Interesting information: how do dolphins sleep and do they breathe? D. respiratory system Dolphin breathes with lungs

Design and interior 08.07.2019
Design and interior

Like all mammals, dolphins breathe air. Air enters and exits primarily through the blowhole located at the top of the head. We didn't see a single animal that breathed through its mouth. However, we have received evidence that dolphins can expel air from their lungs through their mouths and even make sounds with their mouths in the air.

The path of air from the blowhole to the lungs is quite complicated. The blowhole is located directly in front of the animal's forehead. In front of the blowhole is a large frontal protrusion lying on the upper jaw and consisting of a network of collagen fibers filled with adipose tissue.

Thus, the true forehead of the animal is hidden behind the blowhole and is located far behind the protruding outer "forehead". (F. J. Wood suggested that the frontal protrusion might function as a sound lens.)

The blowhole of a dolphin corresponds to the human nose, with the difference that it is shifted towards the forehead and turned with the opening upwards. At the edge of the blowhole there is a tongue ("nasal" valve) and its own anterior external "lip", the movement of which the animal controls in much the same way as we control the movements of our lips and tongue. In the blowhole itself below the first two air sacs, above the lower air sacs, there are two internal "lips" that regulate the airway lumen; they are especially wide open during exhalation and inhalation. The function of the air sacs and "lips" seems to be to:

1) collect water entering through the open blowhole at the end of inhalation,

2) expel this water with closed underlying sphincters,

3) store a supply of air and distill it from bag to bag in order to make sounds in water or in air.

When an animal wants to make sounds in the air, it can blow air through the blowhole, passing it between the "tongue" and the outer "lip". It can also open the outer blowhole valve and "lip" and use the inner "lips" - this produces loud sounds, reminiscent of the howl of a siren and the screams of a crowd in a stadium. Obviously, it can also use bags and "lips" for whistling.

During inhalation and exhalation, this whole system is wide open above the place where the airways are divided in two by a bony septum. During inspiration, the nasopharyngeal sphincter appears to hold the larynx (however, this has not yet been proven).

The larynx itself opens, and the arytenoid cartilages move away from each other. This creates a channel for air to pass through the pharynx into the trachea. The arytenoid cartilages of the larynx can block the airways, separating the trachea from the upper nasal passage.

The larynx can also be completely separated from the nasopharynx by the muscles of the pharynx attached to the hyoid bone. At the same time, it will descend and expel water from the upper sections of the bronchial tree and trachea into the mouth. However, usually during respiration and phonation, the larynx is connected to the nasopharynx.

What happens to the larynx during swallowing is not yet known. It is believed that the nasopharyngeal sphincter continues to hold it. I assume that the larynx is released from the sphincter and lies flattened at the bottom of the pharynx during the entire act of swallowing. The arytenoid cartilages are very large and have long processes that touch each other in the midline. Perhaps it is these processes of the arytenoid cartilages that cause the short sounds of dolphin sonar, reminiscent of the creaking of a door, as well as "human-like" sounds. However, this remains to be seen.

The trachea of ​​a dolphin is wide and short; the tube from the respirator (diameter 2.8 centimeters) just corresponds to its diameter. We have established that the trachea is only 5 centimeters long and that it is divided into three (or even four) large bronchi, which almost immediately branch into smaller ones. The walls of the trachea and bronchi (with the exception of bronchioles) are equipped with cartilaginous rings. When you cut the lungs with a knife, you feel a rather strong resistance of this cartilaginous tissue. The alveoli in a dolphin are much larger than in humans, 1-3 millimeters in diameter and are clearly visible to the naked eye. Apparently all respiratory system adapted for extremely rapid emptying and filling of the lungs. The active phase of the respiratory act lasts only 0.3 seconds. During this short period of time, the animal exhales and then inhales 5-10 liters of air.

During the passage of air through the respiratory system during the active phase, there is obviously a lot of turbulence, which ensures complete mixing of gases, possibly even in the alveoli. Between the active phases, there is a rather long time interval during which gases are exchanged by diffusion in the large alveoli of the animal. Typically, this interval is approximately 20 seconds.

Dolphins are unique animals that live in the seas and oceans. They are distant relatives of cetaceans marine animals, only they belong to the dolphin family.

Due to its very graceful shape and smooth body surface, the dolphin is able to reach speeds of about 50 km / h, which is a very high speed.

