Mako shark tooth from what. The mako shark is the fastest shark in the world: a description with photos and videos, what is the maximum speed of the mako shark when attacked

the beauty 25.08.2019
the beauty

The spectacled bear (lat. Tremarctos ornatus) is the closest relative of the giant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus), which lived in North America and extinct about 12 thousand years ago. This giant, judging by the skeletons found, could weigh up to 1000 kg, and its height in a straightened position on its hind legs reached 380 cm.

Our hero is much smaller than his prehistoric counterpart. Most representatives of this species in wild nature weigh only 80-130 kg. The only exception was a male living in the Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina.

In 2014, he set a world record by fattening up to 575 kg.

The animal is also known as the Andean bear. The species is recognized as endangered, its population does not exceed 18-19 thousand individuals.


The habitat covers the tropical and subtropical regions of the Andes in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It extends from the Sierra de Perija mountain range in the north to the eastern spurs of the Cordillera in southern Bolivia. Its length is about 4600 km, and its width is only 200-650 km.

Previously, the range occupied other areas of the Andes. Small isolated populations have survived in Panama (Darien province) and the northern regions of Argentina.

Spectacled bears inhabit various natural landscapes at altitudes of 1000-2300 m above sea level, preferring humid tropical mountain forests. They are found in lowlands, high grassy savannas and bush. Often they can be observed on plains poor in vegetation, semi-desert and swampy areas. These mammals avoid only dry forests located in the mountains.

In choosing a habitat, the main factor is not climatic conditions and the availability and abundance of food.

When the fruit season ends, the clumsy gourmet goes in search of a more suitable place to live. He eschews human settlements and tries to stay close to water sources. At the same time, it willingly feeds on farmers' fields, occasionally attacking small livestock.


Andean bears are diurnal, showing increased activity in the morning and evening. About 70% of the time during daylight hours they devote to feeding. Animals get food mainly on the ground, but if necessary, they easily climb trees. On them, they can build some kind of platform in the middle of thick branches for a more comfortable rest and eating ripe fruits.

Spectacled bears do not hibernate and live alone outside the mating season. Unlike other representatives of their family, they do not actively protect their hunting grounds, being quite tolerant of their fellow tribesmen who invaded their possessions. In places where there is a lot of food, several animals can feed together without showing any aggression towards each other.

Clubfoot, having plenty of food, are not prone to migration. During the day, they move away from their lair further than 600 m. Only the feeling of hunger makes them walk up to 6 km in a day. Movement is carried out along independently laid paths, marked with feces and traces of claws on trees and shrubs.

Communication between animals takes place with the help of smells, sound and visual signals play a secondary role.

Only the she-bear, when communicating with the cubs, uses a limited set of sounds. To increase the view or better smell the distant smells, the animal stands on its hind legs.


Although the spectacled bear is omnivorous, its diet is dominated by food plant origin. He loves to feast on the fruits and young shoots of plants from the Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae) and Cactaceae (Cactaceae) families. They contain a lot of moisture, so depending on the region and season, their share in the menu ranges from 15 to 90%.

In the meadows, the bears mostly feed on the soft parts of Puya, while in the forests they prefer Tillandsia. In addition to these succulents, they are happy to eat various fruits and berries. First of all, this concerns plants from the Mulberry (Moraceae), Heather (Ericaceae), Laurel (Lauraceae) and Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) families.

Bears indulge in the pleasure of eating bamboo shoots (Bambusoideae) and orchid flowers (Orchidaceae). In peasant fields, they are most inspired by corn. Hairy mammals graze on them thoroughly, leaving behind only one roots.

Spectacled bears are less likely to eat animal food. It consists of small rodents, insects, snails, birds and bird eggs. They sometimes prey on larger game, attacking deer and (Tapirus pinchaque), but more often they are content with their decaying carcasses. Gourmets spend several days near such a find.


Sexual maturity in females occurs at the age of three, and in males about 6 years. The mating season takes place in the summer, and in the north of the mating range there are all year round. Before mating, married couples live together for some time, arranging something similar to comic brawls among themselves. Mating lasts from 10 to 45 minutes. After him, the spouses part and continue to live apart.

Embryonic diapause lasts quite a long time, and true pregnancy takes about 2 months, so from 160 to 260 days pass from mating to the appearance of offspring.

Bear cubs are born in the den about 6 weeks before the mass ripening of fruits. A bear can have up to 4 babies. At birth, their body length is 25-35 cm, and their weight is 270-380 g.

Bear cubs are born covered in fur but blind. Eyes open after 2-4 weeks, teeth erupt after 25-35 days. By this age, babies can already walk and run. The transition to solid foods occurs between 80 and 95 days. The mother stays with the kids in the den for up to 3 months, and then the whole family goes together for fattening. Dairy feeding lasts about a year.

At 2 years of age, children who have grown stronger part with their mother and move on to an independent existence. The female becomes capable of the next fertilization about six months after parting with the children.

Andean bears have practically no natural enemies. For cubs, jaguars (Panthera onca), cougars (Puma concolor) and adult males are the main danger. The fertility of females ends at 15-17 years, and males remain capable of procreation until 28-30 years.


