Recipes for lowering ping in cs 1.6. Solves the problem with high ping

Recipes 13.08.2020

Many players have encountered such a problem as high ping. This is a common problem among owners of a weak Internet connection. And many are looking for ways to lower their ping for a comfortable game of cs go.

Reasons for high ping in CS GO:

To understand how to lower the ping, for starters, you need to figure out what the Internet can pull, which is why the ping rises.

  1. Viruses and malware that steal your internet and steal your computer's resources, which interferes with normal CS:GO gameplay;
  2. Other programs that load the Internet and the computer;
  3. Instability of data exchange with the game server;
  4. Problems with the Internet provider.

To understand the problem as much as possible, let's consider all the options. First of all, we will consider such a problem as malware on a computer. Such malware can take over the Internet. They download viruses from malicious Internet sites onto your computer, clog your computer, and use your Internet. To fix this problem, you need to clean your computer with a licensed antivirus program.

Next on the list, we are disabling other programs that pull the Internet and download processes. Basically, these are the same two programs. Skype and Torrent. They are often open in the background and use an internet connection. The best way turn them off, it's the task manager to do it permanently, because the standard click on the cross will not disable them permanently. Press button combination ctrl+alt+delete, there select processes, and disable all unnecessary programs. Most importantly, look at the root folder so as not to disable what you do not need to disable, be careful with this!

The third problem on our list is the distance from the server. If your computer is located at a very large distance from the server, then regardless of the speed, your ping will be large. There is nothing you can do about it other than changing the server. It is advisable to select servers that are located in your country, this will greatly simplify your task of lowering the ping.

Problems with the Internet provider and the use of commands in CS:GO:

In the fourth part of our list, a problem that can be solved in one day is unlikely to succeed. You can try to call the operator, but most likely you will have to change the provider if this is the case. In the meantime, we will provide you with several console programs that will help you a little in improving the comfort of the gameplay.

  • cl_updaterate **(where ** is the number of packets that the server sends to you in one second). Do not invent anything, you can set the value 100 , to ensure optimal data transmission.
  • fps_max- mostly put 300 , but if you have a weak computer, then it is better to set the value 100 .
  • fps_modern- set value 28 .

Each modern child, living video games, and an adult too, must have repeatedly come across such a concept as “ping”. It is also an integral part of the computer networks being established by the master. Next, consider in more detail what this concept means and how to reduce ping in order to optimize the gaming process or network performance.

What is ping and how to check it

Ping is the time interval during which one information packet is transmitted from the client to the server and returned. Associating this process with real life, we can say that ping is like the time spent on the transition from home to the store and back. The store is the server and the person is the client. The unit of measure is millisecond (ms).

To determine the Windows OS ping, it is enough to enter the command line by entering the cmd command in the Run menu, which is called by the WIN + R key combination, or the Start menu search bar.

Then, you need to enter the “ping” command and, separated by a space, specify the address of the remote machine / site, the connection to which will be checked.

As you can see in the screenshot, the basic information allows you to see the average value and determine the presence of its sharp changes with a poor connection.

How to reduce ping - actual ways

There are a number of basic actions during which the user may come up with the idea that the ping value should be reduced in relation to the connection to a particular server / site. Of course, this is necessary when we are talking about playing online video games, where it greatly influences how the player's battle progresses. It may also be required when setting up an entire computer network, where you simply cannot do without a high-quality connection.

If it is excessively high or constantly "jumps" in relation to any of the directions of the client connection to the server, then the problem may be as follows:

  • Bad internet connection. It is corrected as follows: the method of connecting to the network changes (the modem changes to a direct cable connection or another), the provider changes if the low-quality connection is its flaw, the tariff is updated to increase the bandwidth allocated to the channel client.
  • Outdated network card driver. Everything is quite simple - it must be updated by downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer's website or any other thematic resource.
  • Viruses, autoload list, loaders. All of the above may have negative impact on network speed. Naturally, the system needs to be cleaned of viruses, the autoload list needs to be adjusted, leaving only the necessary, loaders should be disabled at the time of the game or any other actions related to connecting to a specific server. The latter is especially true for torrent clients, which, when downloading, can "clog" the entire Internet channel allocated to the user.

