Slavic amulets for women: how to choose them correctly. The most effective Slavic amulets for women Slavic charms of women and their meaning

Fashion & Style 16.12.2020

Slavic people one of the most powerful. After all, it was he who owned the magical knowledge regarding symbols and amulets that people still use today. A lot of teachings and knowledge were reflected in swastika signs that helped people, saved them from troubles and illnesses. One inconspicuous sign could change fate, give a woman happiness, cure, give love. In order to gain any kind of well-being, women have always been very strict about those signs that gave them strength: they wore them in secret, tried to make them almost invisible.

One way or another, but the knowledge of the past exists in the present, and therefore women of the whole world turn to the help of ancient Slavic signs.
We will tell you about which amulets are considered only for women, and what power lies in them.

In total there are 9 female Slavic amulets, they all have different influence so let's look at each of them:

1) Lunnitsa- a unique amulet that helps a woman feel happiness and health. It was used when the woman was in position. It was said that through the sign the child receives love and health. He facilitated childbirth and contributed to the fact that the child was healthy, he protected him in the first days of life.

2) Yarilo- a female Slavic amulet, which is allowed to be used by men. The secret of his action lies in the fact that he returns feelings, revives love. Since a woman is the keeper of the hearth, this amulet, through the energy of the soul, affects harmony in the family and well-being.

3) Amulet star of Lada-Virgin It is considered the amulet that saves the house from evil and sorrows. It is good when a woman uses it, because then it has full effect. It attracts goodness and joy, helps the hostess to find peace and tranquility. It is considered a female sign-symbol, which is patronized by the goddess Lada Mother of God. It is also well suited for unmarried girls who want to find a family, love and happiness.

4) Alatyr- a swastika sign, which is identified with eternal life on Earth. Both women and men have the right to wear it, but in legends it is a female symbol, therefore they always consider it as a female Slavic amulet that has power for life. There is a belief that that girl will meet her love, who will pick up this amulet and keep it close to her heart.

5) Amulet Mokosh symbol suitable for women who honor traditions, keep kindness and warmth in their souls. Those who never violated laws and rules, did not go against the family - with the help of the amulet they will find health and happiness, this is what the great Makosh portends to her servants.

6) Amulet Odolen-grass and Fern Flower - healing talismans that replenish the strength of the soul and restore women's health. Signs incinerate diseases, protect and promote all kinds of improvements. Each of them has a different spectrum of influence, since the swastika elements in the two symbols are different.

7) Amulet Wedding - a sign of the family. Only he can protect the house and give prosperity. A woman is happy when harmony reigns in the house, and it is this amulet that is able to recreate that positive atmosphere at home that millions of women strive for.

8) Slavic amulet Molvinets - necessary for those who find it difficult to resist external influences. Very often it is used by pregnant women who are exposed to the outside. Sometimes it is given to children, because babies are also unprotected. A very strong female Slavic amulet in every sense, which must be worn throughout life.

It should be remembered that every female Slavic amulet is an inexhaustible source of goodness and strength, and therefore you must always use each of them correctly. It is important not to forget that a good heart, good thoughts and purity of soul are what replenishes the power of each sign. If you want life to take the right direction and everything to change in better side- then find for yourself your amulet, which will help you get what you want.

AT recent times there is a sharp increase in attention to ancient beliefs, including the culture of the ancient Slavs. Special attention causes the use of amulets of those times. This interest can be fully explained by the desire to protect yourself and loved ones from all kinds of external negativity. This interest arises at a subconscious level, and manifests itself outwardly by studying the Slavic way of life and the use of amulets.

A charm is a sign, symbol or any thing endowed with magical properties. Most often, such a thing is purely personal, not shown to others. Amulets made by hand were considered the most powerful, since when creating this item, they put their whole soul into this item.

Charms of the ancient Slavs

In ancient times, amulets, talismans and amulets were integral companions of a person throughout his life. Symbols of magical artifacts could be seen everywhere. Everyone had several magical gizmos at the same time. by the most in a simple way always have a charm with you was embroidery on clothes. Embroidery patterns in all variants had their specific meaning. Also, the fabric from which the clothes were sewn had its own meaning, because it was made on machines with magical symbols applied.

