The fluorescent lamp burst what to do. An energy-saving light bulb has broken: what to do, how dangerous it is to health

Design and interior 26.06.2019
Design and interior

Often, when a lamp is broken, people do not think about the existing danger, because they are not used to the fact that substances hazardous to health can be in the light bulb. The fact is that for a long time incandescent lamps were used in houses, which were distinguished by the simplicity of their work and did not contain any impurities. When they were replaced by fluorescent lamps, the situation changed dramatically. It is important to know the consequences of what will happen if you break a fluorescent lamp.

Harm from fluorescent lamps

The fluorescent lamp contains mercury vapor, which cannot but cause concern. Since the lamp is fragile, there is a chance that you will break it during installation or transportation. In addition to fragments, when the case is broken, mercury vapor comes out. However, here it is required to clarify that this mercury is different from the mercury in the thermometer, which is called free. The lamp contains evaporated mercury, or rather, only its vapor. This is very dangerous, as it can enter through the lungs directly into the body.

Each lamp contains 0.1 - 0.5 grams of mercury. When the case is damaged, the mercury does not convert to the balls that come from a broken thermometer. In the case of a fluorescent light bulb, everything goes into the air. This dose is considered very small to cause significant harm to the body, however, if the body's immunity is weak, then poisoning can occur. According to the classification of substances, mercury belongs to the first class of increased danger.

What kind of poisoning can you get

The most dangerous poisoning is considered to be acute poisoning. AT this case, in human body per a short time a significant amount of mercury vapours. Symptoms of poisoning will occur in the near future and may vary from case to case. It could be:

  1. Abdominal pain;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Vomit;
  4. Diarrhea with blood;
  5. swelling of the gums;
  6. Pneumonia;
  7. Increase in body temperature.

Excessive poisoning can result fatal. However, this is extremely rare, since the light bulb contains too little harmful substance to be poisoned in everyday life. The most severe health hazard comes from broken hot lamps. This is due to the fact that hot steam is the most dangerous.

Next comes chronic poisoning, which can only be obtained with prolonged exposure to vapors. The vapor concentration should be slightly above normal. The duration of exposure can reach up to 1-2 years, after which the central nervous system is affected. Symptoms are characteristic:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Apathy.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Memory deterioration.
  • Trembling in hands and feet.

After this, the next stage of chronic poisoning occurs. This requires a very long time to get the effect of a meager concentration of mercury on the body. This stage of poisoning can appear in industries that are somehow associated with mercury. Of the primary signs, a deterioration in the perception of odors is distinguished, after which the following symptoms will follow:

  1. Prostration.
  2. Drowsiness.
  3. Partial loss of recent events.
  4. Apathy.

What should be done with a broken fluorescent lamp

In a situation with a broken fluorescent lamp, certain rules must be followed:

The first step is to ventilate the room, but you can not make a draft.

It will be good if you have a jar of potassium permanganate, but if there is no potassium permanganate, water will also do. All fragments from a broken lamp are added to the jar and, ideally, are recycled. It is advisable to wear gloves before doing this. The surface must be well cleaned and rinsed.

Processing with chemicals

If possible, the best option would be to process chemicals. The advantage of this method is that any remaining mercury residues have reacted with the chemical. After they react, non-volatile compounds are formed, they will settle in the form of salts and will be easily washed off. To do this, dissolve about 2 grams of potassium permanganate in a liter of water. When it happens in the water chemical reaction, the output will be a solution of potassium permanganate, at a concentration of 0.02. The solution must be treated with all the places where fragments from a light bulb or other broken devices that contain mercury could have been. The applied solution should be left for 6-8 hours, after which it should be washed off with warm water and soap. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times in the following days. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use:

  • Alcoholic solution of 5% iodine.
  • Whiteness or other products containing chlorine.
  • Soap solutions with the addition of soda.

For more professional demercurization services, you can use the services of various companies that specialize in this. Everything will be done very quickly and with all guarantees. The advantage will be that they have different instruments to measure the concentration of mercury.

Recycling a broken lamp

It is best to take a jar with fragments and mercury to a single duty dispatch service from the Ministry of Emergencies. There are several such places in every city. In extreme cases, the fragments are tightly packed and thrown away. There are even firms that are busy recycling mercury thermometers, lamps, etc.

Video about the dangers of broken lamps

Everything in the world is fragile, but as for glass lamps, they are fragile multiple times. And during transportation or installation, they can break or get damaged. If this happens with incandescent lamps, the consequences are not so noticeable. Of course, it’s unpleasant that you have to pick up the pieces, it’s annoying that small financial losses, but these are trifles. And if it crashed Fluorescent Lamp, the situation is much more serious: its glass sealed flask contains mercury vapor, which can cause severe poisoning.