You can also make certain changes to the system registry, but you should do it with caution, remembering that the consequences of the actions performed with the registry are sometimes quite difficult to fix.

Having launched the registry with the “regedit” command entered in the same paragraphs as for the command line, you must do the following:

Non-existent parameters can be created, but, again, we remind you that it is better to entrust such changes to a specialist who feels confident when setting up system registry configurations. All these actions will help reduce, but be careful.

How to reduce ping on the modem

People who use 3G modems to connect to the Internet are a separate category of users. The problem with working with such equipment is that they pick up the signal from mobile towers of various operators, but this signal itself can be blocked by anything. All actions to improve the operation of the 3G modem and reduce ping require an increase in the power of the device itself.

Experienced players and experts in working with such devices recommend the following ways to amplify the signal:

Each of these actions will positively affect the speed of the Internet and significantly reduce ping. You can check the connection level through the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) application, which, after downloading and running, will determine the connected modem (maybe not the first time), and then give the signal quality value in dbm units. Dynamic reading of information in real time with a delay of 5-30 seconds will allow you to determine the best place to house the modem.

How to reduce ping in games

Finally, we come to the most important stage, since the reduction in online games worries users the most, because poor Internet connection and other defects affect their success in battles. Let's consider making the necessary settings using the example of two very popular games: World Of Tanks and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to reduce ping in CS:GO

When playing CS GO, you can change the ping by all the means described above, as well as by correctly making changes to the launch parameters. To do this, you need to enter the library of games of the STEAM platform and select CS GO in it. Further actions are shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, click "Set launch options" and in the line that appears, enter the values ​​shown in the screenshot.

Also, in order to launch the competitive mode, it is recommended for the player to indicate the optimal ping to the game so that it does not select a server for him more than a certain bar, if this, of course, is possible. To do this, in the menu "Settings" - "Game Options", you must set the slider to the minimum value.

How to reduce ping in World Of Tanks

A feature of World Of Tanks is that the game is played on a large number of servers, each of which is located regionally in different places. Below is the geographical location of the main servers from the Russian cluster of the game.

You can control it by installing a special game modification or software, such as WOT Pinger.

With the help of this software, you can track the most optimal servers for the game and use them exclusively.

Thus, we can conclude that ping has a significant impact on the performance of certain servers/sites. To reduce it, you can use any of the above methods. You can also contact specialists who will make the necessary settings for the system and specific applications, significantly speeding up the computer / laptop. It is recommended to order the same setting from the provider, where the user will be able to tell what high-speed Internet access tariff will be much more profitable for him.

A large ping in cs go is a serious headache for those who have it. Yes, not everyone is faced with this problem, but if it hurts you, it will not give you rest until you fix it. Reducing ping is not as easy as it might seem, but we will still try to consider the most popular ways to do this. Go.

Why does ping jump in cs go

The topic of improving ping is as eternal as it is counter Strike. All of us are unhappy with why he bothers us so much in this and other games. Those users who play at a low level do not care much about parameters like ping, loss, etc.

They just set the video resolution that is convenient for them, set up their mouse, keyboard layout, and they don’t need anything else. When a person is already gaining experience, he begins to notice that the game slows down for some reason, which causes considerable discomfort.

He starts to figure out what's the matter and sees that he has a high ping and understands that something needs to be done about it. With an increased value of this parameter, the picture seems to lag behind you, and because of this, it becomes impossible to normally aim at players.

As a rule, unstable ping is associated with the Internet. Perhaps your speed is too low or you are very far from the servers in the cs. But this is not always the only reason, and we can still do something.

What to do with high ping

Ping is an indicator that is directly proportional to the server, and we cannot directly influence this parameter. We can only partially reduce it. There is no such console command, which would allow us to get rid of the ping in no time. We can only limit the search for servers where our rate will be very high.

