Yakut boilers - the valley of death. Yakut Valley of Death: where did the mysterious "cauldrons" in the vast taiga Iron boilers in Siberia

Career and finance 09.02.2021
Career and finance

Information periodically appears that in the forest-tundra, in the north of Yakutia, there are huge metal hemispheres - ufologists consider them to be an ancient base of aliens. The locals call them boilers. For many centuries, this area has been considered forbidden by the Yakuts and Evenks.

Mysterious 8- and 10-meter boilers more than once served as a place to sleep for lost hunters. They are much warmer inside than outside. But the one who decides to use them as a refuge, after that becomes very ill and does not live very long ...

Who scattered these hemispheres across Death Valley? What exactly are the mysterious cauldrons: traces of the creation of ancient civilizations or alien UFOs? Why do they have a detrimental effect on people and animals?

The Yakuts call this legendary place Elyuyu Cherkechekh, which means "Valley of Death". The old people consider it forbidden: “In winter, it is warm under the boilers, like in summer, and the people who spent the night in them inevitably go to “graze the heavenly deer” ...

It's scary to be in the valley, - says the Yakut local historian Aitalina Nikiforova. - The trees are dead, black, around the swamp.

As ancient legends testify, in the middle of the swamps, a flattened arch protrudes from the ground, under which there are many metal rooms. Inside, even in the most severe Yakut frosts, it is warm, like in summer. Curious hunters went inside, even spent the night in these rooms, but then they began to get very sick and died.


The geographer Richard Maak wrote about the same place in the 19th century:

On the bank of the river Agliy timirnit, which means "The big cauldron drowned", there is a giant cauldron made of copper. Its magnitude is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground.

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The diameter of the flooded boiler is 10 meters

At the beginning of the 20th century, the researcher of ancient cultures, Nikolai Arkhipov, also recorded information about these strange objects:

Since ancient times, there has been a legend among the population of the Vilyui River basin about the presence of huge bronze olguev cauldrons in the upper reaches of this river. This legend deserves attention, since several rivers with the Yakut name Olguidakh, which means "where the boilers are located", are confined to these supposed areas of the location of the mythical boilers. Locals claim that once every hundred years, pillars and balls of fire burst out of the opening hemispheres, directed by the demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai.

Is there a power plant hidden under the boilers? But what kind of civilization - ancient terrestrial or alien - does this reactor belong to? In the 30s of the twentieth century, a resident of the village of Syuldukar Savvinov spent the night with his granddaughter in the "iron house". They found a flattened reddish archway, where behind a spiral passage were many metal rooms.

]]> ]]> In 1971, the testimonies of an old Evenk hunter were documented that in the area between the Nyurgun Bootur (“Bogatyr”) and Ataradak (“Very large triangular iron prison”) there was an iron hole in which “thin, black, one-eyed people in iron robes. Are these aliens in space suits? And the bunker is their earth base?

Historians and archaeologists have long dreamed of unraveling the mystery of the Vilyui cauldrons. From year to year, attempts were made to find them in the Valley of Death. But they were all unsuccessful. None of the researchers could come close to unraveling the mysterious cauldrons - they simply could not be found!

Lucky only last year - the Czech traveler Ivan Matskerle finally found them!

Aitalina Nikiforova took part in his expedition. She was very difficult.

The area of ​​the Valley of Death is huge, - says Aytalina. - Looking for boilers in the taiga and swamps is like a needle in a haystack. But Ivan gave out a brilliant idea: the territory must be flown around on paramotors - parachutes with motors. And literally on the 3-4th day of the expedition, they found a strange circle with surprisingly even, clear edges, covered with snow. The snow has melted almost everywhere in the taiga, and in that place there is a clear, clear circle in the snow. Then they found a second one. We fixed the coordinates on a satellite navigator, and then got to this place on foot. And they were surprised - metal boilers were powdered with snow!


]]> ]]> - Before leaving for Yakutia, Ivan turned to a Czech clairvoyant, - says Aitalina. - They had a very specific interest - to find out the location of geopathic zones on the map of the Vilyuisky ulus. The clairvoyant showed four points on the map, but immediately after that she stunned Ivan, saying: “You are going there for your death!” Ivan did not listen: after all, so much time and money was pumped into this expedition that there was simply nowhere to retreat! But just in case, he took with him a metal amulet in the form of several triangles, reminiscent of the Star of David. And set off.

And literally the next day after the discovery of the boilers, Ivan Matskerle suddenly felt unwell:
- I woke up in the morning and immediately felt my head spinning, began to lose consciousness. The pressure and heart were fine, but I seemed to be in a state of extreme intoxication. We waited out the day, but my condition did not improve. When we left this territory, as if by magic, I immediately felt better ...


But still, much remained unclear: what kind of metal was used for the mysterious cauldrons? Why do people who have experienced its effects on themselves become very sick and even die? And what civilization do the creatures that created these giants belong to?

The archive of the National Library contains a letter from Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok, who claimed that he had found seven such cauldrons:

I have been there three times. The first time in 1933, when I was 10 years old, I went to work with my father. Then in 1939 - already without a father. And the last time - in 1949 as part of a group of young guys. The "Valley of Death" stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River. In fact, this is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with a Yakut guide. We went there not from a good life, but from what is there in this wilderness, it was possible to wash gold without expecting a robbery or a bullet in the back of the head at the end of the season.

All our attempts to break off even a piece from the strange cauldrons were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was the stone. But not simple - a half of an ideal ball with a diameter of 6 cm. It was black, did not have any visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked it up from the ground inside one of those cauldrons. I brought this souvenir with me to Samarka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Territory, where my parents lived in 1933. He lay idle until his grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I myself tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (face) - it turned out that it cuts with amazing beauty and ease. After that, my find was used many times as a diamond by all relatives and friends. In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and in the autumn he was arrested and taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968 and died. Now no one knows where that stone went...

As for the mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because in three seasons we saw 7 such “cauldrons”. All of them seem to me completely mysterious: firstly, the size is from 6 to 9 meters in diameter. Secondly, they are made of an incomprehensible metal. The fact is that even a sharpened chisel does not take boilers (they tried it more than once). Metal does not break off and is not forged. Even on steel, a hammer would certainly leave noticeable dents. And this metal is covered on top with a layer of an unknown material, similar to emery. But this is not an oxide film and not scale - it is also neither chipped nor scratched. We did not meet wells with rooms that go deep into the earth, which are mentioned in local legends. But I noted that the vegetation around the "cauldrons" is anomalous - not at all like the one that grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, a strange grass one and a half to two times taller than human height. In one of the boilers we spent the night with the whole group (6 people). We did not feel anything bad, we left quietly without any unpleasant incidents. Nobody got seriously ill. Unless one of my friends completely lost all their hair in three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) there were 3 small sores the size of a match head each. I treated them all my life, but they are up to today did not pass.

Based on Koretsky's letter, one can assume the presence of a slightly increased radioactive background around the “boilers”. Giant vegetation around them, sores on the head that do not heal, hair that has fallen out are clear symptoms of radioactive exposure. Variants are possible: either the “boilers” are made of radioactive metal, or some artificial sources of radiation such as isotope generators are structurally included in their walls? ..

The only eyewitness known to us, Koretsky, believes that “boilers” are HUMAN WORK, if they were extraterrestrial, they would be a little stronger. As evidence, he explains: in 1933, he heard from a Yakut guide that 5-10 years ago he discovered several absolutely new and absolutely round boilers-balls, which protruded high, 2-3 meters from the ground. But later, after a dozen or two years, an Evenk hunter saw these aggregates already split and scattered. Having visited another “boiler” also twice, Koretsky noticed that over the past few years, the object, as it were, under the influence of its own weight, noticeably plunged into the ground (into permafrost!). This means that since the immersion occurs at a fairly noticeable speed, the “boilers” themselves appeared not so long ago. But if the “cauldrons” were made by earthlings and, moreover, relatively recently in the Middle Ages, then whoever did it is useful to remember that the local peoples would not be able to produce even a small copy of such things, this requires at least a highly developed production.

In 1999-2000, the researcher A. Gutenev, having read Koretsky's story, came to the conclusion that he had many inaccuracies in the descriptions of the area, too many even if he was there as a child.

Several attempts have been made to find the Valley of Death. In 1962-63, the geologist V.V. Poroshin tried to find it on the northern bank of the Berende River (flows into the Namana west of Tuobuya), however, he found only strange settlements of people hiding from civilization. In the 1990s, A. Gutenev and V. Mikhailovsky were searching for this place. In July 1996, an expedition to Aikhal was prepared by Kosmopoisk, however, it did not reach the appointed place for technical reasons.

In the summer of 1997, a group of 2 people (V. Uvarov and A. Gutenev) left for this area, who, with the help of sponsors, paid for the work of specialists in the local aerial photographic archive, where they discovered “something interesting” in the photographs of the area. We left for the place, however, the helicopter with provisions was late, other domestic difficulties arose, and we had to clench our hearts to return back without finding anything ...

In October 1999, journalist Nikolai VARSEGOV ["KP" 1999, October 16] was inquiring on the spot about the location of the Valley. In August 2000, A. Gutenev again went to one of the alleged locations of the Valley, but this time the instruments did not give unequivocal confirmation of the existence of metal structures in the soil ...