For the manufacture of amulets in the family, as a rule, the woman was responsible

Amulets made by relatives (necessarily by blood) had no less power than those made by one's own hands. The presence of such things in the family was almost always the responsibility of the woman, who performed them in complete solitude. Making a charm, a woman focused her thoughts on the person for whom the magic item was intended. Moreover, it was necessary to choose a time when health, both physical and spiritual, was good, and intentions were absolutely pure and disinterested.

Varieties of Slavic amulets

Each of the amulets had its own function and was made for a specific person in order to solve a specific existing problem. Thus, the purpose of creating a talisman was determined. Amulets can be roughly classified as follows:

  • for family and home;
  • women's;
  • men's;
  • children's;
  • from a specific threat.

At all times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from evil, problems, slander, illness and mental anxiety with the help of amulets. If you touch on history, then the ancient Slavs worshiped the cult of the Sun, therefore Slavic amulets have always been with solar signs, the main task of which is to protect the person wearing them.

You should not think that any amulet can protect a person, because there are no universal options, as, for example, in Christianity. In order for the amulet to serve as reliable protection, it must be properly selected. One of the clearest examples of Slavic amulets (individual) can be considered the solar sign of the Valkyrie, which was worn only by Slavic women who cared about protecting their kind and family. Amulets of the Slavs have long been intended to create a kind of protective screen person, home, family from all sorts of troubles, illnesses and troubles.

Each Slavic amulet is individual, so it is important to select it not only for its beauty, but also for its value. The choice of a talisman is a complex process, requiring not only the definition of beauty criteria, but also basic knowledge regarding this or that type, which will become a real helper, and not just another fashion accessory.

Each culture is characterized not only by its own epic and traditions, but also by its own system of esoteric images, in which, based on the most elementary geometric shapes the foundations of being and worldview of representatives of this or that nationality are laid. We can safely say that symbols and emblems are an obligatory component of all religious denominations, communities and cultures.

Our Slavic ancestors had enough knowledge to compose their own

model of the device of the surrounding world. the brightest

the same shape as DNA. If we turn to the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish, then it clearly shows the connection between the Vedas ancient india, the basis of which can be safely considered Slavic traditions. This epic describes in sufficient detail the processes of appearance solar system. Don't forget about
Mahabharata, which is written on the basis of the Perun Vedas. The history of the Slavs is full of secrets and mysteries, and anyone who wants to comprehend them should not just look at the pictures with Perun or Dazhbog, but really study the records and testimonies in epics that have survived to our times various countries. Unfortunately, some people, having seen and bought Slavic amulets, consider themselves descendants of the great Aryans, but this is not entirely true, because for them they are nothing more than a trinket, and such people have nothing to do with Slavic history.

These are far from all examples of the fact that the ancient Slavs had knowledge that modern mankind does not yet have. To maximize the preservation of knowledge gained over the centuries, symbols were used - simple images that are much more understandable knowing person than numerous volumes of libraries. By the way, paper media can easily be destroyed (just remember the Library of Alexandria), and a symbol applied to a talisman or just a stone will not be distorted by a certain vision and will retain its original meaning. Every descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know and understand the meaning of the foundations of ancient Slavic mythology, runes and amulets, because this is our history, no matter how hard they try to hide it behind Christian canons, it will remain a real story.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets and their meanings are a whole section of history, despite all simplicity and clarity at first glance. Everyone who decides to buy a Slavic amulet should know that it only benefits if it is charged on time and according to all the rules. In ancient times, this mission was undertaken by the Magi, who specialized in concentrating energy in the amulet. Today it is almost impossible to meet them, but this is not a reason to be upset - the amulet can be charged on its own if you follow a simple set of actions. You should not think that the process of loading the amulet resembles some kind of satanic actions with obligatory sacrifices, in most cases the forces of nature are used, unity with which for the Slavs has always been the most important magical ritual. In order for Slavic amulets to work to protect their owner, it is important to choose them correctly. Below are the main tips regarding the choice and use of Slavic symbols in Everyday life:

  1. ➡ It is necessary to choose a talisman rationally. It is not enough just to read about the amulet and its possible protection. It is worth spending more than one hour for a thorough study of each amulet, its properties, purpose, wearing rules and many others. important points. It is important to initially determine the properties that the amulet should have. An important point is the metal from which it will be made - the most common is silver, as it combines the unique properties of cleaning, ionization, oxidation resistance and low cost, which is affordable for many
  2. ➡ If you are confident in your intuition before purchasing a talisman, then you can try to choose it, relying solely on it. But it is worth using intuition only if you have already carefully studied all the properties and effects of Slavic amulets. It is worth remembering that relying on "luck" does not always make sense, since the amulet is bought not to wear it for a couple of days, but for life. If you have any doubts about the purchase of this or that amulet, then it is better to consult with a specialist who will tell you everything in detail and help you choose best option. It is important to understand that it is worth buying Slavic amulets from trusted manufacturers, not relying on merchants in the passages who offer symbols of the ancient Slavs of unknown origin and, at the same time, often with distorted runes and ancient signs;
  3. ➡ Slavic symbols on amulets are more than beautiful and original decoration. This is a personal assistant, so after buying a talisman, pay attention to changes in life, starting from the moment of its constant wearing. Such actions are necessary in order to understand that the main task of the amulet is your protection, and if the amulet does not protect its owner, then you may have chosen it incorrectly or used it incorrectly. All Slavic amulets protect their owners, but evil thoughts at the stage of charging the amulet or its incorrect use can nullify the positive impact. The amulet is only a symbol of protection, it is an assistant in righteous deeds, but a person himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Your fate directly depends on the decisions you make and subsequent actions. If you want the amulet to truly protect from adversity and disaster, constantly work on yourself, improve yourself, comprehend the physical and spiritual components of Being. Only in this way the amulet will become an assistant in achieving the goals set for itself.

Male and female amulets

All Slavic amulets are divided into two main categories - for men and for women. The basis of any amulet is the symbol depicted on it, associated with certain forces of nature. Despite the fact that faith in higher powers and gods today is not as great as it was before, amulets are closely connected with higher powers constantly affecting the person. That is why it is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to charge it with pure thoughts, constantly wear it and believe in its magical power. It just so happened that in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs there was a clear division into male and female patrons, therefore, amulets should be chosen in accordance not only with the month of birth, but also with gender. Silver is considered a traditional material for the manufacture of Slavic amulets, since this metal has unique properties of purification and durability.

From ancient times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their families by all available means. A woman is associated with a fragile and defenseless creature. Women's Slavic amulets were created to protect the owners from various misfortunes and troubles.

Women's amulets, their role and meaning

Since ancient times, a woman has been an object of admiration for men, the keeper of the hearth and the continuer of the family. The Slavic peoples lived with a sense of unity with the Gods.

The symbol of the feminine principle lies in fertility, which in those days was identified with a sown field or land rich in harvest.

The married couple represented Heaven and Earth. Admiration for Mother Earth was also expressed in relation to a woman. In this regard, the woman was protected from the evil eye and troubles, so as not to anger the Gods.

Each type of amulet has unique powers. But there are also general possibilities, such as:

  • Luck attraction.
  • Possibility of simultaneous protection of both mother and child.
  • Help in finding femininity.
  • Strengthening the family union.
  • Acceleration of conception.
  • Patronage in search of the second half.
  • Uncovering talents and channeling them in the right direction.
  • Help in finding peace of mind.

For pregnant

Among the Slavs, a woman personifies the goddess of fertility, the creator of life. During pregnancy, a woman blooms. She is already starting to take care of her unborn child, causing the respect of others. Although among the Slavic peoples there was a belief that a pregnant woman, a child in the womb and all members of her family are between two worlds - Reveal and Navi.

A woman bears another life coming from the world of Navi to our world of Reveal. That is why it was considered dangerous to be near a pregnant and giving birth, but it was impossible to leave them alone. Protective amulets were created to protect the expectant mother and those around her.