Body length 130-190 cm, height at the withers 70-90 cm. Average weight 100-130 kg. Females are about a third smaller than males. The length of the tail is about 10 cm.

The long, thick and stiff fur is colored in various shades of black, gray-brown or reddish-brown. From the forehead to the throat around the eyes are characteristic yellowish or cream stripes. From the neck and forehead to the nose is white stripe. Around the eyes there is a white frame resembling glasses. Each individual has its own unique shape.

The head is large and broad, ending in a short muzzle. The ears are short and rounded. On short and powerful limbs, 5 fingers each with strong small claws. The forelimbs are slightly elongated and well adapted for climbing trees.

Lifespan spectacled bear in vivo rarely exceeds 25 years.

(Isurus oxyrinchus) is considered one of the fastest and swiftest ocean predators: if desired, it can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h. It is sometimes called the blue-gray or black-nosed shark, which it received due to its color: the back of a predatory fish is grayish blue, and the lower part of the characteristic sharp muzzle and belly is gray-white.
The mako shark has short pectoral fins, the body is somewhat flattened on both sides, and the teeth are smooth. With a short length, about 4 meters, this type of shark is quite heavy - its weight can reach half a ton.

The mako shark is also famous for its jumping in the air - it can jump 6 meters out of the water, and sometimes, like a marlin, it even walks on its tail. They can only compete with her in this - they also love to jump out of the water. The objects of hunting for the mako shark are small prey: tuna, mackerel, cephalopods. But they do not disdain their own kind, which are smaller in size. In one shark, the remains of two swordfish weighing more than 50 kg were found. each. It is not uncommon for mako sharks to attack small fishing boats.

has large triangular teeth, which allows them to tear their victims without much effort. The predator ranks fourth in terms of danger to humans. Saves only that she prefers to swim in open waters. But in those cases when the mako shark swims in the water area where there are a lot of people, this can lead to sad consequences. A case is known when this one appeared in the North Sea in 2003, it attacked at least 15 people in 3 months until it returned to the open sea.

This type of shark lives mainly near the surface or in the water column at a depth of about 150 m. The mako shark is very thermophilic, so it can most often be found in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Reaching three meters in length, females of this species of cartilaginous fish are considered ready to reproduce offspring, while males are considered sexually mature when they reach two meters in length. Growing up to these sizes, parents give birth to offspring - up to 16 sharks, whose dimensions at birth reach 70 centimeters.
Cubs grow very quickly and also quickly become independent. This species of sharks is viviparous, which distinguishes them from most other species. Over the next 18 months after the birth of offspring, the female is not fertilized, and only after this period is able to mate and reproduce.

The mako shark belongs to the herring family. Quite different from its counterparts large size. In another way, it is also called "bonito", which translates as "black-nosed shark." According to the assumptions of scientists, we can conclude that the ancestors of this shark was the species Isurus hastilus. This species was very rare. Its representatives were more than 6 meters in length and their average weight was 3 tons. The ancestors of the mako shark, or mackerel shark, existed during the Cretaceous period.


Mako is considered to be a very dangerous predator in relation to humans, since this species is characterized by increased aggression. Even if the fish is full, it will attack its prey without hesitation. She has very large and deadly jaws. Due fast speed movement, mako shark considered one of the most dangerous predators sea ​​space.

Mako sharks are divided into several types:

  • short-finned;
  • long-finned.

That the one that another species poses an increased danger to humans. Predators are almost identical to each other in their structure. The obvious difference is only in the size of the fins. Individuals of this breed can reach 4 meters in length and weigh 500 kilograms. Females are much larger than males. The largest individual caught was over 4 meters long and weighed about a ton. This incident happened in 1973. Until now, no one knows the exact lifespan of this species. According to scientists, mako sharks live no more than 25 years.

The shape of the body is presented in the form of a cylinder. The surface of the belly is white. The back is dark blue. There is a belief that the color depends on the age of the shark. The older she is, the darker. Mako sharks have a dark pointed snout. Juveniles are characterized by the presence of a dark spot at the end of the muzzle. Over time, this stain disappears. The fin located on the back has a different size. Bigger in the front, smaller in the back. The fins in the chest area are medium in size. The backward curved teeth allow the fastest predator to cling tightly to its prey.


Mako shark belongs to viviparous fish. Females are ready for fertilization at the moment when their body reaches 2.7 meters. In males, puberty occurs when the body length reaches 1.9 meters. The gestation period lasts for 15 months. Getting embryos nutrients carried out due to the presence in the uterus of eggs that have not been fertilized by the male. The mako shark is capable of breeding up to 18 cubs, whose body length is about 70 centimeters. Immediately after birth, the fry are ready for independent life. Fish mate once every 2 years.

Where do they live?

The main habitat is the waters of tropical seas. The main locations are:

  • Atlantic region;
  • indo-pacific region;
  • pacific region.

