Ages of Prince William and Kate Middleton's children. Monarchs from the nursery: how the children of William and Kate live

Family and relationships 13.07.2019
Family and relationships

We tell how little Princess Charlotte and Prince George spend their weekdays: what they have learned and how they have changed over the year.


George, as a true fan of all things "cop", wished for a car with a flashing light. Charlotte was given a dollhouse.

Extracurricular activities

The children of Kate Middleton and Prince William are far from technology: their parents do not allow them to use smartphones and tablets. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are convinced that children should spend time outdoors, be creative and play with dolls and cars.

Despite the lack of gadgets, the prince and princess are not bored. George has already tried himself on stage - he played a sheep in a Christmas school play. Charlotte's day is scheduled literally by the hour: in her two years she is already successfully studying Spanish, going to dances, showing interest in books and tennis, and also following the progress of her older brother.

Birth of a brother

Today, another and perhaps the most important event of the year happened in the life of George and Charlotte - How the children reacted to the new family member is not yet reported. But we know that Charlotte will definitely take care of his upbringing!

Not so long ago, the media, British society and the whole world followed a significant event in the life of the royal family - the long-awaited wedding of Prince Harry, younger son first pretender to the throne of the prince Welsh Charles and Princess Diana. Finally the 33-year-old prince, for a long time former enviable bachelor, followed the example of his older brother, Prince William, and acquired family status.

However, Prince William himself went to such a responsible step for a long time. His biography and history of relationships is no less interesting and impressive than that of his brother. That is what we want to tell you about today. But first, a few words about the place of the two princes in royal family and in line for the throne.

British princes

There are now 11 princes in the country, ranging from the queen's husband, Prince Consort Philip, who cannot claim the throne (according to British rules of succession to the throne, the husband of the reigning queen cannot become king), and ending with Prince Michael of Kent, the queen's cousin, who is 43 th seat to the royal throne.

The first claimant to the British throne is Crown Prince Charles, the Queen's eldest son. His first wife was the favorite of British society, Princess Diana, who bore him two sons: William and Harry. In 1996, the couple divorced, and a year later Diana died in a car accident.

The princes grew up under the scrutiny of the public and became one of the most popular figures in the British royal family. Now the older brother is second in line to the throne, and the younger is only sixth.

Prince William

Prince William was born on June 21, 1982. His full name- Prince William (in Russian transcription, the variant Wilhelm is acceptable) Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge.

short biography

William is the first crown prince who was not born in the royal palace. Princess Diana gave birth to him at St Mary's Hospital in London.

William had a close relationship with his mother. Princess Diana broke with royal traditions and paid a lot of attention to raising her children on her own: she did not hire nannies, she bought clothes herself, chose schools, played and worked with them.

At the age of 8, Prince William entered Ludgrove Boarding School in Berkshire, where he lived on general conditions in a room with four classmates. At school, he led the hockey team and the rugby team, played football and basketball well, swam well and was engaged in cross-country running.

After school, the prince moved to one of the most prestigious British colleges - Eton. There he majored in biology, geography and art history. William studied well and easily got along with his peers. He is remembered as a sociable, polite and modest person.

The prince was 14 years old when his parents divorced. He took it hard, as he was always more drawn to his mother than to his father. However, Princess Diana remained to live in the palace and still talked a lot with the children.

Prince William took the death of his mother in 1997 hard. For some time he had to visit a psychoanalyst to cope with grief.

In 2000, the prince graduated from Eton College and took a year off from his studies: he traveled, worked on an English farm, and thought about the future. He decided to enter the prestigious Scottish University of St. Andrews, where he met his future wife, Kate Middleton.

After graduation, William worked as a prince - representing the Queen on trips and attending official events, and also did charity work, received an officer's rank at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, became a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Cavalry. Then he graduated from flying school and moved to the Royal air Force, rising to the rank of captain. The prince now serves as a rescue helicopter pilot.

