Inna Afanasyeva got married secretly. St. Petersburg secrets And the honeymoon trip was

Career and finance 18.07.2019
Career and finance

According to one of the production companies, the actor and head of London's Old Vic theater was supposed to personally attend a production of The Master and Margarita. However, the movie star did not wait. Later it turned out that he did not intend to.

The disseminated information turned out to be a planned PR campaign. Undoubtedly, there is a result. On a weekday evening, the musical, which has been at the box office for more than a month, suddenly gathered a full house.

NTV correspondent Alexei Kobylkov
found out: these are professional expenses, a simple deception, and whether it is now possible for the producers of a musical show to expect lawsuits from the audience.

A day later, the hype subsided. There are no more people left at the Music Hall who want to get the star's autograph. But for those who bought tickets the day before solely to look at Kevin Spacey, there are many questions left: what was it and whether it is possible to return the money.

It is known that many took the most expensive tickets for 3 thousand rubles just for the sake of Kevin Spacey. The editorial office of the newspaper "Metro" also says that they bought and bought a ticket for the correspondent. When the journalist returned with nothing, they suspected something was wrong, but the organizers of the show assured to the last that everything was fair.

Anna Sirota, Chief Editor newspapers "Metro": "I think that it is, of course, disrespectful to send a photoshopped photo. In general, guys, how is it? If you already lied, in the end, do not get in touch, disappear.

Already today, in an interview with several publications, the producer of the musical, Irina Afanasyeva, said that the actor did not come and "they did not provide any official confirmation or photographic materials to anyone, and all news and publications are the machinations of competitors." True, the day before, in an interview with NTV, she told fascinating details about the meeting.

Irina Afanasyeva
, producer of the musical: “He has impressions. He is a rather closed person: he did not say either good or bad. Kevin smiles, as all foreigners are polite. I can't tell if he liked it or not. He liked Ozhogin's voice. He said he wouldn't sing like that himself."

Being in Davos at that moment, Kevin Spacey hardly knew that he admired Ivan Ozhogin. However, he himself has not yet denied this information. And in general, as lawyers say, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Viewers deceived in their expectations should not be sued.

Viktor Pasternak, lawyer: “People love to be deceived, and you never know why anyone goes to the show. Someone goes to the show itself, and someone look at those who come to the hall. For example, if the organizers said that a certain Ivan Ivanov was coming into the hall, would this mean that someone bought a ticket to look at him? For someone specifically, Ivan Ivanov matters, for someone it doesn’t. ”

The last day events are changing rapidly, and in the place of Kevin Spacey, many would have already begun to worry. Because if an actor thinks that he has not yet signed a contract to play the role of Woland, then it is likely that he simply, as usual, does not know something about himself.

The twenty-year history of Russia hides many secrets. Which is not surprising, because almost all the capital here is of criminal origin. Crime is by nature anti-social and from the very beginning tries to wrap itself in a cloak of secrecy. It glows like death. But if the economy is based on criminal capital, then the system in the country must also correspond to its content. And the government puts forward such a system, behind which there is a trail of omissions, skeletons in the closet and questions that people are not able to find a convincing answer to. And the authorities do not consider it necessary to explain to people anything from their nomenklatura biography, it’s not your business, they say, it’s not a master’s business - to climb where you shouldn’t. We see better.

It is curious that each government has its own locker with a skeleton, which at this stage of time is considered the title one. Over the seventy years of Soviet power, many different secrets have accumulated in its safes, some of which modern chroniclers have learned to profitably pull out into the world to use to please current moment. And since history is a patient lady, it is not in her habit to complain about violence. And for this reason, the secret facts of the past, extracted for viewing by the crowd, most often turn out to be far from the reality of time that has sunk into oblivion.

The era of the Yeltsin period also had some skeletons. As you know, Yeltsin arose in the center of public fame at the height of Gorbachev's perestroika, when for some reason he was pulled out of the Sverdlovsk hinterland to Moscow by the creator personnel policy at Gorbachev's court Yegor Ligachev. Yeltsin, having become the secretary of the capital's city party committee, immediately replaced the capital's ghouls with Sverdlovsk's. It came to stupid bullying, in the dining room of the city committee during lunch, the Sverdlovsk Vikings made mocking jokes about their colleagues in the capital, spoiling the appetite of men and bringing women to tears. Although the Sverdlovsk residents themselves did not hesitate to receive warrants for hundred-meter Moscow apartments from the hands of their fellow countrymen in the capital's city committee. But the period of Yeltsin's guardsmen kept little of the "top secret" area of ​​interest in Sverdlovsk history. Perhaps the main thing was only the demolition of the Ipatiev mansion, the place of execution royal family. And then this fact received under Yeltsin a bashful coloring, the former secretary of the regional committee, having landed in a new political element with a different orientation, was forced to repent of his deed opportunistically.

Skeletons of the Yeltsin era began to appear after 1991, when chests in secluded corners rang with gold, and the golden ringing accompanied the muffled accompaniment of silenced pistol shots. Blood was spilled on the gold, as always happens when historical scenery changes.

But most of all skeletons in direct and figuratively turned out to be in gangster Petersburg during the incomparable management of this glorious city by the now deceased and honorary citizen of his name, Mayor Sobchak.

The tradition of the novel "Petersburg Secrets", born at the turn of the past centuries by the writer Krestovsky, received a worthy continuation. St. Petersburg secrets migrated to Moscow land along with the St. Petersburg authorities. Some, such as the murder already in the capital of the St. Petersburg nominee Klimov, the general director of Almaz-Antey, still worries Moscow investigators with a bunch of unanswered questions.

