Ecological tales of garbage. Planets of the solar system for children Fairy tales for children about the solar system

the beauty 14.08.2019
the beauty

Galina Shcheglova
"My planet". ecological tale

caregiver: Shcheglova Galina Petrovna

This story to us told the wise old Owl.

Once migratory birds returned to their native lands. Flying over familiar places they were frightened. Their home, once a green forest, has turned into a gray dusty cloud. But they flew with the hope that their chicks would hatch, they would teach them to fly. They had to fly on without stopping.

Soon they saw a sunny clearing, the first flowers bloomed there, birds chirped merrily, the forest came to life after a long winter ... Fresh grass made its way through the ground, cows and sheep grazed. After the flight, they had absolutely no strength left and they decided to stay in this wonderful place.

Just at this time, the old Owl was dozing on a branch. Seeing a new flock, he greeted them too.

Our birds rushed with questions to the wise Owl, what happened to their flowering and beloved home-forest. Owl was very smart and that's what he is told.

And it was all like this ... One rich industrialist came to their region. He decided to buy land by deceit from a farmer who cared not only for his possessions, but also for nearby forests, fields and reservoirs.

The industrialist wanted to build a factory, promising not to harm nature but he did not keep his word. He began to cut down the forest, pollute the river, lakes with harmful emissions. The fish died, the animals had to look for another home, go to other forests, and the birds had nowhere to return.

Smoke from the factory chimneys covered all the clouds, the plants dried up. And in order for all this to happen, so much harm was not done. environment, it was necessary to think not only about their own benefit, but also about the future. Set up treatment facilities, observe sanitary norms and rules. After all, it depends ecology on our planet. Man must not forget that life on Earth depends on him, on his careful attitude to nature.

And our old acquaintances, a flock of migratory birds, remained to live in a new house, in a clean forest, hoping that one day they would still be able to return to their native nest.

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Tale of the Earth for children of senior preschool age

Description. Fairy tale for preschool children. Can be used by educators, parents to educate a humane attitude towards nature.
The vein was beautiful planet Earth. She was buried in the greenery of forests, in the purity of lakes, she was shrouded in clean air. Animals and birds felt good and comfortable on it. People protected her, worshiped her, idolized her.
But one day trouble came to planet Earth - "evil" people who forgot what fresh air, blue water, beautiful forests. They began to build factories, pollute water bodies,

cut down forests,

destroy all living things.

The planet wept bitterly, asking for help.

But the "evil" people did not hear her. They made progress.
The planet took offense at them. She began to send tests to people: disasters, floods, tsunamis.
Mother Earth groans. But people do not hear these groans. They don't want to help her.
She is waiting for good fellows to come and save her. That they will hear her painful moans, pleading calls. But people remained deaf and blind.
And she plunged into darkness.

People came to their senses and began to beg her: "Forgive me." And she ordered them to fulfill three conditions:
1. Clear the Earth of garbage.
And people created special services to clean up rivers and lakes. Special vehicles began to sink to the very bottom of the rivers and collect garbage.
2. Do not destroy forests and animals.
And they came up with specially designated places where they kept rare animals and protected them.
3. Be attentive to the environment.
People accepted her conditions, and Mother Earth blossomed more beautiful than before.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The star called itself the Sun, and the planets called themselves Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The sun was a hot-tempered, wayward, but kind star. It, neither thinking nor guessing, settled down in the center of the ring of meteorites, leaving the planets all the space around it.

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Four small planets wanted life to appear on them, so it was decided that they would take their places near the sun, and the rest, not longing for life on themselves, but worried about their beauty, for the ring of meteorites. - I, - said Mercury, thinking by no means always correctly, - I believe that life will arise only in warmth, so I will be the first after the sun, especially since we are great friends with him. - With these words, the smallest planet took the chosen place and immediately began to heat up, but confident in the correctness of her decision, she did not change it. MERCURY The tiny planet of the First is warmed by the Sun, And nimble - the year on it is Eighty-eight days.

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Mars came next, believing that it would be best if he took fourth place after the Sun so as not to damage himself with the heat of a scorching star and allow life to appear. Alas, if you chase two hares, you will not catch one. MARS Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet.