Relationship with Kate Middleton

Before meeting Kate Middleton, Prince William had several short romances. In St. Andrews, he first liked the daughter of a famous London doctor, Olivia Hunt. They began a relationship that developed so rapidly that the prince even missed the university beauty contest, which was attended by Kate Middleton. And only a few months later, William got to a charity fashion show, where he saw Kate in a translucent dress, which made him forget about Olivia.

At the party after the show, the prince raised a glass of champagne to Katherine's success on the catwalk and tried to start a relationship with her, although this did not work out right away - at first they became friends. But gradually they began to connect something more. Only in 2004 did their romance become officially known: Kate and William rented a mansion in which they lived together as a couple.

The prince's relationship with Kate Middleton was long and not cloudless. One William rushed between two and even three girls: Kate had to compete with Isabella Anstruther-Goch-Kalsorp and Jessica Craig. In 2004, the couple almost broke up. The prince then announced that he was not going to marry until at least 29 years old. And in 2007, William and Kate nevertheless broke up - however, not for long. But the prince was still in no hurry to call Catherine in marriage. The media nicknamed Middleton Waitie Katie“Waiting Katie,” she had to wait so long for a marriage proposal.

In 2010, Prince William finally proposed to Kate Middleton and gave Princess Diana's favorite engagement ring as an engagement ring. It was a long-awaited event not only for the bride, but for the whole of Great Britain. They say that William finally obeyed his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, who advised him to decide on his future wife and think about children.

Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

On April 29, 2011, the luxurious wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place. They got married in the very center of London, in Westminster Abbey. The service was shown in live, wedding attracted great attention MASS MEDIA. The wedding day has been declared a public holiday in the UK.

Prince William is not the direct heir to the throne, so his wedding was not considered a state event and should not have been completely subject to protocol. The couple was free to choose many details, including the guest list. In total, 1900 guests were invited to the wedding: the British royal family, members of foreign royal families, diplomats, personal friends of the couple, even ex girls prince. William's best man was his brother Prince Harry and bridesmaid was Kate's sister Pippa Middleton.

The main sensation of the wedding was the simple origin of the bride: traditionally, members of the royal family married aristocrats, but Kate Middleton came from a wealthy bourgeois family. But for Queen Elizabeth, this did not become a hindrance, and she gave permission for the marriage - and it is required for her immediate family.

Kate Middleton's outfit attracted considerable attention from the media and guests at the wedding. The girl chose an elegant white dress from British designer Sarah Burton, creative director of the brand. Alexander McQueen. By tradition, the outfit must carry symbolic meaning, so the dress was decorated with hand-embroidered lace flowers - the symbols of Great Britain: roses, clover, daffodils and thistles. The outfit was complemented by a luxurious tiara, borrowed from Queen Elizabeth. Prince William himself, by tradition, was dressed in full dress military uniform.

To create the bride's ring, the Queen gave the couple a Welsh gold nugget, another royal tradition. Prince William decided not to make a ring for himself - firstly, he does not like to wear rings, and secondly, this is not accepted among the male half of the royal family.

On the day of the wedding, the prince received the title of Duke of Cambridge, and after the ceremony, his wife became known as the Duchess of Cambridge.

Family life and children

Immediately after the wedding, Prince William continued to work, and honeymoon trip had to be postponed. Later, the prince took a two-week vacation, and the couple went to the Seychelles.

The marital relationship between William and Kate developed rapidly. On December 3, 2012, the royal court announced that the prince's wife was pregnant. On July 22, 2013, the little prince, George Alexander Louis, was born, named after George VI, the Queen's father. He became Elizabeth's first great-grandson and was third in the line of succession to the British throne. The boy received the title of Prince of Cambridge. As many as seven people godfathers prince.

On September 8, 2014, official information about the second pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge appeared. On May 2, 2015, Kate gave birth to her second child, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The child received the title of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Thanks to the changed rules of the British throne, the girl received the same right to claim the throne as her brothers: she took fourth place in line.