But there are still special secrets, securely immured in the granite of obscurity on the banks of the Neva, one of them is the death of Roman Tsepov, a figure perhaps more significant than the person of the "night governor of St. Petersburg" Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin. Barsukov, what is he? Idol of the criminal world northern capital, and Tsepov is his all-powerful boss at Smolny, the gray cardinal, whose influence in gangster Petersburg was much more noticeable than the “shooters” Barsukov and Malyshev appointed from time to time. Where are these people? Even the all-powerful Petrov, who before his arrest in Spain had gained access to the offices of some of the inhabitants of the red metropolitan fortress, from among the former St. Petersburg residents, even went to Tsepov with requests and for advice. Because Tsepov could provide any business in Smolny, and, in particular, the protection of the first persons in the city, including a particularly trusted official in Sobchak's entourage, Vladimir Putin, lay on his soul.

The fact that Tsepov knew a lot of things that even those whom he guarded could not know is beyond doubt by any of our interlocutors ...

His influential connections in the criminal and commercial circles of a large port city with a powerful maritime cargo transshipment in the port, oil terminals could well be useful to Smolny under certain circumstances. Most likely, Sobchak's entourage generously used these opportunities of Tsepov.

And suddenly he died a strange death, very reminiscent of the equally strange death of Yuri Shchekochikhin. It is customary to say about Shchekochikhin's death that it was poisoning. If Tsepov really was poisoned, it was only because he became dangerous, like Shchekochikhin once did.

All Tsepov's friends moved to Moscow, Smolny became different in composition, and Tsepov remained out of work on the banks of the Neva. Isn't it embarrassing? Such a person could be dangerous not only to the old St. Petersburg guard of Sobchak's time, but also to new St. Petersburg people with their own ambitions and interests. They don't need now neither "night governors" from a past life, nor secret cardinals like Tsepov with influential connections in Moscow; Barsukov and Tsepov is a turned page of the northern capital. And therefore the death of Tsepov is one of the biggest mysteries of our days. One of the most deeply hidden skeletons in St. Petersburg.

Death that shook Petersburg

On September 11, 2004, Roman Tsepov suddenly felt an acute illness. His condition took on such a menacing shape that " Ambulance”was forced to take the patient to a regular district hospital for emergency care. On September 22, Tsepov was brought to the elite Sverdlov clinic for Peter's VIPs. The doctors decided on the need for surgical intervention and began to prepare the patient for shipment to Germany. However, Tsepov's health was deteriorating in front of the doctors, and there was no question of any transportation. On September 24, the former bodyguard of Vladimir Putin died.

Immediately after the autopsy, doctors concluded that the cause of death was the use of a medication commonly used in the treatment of leukemia. The media were quick to announce an illegal high dose of this drug found in the body.

According to medical experts, a large dose of such a drug is not yet a reason for lethal outcome. The accumulation of the substance in the body must exceed the critical limit. And this happens when the drug is taken slowly and gradually, since the drug tends to saturate living tissues only at the molecular level.

According to the conclusion of the medical examination, Tsepov took him for three months. But all the same, even the accumulation of a substance to a critical mass would hardly have been able to cause that clinical picture of death with destruction. bone marrow observed by doctors. It can be assumed that someone from his inner circle helped him close his eyes forever.

It is known that recent times Tsepov had problems with cardiovascular system and he was observed by the doctors of one of the best clinics in Germany. There he was prescribed a certain drug for daily use. And here suspicion creeps in. After all, it will not be difficult for a skilled person to quietly replace one pill with another. However, this method of reprisal against a person is one of very many, which no one is in a hurry to analyze in the case of Tsepov ... Questions still remain.

Viktor Zolotov, who guarded President Putin in 2004, came from Moscow to say goodbye to the deceased.

Who benefited from the death of the former bodyguard of Vladimir Putin himself?

If you look closely at the hectic life in St. Petersburg after the main staff of the Smolny moved to Moscow, it turns out that there are many. Remaining on the St. Petersburg farm, Roman Tsepov managed to maintain a very significant weight in the law enforcement system of the city.

What was not to the taste of business, high-ranking officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies in the city. If earlier, in Sobchak's times, Tsepov's privileges could still be somehow explained, then after the departure of Putin and all those accompanying him to Moscow, Tsepov's positions were significantly weakened.

And according to information from law enforcement, recently Tsepov still tried to become something of a “breeder” in resolving internal conflicts of law enforcement agencies already at the federal level.

Only some "misunderstandings"

The first "misunderstanding"

Strange information flashed in the media that Roman Tsepov allegedly offered Yukos his services in mediating between the government of the Russian Federation and the company. The meaning of this mediation was that through the shareholders of Yukos, who remained at large, Tsepov makes an attractive offer to Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The disgraced oligarch must transfer the assets of his empire to the people whom Tsepov will name in exchange for freedom and exit from Russia...

Khodorkovsky apparently refused to accept Tsepov's offer. It is difficult to judge how true this story is, and it would be possible not to mention it. But after the death of Tsepov, it was continued in the operational information that sounded in some media that such an agreement nevertheless existed.

It is theoretically possible to admit it. It is known that Tsepov was patronized by the all-powerful head of President Putin's bodyguard, Viktor Zolotov. Since Korzhakov's time, the position of head of the presidential security guard has been perhaps the most influential in terms of its capabilities in government circles. And among other methods of influencing Khodorkovsky, Tsepov could also be useful as a link between the government and a noble prisoner. Idle rumors conveyed to the ears of the public that Tsepov allegedly received payment for mediation efforts, but, “to put it mildly”, forgot to fulfill his promises. For which he paid.

There is another rumor in the underground life of Northern Palmyra decorated with intricate intrigues. This rumor also indirectly confirms the version with Khodorkovsky. Tsepov seemed to reassure businessmen Savo Kuyundzhich and Andrey Khovanov that he was ready to easily resolve the conflict around the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys (VILS). Moreover, his promises to eliminate the opposing group from the institute convinced Kuyundzhich and Khovanov so much of their reliability that they gave him two million dollars for the upcoming work. He received the money, but, alas, he “forgot” to fulfill his obligations. Whether it was real or not, we do not have confirmation, but in connection with the death of Tsepov, this story was remembered. How possible cause his murders.

