The meaning of the word "Place. Molecular cloning, or how to put foreign genetic material into a cell

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I will place, you will place (you will place vernacular), owls. (to put).

1. someone. To give a place to someone, to give a place somewhere. Place the guest on the couch. Place tourists in a hotel.

2. someone. Place, place, place. I placed the light source behind. All books can be placed in a bookcase. Place the choir at the back of the stage.

3. someone. Determine, attach, give somewhere. (outdated). "Old man Aratov settled in the capital in order to place his son in the university." Turgenev . “Uncle-guardian brought him to Petersburg, placed him in the service.” Turgenev .

4. what. Dispose of something, determine the place, purpose for something. Place somewhere. capital. Put your savings in a savings bank. Place somewhere. orders.

5. what. Submit for publication, printing. Submit an article to a magazine. Place an ad in the newspaper.

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "place" is in other dictionaries:

    to fit in, to fit in, to squeeze in, to put in; to settle, to settle, to place, to place; attach, fit, stick, roll up, pile up, shove, shove, enclose, move, lay out, shove, deploy, lay, load, shove ... Synonym dictionary

    PUT, estate, etc., see place. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    PUT, eat, eat; still (yon, ena); sovereign 1. what. Determine, find a place for what n. P. books on the shelf. 2. whom (what). Settle (in what n. room, housing). P. visitor to a separate room. 3. whom (what). Give away where for what n. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    place- place, place, place (wrong place) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    place- what l. where and where. 1. where (determine, arrange where l .; give for storage, use). Place the child in Kindergarten. Put money in a savings bank. [Father] took him to Petersburg as soon as he was eighteen years old, and ... ... Control Dictionary

    place- PLACE / PLACE PLACE / PLACE, arrange / arrange, arrange / arrange, unfold, owl. children, razg., nesov. and owls. to do, unfold attach / attach ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    I owl. see fit 1., 2., 3., 4. II owl. transition see post Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, place, placed, placed, placed, placed, placed, placed, placed, placed, ... ... Forms of words

    Verb, St., Use. comp. often Morphology: I will place, you will place and place, he/she/it will place and place, we will place and place, you will place and place, they will place and place, place, place, placed, placed, placed, ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev


  • Cut out snowflakes, Serova Victoria Viktorovna, Serov Vladimir Yurievich. Paper snowflakes... In whose childhood this little magic was not there, you fold a square, cut it out, unfold it with bated breath, and here it is a miracle man-made snowflake! Amazing…

Manor, etc., see place.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

PUT - I'm still, - you're eating; -eschenny (-en, -ena); owls. 1. what. Determine, find a place for something. P. books on a stick. 2. whom (what). Settle (in some kind of room, housing). P. visitor to a separate room. 3. someone. Give somewhere. for some goals. P. child in kindergarten. P. to the hospital. P. savings in a savings bank. 4. what. Print, publish. P. magazine article. P. newspaper ad. || nesov. put, -ay, -ayesh. || noun room, -i, cf.

In the dictionary of Ephraim

stress: place

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakov

PUT *****
somewhere. Place the guest on the couch. Place tourists in a hotel.
2. someone something. Place, place, place. I placed the light source behind. All books can be placed in a bookcase. Place the choir at the back of the stage.
3. someone something. Determine, attach, give somewhere ( obsolete). "Old man Aratov settled in the capital in order to place his son in the university." A. Turgenev. “Uncle-guardian brought him to Petersburg, placed him in the service.” A. Turgenev.
4. what. To dispose of something, to determine a place, an appointment for something. Place capital somewhere. Put your savings in a savings bank. Place orders somewhere.
5. what. Submit for publication, printing. Submit an article to a magazine. Place an ad in the newspaper.