Something similar is regularly observed both in the Altai Mountains and in the Kalmyk Black Lands ... And there are clearings where mysterious metal structures are piled up, either twisted, overgrown with moss, or even brand new. Sometimes - when at night, when during the day (but never on Sundays and very rarely on the 13th) a roar is heard in the sky, dazzling white crosses flash, and another “metal monster” appears on the ground. In neighboring villages, houses have strange stoves made by local craftsmen from details of clearly extraterrestrial origin. There, too, stories are retold about shepherds and hunters who found pieces of iron “not at all like anything else,” for example, small silvery cylinders are hot and do not cool down for months; then these people died...

All these riddles have a completely earthly origin. Stamps of Russian and Ukrainian factories are clearly visible on strange metal fragments. It's about about the places where spent rocket stages fell. And since spacecraft (ships with astronauts, spy satellites, scientific stations) are launched along quite certain routes from year to year, “zones” have formed on the surface of the Earth, where mangled aluminum tanks of launch vehicles, other fragments of “space metal” are piled up almost in heaps. ". They say that in the Altai Mountains there is a whole village where nozzles of spent rocket stages were adapted for stoves; fortunately, there are two dozen of them on each Soyuz. They also say that an illiterate Kazakh shepherd was very happy to find the RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator) left from the emergency launch ), since the thing never cooled down, and it was very convenient to warm up near it on cold dark nights, and when the soldiers sent from Baikonur found the lost RTG in the yurt, under a layer of blankets, it was no longer possible to save the “lucky one”. does all this look like the legends about the Vilyuisk "Valley of Death"?

And Yakutia, at the same time, quite officially is one of the zones where fragments of carriers launched in Kazakhstan should fall. But the fact is that the legends that we mentioned at the beginning were born a very long time ago - when humanity had not yet thought about going into space ...

The Yakuts living on the banks of the Vilyui River, there is legend about the incredible events that took place many centuries ago in these places.
According to legend, in ancient times from some metal pipe, underground, occasionally burst out a pillar of fire.
In this pipe lived " throwing fireballs” Giant Wat Usumu Tong Duurai.
Translated into Russian, the monster's name means " the villain who made a hole in the Earth, hiding in a hole and destroying everything around.

This legend was extremely interested in three students from Yakutsk, and they decided to go during the summer holidays to the river Vilyuy.
The kids had to hear about Valley of death, dead place, mentions about which are preserved in documents, dating back to the 19th century.

In the notes made by R. Maak, it was stated that on the banks of the river Algyi Timir-nit ( Drowned Cauldron), which flows into the Vilyui, there is indeed a copper cauldron dug into the ground.
Most of it is hidden underground, and four trees grow in the edge protruding from the soil.
Having collected tents and things necessary for life in the forest, the guys set off.
Once in the first small village on the coast of Vilyui, they, introducing themselves as collectors of folklore, began to ask local residents about the fire-breathing inhabitant of the earth's interior and, of course, the mysterious cauldron.
Old-timers willingly told students about an iron underground structure with many rooms, in which warm even in severe frost.
However, they said daredevils, entering these rooms, soon died.

They told the children about smooth metal arch, protruding from the permafrost so that under it you can ride a reindeer.

The guys listened with interest to all these amazing stories, and their desire to find anomalous zone was getting stronger.
But having learned about the intention of the students to go to the Valley of Death, the exact location of which, however, no one knew, the old people began to dissuade them from a rash act.
And yet, the students went on a hike, the final point of which was to be the mysterious Valley of Death.

They were absent for about a month, and when they returned to Yakutsk, they told such things that many decided that the guys were just crazy.
According to the guys Death Valley stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River.
AT first day stay there they felt a slight discomfort- dizzy, overcome by weakness.
Deciding that this was the manifestation of fatigue caused by many hours of marching, the students pitched a tent and went to the river for water.
And suddenly, right in front of you, all three saw a mysterious structure sticking out of the ground, really resembling a metal cauldron!
The size of the boiler was approx. ten meters in diameter.

Coming closer, the guys found that an unusual structure made(if someone made it) metal.
What kind of metal it was, the guys did not know.
They tried it for strength with a sharp screwdriver, an ax, a hammer, but on a matte, as if there was not a scratch left on the surface covered with small silvery crumbs, no dent.
The guys did not find the underground building with many rooms that the old Yakuts talked about.
However, they noted that around"boilers" are growing not typical for those parts huge mugs and strange grass, twice the height of a human.
From the "cauldron" discovered by tourists, radiating warmth and the guys decided to spend the night here, pitching a tent next to a strange structure.
Throughout their stay in the anomalous zone, the guys tried to break off at least a piece from the edge of the boiler in order to find out its composition when they returned to Yakutsk.

But all their attempts were unsuccessful: the metal turned out to be extremely hard.
In Yakutsk, inspired by the results of their expedition (they did find the Death Valley with mysterious cauldrons!), the guys again went to the library and set about searching for documents related to the anomalous zone on the Vilyui River with renewed vigor.
They were lucky - it was found in the archive letter written by a certain Mikhail Petrovich Koretsky from Vladivostok to his friend.

Here is what he said in particular:

"The first time I visited Vilyui was in 1933.
I was then ten years old, and I went to work with my father.
The last time - in 1949, together with a group of peers.
The Valley of Death runs along the right tributary of the Vilyuy River.
This is a whole chain of valleys along the floodplain.
As for the mysterious objects, there are many of them, because in my three visits I saw them eight times.
The metal from which they are made does not break off and is not forged.
On top it is covered with a layer of unknown material similar to emery.
But this is not an oxide film - it cannot be chipped or scratched.
I took it from there black pebble raised from the ground inside one of the boilers.
It was half of a perfect ball with a diameter of about six centimeters and such smooth as if polished.
I took this stone with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguevsky district, Primorsky Krai.
My parents lived there in 1933. My find lay idle for a long time, and then we needed to insert new glass into the windows, and there was nothing to cut them with.
And here it turned out that I found a pebble cuts glass as easily as a knife cuts butter".

According to Koretsky, boilers could be like products of masters of some ancient people who lived in those places many centuries ago, and some natural formations.
In any case, they certainly have an impact on living organisms that fell into the floodplain of the Vilyui River.
Summer is over, students have started studying at the institute.
They often recalled their trip to the Valley of Death, planned to go there again next vacation and try to find out the nature of the mysterious boilers and their influence on environment.
However, soon one of the guys felt what he started catastrophically thinning hair.
Literally within two weeks his head became completely hairless.
The other one the entire right half of the face was covered with many warts, which he is unable to extract.
The guys attribute these troubles to the fact that they slept next to each other for several nights with a boiler.
The third member of the expedition is quite healthy, yet?
Of course, the easiest way would be to explain the mystery of the Valley of Death by the influence of some cosmic forces.
However, according to experts studying geopathogenic zones(the scientific name for "dead places"), the events taking place near the Yakut river Vilyuy do not yet fall under any classification.
They are going to come to grips with the study of these places, which are in no hurry to reveal their centuries-old secret.

Valley of death. The upper reaches of the Vilyui River (Yakutia).

Ksenia Zakharova, November 2008, specially for Tainoe.Ru:

http://www.tainoe.ru/anomalia/zoni/ano-zoni-Ru-vilui.htm Mysterious Valley.

I remember that at the lessons of literature we went through a topic related to the choice of titles for literary works.
The title should convey the main idea of ​​the presented text. Apparently, the name "Elyuyu Cherkechekh" reflects the essence of the entire valley, located in the upper reaches of the Vilyui, in the area of ​​​​its tributary Olguidakh, because it is translated as "Valley of Death".
For many years this mysterious valley haunts researchers anomalous phenomena and ufologists.
Legends and rumors that have existed since ancient times claim that here, among continuous swamps and impenetrable thickets, keeping traces of some ancient cataclysms, huge metal "cauldrons" of mysterious origin are lost.
At the same time, it is very often suggested that the "boilers" are nothing more than an alien origin.

Be that as it may, but the phenomenon of "Elyuyu Cherkecheh" listed in many encyclopedias of anomalous zones of the planet, and the events taking place near the Yakut river Vilyuy do not yet fall under any classification.

O " Valley of death" wrote more in the last century famous researcher Vilyui Richard Maack, who made a number of expeditions to the Vilyui district.

Having visited these parts in 1854 year, he noted the following:

“In Suntar, they told me that near the top of Vilyui there is a river called Algy timirnit (the Big cauldron drowned), which flows into Vilyui.
Not far from its shore, in the forest, there is a huge cauldron made of copper in the ground; only one edge of it protrudes from the ground, so that the own size of the boiler is unknown, although they say that there are whole trees in it ... ".

Also in the archives of the National Library of the Republic of Yakutia, letter some M.P. Koretsky from Vladivostok.

In this letter, he says the following:

“The first time in 1933, when I was still 10 years old, I went to work with my father.
Then in 1939 - already without a father.
And the last time - in 1949 as part of a group of young guys.
"Valley of Death" stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River.
In fact, this is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain.
All three times I was there with a Yakut guide.

We went there not from a good life, but because there, in this wilderness, could wash the gold, not expecting at the end of the season a robbery and a bullet in the back of the head.
As for the mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because I've seen seven in three seasons such " boilers".
All of them seem to me completely mysterious: firstly, the size - from six to nine meters in diameter.
Secondly, they are made of an incomprehensible metal.
The fact is that "boilers" does not even take a sharpened chisel(tried, and more than once).
Metal does not break off and is not forged.
Even on steel, a hammer would certainly leave noticeable dents.
And this metal is covered on top with another layer of an unknown material, similar to emery.
But this is not an oxide film and not scale - it is also neither chipped nor scratched.
We did not meet wells with rooms that go deep into the earth, which are mentioned in local legends.

