Respiratory system. Interesting information: how do dolphins sleep and do they breathe? Mammalian dolphins how they breathe air

the beauty 08.07.2019
the beauty

In the section on the question How do dolphins breathe? given by the author Dmitry Remizov the best answer is Through a hole in the head for breathing.

Answer from ~VESNA-LETO~[guru]
They breathe ground air: there is a respiratory gap in the form of a horseshoe on the crown of the head, and they inhale 1-4 times per minute.

Answer from Yes Irina[guru]
I don't know how they breathe. I only know that when they sleep, one hemisphere first rests with them, then the second, so as not to drown!

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
Dolphins, which do not have gills, breathe. atmospheric air and have the amazing ability to hold and control their breath. Of course, fish also breathe air, but their air is extracted from the water by filtration, they have gills, while the dolphin does not have gills and uses the same lungs for breathing as those of all above-ground animals.
Such an ability to control one's breathing, scientists do not meet either among terrestrial or sea creatures. A man who dives 200 feet deep and suddenly rises to the surface can die immediately, but dolphins can dive 1,000 feet and, when they come up, do not feel any change in themselves.
It is also incomprehensible to scientists that a baby dolphin is born not on land and not on the surface of the water, but in water, or rather, under water. Born under water, a baby, a dolphin cub, floats up to take a breath of air for the first time, after which it plunges into the water, back to its mother and, as if nothing had happened, begins to swim with its parents. Well, isn't that a miracle? If, out of inexperience, the cub had taken its first breath a few seconds earlier or later, it would, of course, have drowned, drowning in the water.

Answer from NataLina[guru]
They breathe atmospheric air, periodically rising to the surface. On the head there is a hole (blowhole), which is tightly closed under water by a valve. At the same time, the breather and the organ of sound signaling.
Breathing can be held for 10 or even 15 minutes.

Scientists are not without reason called the intellectuals of the sea. And it's not at all that the brain weighs more than the human brain. Scientists have determined that dolphins invent for themselves, they know the names of their relatives. Moreover, they are able to talk about someone else, calling him by name. No one but a human has such abilities.

In addition, studies have shown that dolphin language, like human language, is divided into sounds, syllables, words, simple and complex sentences, and paragraphs.

When it comes to dolphins, they are far superior to humans. They can carry on a dialogue, being a kilometer apart. And if necessary, they are able to hear another even 20 km away.

The dolphin's body is extremely functional. The front fins act as a rudder, while the rear fin acts as a propeller. They are capable of speeds of 60-65 km / h.

Gray's paradox and more

The well-known "Grey's paradox" is associated with the high speed capabilities of dolphins.
Professor Gray, a specialist in biomechanics, calculated that in order to develop such significant speeds with the resistance that water exerts on any moving object, dolphins must be 7 times stronger.

Max Cameron tried to explain Gray's paradox. He believed that it was all about the elastic skin of the dolphin. It is known that all objects, when moving in water, create vortex flows, the repayment of which takes a lot of energy.

The dolphin does not create vortex flows, it seems to be screwed into the water. And his skin has unique properties - it is self-regulating, and can at any time change its elasticity in any part of the body. When interacting with water, these properties help dampen turbulence directly next to the animal's body.

Later, Professor Hagiwara of the Kyoto Institute of Technology found that the entire outer layer of dolphin skin is completely renewed every two hours. The tests carried out made it possible to establish that the particles of the discarded skin layer destroy the resulting vortex flows and muffle the turbulence of the water. But even this cannot unequivocally explain why dolphins are able to develop such high speed.

In the end, it turned out that Gray was still wrong, and the dolphins are stronger than he thought. For example, the bottlenose dolphin's tail kick is 10 times more powerful than previously thought.

Dolphins can also dive quite deep. A trained Atlantic bottlenose dolphin is able to dive to a depth of 300m and stay underwater for 12-15 minutes.

How can an animal that breathes oxygen go without it for so long? It turns out that the tissues of the dolphin's body are able to accumulate oxygen. If necessary, the animal's body uses these previously accumulated reserves.

Sleep is a natural and indispensable need for all mammals on the planet. However, the truth about dolphin sleep has long been a mystery to researchers. Do dolphins really sleep with one open eye? It was once believed that these animals rest "snaps" between breaths of air or even sleep deprived at all. Both of the latter assumptions turned out to be wrong. Today, scientists already know the true answer to the question of how dolphins sleep.

Dolphins - warm-blooded from the order of cetaceans - rightfully earned themselves the fame of one of the most mysterious creatures on the ground. The characteristic nickname of dolphins - "People of the Sea" - emphasizes the fact that their intellectual potential is so great that they are considered smarter and smarter than all other animals on the planet.

Dolphins live in packs. Mutual assistance to each other is developed among these creatures, sometimes reaching self-sacrifice. Dolphins are able to communicate by making about ten different sounds at both conventional and ultrasonic frequencies. In addition, they have a unique hearing, which operates on the principle of an echo sounder and allows you to determine not only the distance to an object or object, but even its size and shape.