In 2017, it was announced that Prince William and his wife were expecting their third child. He was born on April 27, 2018. The boy was named Louis Arthur Charles of Cambridge after Prince Philip's uncle, Louis Mountbatten. The newborn is fifth in line to the throne.

Prince William and Kate Middleton continue to be the UK's most talked about couple. About three months ago, the happy family celebrated replenishment: the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her husband another son, who was named Louis. Now it is time for the solemn ceremony of christening the boy.

The newborn was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in London, in the royal chapel of St. James's Palace. It was here a few years ago that the christening ceremony of Prince George took place.

The chapel of St. James's Palace is considered the traditional venue for the sacred rite for all members of the royal family. For example, Meghan Markle's private christening ceremony took place here, which took place shortly before her wedding to Prince Harry. And for Prince William, the place has a special meaning - in 1961, his mother, Princess Diana, was baptized here, and on the eve of her funeral, in 1997, there was a coffin in the chapel.

British subjects are sure that the date for the christening ceremony of the youngest heir to the throne was also not chosen by chance - it was on July 9, 1947 that young Elizabeth and her beloved Philip announced their engagement.

Many were worried about the question of who will become the godparents of the little prince. As a result, the parents chose six people at once, among whom were Lady Laura Meade, Lucy Middleton, Nicholas van Cutsem, Guy Pelly, Harry Aubrey-Fletcher and Mrs. Robert Carter.

Of course, for such significant event numerous relatives and friends of the royal family flocked. Curious Britons also gathered around the chapel, because for them it was almost the first opportunity to see the newborn Prince Louis, who, by the way, is the fifth in line of contenders for the throne.

One of the first to appear in front of the church was Kate Middleton's sister Pippa. By the way, a relative of the Duchess of Cambridge will soon become a mother too. Now younger sister Kate is increasingly choosing dresses that emphasize her rounded tummy. This social event was no exception: Pippa opted for an elegant blue dress, complementing the look with an unusual matching hat.

Of course, the main character of the evening was a young mother, Kate Middleton, who appeared at her son's christening in a beige dress and an unusual hat that looked like a crown. Fans immediately noted that the Duchess of Cambridge managed to get into perfect shape, dropping those extra pounds in just three months.

Fans also noted how Prince Louis grew up. The baby was christened in a traditional shirt, in which all royal children undergo the ceremony. This lace and brocade shirt is a replica of the one in which Queen Victoria's daughter was christened in 1841.

But Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were unable to attend an important event. Fans speculate that the Queen is seriously ill. Moreover, a couple of weeks ago, a secret procedure was held in London to rehearse the funeral of the monarch.

The fact that the Crown Prince of England, the grandson of Elizabeth II William finally married, the whole world learned in the spring of 2011. His chosen one was Kate Middleton - a commoner, which shocked many. Evil tongues even prophesied that this couple would break up pretty soon. However, everything turned out differently, the prince's family turned out to be strong. Moreover, the children of Prince William and Kate Middleton, who are already children, and the third was born quite recently! are the favorites of the whole country.

After the wedding, new information about royal couple. The wedding ceremony was widely broadcast, all fashion houses and tabloids discussed the bride's wedding dress.

The marriage of the Prince and his chosen one in 2011

Soon, photos of Kate began to be published, now in the status of the wife of the prince, the Duchess of Cambridge. At the same time, the press was waiting for the main event - the news of the heir.

Timur (2 years 10 months):
- I want us to have another child.
- Where are we going to get it?
- Maybe, let's go to the site?

However, the son of the Prince of Wales, together with his young wife, became parents only on July 22, 2013. On this day, their first child, baby George, was born. The couple decided not to stop there. And on May 2, 2015, the Duchess gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte, who immediately, like her older brother, received the title of Royal Highness.

Older children of Kate and Prince William

How and where did Kate give birth?

Rumors that the illustrious spouses are expecting a third child have been around for a long time. They were confirmed in September 2017, when it was officially announced that Prince William and Kate were planning to replenish.

Prince William's family is expecting their third child

It was assumed that Kate will please her husband with the birth of a baby just in time for the date of their marriage. That is exactly what happened.