But I noted that the vegetation around the "cauldrons" abnormal- not at all like what grows around.
She is more magnificent: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass - one and a half to two times taller than a human.
In one of the "cauldrons" we spent the night with the whole group(6 people).
We did not feel anything bad, we left quietly without any unpleasant incidents.
No one was seriously ill afterwards.
Except that one of my friends completely lost all his hair after three months.
And I have on the left side of the head(I slept on it) there were three small sores the size of a match head each.
I treated them all my life, but to this day they are did not pass.
All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange "cauldrons" were unsuccessful.
The only thing I managed to carry stone.
But not simple half of a perfect ball with a diameter of six centimeters.
He was black color, did not have any visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished.
I picked it up from the ground inside one of those cauldrons.
I brought this souvenir with me to the village of Samarka in the Chuguevsky district of Primorsky Krai, where my parents lived in 1933.
He lay idle until his grandmother decided to rebuild the house.
It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village.
I tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge), it turned out that he cuts with amazing beauty and ease.
After that, my find was used many times as a diamond by all relatives and friends.
In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and in the autumn he was arrested and taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968 and died.
Now no one knows where that stone went...

Koretsky himself still believed that this was done by a man: although the boilers are durable, they are not infinite.
In his letter, Mikhail Petrovich emphasizes: in 1933, the Yakut guide told him that 5-10 years ago he found several cauldrons(they were absolutely round), which high (higher than a man) protruded from the ground.
They are looked like new.
BUT later the hunter already saw them split and scattered.
Koretsky also noted, having visited one "cauldron" twice, that he over the past few years has noticeably sunk into the ground obviously by weight.
It turns out that these objects appeared in the "Valley of Death" not so long ago, but then how did Maak write about them back in 1854, and 79 years old - it seems to me that this is not the age for the product (whatever it was made of), to call it "new", especially if it loses its original appearance in just 5-10 years.

N. Arkhipov, a researcher of the ancient cultures of Yakutia, also wrote about strange objects:

"Among the population of the Vilyuy river basin, there has been a legend since ancient times about the presence of huge bronze olguev cauldrons in the upper reaches of this river.
This legend deserves attention, since several rivers with the Yakut names "Olguidah" ​​are confined to these supposed areas of the location of the mythical cauldrons, which means " Boiler room"...

AT 1971 were documented attested modern researchers from the city of Mirny A. Gutenev and V. Mikhailovsky testimony an old Evenk hunter, who, having visited the "Valley of Death", told them that in the interfluve region of the Nyurgun Bootur ( Glorious hero) and Ataradak (Very large trihedral iron prison) is located metal hole, wherein lie frozen to the core b" very thin, black one-eyed people in iron robes".

The same researchers, Mikhailovsky and Gutenev, tried to recreate according to the legends and all available data, including the main Yakut epic Olonkho, what happened in the distant past on the territory of the sinister Valley of Death.

In their opinion, everything looked like this:

"In those distant times, when it all began, this area was inhabited by a few nomadic Tungus.
One day, their distant neighbors saw how an impenetrable darkness suddenly enveloped her, and a deafening roar shook the surroundings.
rose hurricane of unprecedented strength, powerful blows shook the ground.
Lightning split the sky in all directions.
When everything calmed down and the darkness dispelled, an unprecedented picture opened up before their shocked eyes.
In the middle of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure shone in the sun., visible from a distance of many days of travel.

For a long time the structure emitted unpleasant, ear-piercing sounds and gradually decreased in height, until it disappeared altogether (perhaps underground).
Who out of curiosity tried to get in to this territory did not return back.

Over time, the soil, fertilized with ash and ash, restored the vegetation cover.
Solid young growth attracted the beast, and nomadic hunters from neighboring lands also reached out for the animals.
As it turned out, they were also waiting there for a beautiful-looking housing - a tall domed "iron house" resting on numerous lateral supports.
But it was not possible to enter it - it was high and smooth, having neither windows nor doors.
In some places, other metal structures peeked out from under the ground.

On the site of a shining high-rise building gaping huge vertical "mouth".
According to the bizarre descriptions of the legends, it consisted of three tiers " laughing abysses".
In its bowels was supposedly an entire underground country with its own, but "flawed" sun.
Rising from the crater suffocating stench, and therefore did not settle near him.
From the side it was visible how sometimes a "rotating island" appeared above the vent, which then turned out to be his " snap lid".

Centuries have passed.
Some structures plunged into permafrost.
The "iron house" almost went into it.
It became possible to climb on it dome where was descending spiral descent.
It could be hit into a circular gallery of many metal rooms, where even in the most very coldy it was warm like summer.
But it cost spend at least a few days there, and the person started to get sick, and soon was dying.

Over time, the "house" finally plunged into the permafrost, and only the "arch" of the entrance remained on the surface.
"Lid"the vent is overgrown with mosses and looked like an ordinary bulgun(a hillock above a lens of ice), of which there are a great many on the permafrost.

Nothing foreshadowed any events, but one day it happened small earthquake and the sky pierced thin" fiery tornado".
On top of it a blinding fireball.
This ball, accompanied by "four thunders in a row", leaving behind a fiery trail, rushed to the ground along a gentle trajectory and, hiding behind the horizon, exploded.
The nomads were worried, but did not abandon their habitable places, since this "demon", without harming them, exploded over the neighboring warlike tribe.

A few decades later, history repeated itself - the fireball flew in the same direction and again destroyed only its neighbors.
Seeing that this "demon" is, as it were, their protector, legends began to be made about him, nicknamed "Nyurgun Bootur" ("Fiery daring").

But after a while, something happened that terrified even the most remote outskirts.
From the vent with a deafening roar and roar burst out a giant fireball and... exploded right here.
There was a strong earthquake.
Some hills cut cracks more than a hundred meters deep.
After the explosion, it splashed for a long time " fiery sea", over which hovered a disc-shaped "spinning island".
The aftermath of the explosion spread within a radius of more than a thousand kilometers.

The nomadic tribes that survived on the outskirts fled to different sides, away from the disastrous place, but this did not save them from death.
They all died out from some strange, inherited only, disease.
But they left behind detailed information about what happened, on the basis of which the olonhout storytellers began to compose beautiful and unusually tragic legends.

Indeed, many legends have survived that strange structures are located in the "Valley of Death".
Here is the testimony of a hunter who wandered through the taiga during the dry period.
Having tried to extract ice from bulgunyakh - an ice lens, usually covered with earth from above, he began to dig, but under a thin layer of soil he found not ice, but reddish metal surface of a very large, permafrost dome.
The hunter was frightened and tried to leave this place as soon as possible.
Another similar case: discovered the edge of the dome is ten centimeters thick; this time the hunter did not dig further either.
According to him, the bulgunyakh was about a meter high and about 5-6 meters in diameter.

Near the Olguidakh River, a smooth metal hemisphere of a reddish color and with such a smooth edge that it "cuts a nail" was found stuck into the ground.
The thickness of its wall is about 2 cm.
It stands tilted, so that you can ride a deer under it.
She was discovered in 1936 geologist, but in the post-war period the traces were lost.
In 1979, a small archaeological expedition from Yakutsk tried to find it.
The guide, an old hunter who had repeatedly seen the object in his youth, could not remember the way to it, because, according to him, the area had changed a lot.

The ancient Even nomadic path passed here - from Bodaibo to Annabar and further, to the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
Until 1936, a former merchant, a certain Savinov, traded on it.
Meanwhile, the inhabitants gradually left these places.
Finally, the old man Savinov and his granddaughter Zina also decided to move to Suldyukar.
Somewhere in the interfluve area of ​​​​Heldyuz ("iron house"), her grandfather led her to a small, slightly flattened reddish "arch", where there were many metal rooms behind the spiral passage.
There they spent the night.
As the grandfather assured, even in the most severe frosts they are warm, like in summer.
What happened to him later is not known, but apparently it’s nothing to worry about, since history is silent about this, but other old-timers also recalled metal rooms in the post-war years.
Only the most desperate daredevils decided to use such a "boon", since several nights in the "rooms" inevitably led to severe illness and imminent death.

One of " objects"seems to have been" buried" during the construction of a dam on the Vilyui River- slightly below the threshold of Er-biye.
According to the builder of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station, when a diversion channel was built and drained the mainstream, in him found a convex metal "bald patch".
They called the authorities, but then was not up to research- chased the plan.
Having hastily examined the find and came to the conclusion that this nonsense, the authorities gave the order to continue work.

The ufologists also had a chance to get acquainted with an old Evenk hunter, whose ancestors roamed these places for more than one hundred years.
He also heard something about explosions: as if at first a pillar of fire bursts out of the ground to the very sky along with clouds of dust, then dust thickens into a dense cloud, through which only a dazzling fireball is visible.
This is accompanied by a terrible hum and a piercing whistle, and after several thunders in a row followed by a blinding flash, literally incinerating everything around, a deafening explosion is heard, and trees fall within a radius of more than 100 km, collapse and rocks crack!
Then it gets very dark and cold, so even fires go out, a charred branches covered with frost.