Important! Reveal represents the world of the living, Navi is the world of the dead.

Thus, during this crucial period, energy support and protection should be taken care of. And not just a child. It is important to protect both the pregnant woman and all family members. Amulets for their protection are:

  1. Red threads, shreds and any products made of red fabric.
  2. Colts.
  3. Ochelya.
  4. Coastal dolls.
  5. Temporary rings.


A woman is a fragile and sublime creature. The female aura is stronger than the male one and more often it needs energy replenishment. She gives her energy to her family and household. Women's amulets help preserve strength, give protection and develop in a girl:

  • homeliness;
  • wisdom;
  • attractiveness;
  • harmony.

Important! You cannot give or give your amulet, otherwise you can convey happiness with it.


Lunnitsa is a charm that came today from ancient culture. The name says a lot about the appearance - the shape of the moon or sickle. In ancient times, it was believed that the Moon is a symbol of fertility, which is patronized by the Goddess of fertility and female health Makosh.

It is customary to give the amulet to the following people:

  • For the girl's first birthday. With his help, the girl will grow up wise and economic.
  • Bride before the wedding.
  • A couple who can't have children. The goddess will help to conceive and bear a child.
  • mother of a sick child.
  • Pregnant woman. The amulet will improve well-being, protect from worries and help to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

The main capabilities of the amulet are considered:

  • Preservation of harmony in the family.
  • Successful conception and safe delivery.
  • Evil eye protection.
  • Protecting the owner's children from negativity and illness.
  • Recovery nervous system and restful sleep.
  • Increased attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Reference! Lunnitsa combines solar and lunar energy, therefore, the talisman protects the owner both day and night.

Rules for wearing the talisman Lunnitsa:

  1. The best option for wearing is a pendant around the neck. If you add a pair of moon-shaped earrings to the pendant, this will help to reveal the creative potential of the owner.
  2. Before childbirth, you should limit yourself to 1-2 symbols of the moon at one time.
  3. Women who are planning a child or have gynecological diseases wear an amulet in the abdomen.
  4. It is not recommended to fasten the amulet to clothes with a pin. It should be sewn or tied with threads.
  5. Do not hide under clothing, put in your pocket, purse or bag.
  6. The old Lunnitsa is not thrown away, but, having thanked, they are buried in the forest. You can also put it in a box and use it as a family amulet.
  7. The talisman is buried along with the hostess.


Yarovik-Fireman is a powerful protective talisman for mothers. The amulet combines two symbols - the Sun and the Fireman. The sun takes care of the well-being of children and helps the woman to continue the race, and the Fireman provides strength to deal with life's difficulties.

Additional properties of the amulet:

  • Attracts good luck and wealth.
  • Protects from damage and the evil eye.
  • Facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Fills with vitality.
  • Protects the home and family from destructive forces.

The Yarovik-Fireman amulet is forbidden to be worn by young girls and children, as it was created to help women and mothers. For young women who are not planning children in the near future, it can disrupt energy.

How to use the talisman:

  • Wear around your neck.
  • Embroider on clothes.
  • Apply to roof slopes, shutters, ceilings and dark places in the house where they do not reach Sun rays. It is believed that the powerful power of fire signs will not let hunger and poverty into the house.

Star of Lada

A popular Slavic amulet is the star of Lada. Goddess Lada helps girls, girls and women, does not tolerate their tears.

The Lada star looks like an eight-pointed star, created from a square and two ellipses intertwined with it. It is easy to see the hearth on the symbol, from which four tongues of flame erupt:

  • Faith.
  • Freedom.
  • Justice.
  • Honesty.

Amulet functions:

  • Protects health.
  • Protects a woman and her child. It is especially important for babies who do not have their own energy. To protect them, you need to put a star under the crib.
  • Develops kindness and prudence in a girl.
  • Brings harmony to the family.
  • Helps during pregnancy and accelerates conception.

Reference! A star is made of silver when a girl turns 7 years old. She will protect and support her all her life.

