World Humanitarian Day. World Humanitarian Day (video)

Tourism and rest 01.07.2019
Tourism and rest

In 2008 General Assembly The United Nations by its resolution (A/RES/63/139) declared World Humanitarian Day(World Humanitarian Day).

By adding this date to the calendar, the United Nations has set the goal of raising public awareness of humanitarian assistance activities around the world. In addition, the establishment of the Humanitarian Day reminds of the importance international cooperation in this area, and also pays tribute to all who have worked and continue to work in it.

According to experts, for recent decades the ability of the humanitarian community to quickly and effectively respond to various crises and disasters caused by natural or human factors and anticipate them. This was largely due to the selfless work of many thousands of people who chose to work in the field of humanitarian assistance.

Every day, through danger and adversity, humanitarian workers help millions of people in countries torn by war or natural disaster. Their work is a clear illustration of the fact that assistance to those in need should and can be provided regardless of religion, race or gender, the UN resolution emphasizes.

A variety of information and educational activities are held on World Humanitarian Day. Moreover, on this day global community remembers the people who lost their lives saving others to pay tribute to them. One of them is UN official Sergio Vieira de Mello, who was killed in a hotel bombing in Baghdad. It happened on August 19, 2003 - and in honor of this sad event, a date was chosen for world day humanitarian aid.

World Humanitarian Day: the history of the holiday

In December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly, by its resolution (A/RES/63/139), declared August 19 as World Humanitarian Day.

This date was introduced into the UN calendar to mark the important task of raising public awareness of humanitarian assistance activities around the world.

It is noted that the establishment of the World Humanitarian Day reminds the society of the importance of international cooperation in this area, and also pays tribute to everyone who has worked and still continues to work in the industry.

As experts confirm, over the past ten years, the ability of the humanitarian community to quickly and effectively respond to various crises and catastrophes in the world caused by natural or human factors, as well as to prevent them, has noticeably increased. It is worth clarifying that this was largely due to the selfless work of many thousands of people who chose to work in the field of humanitarian assistance.

Every day, overcoming danger and adversity, humanitarian workers help millions of people in countries that are engulfed in brutal and hungry war or are experiencing natural disasters.

I would like to emphasize that the work of these people is a clear demonstration of the fact that help to those in need should and can be provided regardless of religion, race or gender. This is primarily noted in the UN resolution.

In addition, a variety of information and educational events are held on World Humanitarian Day.

Also on this day, the world community remembers the people who lost their lives saving others to pay tribute to them. One of them is UN employee Sergio Vieira de Mello, who was killed in a powerful explosion of a hotel in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. This incident happened on August 19, 2003. In honor of this sad event, a date has been chosen for World Humanitarian Day.

Each of us has helped someone in need at least once in our lives. No matter how difficult life is, there will always be a place for such a small feat. Not surprisingly, International Humanitarian Day has become a full-fledged holiday, a kind of way to say that people with good hearts will never run out.

August 19 - Humanitarian Aid Day

Most likely, our person is not yet familiar with this date, because it has only been celebrated since 2008. However, for powerful and civilized countries, Humanitarian Aid Day, if not a holiday in the traditional sense, then an important date for sure.

As a rule, on this day, all kinds of charity events or auctions are held by all kinds of volunteer communities, trying to attract as much as possible more people. And even if a person has not had a chance to help those in need until this day, he will most likely want to take part. World Humanitarian Day is often accompanied by various exhibitions. Practice shows that many people are more willing to buy cute trinkets for themselves or rather than simply drop banknotes into boxes or make transfers.

Humanitarian Aid Day is not complete without gratitude to those who have become salvation and hope for people. By the way, after all, the date 19 was not chosen by chance. It just so happened that such holidays coincide with important events and not always joyful. It was on this day in 2003 that one of the UN employees died saving the lives of people after an explosion in a hotel.

Today, on International Humanitarian Day, activists are trying to attract as many people as possible, talk about the work done and look for ways to help those who really need it. Of course, World Humanitarian Day may not be celebrated somewhere in the outback of our country. But even at the level open lesson at school, this is already a small step towards a new attitude of the younger generation to this issue.

There are dozens of armed conflicts around the world every year. Natural disasters leave people homeless and homeless. Volunteers around the world organize missions to save people from various critical and traumatic situations in which they find themselves. As you know, humanitarian aid is gratuitous charitable help citizens who suffered during various traumatic factors. Help can be both material and psychological. An important factor is gratuitousness.

On August 19, 2003, in Iraq, in Baghdad, an explosion thundered at the UN headquarters, which claimed 22 lives. Since 2008, the UN Assembly has decided to recognize August 19 as the International Day for Humanitarian Aid. On this day, many cities and countries hold campaigns to collect clothes, medicines, food and other necessary things. Collections are held on a targeted basis - for citizens affected by a particular event.

Unfortunately, most often it is necessary to help people who suffered in armed conflicts, lost their homes during a raging natural disaster (tsunami, floods, fires), or were injured during a technological disaster (for example, the disaster during the nuclear power plant accident in 1986 in Chernobyl , in Ukraine).

During such events, peacekeeping missions are organized to deliver aid to the civilian population in hot spots by air or by land. The civilian population is being evacuated.

One of the most famous humanitarian organizations helping people is Doctors Without Borders. This group of caring people arose in 1971 to help people during the war in Nigeria. Today this organization has many thousands of volunteers, volunteers all over the Earth. The dedication of these people is admirable - they are engaged not only in rescuing civilians from armed conflicts or natural disasters, but also conduct educational activities, the purpose of which is the prevention of many deadly diseases.

So, August 19 is International Humanitarian Day. Having joined the charitable deeds, each person psychologically feels his need in the life of society.

Humanitarian assistance is provided free of charge to people and organizations, countries that need it for various reasons. A very low standard of living, wars, epidemics, disasters and accidents - there can be a huge number of reasons. In such situations, stronger countries, organizations or individuals with resources and capabilities share with those who are in a difficult situation. This is practiced all over the world regardless of nationality, religion, skin color and other factors. Every year the number of workers in this area is growing, the number of people who spend their energy on helping others is increasing. That is why a special day appeared - it is celebrated on August 19 every year.

history of the holiday

The history of this event is connected with one of the sensational tragedies. This happened in 2003, on August 19. On this day in Baghdad, a serious explosion rocked the UN headquarters. The incident resulted in the death of twenty-two people, among whom was a well-known Brazilian diplomat. This event was a shock - a huge number of people helped to cope with it.

All forces were united, help came from different countries took care of the relatives of the dead. It became clear that the ability of people to unite at critical moments deserves its own holiday. That is why a separate holiday was established for humanitarian aid.

Since 2010, the UN award has been presented on this day, which recognizes people who have made a significant contribution to resolving conflicts. Traditionally, this holiday is dedicated to one theme, which is chosen in a particular year. Its purpose is to draw attention to humanitarian action and inform more people that this can and should be done.

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