There are two Yakut legends about this.
According to one of them, this fire is erupted by the demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai (a criminal alien who made a hole in the Earth, hiding in a hole and destroying everything around) and actions reminiscent of their destructive power nuclear missiles .
According to the second, taken from the Yakut epic "Olonkho", it is in this place once in a hundred years, the battle of the demons of the lower world with the heavenly heroes takes place, reminiscent of a picture of atomic explosions.
True, the first legend can be equated with the same epic "Olonkho".
One thing is important that fiery flashes resemble nuclear explosions in destructive power.
Really, in the 1950s, the territory served as a nuclear test site , and one of the explosions unexpectedly exceeded the calculated parameters by two - three thousand times , but more on that below.

There is another strange case of meeting with the inexplicable: in October 2000, an old-timer of the city of Mirny, a geologist with 50 years of experience, experienced hunter Vasily Kupriyanovich Trofimov witnessed a strange phenomenon that scared him half to death.
Having spent the night at a winter hut 80 kilometers from Olguidah in the direction of Morkoka, he woke up because his husky suddenly ran out of the hut, went outside and saw in the dark, how something or someone moves through the treetops.
themselves the trees didn't bend, but frost was completely cut off from them.
The object walking in this way was not visible, but, having approached the winter hut, covered up the sky, what disappeared stars.
In the morning Vasily Kupriyanovich found a strip clear of snow throughout the forest, "as long as there were enough eyes."

In general, they say, it's terrifying in the valley - around the swamp, the trees are dead.
Especially animals don't like it, empty there are no moose, birds do not fly, but who senses danger better than animals?
Many people died there.
The bodies were dumped into the lakes, which is why their restless souls roam the "Elyu Cherkecheh".
And if you still decide to fly to Yakutia for your own research, here's some seasoned advice: want to come back safe and sound - don't touch anything, don't catch fish, do not pick mushrooms and berries and don't take anything from there.

A little about expeditions.

Historians and archaeologists have long dreamed of unraveling the mystery of the Vilyui cauldrons.
From year to year, attempts were made to find them in the Valley of Death.
But they were all unsuccessful.
None of the researchers could come close to unraveling the mysterious cauldrons.

One of the first expeditions to this area can be considered a research interest on the part of Richard Maack, who visited the "Valley of Death" in the 19th century.
The result of his research was the essay "Vilyui District of the Yakut Region (1877-1886)".

I was looking for "boilers" and Expedition of Mark Milhiker, who calls himself the president of the International Academy of Space Esoterics.
But, despite the loudness of the title of the leader of the search, it was not possible to find something concrete.
Truth, in several places esotericists geiger counter went off scale, but increased radiation on Vilyui is a fairly common thing.

After Milhiker, the Czech "secret discoverer" Ivan Matskerle and his associates were looking for "cauldrons".
To do this, he, his son Danil, two pilots, a local guide Vyacheslav Pastukhov, as well as the sixth member of the expedition, a photographer and cameraman all rolled into one, chose an unusual tactic: with the help of a paraglider at the very beginning of summer, when the foliage of the trees still does not obstruct visibility, they started exploring the area, and finally found the outlines of two objects.

The expedition was not easy - square "Death Valley" huge, and looking for boilers in the taiga and swamps is like a needle in a haystack.
But literally on the 4th day of the expedition, they found a strange circle with surprisingly smooth, clear edges covered with snow.
The snow has melted almost everywhere in the taiga, and in that place there is a clear, clear circle in the snow.
Then they found a second one.
We fixed the coordinates on a satellite navigator, and then got to this place on foot.
And they were surprised metal boilers were powdered with snow!

Upon returning from the expedition, Ivan said:

“Among the forest greenery, absolutely regular concentric circles were visible. But nature did not favor us.
Suddenly at night snow- it's in June something - and covered mysterious place white tablecloth.
Despite this, Pavel and co-pilot Jiří, having gone on reconnaissance, reported that under the snow and a thin layer of silt there was something hard, smooth, slightly rounded.
Perhaps the edge of a sunken boiler.
We found a second similar place a few kilometers down the river when the snow melted."

Ivan approached the question with skill - an experienced traveler and hunter for everything inexplicable before traveling turned to a Czech clairvoyant.
He had a very specific interest - find out the location of geopathogenic zones on the map of the Vilyuisky ulus.
The clairvoyant showed four points on the map, but immediately after that she dumbfounded Ivan, saying: " You go there for your death!"
Ivan did not listen: after all, so much time and money had been invested in this expedition that there was simply nowhere to retreat!
But just in case, he took with him a metal amulet in the form of several triangles, reminiscent of the Star of David.
And set off.

And literally the day after the discovery of the boilers, Ivan Matskerle suddenly felt unwell.

"I woke up in the morning and immediately felt, like mine dizzy, - he said later, - began to lose consciousness.
The pressure and heart were fine, but I as if he was in a state of extreme intoxication.
We waited out the day, but my condition did not improve.
When are we left this area, to me, as if by magic, immediately felt better".

Due to Ivan's illness, the expedition was interrupted just when the boilers were first discovered.
Around them sensors detected a very strong magnetic field .
The searchers did not have high-end equipment with them to carry out the research in full, but they fixed the coordinates using the GPS system.
Ivan after this sworn off walk in the "Valley of Death", but ready to pass all collected materials to other researchers.

You can find out about another expedition on one of the Internet sites.
It tells the story of students from the city of Yakutsk, who found in 2002 boiler with a diameter of about 10 meters.

It all started with the fact that the legend of the "Valley of Death" was extremely interested in three students from Yakutsk, and they decided to go during the summer holidays to the Vilyui River.
Once in the first small village on the coast of Vilyui, they, introducing themselves as collectors of folklore, began to ask local residents about the fire-breathing inhabitant of the earth's interior and, of course, about the mysterious cauldron.
Old-timers willingly told students about all the oddities, but they warned that all it is very dangerous.
The guys listened with interest to all these stories, and their desire to find the anomalous zone became stronger, so the students, without thinking twice, went on a hike to the final destination, which was supposed to be the mysterious "Valley of Death".
They were absent for about a month, and when they returned to Yakutsk, told such that many decided - guys are just crazy.

Part 2 - ending - in the following entry:

A strange area, located 200 kilometers from Mirny, along the floodplain of the right tributary of the Vilyui River, locals called the Valley of Death. In the past, the nomadic trade route of the Evenks passed through this place, and therefore eyewitness accounts have been preserved that in that place there is a huge copper cauldron dug into the ground, or as it was called, the Iron House.

Local hunters sometimes spent the night in his premises, which "kept summer warmth in severe frosts, which did not have the most favorable effect on health - after that people were very sick or died. The Yakuts living on the banks of the Vilyui River have a legend about incredible events that took place in these places many centuries ago. According to legend, in ancient times, from a certain metal pipe, which was underground, from time to time a column of fire escaped.

In this chimney lived the "fireball-throwing" giant Wat UsumuTongDuurai. Translated into Russian, the name of the monster means "the villain who made a hole in the Earth, hiding in a hole and destroying everything around."

In the north-west of Yakutia, in the Upper Vilyui region, there is a difficult terrain with traces of some grandiose cataclysms - solid fallouts of forests, which are about 800 years old, stone fragments scattered over hundreds of kilometers. In this area, incomprehensible metal objects are dispersed, located deep underground, in the permafrost. Their presence is manifested on the surface of the earth only by patches of bizarre vegetation. The ancient name of this area is "Uluyu Cherkecheh", which means "Valley of Death".

For many years, the Yakuts have bypassed this remote region for a hundred miles, which has played and continues to play a special, fateful role in the fate of not only civilization, but the entire planet.

Having systematized a large number of disparate messages and materials, we decided to tell you about what, perhaps, will change our ideas about the world around us and about the place of a person in it, if people take into account everything that will be presented below.

In order to convey the picture most fully, we will divide the story into three parts, the first of which will contain facts and eyewitness accounts in the form in which they have come down to us. In the second part, we will offer you the ancient legends of the peoples who lived in those places, and the epics of neighboring peoples who observed strange phenomena. This is important so that you can do your own research and feel every detail of the story for yourself. And then we'll tell you what's behind it all.

Part one.

The area that will be discussed can be described as continuous swamps, which alternate with difficult taiga, on an area of ​​​​more than 100 thousand square meters. km. It is also surrounded by rather curious rumors about the dispersal of metal objects of unknown origin on it.

In order to shed light on what was barely perceptibly adjacent to us, giving rise to these rumors, we had to touch on the ancient history of this region, get acquainted with its traditions and legends. It was possible to restore some elements of local paleotoponymy, and they miraculously merged with the content of ancient legends. Everything pointed to the fact that legends and rumors mean very specific things.

In ancient times, the ancient Evenk nomadic path passed through the "Valley of Death", from Bodaibo to Annabar and further to the coast. Until 1936, the merchant Savvinov traded on it, and when he retired, the inhabitants gradually left those places.

Finally, the elderly merchant and his granddaughter Zina decided to move to Suldyukar. Somewhere in the interfluve area of ​​​​Heldyu (translated from the local - "iron house"), the grandfather brought his granddaughter to a small, slightly flattened, reddish arch, where, behind a spiral passage, there were many metal rooms in which they spent the night.

As the grandfather assured, even in the most severe frosts they are warm, like in summer. In ancient times, there were daredevils among the local hunters who spent the night in these rooms. But then they began to get very sick, and those who spent the night several times in a row generally died rapidly. The Yakuts said that the place is "very thin, swampy and the beast does not go there!" The location of all these structures was known only to the old people, who from their youth were engaged in hunting, and at one time often visited these places. They led a nomadic lifestyle, and knowledge of the terrain - where you can go and where you can not, was dictated by vital necessity. Their descendants have already led settled life Therefore, this knowledge was lost over time. At present, the presence of these constructions is indicated only by local, partially preserved paleotoponymy, and all kinds of rumors. But each of these toponyms is hundreds or even thousands of square kilometers.