These versions suffer from primitivism. But here some employees of the old St. Petersburg Organized Crime Control Department recall that Tsepov was guilty of such a sin of “decoying” through mediation between warring factions and business structures. True, no one ever noticed that he began to intervene in conflicts at the federal level. But maybe Tsepov simply overestimated his capabilities and felt so influential that the framework of the North-West began to seem cramped and he decided it was time to enter the all-Russian space "?

Those who are trying to explain their guesses about the causes of an incomprehensible death by similar cases of Tsepov refer to his colossal support in the highest circles of law enforcement agencies. And indeed, if we assume that he really was engaged in such profitable “wiring”, who would then dare to object to him, understanding what power is behind Roman Tsepov?

In any case, it is clear that the skeleton mysterious death it is worth looking in one of the cabinets on the Neva banks.

The second "misunderstanding"

Or maybe the skeleton should be looked for in a women's chiffonier: Tsepov was a well-known womanizer. His ladies' collection consisted of many outstanding persons. And among them is one that cannot be bypassed by a word.

Irina Guseinovna Afanasyeva, CEO real estate company "Domino", the trial of which shocked St. Petersburg in 2000.

In the mid-turbulent nineties, a tender relationship was established between Tsepov and Afanasyeva. This was widely known in St. Petersburg circles, where they appeared together during parties. Nevertheless, ardent love did not prevent Irina Guseinovna from "selling" Roman Igorevich a beautiful apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, which was pledged to the bank. This is not forgiven! Although in the gambling fervor of the nineties, when the possibilities of the most incredible “scams” ​​were easily tucked up and many heads were so clouded with a thirst for easy money that any scam in relationships between people was considered the norm, one can understand the weakness of a woman who was tempted by a favorable opportunity.

Let's say it differently. What kind of “outstanding” nature is needed to easily fool the owner of the main security company in St. Petersburg “Baltic-Escort”, in the price list of which, among other services, such as checking real estate for “cleanliness” was mentioned ?!

It must be assumed that the implementation of the police department of St. Petersburg of accusing the company "Domino" of fraud served as a response to the "intemperance" of Afanasyeva. The process was loud. Afanasyeva and several other people were accused of selling the same apartments different people. Notes flashed in the media, which claimed that Afanasyeva was allegedly involved in the disappearance of elderly and lonely people. They were fraudulently discharged from their apartments using forged documents, then, according to the prosecution, they were assigned to a new place of residence and taken to distant wooded corners of the Pskov, Novgorod, Arkhangelsk regions, but in fact they were killed, and the vacated property went under the hammer.

These facts reached the court. But law enforcement agencies failed to prove Afanasyeva's involvement in these murders. Although the question of who nevertheless committed these serious crimes remained hanging in the air ...

At the trial of Afanasyeva, Roman Tsepov acted as a witness for the prosecution against his ex girlfriend. At the end of 2000, the city court of St. Petersburg sentenced Irina Afanasyeva for fraud to six years in prison.

And when she was released, Tsepov immediately had serious fears for his life, despite the highly professional security surrounding him. This woman was too well privy to certain delicate details. And she had motives for revenge on Tsepov, and he knew it for sure. As always, he remembered the failed assassination attempts on him before.

In 1993 and 1995, they tried to shoot Tsepov, but unsuccessfully. Nothing happened in 1996, when they wanted to blow it up. Which in itself is surprising and atypical for gangster Petersburg. Afanasyeva also knew about this, and in detail. Tsepov also had good intelligence, it was difficult to get close to him. So, for his ill-wishers, there was only a classic, Byzantine method of reprisal - poisoning. A reliable tool in cases of this kind has always been considered a female hand. And the intentions of these ill-wishers could be clear to Afanasyeva, who returned from prison. Moreover, she could well separate them.

Tsepov understood this well and, as it turned out, closely followed his former mistress, reappeared in the city on the Neva.

Soon a police officer came to her and urged her to leave St. Petersburg. This employee even supervised her departure. So at the time of the poisoning of Tsepov, Afanasyeva most likely was not in the city.

But that still doesn't mean anything. No wonder the medieval Inquisition suspected a witch in every woman and sent hundreds of them to the fire. In any case, the investigation considered Afanasyeva's revenge as one of the versions. Tsepov never had gaps in the female environment, and the deceit of the weaker sex knows no boundaries and simple solutions. So the female secret in the mysterious story of Tsepov's death still makes many people think in St. Petersburg who knew Putin's bodyguard.

The third "misunderstanding"

Maybe and most likely "Peter's bandits" This version is the most convenient for those who are looking for a closet with a skeleton hidden in it.

And it easily fits into the panorama of gangster Petersburg. Let's go back to the events of 2003, when the biggest authority in the North-West, Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Mogila), was shot in Moscow.

After his death, the struggle for tidbits of his "empire" immediately began. It was attended by associates of Kostya Mogila, many of whom could well have been customers of the authoritative "looking" from the Russian thieves' community. To some extent, the death of the Bone of the Grave stirred up the underworld in the same way as the death of Pasha Tsiryul once did ...

In any case, law enforcement agencies have no doubt that the Moscow execution of Mogila served as the starting point for a new redistribution of spheres of influence, which led to a series of assassination attempts and deaths.

And there is an opinion that Roman Tsepov did not stand aside from sharing the lush pie of baking Kostya Mohyla. The temptation was too great.

Tsepov, according to operatives, had previously engaged in fights with criminal gangs, knocking out the most profitable objects from bandit control. Given his power in St. Petersburg, the struggle for a rather large inheritance of Kostya Mogila was quite within Tsepov's shoulder. But Grave's comrades-in-arms were in no hurry to lose huge incomes without a fight ... Serious passions flared up, and in the flames of battles for metal in "gangster Petersburg" the most unpredictable could happen even with a man like Roman Tsepov ...