Remember: in the classification of especially harmful substances, mercury is classified as the first hazard class.

What should I do if the fluorescent lamp breaks?

There are a number of rules that must be followed to avoid poisoning:

  • it is necessary to immediately ventilate the room, while the window must be open for at least 15 minutes;
  • put on disposable gloves and, using thick paper, collect everything in a plastic bag;
  • when collecting the smallest residues, use a damp sponge;
  • it is more expedient to start collecting mercury from remote areas, moving to the place where the lamp fell;
  • then you should do wet cleaning of the room, using household chlorine-containing products;
  • all items that you used in the cleaning process should be collected and put in a plastic bag, and then handed over to a specialized company.

In addition, if you broke a fluorescent lamp, you need to take care of the clothes and shoes in which the fragments were cleaned. Place any clothing, shoes, bedspreads, or any other bedding that may have been exposed to mercury in a separate plastic bag and send it in for inspection.

About the benefits and dangers of fluorescent lamps

Whether fluorescent lamps are harmful or beneficial has been debated for a long time. Of course, the presence of mercury in the product raises concerns. But mercury is also present in a home thermometer. And if it breaks, the room should be cleaned in the same way as described earlier. The disadvantages of operation include the characteristic "buzzing" that causes some discomfort and irritation. Yes, and slow switching-on in comparison with incandescent lamps also refers to the disadvantages of the product.

As for the benefits.

  • Fluorescent lamps consume much less electricity, which significantly reduces the cost of its payment.
  • They distribute light evenly.
  • They have a longer service life.
  • Differ in high efficiency.

Modern fluorescent lamps are closer to daylight, they do not have unpleasant shades. There is no evidence that anyone was injured due to the use of fluorescent lighting. The presence of an invisible pulsation associated with unstable voltage, many experts attribute to the disadvantages of "daylight" lighting. But in high-quality lamps from reliable manufacturers, this drawback is minimized. And the light in the new models is as close as possible to warm tones.

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) contain mercury, which can be released into environment if the lamps break. However, the hazards associated with exposure to mercury can be greatly reduced by careful handling and disposal of broken fluorescent lamps.98% of compact fluorescent lamps end up in landfills. This can lead to mercury accumulating in landfills and eventually ending up in soil and waterways.

Compact fluorescent lamps consume less energy and are therefore considered good for the environment. These energy-saving lamps use almost 75% less energy than conventional incandescent lamps, which means that they save a lot of energy. In addition to containing mercury, compact fluorescent lamps can also occasionally emit ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to human skin.

Mercury in CFL

In order for compact fluorescent lamps to emit light, they are filled with mercury. Several other elements have been studied for their ability to replace mercury in CFLs, but none have proven to be as effective as this heavy metal. However, compact fluorescent lamps contain very small amounts, about 4 milligrams each. Some manufacturers have even managed to reduce the mercury content in each such lamp to 1.4 - 2.5 milligrams.

It is really impossible to completely eliminate the potential risks associated with exposure to even small amounts of mercury. However, it should be noted that CFLs release mercury fumes only when broken. In this situation, exposure to this heavy metal occurs over a short period of time. Moreover, there are rules for the proper handling and disposal of broken fluorescent lamps that minimize the risks associated with exposure to mercury.

Traditional incandescent light bulbs do not contain mercury, but generating the amount of electricity required to power them releases more mercury into the environment, ending up in soil and water than is used in CFLs. CFLs, on the other hand, consume less electricity and thus can help reduce overall mercury emissions.

A 13 watt fluorescent lamp requires enough electricity over its 8000 hours of life to release only 1 milligram of mercury. On the other hand, the amount of electricity required to run a 60-watt incandescent lamp over its lifetime results in about 4.4 milligrams of mercury being released into the atmosphere.

CFL and ultraviolet radiation

CFLs have been found to emit ultraviolet radiation. When an electrical current is passed through the mercury vapor, they emit ultraviolet rays, which are then absorbed by the protective layer of phosphorus inside the lamp. However, if there is a crack in the phosphor layer, it allows ultraviolet rays to penetrate to the outside. One study by Miriam Rafailovich, PhD, professor of materials science and engineering and director of the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces in Stony Brook, measured the amount of ultraviolet rays emitted by compact fluorescent lamps. The researchers collected lamps from various locations in Suffolk and Nassau counties, and found that almost all of the lamps had damaged phosphor coatings that blocked UVC and UVA rays.