In 1936, near the river Oiguldakh (a place with a boiler), at the behest of the old men, a geologist stumbled upon a smooth metal hemisphere of a reddish color, of large diameter, protruding from the ground, with such a smooth edge that it "cuts a nail." The thickness of its wall was about 2 cm. It protruded from the ground by about one-fifth of its diameter. It stood tilted so that it was possible to drive under it on horseback. He sent the description he made to Yakutsk.

In 1979, an archaeological expedition from Yakutsk tried to find the hemisphere discovered by a geologist. They had an old guide with them, who in his youth had seen this structure more than once, but, according to him, the place had changed a lot, and they did not find anything. It should be said that there you can walk ten steps from the desired object and not notice it, so that until now they have come across purely by chance.

Even in the last century, the well-known researcher Vilyui R. Maak, noted: "In Suntar / a Yakut settlement / I was told that on the upper Vilyui there is a river" Algy timirbit "(which means" a big cauldron drowned "), which flows into Vilyui. Not far from its shore, in the forest, there is a giant cauldron made of copper. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, but several trees grow in it ... "(1853)."

The same fact is noted by the researcher of the ancient cultures of Yakutia N.D. Arkhipov: ": Among the population of the Vilyuy river basin, since ancient times there has been a legend about the presence in the upper reaches of this river of enormous bronze cauldrons - olguevs. This legend deserves attention, since several rivers with the Yakut name "Olguidakh" - "Boiler" are associated with these supposed areas of the location of mythical cauldrons .

Here are the lines from a letter that came from another person who visited the "Valley of Death". Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok writes: “I visited there three times. The first time in 1933, when I was still 10 years old, I went to work with my father. groups of young guys.

Dolina of death. Photo: http://dnevniki.ykt.ru

"Valley of Death" stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River. In fact, this is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with a guide - a Yakut. We went there not from a good life, but because there, in this wilderness, it was possible to wash gold, not expecting a robbery and a bullet in the back of the head at the end of the season.

As for the mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because in three seasons I saw seven such "cauldrons". All of them seem to me completely mysterious: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter.

Secondly, they are made of an incomprehensible metal. You wrote that they are made of copper, but I am sure that this is not copper. The fact is that even a sharpened chisel does not take "boilers" (they tried it, and more than once). Metal does not break off and is not forged. On copper, a hammer would certainly leave noticeable dents. And this "copper" is covered on top with another layer of an unknown material, similar to emery. But this is not an oxide film and not scale - it is also neither chipped nor scratched.

We did not meet wells with rooms going deep into the earth. But I noted that the vegetation around the "cauldrons" is anomalous - not at all like the one that grows around. It is more magnificent: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass, one and a half to two times taller than human height. In one of the "cauldrons" we spent the night with the whole group (6 people). We didn’t feel anything bad, we left calmly, without any unpleasant incidents. No one was seriously ill afterwards. Unless one of my friends completely lost all his hair after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) three small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I treated them all my life, but they have not gone away until today.

All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange "cauldrons" were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was a stone. But not simple - a half of an ideal ball, six centimeters in diameter. It was black in color, had no visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked it up from the ground inside one of those cauldrons. I brought a Yakut souvenir with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguevsky District, Primorsky Territory, where my parents lived in 1933. He lay idle until his grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge) - it turned out that it cuts with amazing ease. After that, my find was used many times, like a diamond, by all relatives and friends. In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and in the autumn he was arrested, taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968, and died. Now no one knows where that stone went...

Valley of death. Photo: http://www.rumbur.ru

In his letter, Mikhail Koretsky emphasizes: In 1933, a Yakut guide told him that 5-10 years ago he discovered several cauldrons-balls (they were absolutely round), which protruded high (higher than a man) from the ground. They looked like new. And later the hunter already saw them split and scattered.

Koretsky noted, having visited one "cauldron" twice, that over the past few years it has noticeably sunk into the ground.

Researchers from the city of Mirny A. Gutenev and Yu. Mikhailovsky reported that in 1971 an old Evenk hunter told that in the area between the rivers Nyurgun Bootur (a fiery hero) and Ataradak (a place with a trihedral spear) looks out of the ground just , which gave the name of the area - "Very large" trihedral iron prison. And on the interfluve Khelugir ( iron people) there is an iron hole, and in it lie "thin, black, one-eyed people in iron robes." He said that he could bring people there, said that it was not far, but no one believed him. He is no longer alive...

Another of the objects, apparently, was "buried" during the construction of the dam on the Vilyui, a little below the threshold of Erbiye. According to the story of the builder of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station, when a diversion channel was built and the main channel was drained, a convex metal "bald spot" was found in it. The plan was on fire, and the authorities, having hastily examined the find, ordered to continue work.

There are many stories of people who accidentally stumbled upon such constructions, but without specific signs on a dull, monotonous terrain, it is extremely difficult to find them again.

Once the old people told that the Ottoamokh stream (“holes in the earth”) flows in the tract of Tong Duurai and that there are vents of incredibly great depth, called “laughing abysses”. The same name also appears in legends, which say that a fiery giant lives there, destroying everything around. Approximately every 6-7 centuries, a monstrous "bolide" escaped from there, which either flew off somewhere far away and (judging by the annals and legends of other peoples) exploded there, or the explosion occurred right above the place of departure, as a result of which the area within a radius of hundreds of kilometers turned into a scorched desert with shattered rocks.

Yakut legends contain many references to explosions, fiery whirlwinds and the rise of flaming balls. And all these phenomena are somehow connected with the mysterious metal structures found in the "Valley of Death".

Some of them are large round "iron houses" standing on numerous side supports. They have no windows or doors - only at the top of the dome there is a "spacious manhole.

Some of them almost completely sank into the permafrost - only a barely noticeable bulge, like an arch, remained on the surface. Eyewitnesses who do not know each other, but who saw this "thundering iron house", describe it in the same way.

Other objects are metal hemisphere covers scattered in different places, covering up who knows what. But the Yakut legends say that the mysterious flaming balls "a vent that belches smoke and fire" With "slamming steel lid".

Fire tornadoes also fly out from there, which, according to descriptions, are similar to the effects of modern nuclear explosions. Approximately a century before each explosion, or series of explosions, a rapidly flying fireball flew out of the "iron vent" and, without causing great disasters, soared upwards in the form of a thin column of fire. At its top there was a very large "fireball". Accompanied by four thunders in a row, he rushed to an even greater height and flew away, leaving a long "fiery-smoke trail" behind him.

Then, from afar, came the cannonade of his explosions...

In the 1950s, the military became interested in this area, apparently due to the exceptional sparseness of its northern outskirts. They conducted a series of nuclear explosions on it. One of the explosions occurred under very mysterious circumstances. Foreign experts are still perplexed about this. As the Deutsche Welle radio station reported in September 1990, in 1954, when testing a 10 kt nuclear device, the explosion, for unknown reasons, exceeded the calculated parameters by 2-3 thousand times, i.e. reached a power of about 20-30 megawatts, which was recorded by all seismic stations in the world. The reason for such a significant discrepancy in the power of the explosion remained unclear. TASS issued a statement that a compact H-bomb, but as it turned out later, this statement was not true.

After testing on the ground, there were restricted areas. Secret work was carried out for several years.

Part two

Let's try to look into the distant past, reflected in the epic material.

As legends passed from mouth to mouth testify, in those distant times, when everything began, this area was inhabited by a few nomadic Tungus. One day, their distant neighbors saw how an impenetrable darkness suddenly enveloped her, and a deafening roar shook the surroundings. A hurricane of unprecedented strength arose, powerful blows shook the earth. Lightning split the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness cleared, an unprecedented picture opened up before their shocked eyes. In the midst of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure shone in the sun, visible from a distance of many days' journey.

For a long time, the structure emitted unpleasant, ear-piercing sounds and gradually decreased in height until it completely disappeared underground. In place of the submerged high-rise structure, a huge vertical "vent" gaped. According to the bizarre descriptions of the legends, it consisted of three tiers of "laughing abysses". In its bowels there was supposedly a hollow underground country with its own, but "flawed" sun. A suffocating stench rose from the vent, and therefore they did not settle near it. From the side it was seen how sometimes a "rotating island" appeared above the vent, which then turned out to be its "slamming lid". Who, out of curiosity, tried to penetrate this territory, did not return back.

Centuries have passed. Life went on as usual... Nothing foreshadowed any events, but once there was a small earthquake, and a thin "fiery tornado" pierced the sky. A dazzling fireball appeared at its top. This ball, accompanied by "four thunders in a row", leaving behind a fiery trail, rushed to the ground along a gentle trajectory and, hiding behind the horizon, exploded. The nomads were worried, but did not abandon their habitable places, since this "demon", without harming them, exploded over a neighboring, warlike tribe. A few decades later, history repeated itself: the fiery "ball" flew off in the same direction and again destroyed only the neighbors. Seeing that this "demon" is, as it were, their protector, legends began to be composed about him, calling him "Nyurgun Bootur" ("fiery daring").