Humans and Dolphins

It's no secret that dolphins are considered the most intelligent marine mammals. Dolphins showed their mind and ingenuity in those cases when the situation required it, for example, when rescuing people who were shipwrecked and preventing a person from dying at sea.

Therefore, most scientists who study the life and behavior of dolphins believe that dolphins have a very highly developed mind and intelligence. And only people are smarter than dolphins.

It is worth noting the fact that dolphins are related to the most dangerous and huge representatives of the ocean, whales and killer whales.

It is reliably known that in nature there are about 50 various kinds dolphins. However, the bottlenose dolphin has the greatest popularity and fame of the species.

It is the Alafin dolphin that people most often mention in conversations. At the same time, this type of animal, due to its ingenuity and intelligence, can be quickly tamed.

Therefore, it is bottlenose dolphins that are most often filmed for various films, and this type of dolphin also has a good effect on children who have various diseases neurological nature.

Dolphin - description and photos. What does a dolphin look like?

Many people believe that a dolphin is a fish, but this is completely wrong, because a dolphin is a marine mammal.

Almost all species of dolphins have an elongated and smooth body, the length of some individuals can reach about 5 meters, while the head of the animal is connected to the body and is small in size, at the end of the head there is a mouth in the form of a beak.

From 75 to 100 small cone-shaped teeth are located in the dolphin's mouth, while almost all teeth have a slight slope into the inside of the mouth, this is necessary so that the caught fish does not slip out of the dolphin's mouth.

Almost all species of dolphins have a dorsal fin that protrudes above the water. Moreover, by this fin you can determine what kind of dolphin is in the water.

How do dolphins breathe?

Since dolphins are considered distant relatives of whales, they are also able to stay under water for a long time, since Airways animals are closed.

However, dolphins periodically still float to the surface to take a few breaths.

Do dolphins have ears?

Physiologically, dolphins do not have ears by nature, but this does not mean that they do not have hearing. It definitely exists.

But the functioning of the hearing organs of dolphins works on a slightly different principle, not the same as in many mammals.

In a dolphin, all sounds are initially received by the inner ear, then the signal enters the so-called air cushions, which are located in the frontal part of the animal's head.

However, dolphins have very well developed echolocation, which makes it possible to accurately and without errors determine the distance to various objects, determine their size, as well as their location.

It should be noted that the dolphin is able to pick up the most ultra subtle sounds at a distance of tens of kilometers.

How Do Dolphins Sleep?

As for the sleep of these animals, there is one very interesting fact. The fact is that physiologically dolphins cannot fall into a full sleep. However, they still rest.

This process looks like this: dolphins in a semi-disabled state are in the water and only occasionally come to the surface to breathe.

In the process of wakefulness, dolphins turn off in turn the left and right hemisphere brain. Thus, one part of the brain is at work, while the other part is completely immersed in hibernation.

Where do dolphins live?

Dolphins are adapted to live in almost any part of the world. the globe, with the possible exception of the Arctic and Antarctic.

However, the main habitats are the seas and oceans, it is also possible for dolphins to live in freshwater Amazonian waters, where the Amazonian river dolphin lives.

These animals prefer space and can easily cover quite long distances.

Dolphin language

As a rule, all kinds of dolphins live in large flocks, where there can be from 10 to 120 animals, which gives them reliable protection from numerous enemies.

It is worth noting that within each flock there are no conflicts for leadership and so on. Between themselves, dolphins communicate exclusively using various signals and sounds.

At the same time, communication itself can consist of: whistling, twittering, barking, clicking. In this case, the frequency of the dolphin's voices can range from low-frequency to ultrasonic signal.

However, dolphins are able to link various signals and sounds together into the necessary information, which they are able to transmit over very long distances.

What do dolphins eat?

The basis of the menu in the diet of dolphins is only fish, but the most tasty fish for them are anchovies and sardines.

But dolphins hunt in a flock together, they use their specific sounds to make all the fish stray into one big school. After that, the dolphins take turns attacking the fish school. This is very effective method hunting for prey.

Dolphin breeding, baby dolphins

Dolphins, unlike many other mammals, do not have a specific mating season, so they can breed at almost any time. Mating with the female is done by the leader of the pack.