In the dictionary of synonyms

to fit in, to fit in, to squeeze in, to put in; to settle, to settle, to place, to place; attach, fit, stick, roll up, pile up, shove, shove, enclose, move, lay out, shove, deploy, lay, load, put in , throw, put, pile up, stick in, put, scoop up, print, squeeze in, publish, publish, print, shelter, start, put in an apartment, provide housing, find a place, wall up, put in residence, take a place, put up, wait, to fit in, to put in, to invest, to publish, to push in, to house

In the dictionary of synonyms 2

ch owls 1. to fit in, to fit in, to squeeze in, to shove in, to shove in, to put in 2. attach, attach, stick 3. to settle, to settle, to place, to place

In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

I will put
will place
who placed
who placed

When a 3d scanner appeared, the office neighbors were the first to fall under the distribution. Scanned them for everyone, not sparing. Against the backdrop of office bodies and busts, the head of a small team, Vasily Vladimirovich, stood out with grimaces. Such a scan was timed to coincide with the release of a new layout. Builders were required in various thematic poses and, of course, a foreman. I even had to run to the hardware store for a pair of helmets.

Solid weight of 150 kg. with a height of 180 cm, they immediately identified in him the image of a construction manager. A thick beard covers 70% of his stern face, and a helmet crowns a wise head filled with building codes and experience. Some tension in the posture and a look from under the visor of the helmet indicate fatigue and dissatisfaction with the workers. Sekunda and Vasily will demonstrate untranslatable turns of idiomatic expressions of the Russian language.

The process of preparing the model after scanning is quite creative. Requires knowledge of the zbrush program and the higher the level of artistic training of the author, the more lively the model will turn out. Considering the scale, the level of finishing the model took less than an hour.

The 3d model turned out to be in demand among modellers as an image of a tractor driver, not a builder. One of the authors asked me to print it for the Nudist Beach diorama. I don't know why, I'm waiting for a photo.

Basil is not harmful. It was scanned on the first try and processed quickly and printed out and it was not difficult to paint it. In this review, a photo of the gift Vasily. The recipient of the gift turned out to be nature itself, and despite the dislike for miniatures and modeling, the gift pleased.

Post- 1) determine a place for something (put, put, hang, arrange), 2) settle, provide housing, 3) arrange someone somewhere (to a hospital, orphanage, boarding school), 4 ) invest funds (money), 5) print, publish.
Usage examples: put the chair in the corner, put the guests in the corner room, put me in the surgery room, put the money in commercial Bank at interest, in the latest issue of the magazine " New world» for 2013 placed a selection of poems by a famous poet.
Post- 1) arrange in a certain order, 2) distribute among many persons (participants).
Usage examples: place the dishes on the shelf, place the linen in the closet, place orders profitably.
fit- place something completely or in large quantities.
Usage examples: Mom was able to fit all my things on one shelf, I want to fit all the apples in one basket.

Place(s) - place(s) - fit(s)

fit- 1) fit in, find enough space, 2) settle down.
Usage examples: I did not think that so many people could fit here; cereals do not fit in a jar; We settled in a small house on the beach.

accommodate- find a place for yourself, settle down, settle down.
Usage examples: to be accommodated in the house, in the room, in the armchair, on the couch, it is convenient to accommodate.

fit in- 1) fit completely, 2) settle down, settle down in a limited space.
Usage examples: the sisters fit on one chair; I did not think that so many people could fit in such a small room.

Local-1) belonging to the estate, 2) owning the estate.
Usage examples: local landownership, local nobility.

landowner- owned by the landowner.
Usage examples: manor house, manor house, manor garden, manor stable.

Top up- increase, add, make more complete.
Usage examples: replenish the bank account, replenish food supplies, replenish the collection.
Fill- 1) take it entirely, fill it in, 2) enter the required information.
Usage examples: water was coming: it quickly filled the cellars of houses; fill out a questionnaire, a form, an application form.

grow old- to become older or older.
Usage examples: father, grandfather, brother, matchmaker has grown old, mother has grown old, cat has grown old.
become obsolete- 1) become old, 2) go out of use, out of fashion, out of use.
Usage examples: my views are outdated, it's time to change them; classics cannot be outdated; research methods are outdated; equipment is outdated.

deed- intentional action.
Usage examples: noble deed, selfless deed, masculine deed, worthy deed, commit an deed.
misdemeanor- an act that violates the rules of conduct; fault.
Usage examples: commit a misdemeanor, an unfortunate misconduct, a serious punishment for misconduct.

venerable- 1) worthy of reverence, respect, 2) significant (about distance or size, volume).
Usage examples: venerable sir, old man; venerable goals, tasks; be at a respectable distance.
Respectful- 1) relating to someone with respect or demonstrating respect, respect, 2) significant (about distance or size, volume).
Usage examples: respectful young man, respectful appearance, respectful manner, respectful countenance, respectful look; at a respectful distance.