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And I, - spoke, eternally raging, dazzlingly beautiful and proud Venus - I think that I need to get as close to the Sun as possible. Warmth and my beauty will definitely create the conditions for a prosperous life. - And Venus took a place next to Mercury, becoming the second planet near the Sun. But what kind of life (her own or the one that could arise) she spoke about remains a mystery. Only the sun and the moon in the sky is brighter than she is. And there is no hot planet in the solar system. VENUS

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EARTH Modest, kind, not noticing its beauty, the Earth, sincerely wished for the emergence of life. It didn't matter where she got up, she believed that life would appear on it anywhere near the Sun. Therefore, without saying a word, she took the third place near the star. There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it.

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It was easier for the other five planets. They chose their seats according to their size. The fifth was taken by the giant Jupiter, the sixth by Saturn, proud of his multi-colored rings, the seventh by Uranus, the eighth by Neptune, and the ninth by the taciturn little Pluto. The heavyweight giant Throws lightning from heaven, He is striped like a cat, It is a pity that Jupiter is losing weight little by little Jupiter The magnificent gas giant Jupiter's brother and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby. Saturn Uranus He has been a Greek among the Roman brothers for centuries, And rushes through the cosmos with melancholy, lying on his side. On the planet blue-blue The wind is blowing very strong. The year on it is very great - Winter lasts 40 years. Neptune Pluto It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, And therefore it is not visible in telescopes.

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When each of the planets fell into place, the star declared that it would rotate on its axis in order to see the world and advised others to do the same. The planets thought and agreed with the luminary. However, the planets had a question that was voiced by Mars: “What is this? If we always stand in one line like this, then some will get more heat, others less, and some will not get it at all! How to make sure that there is enough light for everyone? They thought the planets thought, and after several hours of reflection, they decided to move around the Sun, each in its own way, and this path was called an orbit.

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So the planets lived together with the star for a long time until tourists arrived, the so-called satellites. They were struck by the friendship between the planets and the star, between the planets themselves. The companions made friends with everyone, so much so that they decided to stay here forever. Each with their own new friend. The Moon satellite began to live near the Earth, revolving around it, amazed by its beauty and kindness.

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Phobos and Deimos are around Mars. Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, admiring the size of Jupiter, remained to live next to him. Titan, Rhea, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Pandora and Janus decided to settle near Saturn. Oberon, Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet and Portia are with Uranus.

Anastasia Pranovna Yanch
Heavenly tales for the gnome

A small but very inquisitive Gnome lived in a magical forest. More than anything, he loved to look at the sky. The sky also loved the Gnome, and every time the Sun hid behind the forest, and the stars and the Moon appeared above the trees, the sky told him its tales. With each new fairy tale the sky for the baby was getting bigger and more beautiful.

The first story. Moon.

A long time ago, the beautiful planet Earth appeared in the Universe. She had enough of everything, both water and air. The outfits were so luxurious that everyone could envy. Yes, but there was no one around. The sister planets lived very far away, and the Earth had no close friends.This upset the beauty - there was no one to be sad with and rejoice together, there was no one to show her magnificent outfits. From loneliness, the Earth began to get angry, red-hot and throw up clouds of smoke and pillars of fire. Often her outfits caught fire from this - trees, flowers and herbs, and the poor thing grieved even more. It is not known how it would have ended if mother nature had not taken pity on the beauty. On one of the birthdays of the Earth, when all the new outfits were tried on and it was already possible to go to sleep, a voice was heard from above:

These outfits really suit you. You have become even more beautiful.

Hello! Who are you?

I am your companion, and I hope to become a friend. And my name is Luna.

You are my new gift for your birthday?

This is probably what it is. Only you will see me not during the day, but at night.

That's fine. Now and at night, my beauty will be visible far, far away, because your light is so bright that it eclipsed many stars in the night sky.

This is not my light. This is the light of the sun. I only reflect it. You won't always see me so big and bright, and sometimes you won't even see me at all.

Why are you leaving me?

No no. I will always be your companion, even when you don't see me.

It's sad that you, so beautiful, almost like me, will hide. Maybe it won't happen often?

But then a pink dawn appeared in the sky and the Moon went beyond the horizon, without having time to answer. And the next night it appeared in the sky again, but not very round.

Now I can answer.- She said - Every 29 nights I will change: from completely round and bright to completely invisible.

Yes, I understand now. - The saddened Earth answered.

29 days and nights have passed. During this time, the Moon was both round like an apple, and similar to half a cheese, and shone with a thin crescent, but the Earth always felt its presence next to it, even when the companion was not visible at all. The earth has become more cheerful and even more beautiful. The moon became her best and closest friend.