The gestation period of a female can last about 5 months, as a rule, it is very difficult. In this position, the female loses her dexterity and speed, she becomes slow and clumsy, as a result of which she becomes easy prey for enemies.

A female dolphin is able to reproduce one dolphin in two years.

At birth, a small dolphin has a length of about 0.5 meters, its birth takes place afloat, and from the first seconds of life, the baby is able to swim with its mother.

Dolphin babies feed mainly on mother's milk, as a result of which they gain weight and height very rapidly. The baby will eat milk until he is one and a half years old, it is during this period that the baby will begin to eat fish on his own.

Mothers take care of all the upbringing of babies, but males do not take part in this.

Photo of dolphins

The dolphin is a representative of the suborder of toothed whales, the order of cetaceans, the dolphin family (lat. Delphinidae). The graceful body of the dolphin has a spindle-shaped streamlined shape, which allows these mammals to quickly cut through the water surface. The speed of the dolphin reaches 50 km/h.

People and dolphins.

People have known about the extraordinary mind and quick wit of dolphins for a long time. These charming animals rescue people from ships in distress, preventing them from drowning. You could even say that dolphins are the smartest animals on the planet. Many trainers believe that the intelligence of dolphins can be equated to a human, these animals behave so intelligently and unusually.

There is a joke about dolphins, which tells that if a person had not overtaken the dolphins and had not climbed down from the tree before, they would come out of the water and now would be the kings of nature, replacing us. Dolphin is smart, kind, beautiful, he is an excellent student, analyzes, remembers.

Dolphins are directly related to the formidable inhabitants of the oceans, killer whales and. There are about 50 species of dolphins. These include the porpoise, black dolphin, gray dolphin, white-faced dolphin, Atlantic white-sided dolphin. The most popular is the bottlenose dolphin (large dolphin), which people basically have in mind when talking about meetings with representatives of this species. They are well studied and tamed. Bottlenose dolphins are filmed in films, they participate in programs for the rehabilitation of children suffering from various neurological ailments.

Dolphin - description and photos. What does a dolphin look like?

A dolphin is not a fish, but a mammal. Common to all species is an elongated streamlined body, which is crowned by a small dolphin head with a beak-shaped mouth. Each jaw contains 80-100 small conical teeth. The dolphin's teeth are slightly tilted inwards. The transition between the muzzle and the frontal part is well defined. Almost all members of the dolphin class have a prominent dorsal fin. The skin is supple and smooth to the touch. The length of the dolphin can reach 4.5 meters depending on the species.

Dolphins in the water move very easily, they practically do not feel its resistance due to special fatty secretions on the skin that facilitate gliding. Interestingly, the dolphin's skin is quickly erased from the friction of water. Therefore, in the deep skin layers they have a significant supply of regenerating cells. The dolphin constantly sheds, changing up to 25 layers of skin per day!

The eyes of dolphins are small, vision is poor. This is due to the fact that animals practically do not use them for hunting. The nostrils are transformed into a blowhole located on the crown of the head.

How do dolphins breathe?

Whales and dolphins are related and can stay under water for a long time without surfacing. The drawbar is closed during such periods. But, like other cetaceans, dolphins still need air underwater and periodically rise to the surface to breathe.

Do dolphins have ears?

Dolphins have no ears. But that doesn't mean they don't have hearing. There is! True, it functions differently from other mammals. Sounds are perceived by the inner ear, and the air cushions located in the frontal part serve as resonators. But these animals are fluent in echolocation. They accurately determine the location and dimensions of the object by the reflected sound, and by the wavelength - the distance to it.

How Do Dolphins Sleep?

Dolphins also have another interesting physiological feature: they never sleep. Animals hang in the water column, periodically rising to the surface for breathing. During rest, they are able to alternately turn off either the left or the right hemisphere of the brain, that is, only one half of the dolphin's brain sleeps, while the other is awake.

Where do dolphins live?

The habitat of the dolphin is exclusively water bodies. The dolphin lives in almost all places on our planet, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Dolphins live in the sea, in the ocean, as well as in large freshwater rivers(Amazonian river dolphin). These mammals love space and move freely over long distances.

Dolphin language.