But experts in the underground life of Northern Palmyra can name other people who harbor evil against Tsepov. And in these stories, chests with gold, dug up by Kostya Grave on the Neva banks, have nothing to do with it at all.

In St. Petersburg, Andrey Volov, known in the underworld under the “driver” Little, was sentenced to a solid term. In the law enforcement agencies of the city, he was considered the leader of a criminal group that controls the southwest of the northern capital and the city of Lomonosov.

However, according to the UBOP, Volov was not limited to the territory guarded by his people. He also "held" the entertainment center "Continent" on Nevsky Prospekt.

According to information received from some sources, during the trial, Volov's wife, Svetlana, the owner of the Kongo restaurant chain, approached Tsepov and offered a deal. Tsepov should help to limit the sentence for Malyny to 10 years. Then, after serving two years in Kresty under preliminary investigation, Volov, with these two years offset, would have only 8 years of imprisonment left, and in a year and a half he could well have been released ahead of schedule ...

According to rumors, Tsepov promised Svetlana help, although, of course, not free of charge.

How these negotiations took place, history is silent. How, however, is silent about whether there was such a deal at all? But the result of the preliminary and judicial investigation in the “Volov case” is known for sure. Despite the participation in the process of the best lawyer on the banks of the Neva, Sergei Afanasyev, Volov was sentenced to 14 years in prison, which guaranteed his release only after 7-8 years.

But the prestigious club "Continent" on Nevsky after the verdict on Volov, again according to law enforcement agencies, came under the control of Roman Igorevich Tsepov. From which many people who understand a lot about such matters also draw far-reaching conclusions.

However, this is not the only muddy story from the life of "gangster Petersburg", with which the interests of Roman Tsepov were closely connected.

On August 8, 2003, at about 2 pm in the restaurant of the Yalta-Intourist hotel, Ruslan Kolyak, who was considered one of the leaders of "gangster Petersburg", was shot from two TT and PM pistols. Ruslan Kolyak was assassinated 11 times. They shot at him from pistols, machine guns, even from heavy machine guns. There were poisoning attempts. It was possible to "get" him only in Yalta. As always, after the death of the “authority”, a burning question immediately arose: who will now control Kolyak’s powerful business?

According to information, the share in the Pulkovskoy hotel immediately passed to Tsepov. And the employees of the Private Security Company "Baltik-Escort" soon began to be noticed in two St. Petersburg casinos that previously belonged to Kolyak. Some in St. Petersburg even claimed that the entire business of Kolyak, who died in Yalta, had come under the control of Tsepov. Such information allows us to believe that Roman Tsepov really actively participated in the redistribution of property controlled by the St. Petersburg "authorities", who often die under the light of the Northern Star. And, perhaps, this version is the most convincing in explaining the reasons for the removal of Tsepov from the profitable sites of St. Petersburg. As for Ruslan Kolyak, his life and death are the same skeleton in the closet as the possible poisoning of Tsepov.

In the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera, along with exhibits from the time of Peter the Great, there is also a whole line of cabinets with hidden skeletons of modern times. And if we assume that Roman Tsepov hid the skeleton of Ruslan Kolyak in one of them, then it makes sense to dwell on this figure in more detail (see brief reference).

If you believe that the theme of Ruslan Kolyak exhausts the circle of guesses about the involvement of the mysterious figures of the underground of St. Petersburg in the strange death of Roman Igorevich Tsepov, then this is just your delusion.

Rumor in the city on the Neva added another name to possible involvement in the death of Tsepov - a native of Bratsk, St. Petersburg businessman Oleg Makovoz ...

May be enough?

Our excursion to the Neva banks, probably, has long tired the reader. From the skeletons it is directly white in the eyes, and the end-edge is not visible to them. No wonder Boris Gryzlov called St. Petersburg a "criminal capital"...

It would be more correct to leave the investigation of the mysterious events in "gangster Petersburg" to the new future Krestovsky. Northern Venice is a treasure trove of rich heaps of secrets of unexplained deaths there.

Inna Afanasyeva is a Belarusian singer, performer of the hits "Stomping the Kid", "White Lace", "Pearls", "Hold Me" and other popular songs. The actress is loved for sincerity and sincerity, optimism and boundless talent. For a long career on stage, the woman managed to wreck many awards and titles, but she never fell victim to star disease.

Childhood and youth

The pop artist was born in Mogilev in a simple working family. Father Vladimir Mikhailovich worked as a welder, and mother Nina Petrovna worked as a cook. In addition to Inna, the younger brother Oleg grew up in the family. One of the bright memories of Inna Vladimirovna's childhood is a vacation in her grandmother's village: she ran around the meadows as a barefoot baby, sang songs in the evenings and dreamed about the stage.

Dreams began to come true very soon, because nature rewarded the girl with a ringing voice. Her gift was noticed by a school teacher and brought Inna to the Palace of Pioneers. It was here that the ensemble "Rainbow" was born. The head of the beginning musical group, Nelli Bordunova, appreciated and gladly accepted the young singer, giving her the role of a soloist. For Inna Afanasyeva, the doors to wonderful world music.


Inna got, as they say, from the ship to the ball. The ensemble quickly gained popularity, not a single government-level concert took place without it, "Rainbow" was warmly received on radio and television, and besides, a series of endless tours dragged on. In the 8th grade, the gifted girl also experienced personal success for the first time - she left behind her rivals in the Red Carnations competition, which was held by television. As a reward for the performance of the song “Play, Dawn-Sorcerer”, I got a ticket to the pioneer camp “Artek”, the most coveted among Soviet children.

As part of the "Rainbow" Inna performed until the end of the school. Having received a certificate of secondary education, she wanted to continue her studies in music and went to enter Gnesinka, but did not pass the competition. And suddenly she decided to change her fate, she began to prepare for exams at a pedagogical university, where she planned to apply for next year.