Let's start with this. Open the console and write the following command:

mm_dedicated_search_maxping 70

This command tells you to find a server where your score doesn't go over 70. If you set it too low, you may never find a game at all, so 70 is optimal.

The second command is for those who have good internet, but still trouble with ping. If your internet is over 10 megabits/sec:

It is not 100% proven that this works, but it will not be superfluous either.

Why do we need loss and choke

The next point to pay attention to is loss and choke. Loss - these are the packets that we could not accept from the server for some reason, i.e. the problem is on our side. This is our provider, computer, network card, etc. Chokes are server side issues.

If your loss is greater than zero, then to reduce the jumps, try the following command:

cl_updaterate 111

Instead of 111, you just need to decrease the value that you have by default. Those. if your default is 111, then try setting it to 100, etc.

If your choke jumps, then you need to play around with this:

The principle is the same - we decrease the default value.

That's all for me. In this way, you can try to fix the ping, but you will already check in practice whether it works or not. See you in the next articles.

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It is impossible to play Counter Strike 1.6 with bad ping. In scientific terms, this term means time in milliseconds. During these milliseconds, the PC manages to transfer information to the game server, and the server to your computer. Russian gamers call ping "latency". The greater the delay in the exchange of information, the more problematic it is to win rounds, since we will see changes on the server later than other players. In the case of bots, there is no ping as such, since there is no exchange of information. But if you play on servers, then you definitely need to take care of a stable ping and lower it if you have it high.

What gives low and high ping?

  • Due to the low ping, your reaction will increase, because if any change occurs on the server, you will immediately see it. It will also increase the accuracy of shooting, since there will be no delay at all, because of which you will be able to aim accurately.
  • High ping is the inability to react to the enemy in time, to shoot in a timely manner, and even more so to aim accurately. In principle, it is impossible to play with high Ping, since the “picture” of the game will freeze stably.

In some cases, you don’t even need to look for the cause of a large ping, since it may lie in a bad CS build. We recommend you, on which hundreds of gamers play stably and they are guaranteed not to have problems with Ping. All thanks to the perfectly tuned configuration in the game, which is key point for those users who play strictly on servers. But, keep in mind that sometimes the problem of ping can be poor internet speed. Not a single assembly can solve these problems - there is already a direct path to changing the provider.

Ways to reduce ping

  • Make sure you are playing on the correct build with a well-tuned configuration. Download another version of the game and check if the ping is jumping on it. If the problem persists, then it's not the Counter Strike version at all.
  • Working with the console. AT this case you have to fiddle with the settings a bit. To open the console, you need to press the "E" key. Here we provide the following information:

cl_cmdrate 101- the flow of information that will go from the PC to the server.
cl_updaterate 101- the flow of information that goes to our computer from the server.
rate 25000- this indicator allows you to change the data transfer rate from the PC to the server and vice versa. Too much or too little speed can negatively affect ping performance.
fps_max 101 is the number of frames per second. An important indicator both in CS 1.6 and in any other game. A large number of frames always has a positive effect on ping, since the “picture” becomes smoother. .

You do not need to adjust these settings. Since the data presented by us are quite the best option for Counter Strike 1.6. If the settings did not help, with a 99% chance you have a poor-quality assembly. For example, it is crammed with all kinds of modifications, plugins and other unnecessary elements, due to which the ping either drops and rises sharply, or is constantly too high. Try to remove all unnecessary add-ons, then restart the game.