Dolphins are animals social, live in packs, in which there can be from 10 to 100 (sometimes more) individuals, fighting off enemies with common efforts. Inside the pack, there is practically no competition or fights between them; fellow tribesmen coexist peacefully with each other. Dolphins communicate using sounds and signals. Dolphin language extraordinarily varied. The "talk" of these mammals includes clicking, whistling, barking, and chirping. The dolphin voice spectrum extends from the most low frequencies to ultrasound. Moreover, they can combine simple sounds into words and sentences, passing information to each other.

What do dolphins eat?

The diet of dolphins includes only fish, preference is given to anchovies. The method of hunting used by animals is also interesting. A flock of dolphins finds a school of fish and with special sounds forces it to huddle into a dense group. As a result of such hunting, most of the school becomes the prey of dolphins. This feature is often used when attacking frightened fish from the air. There are known facts when dolphins helped fishermen by driving a joint to them in the net.

Sharks and dolphins.

An interesting fact is that dolphins live in symbiosis. They often hunt together without showing any aggression towards each other.

Types of dolphins.

There are 17 genera in the dolphin family. The most interesting varieties of dolphins:

  • lives exclusively on the coast of Chile. An animal with a rather modest size - the length of the stocky and rather thick body of this cetacean does not exceed 170 cm. The back and sides of the white-bellied dolphin are gray, while the throat, belly area and parts of the flippers adjacent to the body are absolutely white. The flippers and dorsal fin of the white-bellied dolphin are smaller than those of other dolphin species. This species is close to extinction, protected by the Chilean authorities.

  • The length of a marine animal often reaches 2.4 meters, the weight of a dolphin varies between 60-80 kilograms. In the back area, an ordinary dolphin is painted dark blue or almost black, the belly is white, and a spectacular yellowish-gray stripe runs along the light sides. This species of dolphins lives in the waters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, feels at ease in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Common dolphin spotted on the east coast South America, along the coasts of New Zealand and South Africa, in the seas of Japan and Korea.

  • a large representative of cetaceans with a body length reaching 3 meters and weighing up to 275 kg. Distinctive feature The white-faced dolphin has a very light, sometimes snow-white muzzle. The habitat of this mammal includes the waters of the North Atlantic, the coast of Portugal and Turkey. The dolphin feeds on fish such as navaga, flounder, herring, whiting, as well as mollusks and crustaceans.

  • The body length of this marine mammal is 2-2.6 meters, weight varies from 90 to 155 kg. The height of the dorsal fin is 18-28 cm. The color of the dolphin is dominated by gray, over which whitish spots are “scattered”. This species of dolphin is common off the coast of Brazil, in the Gulf of Mexico and California, lives in the warm waters of the Caribbean and Red Seas.

  • The length of the animal can vary from 2.3 to 3.6 meters, and weight from 150 to 300 kg. The body color of the bottlenose dolphin depends on the habitat, but basically the species has a dark brown upper part body and grayish-white belly. Sometimes there is a weakly pronounced pattern in the form of fuzzy stripes or spots on the sides. The bottlenose dolphin lives in the Mediterranean, Red, Baltic and Black Seas, and is often found in the Pacific Ocean along the coasts of Japan, Argentina and New Zealand.

  • common in the waters of countries with tropical climate, especially mass populations live along the coast Hawaiian Islands. The torpedo-shaped, light gray body of the animal is crowned with a cone-shaped dark gray head. The length of a mammal often reaches 3 meters, and an adult individual weighs more than 200 kg.

  • This representative of the genus of humpback dolphins lives in the waters along the coast of Southeast Asia, but migrates during the breeding season, therefore it is found in bays, quiet sea lagoons and even rivers washing Australia and South Africa. The length of the animal can be 2-3.5 meters with a weight of 150-230 kg. Surprisingly, although dolphins are born absolutely black, as they grow, the body color changes first to light gray, with slightly pinkish spots, and adults become almost white. The Chinese dolphin feeds on fish and shellfish.

  • A distinctive feature of this species of dolphins is the complete absence of a beak on the muzzle and a flexible neck, which received mobility due to several skin and muscle folds behind the head. The color of the body of the Irrawaddy dolphin can be either light gray with a blue tint or dark gray, while the belly of the animal is always a tone lighter. In length, this aquatic mammal reaches 1.5-2.8 meters and weighs 115-145 kg. The dolphin's habitat covers the waters of the warm Indian Ocean, from the Bay of Bengal to the northern coast of Australia.