Perhaps Inna Vladimirovna would have made a good teacher, but life decreed otherwise - Afanasyeva's path crossed with her future husband Valery Streltsov. The young man worked in the Spectrum ensemble and persuaded the girl to join his ranks.

In the very first year of cooperation with the group, Inna was a success. The young singer became the first prize winner of the Republican Pop Music Contest. And in 1988, having already left the Spektr, she took third place at the All-Union Festival of Polish Songs. From that moment began a grandiose ascent to the musical Olympus. The young performer accepted the offer to be a soloist in the National Orchestra, led by Mikhail Finberg, and moved to the capital of Belarus.

The creative biography of the artist is filled with acquaintances and collaborations with a scattering of famous musicians and singers. Inna Vladimirovna went on stage with, created songs in a duet with, traveled with concerts across the expanses of the Union as part of the Song Theater and.

The peak of popularity came in the mid-90s. Hits "Guitar and Rose", "Gorych Yagada", "Mama", "Varazhba" and other compositions sounded in every house. In front of the singer's feet lie the best concert venues of her native republic and neighboring countries.

Since 1995, Inna Afanasyeva began acting in music videos. The audience remembered the bright video for the song "Will it come true - it will not come true", it was the first most expensive video created in Belarus. The work was appreciated even in Europe. In the same year, Inna presented to fans debut album"It will come true - it will not come true."

Interestingly, the singer was in great demand among producers from other republics, including Russia, but she was not going to leave her native country. Inna admitted in an interview that she is more comfortable in Belarus. So until now, she has remained faithful to the Motherland.

At the beginning of the “zero”, the artist’s popularity did not fade away, the people sang the new songs “Pearl” and “Star”, occupying the first lines of the charts of radio stations. Inna Vladimirovna changed her image, began to arrange grandiose concerts and is actively recording albums. The singer also tried her hand as a TV presenter - the program "Breakfast with Inna Afanasyeva" was held on the Belarusian channel STV.

2007 was marked for the singer important event- Inna received the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus". And a year later, she celebrated the 20th anniversary of her career, and on a grand scale. The woman created a perfume fragrance called “AfIna”, released the disc “I'll be with you”, starred in a benefit performance on the ONT channel, and then went with the colorful program “Careless Game” around her native country, looked into Ukraine and Russia.

In 2012, the artist staged the theatrical show "My Love Story". The audience enjoyed unexpected arrangements, a mix of pop and theatrical genres performed by famous singers and musicians. Inna wanted to surprise the audience, and she did it. In subsequent years, Afanasyeva never ceased to delight fans with concerts and new discs. Having married for the second time, she briefly disappeared from the stage, but then she appeared and began to work with renewed vigor.

Personal life

Inna first got married in 1989. Married to Valery Streltsov, the son Ivan was born. When asked by journalists about the main thing in life, the woman replies that the role of mother is her most important achievement. Ivan Streltsov became a dramatic actor, lives with his family in Minsk and plays in the Russian Theater. In 2015, Inna Vladimirovna tried on the image of a grandmother - the son and daughter-in-law Yulia Verkhovskaya (model and actress) presented their granddaughter Varvara. The singer claims that the girl is musical from the cradle.

The marriage with Valery turned out to be quite strong, the couple was together for 14 years, but decided to leave. In 2015, Inna disappeared from the stage, the fans were perplexed, trying to find the answer. At this time, Afanasyeva secretly married St. Petersburg businessman Alexander Kotov, whom she met at his anniversary. Although the husband does business in St. Petersburg, he was born in Belarus. Now Inna and her husband live in two cities and, it turns out, in two countries.

The couple travel a lot, both love the road - planes, trains, cars. In summer, weekends are often spent at a dacha 120 km from Minsk, which is immersed in flowers and fruit trees. AT free time Inna Afanasyeva loves to take care of the house, put things in order, and calls simple fried or boiled potatoes her favorite dish. The singer dreams of someday getting a white horse, which she dreamed of in her distant childhood.

Inna Afanasyeva now

After a break in her career of four years, in the spring of 2017, Inna Afanasyeva performed a solo concert in Minsk, performing her best songs. On December 1, gave fans a new single called " winter fairy tale».

In 2018, the singer has already managed to perform a number of concerts, hold a traditional prize draw in a large Minsk shopping and entertainment center and receive a medal “100 years of the Belarusian police” from the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In an interview, Inna Afanasyeva noted:

“I don’t aspire to appear on TV ... I appear at various significant events, holidays, City Days - as an Honored Artist of the country, I think that I should be there. I was given a high rank, and I have to serve the country, serve the people.”


  • 1995 - "It will come true - it will not come true"
  • 2003 - "Pearls"
  • 2008 - "I'll be with you"
  • 2009 - "She and Men ... Duet Album"

She is called the prima donna and queen of the Belarusian stage. But then we talked, and it turned out that Inna Afanasyeva does not wear the crown. Today she is celebrating her 50th anniversary, retaining that young and provocative “saraml і wuyu jaў Chynka”, which 30 years ago took its first steps on the professional stage.

On the eve of double anniversaries Honored Artist of Belarus Inna Afanasyeva shared with reporter Naviny. by thoughts about creative and personal life.

Let us remind readers that your adult artistic career began with a laureate at the Polish Song Festival in Vitebsk, which became a pass to the orchestra conducted by Mikhail Finberg. And soon you were invited to cooperate with Alexander Serov and Igor Krutoy. Called to Moscow...

I am very grateful to Igor and Sasha. Naturally, as a young singer, I did not have my own repertoire. Two songs by Igor Krutoy at the start of his career are wonderful, his third song was from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina. With Sasha, we traveled almost all over Russia, the Baltic states and Ukraine, and for me it was very important, because I gained the necessary stage experience and immediately at the best venues.