The habitat of these predators is very extensive. southern part located in the region of Argentina, and the northern one is within the border Nova Scotia. The mako shark is rarely seen in water with a temperature of less than 16 degrees. Mostly mako is found in the waters where it swims her favorite treat swordfish, and tries to stay on the surface of the water. The maximum depth to which the fish descends is 150 meters.

attack speed

Due to the streamlined shape of the body, mako is able to develop speed during an attack on its victim up to 60 km / h. She is able to jump out of the water up to 6 meters. Given such opportunities, mako rightfully considered the most dangerous marine predator. In addition to body shape, circulatory system sharks play an important role in the development of attack speed. All her muscles are penetrated by a huge number of small capillaries, which are warmed up by the excellent blood circulation of the fish. This makes it possible for the muscles to contract quickly and gain greater speed.

This feature greatly affects fatigue, due to the consumption of a large amount of energy resources. That's why the fish is constantly in a state of hunger and will not miss any opportunity to attack the victim, especially if it is a swordfish.

As already mentioned, mako is considered the most dangerous predator water space. But, nevertheless, it rarely attacks a person. Basically, the attack occurs through the fault of a person who, due to his negligence, swims too close to the shark. Over the past 20 years, there have been 42 attacks on a person. As a rule, the bulk of this number consists of fishermen who were attacked while trying to catch mako.


The diet of this predator mainly consists of large fish. As already mentioned, their favorite delicacy is swordfish. The sizes of the two fish are almost identical, but this does not stop the mako and it always reaches its goal.

The shark attacks preferably from below, grabbing the prey with its sharp teeth for the tail fin. It is here that the spine ends and the joints important for life are located. Thus, when attacking, the shark paralyzes its prey, making it completely helpless. Under such circumstances, the prey cannot resist the predator and becomes dinner.

3.1 Vulnerable : Isurus oxyrinchus

Shark nutrition is based mainly on bony fish, the menu includes mackerel, tuna, swordfish, as well as other sharks, porpoises and sea turtles.

Female sharks usually reach sexual maturity when they are 3 m long. The developing embryos feed on unfertilized eggs in the uterus during pregnancy (15-18 months). 4-18 surviving sharks are born in late winter or early spring, reaching a length of about 70 cm. It is believed that the female does not fertilize for 18 months after the appearance of small sharks, after which she again produces an egg and waits for mating.

Mako are quite common, mainly in tropical and temperate regions. coastal waters. They prefer not too deep waters, preferring to swim close to the surface or at a depth of no more than 150 m. They also like warm waters, rarely swimming in places where the water is colder than 16 degrees Celsius.

Mako is found all over the world. In the western Atlantic, it can be found near Argentina and in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as near Nova Scotia. In Canadian waters, these sharks are not too common, but also not too rare, the fact is that here the water is cool enough for them. In waters where swordfish are found, there will almost always be mako sharks, since swordfish are their main source of food, and their living conditions are very similar.



  • Animals alphabetically
  • Vulnerable species
  • Lamiformes
  • Animals described in 1810
  • Fish of the Indo-Pacific
  • fish of the atlantic ocean
  • commercial fish

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    mako shark- atlantinis pilkšvasis ryklys statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Isurus oxyrinchus angl. Atlantic mako; blue pointer; bonito shark; mackerel shark; mako shark; sharp nosed mackerel shark; sharp nosed… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

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Class - cartilaginous fish/ subclass - Elastobranchs / Superorder - Sharks (Selach)

History of study

Mako, or mako shark, or black-nosed shark, or mackerel shark, or gray-blue herring shark (lat. Isurus oxyrinchus) is a large shark of the herring shark family. It is a closely related species of the long-finned mako (Isurus paucus). In contrast to the long-finned mako, the generic name, mako shark, is more often used for the name of this shark.


As for habitats, mako prefer the warm waters of the oceans and subtropics.


By appearance The mako is a smooth, oblong shape with a long, tapered snout. The Mako has short pectoral fins and a crescent-shaped tail.

The large dorsal fin is attached separately, the second dorsal fin is much smaller than the first. Shark teeth are thin, slightly curved, they are clearly visible even when the mouth is closed. The color of the shark is camouflage - it is dark blue on top and white on the bottom.

Structural features

The shark can reach a length of 4 m, its lifespan is still difficult to determine, but presumably it reaches the age of 11-23 years.


Reproduction Makos sharks are viviparous. They do not have a placenta or a yolk sac. A sexually mature female is capable of giving birth to up to 16 small sharks at a time.

Newborn sharks are about 70 centimeters long and are rapidly gaining weight and size. Females become sexually mature at a length of about 280 centimeters. As for the males, their sexual maturity comes already at a length of 195 centimeters.


Lifestyle Makos sharks live in water bodies close to the shore with a depth of about 150 meters. These predators are capable of moving at speeds up to 50 km/h. It is worth noting that these sharks are one of the fastest fish species. Among other things, these sharks are able to jump out of the water to a height of 6 meters. Only white sharks also have such capabilities.


Mako prey on tuna, mackerel, swordfish, cephalopods, and sometimes other sharks - hammerhead shark and gray shark. These sharks cut their prey with ease thanks to their triangular, wider teeth than those of ordinary sharks.

mako shark and man

One of the most aggressive types of sharks. Dangerous for humans.

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