Festive- 1) related to the holiday, 2) elegant, beautiful, 3) solemnly joyful, happy.
Usage examples: celebratory date, celebratory event, celebratory salute; festive attire, costume; holiday dress; festive look, festive mood, holiday memories.

Idle- 1) doing nothing, being idle, 2) not filled with work, business, 3) empty, useless, aimless, generated by idleness.
Usage examples: an idle and empty man, no one saw him idle; idle life, idle way of life, idle conversation, idle question, idle interest.

Practical- 1) relating to practice, 2) dealing with any matter directly, personally, 3) being the application of knowledge and skills in practice.
Usage examples: Practical activities, practical use, practical value; practical guidance, practical center; practical exercises, practical knowledge and skills, practical techniques.

practical - 1) versed in practical matters, successful in the practical side of life, 2) profitable, convenient.
Usage examples: practical person; practical mistress, wife, mother; practical step; practical color, material.

Provide - 1) give the opportunity to use or own something, 2) give the opportunity or the right to do something.
Usage examples: provide opportunities, provide documents, provide freedom of choice, right; leave it to me to decide, to give the management of the estate to a new person.

Introduce - 1) give for review, 2) highlight, send as a representative, 3) apply for an award, promotion, position, 4) introduce, recommend, 5) show, demonstrate, 6) portray on stage, play, 7) mentally imagine.
Usage examples: present the results of the study; present candidates from the region, from the school; submit for an award; introduce the groom to the parents; present prospects, direction of work; the actors successfully presented the feelings and states of their characters; imagine something, be of interest.

Representative- 1) elective, 2) reflecting the interests of all stakeholders, groups, parties, 3) solid, prominent, making a favorable impression.
Usage examples: representative power, representative bodies of power; representative assembly, representative congress, representative exhibition; representative man, representative appearance.

Executive - 1) for the purpose of presentation, 2) deluxe class.
Usage examples: entertainment expenses, purposes; representative interests; executive class car, executive class room (in a hotel).

Performance- 1) noun. from the verb to represent, 2) official paper, application for an award, promotion, rank, 3) performance, theatrical action, 4) the image of objects and the world in the perception of people, 5) understanding, knowledge.
Usage examples: presentation of evidence in court; presentation for an award; theatrical performance; my views, your view, get a view of the events; have the most general idea of ​​historical processes.

Providing- noun from the verb to provide: provision.
Usage examples: provision of living space, provision of services, provision of opportunities, provision of work in accordance with the contract.

Recognized- 1) the one who was recognized (participle from chap. recognize), 2) appreciated, famous.
Usage examples: recognized authority, recognized talent; renowned artist, actor, director, public figure, scientist.

Grateful- feeling or expressing gratitude, gratitude.
Usage examples: be grateful, grateful words, grateful attitude.

belittle- 1) put in a humiliating position, humiliate, 2) belittle the value, underestimate.
Usage examples: belittle in one's own eyes, belittle the value, belittle the role.

Humiliate- hurt, offend.
Usage examples: humiliate in front of everyone; to humiliate with an attitude, words, a slap in the face, a cry.

problematic- conjectural, unsaid, improbable, doubtful.
Usage examples: problematic solution, statement, conclusion, assumption; problematic conclusion, result; problematic opportunity.

Problem- containing a problem or intended to solve it.
Usage examples: problem situation, problem article, problem group, problem approach, problem lesson, problem lecture.

Industrial- related to production or intended for production.
Usage examples: production process, production capacity, production department, industrial relations, production defects, production meeting, production area.

Productive- producing, creating, productive.
Usage examples: productive labor, productive forces.

Prophesy- foretell, foretell.
Usage examples: prophesy the future; prophesy misfortune, trouble; prophesy good luck, victory.