There were offers and the opportunity to go to Moscow, but I wanted to sing here, at home. In addition, the so-called show business was born in Russia at that time. I understood: in order to survive there, I would have to intrigue, push someone with my elbows, and I was not at all ready for this.

"Not your fault". Music by Igor Krutoy, lyrics by Leonid Fadeev

It is not necessary to go somewhere to do something and take place as a professional. Although, of course, we have many artists who have become popular through Moscow. And I'm happy with what I did at home, here are my fans, friends, relatives. I went on tour with pleasure, I love to travel and even more I love to return home.

- And what are the morals in the domestic show business?

Belarusian show business is the most peaceful, calm, human. We still have normal relations, and not a game of kindness and friendship. You know, even if envy, jealousy, intrigues hatch somewhere, it is so childish that it only causes a smile. We have amazing musicians who can, if necessary, help with deeds and advice.

Fortunately, our society has bypassed all this “yellowness” and “revealing” talk shows.

Inna Afanasyeva, 1995

Inna, did you notice the moment when our artists suddenly became “at the zanyapadze”. When a landing of Russian pop songs performs at a concert significant for Belarusians, and ours are like guests at their own holiday.

Perhaps I will not answer that it happened in such and such a year. Belarusians are different in that they love guests like no other. With the last of our strength, we will lay the tables, meet, greet, help, but only in relation to the guests, and not to each other. That is our mentality. Even in America, I noticed that the Belarusian diaspora is divided, unfortunately.

Of course, when there was a certain rise in the national revival, then their artists were held in high esteem. And here we are faced with the fact that we are a small country, you can travel around it with tours very quickly. Unfortunately, we appreciate those who left and the guests, they do not appreciate and do not respect those who work in Belarus. Even look at the program of the "Slavianski Bazaar" - how many of our artists and guests are there? We have a lot of young talented artists who need to perform at such venues. The trouble is that they are simply pushed out of the country.

It is a delusion that Moscow or Kyiv will make a star out of nobody. If the artist initially did not have talent and diligence, then he will not shine for long. This problem, in my opinion, has long gone beyond the scope of our profession. Belarusians have something to be proud of in the past and present, we know how to work, we have never betrayed anyone, but to love ourselves, respect, understand that we are not the last people in this world, we cannot learn in any way.

- Many of our artists tried to get to Eurovision, and why are you not interested?

First of all, I don't like our attitude to this competition, they see it off like it's the last fight. There are no clear evaluation criteria. And then, far from everything depends on the artist, because the team works with him. But in case of an unsuccessful performance, the artist will be to blame. This kind of competition should be a celebration.

I don't consider myself a competitive artist. I have a different path: the search for my repertoire, quickly began Solo career and there was an audience.

Disc cover for “My Love…”

- Inna, you said that the concert on November 2 will be your last solo concert. This statement shocked...

I do not want to comment on my decision, believe me, it is balanced and there are reasons for that. And on November 2, I want to make a very beautiful and memorable concert, to see my beloved audience. I'm not saying that I'm leaving the stage, giving up creativity and just being a wife, mother and grandmother. There will definitely not be a farewell tour of two or three years. Sometimes I will perform in combined concerts, record new songs.

"I won't add to anyone." Music by Igor Luchenok, lyrics by Adam Rusak

- Can we monetize popularity. Are you satisfied with the cooperation with the brand "Mara".

First of all, I liked that the Sontsa factory invited its artists to participate in the advertising campaign. Another important point for me is the quality of the advertised product. I do use Mara myself.

- Does your housekeeper like "Mara"?

Don't know (laughs). Now we do not have a housekeeper, we live in two countries and visit everywhere. For general cleaning we invite a cleaning company. And it's easy to keep clean. Moreover, my husband is not the kind of person who lies on the couch and watches TV. We have everything for two, including household chores.

I used to have an au pair. It's troublesome. First you clean the apartment before she arrives, then you redo her work as you need. The only thing is that when we are away, then in country house friends help.

- Inna, what is the most ridiculous rumor about yourself that you know?

After the publication of the interview in one of the newspapers, comments rained down: did Afanasyev do plastic surgery or not. And one reader writes: she is so ugly in life that even a policeman did not recognize her and did not let her into the Kupala. And I haven't been to this festival for five years. And when did he see me there? And most importantly - how did you know if I'm so ugly.

Do negative comments upset you?

Rather, I feel sorry for people who have no life of their own. And only in this way can they assert themselves.

More than once I heard how colleagues call you Afonya, Afonechka. Does this nickname bother you? I do not associate it with you at all, but only with a movie character.

This nickname amused me. Almost all artists have some kind of name “for their own”. But what jars me is when journalists from not the latest media call and say: “Hello, Irina. We would like a comment ... ". I used to explain that I am Inna. Now I just hang up: why answer questions that are not even addressed to you.

- Inna, why did you break up with your first husband?

It's just that the relationship has run its course. We broke up before we were officially divorced and before the newspapers wrote about it. I think that you should not advertise your personal life, but due to the publicity of the profession, sometimes you have to.

Thanks to Valera (Valery Streltsov - first husband - ed.) that we calmly parted, maintaining normal human relations. Most importantly, our divorce did not affect our son. Unfortunately, I saw very difficult, ugly divorces, and this behavior was on the part of both men and women. It is terrible when children, relatives and friends are dragged into these squabbles.

Was it scary to leave your husband? Indeed, in our society there are many stereotypes: there is no couple, in divorce - the stigma of a loser.

It is scary to create the illusion of a relationship when they are no longer there. I was not afraid of any pauses in my personal life. This is also an interesting period when you can devote maximum time to yourself, to comprehend something.

I don’t want to criticize anyone, everyone lives their own life, but I’m not one of those women about whom my grandmother said “whatever the pants were good”. I do not believe that a man can be kept by some kind of intrigue, even a child. It can be very sad for our lovely, beautiful, smart, hard-working women when they go out to hunt men. And we are ready to forgive them a lot, just to meet the standards invented by someone.