The dolphin is considered one of the fastest marine animals - in water it can reach speeds of up to forty kilometers per hour! These animals are predators, they feed mainly on fish. dolphin is about thirty years old.

AT wild nature many dolphins readily interact with humans. A dolphin, saving its relative from danger, will also swim to the aid of a person in the same way. He will pull the drowning man ashore, drive away the shark from him, show the way to the sailors. This fact It has long been proven, but the essence of this phenomenon has not yet been explained.

Do dolphins sleep?

Sleep is vital for dolphins - just like all other mammals. However, it is special in these animals. The observations made, as well as studies of the bioelectrical activity of the brain, made it possible to reveal a very definite picture of how dolphins actually sleep.

In order not to drown while sleeping or become a victim of a predator attack, these marine mammals sleep half way. One hemisphere of the animal's brain receives a proper rest during sleep, while the second one continues to be awake, controlling what is happening around and being responsible for the respiratory function. That is why dolphins sleep with one eye open: if the brain is resting, the left eye is closed, and vice versa. This sleep takes about six or seven hours a day. And when the dolphin wakes up, both hemispheres are already starting to work.

How do dolphins sleep

Unusual at first glance, the peculiarity of the "half" sleep of the dolphin does not prevent him from going through all the phases, from fast to deep, and at the same time provide the animal with a good rest. Scientists have closely monitored how dolphins sleep and have identified common patterns. This always occurs at shallow depths, near the very surface of the water. Due to the high content in the body, dolphins sink very slowly down. Every now and then the animal, while in a dream, hits the water with its tail and floats to the surface in order to breathe air. After that, it again slowly sinks to the depth.

Dolphin breathing in a dream

Feeling the change when emerging to the surface, the dolphin opens its blowhole (nostril). He breathes very quickly: due to the nature of the structure respiratory tract he is able to inhale and exhale at the same time. While under water, the blowhole remains securely closed with a tight valve.

Newborn dolphins do not sleep for a whole month!

Studies have proven that the assumption that dolphins never sleep is a myth. However, another one was opened curious fact. Scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles found that newborn cubs of dolphins and whales do not fall asleep at all during the first month of their lives! In addition, babies also force their mothers to stay active all the time ...

Tiny dolphins are constantly on the move, surfacing for air every three to thirty seconds. And only a month later in their daily routine begin to appear short periods sleep, which gradually approach the norm characteristic of an adult animal.

American biologists have suggested that this behavior reduces the risk for baby dolphins and whales to be eaten by predators, and also gives them the opportunity to maintain a stable body temperature. As a result, they raised interest Ask about the presence of a certain reserve in the body of mammals, which allows them to go without sleep for a long time without experiencing harm to health.

Dolphins are amazing creations that belong to warm-blooded mammals from the order of cetaceans. By right, they have been awarded the title of the most mysterious creatures of our planet. The nickname "People of the Sea" indicates that their mental potential is so great that they are considered to be the most intelligent and quick-witted animals in the world.

Do dolphins sleep?

Sleep is essential for all mammals, dolphins are no exception. However, the sleep of these animals is unusual. A lot of observations and studies of the bioelectrical activity of the brain made it possible to present a picture of how these amazing animals actually sleep.

In order not to become victims of bloodthirsty predators or not to drown during sleep, these marine inhabitants sleep, so to speak, half. One hemisphere of the brain rests during sleep, and the second fully works, controlling everything that happens around, and is also responsible for the respiratory function. Actually, that's why they sleep with one eye open when active. right hemisphere, then the left eye will be closed and vice versa. Such a dream, as a rule, takes from six to seven hours a day, and with the awakening of the animal, both hemispheres of it begin to work in full mode.

How do dolphins sleep

Despite the unusual nature of "half" sleep, marine life passes through all existing phases of sleep, and at the same time is provided with a good rest during the whole sleep. Scientists have been watching the "People of the Sea" for quite a long time and have identified certain patterns:

  • animals sleep almost at the very surface of the water or at shallow depths;
  • due to the high content in the body of fatty tissues, extremely slowly go to the bottom;
  • being in deep sleep, the dolphin strikes the water with its tail to emerge and draws air from the surface, after which it slowly sinks back into the depths.

How do dolphins breathe while sleeping?

While emerging to the surface, the marine inhabitant feels a change environment and opens his nostril. They breathe pretty fast. Due to their physiological characteristics, these animals can simultaneously inhale and exhale. While under water, the blowhole of a mammal remains securely closed by a valve.

Newborn dolphins don't sleep for the first month of their lives!

As a result of research, it was found that newborn cubs of dolphins and whales do not fall asleep at all during the first month of their life. In addition, the crumbs require the same activity from their mothers during all this time. This amazing discovery was made by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Baby dolphins are in constant motion and float to the surface at an average interval of 30 seconds. And only a month later, short periods of sleep begin to appear in babies, which over time are increasingly approaching the norm of a representative of an adult mammal.

American scientists believe that such behavior significantly reduces the likelihood of being eaten by predators, and high activity allows you to maintain a stable and optimum temperature body. In this regard, many new questions have arisen regarding the presence of a reserve in the body of dolphins, which allows them to go without sleep for a long time without being exhausted.

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