All the children of the Duchess were born in the hospital of St. Mary. Every time a luxury ward was prepared here, the best doctors in England took delivery. During all three, Kate felt very ill due to severe toxicosis. Unpleasant sensations were also delivered by public excitement, because there were so many people near the hospital that it was necessary to strengthen the security of the ward and the hospital itself.

All births took place without complications, and each time their time was reduced. If Kate gave birth to her first child at about 10 hours, then the third birth took no more than 2 hours.

The third child in the family of the royal couple

How the royal children grow up: George, Charlotte and Louis

Many people ask what are the names of Prince William's children. Their son was named George Alexander Louis, and their daughter was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. These are the full names of the children of the English prince). The children of Prince William and Kate Middleton are one of the favorite topics of the British and European press. Fans are keenly interested in how children grow up, what are their hobbies.

George Alexander Louis Prince of Cambridge

The heir received such a long name in honor of his eminent relatives: Queen Elizabeth II (full name Elizabeth Alexandra Maria), her father (George) and his uncle (Louis).

Five-year-old George is going to become not a king, but a policeman in the future and even collects toys with police symbols. How a real man he is very interested in technology, namely airplanes and helicopters.

Prince George is just happy when his father, who serves as a helicopter pilot
emergency medical service, takes him to work and allows him to sit in the pilot's seat.

He is generally a very inquisitive boy. The prince already has a favorite museum, the Natural History Museum in London. They often visit with their mother and sister. According to the memoirs of Kate Middleton, she herself came here with pleasure as a child and admired the grandeur of nature. And now, having become a mother, she experiences the same joy, visiting him with her children and again being surprised with them.

Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Princess of Cambridge

According to her mother, Charlotte and her older brother George become real friends. He looks after his sister, because she is still quite a baby. On May 2, 2018, Princess Charlotte celebrated her third birthday. In January of the same year, she went to kindergarten.

With a small age difference, they should be interested in each other

It should be noted that, despite her so small age, the young lady knows how to perfectly behave in society. Parents do not particularly indulge the public with the presence of their children, but several times Charlotte appeared at public events, such as the wedding of her aunt Pippa Middleton or a royal tour to Poland and Germany. Just there, the little girl showed unusual obedience. Being not in the best mood, a small occasion brought her to tears and whims. But, at the first request of her mother, the baby wiped her tears with her fists and skipped after her parents.

Louis Arthur Charles Prince of Cambridge

Shortly before the birth of the third baby, the prince let slip about his name. By the time it became known that the duchess was pregnant and really expecting her third child, William was present in the stands of the stadium during the match of his favorite team. And overjoyed after a successful goal, he said that he would name the baby Jack (in honor of the author of this goal).

Thus, journalists had a reason to say in advance that they not only know when the third child of the royal heirloom couple will be born, but also what his name is. By the way, the prince's reservation was a revelation - after all, according to tradition, members of the royal family should not find out in advance the gender of the future heir.

However, recently the whole world learned the final version of the name of the 3rd child of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The name of the third child of the royal couple is Louis Arthur Charles, or simply Louis. It must be hard to call the royal grandson just Jack….

The older children of Kate Middleton were born strong and healthy, their younger brother weighed about 3.8 kg. By the way, this heir to the Prince of Wales, according to the law, took fifth place in line for the royal throne. And here is the birth certificate of little Prince Louis:

Birth certificate of Prince Louis, third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Watch this video about the five rules for raising children in the royal family

Judging by the photos, Prince William and Kate Middleton are proud of their children. Now the spouses are busy with joyful chores. Latest photos children and their parents testify that the family, contrary to rumors, is full of love and mutual trust.

The couple look happy and do not allow to question the strength of their relationship

How did the relationship between the prince and the athlete develop?

After it became known about the marriage of the British crown prince, many drew a parallel with the story of his European "colleague". The fact is that the children of Prince Albert of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock are also of a morganatic marriage. By the way, the ruler of Monaco acquired a new family status also in 2011, with a difference of only a few months from the wedding of the son of the Prince of Wales. Indeed, not so often people of royal blood connect their lives with representatives of the people.