Sometimes Slavic woman in search of a couple, it reminds me of a trip to Eurovision: do not return without a trophy. Our women, like Belarusians in general, need to love themselves, learn to enjoy life. Let men seek women, and not vice versa.

Inna Afanasyeva with her husband Alexander Kotov

- It's time to tell about your husband Alexander Kotov.

Probably, we don’t have so many people who know more about someone else’s life than about their own ... But they do exist and have already decided everything for us: it’s status for Sasha that I’m a singer, but I, of course, was seduced by money.

Sasha is a businessman, but not a billionaire. We met by chance and did not even look for meetings. Then a very rare communication began, but we saw something so close in each other. I have seen women marry for money. Sooner or later they were fed up with them, and if people are not interested in each other, then the relationship collapses.

And we are interested together. Just walking in the autumn park, suddenly going to the cinema. And how many interesting, inexhaustible topics for conversations we have! We love to travel. We have favorite places in Odessa and Palanga. Thanks to Sasha, I discovered St. Petersburg in a new way. And he, by the way, too. For him it was a city for life and work, now he looked at it with the eyes of a guest.

Inna Afanasyeva with her son Ivan

- Who helped you raise Vanya?

Before school, Vanya lived in Mogilev with my parents. I did not consider it possible and right to take him on tour with me. Then after all, there were no diapers, no different bottles with heating. And I wanted to protect him from a large crowd of people. We lived in a hostel, and this is also not very convenient for the child. Vanya went to school in Minsk.

Now he is a dad himself. And here is the granddaughter Varya from the first months together with her parents both on travels and behind the scenes, but now it is much easier.

First, your son studied at a business school in Warsaw, then entered the Academy of Arts. Did you somehow influence his choice?

No, he made all the decisions himself. I am glad that we have such a relationship when Vanya could calmly say: parents, business is not mine. There is no need to make a tragedy out of this. The child's ideas about the profession may not coincide with reality. It’s scary if a person spends his whole life in an unloved business. Now Vanya serves at the Gorky Russian Academic Theater, acts in films and he really likes it.

Inna Afanasyeva with her granddaughter Varya

- How many children and grandchildren do you have for two with your husband?

Two children and two grandchildren. Sasha has an amazing daughter and grandson! Of course, in our family, like any other, there are some difficulties, but we overcome them together.

- Fifty years - is this a reason to sum up some intermediate results? And do you feel the weight of this figure?

I don't want to draw any conclusions. I can only say that I am satisfied with the way my life has turned out. In our time, the number 50 is not at all scary, because we look and feel younger than our parents at this age. Any figure does not scare if a person dreams of something. I don't just dream, I have plans for the next 50 years.

Photo by BelaPANand from the family archive of Inna Afanasyeva

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by: showbizby
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Inna Afanasyeva disappeared from the horizon about four years ago - no frank interviews, no comments. It was then that rumors spread that the artist married an oligarch, left for Russia and lives happily ever after. The singer really got married, lives in two countries, protects her personal happiness from prying eyes, but she made an exception for Komsomolskaya Pravda and talked about a new life.

Inna, apart from the fact that your husband's name is Alexander, he works in St. Petersburg and is a very handsome man - nothing else is known about him. How did you meet?

My friend asked me to speak at the anniversary of his friend. I rarely work at weddings and birthdays, I did not agree for a long time, but I was persuaded. The anniversary was with Alexander. Performed and forgot.

Two months later, an acquaintance calls again and says: “Alexander Grigoryevich wants to call you to say thank you.” When I heard “Alexander Grigorievich”, I did not immediately understand who it was about (smiles). We met, drank coffee... At that time I didn't have a personal life, Sasha was also divorced. We talked, but no one considered anyone in terms of relationships - everyone had their own life.

- And you didn't get numb?

I wasn't looking for marriage or any kind of relationship. Yes - a pleasant man, nothing more. We met at my friend's restaurant, I suggested: "There are delicious pancakes in a pot, but a very large portion, let's order one for two." There was no reason, but later Sasha admitted that he would never forget this pot "for two". And we still eat everything for two. Perhaps it was a sign.

Then we talked, he gave roses, talked about life. He said that he was divorced, that he had a beautiful daughter, a grandson. But, perhaps, in his life, something did not turn out the way he would like ...

A month later, he sent me a frank text message with a compliment, to which I did not know how to respond. And just wrote: "Thank you." Six months later, we began to correspond, met a couple of times, then began to live together.

- When did you realize that this is your man?

For some time we did not communicate, and six months later he called and said that he needed my help, a personal plan. And then I felt how alone he was. Like the potty for two, and the fact that he needed my help - probably this connected us.

Alexander is very modest, even shy, not public. No one was looking for anyone, but it so happened that we found each other. I can’t say that it was very easy, everyone had their own life anyway. But when a man lives your life and fully desires this, it is worth a lot, and this is the most important thing for a woman. Everything else - status, money, material things - is not so important.

- Your personal life last years shrouded in mystery, so I'll ask you directly: was there a wedding?

Sasha and I have been together for the fifth year, but officially became husband and wife in November 2015.

- Why did you delay going to the registry office?

Sasha wanted our relationship to be legalized, I did not insist, but I was not against it either. At some point, we decided that we were going to the registry office, and signed. We did not make big celebrations, even for relatives and friends it came as a surprise.

- You secretly married?

It turned out so. The registry office freed up time before our painting and after, so that no one would see us, and we saved this moment only for the two of us. But to be honest, for us the stamp in the passport has not changed anything.

- How did Alexander propose to you?

Once we passed by the registry office, and I remembered: "Here is where Lyoshka Khlestov signed." And then suddenly Sasha says to me: “You know, I want you to become my wife ...” There were no kneeling (smiles).

- And there was no wedding dress?