Read- predestinate, foretell.
Usage examples: to read into wives, into husbands; read to the bosses; read into the bride; read for yourself, for your brother.

angler- 1) one who fishes, 2) a fisherman.
Usage examples: Fishermen sat and stood along the banks of the lake. Passionate fisherman, amateur fisherman; real, knowledgeable, experienced angler.

Fisherman- 1) one who is engaged in fishing, 2) A lover of fishing (colloquial)
Usage examples: the fishermen worked as a team; brigade of fishermen; real, good, old fisherman.

Fishing- related to fishing or intended for fishing.
Usage examples: fishing season, fishing tackle, fishing minesweeper, fishing fleet.

Fishing- engaged fishing like a trade.
Usage examples: fishing artel, fishing trawler.

Vocabulary- pertaining to a dictionary or the work of creating dictionaries.
Usage examples: dictionary entry, vocabulary of the language, dictionary work.

Verbal-1) adjective from noun. word, 2) expressed in words, in words.
Usage examples: verbal war, battle; verbal material, word combinations.

Resistance- 1) counteraction, 2) term: resistance of materials
Usage examples: resistance to authority, resistance to the will of parents, electrical resistance, resistance to compression, resistance to materials; windage.

Resistance- the ability to resist.
Usage examples: resistance to diseases, infections, stress; body resistance; resistance of rocks to weathering.

Comparable- participle from the verb compare; one that can be compared to anything.
Usage examples: comparable values, with nothing comparable.
Comparative- 1) based on comparison, 2) relative, 3) linguistic term: comparative degree, comparative adjective, comparative adverb.
Usage examples: comparative research method, comparative linguistics; comparative silence, comparative prosperity; comparative adjective, comparative degree.

Old- 1) created in the old days, 2) old, old
Usage examples: old carpet, old coin, vintage decoration, vintage books; old acquaintance, old friend.
Old-1) lived for many years, 2) old, old, 3) long in use, 4) (about time) past, 5) former.
Usage examples: old grandfather, old woman; old hurt, old wound, old pain, old tradition; old dress, old shoes, old house; old time, old life; old address, phone, old data.

Glass- 1) made of glass, 2) such as glass, 3) motionless, lifeless.
Usage examples: glass cup, glassware; glass shine, glass chime; glass look, glass eyes.

Glass- designed for glass or glass production, glass work.
Usage examples: buy glass putty; glass workshop, glass factory, glass raw materials, glass industry.

Satisfying- 1) well satiating, high-calorie, 2) plentiful.
Usage examples: hearty pies, hearty dish; hearty lunch, hearty food; satisfying life, satisfying wintering.

well-fed- 1) not experiencing hunger, 2) well-fed, well-fed, 3) living in abundance.
Usage examples: well-fed man, well-fed children, well-fed cat, well-fed cattle; well-fed country, well-fed Europe.

Lucky- one who is favored by luck; successful.
Usage examples: successful entrepreneur, successful sportsman; lucky hunt.

Successful- 1) ended in success, good luck, 2) good, meeting the requirements.
Usage examples: successful business, successful operation; good film, performance, good role, good words.

Mention- words relating to someone, said not on purpose, but in passing.
Usage examples: mention of the actor, mention by the way, relevant mention, mentions in the press.

Reminder words to remind.
Usage examples: important reminder, appointment reminder, agreement reminder, self reminder, birthday reminder, computer reminder.

Place, - I'm still, - you eat; - still (-yon, - ena); perfect view
1. what. Determine, find a place for something Place books on a shelf.
2. whom (what). To settle (in some room, housing). Place the visitor in a separate room.
3. whom (what). Give away for some purpose. Place the child in kindergarten. Place in hospital. Put your savings in a savings bank.
4. what. Print, publish. Submit an article to a magazine. Place an ad in the newspaper.
imperfect species put, - ayu, - aesh.
noun. room, I neuter gender

Word usage examples place in the context

    . The second is with the neighbors upstairs, the Monastyrevs, now there is a free room, you can place Tattoo there.
    . - Well, let's tell him that I got hit by a carriage or a van and that I had to place to the infirmary.
    . I would like place some things in the hotel safe.
    . They had to eventually place Tom in a madhouse.
    . After all, you can’t, agree, place all his affection for the dog.

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