The second story. Mercury

Uncle Bright Sun had a nephew, Mercury. He was small and round. Uncle really wanted this baby not to get lost in our big world, therefore, the Bright Sun did not let him go anywhere from himself. Uncle gave his pet all his warmth.

Mercury liked such a life under the constant protection of the wise and caring Bright Sun. He even became lazy and lying down rolled around his uncle. The only thing the baby did not like very much, although the uncle warmed him as best he could, nevertheless it always happened only from one side, while the other at that time was very, well, just terribly strong, cooled. And willy-nilly, the sloth had to turn around to warm himself to everything.

Bright Sun began to notice that His dear nephew was very clumsy and decided to make Mercury move faster by pushing and pushing him. Sometimes Bright Sun muttered displeasedly:

- If you are so lazy, you will turn into a completely ugly one.

- Why do I need beauty? Nobody sees it except you. You burn so brightly that all our neighbors, when they look in my direction, see only you.

- You're wrong, baby. Everyone who likes to look at the sky in the early morning, when I have not yet appeared above the horizon, sees you against the pink background of the dawn.

- Oh, so it's only in the morning, and even then, probably, not always.

- In the evening, you can also admire, in the rays of the sunset. True, sometimes only one of your half or even the edge is visible.

- Uncle, dear, because if I am crooked or one-sided, then it will immediately become noticeable to everyone? -

Of course.

- I don't want that. I will move a lot, I will even run around you.

- To run, you must first stand up, and you are always on your side.

- Then I will roll, but very quickly and remain round and beautiful.

Since then, Mercury has been moving around the Sun very quickly, faster than around its own axis. In its three years, it only rotates around its axis twice.

The third story. Venus

In the vast and unusually rich kingdom of the Solar System, the bright king of the Sun has a daughter, Princess Venus. Like all princesses, she is very beautiful and graceful. Father always rejoices, looking at her - such perfect forms, such deft movements ... Although ..., here it is necessary to dwell in more detail.

The movements of Venus are really very dexterous, even too much. The fact is that all the other brothers and sisters of her rotate around their axis from west to east, and the Sun above them in the morning rose in the east, and in the evenings hid behind the horizon in the west. Venus is an incorrigible stubborn. Nothing can give up her whim to meet the Sun in the west in the morning and see it off in the east in the evening. The father loved his princess-daughter so much that he forgave her even this prank.

But Venus is not only a prankster, no, no. She is shy. Hard to believe!? But it is so. She never throws off her thick, thick veil. And when they tell her that you can suffocate like that or get sick somehow, Venus only blushes from embarrassment, and maybe from the heat. True, pimples-volcanoes sometimes burst on her skin-bark and leave ugly scars, but dangerous celestial stones, large and especially small, do not reach the delicate skin. A dense blanket-atmosphere reliably covers Venus from prying eyes, so as not to jinx it. To the ubiquitous paparazzi, she says:

If you want to take a picture of me, then warm up properly in the bath of my atmosphere, and if you stay alive, you can take a few pictures.

There were many people who wanted to see the touchy beauty. But most of them are already gone, burned down, never seeing the face of Venus. And those who managed to touch the surface of her face took photographs, but they themselves remained forever in captivity of this naughty. And yet, every year there are more and more people who want to, because mystery is always very attractive. And Venus is still mysterious and beautiful. When it appears on the morning or evening horizon of the Earth, the sight of its bright brilliance sometimes even causes objects to cast shadows.

Oh yes, Princess Venus!

The fourth story. Mars

Red, but not a tomato, round, but not an apple, a planet, but not the Earth - What is it?

Cheerful Mars liked to ask such riddles to his friends. Of course, they always immediately guessed and shouted cheerfully:

It's you - Mars!

Of course! It's not hard to understand, but can you guess why I'm Red?

Good question. Only those who knew our hero very well could give an answer to it. So what's the secret? Where is the clue? Maybe Mars himself will tell us what's what?

Yes, it’s very simple - it’s all about silica, which I have so much in me that I blushed willy-nilly.

And tell Mars why don't you wash yourself? Isn't it possible to wash off this silica of yours with water? - the neighbor Earth once asked.

You can probably wash it off with water. But where can I get it?

You don't have water? - The Earth could not believe it - she perfectly sees the ice caps at the friend's poles.