  • Bad internet speed. It is not necessary to change the provider itself. You may have chosen a plan that is not suitable for online gaming. Contact your ISP and clarify your problem. Most often, the problem of ping occurs among gamers who use the Internet from mobile operators - for example, they connect to the network using USB modems. In principle, they are not suitable for online gaming, even if you connect the best tariff.
  • Hold down three keys: "CTRL + ALT + DEL". Here you will see all running processes, we are only interested in the item with "hlds.exe". It is necessary to change its priority - it must work in "real time mode".
  • With the same file ("hlds.exe"), you can do the following - first create a shortcut to it in a place convenient for you. Next, you need to right-click, select "Properties", then "Object". Here you need to add the following information: "-pingboost 3+ heapsize 250000+ sys_ticrate 10000". No quotes!
  • Install TCP Optimizer. With it, you can optimize the speed of the Internet and direct the main stream of speed to the game.
  • Open Windows OS settings. Next, remove the effects. The settings are located in "My Computer", then go to "Properties" "Advanced" "Visual Effects". There will be an item "Ensure the best performance". Perhaps the picture quality in the game will drop, but it will be optimal for a good ping.

Make sure your registry is free of junk. You should not clean it yourself, but we recommend that you read the article

Enter the command net_graph 3 in the console. In the lower right corner you will see connection statistics. This is a very useful tool, as it shows information about the incoming / outgoing connection, current ping, the number of lost packets of information during transmission / reception, frame rate.

Loss - a number that shows how many packets were lost during transmission from the server to you. Usually it indicates a mismatch in the speed of your incoming channel and server outgoing. In order to accept redundant information that the server is trying to transmit to you, you need to reduce the amount of this information.

Choke - an indicator of how much your computer cannot transmit to the server due to the fact that the speed of your connection does not allow, or the server is requesting too much information.

2. Task Manager

1. During the game, call the Winows Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete)
2. In the window that appears, select the "Processes" tab
3. We are looking for the csgo.exe process for hlds.exe
4. Right click on the csgo.exe process
5. In the frame that appears, select "Priority"
5. Set the priority to "Below average", in the window that appears, click OK.

Personally, I tested it, it really works!
There was a ping from 80 to 100, it dropped from 30 to 60!

3. Ping and call quality

Ping depends on the quality of the connection, the higher the quality, the lower the ping, and the lower the ping, the more convenient it is to hit the head. Everyone probably knows that while you are playing CS, there is an exchange of traffic (packets) between the server and your computer, its total amount (MB) depends on how many times per minute requests are sent to the server. The number of requests can be reduced, thereby reducing the traffic exchange with the server. I would also like to add - not a single setting may be suitable, so experiment, look for your golden mean.

DSL-settings: (more than 8 Mbit)
rate 25000
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_updaterate "101"
fps_max "100.0"
DSL-settings: (for 64 Kbit - 8 Mbit)
rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 51
cl_updaterate 51
Good game!
cl_cmdrate - number of updates (sends) of information from the client to the server, per second
cl_updaterate - number of updates (sends) of information from the server to the client, per second
rate - incoming traffic limit (from server to client) in bytes per second
cl_rate - limits the flow from the client to the server Quote:
rate #### - Stream (in bytes) from the server side. In general, this value should be lower than the modem connection speed by about 20-30% (because the outgoing stream also exists and, having taken all 100% of the line bandwidth, you will doom yourself.
If you set a value greater than the allowable value, then FlushEntityPacket will occur, the server will “throw” the user with “packets” at his own request at a convenient time for him. It must be taken into account that for a large number players (16-20) connection speed plays a big role. It is not recommended to set the maximum value if the packets often do not reach: you need to have a "reserve" for their "retransmission".

4. What should be written in the config so that it lags less?

Before starting the game, turn off icq, stop downloads and everything else that creates extra traffic.

rate 20000
cl_rate 9999
cl_updaterate 100 (if ping is off scale, then "30")
cl_cmdrate 100 (if ping is off scale, then "30")

To be able to control connection parameters, you can add this to the \cstrike\config.cfg file:

net_graph "1" or "2" or "3"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "2"


rate - Incoming traffic limit (Bytes/sec.)
cl_rate - Limiting outgoing traffic (Bytes / sec.)
cl_updaterate - Number of updates from server to client (incoming traffic) per sec.
cl_cmdrate - Number of updates from client to server (outgoing traffic) per sec.