Manufacturing and purchase rules:

  1. The talisman should not be a mass-produced product.
  2. You cannot make an amulet on your own. It is desirable that it be made by a sister, mother, grandmother, granddaughter or daughter.
  3. Cannot be purchased by hand. Alien energy, located in the talisman, can change life in an unpleasant way.
  4. If the star was made by the master, and not by a relative, then a purification ritual should be performed before use.
  5. Any natural light-colored material is suitable for manufacturing.

Tips for wearing a talisman:

  1. The symbol is applied to walls, windows or door jambs. He will protect the house and the family in it.
  2. For the best protection, the talisman is worn constantly.
  3. The Lada star can be embroidered on things, create a pendant, pendant, belt buckle or signet ring with it.

The following people are prohibited from using the Lada Star:

  • Male gender. The Goddess only helps women.
  • Christians. Church against pagan paraphernalia.
  • Women who have an abortion for non-medical reasons. Depriving another person of life is forbidden by the goddess.
  • Women who dream of building a career. The talisman calls for the classic destiny of a woman - family and children.

Varieties of talismans

Women's Slavic amulets are divided into:

  • protective jewelry;
  • embroidery;
  • tattoos.

The first two options are considered the most powerful.


The Slavs were distinguished by skill in making jewelry, so amulets were often made in this form.

Created to protect women:

  • Pendants, necklaces.
  • Headwear, colts.
  • Combs.
  • Earrings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Rings.

Jewelry was made by hand from soft metals. Alternative materials were fabrics and leather. Bones and stones were used for decoration.

AT modern world craftsmen create amulets of silver and gold.


Slavic amulet embroidery is not only a beautiful ornament, but also a good protective amulet. The ancient Slavs decorated clothes and household items with embroidery:

  • towels;
  • tablecloth;
  • curtains.

All this was done as a request from the Gods to protect and assist in undertakings.

Basic rules for embroidering a talisman:

  1. The embroidery made by a female blood relative has the greatest power.
  2. Before manufacturing, it is important to correctly choose not only the talisman, but also the material from which it will be made, as well as the color.

Color selection:

  • Red and orange- protection from betrayal, protection of pregnant women.
  • Red Black- a charm for a small child.
  • Blue, purple- for older children.
  • Green- improvement of wealth.
  • dark threads- for successful conception.

Over time, the amulet accumulates negative energy and needs to be washed carefully. If the amulet faded, the threads began to come out, the pattern expanded, therefore, it fulfilled its functions and protected the owner. Relatives-creators give such an amulet to the river or forest, thanking for the protection of the woman.

On the photo amulet-embroidery:


Drawings on the body have a sacred meaning, each symbol affects a person and changes his life. Modern youth get tattoos, wanting to stand out. But each Slavic symbol is a powerful energy message calling for help or protection. Therefore, his choice should be approached with knowledge of the matter.

The meaning of tattoos is the same as the meaning of the symbols of amulets. You should choose a drawing, like a talisman - based on the desires and existing problems. So, those who dream of having a child put the “Star of Lada” amulet on the body, which will help to conceive and subsequently protect the woman’s child. You can choose another protective symbol with a similar meaning.

Selection of amulets by date of birth

In the ancient Slavic calendar, the year was divided into halls, united in the circle of Svarog. Knowing the chamber in which she was born, a woman can choose a special amulet for herself.

You can create an amulet by date of birth from any natural materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • threads;
  • stone.

If the amulet was purchased, then a purification ceremony is performed before use.

To determine the hall, you only need to know the date of birth:

Date of Birth Hall How the amulet will help
August 27 - September 20 Virgo Save the beauty
September 20 - October 11 boar Will give vitality and opportunities to carry out their duties
October 11 - November 3 Pike Create comfort in the house and save the family hearth
November 3 - November 24 Swan Prevent unwanted consequences
November 24 - December 16 Snake Become more secure
December 16 - January 7 Crow become wiser
January 7 - January 31 Bear Prove yourself in politics, management activities
January 31 - February 25 Stork Gives confidence and faith
February 25 - March 22 Wolf Stimulates creativity
March 22 - April 14 Fox Successfully complete what you started
April 14 - May 6 Tour Overcome life's difficulties
May 6 - May 29 Elk Find, save and strengthen a family
May 29 – June 20 Finist Protects from failure
June 20 - July 13 Horse Become great parents and gain material well-being
June 13 - August 4 Eagle Avoid danger
August 4 - April 24 Ras Become self-confident

At birth at the junction of halls, one should listen to the inner voice, which will tell you the right hall.