The researchers also studied the effects of released UV rays on human skin cells, including fibroblasts and keratinocytes, and found it to be similar to UV exposure from the sun. However, there is no reason to panic, unless the lamps are used at close range. Under normal use, the ultraviolet rays emitted by CFLs do not usually cause any major problems. However, an optional glass coating can be used to help reduce the risk of exposure to dangerous UV rays. Cracks in the phosphor layer are mainly caused by the spiral shape of fluorescent lamps. Since the phosphor is brittle, twisting and unscrewing such lamps damages the phosphor and allows ultraviolet rays to penetrate.

What to do if you broke the CFL

If your compact fluorescent light bulb breaks, get everyone, including pets, out of the room for about 15 minutes. Open windows to ventilate the room and turn off central heating or air conditioning system. Take cardboard or other thick paper, sticky tape and a sealed container or sealed bag. Gather the pieces of the lamp with cardboard or thick paper. To collect small glass particles and powder, use adhesive tape. Remember to wear protective gloves and do not remove them during the entire cleaning process.

Do not use a vacuum cleaner or broom, as this can introduce mercury to other parts of the house. After collecting all the small and large fragments of CFLs, place them in an airtight container or plastic bag. Be sure to close the lid of the container tightly.

After that, put the plastic bag or sealed container in an outdoor waste bin or other protected place until it can be safely disposed of. Never dispose of CFLs in a regular trash can, even if they are intact. CFLs only release mercury when they break. In this case, you can minimize the risks associated with exposure to mercury by following the instructions above. If you are still concerned about the presence of mercury in CFLs, you can use mercury-free and energy-saving LED light bulbs. If you do use CFLs, be sure to dispose of them properly.

It is caused by the presence of active mercury vapor, which emits an ultraviolet glow under the influence of an arc discharge. The use of such light bulbs is safe for humans, however, if the integrity of the bulb is damaged, there is a possibility of environmental contamination with mercury. In order to avoid getting it into the human body, it is necessary to properly dispose of the broken light bulb itself and neutralize the dangerous active substance.

How to use a light bulb

using a mercury-based light bulb

When used correctly, mercury vapor light bulbs are completely safe for humans and the environment, provided they are in good working order:

  • Initially, you need to choose products from a trusted company that guarantees the quality of its products. A good manufacturer monitors the production of light bulbs at all stages of the process, so they arrive at the point of sale in full working order and with the appropriate certificates and codes.
  • Check the integrity of the light bulbs before screwing them into the fixtures. If a new light bulb has even minor cracks on the bulb, it is better to return it under warranty with the obligatory indication of the reason for the return.
  • Careful handling of the light bulb is the key to the integrity of the bulb with mercury. It is necessary to screw and unscrew it only by holding it by the body, in no case do not apply force to the glass component, because of this, the bulb can crack right in your hands.
  • Periodically check the bulbs for integrity, especially for products that have regularly worked for more than one year.
  • Do not use very tight ceiling lamps and lampshades - energy-saving lamps of more than 10 watts tend to get very hot, which is why in low-quality and defective products the electrical circuit ignites, which will lead to physical damage to the bulb - it can even explode.

What activities are dangerous?

danger when repairing energy-saving lamps

When a light bulb burns out, many people do not want to buy a new one, but try to fix it with their own hands. It often happens that in expensive light bulbs the breakdown is so scanty that it is solved by soldering several capacitors. But it must be remembered that incompetent intervention in the light bulb device can lead to depressurization of the bulb, which contains mercury. This is especially dangerous in the hands, because there is a high probability of getting a toxic substance on the skin and straight into the lungs. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from disassembling the light bulb, but to properly dispose of it and buy a new one, while following the recommendations from the above paragraph.

Danger of a broken fluorescent lamp

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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It is strongly not recommended to apply physical strength to the flask - do not step on it, do not break it on the floor or walls, in no case leave it exposed to thermal effects - in addition to a sharp release of mercury, there is a danger of scattering of fine broken glass in different sides.