But after a while, something happened that plunged even the most remote outskirts into horror: From the vent, with a deafening roar and roar, a giant fireball escaped and ... exploded right here. There was a strong earthquake. Some hills cut cracks more than a hundred meters deep. After the explosion, the "fire sea" splashed for a long time, over which a disk-shaped "rotating island" hovered. The consequences of the explosion spread over a radius of more than a thousand kilometers. They all died out from some strange, hereditary disease, but they left behind detailed information about what had happened, on the basis of which olonkhout storytellers began to compose beautiful and unusually tragic legends.

A little over 600 years have passed. By that time, many generations of nomads had changed. The covenants of the ancestors were forgotten, and the area was again populated. And ... everything happened again. Above the fiery whirlwind, the ball of "Nurgun Bootur" arose and again flew beyond the horizon, where it exploded. A few decades later, the second fireball went into the sky (now it was already called "Kun Erbiye" - "shining air herald, messenger"). Then a devastating explosion struck again, also "humanized" by legends. He received the name "Wat Usumu Tong Duurai", which can be roughly translated as "a criminal alien who made a hole in the ground and hid in the depths, destroying everything around with a fiery whirlwind."

It is important that on the eve of the departure from the "vent" of the negative hero Tong Duurai, the herald of heavenly Dyesegei appeared in the sky - the hero Kyun Erbiye, who "falling star", "lightning faster", crossed the sky to warn Nurgun Bootur about the upcoming battle.

The most significant event in the legends was the departure from the underground depths of Tong Duurai and his battle with Nurgun Bootur. It happened something like this: first, a snake-like branching fiery tornado escaped from the "vent", on top of which a gigantic "fireball" also arose, after several thunder strikes rushing high into the sky. Together with him, his retinue flew out - "a swarm of fatally bloody tornadoes" that created destruction on the ground.

But there were times when Tong Duurai met with Nurgun Bootur over the place of his departure, after which the area remained lifeless for a long time.

In general, the picture of these events is quite diverse: several "fiery heroes" could fly out of the "vent" at once, fly some distance and explode in one place. The same thing happened with the departure of Tong Duurai. Soil layers indicate that the time between explosions does not exceed 600 - 700 years.

Legends vividly reflect these events, but the lack of writing did not allow them to be documented. It seems that this gap was filled by the historical chronicles of other peoples.

Chronicles of other nations

In total, there were several explosions with an approximate interval of 600-700 years, or rather, a complex of these events, including precursors.

All these events were meticulously set aside in the epic material, in its traditions and legends. It is interesting that similar legends also appeared in the equatorial zone of the planet, when, due to explosions that suddenly appeared in the sky, "giant fireballs" destroyed some centers of ancient civilizations.

Judging by the results of archaeological research conducted on the Upper Vilyui by S.A. Fedoseyeva, intermittent-wave-like settlement of this territory begins to be traced approximately from the 4th millennium BC. line historical development breaks off, which does not contradict the possible date of the last explosion, which occurred in September 1380. The dense cloud he raised eclipsed for several hours sunlight over Europe. Strong earthquakes have occurred in some geoactive zones. This event is already noted by written sources. In the Russian chronicles, it coincided with the Battle of Kulikovo: ": the darkness dispelled only in the second half of the day. The wind was blowing so strong that an arrow fired from a bow could not fly against it ..." This factor turned out to be favorable for the victory of the Russian troops.

Tungus legends describe these explosions much brighter than other sources. Judging by their descriptions, this is something worse than modern nuclear weapon, in many times.

Valley of death. Photo: ru.visityakutia.com

If we take the year 1380 as a starting point and delve into the past, we can note such moments. For example, in 830, the culture of the Maya Indians, who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, was destroyed. Many of their cities were destroyed by one, gigantic force blow. Akin to the Yakut legends and some biblical legends - descriptions of the Plagues of Egypt, the death of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In one of the oases of the Arabian desert, an ancient city was destroyed and literally incinerated. According to legend, this happened during the explosion of a huge fireball that suddenly appeared in the sky. In the Indian town of Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists have discovered a dead city. Traces of the catastrophe (melted stone wall) clearly indicated an explosion comparable to a nuclear one.

Similar events are described in the Chinese chronicles of the 14th century, where there is mention that far to the north a huge black cloud rose above the horizon and covered half the sky, shooting large stone fragments. Stones from the sky also rained down on Scandinavia and Germany, where several cities caught fire. Scientists have established that these were quite ordinary stones, and suggested that a volcanic eruption had occurred somewhere.

Valley of death. Photo: http://dnevniki.ykt.ru

Perhaps the cause of these disasters was Tong Duurai, flying out of the "vent" for many centuries? If Nurgun Bootur blocked half the sky when he appeared, then Tong Duurai significantly exceeded him in size and, going into height, completely disappeared from sight. Note that in the "Valley of Death" at certain intervals, an increased background radiation is recorded, the explanation for which experts do not find.

Paranormal Yakutia. harsh edge almost completely covered dense forests and wetlands. "" ("Elyuyu Cherkechekh" in Yakut) or the Vilyui Valley is located along the tributary of the Vilyui River. According to local residents, no one returns alive from there.

The locals are a deadly place and do not visit and are reluctant to talk about it. Everyone who has been there speaks of an oppressive, depressing, oppressive atmosphere.

For the first time, the traveler Richard Karlovich Maak, who made an expedition there in the middle of the 19th century, told the world about the mysterious objects in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River. In a report to the Russian Geographical Society, he described large metal cauldrons buried in the ground. He decided that they were made of copper. Maak saw only the edges of these cauldrons.

Among the locals, these strange reservoirs enjoyed a bad reputation. There are several illustrations depicting mysterious Yakut cauldrons. For example, in one picture there is an inverted cauldron into which a local hunter is apparently going to look. Inside the boiler it is much warmer even in severe frosts, and some hunter used to climb there in winter to warm up and even spend the night. But then he quickly fell ill and died.

The existence of these metal structures was confirmed three times from 1933 to 1947 by Mikhail Koretsky, a gold digger from Vladivostok. He happened to be in a place where seven domed cauldrons with a diameter of 7 to 9 meters rose from the ground. Koretsky went there three times from 1933 (as a 10-year-old boy with his father) to 1949. Mikhail unsuccessfully tried to pick out a piece of this strange metal from which the boiler was made. But he managed to find inside the cauldron a half of an ideal ball with a diameter of 6 cm. The ball was absolutely smooth, as if polished, black. It turned out that the edge can easily cut something, such as glass, effortlessly like a diamond. Everyone used it. Then, in 1937, Koretsky presented this priceless find to his grandfather, who was soon arrested and the artifact disappeared without a trace.

According to Koretsky's descriptions, the surface of the cauldrons looked like emery. It was impossible to scratch and even more so to pick at least a piece. And the vegetation inside was different, it was more magnificent than outside. Grass one and a half human height. Koretsky was there for the third time in 1949 with a group of young guys. There were six of them. They spent the night in one of the boilers, but there were no unpleasant sensations. No one died, but one lost all his hair after three months, and Koretsky developed three incomprehensible sores the size of a match head on the left side of his head. They never went away despite the treatment, they remained forever. But they didn't cause any concern. These effects still point to radiation. Perhaps the composition of the metal includes radioactive isotopes.

Interestingly, Koretsky refers to a Yakut who, around 1923-1928, saw several boilers that towered 2-3 meters above the ground. They looked absolutely round and new. But after 10 years they were already split and scattered. It turns out that the boilers plunged under the pressure of their own weight into the permafrost rather quickly.

In search of an answer, Czech ufologist Ivan Makerle went to the Valley of Death in 2012 with a group of enthusiasts. He wanted to make sure it wasn't a myth and form his own unbiased opinion. The area of ​​the valley is huge, so they used a paraglider with a motor to explore the area. And on the fourth day of the expedition from the air they noticed a strange, clear circular area in the middle of the wetlands. Then another. We fixed the coordinates on a satellite navigator.

When the researchers approached the place, they immediately drew attention to the strange soil under their feet. With every step there was a booming echo, as if they were walking on cauldrons buried in the ground. Later they discovered two more similar sites with high magnetic activity. Makerle thinks. that boilers are buried on each of them. The sensors detected a strong magnetic field. Larger studies could not be carried out.

Soon, the expedition members began to feel unwell. The strange and inexplicable symptoms reminded the researchers of the frightening stories of the locals. Dizziness, nausea, fever, weakness so that it is impossible to move, feeling very intoxicated, it is difficult to drink and swallow food. In addition, for some reason, the pupils dilated. Travelers preferred to leave the dangerous place as soon as possible and immediately, as if by magic, their health was restored. A medical examination after returning home did not reveal any pathologies.

Have the researchers found a burial place for metal boilers? What caused the discomfort? Radiation? According to Yakut legends, mysterious cauldrons were powerful weapon, which remained in these parts after the epic battles of representatives of previous civilizations. The myths describe large-scale clashes between "forest demons". During the battle, fiery projectiles flew out of the ground with a monstrous roar. All the forests, of course, burned down. After the battle was over, such strange metal structures appeared, which eventually sank underground. But from time to time, fireballs fly up from the ground into the sky. According to the local Yakuts, they are sent once every hundred years by the demon Wat Usumu Tong Duurai, who apparently won that fight.

In the thirties of the last century, a local resident named Savvinov spent the night in the "iron house". There he saw a flattened reddish arch, behind which there was a spiral staircase, and beyond it were many iron rooms. In 1971, an Evenk hunter visited the cauldron. He said that he saw an "iron hole" where there are many "thin, one-eyed people in iron robes." Aliens? And what is this metal?