A female amulet is a stream of goodness and strength. Powerful energy is able to restore strength, give health and protect the owner. It is important not to forget that a good heart and good thoughts increase and nourish the power of the amulet. Find your amulet that will help fulfill all desires.

The ancient Slavs protected themselves from evil forces and various life troubles with the help of amulets. Moreover, in each specific situation, you need to use a certain protective symbol. Each Slavic amulet is distinguished by its individuality, and choosing it is a very complex process that requires knowledge and consideration of many factors.

Amulets and symbols of the ancient people - their role and meaning

Today, the amulets of the ancient Slavs are very popular. As before, gold and silver are used for their manufacture. But many still give preference to silver, since it is believed that this metal repels any evil spirits. Experts in the field of esotericism argue that when choosing a Slavic amulet, you must definitely listen to your own intuition. In the Slavic world, amulets for men and women stood out in separate groups.

Old Slavic amulets for men

The most powerful Slavic amulets for men are made not only from silver, but also from copper. Their difference from women's amulets is the conciseness of images. In addition, the symbols that were depicted on the amulets were often embroidered by sisters and wives on clothes.

Veles is one of the most powerful and revered gods of the ancient Slavic world. The symbol is an image of the paw of an animal, similar to a bear or wolf. If a man got such an amulet, then he was obliged to wear it all his life. Such a talisman can also be very useful for a boy, as it will contribute to the formation of his character and help to overcome various life obstacles. The loss of a talisman in ancient times was considered a bad omen. This was a warning that a black streak begins in life. In the modern world, it is believed that the seal of Veles contributes to career growth. Reliable protection this Slavic amulet provides farmers, fishermen and hunters.

Vseslavets is a charm associated with the element of fire. Its most important purpose is protection from quarrels and disagreements. Previously, it was used to establish family ties. In addition, this symbol controls weather conditions and is able to repel alien negative energy. In the modern world, magicians recommend that men wear it at the time of getting a new job.

Gromovik can conditionally be considered a universal Slavic amulet. It is the unification of the power of good and light. This sign is designed to enhance the natural qualities of a person, it is able to reliably protect against negativity. The amulet is especially useful for young people, as it allows them to make a choice. life path. Previously, it was also often used by warriors. Today, more and more often, the meaning of the symbol is associated with the acquisition of self-confidence.

A storm coat with everyday wear makes a man wiser and more courageous. It allows you to successfully resist various temptations and make the right life decisions. Today, such an amulet is used by sailors and travelers to protect against natural elements.

Dukhobor promotes spiritual and physical cleansing. It is preferred to be worn by people striving for spiritual growth. The strength of this symbol lies in the fact that it is able to protect a man from evil deeds and from various diseases.

The value of the Znich amulet is associated with the desire for self-improvement. This symbol simplifies the process of knowing the world around us. It charges a man with a special positive energy, allows you to know the meaning of life and does not allow damage and the evil eye to destroy the natural aura. In the modern world, experts recommend wearing a talisman when looking for a good job, and also as an amulet aimed at protecting against life failures of a different nature.

The Svarga amulet can only be worn by a man with a well-formed outlook on life and having life experience. Magicians believe that the amulet is suitable for those who are at least 32 years old. It is allowed to start wearing this amulet for more early age, but only after participating in hostilities, the need for which is related to the defense of the homeland. Men who have clearly defined for themselves life goals, this Slavic amulet allows you to change life for the better.

The value of the amulet of the ax of Perun is strength and power. The symbol was created in honor of the main god of the Slavic world. In ancient times, he allowed warriors to protect native land. Today, the amulet is more often used to protect the family from external negative factors. In addition, he allows a man to be faithful.