What to do if the lamp is still broken

Broken fluorescent lamp, what to do? The main task is to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of mercury vapor. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, which include the collection and neutralization of mercury, the cleaning of broken glass and the elimination of consequences.

broken fluorescent lamp

Room demercurization

This is the name of the process of neutralizing mercury that has entered the environment in the open. It consists of several steps:

  • The contents of the light bulb is a volatile substance that does not turn into balls (as mercury does from Soviet thermometers), and soars in the air. The room where the emergency occurred must be ventilated. The nuance is that the ventilation should go outside, from the room, and not inside the home or office. The longer the room is ventilated, the better, at least 2 hours.
  • If possible, use personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles and a chemical respirator. Not every home has such a set, so be sure to wear rubber or other household waterproof gloves.
  • From a sheet of thick paper (if it is not there, then cardboard will do), make a scoop into which you can collect the fragments and mercury powder of a broken light bulb, it is convenient to do this with a rag if the fragments fell under the cabinet.
  • Collection is preferably carried out with a damp dense cloth. All fragments with mercury residues are moved with a rag to a homemade scoop.
  • The rag, dustpan and collected debris should be placed in a tight white plastic bag and tied tightly. For reliability, one bag can be put into several more bags so that the fragments do not cut the polyethylene (you can also pour the fragments back onto a rag and carefully wrap it before moving it into the bag).

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Important! Do not let the fragments lie on the floor for a long time. The place where the lamp fell and broke should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or any bleach based on active chlorine. If this happened on the carpet, then it must be taken out into the street, gently but carefully shake it out, and leave it to ventilate as much as possible.

How to dispose of collected mercury

The bag must not be disposed of in a trash can or waste container. It must be handed over to the nearest organization that deals with the disposal of mercury. This may be a fire department, a housing office or a private office. For free or for a small fee, they will accept your package, after which the mercury will be neutralized with special chemicals, and the glass will be sent for recycling. These steps will prevent a broken light bulb from polluting the environment with mercury vapor, no matter how much mercury is contained inside.

Quick problem solving

To effectively remove small fragments, you can use stationery tape by gluing sticky strips to the place where the flask was broken. The glue well collects glass, invisible to the human eye due to its small size, and also sticks mercury residues, which increases the assembly quality. Call special service for demercurization is not worth it, because. a small content of mercury will not lead to a global environmental catastrophe.

What to do is prohibited

  • In no case should you collect the fragments with a vacuum cleaner - it will spread the mercury around the room even more, and the filters will be soaked through with its vapors for a long time;
  • also do not turn on the air conditioner and fan;
  • do not use a broom - dry material is well saturated with mercury, and glass fragments can get stuck in the broom itself;
  • do not throw the garbage bag down the drain.

What threatens mercury poisoning

Human exposure to mercury

Mercury belongs to the first class of dangerous substances according to the FCC, therefore it causes a negative reaction of the body even in very small amounts of grams when a person inhales it. It has a cumulative property, that is, biological tissues accumulate mercury in a short time, and it is very difficult to remove it. Symptoms look like typical toxic poisoning:

  • strong temperature;
  • nausea and diarrhea with blood;
  • inflammation of the lungs and gums;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen.

Mercury is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Weak poisoning is manifested by apathy, drowsiness, bad mood and memory disorder. If such symptoms are observed after the disposal of fragments, urgent hospitalization of the victim is necessary, where doctors will prescribe special substances that neutralize the harm of mercury in the body.

Can you get mercury poisoning from a broken light bulb?


Recycling as a second life of a lamp

recycling of fluorescent lamps

Where does the broken light bulb go after the mercury is neutralized? It can serve as a material for a new product, which greatly reduces production costs and saves the environment. This happens when the export broken lamp in special institutions that work under an agreement with manufacturers. Modern production of compact fluorescent lamps is gradually declining due to the difficulty of recycling mercury, so the material will be used to manufacture a new trend in lighting technology - LED lamps.

Recycling of fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps have replaced incandescent lamps for indoor lighting. They have higher luminous efficiency, long service life, economical to use. One of the disadvantages is the fragility of glass - if handled carelessly, the flask turns into fragments. When destroyed, hazardous mercury ions are released.

Mercury vapor has a harmful effect on the environment and human health. The primary goal is to protect against negative impact. First of all, it is necessary to organize measures that reduce the concentration of mercury vapor in the air. For this you should:

  • carry out demercurization or removal of mercury;
  • remove broken glass;
  • clean up the room;
  • dispose of leftovers.


It is useful to remember that fluorescent lamps do not contain liquid mercury, as in a thermometer, but its vapors.

To eliminate the harmful effects of vapors, demercurization is carried out, which means cleaning the room.