I hear the conversation of my princesses:
- There are few princes, and there are not enough of them for all, - Sanya declares.
- Yes, only one remained and that Englishman, - answers Sonya.
- Well, you have to learn English language and fast! - Sanya found a way out of the situation.

After the death of his mother, Princess Diana, Prince William of Wales for a long time tried not to communicate with the media and kept his personal life secret. The age of the heir was already approaching 30 years. And when it became known that the prince had chosen a bride for himself, questions immediately began who she was.

Relations between Prince William and Kate for a long time did not go beyond friendly

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton is from a family of merchants. The girl entered the Scottish University of St. Andrews, where she met William. By the way, in college she studied athletics and tennis, and at the university she played for the local hockey team.

Despite the fact that Prince William and Kate Middleton met already at the beginning of the 2000s, for a long time they remained only friends. The media began talking about them as a couple in 2005. The official announcement of the engagement was published in November 2010, at the same time the announcement of the wedding of the marriage itself took place. The wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William took place on April 29, 2011.

Watch video compilation numerous photos happy royal couple with children

Great Britain. The children of Kate Middleton and Prince William are heirs to the throne. Therefore, their lives are noticeably different from the lives of their peers. the site decided to tell Interesting Facts from the life of Princess Charlotte and Prince George.

Children of Kate Middleton and Prince William

If you say that the British royal family is no different from any other family, it will remain underestimated. But this is not so, since the life of the heirs to the royal throne is far from standard.

Take, for example, Kate Middleton - yes, she is an ordinary girl, but she is married to the royal heir, Prince William, who may become king in the near future.

The Duchess recently became a mother for the third time, and just seven hours after giving birth, she appeared in all her glory - with hair, makeup and heels (!) To greet the media with a baby in her arms.

Is that what an ordinary woman would do? Hardly.

The children of Katherine and William also do not look like ordinary children, although their parents try to give them an ordinary, carefree childhood. At the same time, the kids are resting with mom and dad on. But, this, nevertheless, requires security.

Curious facts about the life of the children of Kate Middleton and Prince William

Princess Charlotte was born a leader. The girl grows very active and stubborn. With her behavior, she completely overshadows her brother, who in turn is a very shy and withdrawn boy.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte go to different kindergartens. The girl visits Willcocks and the boy goes to Westacre Montessori.

The children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been learning Spanish since childhood.

Princess Charlotte in childhood is very similar to her famous great-grandmother Elizabeth II.

Prince George loves thunderstorms...and pancakes.

Prince George has no idea that he is third in line to the throne. The boy is only ahead of his grandfather, Prince Charles, and his father, Prince William. The ignorance of a 5-year-old child is due to the fact that the parents decided to give him.

But, in a recent interview, the Duke of Cambridge said that the time will come when his son will know about everything and will be prepared for his role.

Prince George has already acquired a hobby - the boy collects stickers, and also loves to cook with his mother. He also loves to play video games. The child's favorite toys are dinosaurs. And his favorite book is Fireman Sam.

Prince George calls the Queen of England, his great-grandmother, Gan-Gan. The boy is also very close to his uncle, Prince Harry.

Both George and Charlotte love to ride horses.

Very soon it will be in the royal family. Native sister Kate Middleton is expecting her first child this fall. This event may prevent the Duchess of Cambridge from attending the wedding of a close relative of her husband.

Kate Middleton lost a lot of weight after the birth of her third child

It's only been three months since the birth of Prince Louis. However, it did not take long to bring his figure back to its original form.

Already, the Duchess of Cambridge can boast of a wonderful slim figure. The wife of Prince William even managed to finally say goodbye to the postpartum slightly rounded tummy.

Photo: Instagram

When she got into the lenses of the paparazzi during the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London, she looked amazing. The newborn prince will be only 4 months old on August 23, and his 36-year-old mom is already flaunting in tight dresses.

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