There was a white dress and a limousine. But I do not think that a woman who has already been married should put on a classic again. Wedding Dress. I was wearing a white dress from my favorite brand "Rada Style", it was presented to me by fashion designer Tatyana Sycheva. It hung for a long time - three years, I never put it on - and then it waited.

- Was there a honeymoon trip?

After the registry office, we went to the park where we like to walk, a photo session took place there. Then, on the same day, they left for St. Petersburg. We travel so much that the honeymoon trip does not end with us (laughs). We are quick to rise. Recently, not for the first time, we were in Israel. We flew to Sri Lanka, rested in Spain - I want to see everything. We love to travel by car, we are mobile, our friends do not always understand where we are at what point in time. We often visit Poland and Lithuania.

- What does your husband do?

I can't say that he has an oil refinery. I would not like to talk about it, I will say briefly: he has a business both in Belarus and in Russia. My husband was born in Germany - his dad is a military man, but grew up and studied in Belarus. His mother, brother, daughter and her family live in Belarus. For some time, already in adulthood, my husband lived and worked in St. Petersburg, which explains why he did not know me as a singer.
Spouses live in two cities: in Minsk and St. Petersburg. Photo: personal archive.

- Did not know? I already suspected that I fell in love "on TV", which is why I called for my anniversary.


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Minsk, Belarus Joined March 30, 2016


Inna Afanasyeva is one of the brightest performers of the Belarusian song. Her unusual voice of beautiful timbre and wide range is well recognizable. She was born on October 28, 1968 in Mogilev, Belarus. Mine creative way Inna Afanasyeva started in 1978, when at the age of ten she joined the children's group "Rainbow" of the Mogilev Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. Very soon, after Inna became ...


Inna Afanasyeva is one of the brightest performers of the Belarusian song. Her unusual voice of beautiful timbre and wide range is well recognizable. She was born on October 28, 1968 in Mogilev, Belarus. Inna Afanasyeva began her creative career in 1978, when at the age of ten she joined the children's group "Rainbow" of the Mogilev Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren.

Very soon, after Inna became the winner of the Red Carnations television contest, she was noticed in Minsk and began to be regularly invited to participate in the programs of the Republican Radio and Television.

The beginning of a professional musical career 1988 was the year for Inna Afanasyeva, when she received the third prize at the Polish song contest in Vitebsk. After this victory, the young singer received an invitation to become a soloist of the Belarusian Philharmonic in the orchestra of symphonic and pop music conducted by Mikhail Finberg.

In 1990, Inna graduated from the Mogilev School of Culture. In 1992 she received the second prize at the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk. In 1995 she took part in the international festival in Bratislava (Slovakia). Then the video clip entered the top ten best clips in Europe. In the same year, Inna Afanasyeva became the laureate of the Song of the Year award, and according to the polls of the Wild Orchid magazine, she was recognized as the Woman of the Year.

In 1996, tours took place in 22 cities of the Republic of Belarus. In 1999 as a guest she represented Belarus in Poland with a new solo program.

In the same year, Afanasyeva became the laureate of the "Song of the Year" award with the song "Saramlivaya dzyauchynka". She also created the television program "Inna Afanasyeva in the circle of friends" with the participation of Alexander Serov, and other artists.

Permanent participant of the republican television festival "At the Crossroads of Europe", singer in 2001-02. was recognized as the "Singer of the Year", and the song "Pearls" - "Song of 2001".

In 2001, with the program “Dance with me”, tours took place in regional cities and regional centers of Belarus. In 2002-03 Inna was the TV presenter of the Breakfast with Inna Afanasyeva program on the STV channel.

In November 2003, the next album of the singer called "Pearls" was released, which included 14 songs.

In the summer of 2007, Inna Afanasyeva was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus. In the new television season of 2007, the artist appeared before the audience in a new role - as the host of the reality show "Three Bachelors" on the ONT channel.

On December 18, 2008, Afanasyeva's album "I'll be with you" (West Records, 2008) was released. The album includes compositions written and recorded over three years. The release was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary creative activity. Immediately after the New Year, Inna Afanasyeva began a tour of the cities of Belarus in support of the album.

In 2009, the singer presented new album“She and Men”, which included 10 duets recorded over 10 years - from 1998 to 2009: with, Dmitry Smolsky, Maxim Mirny, Dmitry Saykov,.

In December 2011, at the First National Music Award, Inna Afanasyeva received a prize in the nomination "Best Female Vocal of the Year".

In 2012, on May 15, at the Palace of Trade Unions, the solo program “The Story of My Love” was presented to the public. The concert featured both the singer's new songs and old hits, which were performed live and in various genres - from musical to jazz. In February 2013, an album with this concert program was released in a limited edition. On the cover there was a branded monogram "AfIna" - an abbreviation for the name and surname of the singer.

In 2013, on December 16, the III National Music Award in the field of pop art took place, where the composition “The First Snow Was Falling” (music by Yevgeny Oleinik, lyrics by Yulia Bykova) was recognized as the “Best Song of the Year”.

Inna Afanasyeva, as an authoritative professional, is a member of the jury of many music competitions: "Zornaya Rosstan", "Suzor'e Nadzey", "Telebom", "We all give birth from children", "Khalikhalo" (Novopolotsk). She is also a regular participant in the republican television festival "At the Crossroads of Europe". In 2001 and 2002 she was recognized as the "Singer of the Year", and her song "Pearl" - the best "Song of the Year" in Belarus (2001).

Afanasyeva is the artistic director of the creative team, which accompanies her on tour.

"Will come true - will not come true" (1995),
"Dance with me" (2000),
"Pearls" ("West Records", 2003),
"Kahanne" (mini-album, 2003),
"I'll be with you" ("West Records", 2008),
“She and the men. Duet album "(2009),
"The Story of My Love" (concert, 2012),
"Rodny Berazhok" (mini-album, 2016).

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