With such water that covers me, you can’t wash yourself, it’s hard.

What a pity. She, hard water, does not scratch you?

Well, it scratches a little, but that's not the point. Now, if I had liquid water, like, for example, You, Earth, I would not only be cleaner, but also richer.

Like this?

Trees could also grow on me and animals could live in the forests, and wonderful birds would sing in my sky. And all that is needed is that they warmed me ... - and Mars became sad.

Don't be discouraged. You do not have forests and birds, but there are always two faithful companions next to you. Friendship is the most great wealth. But you don't seem to understand it. Why do you call your companions "Horror" and "Fear"?

Well, firstly, not Horror and Fear, but Phobos and Deimos, and secondly, they are not offended.

I would be offended.

So they're not some tearful girls. They are hard as a rock, real blocks of stone.

The earth was angry for the "tearful girl", but did not show it. She is kind and friendly and is already considering how to help Mars warm up and become more beautiful and kinder.

And you, Gnome, can you tell me how to add heat to our red neighbor?

Fifth story. Jupiter

Would you like to hear a story about the biggest spinning top in the world? Yes?

Well, listen.

I can’t say for sure who and when made this giant spin, but I know for sure that it will hardly be possible to stop it in the near space time. I'm talking about Jupiter. In the black space of the universe, it hangs and does not fall, huge and heavy. All planets solar system combined would be lighter than Jupiter. But he doesn't fall... Where? Yes, even in the sun.

Where is the fairy tale?

Listen. A bun rolls along the sunny path. Unusual such - kolobok. If you look at him properly, then he is some kind of undercooked, or what? And it’s not worth touching it at all, you can ... drown. In a word, it is not solid. Moreover, its substance also moves with great speed, and, even more strangely, in different sides. So it turns out that it is striped - a dark stripe, a light stripe and again a dark stripe, a light stripe, and a spot in the middle. This spot is special, it is red, and the substance in it, like a tornado, spins counterclockwise. The spot is larger than the Earth.

The gingerbread man rolls and rolls, and is not afraid of anyone. And who should he be afraid of when he is so big and strong, he will grab anyone and will not let go. Here are rolling next to Jupiter four small koloboks, his eternal companions. Maybe they are his prisoners, who knows? Such a giant can do anything.

Do not get in the way of stone blocks, neither small nor large, Jupiter will capture you into eternal slavery. You will circle around him for the whole century, like dozens and dozens of his tiny, in comparison with him, irregularly shaped satellites.

However, the giants sometimes get "for pies." Because of its greed, Jupiter sometimes grabs a comet that is too large and fast. From such a delicacy, his stomach hurts and sparks pour from his eyes. It's my own fault, you have to be more modest !!!

Story six. Saturn

The rings of Saturn, the satellites of Saturn and the clouds of Saturn argued - which of them is more important for the planet, and so quarreled that Saturn hardly reconciled them again.

Rings were the first to start all the fuss.

We are the most visible, we are the brightest, we are the best decoration of our great planet. - They exclaimed. - It is only thanks to us that everyone will recognize Saturn from far, far away. Look at our correct forms. Look......

And for a long time the rings intended to talk about their charms, but the companions could not stand it.

Stop it. - They were indignant. - Yes, you are just a scattered pile of small stones and ice. Here we really mean a lot. We are huge compared... to some, and we are many. What can I say, just look at me, - says Titan. - I am the largest satellite in the entire solar system. I'm almost like a planet. Yes, I could be a planet, and independently circle the Sun, if not for my strong attachment to Saturn. I...

The clouds couldn't stand it anymore.

What is it all of you really? Yes, you are just braggarts! You might think that our beautiful planet would not do without you. What nonsense! Here we are, Saturn really needs us, if only because we are its integral part. Look carefully and you will see that we crown our planet like a magnificent six-sided crown. No planet has such decoration, except for our dear Saturn. How can you, you rings that are so far away, or, you satellites that run around the planet, as if playing hide and seek, how can you compare in importance to the clouds ...

The dispute would have continued for a long time and would have resulted in a real quarrel if the wise Saturn had not reconciled the disputants.

All of you are very important to me. - He said. - All of you are very dear to me. I protect all of you and am not going to part with anyone. But you must make peace, otherwise there may be trouble, and not only for you, but also for me. I demand both peace and obedience! The main thing here, nevertheless, is me!