Demercurization is organized independently or a specialist is called. For independent actions, you should:

  • ensure fresh air supply for at least 2 hours;
  • use protective equipment: glasses, rubber gloves, gauze bandage;
  • make a scoop out of cardboard, collect small fragments and phosphor powder into it with a wet rag or sponge;
  • prepare a solution of bleach with water or potassium permanganate;
  • do wet cleaning - start from the perimeter and finish in the center of the room;
  • wipe the sole of the shoe with a chlorine solution;
  • hermetically pack a rag, dustpan, gloves and garbage in a bag, take it to a special tank or for disposal;
  • call a specialist to measure the mercury concentration in the room for compliance with the MPC (0.003 mg / cubic meter).

Expert opinion

Izosimov Vladimir Nikolaevich

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At low temperature and "freezing" through widely open window Mercury is slowly removed from the room. It is better to leave it a little ajar.

There are special kits designed for mercury demercurization.

How to dispose of collected mercury

Damaged lamps cannot simply be thrown away. After cleaning the premises, they are disposed of. For this, there are points for the reception of residues of mercury light sources. They can be: fire department, housing department, private organization. Mercury is neutralized in them, and after processing the lamps, new light sources or thermometers are created.

Expert opinion

Izosimov Vladimir Nikolaevich

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Spent mercury and mercury-containing devices are subject to neutralization.

In the absence of such places, the garbage is carefully packed and left in a container. Many manufacturers recycle unusable fluorescent lamps.

Quick problem solving

The rest of the glass will create big problems. To remove them effectively, you can:

  • stick adhesive tape or adhesive tape on the small remnants of the flask, put everything in a bag;
  • finish cleaning with a damp cloth.

    Expert opinion

    Izosimov Vladimir Nikolaevich

    Ask an expert

    There is no need to call a special service to clean the room from mercury vapor if one lamp breaks. This will not create global problems.

What are harmful

Fluorescent lamps, along with advantages, have disadvantages that lead to poor health:

  1. Long-term use of ultraviolet radiation of a light source causes skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, and others.
  2. The stroboscopic effect (blinking), which is accompanied by the glow of the lamp, negatively affects the visual organs - the eyes are watery, fatigue increases, visual acuity decreases, the perception of objects changes. Moving small objects appear to be stationary.
  3. The lack of inertia of the lamps leads to delayed ignition, the muscles of the eyes cannot cope with the rapidly changing load.
  4. The mercury contained in light bulbs has a harmful effect when integrity is violated.
  5. The magnetic radiation of the lamps spreads within a radius of one meter. Prolonged stay in this zone will cause malaise: headache, digestive problems, insomnia.
  6. Impact on the vision of young children. A year of exposure to such a light source will significantly worsen visual acuity.
  7. A decrease in the level of melatonin under the influence of a lamp will lead to improper functioning of all internal organs.
  8. In the luminous flux of a luminescent light source, a part of the spectrum is missing, which negatively affects the visual organs.

ATTENTION! Protective measures do not completely eliminate the harm from luminescent light sources, but only reduce their negative impact.

Expert opinion

Izosimov Vladimir Nikolaevich

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Flicker is eliminated by installing 2 or more lamps in the lamp. This creates a comfortable environment and reduces the negative impact.

What are dangerous for human health: the consequences of a broken light bulb

Mercury in small doses bad influence to the body when inhaled.

Due to the cumulative property, it accumulates in the body in a short time and is not immediately excreted.

As a result, toxic poisoning occurs:

  • the temperature rises;
  • there is nausea and diarrhea with blood;
  • the lungs and mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed;
  • there are pains in the abdomen.

In pregnant women, the symptoms will depend on the severity of the poisoning. With a weak poisoning will appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • indifference;
  • Bad mood;
  • weakening of memory.

If such signs are found after disposal, medical attention should be sought.

What hazard class do they belong to?

Mercury belongs to the group chemical substances first degree toxicity. It pollutes the environment, industrial raw materials, food. Even small concentrations are hazardous to health. The order of work and waste disposal is carried out in accordance with SanPiN 4607-88.

Fluorescent lamps are hazard class 1 waste. Self-disposal of them is undesirable.

What to do is prohibited

During waste collection it is strictly prohibited:

  1. Throw away the remains of a broken lamp in places for household waste: container, trash can.
  2. Use for mercury demercurization soda-soap solution or iodine. The products are effective for liquid mercury, which is not found in fluorescent lamps.
  3. Collect debris with a vacuum cleaner. A vapor-soaked filter cannot be used.
  4. Use brooms, brushes and scoops. Items will be impregnated with vapors and destroyed.

For public places where a person is not permanently located, fluorescent lamps are suitable for use. For an apartment or house, this will not be the best option. The advantages of these devices do not compensate for the harm caused to a person.

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