The fastest snake is the black mamba. The fastest snake in the world How fast do snakes move

Auto 03.03.2020

Meeting with a snake in nature does not bring joy to anyone. Whether it's harmless or dangerous is hard to tell. There are many dangerous, poisonous snakes on planet Earth. They will be discussed in the quiz today.

The venomous snakes quiz contains 11 questions with answers.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What is the average movement speed of a venomous snake?
1 kilometer per hour +
2 kilometers per hour
3 kilometers per hour

2. Which venomous snake develops top speed?
American rattlesnake
African mamba +

3. How fast can a mamba move?
At a speed of 5.3 kilometers per hour?
At a speed of 10.3 kilometers per hour?
At a speed of 11.3 kilometers per hour? +

4. Which poisonous earth has the maximum dimensions?
black-necked cobra
collared cobra
Hamadryad +

5. Which organ of a snake produces poison?
Glands of the digestive system +
special body

6. What are the most poisonous snakes on earth?
Answer: Australian tiger snake, taipan, deadly snake, king cobra, African mamba, American rattlesnake, cascavella, as well as viper, gyurza, cobra

7. What territories do vipers prefer: swampy or sunny, dry glades, hillsides?
Answer: dry territories

8. Whose poison is more toxic: cobra or boomslang?
Answer: boomslang poison

9. Which snake warns of its presence with a hiss?
Answer: cobra

10. Can snakes spit?
Answer: some types of snakes can spit

11. What snakes can jump from the top of a palm tree down?
Answer: arboreal "flying" snakes

Before you is a black mamba - the fastest snake in the world. The speed of its movement reaches 23 kilometers per hour or 6.4 meters per second, but only at short distances. True, the reptile uses its speed more often to escape from enemies, since it hunts while sitting in ambush, waiting for its prey.

The mamba is found from Senegal to South West Africa. It lives on the ground among shrubs and grass. It crawls on trees extremely rarely, as it is poorly adapted to life on them. At the same time, it often settles in fields among deep thickets. Since the lands are often cultivated by workers, and even manually, they are attacked by a snake. Virtually no one survives.

The average length is 2.5-3 m, although specimens up to 4.5 m long are sometimes found in nature. Juveniles have a greenish color, while adults are colored black or Brown color, while the abdomen is white or light brown. It is famous for its aggressive nature - it usually attacks first. Leaning on the tail, it raises the front of the body and makes an instant throw towards its prey, immediately inflicting a bite.

Snake venom is incredibly toxic. Contains dendrotoxins, cardiotoxins, neurotoxins, blockers of voltage-dependent potassium channels of nerve fibers and blockers of muscarinic cholinergic receptors. For one bite, it introduces about 100-150 mg of poison, in rare cases - up to 400 mg. At the same time, the lethal dose for a person is only 10-15 mg, and for an animal it is even less. If the antidote is not administered within the first minute, the probability of death can reach 100 percent.

We welcome all readers of our site "I and the World". Which of you knows the fastest animal in the world? Well, of course, you say: cheetah. And you will be right! He is the fastest living on land. Today you will read about the top 10 fastest running land animals and touch a little on those who from the representatives of the fauna quickly swim and fly.

Opens our top ten Leopard - 58 km / h

Yes, he definitely won’t catch up with the cheetah if they compete. When the Leopard is chasing prey, it does not waste energy, but gently ambush. It hunts antelopes, rodents, warthogs. Leopards live in Africa and Asia for 10-15 years, if earlier poachers do not kill them because of their beautiful fur. In the 20th century, these big cats were listed in the Red Book.

The sizes of forest leopards are smaller than those that live in open areas, apparently it is more difficult to make their way through the thickets and big size only hinders. The mass of the largest males reaches 75 kg. It is very similar in coloration to the cheetah and jaguar, and varies in color from pale straw or gray to rusty brown. In Southeast Asia, there are absolutely black leopards, called Panthers.

In 9th place - Coyote - 65 km / h

They are not only sprinters, but also excellent swimmers - fish hunters. They move interestingly, bouncing in length from 2 to 4 meters. In mass, they are significantly inferior to real wolves and weigh up to 21 kg, when wolves weigh up to 60 kg. The fur is more brown, and the elongated muzzle resembles a fox. Maybe the Coyotes are the children of wolves and foxes, and for some reason, related in ancient times?

Coyotes are inhabitants of the plains and try not to appear in the forests. But on the outskirts of large cities they are periodically noticed, where they like to rummage through the garbage. They hunt mainly at dusk for hares, marmots, ground squirrels and other small animals. In autumn they like to eat berries and nuts.