The value of the amulet Ratiborets is very deep. The symbol is somewhat mystical, as it establishes a connection with the ancestors who left the world. When wearing it, you can count on their support. In ancient times, it was believed that this amulet in a short time can turn inexperienced youths into strong and wise men. In the modern world, the value of the amulet is more associated with success in any endeavor.

Carol is a universal protective amulet that enhances the willpower of the wearer. He is a symbol of wisdom. The amulet was able to protect a man not only in military combat, but also in everyday life. Esotericists believe that the symbol is suitable for diplomats and politicians. He endows people with tact and the ability to find compromises when solving serious issues. It is believed that the man who wears it will never commit a rash, reckless act. The amulet fills the human soul with calmness and confidence.

Women's Slavic amulets

Women's Slavic amulets in their own way appearance more refined. They, first of all, attract life personal happiness. Amulets contribute to the preservation of youth, successful marriage and the birth of healthy children.

Lunnitsy is a special group of amulets that protected beauties from evil spirits that appeared at night and could do much harm. The meaning of the amulet has always been inextricably linked with bringing happiness and love into life. In addition, Lunnitsa protected the health of a woman. These amulets are necessarily made of silver. It is recommended to wear them on a necklace decorated with stones.

This amulet is double-sided, it is believed that it has great power and is able to protect a woman from damage and the evil eye. On one side of the amulet, Yarovik is depicted, and on the other, the Fireman. In the modern world, magicians recommend wearing this amulet to attract happiness and good luck in life. It is believed that it helps to easily transfer the period of pregnancy and ensures the well-being during childbirth.

The protective amulet symbolizes the famous goddess of love and family - Lada. The ancient Slavs applied the image of this goddess on the walls of the house so that she would take the family under protection and help maintain sincere relations between the household. The amulet allows you to preserve beauty and youth, strengthens women's health, which contributes to a successful pregnancy and childbirth. Modern women wear this amulet in order to protect against negativity.

This amulet is designed to protect older women. It helps to become a real keeper hearth and create a favorable atmosphere in the home. Thanks to the amulet, peace, prosperity and understanding reign in the home. The power of this amulet is controlled by the goddess Makosh, she contributes to the development of intuition and personifies the unshakable bond between mother and child.

The value of the Ognevitz amulet is difficult to overestimate. This amulet is capable of multiplying maternal strength many times over, so only women who have given birth wear it. The amulet must be made of silver or wood.

Already by the very name it becomes clear that this amulet is primarily intended for those women who seek to have children. Often the symbol is embroidered on a woman's clothing. It allows you to properly tune in to motherhood and is a very good support during pregnancy, since at this time the woman's defenses are significantly weakened, but it helps to successfully cope with depression, which all future women in labor are subject to. During childbirth, the amulet reduces pain and guarantees birth healthy child. The meaning of the amulet after the birth of the baby changes somewhat. His power is redirected to protect the crumbs, so it is very correct to embroider this ancient Slavic symbol on the diapers and clothes of the baby.

Ladinets is a talisman that reliably protects a woman from any negative impacts. Also, the amulet prevents the development of dangerous female diseases. In the ancient Slavic world, this amulet was given to girls at the time of birth. It is believed that the longer the amulet is worn, the more power it acquires and, over time, is able to give the owner real female happiness.

Charms of the ancient Slavs for children

Slavic amulets for children are presented in pagan culture in great variety. There are amulets that needed to be hung over the baby's bed. Other amulets the child had to wear all the time. Protective symbols of the mother were embroidered on the clothes of the baby, for older children they were depicted on belts.

Rodovik was the first amulet, which was necessarily attached to the bed of a born baby. It is considered universal, as it extends its protective properties not only to the baby, but to the whole family. The meaning of the amulet is that it attracts the protection of a specific kind of power of all the bright gods. Rodovik is often called God's Eye. It guarantees the child protection from the four natural elements and all ancestors.