There is a version that these power plants protect our land. For example, they could bring down the Tunguska meteorite. It's relatively close. The explosion was then at an altitude of 5 to 15 kilometers. If a meteorite was shot down from the Earth, then who controls it? Aliens? It is believed that in general meteorites are very fond of Yakutia (and Chelyabinsk for some reason, too). And many (hundreds) of meteorites have already been shot down by these power plants. This is the version. Some meteorites are not exactly meteorites, but someone is trying to bomb us from the outside.

Later, expeditions were sent to the Vilyui Valley more than once, but for various reasons they did not find anything.

P.S. Yakutia is a rather sparsely populated area. And there are a lot of white spots. Some say that all of Yakutia is a paranormal zone. The Patomsky crater is there again. Still, it is believed that Yakutia is a place chosen by aliens. A lot of space alien ships arrive here, they say. There are many places with some kind of field, some unknown energy passing through all objects, some kind of high-frequency radiation. UFOs in the Vilyuska Valley, of course, also fly.

Yakut boilers

The strange area, located 200 kilometers from Mirny, along the floodplain of the right tributary of the Vilyuy River, is called by the locals the Valley of Death. In the past, the nomadic trade route of the Evenks passed through this place, and therefore eyewitness accounts have been preserved that in that place there is a huge copper cauldron dug into the ground, or as it was called, the Iron House.

Local hunters sometimes spent the night in its premises, which "kept summer heat in severe frosts", which did not have the most favorable effect on health - after that people were very sick or died. The Yakuts living on the banks of the Vilyui River have a legend about incredible events that took place in these places many centuries ago. According to legend, in ancient times, from a certain metal pipe, which was underground, from time to time a column of fire escaped.

In this chimney lived the "fireball-throwing" giant Wat UsumuTongDuurai. Translated into Russian, the name of the monster means "the villain who made a hole in the Earth, hiding in a hole and destroying everything around."

In the north-west of Yakutia, in the Upper Vilyui region, there is a difficult terrain with traces of some grandiose cataclysms - solid fallouts of forests, which are about 800 years old, stone fragments scattered over hundreds of kilometers. In this area, incomprehensible metal objects are dispersed, located deep underground, in the permafrost. Their presence is manifested on the surface of the earth only by patches of bizarre vegetation. The ancient name of this area is "Uluyu Cherkecheh", which means "Valley of Death".

For many years, the Yakuts have bypassed this remote region for a hundred miles, which has played and continues to play a special, fateful role in the fate of not only civilization, but the entire planet.

Having systematized a large number of disparate messages and materials, we decided to tell you about what, perhaps, will change our ideas about the world around us and about the place of a person in it, if people take into account everything that will be presented below.

In order to convey the picture most fully, we will divide the story into three parts, the first of which will contain facts and eyewitness accounts in the form in which they have come down to us. In the second part, we will offer you the ancient legends of the peoples who lived in those places, and the epics of neighboring peoples who observed strange phenomena. This is important so that you can do your own research and feel every detail of the story for yourself. And then we'll tell you what's behind it all.

Part one.

The area that will be discussed can be described as continuous swamps, which alternate with difficult taiga, on an area of ​​​​more than 100 thousand square meters. km. It is also surrounded by rather curious rumors about the dispersal of metal objects of unknown origin on it.

In order to shed light on what was barely perceptibly adjacent to us, giving rise to these rumors, we had to touch on the ancient history of this region, get acquainted with its traditions and legends. It was possible to restore some elements of local paleotoponymy, and they miraculously merged with the content of ancient legends. Everything pointed to the fact that legends and rumors mean very specific things.

In ancient times, the ancient Evenk nomadic path passed through the "Valley of Death", from Bodaibo to Annabar and further to the coast. Until 1936, the merchant Savvinov traded on it, and when he retired, the inhabitants gradually left those places.

Finally, the elderly merchant and his granddaughter Zina decided to move to Suldyukar. Somewhere in the interfluve area of ​​​​Heldyu (translated from the local - "iron house"), the grandfather brought his granddaughter to a small, slightly flattened, reddish arch, where, behind a spiral passage, there were many metal rooms in which they spent the night.

As the grandfather assured, even in the most severe frosts they are warm, like in summer. In ancient times, there were daredevils among the local hunters who spent the night in these rooms. But then they began to get very sick, and those who spent the night several times in a row generally died rapidly. The Yakuts said that the place is "very thin, swampy and the beast does not go there!" The location of all these structures was known only to the old people, who from their youth were engaged in hunting, and at one time often visited these places. They led a nomadic lifestyle, and knowledge of the terrain - where you can go and where you can not, was dictated by vital necessity. Their descendants already led a settled life, so this knowledge was lost over time. At present, the presence of these constructions is indicated only by local, partially preserved paleotoponymy, and all kinds of rumors. But each of these toponyms is hundreds or even thousands of square kilometers.

In 1936, near the river Oiguldakh (a place with a boiler), at the behest of the old men, a geologist stumbled upon a smooth metal hemisphere of a reddish color, of large diameter, protruding from the ground, with such a smooth edge that it "cuts a nail." The thickness of its wall was about 2 cm. It protruded from the ground by about one-fifth of its diameter. It stood tilted so that it was possible to drive under it on horseback. He sent the description he made to Yakutsk.

In 1979, an archaeological expedition from Yakutsk tried to find the hemisphere discovered by a geologist. They had an old guide with them, who in his youth had seen this structure more than once, but, according to him, the place had changed a lot, and they did not find anything. It should be said that there you can walk ten steps from the desired object and not notice it, so that until now they have come across purely by chance.

Even in the last century, the well-known researcher Vilyui R. Maak, noted: "In Suntar / a Yakut settlement / I was told that on the upper Vilyui there is a river" Algy timirbit "(which means" a big cauldron drowned "), which flows into Vilyui. Not far from its shore, in the forest, there is a giant cauldron made of copper. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, but several trees grow in it ... "(1853)."

The same fact is noted by the researcher of the ancient cultures of Yakutia N.D. Arkhipov: ": Among the population of the Vilyuy river basin, since ancient times there has been a legend about the presence in the upper reaches of this river of enormous bronze cauldrons - olguevs. This legend deserves attention, since several rivers with the Yakut name "Olguidakh" - "Boiler" are associated with these supposed areas of the location of mythical cauldrons .

Here are the lines from a letter that came from another person who visited the "Valley of Death". Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok writes:

"I went there three times. The first time in 1933, when I was still 10 years old, I went to work with my father. Then in 1937 - already without a father. And the last time in 1947 - as part of a group of young guys.

"Valley of Death" stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyui River. In fact, this is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with a guide - a Yakut. We went there not from a good life, but because there, in this wilderness, it was possible to wash gold, not expecting a robbery and a bullet in the back of the head at the end of the season.

As for the mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them, because in three seasons I saw seven such "cauldrons". All of them seem to me completely mysterious: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter.

Secondly, they are made of an incomprehensible metal. You wrote that they are made of copper, but I am sure that this is not copper. The fact is that even a sharpened chisel does not take "boilers" (they tried it, and more than once). Metal does not break off and is not forged. On copper, a hammer would certainly leave noticeable dents. And this "copper" is covered on top with another layer of an unknown material, similar to emery. But this is not an oxide film and not scale - it is also neither chipped nor scratched.

We did not meet wells with rooms going deep into the earth. But I noted that the vegetation around the "cauldrons" is anomalous - not at all like the one that grows around. It is more magnificent: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass, one and a half to two times taller than human height. In one of the "cauldrons" we spent the night with the whole group (6 people). We didn’t feel anything bad, we left calmly, without any unpleasant incidents. No one was seriously ill afterwards. Unless one of my friends completely lost all his hair after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) three small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I treated them all my life, but they have not gone away until today.

All our attempts to break off at least a piece from the strange "cauldrons" were unsuccessful. The only thing I managed to carry away was a stone. But not simple - a half of an ideal ball, six centimeters in diameter. It was black in color, had no visible traces of processing, but was very smooth, as if polished. I picked it up from the ground inside one of those cauldrons. I brought a Yakut souvenir with me to the village of Samarka, Chuguevsky District, Primorsky Territory, where my parents lived in 1933. He lay idle until his grandmother decided to rebuild the house. It was necessary to insert glass into the windows, and there was no glass cutter in the whole village. I tried to scratch the halves of this stone ball with an edge (edge) - it turned out that it cuts with amazing ease. After that, my find was used many times, like a diamond, by all relatives and friends. In 1937, I gave the stone to my grandfather, and in the autumn he was arrested, taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968, and died. Now no one knows where that stone went...

In his letter, Mikhail Koretsky emphasizes: In 1933, a Yakut guide told him that 5-10 years ago he discovered several cauldrons-balls (they were absolutely round), which protruded high (higher than a man) from the ground. They looked like new. And later the hunter already saw them split and scattered.

Koretsky noted, having visited one "cauldron" twice, that over the past few years it has noticeably sunk into the ground.

Researchers from the city of Mirny A. Gutenev and Yu. Mikhailovsky reported that in 1971 an old Evenk hunter told that in the area between the rivers Nyurgun Bootur (a fiery hero) and Ataradak (a place with a trihedral spear) looks out of the ground just , which gave the name of the area - "Very large" trihedral iron prison. And on the interfluve of Khelugir (iron people) there is an iron hole, and in it lie "thin, black, one-eyed people in iron robes." He said that he could bring people there, said that it was not far, but no one believed him. He is no longer alive...