The Hyena Dog ran up to 8th place - 70 km / h

Its name translates as "painted wolf". But there are also black dogs. They were once very common in the African steppes and savannas, but now they are found mainly in national parks. And although it is a relative of the wolf, it is very similar to the hyena.

Low, lean, weighing up to 36 kg. They hunt during the day and always in packs of up to 15 individuals for ungulates: antelopes, old zebras, wildebeest, reed rats. They don't eat carrion. Everyone in the flock lives together, feeds and takes care of the old and sick.

7th place - Elk - 75 km / h

It is hard to believe that this stately and rather heavy (up to 600 kg) handsome forest man is capable of developing such a high speed. But it is so! On the plain, Moose run fast, which may be why predators are not always “too tough”. They defend themselves with blows of their front legs, and even bears are afraid to attack Elks in open areas - only among trees or bushes, where Elks are limited in movement.

Live in forests northern hemisphere, less often in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe. In total, about one and a half million individuals live on earth, in Russia alone there are 730,000. Moose are quite tall, but strongly outstretched legs do not make it easy to drink water. They have to go deeper into the reservoir or kneel to get drunk. Males grow large horns, with a span of up to 180 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg. In summer, due to the heat, they are nocturnal. They feed on plant foods, lichens and mushrooms, and in winter they bite tree branches.

In 6th place - Thomson's Gazelle - up to 80 km / h

The gazelle is the tastiest prey of the fast cheetahs, but they can rarely catch up with it due to high jumps while running. Although after 4-6 km of constant running, the Gazelle gets very tired and at this time the cheetahs still easily attack. Gazelles live in the steppes of Kenya and Tanzania.

They live in herds of several hundreds or thousands of individuals, consisting either only of females, or only of males. But there are also single males. They feed mainly on grasses, but can also eat tree shoots. The mass of large males reaches only 35 kg.

5th place goes to Leo - 80 km / h

These strong kings of nature are very mobile animals and at a distance of 20 meters they develop the highest speed. The mass of some males reaches 250 kg. In captivity, Lions reach large sizes, because. there is no need to run after prey in a cage. In nature, they live up to 14 years, and next to a person up to 20.

White lions are found in national parks. These are not albinos, just such a subspecies of Lions. Differing from other cats, they live not alone, but in families - prides. They eat, of course, animal food. They hunt at night, sneaking up to prey at a distance of up to 30 meters, surround and attack. Sometimes they attack a person and then become cannibals, trying to kill a person more often.

4th place - Gazelle Grant - 85 km / h

Can run at a constant speed for a long time without getting tired, weighing up to 65 kg. They live in the open plains of East Africa, avoiding high vegetation where they cannot see predators in time.

They easily survive where there is almost no water, only on one, even sparse vegetation. They move in herds, but some males prefer a permanent territory. In some areas, the Gazelle is completely destroyed, but in others it is quite common.

Third place goes to Pronghorn - 89 km/h

Although the normal speed of this pronghorn antelope ranges from 60 to 70 km/h, but the maximum speed has been fixed at 89. Therefore, it can easily run away from any predator, because it does not need to rest. A beautiful, slender animal reaches a mass of 60 kg. They live in the steppes North America from Canada to Mexico.

In autumn and winter they gather in herds with a leader, and in summer they are divided into pairs until the next winter. Old males usually live alone. They feed on grassy food: ordinary and poisonous plants, cacti. They drink little, therefore, if there is little water, they survive on herbs.

2nd place belongs to the Jaguar - 93 km / h

A beautiful, spotted cat cannot boast of endurance, and it can develop such a high speed only at short distances. If the victim notices the Jaguar at a great distance and runs away, then the predator does not even try to catch it, because it will run out of steam in a few minutes.

It attacks only if it manages to get very close. Lives in North and South America. In mass, the Jaguar reaches 113 kg. They live alone on their territory up to 50 square meters. km. They hunt small animals at dusk, they can eat a snake, a turtle, they catch fish. They prefer not to attack ungulates.

And we rightfully give the first place to the Cheetah - 120 km / h

The fastest land animal, the Cheetah, usually reaches speeds of up to 98 km/h and can run up to 400 m on level ground. But catching up with prey can develop in 3 seconds. the maximum speed is up to 120 km / h, which is almost 2 times the speed of its victims. But he can't run long distances.

The mass of an adult male reaches 65 kg. During the day they hunt medium-sized ungulates: gazelles, wildebeest calves, as well as hares or ostriches. They catch up with prey by jumping 6-8 meters. They do not attack from ambush, because where they live there are simply no places to hide. Lives in Africa and the Middle East.