After the birth of the baby, the mother always put a strong protective amulet in the crib - a diaper doll. And this tradition is very popular in the modern world. It is important to remember that such a charm must be made without the use of needles and scissors. First, a tourniquet should be twisted from a white natural fabric, which will be a little body. And then you need to swaddle it in a bright patch, and tie a scarf on your head. From above, the doll must be tied with a red thread, while the face does not need to be painted.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

How to determine your chamber according to the Slavic horoscope

Slavic amulets are often chosen by birthday. In this case, they are universal and provide protection in various areas of life. You need to know that the Slavic calendar consists of 16 halls. To select, you must use the Svarog circle. If the date of birth is at the junction of the halls, then this indicates that the person patronizes two protective forces.

Flying birthdays

Summer birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Finist - from May 29 to June 20. The God of the universal law of justice Cherry patronizes people, he endows them with endurance and vitality. Usually people born during this period are rational, do not like to take risks, but are very emotional. Horse - from June 20 to July 13. The patron of people born during this period is Kupala, who is considered the heavenly deity of joy and sunlight. Those born in this hall are responsible parents, they always create prosperous families and are very hardworking. Eagle - from July 13 to August 4. Patronizes people in this chamber Perun. The characteristic features of those born are natural wisdom, determination and perseverance. Race or Leopard - from August 4 to August 27. The patron is the god of wisdom Dazhdbog. He endows people born in this chamber with activity and purposefulness, as a rule, they rely only on themselves.

Autumn birthdays

Autumn birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Virgo - from August 27 to September 20. The patron saint of people is the Jiva Mother of God. This bright goddess promotes the development of intuition and caution. Those born under her rule strive for knowledge and, improving themselves, almost always become successful. Vepr - from September 20 to October 11. The patron of the palace is the god Ramhat. Feature born in this hall - courage based on rational thinking. This allows people to solve the most difficult problems. Among the representatives, there are often closed, selfish personalities. Pike - from October 11 to November 3. The patroness of the palace is the Goddess Rozhana, who is responsible for home comfort and peace of mind. For people characteristic feature is the fact that they are able to feel relaxed in any situation. They know how to benefit under any circumstances. Swan - from November 3 to November 24. Mother Makosh patronizes this calendar period. People born in this hall are adventurous and never give in to other people's influence, they never need the advice of other people.

For those born in winter

Winter birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Serpent - from November 24 to December 16. The patron of people born in this chamber is the lord of the original fire - the god Semargl. He is the giver of sound mind and prudence. Calculating conservatives are born at this time of the year, rejecting any life changes. Raven - from December 16 to January 7. Patronizes people who were born in this chamber, the prophetic god Varuna. During this period, visionaries and dreamers are born. They are able not only to create, but also to destroy, and it depends on how much a person has managed to fulfill himself in life. Bear - from January 7 to January 31. The heavenly god Svarog patronizes those born in the hall. People are distinguished by high efficiency and masculinity. But for all the severity of their character, the representatives of the palace are very vulnerable and always need the support of loved ones. Stork - from January 31 to February 25. The patron is the god Rod, who takes care of people and seeks to push them on the right path. Representatives of this chamber have a heightened sense of self-worth. They always become reliable friends.

Spring birthdays

Spring birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Wolf - from February 25 to March 22. The patron is the werewolf god and sorcerer Veles. People born in this hall are adherents of law and order. Among them, due to their correctness, there are many lonely people. Fox - from March 22 to April 14. The goddess of the winter cold and the night Mara patronizes this time period. People who were born in this chamber all the time have to make choices and solve difficult problems. Over time, they become cunning and quirky personalities. The tour is from April 14 to May 6. The bright god of wisdom Kryshen patronizes people during this period. representatives are straightforward. They are purposeful, responsible and hardworking. Elk - from May 6 to May 29. The patroness of people who were born in this chamber is the bright goddess Lada. She fills the souls with bright love for loved ones. Representatives are responsive, they are always ready to stand up for the weak and support in a difficult life situation.

Universal charms for home and family - description and interpretation

In the ancient Slavic world, universal amulets are widely represented. They can be used different categories of people.

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