Some more useful config settings (file \cstrike\config.cfg):

cl_cmdbackup 2 // Whether to resend a copy of the package on loss (?)
cl_resend 6 // Number of retransmissions of a packet on loss
cl_timeout 500 // Timeout before disconnection when connection with the server is lost, in sec.
cl_lc 1 // Lago compensation - prediction of shots hit (1=on/0=Off)
cl_lw 1 // Lag compensation for shooting animation (1=on/0=Off)
cl_allowupload 0 // Disabled uploading custom decals to the server
cl_allowdownload "0" // Disabled downloading maps. Through the modem in the archive, they download much faster.

Create a ping.cfg file in cstrike. Write this in ping.cfg: cl_allowdownload "0" // Allow downloads from the server cl_allowupload "0" // Allow downloads from the client cl_cmdbackup "2" // Number of packets sent cl_cmdrate "11" // Frequency of sending commands cl_download_ingame "0" / / Load files while playing cl_lc "1" // Optimize speedcl_lw "1" // Optimize weapons cl_lb "1" // Optimize effects cl_nodelta "0" // Disable delta compression cl_nopred "0" // Don't predict movement cl_resend "1" // Timeout responsecl_showfps "0" // Show FPScl_updaterate "11" // Game update ratefastsprites "2" // Sprite type max_shells "0" // Amount of rendered ammo max_smokepuffs "0" // Amount of smoke rendered amp_decals "10" // Amount of smoke rendered mp_footsteps "1" // Footstep Sounds net_graph "0" // Connection Graphzoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" // Zoom Sensitivity net_graphwidth "130" // Connection Graph Width net_graphpos "3" // Connection Graph Position cl_latency "-200" // Simulate or Compensate Pushlat Delay ency "-200" // Imitation or compensation of delayscr_conspeed "10000" // Console crawl speed rate "2100" // rate (game update rate) fps_modem "61" // FPS modem cl_rate "1300" // cl_rate (game update rate) cl_weather "0" // Disable weather// Server network optimization settingssv_unlag "1" // Maintain optimization cl_lcsv_unlagmax "0.5" // Maximum delay time sv_unlagsamples "2" // Number of packets sent// Reportecho "Config loaded* then save . In the autoexec.cfg file write: exec ping.cfg That's it! P.S/ If someone has a ping of 300-500, this is for him :)

5. So, let's start lowering the ping in CS

Cl_allowdownload, cl_allowupload - with a value of 0 (this is zero and not the letter o =)) prohibits the player from exchanging models, maps, etc. with the server. In general, this command has practically no effect on ping, so we set 1
cl_cmdbackup - determines the number of packets sent to the server per second, I advise you to set it to 1.
cl_cmdrate - determines the rate at which commands are sent to the server. The optimal value is 20-30.
cl_download_ingame - set to 0, because the team is responsible for downloading other people's models, etc., but we don't need it at all, because the ping is also affected by ...
cl_lc - lag compensation from the server side, it's better to set it to 1.
cl_lw, cl_lb - set the value to 1 for both teams (the physics of grenade flight, blood spatter, etc. will be calculated on the client side)[
- value 0 disables delta compression, set to 0.
сl_nopred - set to 0, the actions of the players will become smoother.
cl_resend - determines the time after which the packet will be sent if the previous one did not reach. We put 4 or 5.
cl_updaterate - determines the rate at which game information is updated. A value of 20 is optimal
mp_decals - number of simultaneously visible effects. Do you want less lag? Set 0.[
These were the main ones, here are some more useful ones:
r_drawviewentities - disables the display of models (when set to 0). Leave 1.
hud_fastswitch - set to 1
max_shells - number of shells visible at the same time. Put 0.
fastsprites - smoke quality, optimally set to 2.
max_smokepuffs - the number of puffs of smoke visible at the same time, the smaller the better.
Now, if you are the owner of the server, all that remains is to write the following commands:
sv_unlag - compensates for client lags
sv_unlagmax - maximum delay compensation time. Leave the default value - 0.5.
sv_unlagsamples Determines how many previous packets to use to calculate client latency. One package is enough (value 1).

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