I would like to dwell on the fastest animals in the water and in the air. What place do they occupy among their own? Of course the first!

The fastest marine animal -, speeds up to 130 km / h

Research has shown that fish have oil in their jaws that they release into the water. Spreading around the head, the oil reduces friction against the water.

There is another fast marine animal with the same speed - Black marlin.

Who is the fastest bird? The handsome Peregrine Falcon, accelerating for prey and diving, is able to accelerate to 390 km / h

When struck with claws at such a speed, it can tear off the head of prey.

We showed photos and descriptions of the fastest animals on the planet. There are others, but we will not dwell on them today. Liked the article? Share information with friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye to the next entertaining articles.

100 Great Wildlife Records Nepomniachtchi Nikolay Nikolayevich


The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), with a speed of 19 km/h, is the most fast snake in the world. She is able to sting even at head level. The snake reaches more than 4 m in length. Adults are dark brown or black on top, and their ventral side is light brown or off-white. Young specimens are green in color.

The black mamba is distributed from Senegal to Somalia and from Ethiopia to South West Africa. However, it does not penetrate into the tropical rainforests of the Congo Basin. This snake is less than other species adapted to life on trees and usually keeps among sparse tree or shrub vegetation. When irritated or disturbed, the black mamba opens its mouth wide as a threat.

Mambas are the true scourge of Africa. Neither cobras nor vipers are feared here as much as these, mostly arboreal, snakes. There have been cases of people dying within 20 minutes of being bitten. In the branches of trees, this snake is perhaps even more swift.

"Born to crawl cannot fly!" - considered Maxim Gorky. But the classic was wrong. Thin big-eyed snakes from the genus chrysopelea (a subfamily of false snakes), living in Indonesia, the Philippines, South China and Sri Lanka, overcome a distance of 60–80 m through the air. At the same time, they have no wings! These wonderful creatures start from the tops tall trees, along the branches of which, by the way, they jump no worse than squirrels. And one more remarkable fact: they fly irregularly, but only when they are overcome by unbearable hunger.

It has long been known that some snakes hear perfectly and react vividly to music. It is on this ability that the “spell of snakes” (again, we are talking about cobras) is based in the countries of the East. Previously, it was believed that poisonous reptiles were deeply indifferent to what melody the "tamer's" flute played. However, recent studies have led to sensational results: snakes feel the music very sensitively and treat the compositions they perform differently, as evidenced by their behavior during the session. To the soundtrack of the classical works of Mozart, Handel and Ravel, the cobras dance with obvious pleasure, closing their eyes; rock compositions make their movements sharp and nervous; and Russian pop causes lethargy and apathy.

Everyone knows that the snake is the emblem of medicine. What exactly? Ancient myths call as such a half-meter grayish-yellow Aesculapius snake with white spots on its back, living in southern Europe. The terrible plague epidemic that raged in Ancient Rome, stopped when the embassy of the Eternal City delivered this snake to its homeland from the Greek Epidaurus, where it lived in the temple of the god Asclepius. The Romans immediately declared the glorious animal sacred and associated it with medicine for centuries.

The worst enemies of poisonous snakes are known: man, mongoose, hedgehog, secretary bird ... But the worst thing, probably, for snakes ... a pig. Rattlesnakes once plagued American farmers. They found a way to deal with them by accident, noticing once how one pig trampled and ate a snake, whose bite is fatal to a man, a bull and a horse. Therefore, before plowing up again, the owners let a herd of pigs into the field and after that calmly cultivated the land in full confidence that there were no rattling reptiles left.

American researchers claim that the very biblical tempter snake, from which the history of mankind began, is the Asian apple snake - the only snake that eats apples and climbs trees. By the way, today there are almost no such snakes in nature - they are exterminated.


THE MOST POISONOUS LAND SNAKE IS THE BRUTAL SNAKE The fierce snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) reaches a length of 1.9 m. The color of the back varies from dark brown to straw; varies depending on the time of year - in winter this snake is noticeably darker. Head may become glossy black

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To date, scientists know the species of snakes, which can rightfully be called the fastest in the whole world. It's about about a reptile living in Africa - the black mamba. Few people in Europe know which snake is the fastest and that it lives on its own. southern continent peace. However locals know her firsthand.

The fastest snake, whose speed can exceed 20 km / h, prefers life in the conditions of the savannah and steppes, but often visits the homes of people living in African countries. It is noteworthy that the existing myth that the black mamba can pursue the victim for a long time is just a fiction. She can move at great speed, but only for short distances. In this article, we will look at what is the fastest snake in the world where it lives, how it moves and the structure of the body.