  • lives exclusively in the waters of the Antarctic and subantarctic. The color of the dolphin is black and white, less often - dark gray. A spectacular white marking, covering the sides of the mammal, stretches to its muzzle, framing the eye area. The second mark runs along the back of the body, intersecting with the first and forming an hourglass pattern. An adult cruciform dolphin has a body length of about 2 meters in length, the weight of a dolphin varies between 90-120 kilograms.

  • - a mammal that belongs to the dolphin family, a genus of killer whales. The male killer whale has a length of about 10 meters and a weight of around 8 tons. Females are smaller: their length reaches 8.7 meters. Pectoral flippers of killer whales have a wide oval shape. Killer whale teeth are quite long - up to 13 cm in length. The sides and back of the mammal are black, the throat is white, and there is a white stripe on the belly. There are white spots above the eyes. Sometimes there are completely black or white individuals in the waters Pacific Ocean. The killer whale lives in all waters of the oceans, except for the Sea of ​​Azov, the Black Sea, the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea.

Everyone loves dolphins. These are intelligent, curious, playful creatures that have captivated people since time immemorial. But if it wasn't for their interesting behavior, dolphins wouldn't be everyone's favorite. aquatic mammals. Adapting to life in the harsh environment of the oceans requires certain serious skills. As a result of this, dolphins have become the owners of some incredible abilities that amaze researchers and scientists.

10. Insomnia Everyone needs sleep. Randy Gardner, world record holder, didn't sleep for 11 consecutive days. On the fourth day, he began to hallucinate. Sleeplessness in mammals leads to death, but this does not apply to dolphins, which apparently have found a way to go without sleep. Dolphins refuse sleep during the first month of life.

The fact is that these amazing marine animals can turn off half of their brain from time to time. Scientists continuously observed the behavior of dolphins for 5 days, and noticed that during this time the reaction of animals did not change or slow down for a second. Blood tests for signs of stress due to lack of sleep were negative. Dolphins can be active indefinitely.

Another study showed that dolphins can use their sonar horn system for 15 consecutive days without interruption with near-perfect accuracy. This skill is essential when they are watching predators while relaxing in the open ocean.

9. Vision Everyone knows about the dolphin sonar system. With the clicks and creaks they make, they explore the world around them. It can be assumed that other ways of perceiving the world around them, for example, vision, are poorly developed in them. In fact, their eyesight is better than that of humans. So, dolphins have an eye on each side of their head, and so they get a 300-degree panoramic view of their surroundings. They can see what's behind them and each eye can move independently, meaning they can look in two different directions at the same time. They also have a reflective layer of cells behind the retina called the tapetem lucidem. This helps them see exceptionally well in low light conditions. In addition, dolphins see well both in the water and on the surface.

7. Breath Dolphins are very good swimmers. They can hold their breath for 12 minutes and dive almost 550 meters (1,800 feet). Dolphins can do this because they have special lungs. Although they are not much larger than those of a human, they are much more effective. With each breath, a dolphin processes about 80% of the air in its lungs. In humans, this figure is only about 17%. Their blood and muscles can also store and transport more oxygen than ours. This is because they have more red blood cells, which in turn have a higher concentration of hemoglobin than humans.

But, this still doesn't fully explain why dolphins can hold their breath for so long and dive so deep. To accomplish such a feat, they restrict the circulation of blood in their body. During a long dive, blood leaves the limbs and travels to the heart and brain.

6. Healing Dolphin skin has the unique ability to heal quickly. The healing function has fantastic abilities compared to a human. Basketball-sized wounds heal well. A huge piece of skin will grow in a few weeks, leaving no scar, and returns to its original even state. The skin does not just heal, it regenerates. In addition, if a wound appears on the surface of the skin of dolphins, it does not bleed. With serious damage to human skin, without timely assistance, we can die from blood loss. However, it is believed that when injured, dolphins use the same functions that enable them to dive to great depths, namely, constrict blood vessels and stop the flow of blood circulation.

5. Pain Dolphins do not feel pain. After being seriously injured, dolphins can continue to play, swim, and even feed their babies. In fact, dolphins are just as sensitive as we are. But when they receive a deep wound, they simply do not pay attention to it. Some scientists believe that these animals are capable of producing natural painkillers that are equal in effect to morphine.