Another of the objects, apparently, was "buried" during the construction of the dam on the Vilyui, a little below the threshold of Erbiye. According to the story of the builder of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station, when a diversion channel was built and the main channel was drained, a convex metal "bald spot" was found in it. The plan was on fire, and the authorities, having hastily examined the find, ordered to continue work.

There are many stories of people who accidentally stumbled upon such constructions, but without specific signs on a dull, monotonous terrain, it is extremely difficult to find them again.

Once the old people told that the Ottoamokh stream (“holes in the earth”) flows in the tract of Tong Duurai and that there are vents of incredibly great depth, called “laughing abysses”. The same name also appears in legends, which say that a fiery giant lives there, destroying everything around. Approximately every 6-7 centuries, a monstrous "bolide" escaped from there, which either flew off somewhere far away and (judging by the annals and legends of other peoples) exploded there, or the explosion occurred right above the place of departure, as a result of which the area within a radius of hundreds of kilometers turned into a scorched desert with shattered rocks.

Yakut legends contain many references to explosions, fiery whirlwinds and the rise of flaming balls. And all these phenomena are somehow connected with the mysterious metal structures found in the "Valley of Death".

Some of them are large round "iron houses" standing on numerous side supports. They have no windows or doors - only at the top of the dome there is a "spacious manhole.

Some of them almost completely sank into the permafrost - only a barely noticeable bulge, like an arch, remained on the surface.

Eyewitnesses who do not know each other, but who saw this "thundering iron house", describe it in the same way.

Other objects are metal hemisphere covers scattered in different places, covering up who knows what. But the Yakut legends say that the mysterious flaming balls "a vent that belches smoke and fire" With "slamming steel lid".

Fire tornadoes also fly out from there, which, according to descriptions, are similar to the effects of modern nuclear explosions. Approximately a century before each explosion, or series of explosions, a rapidly flying fireball flew out of the "iron vent" and, without causing great disasters, soared upwards in the form of a thin column of fire. At its top there was a very large "fireball". Accompanied by four thunders in a row, he rushed to an even greater height and flew away, leaving a long "fiery-smoke trail" behind him.

Then, from afar, came the cannonade of his explosions...

In the 1950s, the military became interested in this area, apparently due to the exceptional sparseness of its northern outskirts. They conducted a series of nuclear explosions on it. One of the explosions occurred under very mysterious circumstances.

Foreign experts are still perplexed about this. As the Deutsche Welle radio station reported in September 1990, in 1954, when testing a 10 kt nuclear device, the explosion, for unknown reasons, exceeded the calculated parameters by 2-3 thousand times, i.e. reached a power of about 20-30 megawatts, which was recorded by all seismic stations in the world. The reason for such a significant discrepancy in the power of the explosion remained unclear. TASS circulated a statement that a compact hydrogen bomb was tested in flight mode, but as it turned out later, this statement was not true.

After testing on the ground, there were restricted areas. Secret work was carried out for several years.

Part two

Let's try to look into the distant past, reflected in the epic material.

As legends passed from mouth to mouth testify, in those distant times, when everything began, this area was inhabited by a few nomadic Tungus. One day, their distant neighbors saw how an impenetrable darkness suddenly enveloped her, and a deafening roar shook the surroundings. A hurricane of unprecedented strength arose, powerful blows shook the earth. Lightning split the sky in all directions. When everything calmed down and the darkness cleared, an unprecedented picture opened up before their shocked eyes. In the midst of the scorched earth, a tall vertical structure shone in the sun, visible from a distance of many days' journey.

For a long time, the structure emitted unpleasant, ear-piercing sounds and gradually decreased in height until it completely disappeared underground. In place of the submerged high-rise structure, a huge vertical "vent" gaped. According to the bizarre descriptions of the legends, it consisted of three tiers of "laughing abysses". In its bowels there was supposedly a hollow underground country with its own, but "flawed" sun. A suffocating stench rose from the vent, and therefore they did not settle near it. From the side it was seen how sometimes a "rotating island" appeared above the vent, which then turned out to be its "slamming lid". Who, out of curiosity, tried to penetrate this territory, did not return back.

Centuries have passed. Life went on as usual... Nothing foreshadowed any events, but once there was a small earthquake, and a thin "fiery tornado" pierced the sky. A dazzling fireball appeared at its top. This ball, accompanied by "four thunders in a row", leaving behind a fiery trail, rushed to the ground along a gentle trajectory and, hiding behind the horizon, exploded. The nomads were worried, but did not abandon their habitable places, since this "demon", without harming them, exploded over a neighboring, warlike tribe. A few decades later, history repeated itself: the fiery "ball" flew off in the same direction and again destroyed only the neighbors. Seeing that this "demon" is, as it were, their protector, legends began to be composed about him, calling him "Nyurgun Bootur" ("fiery daring").

But after a while, something happened that plunged even the most remote outskirts into horror: From the vent, with a deafening roar and roar, a giant fireball escaped and ... exploded right here. There was a strong earthquake. Some hills cut cracks more than a hundred meters deep. After the explosion, the "fire sea" splashed for a long time, over which a disk-shaped "rotating island" hovered. The consequences of the explosion spread over a radius of more than a thousand kilometers. They all died out from some strange, hereditary disease, but they left behind detailed information about what had happened, on the basis of which olonkhout storytellers began to compose beautiful and unusually tragic legends.

A little over 600 years have passed. By that time, many generations of nomads had changed. The covenants of the ancestors were forgotten, and the area was again populated. And ... everything happened again. Above the fiery whirlwind, the ball of "Nurgun Bootur" arose and again flew beyond the horizon, where it exploded. A few decades later, the second fireball went into the sky (now it was already called "Kun Erbiye" - "shining air herald, messenger"). Then a devastating explosion struck again, also "humanized" by legends. He received the name "Wat Usumu Tong Duurai", which can be roughly translated as "a criminal alien who made a hole in the ground and hid in the depths, destroying everything around with a fiery whirlwind."

It is important that on the eve of the departure from the "vent" of the negative hero Tong Duurai, the herald of heavenly Dyesegei appeared in the sky - the hero Kyun Erbiye, who "falling star", "lightning faster", crossed the sky to warn Nurgun Bootur about the upcoming battle.

The most significant event in the legends was the departure from the underground depths of Tong Duurai and his battle with Nurgun Bootur. It happened something like this: first, a snake-like branching fiery tornado escaped from the "vent", on top of which a gigantic "fireball" also arose, after several thunder strikes rushing high into the sky. Together with him, his retinue flew out - "a swarm of fatally bloody tornadoes" that created destruction on the ground.

But there were times when Tong Duurai met with Nurgun Bootur over the place of his departure, after which the area remained lifeless for a long time.

In general, the picture of these events is quite diverse: several "fiery heroes" could fly out of the "vent" at once, fly some distance and explode in one place. The same thing happened with the departure of Tong Duurai. Soil layers indicate that the time between explosions does not exceed 600 - 700 years.

Legends vividly reflect these events, but the lack of writing did not allow them to be documented. It seems that this gap was filled by the historical chronicles of other peoples.

Chronicles of other nations

In total, there were several explosions with an approximate interval of 600-700 years, or rather, a complex of these events, including precursors.

All these events were meticulously set aside in the epic material, in its traditions and legends. It is interesting that similar legends also appeared in the equatorial zone of the planet, when, due to explosions that suddenly appeared in the sky, "giant fireballs" destroyed some centers of ancient civilizations.

Judging by the results of archaeological research conducted on the Upper Vilyui by S.A. Fedoseyeva, intermittent-wave-like settlement of this territory begins to be traced approximately from the 4th millennium BC. the line of historical development breaks, which does not contradict the possible date of the last explosion, which occurred in September 1380. The dense cloud raised by him eclipsed the sunlight over Europe for several hours. Strong earthquakes have occurred in some geoactive zones. This event is already noted by written sources. In the Russian chronicles, it coincided with the Battle of Kulikovo: ": the darkness dispelled only in the second half of the day. The wind was blowing so strong that an arrow fired from a bow could not fly against it ..." This factor turned out to be favorable for the victory of the Russian troops.

Tungus legends describe these explosions much brighter than other sources. Judging by their descriptions, this is something worse than modern nuclear weapons, many times over.

If we take the year 1380 as a starting point and delve into the past, we can note such moments. For example, in 830, the culture of the Maya Indians, who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, was destroyed. Many of their cities were destroyed by one, gigantic force blow. Akin to the Yakut legends and some biblical legends - descriptions of the Plagues of Egypt, the death of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In one of the oases of the Arabian desert, an ancient city was destroyed and literally incinerated. According to legend, this happened during the explosion of a huge fireball that suddenly appeared in the sky. In the Indian town of Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists have discovered a dead city. Traces of the catastrophe (melted stone wall) clearly indicated an explosion comparable to a nuclear one.

Similar events are described in the Chinese chronicles of the 14th century, where there is mention that far to the north a huge black cloud rose above the horizon and covered half the sky, shooting large stone fragments. Stones from the sky also rained down on Scandinavia and Germany, where several cities caught fire. Scientists have established that these were quite ordinary stones, and suggested that a volcanic eruption had occurred somewhere.

Perhaps the cause of these disasters was Tong Duurai, flying out of the "vent" for many centuries? If Nurgun Bootur blocked half the sky when he appeared, then Tong Duurai significantly exceeded him in size and, going into height, completely disappeared from sight. Note that in the "Valley of Death" at certain intervals, an increased background radiation is recorded, the explanation for which experts do not find.

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