The black mamba is an exclusively African species of snake. It is distributed throughout Africa, but the arid areas of the southern and eastern parts of the mainland are most preferred for it. The main habitats are savannas and woodlands. Mostly the fastest snake leads a terrestrial lifestyle, but sometimes climbs trees. The black mamba has a very wide range of habitats. These reptiles are often found in Namibia, KwaZulu-Natal, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, Congo, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania. In addition, experts say that meetings with this reptile have been recorded more than once in the territories of Rwanda and Burundi.

The black mamba is not adapted to life on trees, therefore it lives in the savannas, among small shrubs. Often, in order to bask in the sun, she climbs a tree, but spends most of her life on the ground. In rare cases, the reptile settles in termite mounds and hollow trees. In addition, there are numerous cases when the fastest snake settled in people's houses. As a rule, it is attracted by small rodents adjacent to humans.


What is the feature of the fastest snake on land for which it got its name? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. This reptile got its name not for the color of the body, but for the peculiarity of the mouth, which gives it a creepy look. appearance and mortal danger to humans. The size of the fastest snake makes it the second largest venomous snake in the world after king cobra. In length, it can reach 4 meters, but this is the maximum size. The standard length of an average individual is from 2 to 3 meters.

Although this reptile bears such a name, its color is far from black. She got her name for the unusual jet-black color of her mouth. The body of the snake itself has a dark olive tint with a metallic sheen. At the same time, the back part, closer to the end of the tail, is darker than the rest of the body. The belly of the black mamba has a light brown color. Adults have a darker body color, juveniles are much lighter.

Black mamba skull

Like other types of snakes, this reptile has a diapsid-type skull with reduced temporal arches. In addition, it is also kinetic, which indicates the possibility of moving the bones apart. This function is especially important when swallowing food. The bones of the cranium are divided into a number of types: square, temporal, squamous and bones of the upper jaw. The jaws, both upper and lower, are separated by ligaments with good elasticity. They are also movably connected to each other, thanks to which the black mamba is able to swallow prey that exceeds the size of the mouth.

Jaws and teeth

The black mamba has well-developed teeth, which are present on both the upper and lower jaws. The teeth are 6.5 mm long. They are thin and very sharp. This is necessary for the gradual pushing of food into the esophagus.

It is noteworthy that the jaws and teeth of this reptile, like those of other snake species, are not designed for chewing function. In addition to small sharp teeth that serve as food guides, the black mamba has long poisonous teeth. They are hollow and directly connected to the glands that produce the poison. When a bite occurs, poison is injected through the poisonous teeth into the body of the victim. An interesting fact here is that the black mamba, unlike other poisonous snakes, does not make one bite, but a series for which it is able to inject up to 450 milligrams of poison. The lethal dose for humans is 10-15 milligrams.

One of the main features of the black mamba is the shape of its jaws. If you look closely at it, it may seem that the reptile is smiling. But this smile does not add to her prettiness. Having met with this creature, you need to be extremely careful. The bite of a black mamba in the leg area can kill a person in 2 hours, but if it hits the vein area, then the poison will lead to lethal outcome in a few minutes.


Since this reptile does not have developed limbs, there are no specific sections in its spine. It has increased flexibility, uniformity and great length. It is noteworthy that the vertebrae are all absolutely identical and the same identical ribs are attached to them. Their number depends on the size of the snake. It is reliably known that the fastest snake can have up to 430 vertebrae. The sternum, like other snake species, is absent. Thanks to this feature, the snake can coil into rings as much as its length allows.


Like other species, the limbs of the world's fastest snake are atrophied. However, experts who examined several individuals from different parts of Africa found that snakes that live in the northern part of the mainland have minor rudiments of the pelvic bones. They are more pronounced than in the southern inhabitants.

How does the black mamba move?

The black mamba, like many other similar snake species, moves in two main ways. The first way is the so-called accordion movement. The reptile gathers the whole body together, then burying its tail on the surface of the earth, repels itself and, thanks to this, moves forward. After this movement, she pulls the back of her body, again gathering into a ball.

The second method of movement is caterpillar movement. With this method, the black mamba moves in a straight line and overcomes various crevices. It is noteworthy that it is precisely when moving on a flat, straight surface that it is able to develop its record high speed. When the snake moves in this way, it engages the ventral scales, plunging them into the ground. When the scales are underground, the reptile moves them towards the tail with the help of muscles. As a result, the scales in turn are repelled from the surface of the soil and set the body of the snake in motion. According to experts, with its movement of scales, this method resembles rowing with oars.

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