate about tournament martial arts that they do not unravel even if you intervene and pick them up from the ground. main reason such fights are the territorial instinct and the excitement associated with the mating season. An interesting fact is that during the duel the opponents do not bite each other.

Battle of black snakes:

Black echidna, like other asps, belongs to ovoviviparous snakes. She gives birth to already formed and viable cubs. Black snake eggs develop in the mother's body, and not in a pile of dry leaves or moss, as in most snakes. The female can give birth to 8 to 40 babies with a length of 15 to 22 cm, however, due to the high natural mortality in wild nature very few individuals survive to adulthood. As for keeping black snakes in an artificial environment, great care is required here, given its toxicity. To create comfortable and favorable conditions, Australian asps need a terrarium in which the temperature index will range from 22 to 28 degrees. It should have shelters in the form of wooden houses or grottoes that create a darkened area, and bedding made of large wood shavings. To maintain a comfortable air humidity, it is necessary to spray water in the terrarium three times a week. You can feed snakes with young rats, mice and frogs. When feeding frogs, it is important to pay attention to the place of capture, species and their general condition, since snakes are sensitive to toxins that may be in the body of a frog.

Synonyms and names in other languages

black snake

red-bellied black snake

Rotbäuchige Schwarzotter, rotbauchschwarzotter (German)


Detachment- Scaly (Scuamata).

Family- Asps (Elapinae).

Genus- Black snakes (Pseudechis).

View- Black echidna (Pseudechis porphyriacus).

The black echidna lives in Australia, in its southern and eastern parts, as well as on the islands of New Guinea.

Prefers to settle near water, especially loves rivers and swamps. The black echidna is an excellent swimmer and diver; it can spend a long time, up to 1 hour, under water without additional inhalation of air.

It develops the greatest activity during the daytime, when the water warms up well.


The size black echidna 1.5 - 2 meters. There are individuals up to 3 meters long, this is one of the largest poisonous snakes in the world.

The body and head are painted a brilliant black, the underside of the body is pink to bright pink. The body is slender with smooth scales, thin. The head is small and narrow. The venomous teeth are large, paired. Located in the anterior part of the shortened maxillary bones, they are noticeably larger than the rest of the teeth, bent backwards and equipped with a poisonous canal. Poisonous teeth are fixed motionless, this is a primitive sign. The hollow poison-conducting canal in asps originated from a groove on the front surface of the tooth by gradually closing its edges. Usually only one of the poisonous teeth functions, the second is a "substitute" in case of loss of the first.

In addition to fangs, there are small non-venomous teeth in the upper jaw.


The black echidna swims and dives well, can spend up to one hour under water. Active during the day. Aggression towards a person is shown only as a last resort.

Included in the list of the seven most poisonous snakes on the planet.

In case of danger, the snake stretches its neck above the ground to a height of 10 - 20 cm, tilts the front of the body and bites. Hunts from ambush, sitting motionless, often in the water.

Terrarium for a black echidna, it must be arranged in a certain way. It's connected with great danger keeping the snake. It should have a shelter for the snake, which must be securely closed when outside the terrarium - this will ensure the safety of the person during the cleaning of the terrarium. The best solution would be a two-section terrarium. Terrarium is better horizontal type, size 100x50x60 cm. Bottom covering - a thick layer of coconut chips, driftwood for climbing. A drinking bowl is required, the water in it must be changed daily. Moss-sfangum should be placed in one of the corners of the terrarium, it should be constantly wet, the snake will burrow there.

Air temperature 22 - 24°C at night, 25 - 27°C during the day. It is better to heat a terrarium with a echidna with a thermal mat.

Humidityair high, about 70%. Daily spraying is required.

Lighting permanent, fluorescent lamps. This is necessary for safety, as snakes see better than humans in the dark.


In nature, the main diet of the black echidna is made up of small vertebrates, mainly frogs.
Juveniles prefer to eat insects and other invertebrates, reptiles, and small mammals. They may also eat snakes, including those of their own kind. After the artificial introduction of ag toads, covered with poisonous mucus, into the Australian ecosystem, a significant part of the population of many poisonous snakes died. However, recent times there is a significant increase in the number of these snakes, this happened due to the fact that black echidnas changed their priorities in nutrition and began to give preference to rodents in nutrition.

In a terrarium, the main food of the black echidna is small rodents - mice and rats.

It is better to feed twice a week, mineral and vitamin supplements should be added to food.


Very poisonous and dangerous to humans.

The poison is neurotoxic, causing protein coagulation in the human body.

If danger is suspected, this snake stretches its neck above the ground to a height of 10-20 cm, and tilts the front of the body and at this time inflicts a bite. Her bite can potentially be fatal to humans, as she is almost the champion in the amount of poison released and produced. The neurotoxic poison secreted by it is capable of causing the coagulation of proteins in the body. The black echidna is especially dangerous for swimmers because of its manner of lying motionless at the bottom of the river, showing no signs of life.

Refusal of food can be caused by stress, an unsuitable prey item, a new prey item, an atypical prey item for the species, or the snake is simply not hungry. Do not immediately force-feed the snake, because they can live long enough without food without harm to health. You should start to worry if the snake has not eaten for several months. Then you need to analyze the conditions of detention and the diet of the snake before the problem starts. As a last resort, you can artificially feed the snake, but this is recommended - too dangerous.

regurgitation can occur due to stress, illness, too much prey, feeding during molting, temperature regime. After regurgitation, you should not feed the snake for 7 - 10 days, then you should feed the snake again, taking into account the error analysis.

Moult - it is not a disease, but a necessary stage in the growth of the snake. At the same time, the eyes of the snake become cloudy, the color brightens, and the skin begins to peel off. During this period, you should monitor the humidity in the terrarium and the presence of a reservoir.

Respiratory infections- they are usually caused by opportunistic bacteria in case of a decrease in the snake's immunity as a result of stress due to improper keeping conditions. Symptoms are labored breathing, open mouth, nasal discharge. It is treated with an antibiotic - baytril, in injections.


An ovoviviparous species, that is, eggs are formed in the body of a snake and there, shortly before the “birth”, young snakes hatch, and the shell dissolves in the genital tract of the female.

Very prolific, produces from 8 to 40 cubs ranging in size from 5 to 22 cm in length. Rarely breeds in a terrarium.

In nature, during the mating season, the males of this species of snakes enter into tournament fights among themselves for the female. They crawl on each other, arching their necks and lifting their heads, and trying to cover the enemy's head with their head. When one of them succeeds, he wraps his body around the opponent's torso with a sharp movement. Wriggling and hissing furiously, they squeeze each other. After a while, they simultaneously stop fighting and crawl away to prepare for the next stage of the struggle. Each of these "stages" lasts about a minute, and they are repeated until the males are completely exhausted. They are so engrossed in the tournament that they may not unravel even if they are lifted from the ground. During the tournament, the snakes do not bite each other. In addition to sexual arousal, the territorial instinct also serves as the cause of such fights.

Lifespan 12 - 15 years old.

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