And the dispute subsided, for allI immediately felt ashamed of my boasting. How could they stick out their significance if there was a huge and powerful planet nearby, their beloved Saturn.

Seventh story. Uranus.

In the distant, black space, a huge rocky-ice block was lost. Only ordinary blocks - all sorts of curves, but this one is even, round and not even ordinary at all.

For a long time, except for the Sun and its nearest neighbor, Saturn, no one knew about Uranus. He is far. True, this hermit and proud man is not very worried because of the lack of attention to his person. He surrounded himself with a flock of loyal companions. And together, He and 21 His companions make their journey around the luminary, our mighty Sun. The journey is long. Uranus is so tired that now it is already lying down making its traditional 84 Earth year round.

Layered clouds moisten and cool it.

What are they cooling off from?

From your own warmth.Uranus is so far from the Sun that any other planet in its place would have frozen over long ago. Any other, but not Uranus. This giant knows his own worth - he keeps his warmth far in the depths and does not allow the Cosmos to destroy this precious hearth.

They say that Uranus has a cherished secret. A long time ago he had a friend-companion. For a long time, friends lived in perfect harmony. But something happened, no one knows what, and the satellite broke into small pieces. Fragments are now flying around, encircling the planet in a ring. The remaining friends all the time bother Uranus with questions about that distant tragedy, trying to find out something. But our giant never reveals this secret to anyone. Who knows, maybe he feels some kind of guilt behind him? Maybe. Who knows who knows? Majestic proud people often do not value friendship and are very unrestrained. Maybe Uranus is? How to know? How to know? He's too far away...

Story eight. Neptune

The inhabitants of the Earth have learned to make flying machines. Every year these devices became more and more. Each time they got better and better. First people flew in balloons, then in planes, and finally in spaceships. The whole Earth, like a huge ball, was surveyed by astronauts from the windows of rockets. However, this was not enough for the people. And so spacecraft flew from the Earth to other planets in order to find out more closely what was there and how.

People were very surprised when spacecraft began to fly to places that on Earth were only guessed at. One such place was Neptune.

This huge ball is very far from the Earth and, moreover, from the Sun. If he could talk, then he could tell a lot about himself, and it would be something like this:

I am Neptune. I am the most mysterious of all the planets in the solar system. I am the most mysterious and distant. I am very cold outside. But you don't know what's inside me... you never dreamed of such heat. And what winds are above me. Nothing can stay on the surface, everything is rushing, everything is spinning. Just look at my blue spot. You think I got smeared, nothing like that - it's a huge tornado. Oh-oh-oh, you will not see this anywhere else, but I have several of them. I do not advise you to fly too close to me, I will circle and catch a cold-oo-oo! Fly, better pass! Unless, of course, you still have the strength to fly somewhere. And for the time being, I'm not going to reveal my secrets to anyone, fly, fly! Woo!!!

Only in vain did Neptune try to scare the Earthlings away. Sooner or later, people will study it in the same detail as all other planets. And it does not matter that he is far away, so far that he goes around the Sun in 60190 Earth days and surrounded himself with 12 satellites. The curiosity of people knows no bounds. The inhabitants of the Earth can do everything, if they want, they can do everything! And fly to Neptune!

Do you think that dwarfs are only among people? Nothing happened! Listen to the whisper of space and you will get acquainted with dwarf planets. One of them is Pluto.

How, where this dwarf came from, it is difficult to guess. However, it exists and deserves our attention.

Small and distant, he lived for a long time in complete obscurity for the inhabitants of the Earth. But that didn't bother the little one at all. And even then ... - it is difficult to make a stone rock feel emotional. Pluto is stone, this is true, but his character is not like his appearance and structure. Sometimes in conversation with his closest neighbor, also a dwarf,he reveals his soul.

Do you know, my friend, why my path around the Sun is not like the path of other planets? After all, who, no matter how you know that I am. either I approach our luminary closer than Neptune, or I run away into the black expanses of the universe twice as far. Don't you think that this kind of running gives me pleasure? No, I'm not running from happiness and joy... They don't want to take me into their company. It hurts me and I leave. These are not very fun things, my friend. And I so want to be the same planet as the others. So what if I'm small. For some reason, I am hardy, fast, and maybe the smartest, like all little ones. I believe: my hour will come! you just have to know how to wait.

And Pluto again went into the distant darkness of space.

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