4. Unique swimmer In 1936, the famous British zoologist Sir James Gray was amazed at how fast dolphins could swim. He studied their anatomy and concluded that dolphins cannot move at the speed they swim in reality because their muscles are not strong enough for the task. Thus, it's all about the dolphin's skin, which has unique properties and in a special way rejects the water flow. This phenomenon is known as the "Grey paradox".

There is indeed some truth in Gray's hypothesis - the skin of dolphins does indeed have unique properties, but he greatly underestimated their physical capabilities. As it turns out, the dolphin's tail kick is 10 times more powerful than Gray thought. In general, a dolphin is about 6-8 times stronger than a US Olympic swimmer. In addition, dolphins have extraordinary energy. A person can only convert about 4% of their energy into momentum in water. Dolphins can convert 80% of their energy into thrust, and this skill makes them one of the most efficient swimmers in the ocean.

3. Infections Dolphins swim with open wounds in an ocean full of various bacteria and do not die from infection. Without medical attention, people can die from sepsis within a few days. Dolphins have immune systems similar to humans, so how did they acquire this super resistance to infections?

In fact, no one knows for sure. Some scientists put forward the theory that the dolphin's body has the ability to absorb antibiotics produced by plankton and algae. Chemical substances produced by these microscopic living creatures have been found in the fatty tissues of the dolphin. Subcutaneous fat decomposes at the site of the wound and releases these natural antibacterial agents. How they can store these vital substances under the skin without removing them from the body is still a mystery.

2. Magnetic feeling Why do dolphins and whales wash up on shore? It's a mystery that has baffled researchers over the years. Suggestions include strange diseases and pollution. environment, and military sound testing.

Cases when animals washed ashore were recorded for many hundreds of years, but only recently scientists began to guess what main reason. It turns out that it's all about the sun and the magnetic field of our planet.

Dolphins and whales have special magnetic crystals in their brains that allow them to sense the earth's magnetic field. With the help of such a built-in system, they can move around the vast expanses of the ocean, orienting themselves in space without much difficulty. One group of researchers has mapped the east coast of the United States, where mass dolphin deaths have been observed. As it turned out, these areas coincided with places where magnetic rocks lowered the level magnetic field planets.

Thus, dolphins and whales, focusing on the magnetic field at the time, "do not see" the shore. Scientists have also found that when the sun emits too much radiation, it affects the magnetic senses. marine mammals and confuses them. Most animals are washed ashore when the activity of the sun is at its strongest. This also explains why rescued animals return to shore again.

1. Electroreception in dolphins The dolphin's sonar system is a truly unique phenomenon. The ability to detect objects at a distance is simply amazing. And combined with the other senses that we have already covered, it can be concluded that dolphins have truly fantastic senses and abilities that distinguish them from other living creatures. However, mother nature endowed them with something else - electroreception. This is the ability to feel electrical impulses sent by other living beings. Guyanese dolphins that live off the coast of South America are similar in appearance to bottlenose dolphins. The researchers found special depressions on their noses that are able to recognize electrical impulses sent by the muscles of the fish. A similar feature is found in animals such as platypuses. They use it to find fish hiding in the mud. Echolocation allows dolphins to determine the position of objects at a distance, but it is not particularly effective near, and in such situations, electroreception comes to the rescue.

Scientists suspect that all dolphins and even some whales have this unusual ability.

Unforgettable performance by dolphins at the Tampere Dolphinarium
Amusement park Särkänniemi

Sometimes it seems to me that dolphins in terms of the development of the mind, they surpass not only other animals on planet Earth, but also people themselves ..

  • Primarily they kinder people and often it is people who are saved.
  • They can play with each other and communicate over long distances using ultrasonic signals.
  • well and their respiratory system is directly connected to the brain and it's in working order. Here is an example that the respiratory system of dolphins is more perfect than that of humans.

So when compared with humans, then specifically the respiratory system in dolphins depends on brain activity. Well, now more specifically about the respiratory system of dolphins.

Respiratory system.

First of all, dolphins breathe air. And how humans can't extract oxygen from water. However, they can hold their breath for a long time. And this is connected with the structure of the respiratory system. Here is a picture of where the respiratory system of a dolphin is located.

The fact is that the blowhole in dolphins is separated from the esophagus and, due to special muscles, closes and opens only during exhalation and inhalation. That is why they can hold their breath underwater for so long and also eat underwater.

Now let's move on to some very interesting questions.

  • How long can you stay on a ventilator?

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